Author Topic: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos  (Read 1277126 times)


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5475 on: December 02, 2022, 05:32:28 PM »
I almost choked to death on those damn liver pills many years ago from taking 4 at a time. I had to bang my abdomen against the sink, until I could spit them up. I tried to drink more water to wash them down and the water came out of my nose.

It would have been a warrior's death


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5476 on: December 06, 2022, 02:54:47 PM »
No man gives a sh1t what a woman says or thinks. We just pretend to listen cause we want to fvck.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5477 on: December 10, 2022, 07:17:46 AM »
Twas the Night before Curlmas
and all through the thread,
Not a hand was not trembling
Not a hair on the head

One man was nestled, all snug on his pot;
Pringles and orange roughy, should have been not.
And the maid with her uppers; and the knees, bone one bone,
Knew when Clegg Claus came, a Curler'd be prone;

When out near the test bottles, there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my screen to see what was the matter.
Cramping and shaking, dehydration and squirts,
I tore to the thread to see "God, now what hurts?"

But there was no new selfie, no new lie to be told,
He LIED near his Gatorade, with sheets all afold,
A new Curl Tshirt all sullied, covered in dread,
Ring light revealing, Bhanks shit the bed.

"Now, Wes! now, Joswift! now IroNat and webstar!
On, Flexacon! on, Krankenstein! on, Crusher and Walter!
To the top of the pool table! His back's off the wall!
Now squirt away! shart away! shit blood away all!"


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5478 on: December 16, 2022, 08:42:00 PM »
I don't want to be the guy to quote himself but this is worthy... and, of course, for posterity....

Knowing Bhank you can just imagine how his day went when he fought Clegg.

I imagine Bhank driving to the venue. At the time he probably brought his girlfriend along to show her what a badass he is. If he had a girlfriend it was probably some  kittyhawk tweaker queen- young, dum and full of cum. On their way to the fight the conversation went like this:

Hankins- I got a real fish here. This Clegg guy is nothing. Can't wait to stomp this guy.

Girl- I don't know... Brian  have you done this before? didn't you loose your last fight?

Hankins- what the fuck are you talking about!!?? That doesn't matter! All that matters is today! Now! Besides I didn't lose. I just wasn't able to stand up before the referee counted to 10.  I'm bigger, stronger and leaner than ever! Just watch babe.

Girl- OK... Im just worried is all. Are you sure you're in your best shape? You just threw up on yourself a few minutes ago. Im gonna have to shampoo the car seats. Maybe all that adderall upset your stomach?

Hankins- Nonsense.  Adderall doesn't upset my stomach. Its just acid reflux from peach cobbler and jersey mikes. Just shut up already and quit your worrying.  You're distracting me. It's easy to get lost on the way to these contests.

An hour later...

Girl- Brian can you hear me? Brian? How many fingers am I holding up? Maybe some smelling salts or more adderall will help wake you still don't look so good. Are you sure you're OK? That fat guy can really fight.

Hankins- what. Huh. What happened? Whens the fight?

Girl- it's over babe. They stopped it. You were losing really bad.

Hankins- Bullshit. Liar! Do you want me to dent your ficking skull bitch! I didn't lose! Why doesn't Clegg just post a picture of himself if he won? I'm stronger and leaner.

Girl- oh Brian. I think the damage is worse than you think. You're not making any sense. Why would he post a picture? He beat you unconscious.

Hankins- ill show you what unconscious is! (Rains 50 punches down on the poor girl) Im undefeated bitch. I got the police reports to prove it. Ask my last girlfriend.  Her head is still caved in. You bitches never learn. I can't be faded!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5479 on: January 09, 2023, 01:34:54 PM »
deadpool 2023


I had Bam in last years dead pool. He really let me down. Hopefully he tries harder this year

classic get big

Grape Ape

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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5480 on: January 09, 2023, 01:41:56 PM »
Thread is useless when posts like the below are omitted:

I’d rough ride the shitpipes of those three bottled blonde Waffle House last-call whores so bad those homosexual men cluttering up the photo would go home and blow their mentally handicapped uncles.

You can smell the vinegar scent of those gutter slut’s bargain bin Dollar Store douche kit from here.

