Author Topic: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST  (Read 16575 times)


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #25 on: January 08, 2018, 10:19:47 PM »
What is your practical experience with athletes? You took the CSCS for a reason.

I intended to train athletes , maybe NFL, but I ended up training at a facililty for SCIs (spinal cord injuries)

was hard work but it gave me insight into the neurological system - which a main focus of CSCS study in integrating the skeletal muscular system with the central nervous system

I worked with a girl my age who had severe Cerval Palsey which is congenial - happened at birth -

train someone you cant use their own hands and see how much insight you get from that - eye opening

but mainly my professor in college saw some potential - told me to skip grad school and take the test - took me  a few tires but I got it , also it allows gets people to respect you enough to listen


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #26 on: January 08, 2018, 10:25:02 PM »
Hey spike how do you achieve physical excellence WITHOUT making it the focus of your life. Surely the number of people who want to be in great shape is much less than the number who want to be personal trainers, pro athletes, or life coaches.

Is there any hope for us ?


of course

its not about everyone else, its about you

don't get overwhelmed and think its shit you have to start ," day 1 from here on out" -- no

its subtle changes because you obviously have priorites like job, wife, whatever, so fitness will always be there for you to chip away at

start by eating better, something as simple as a shake a day or a bowl of cream of rice - but make it routine, when your energy levels increase - milk that shit - workout or find a way to expend that energy , its not always about the weights - unless you want a specific look - physical excellence is something you must always be aware of , not grinding away or anything, but shit like just sitting up right or try not sitting on your ass for more than an hour , seriously tho - you think your caveman grandfather sat on his ass a lot ? fck no he was killing fckn tigers with his hands


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #27 on: January 08, 2018, 10:27:39 PM »
Dude, why are you attacking me like that? I seriously didn’t mean anything by that question. I was only asking because you have the CSCS and well, usually when someone gets a CSCS I just assume they want to work with athletes. I just asked if you had any practical experience (and I should have clarified) working with athletes in a team atmosphere. Not sure why you got defensive

you're right coach

its a new thing and they are getting money from people

I like it because you have to have a 4 year science based degree to even sign up for it - which excludes a lot of halfasses
 but its hard as shit

also every NCAA DIV I coach who is in any athletic weight room HAS to have it - as well as any professional sports team coach - NFL, NBA, NFL etc


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2018, 10:34:39 PM »
The insulin theory is a bunch of BS from several angles. It leads to blaming carbs exclusively which is even more BS.

its not just insulin - its hormones

what hes saying is there is a system in place that 'teaches' us what foods are 'right' or basically misconceives us sinve we were little

its somewhat about the stimulation of insulin by the foods we eat, which cause us to store for fat and shift our whole appetite/drive

a fat person has high/low insulin wants instant food and no activilty
a hunter/gatherer works for food so insulin levels are stable , they injest sugar WITH fiber so liver helps digest carbs - little insulin realise ---

over time a fat person remaining in that pattern just secretes insulin and stores fat , after a while that's all the body knows how to do -


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2018, 10:41:11 PM »
that's not me

these are some pics

I've taken lots of shit, I've come off shit a lot , I've been in ICU, I've broken my hand

I'm still here and I'm spreading knowledge

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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #30 on: January 08, 2018, 10:46:42 PM »

many different reasons but the main ones would be lifestyle - specially activity levels

you ever see those videos when people go over to china and the old people all in a formation doing tai chi?  They are exercising , they move , they understand the importance

they are hunter gatherers for the most part still, you ever worked a rice field ?  also just look at Chinas work ethic as a whole - you drop a dime in front of them they will work, asia is also a place full of slave labor because they aren't lazy people - they work , its wired into them

the western world is made, since school, to feel we are better than most countries, without even BEING there

everyone knows for the most part of familiar with cannabis cultivation - the methods and such - but its like ANY plant you experience a harvest, nutrients a plant need , water, temp, clean air - its a living thing
muscle tissue is living so you must support that as well in the same way as I mentioned above - no different - you want big ass stank ass plants add fertilizers -
you want a big oversized human - add fertilizers

but when you want someone to get fat, as we do with lets say cattle, you confine them into large populations , feed them food that will purposely fatten them (refined carbs) in the cows case corn meal, that's it -- they have to pump them full of antibiotics because of the confined space - same as us

think of societies closest to a caveman/hunter gatherers - they are 'lean' because their lives closely resemble that of our ancestors
we are at least 2000 years old for argument - you think we had iphones and shit 300years ago ?? but there were vegetables like rice and sweet potatoes as you mentioned ?  so why would someone eat McDonalds and sugar all day and expect to look like their ancient self ?  
Bro, what do you think is giving them the energy to work?? Rice, I work with over 300 Filipino people on my ship, they're work ethic is absolutely insane, I've never seen anything like it, I'm talking ladies in their 60's out working 20 year old American girls, you want me to tell you what they eat? White rice, mountains of it with every meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner...and when the cafeteria is closed guess what they eat Ramon Noodles, and they are lean, tiny/not muscular, but lean.


