Author Topic: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan  (Read 18950 times)


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2013, 09:25:09 PM »
The "Jesus freak" who is the one of the best brain surgeons in world history is ok with me.  Brilliant man. 

Keep your tissue handy.  You'll be doing a lot of crying if he stays involved.   :)

By "tissues" and "crying", I assume you mean from laughing so hard.

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #26 on: December 06, 2013, 11:35:00 PM »
we need a GOVERNOR in the white house.

businessmen... eh, they're surrounded by YES MEN their entire life.  Nobody tells them the truth.  They're so insulated from reality. 

And they can pick & choose what business to be in.  They can cut the dogs and keep the cows.  Presidents cannot cut the shitty states or cities - you're stuck with Cali if you want Connecticut lol. 

Perry.  Conservative governors like him.  Bush.  Jeb.  You know what you're getting with them.

Don't give me a fcking RINO that operated as lib.  Don't give me Christie or Romney.  Romney signed an anti-gun bill, and wrote romneycare.  Looking back.... WTF WTF WTF... who ever thought the base would vote for him?  lol. 

Christie is the same thing.  Major liberal, and it cannot even be argued.  And good businessmen don't make good presidents - can we list any that were?  Repubs always want a businessman, but they're out of touch and they aren't used to shit problems - they just cut that fat loose.  Romney only worked with good firms - he sliced and diced the crap or didn't accept that firm.  Doesn't work like that in reali life.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2013, 06:12:41 AM »
He's the worst kind of racist--a black man who hates black people.  He's republican.  It doesn't matter if he's white or black, he's racist.
at least he will postpone his plan to be an organist.
all we need is another fundy hammond organ playing 'come to jesus' in whole notes.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2013, 07:17:36 AM »

He told a false quote on public television, that he attributed to Lenin. He did it twice in 24 hours so he must really feel he is on to something.

Anyone but a person with well below average intelligence would know it was fake yet your so called "brilliant" Dr. Carsen not only tells the story not once but twice on public television.

How is that brilliant again ???

after all the idiot shit youve fallen for this is your measuring stick?

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2013, 12:27:33 PM »
it certainly didn't seem to help Bush

This puzzles me because we had a good economy under Bush and even with his expansion of the government he still managed to keep our economy at a growing rate and yes, even through war time. I'll say it again, he fucked up the last three or so months of his presidency. Those three months were not even close enough to blame for the six years of disaster almost the day Obama was "elected".

Carter was a peanut farmer - did that help him?

If it profits Carter it doesn't matter. He still has a socialist/marxist mentality and that's what he fed the American people

Not having private sector  experience didn't hurt Clinton, Kennedy, Roosevelt and I'll even give you Reagan

Clinton benefited from the dot com era, this isn't anything new. Towards the end of HIS presidency the economy was starting to decline FAST. It was a slow start but at the end we had a GREAT economy under Reagan

Being a governor tends to be helpful but being in the "private sector" doesn't mean jack shit when it comes to being an effective POTUS

If Obama really gave a shit, he would be listening and caring about the polls and what people say and who is turning on him, he doesn't. To me this tell me he doesn't give a shit and this done for pure power and ego. When things started going south for Clinton and realized what he was doing during his first term wasn't working and people didn't want what he was spewing, he quickly turned it around and came back to center/left and worked with won him a second term. I might not like what Clinton stood for but I wouldn't mind having someone like him back in if it came down to having a Dem back in the presidency. 

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2013, 07:45:15 PM »
If Obama really gave a shit, he would be listening and caring about the polls and what people say and who is turning on him, he doesn't. To me this tell me he doesn't give a shit and this done for pure power and ego. When things started going south for Clinton and realized what he was doing during his first term wasn't working and people didn't want what he was spewing, he quickly turned it around and came back to center/left and worked with won him a second term. I might not like what Clinton stood for but I wouldn't mind having someone like him back in if it came down to having a Dem back in the presidency. 

your statements in red regarding Bush are enough to remind me why I never take anything you say seriously

let's just hope for the sake of humor that the good doctor decides to run

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2013, 08:13:25 PM »
your statements in red regarding Bush are enough to remind me why I never take anything you say seriously

let's just hope for the sake of humor that the good doctor decides to run

Much like most of the country feels about the left and Obama. Like i have said. I have NEVER taken Obama seriously....hes a clown.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2013, 08:40:21 PM »
Having experience in the private sector has everything to do with it, just the fact that the left have no economic commonsense should tell you this much.

