Author Topic: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines  (Read 54631 times)

Nether Animal

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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #50 on: June 30, 2017, 02:44:54 AM »
I mean the heroin we have here is called "black". Shortnfor black tar heroin. Like you'd tell your dealer " I need a gram of black" or if you want a Coke you would say "I need a gram of white".

Oh heh. Here it is "boy" for heroin and "girl" for coke/crack.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #51 on: June 30, 2017, 06:44:50 AM »
I've had a lot of friends go down the heroin road and a few died.I never got into any drugs besides weed which I quit recently.All I have to say about the people doing heroin and oding is good riddance and keep thinning the heard.Fuck it's a disease,its weakness and that's all.Try to say it's a disease is ridiculous,cancer is a disease not being weak and sticking a needle in your arm.Sorry just had to rant as all I see is people wanting help on tv etc... and it makes me sick.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #52 on: June 30, 2017, 07:54:54 AM »
you will die from all three, very smart move if your curious about death

Lol. Spot on Johnny


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #53 on: June 30, 2017, 09:49:20 AM »
Addicts are ODing from heroin cut with fentanyl. Dropping like flies, there's barely any dope in it. I don't care how much of a tolerance you have fentanyl will take you out

Suicidal people are intentionally seeking Fentanyl out.  A painless way to go out compared to typical alternatives.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #54 on: June 30, 2017, 09:56:14 AM »
I've had a lot of friends go down the heroin road and a few died.I never got into any drugs besides weed which I quit recently.All I have to say about the people doing heroin and oding is good riddance and keep thinning the heard.Fuck it's a disease,its weakness and that's all.Try to say it's a disease is ridiculous,cancer is a disease not being weak and sticking a needle in your arm.Sorry just had to rant as all I see is people wanting help on tv etc... and it makes me sick.

I'm sorry for your loss.  Seriously.  And well done for never needing anything else apart from weed to help you out.  But since you've had friends go that (H) way, surely you can't mean it when you say "good riddance and keep thinning the herd"?


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #55 on: June 30, 2017, 12:29:28 PM »
I'm sorry for your loss.  Seriously.  And well done for never needing anything else apart from weed to help you out.  But since you've had friends go that (H) way, surely you can't mean it when you say "good riddance and keep thinning the herd"?

I do actually.I am disgusted by the acceptance of heroin addicts today.Yhe news shows heroin addicts and people feeling so bad for them and they need help blah blah blah.They are week people and couldn't handle life obviously.I helped them at the beginning thinking they would be strong enough to quit and it was all for nothing.I lost around 20k helping two of them.Helping them get apartments,car etc... and they went a while then back to heroin.So honestly I can't feel bad for them.Now in. Boston I see on the news they are trying to get a safe place for heroin addicts to shoot up with nurses etc that know how to administer narcan etc... fuck that shit.These heroin addicts need to go.this subject just really busts my ass.

Nether Animal

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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #56 on: June 30, 2017, 12:31:39 PM »
Acceptance? You kidding? The taboo associated with opiates is worse than ever. Most of the country agree that they should all just die/overdose already and stop leeching off of society.

Very little compassion for them, while being a heavy drinker still elicits a "Fuck yeah, dude!" from most. Strange dichotomy.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #57 on: June 30, 2017, 12:36:55 PM »
I've had a lot of friends go down the heroin road and a few died.I never got into any drugs besides weed which I quit recently.All I have to say about the people doing heroin and oding is good riddance and keep thinning the heard.Fuck it's a disease,its weakness and that's all.Try to say it's a disease is ridiculous,cancer is a disease not being weak and sticking a needle in your arm.Sorry just had to rant as all I see is people wanting help on tv etc... and it makes me sick.

Most people don't jump right into heroin dude. Mistbhave surgery or an injury and are prescribed painkillers. And you have to realize most people don't know shit about painkillers or medications. I have customers who've used anabolics for years and STILL don't know how they work. Most don't know the difference between EQ and winstrol ffs. Most will brag about all the "crazy steroids" their Dr gave them for ashma or their shoulder thinking btheyre the same as dbol....after a while that 1 Vicodin twice a day is not working for pain and they take 2 and enjoynthe warm fuzzy content feeling and after a couple months or so they're on to oxy and when they go to quit they find out they're physically addicted and they get sick so they start buying more on the blackmarket, which gets expensive and the supply is unpredictable so they Google it and find out heroin does the same thing and they rationalize its cheaper and stronger and they begin just smoking it or if they are on the East Coast or in the South or Midwest they snort the powder. And then they get curious and decide to try to inject it. These people didn't start out trying to get high they started out trying to control pain and then had to continue using some form of opiate just solely didn't get sick and go through withdrawal. Most heroin addicts really don't even get high anymore they just use the shit just so they don't get sick and they can function throughout the day. That's the disease part physical withdrawal has absolutely nothing to do with will power. People continue to use it so they can function and go on about their day and not get sick and go into withdrawal.  I was straight edge in high school and never drank or smokednweed and looked down on those who did... Until I fucked up my shoulder and in came painkillers.