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #31 on: January 08, 2018, 11:00:57 PM »
Bro, what do you think is giving them the energy to work?? Rice, I work with over 300 Filipino people on my ship, they're work ethic is absolutely insane, I've never seen anything like it, I'm talking ladies in their 60's out working 20 year old American girls, you want me to tell you what they eat? White rice, mountains of it with every meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner...and when the cafeteria is closed guess what they eat Ramon Noodles, and they are lean, tiny/not muscular, but lean.
how many of them smoke?


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #32 on: January 08, 2018, 11:52:02 PM »

its not just insulin - its hormones

what hes saying is there is a system in place that 'teaches' us what foods are 'right' or basically misconceives us sinve we were little

its somewhat about the stimulation of insulin by the foods we eat, which cause us to store for fat and shift our whole appetite/drive

a fat person has high/low insulin wants instant food and no activilty
a hunter/gatherer works for food so insulin levels are stable , they injest sugar WITH fiber so liver helps digest carbs - little insulin realise ---

over time a fat person remaining in that pattern just secretes insulin and stores fat , after a while that's all the body knows how to do -

The amazing thing is that all fat people quickly lose weight/fat if put on a deficit diet, even if that diet has a high percentage of quick carbs. These hyperpalatable foods we have do make many people overeat easier but that is something else. Taubes etc say it's all about hormones and not about energy in/out which is complete baloney.


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #33 on: January 08, 2018, 11:57:53 PM »
Photo from link.

How did he get rid of the gyno?


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #34 on: January 08, 2018, 11:58:58 PM »
It always a nice place to come when I lost my job, lived with my parents, had some shit girlfriend - its hard to find intelligent males to guide your thought process.

Welcome Mr. Spike - you are now surrounded by the most intelligent, wealthy, and sophisticated males on the planet. Our sage wisdom includes encyclopedic like knowledge on everything from faking your own online death to commissioning the tailoring of bunny suits for ghey sexcapades, what do you want to know?


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2018, 01:09:36 AM »
Bro, what do you think is giving them the energy to work?? Rice, I work with over 300 Filipino people on my ship, they're work ethic is absolutely insane, I've never seen anything like it, I'm talking ladies in their 60's out working 20 year old American girls, you want me to tell you what they eat? White rice, mountains of it with every meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner...and when the cafeteria is closed guess what they eat Ramon Noodles, and they are lean, tiny/not muscular, but lean.

So where are you currently on the hclf - keto continuum? ???


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2018, 02:19:15 AM »
  I know I've been in a weird spot and rather crass, selfish and just disconnected with this community.  It always a nice place to come when I lost my job, lived with my parents, had some shit girlfriend - its hard to find intelligent males to guide your thought process.  Biggest thing about this board is, yes it is entertaining but it offers a lot of different experiences to many.

I've been doing some things to improve myself and I intend to share all of this as I feel I have achieved a supreme level of insight - that of which I want to help others mainly and by sharing my experiences as well as my insight scientifically into the human body when it comes to living better - getting big is one aspect - your decision how far you want to take it

I am by no means saying I'm some top authority , I am always learning and open to new ideas - I just would like to share my experiences as well as some research Ive done over the years and most of it ive done on myself , on my own - hasn't always gone accordingly but that is where you learn

anyway - here is some of my background and I will continue to update my story

NSCA CSCS cert (basically a hard test that all the NCAA weight room guys and NFL,NBA,MLB,NHL have)
won many bb;ing shows (state teen champ, nc state 2nd place 3xs, went to JR USAs)
I have a 4-year science degree in exercise science - help me know what VO2 max and how to really study body , also what hormones are doing on a cellular level, the science stuff the supplement companies use!!
I know you guys need some pics too

Instagram  -     spikejones88

I don't know how to link stuff yet from that

my VO2 max measured 71 mL/(kg·min) is this any good  ???