What you say assumes that everyone who has business experience automatically has common sense. Of course, that's demonstrably not the case. And while people that are left-of-center are likely to have positions that disagree with mine and yours, I don't think that means that none of them have economic commonsense. I know plenty left-of-center people whose economic positions I disagree with but are both successful and have more economic common sense than many right-of-center people I know.

A good example would be when these idiots want to raise the minimum wage just to "make it fair" without giving consideration of the impact it would have on the business...or how about this. Instead of cutting out useless programs they want to keep raising taxes as if getting this works.

There's people advocating all sorts of stupid ideas - stupidity isn't a left thing or a right thing. Stupid idea should be called out, because stupidity is bad.

We need a businessman in the White House not a fucking politician.

Wouldn't that "businessman" automatically be a politician, having had to run for and win the Presidency?


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #33 on: December 08, 2013, 06:48:50 AM »
Much like most of the country feels about the left and Obama. Like i have said. I have NEVER taken Obama seriously....hes a clown.

For someone you don't take seriously, you are on here all the time whining about him and spewing your special brand of stupidity all the time.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #34 on: December 08, 2013, 04:02:29 PM »
after all the idiot shit youve fallen for this is your measuring stick?

Grown ups are talking boy. Go play.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #35 on: December 08, 2013, 05:04:13 PM »
This puzzles me because we had a good economy under Bush and even with his expansion of the government he still managed to keep our economy at a growing rate and yes, even through war time. I'll say it again, he fucked up the last three or so months of his presidency. Those three months were not even close enough to blame for the six years of disaster almost the day Obama was "elected".

You're joking, right? First of all, please can the "wartime" bullshit. Dealing with Afghanistan was arguably justified (albeit, horribly handled) but the Iraq war was not only unnecessary but meaningless. The fact is that the Bush administration duped the country into supporting a war on, let's be generous and say trumped up evidence.

Now, with that out of the way, the economy was shit under Bush. You can argue that part of that was caused by the dotcom bubble going "*PLOP*" but it wasn't just that. The economy was shit, and the policies advocated by the Bush Administration just piled more shit on top, wasting money left and right while talking about "tax cuts" that were, by and large, just for show since despite lower marginal tax rates were in effect, the AMT rates were not adjusted and would kick in eliminating potential tax savings.

It's true that towards the end, they did go completely overboard, no argument there, but let's not pretend that things were otherwise rosy during the Bush Administration.

So yeah, Obama inherited a huge mess. And, unfortunately, he then made an even bigger mess of it. I almost feel sorry for whoever ends up being President in 2016 and hope that (s)he will invest in a great pair of knee-high galoshes prior to inauguration.

If it profits Carter it doesn't matter. He still has a socialist/marxist mentality and that's what he fed the American people

Come on... I mean we all know you aren't objective and see everything in terms of (R) and (D), but this just silly even by your standards. You say you want a businessman for President, but you dismissively wave away Carter, who was a successful businessman, because you disagree with his positions.

And before you go on telling us how horrible Carter was - and he was pretty bad as a President - please remember that this is about his business acumen; that's the only thing that's at issue. So, let's look at the facts together, shall we? By all accounts, Carter was successful as a business man: he managed to turn around the business he inherited and significantly expanded it. Prior to his foray into politics, he had managed to become not only considerably wealthy but was viewed as very successful on his own right .

I'm not going to bother asking you to be objective - we both know you can't be. But at least, don't try to hide behind your finger and don't be ashamed to admit that you don't give a shit about whether the next President is a businessman or a career politician. We all know that your one and only criterion is whether your political views perfectly align.