Some people can take painkillers and they don't enjoy them. Some people can take them and it knocks them out make some tired and they see no point in using them see no fun in them no enjoyment. And some people can take them for 2 or 3 months straight and then when they stop they notice absolutely nothing. Where is some people can take them and even if they don't take enough to get high and they don't enjoy them when they stop they have physical withdrawal that they absolutely did not anticipate. Like with me, I can take benzos and stop taking them and have zero withdrawal where is other people get addicted to them just like people get addicted to opiates. Has to do with each person's body chemistry. You said you smoked weed? Well I've tried smoking weed even got my medical marijuana card and all the good things I hear people say about it? I experienced none of those. I can't stand weed while works great for others. All has to do with individuals body chemistry.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #58 on: June 30, 2017, 12:42:04 PM »
It was percs to ocs to heroin.Everyone of them the same shit.I grew up knowing one thing about drugs and that was don't do heroin.It was everywhere the news,Tv,movies the fuck do you do the most evil lowlife ducking drug?the writing is on the wall.Stuck to booze and weed.All it takes is some thinking and it seeems today no one thinks.i tried ocs once to see what the fuss was about and it was a 20 and it made me feel like shit.Tried coke once and hated it.I liked weed but quit that about a month ago and I drank like a fish from 16-17 till 28ish then quit except for the occasional glass of scotch.I smoked 3-4 packs of marlboro reds daily from. 17-28 as well and quit.Ive quit everything,it's called will power and from what I see today no one has any.its just pathetic is all.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #59 on: June 30, 2017, 12:52:24 PM »
Matt C was once prescribed Percocet.  He said it was the most blissful thing imaginable.  He said he didn't use them much after that, but then again, he also said he didn't use steroids in that picture where his delts were as big as his head, LOL.

I asked Matt C if he could give me a free one from his prescription bottle and since then, he has called opiates "free ones", LOL.

I love, love, LOVE free ones.  My lifetime goal would be to sit down with Matt C, Jeff McFarland PT, Vince Goodrum CSN MFT CEO, Van Bilderass, Historian Yates, Nether Animal, Lui Marco, ratherbebig, Never1AShow, and Tunza Muscle, with ALL of us high on free ones!

I LOVE free ones!!!

PS - Don't combine opiates with benzos though!!!  Good God, son - do you want complete suppression of your central nervous system and thus your heart and lungs?  Use your head, man.  They are not meant to be combined.  Perhaps in VERY small quantities, but that would produce the urge to use that combination in increasingly large amounts!  Is that REALLY a road you want to go down?


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #60 on: June 30, 2017, 01:20:21 PM »
It was percs to ocs to heroin.Everyone of them the same shit.I grew up knowing one thing about drugs and that was don't do heroin.It was everywhere the news,Tv,movies the fuck do you do the most evil lowlife ducking drug?the writing is on the wall.Stuck to booze and weed.All it takes is some thinking and it seeems today no one thinks.i tried ocs once to see what the fuss was about and it was a 20 and it made me feel like shit.Tried cock once and hated it.I liked weed but quit that about a month ago and I drank like a fish from 16-17 till 28ish then quit except for the occasional glass of scotch.I smoked 3-4 packs of marlboro reds daily from. 17-28 as well and quit.Ive quit everything,it's called will power and from what I see today no one has any.its just pathetic is all.

I'd keep the homosexual experiments to yourself maybe. I don't know but that's just me.