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2018, 03:53:48 AM »
Bro, what do you think is giving them the energy to work?? Rice, I work with over 300 Filipino people on my ship, they're work ethic is absolutely insane, I've never seen anything like it, I'm talking ladies in their 60's out working 20 year old American girls, you want me to tell you what they eat? White rice, mountains of it with every meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner...and when the cafeteria is closed guess what they eat Ramon Noodles, and they are lean, tiny/not muscular, but lean.

i lived in the phillipines for a year and been there many times, they have great work ethics what them girls go through in manilla every day just  to work would break most people


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2018, 04:14:36 AM »
Good pics man solid build.


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #39 on: January 09, 2018, 04:47:31 AM »
The amazing thing is that all fat people quickly lose weight/fat if put on a deficit diet, even if that diet has a high percentage of quick carbs. These hyperpalatable foods we have do make many people overeat easier but that is something else. Taubes etc say it's all about hormones and not about energy in/out which is complete baloney.

Your right but he has another book called ‘good calories , bad calories ‘ where He details scientifically what caloric deficit really is’s calories consumed versus calories out but your missing the overall picture

Your saying the staple of their diet is rice - a carb - but they are skinny

Your def on the right path !! - now I’m not there to assess but let me take a stab

The women in the cruise ship or whatever most likely  have a routine so that means they get up every day and they eat at the same time they’re probably eat the same thing and then go to work all day and the majority of their day is probably comprised of work that being said when they do eat they probably consume zero to no refined sugar so when you’re in that mode your body is not going to store it’s not gonna be so prone the store that again comes the new insulin secretion your insulin levels will not be high as long as you’re not consuming refined sugar if you consume rice as a carbohydrate that’s great that your energy source I consume a lot of rice I’m actually eating cream of rice right now which is granulated rice rice is excellent carbs so if you see a lot of pros eating rice Kai green it’s a lot of white rice you guys have a misconception of white rice it’s a great


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #40 on: January 09, 2018, 04:51:02 AM »
Just started using my voice text on my phone

Will try to be more clear and concise

I am going to launch a video series today on YouTube and post them here

Hang with me


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #41 on: January 09, 2018, 05:16:34 AM »
All right here’s a theory on sugar in modern society if we were hunter gatherers sugar would be honey - let’s say

So if you and I were out in the world and we wanted sugar or something sweet we would have to come up with a plan and we have to climb a tree to get to a bee nest extract it gets stung all to hell and you get a minuscule amount of honey from that now it’s very rewarding and your body tells you it’s rewarding because you’ll really like it but in nature you don’t find large quantities of honey or sugar

And in our food today sugars in everything you buy processed in very small amounts sometimes you don’t even notice  it but it’s codes your brain into that false need and that’s what keeps you coming back for food sugar is what raises your insulin it triggers a response and that response tells your body to store Then the food you’re eating is mostly comprised of carbohydrates which lens itself to you becoming hungry again shortly and then the cycle repeats itself now where bodybuilding comes in, and why it’s successful is protein is A large part of each meal and each meal is planned, that right there lowers insulin as well as cortisol - your expending energy every day in large amounts and replacing them routinely so it’s a combination of things but overall it’s no ornlittle refined sugar ,protein is your main source of nutrients in each meal ,a  consistent intake of nutrients throughout the day, and then consistent caloric expenditure or exercise regularly

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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #42 on: January 09, 2018, 06:18:58 AM »
So where are you currently on the hclf - keto continuum? ???
Keto is a great diet to get you shredded, I used this diet from prepping for a bodybuilding competition, (while on vacation I might add) all I needed was just 2 hours a day of training, then the rest of the day I could relax, my body didn't require much energy. Working on a ship is a different story we're talking 10-12 hour days/zero days off/for 6-7 months straight to do this kind of work the body requires a ton of energy, so I also eat a shit load of rice/ a ton of sweet potato/ and a good amount of poi (Im in Hawaii) to fuel me to get through these days. It depends on your lifestyle and activity levels, keto is a great diet to lean you out, but if your life requires tons of energy for endurance sports or job performance I definitely wouldn't recommend it. All my employees from India, Philippines, Caribbean, pound rice day in a day out and they work tirelessly it's incredible to see the difference between them and my American employees who are constantly tired and eat like shit and rely on Redbull all day.