I`d splash a map of Hawaii all over a prime Mercedes Khanis face.

We are now considering appointing members (nh) to be the official gatekeepers of this thread.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5481 on: January 09, 2023, 06:25:10 PM »
I`m honored to have made this thread once again.

My thanks G.A. !!  :)


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5482 on: January 09, 2023, 06:50:56 PM »
This thread should be a sticky. So many great posts haven't made it on here probably because it's a pain trying to find the thread.

Either way I have it bookmarked now and I am ready to bump the hell out of it.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5483 on: January 09, 2023, 06:56:04 PM »
This thread should be a sticky. So many great posts haven't made it on here probably because it's a pain trying to find the thread.

Either way I have it bookmarked now and I am ready to bump the hell out of it.
99% of this stuff is side splitting!  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5484 on: January 09, 2023, 07:14:31 PM »
I`d splash a map of Hawaii all over a prime Mercedes Khanis face. ;D

Legit lol!

We need all the hanky photoshops in here. For posterity.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5485 on: January 09, 2023, 08:52:36 PM »
Background: Poster bhanks (;u=106117) was challenged by poster webstar (;u=23174 ) on the former’s claim of completing a set of 15 reps of squats with a 225-lb barbell.  To support the claim, bhanks posted the video below (Exhibit A) that appears to show only 13 reps:

An investigative team led by myself was charged with looking into this discrepancy, and are now prepared to report our conclusions.

Methods: the evidence (Exhibit A) was investigated extensively, and interviews were conducted with various stakeholders in the matter.

Conclusions: Firstly, the investigation concludes the video evidence clearly shows only 13 of the claimed 15 reps.  All evident reps were counted despite concerns from some stakeholders on the depth of the eccentric phase.  The video creator’s concern over their history of vaping and claims of lateral compartment knee arthrosis as confounders were deemed immaterial to the investigation. 

Secondly, the investigation concludes that the video creator knowingly titled the video incorrectly (“225x15”) in a vainglorious attempt to support their claim, assuming no one would watch the whole video.  However, the video garnered immediate concern from stakeholders due to its overall length of one minute, four seconds suggesting an unusually fast cadence of reps while allowing for time to start and stop the recording aparatus (the video creator must do this themself since they are a friendless loser) and time to unrack and rerack the weight.

Thirdly, all stakeholders were in agreement that a bodyweight squat for 13 reps is, quote, “embarrasingly weak” given the video creator’s history of steroid abuse and claimed duration of and commitment to serious training.

This matter is now closed.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5486 on: January 10, 2023, 02:59:59 AM »
Probation not parole my mistake and again not convicted of anything getbig keeps accusing me off

Soul Crusher

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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5487 on: January 10, 2023, 05:40:45 AM »
I don't want to be the guy to quote himself but this is worthy... and, of course, for posterity....

I was crying laughing this was so damn funny. 


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5488 on: January 10, 2023, 09:40:36 AM »
Quoting yourself in this thread is grounds for investigation and potential disciplinary action (nh).


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5489 on: January 10, 2023, 09:48:41 AM »
Quoting yourself in this thread is grounds for investigation and potential disciplinary action (nh).

I could be wrong, but I believe you have to be a doctor to receive an exemption for self-quoteage. Grape will just need to see your diploma though.

The Scott

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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5490 on: January 10, 2023, 11:09:24 AM »
This thread should be a sticky. So many great posts haven't made it on here probably because it's a pain trying to find the thread.

Either way I have it bookmarked now and I am ready to bump the hell out of it.

Well depending upon who the quote is about (e.g., Mercedes Khani) it probably is kinda-sorta "sticky".

Sorry.  Just had to write that one... ;D

Grape Ape

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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5491 on: January 10, 2023, 11:20:29 AM »
The Committee™ would like to ask Rambone, Flexacon, Hulkotron (OIFM), The Scott, beakdoctor, and ballsac to monitor the forum and maintain this thread.

This is an informal request, with no repercussions or judgement if declined.

The Scott

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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5492 on: January 10, 2023, 11:22:08 AM »
The Committee™ would like to ask Rambone, Flexacon, Hulkotron (OIFM), The Scott, beakdoctor, and ballsac to monitor the forum and maintain this thread.