But, most people who get addicted to heroin don't start out trying Oxys just to see what all the fuss is about. They start out using it because it was prescribed them for my doctor because they have an injury or had a surgery. That is a fact. I already knew the risks of addiction that came with painkillers when I had my neck injury in 2014 when I was offered prescription for Vicodin or Percocet from my doctor which I declined in favor for a drug that I believed was non-addictive Tramadol or Ultram. Little did I know that good stuff I thought was incredibly weak and had zero addiction potential was incredibly addictive and also worked on many many many other areas of the brain which made the addiction potential and withdrawal that much worse and unexpected... The same way most people who get their first prescriptions for Vicodin or codeine are unaware of the addiction potential and end up having to use it just so they don't get sick and going to withdrawal. And most people move on to heroin as a last resort because they can no longer and get prescriptions for the drug to keep it themselves out of withdrawal and or they can no longer afford to buy it on the black market once their prescriptions are out. That's when heroin comes in because they find out it's cheaper and it's stronger. No heroin user goes straight to heroin. Most people who are addicted to alcohol however usually do go straight to alcohol. However for me alcohol was a last resort when I could not get benzos which I used for anxiety and insomnia. The very same benzos which I never abused and never developed a tolerance to or used recreationally. I was as uneducated about alcohol as some soccer mom is as uneducated about Vicodin and unaware of its abuse potential and subsequent withdrawal

Simple Simon

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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #61 on: June 30, 2017, 01:23:24 PM »
It was percs to ocs to heroin.Everyone of them the same shit.I grew up knowing one thing about drugs and that was don't do heroin.It was everywhere the news,Tv,movies the fuck do you do the most evil lowlife ducking drug?the writing is on the wall.Stuck to booze and weed.All it takes is some thinking and it seeems today no one thinks.i tried ocs once to see what the fuss was about and it was a 20 and it made me feel like shit.Tried cock once and hated it.I liked weed but quit that about a month ago and I drank like a fish from 16-17 till 28ish then quit except for the occasional glass of scotch.I smoked 3-4 packs of marlboro reds daily from. 17-28 as well and quit.Ive quit everything,it's called will power and from what I see today no one has any.its just pathetic is all.

not a shizzo gimmick then...


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #62 on: June 30, 2017, 01:39:50 PM »
not a shizzo gimmick then...

Hahahahah.Was supposed to say coke.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #63 on: June 30, 2017, 01:48:26 PM »
you forgot to add some blow ....


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #64 on: June 30, 2017, 02:48:28 PM »


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #65 on: June 30, 2017, 11:23:53 PM »
Robcguns......Robc...... things that make you go hmmmmm......  :D


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #66 on: July 01, 2017, 02:47:41 AM »
Willpower means nothing when it comes to things that make you violently ill while producing a 24-7panic attack(opiates, heroin, oxy, etc..) or things that can produce sezuires, heart attacks, or strokes (alcohol, benzos, barbituates, ghb). Certian things require. Medically supervised detox... AFTER THAT, then "willpower" comes into play. Things like coke, meth, lsd, ecstacy, shrooms, nitrous, weed, and whatever arnt physical addictions and your body doesn't revolt when your stop.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #67 on: July 01, 2017, 07:12:40 AM »
Willpower means nothing when it comes to things that make you violently ill while producing a 24-7panic attack(opiates, heroin, oxy, etc..) or things that can produce sezuires, heart attacks, or strokes (alcohol, benzos, barbituates, ghb). Certian things require. Medically supervised detox... AFTER THAT, then "willpower" comes into play. Things like coke, meth, lsd, ecstacy, shrooms, nitrous, weed, and whatever arnt physical addictions and your body doesn't revolt when your stop.

I have done benzos and kicked them.I had dead arm,dizzy as hell and could barely walk,blurred vision,crazy anxiety you name it.It was brutal and I just pushed thru.Its all fucking willpower.Im sick of hearing it's a disease.No itsvfucking weakness.Shouldnt have done it in the first place.I don't even take Tylenol,Advil or any of that shit.Wuthout pain you cannot appreciate feeling good.So deal with the pain because on the other side is feeling good.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #68 on: July 01, 2017, 09:07:00 AM »
I agree with ES 100% on how people end up addicted to stuff. Even people who become alcoholics started out for example trying it as kids and getting drunk with their buddies. By the time everyone has moved on a person with an alcoholic mind has pretty much crossed that line where stopping and more importantly staying stopped becomes an issue. I have had friends I knew growing up that were literally social drinkers/non drinkers when they were young, fast forward 20 years and they are in recovery from some addiction or they are active in it.

Being disciplined has fuck all to do with addiction, hell I had tons of so called  discipline to drink and drug my face off while hiding it for years when I had relapsed, at least initially.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #69 on: July 01, 2017, 10:22:42 AM »
I agree with ES 100% on how people end up addicted to stuff. Even people who become alcoholics started out for example trying it as kids and getting drunk with their buddies. By the time everyone has moved on a person with an alcoholic mind has pretty much crossed that line where stopping and more importantly staying stopped becomes an issue. I have had friends I knew growing up that were literally social drinkers/non drinkers when they were young, fast forward 20 years and they are in recovery from some addiction or they are active in it.