Clinton benefited from the dot com era, this isn't anything new. Towards the end of HIS presidency the economy was starting to decline FAST. It was a slow start but at the end we had a GREAT economy under Reagan

Wait, what? We had a "GREAT" economy under Reagan? Arguably, inflation dropped sharply and marginal and effective tax rates were, in toto, significantly decreased (despite the passage and signing into law of one of the largest tax increases ever), but to say the economy as a whole was "GREAT" is a bit of an exaggeration. He presided over a stock market crash that was poorly handled. And when he left Office, he had more than tripled the federal deficit. You did know all of this, right?

This isn't to take away from some of the things that Reagan did do. I agree with some of his policies vis–à–vis the economy, but let's not sanctify the man. Now, now, don't freak out. You can still furiously masturbate looking at Ron's portrait, just like little teenage girls do with Justin Bieber. But please keep it in the privacy of your own home. Nobody wants to watch that shit.

If Obama really gave a shit, he would be listening and caring about the polls and what people say and who is turning on him, he doesn't. To me this tell me he doesn't give a shit and this done for pure power and ego.

Obama isn't the first lame duck President to not pay attention to the polls and "champion" his agenda. Bush did it, Clinton did it and Reagan did it.

When things started going south for Clinton and realized what he was doing during his first term wasn't working and people didn't want what he was spewing, he quickly turned it around and came back to center/left and worked with won him a second term.

Arguments about the "spoiler" role that Perot played aside, what won Clinton a second term was his charismatic personality and the fact that he was running against Bob Dole. Dole was a skilled politician, but he had the personality of dry meatloaf and he was way too old and out of touch, and that shows.

I think that Clinton, for all the turbulence during his Presidency, was moderately successful. What's surprising is that he was moderately successful despite the fact that he had to deal with people like Newt Gingrich. I agree with you that his ability to work somewhat effectively with the Republicans was surprising.

I might not like what Clinton stood for but I wouldn't mind having someone like him back in if it came down to having a Dem back in the presidency.

I wouldn't mind Bill Clinton either, especially the current, more "seasoned" and "polished" Bill Clinton even if I don't agree with many of his positions, especially when it comes to the economy.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #36 on: December 08, 2013, 06:50:19 PM »
Avxo delivering the reality to Coach's rectum once again.  I think the Coach must be a fag since he enjoys a thorough ass pounding.

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #37 on: December 09, 2013, 06:30:07 AM »

He told a false quote on public television, that he attributed to Lenin. He did it twice in 24 hours so he must really feel he is on to something.

Anyone but a person with well below average intelligence would know it was fake yet your so called "brilliant" Dr. Carsen not only tells the story not once but twice on public television.

How is that brilliant again ???


He "told a false quote," twice.  Stop the presses. 

He graduated from Yale undergrad, Michigan medical school.  Was the youngest director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins.  The first to ever successfully separate twins conjoined at the head.  Pioneered hemispherecty (sp?), (removing half of a person's brain) to stop chronic seizures.  Has a scholarship program that has awarded scholarships to over 5,000 kids.  He has written four best-selling books.  Served on the boards of Kellogg and Costco.  A plethora of honorary degrees.  Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (the nation's highest civilian award). 

But he "told a false quote," so he's stupid.   ::)

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #38 on: December 09, 2013, 06:31:31 AM »
By "tissues" and "crying", I assume you mean from laughing so hard.

No, I mean crying and whining because an incredibly intelligent and successful "Jesus Freak" might be involved in national public policy debates. 


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #39 on: December 09, 2013, 04:37:40 PM »
No, I mean crying and whining because an incredibly intelligent and successful "Jesus Freak" might be involved in national public policy debates. 
jesus freaks don't play well with the Jews .


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #40 on: December 09, 2013, 05:28:20 PM »
He "told a false quote," twice.  Stop the presses. 

He graduated from Yale undergrad, Michigan medical school.  Was the youngest director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins.  The first to ever successfully separate twins conjoined at the head.  Pioneered hemispherecty (sp?), (removing half of a person's brain) to stop chronic seizures.  Has a scholarship program that has awarded scholarships to over 5,000 kids.  He has written four best-selling books.  Served on the boards of Kellogg and Costco.  A plethora of honorary degrees.  Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (the nation's highest civilian award). 