This is an informal request, with no repercussions or judgement if declined.



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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5493 on: January 10, 2023, 12:17:04 PM »
So 15 reps of squats is cardio....but not those above.  Gotcha.

I wrote this letter for your son....when its time, you can show it to him.

Dear _______

Back in January of 2023 your Dad was the focus of a brutal owning that caused him to rage out of control on the message board called GetBig.  I do not know if the board will still be around when you are shown this.  In the event it is not, the reason this brutal destruction of your dad's ego came after he posted a video of him doing 13 reps of a squat with (allegedly) 225lbs.  He labeled the video "225 x 15" or something to that effect.  Numerous attempts were made to find out what happened to the missing 2 reps.  There was speculation that your dad somehow lost them while making the video, that he didn't know how to count, or he was high from vaping.  We all concluded he was using 'Hankinsmath' which allows someone to count higher than actual numbers despite concrete evidence of the contrary.  Perhaps he will share with you those two reps on his death bed...something akin to saying "Rosebud" (a reference to an old should look it up).

I should digress.  I decided to post a video of me doing better, cleaner, and easier reps with the same weight and even added a message at the end for him.  Well, this was not as well received by your dad as I had hoped.  He went on a tirade on the message board and came up with all sorts of excuses of why he couldn't do it as well as challenging everyone to all sorts of nonsensical feats of "strength" (hopefully he told you about the times he rolled with the 'Strict Curl Nation').  No one accepted any of the challenges and this further enraged your dad. 

Ultimately we were instructed by court psychologists that it would be best to leave him alone lest he take out his rage on you or some other individuals (most likely female) that were dwelling in the house at the time.  Out of respect and concern for safety of all of you around him we did so.  The good thing is that he must have gotten the message and accepted the help of the psychologist and got himself on some meds because he gave a heartfelt message about leaving GetBig. 

We are sorry it escalated to that level....and hope this letter finds you in good health




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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5494 on: January 13, 2023, 06:19:44 AM »
My thoughts are with her family. They must be all shook up.



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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5495 on: January 20, 2023, 06:11:02 PM »
Can you strict curl 160lbs?

I have no idea.  I don’t waste time on such stupidity.   Can you fold your laundry in 5 minutes ?   About the same level of importance overall to real life.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5496 on: January 20, 2023, 06:52:51 PM »
Indeed my good man.

I was "pre-stretching" her starfish a few weeks ago, and when i got the second to last bead in there, she turned and gave me that sad puppy dog face.

"Should i stop"?

With her lip quivering and the look of defeat and disdain on her face, she gave a half hearted "no, i love it".

It's moments like these that remind me how far i've come in life.

Women will do anything for Team Horse Cock.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5497 on: January 20, 2023, 10:51:19 PM »
Re: Idaho stabbings…..

wow kaylee's boyfriend looks worse than the alleged killer

guarantee they didn't meet on tinder


Kid must have a horse cock, he didn’t get her with those looks.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5498 on: January 25, 2023, 09:32:20 PM »
I really don't give two FNG S about curling.  I'd be more impressed if you knew how to work a curling iron for your birds nest you are hiding than this stupidity of a "strict curl"     "powerlift"   - LOL   - - bro - you bought a FNG powersuit to wear for a fng bicep curl.   Its hilarious and belly aching funny.   Look in the damn mirror for F sake.   A power suit for a bicep curl.   Hey if that is what you like awesome - you do you.   Its like wearing a FNG scuba suit into the backyard pool.   But whatever.   Curl On man.   

LOL, when you stop and think about it, it IS fucking hilarious. It's like wearing full Formula 1 racing regalia to go play Mario kart.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5499 on: January 26, 2023, 05:41:03 AM »
Hey Matt, does your mama tell you what to do? How does she feel about COVID vaccines and previous mask mandates? How did she respond when you played that video of you threatening the police? Have you asked her why your penis is so tiny? Did you get her permission to post obscene videos on my Facebook messenger? Was it her suggestion I post them on Getbig for you? -Just curious.
You didn't enjoy the videos of my great big cock?  ???
Even the Getbig threads I'm not interested in make me crack up  ;D