Being disciplined has fuck all to do with addiction, hell I had tons of so called  discipline to drink and drug my face off while hiding it for years when I had relapsed, at least initially.

It is weakness.i quit everything I ever did cold turkey.30 beers a night,3 packs cigs a day,Xanax daily,ativan daily.Its called will power and man the fuck up.It is weak to say I'm addicted,cut the shit and man the fuck up and take responsibility for your r weak actions. I have said the same to my best friends years ago before they either died or I stopped talking with them all together.this word and most in it are weak.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #70 on: July 01, 2017, 10:29:01 AM »
I agree with ES 100% on how people end up addicted to stuff. Even people who become alcoholics started out for example trying it as kids and getting drunk with their buddies. By the time everyone has moved on a person with an alcoholic mind has pretty much crossed that line where stopping and more importantly staying stopped becomes an issue. I have had friends I knew growing up that were literally social drinkers/non drinkers when they were young, fast forward 20 years and they are in recovery from some addiction or they are active in it.

Being disciplined has fuck all to do with addiction, hell I had tons of so called  discipline to drink and drug my face off while hiding it for years when I had relapsed, at least initially.

A lad I know did that, done it as a teenager like everyone else and never stopped for the next 20 years, actually liked him better as an alcoholic he's a jerk and a shitbag now


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #71 on: July 01, 2017, 10:51:19 AM »
I have done benzos and kicked them.I had dead arm,dizzy as hell and could barely walk,blurred vision,crazy anxiety you name it.It was brutal and I just pushed thru.Its all fucking willpower.Im sick of hearing it's a disease.No itsvfucking weakness.Shouldnt have done it in the first place.I don't even take Tylenol,Advil or any of that shit.Wuthout pain you cannot appreciate feeling good.So deal with the pain because on the other side is feeling good.

The side effects you describe aren't typically associated with true Benzo withdrawal. Benzo withdrawal a major risk is sezuires heart attack and stroke.

"Doing benzos" and being addicted to them isntn exactly the same thing. I've been in rehab with guys who would take 6 mg of Xanax five six seven times a day.andntjeyd shake and have tremors like alcoholics.

I've used benzos since 2000 or 2001 and when I have my Pharmacy I had Xanax and Valium and all over my house and cars and even when kicking painkillers the thought of abusing benzos never crossed my mind. I have constantly been told by doctors that I cannot use benzos because I have past addictions to opiates and namely alcohol despite the fact that I have never abused them or suffered any kind of withdrawal sub on stopping benzos. Actually the only reason I drank was because I had zero access to benzos. My body's physiology would not allow me to use alcohol without developing very quickly and enormous tolerance and physical dependence on it while Enzo's we're perfectly fine. I was disciplined my entire life up until I was prescribed painkillers for a shoulder injury. That meant I didn't party in high school I didn't drink I didn't smoke weed. On friday/saturday nights when my friends were getting fucked up, i was in the gym training... Literally. (Obviously junior/senior yr those nights were sometimes spent with gfs, but usually still after training). From 14-19? I didn't miss a single workout, even with the injury, even when I developed gasteritis preparing for the San Diego championships when I was 19 from drinking about 30cc retrofit-b by accident and couldn't eat or drink more than a sip of water for 10-12 days (with zero water nor food the final 5-6) I still made it to the gym even though the sessions were a waste and I dropped nearly 20lbs and fucked up my prep.. discipline has nothing to do with stopping. at least when it comes to things people are physically addicted to that require a medically supervised detox. You are speaking out of ignorance while I am speaking out of experience and education. I have done this myself and I have helped a lot of other people as well so I'm not just repeating shit I read on Google. Why do you think rehab facilities tell people not to stop drinking or not to stop taking benzos or GHB or whatever until they actually leave for Rehab? It's because they know what the fuck they're doing and they understand the risks associated with that and don't want people trying to detox themselves and having seizures or heart attacks on the airplane or in the car on the way there. Medically proven fact. My father had the same thinking as you and thought that by picking me up and taking me to his house and taking my wallet and keys that I could just wipe knuckle it and lay in bed and Shake and suffer through it... Tjatnis until I was walking from the kitchen into the living room and fell face first and had a partial seizure and had to take me to the ER and then the very next weekend next Saturday after being at his house since Friday morning and not drinking since Thursday night also in his living room right in front of him after stepping outside to get some fresh air I came back inside close the door from the backyard and as soon as I close the door I fell straight back like a two-by-four falling bashing my head on the tile floor and sprain blood everywhere and had a grand mal seizure with my eyes rolling back in my head and foam coming out of my mouth and I woke up to EMTs standing over top of me. It took that happening to allow me to do shots of vodka (which he pouredl) periodically throughout the next day and night until I left for Rehab.. I had to wake him up at 1am to pour me a shot. That shit had nothing to do with willpower.