But he "told a false quote," so he's stupid.   ::)

My point exactly!! A man with his credentials would never make such a mistake about common knowledge.

I think he told it knowing it was fake. What do you think?

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #41 on: December 09, 2013, 05:52:05 PM »
jesus freaks don't play well with the Jews .

Sure they do.

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #42 on: December 09, 2013, 05:52:25 PM »
My point exactly!! A man with his credentials would never make such a mistake about common knowledge.

I think he told it knowing it was fake. What do you think?

I think that's stupid. 


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #43 on: December 09, 2013, 06:20:25 PM »
I think that's stupid. 

So the idea that a higly educated brilliant intelligent man has the knowledge-level of a 12 year old when it comes to history is more believable than the fact that he told it on purpose?

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #44 on: December 09, 2013, 06:35:48 PM »

So the idea that a higly educated brilliant intelligent man has the knowledge-level of a 12 year old when it comes to history is more believable than the fact that he told it on purpose?

No.  The fact you took an alleged misstatement and used that to try and show the man isn't extremely intelligent is stupid.  I gave you part of his pedigree.  I've also read three of his books.  I'll go with his body of work, and what I've read, rather than some clip you pulled off the internet (which I haven't watched). 

I think I'm losing brain cells even talking about this. 


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #45 on: December 09, 2013, 08:43:23 PM »
No, I mean crying and whining because an incredibly intelligent and successful "Jesus Freak" might be involved in national public policy debates. 

That  really worked out well for Bachmann, Perry, etc...  didn't it?  Remind me again how well they did in their party's primaries.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #46 on: December 10, 2013, 08:16:34 AM »
What you say assumes that everyone who has business experience automatically has common sense. Of course, that's demonstrably not the case. And while people that are left-of-center are likely to have positions that disagree with mine and yours, I don't think that means that none of them have economic commonsense. I know plenty left-of-center people whose economic positions I disagree with but are both successful and have more economic common sense than many right-of-center people I know.

There's people advocating all sorts of stupid ideas - stupidity isn't a left thing or a right thing. Stupid idea should be called out, because stupidity is bad.

Wouldn't that "businessman" automatically be a politician, having had to run for and win the Presidency?

Increasing minimum wage is in no way a problem. You have record profits by CEO/corps and adjusted for inflation the lowest min wage in the last fifty years. It's fucking basic commonsense, Henry Ford knew it. Give people a working wage and they will spend it making the economy stronger. Those with excess horde, there is no trickle down, no sound economic theory supports it's contentions.

The magnitude of the increase is the key, but here in Canada, it's over 10 bucks and trust me, Mcdonalds still makes money. However, pretty much everyone has money to spend, buy goods, invest a little etc which further improves the economy.

Psychology is probably epiphenomenal to sound economic theory, but it is germane to the discussion and right now the US has no positivity and the trust is gone.

I do like the utopian idea of self responsibility but as the population grows it's a distant memory. Everyone has rights to the resources of the earth, or none at all, people are being exploited, look at Africa, the crop lands, oil, diamonds pure rape.

I don't see the point of living unless you aren't making someone else's better.


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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #47 on: December 10, 2013, 10:22:56 AM »
The Good Lord has a tremendous sense of humor -- I can't wait for the laughing stock that will be the 2016 Republican primaries.

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #48 on: December 10, 2013, 12:00:03 PM »
That  really worked out well for Bachmann, Perry, etc...  didn't it?  Remind me again how well they did in their party's primaries.

You already know how Bachmann and Perry did in the primaries/caucuses, which has nothing to do with you crying about Carson being involved in public policy. 

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson on Presidential Bid: The Good Lord Has a Plan
« Reply #49 on: December 10, 2013, 12:00:38 PM »
The Good Lord has a tremendous sense of humor -- I can't wait for the laughing stock that will be the 2016 Republican primaries.

I suspect he'll be laughing at Biden more than anything.