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #72 on: July 01, 2017, 10:52:37 AM »
It is weakness.i quit everything I ever did cold turkey.30 beers a night,3 packs cigs a day,Xanax daily,ativan daily.Its called will power and man the fuck up.It is weak to say I'm addicted,cut the shit and man the fuck up and take responsibility for your r weak actions. I have said the same to my best friends years ago before they either died or I stopped talking with them all together.this word and most in it are weak.

Drinking 30 a night isn't the same as drinking 30 throughout the day all day from the time you wake up.

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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #73 on: July 01, 2017, 10:54:21 AM »
The side effects you describe aren't typically associated with true Benzo withdrawal. Benzo withdrawal a major risk is sezuires heart attack and stroke.

"Doing benzos" and being addicted to them isntn exactly the same thing. I've been in rehab with guys who would take 6 mg of Xanax five six seven times a day.andntjeyd shake and have tremors like alcoholics.

I've used benzos since 2000 or 2001 and when I have my Pharmacy I had Xanax and Valium and all over my house and cars and even when kicking painkillers the thought of abusing benzos never crossed my mind. I have constantly been told by doctors that I cannot use benzos because I have past addictions to opiates and namely alcohol despite the fact that I have never abused them or suffered any kind of withdrawal sub on stopping benzos. Actually the only reason I drank was because I had zero access to benzos. My body's physiology would not allow me to use alcohol without developing very quickly and enormous tolerance and physical dependence on it while Enzo's we're perfectly fine. I was disciplined my entire life up until I was prescribed painkillers for a shoulder injury. That meant I didn't party in high school I didn't drink I didn't smoke weed. On friday/saturday nights when my friends were getting fucked up, i was in the gym training... Literally. (Obviously junior/senior yr those nights were sometimes spent with gfs, but usually still after training). From 14-19? I didn't miss a single workout, even with the injury, even when I developed gasteritis preparing for the San Diego championships when I was 19 from drinking about 30cc retrofit-b by accident and couldn't eat or drink more than a sip of water for 10-12 days (with zero water nor food the final 5-6) I still made it to the gym even though the sessions were a waste and I dropped nearly 20lbs and fucked up my prep.. discipline has nothing to do with stopping. at least when it comes to things people are physically addicted to that require a medically supervised detox. You are speaking out of ignorance while I am speaking out of experience and education. I have done this myself and I have helped a lot of other people as well so I'm not just repeating shit I read on Google. Why do you think rehab facilities tell people not to stop drinking or not to stop taking benzos or GHB or whatever until they actually leave for Rehab? It's because they know what the fuck they're doing and they understand the risks associated with that and don't want people trying to detox themselves and having seizures or heart attacks on the airplane or in the car on the way there. Medically proven fact. My father had the same thinking as you and thought that by picking me up and taking me to his house and taking my wallet and keys that I could just wipe knuckle it and lay in bed and Shake and suffer through it... Tjatnis until I was walking from the kitchen into the living room and fell face first and had a partial seizure and had to take me to the ER and then the very next weekend next Saturday after being at his house since Friday morning and not drinking since Thursday night also in his living room right in front of him after stepping outside to get some fresh air I came back inside close the door from the backyard and as soon as I close the door I fell straight back like a two-by-four falling bashing my head on the tile floor and sprain blood everywhere and had a grand mal seizure with my eyes rolling back in my head and foam coming out of my mouth and I woke up to EMTs standing over top of me. It took that happening to allow me to do shots of vodka (which he pouredl) periodically throughout the next day and night until I left for Rehab.. I had to wake him up at 1am to pour me a shot. That shit had nothing to do with willpower.

and you still expect people to believe you are some kind of tough guy, fuck me you wouldnt last 10 seconds in a fight, you are fucked...


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Re: Alcohol + Opiates + Benzodiazepines
« Reply #74 on: July 01, 2017, 10:58:45 AM »
and you still expect people to believe you are some kind of tough guy, fuck me you wouldnt last 10 seconds in a fight, you are fucked...

Based on? Don't bother asking.

Despite your delusional fantasy I would still absolutely murder you if given the chance and wouldn't tell a soul.