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #43 on: January 09, 2018, 06:45:15 AM »
 Or before start answering questions I just wanted to get something on here addressing diet everyone wants and seeks a diet more less like a meal plan that is the us like bodybuilders

I think what it really is a people are confused and don’t know how to go about eating on a day-to-day basis to many people get caught up in the moment or they work some roughass job and they keep thinking about food as a reward and if we were hunter gatherers food would never be a reward in most cases we have to work and would be hungry and we have to utilize the things around us and I environment to eat such as location or geography so if we were in like the Midwest we have certain plants and vegetables we have it we have access to as opposed to if we were in tropical regions so that’s what diet sort of embodies

 But also it’s your lifestyle as well so if you’re a bodybuilder you’re going to need excess protein so what sources would you seek out in your environment so if you were on the plane left a bunch of heavy rocks and shit yeah you’re going to be able to go and kill a larger animal and get excess protein to feed your energy needs but you’re gonna have to work for it and also you work harder to get up to that point as far as lifting heavy rocks that’s what your job is in that society so you’re rewarded as such you know you get the kill you get the most meet you need more energy that sort of thing and we survive and we also pass that on to the others  Everyone should reap the reward from the kill self in my case I came upon a bunch of success with bodybuilding dieting as far as my career in school with education and I feel that at this point I have a Chi success physically and I just need to help at least the people I can and kind of get that knowledge to where you guys can take it from there it’s not a plan that’s cookie-cutter that’s gonna work for everyone you guys got to figure it out and I’m help you do it

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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #44 on: January 09, 2018, 06:57:37 AM »
Photo from link.

Hormones use indeed!


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #45 on: January 09, 2018, 07:31:30 AM »
 this is just recently this hadn’t been like a few weeks I eliminated  a lot of what I felt was processed foods and I’m eating a lot of vegetables and still keep in the protein in there and such but I’m constantly sweating like I got a sweatshirt on it’s kind of cold out on the East Coast but constantly sweating metabolism is revved up because I eliminated  certain things for my diet    , most important fckn sugar

 Basically I’m just kind of laying some groundwork and trying to give an example of you can’t be confined to thinking that you need certain things like you need a soda when you eat or Becoming hungry is a guaranteed loss of muscle you can’t get in that mindset you guys get locked into that and then you get stuck in a routine but more importantly you’re getting depending on certain products certain foods and then you lose sight of what you’re really trying to do


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2018, 07:38:05 AM »
I wanted to elaborate more on the white rice scenario we went over earlier basically white rice is rice which is a grain and it’s bleached so hence the white so the reason people say white rice is bad is because when you bleach it you strip the grain so you see you like whole-grain rice that means the grains in tact when it gets bleached you strip it of everything it’s called a sheath or like the outer part of the rice grain that’s what gets in your system and you really don’t absorb it and shit it out real quick but that’s the fiber we need fiber when they strip or diet of fiber the sugar that you intake ends up affecting you a lot differently that’s why they say increase fiber and you see fiber supplements is because they strip it

 So yes your assessment is right in the fact that they’re eating white rice and a lot of it and it is unhealthy from that perspective but the overall picture is what’s the alternative there actually eating a grain but it’s a little bit bleached the In a Western society would be to go get a lean cuisine or go to McDonald’s or choose the easiest route that someone has done already for you and that’s where we fail where someone in a less civilized world would take it upon themselves to go seek out food or another food source which will expand energy


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #47 on: January 09, 2018, 07:46:20 AM »
 Funny thing  is the way they tell people they’re diabetic or prediabetic nowadays it wasn’t prevalent back in the 90s there wasn’t a whole bunch of people walk around diabetic and there wasn’t a bunch a diabetic kids but it’s the way we eat  

When I work downtown Charlotte or uptown I had a lot of Spanish women that came in there real skinny like hundred pound women I mean look pretty healthy from the outside but all of them were either diagnosed prediabetic want some form of metformin (drug)

No everyone says oh it’s because they eat a lot of rice the rice all the time so they get diabetic breaks down in the sugar no what happens is they get part of the healthcare system because they’re in uptown Charlotte to someone’s got a good job or someone’s getting some sort of assistance but when I get tied into the healthcare system they have to be told that they are diabetic or prediabetic because they don’t know any better and what happens is they become dependent on these drugs but you have to take these drugs the rest your life and if you stop taking them you’re going to get sick and what happens then there’s more drugs I got to take or you want to put a hospital and there’s more money you have to pay

So I’m not trying to say it’s a conspiracy or anything like that it’s basically you have to take it upon yourself to make changes so don’t go thinking that you’re sick and you can’t work out or can’t do this if you’re ill get your nutrition right I want you feel better do the activities that you can do and then build from there so if you got a bad foot go get on An ergometer it’s kind a like a hand cardio machine for example there’s just all kinds of alternatives for people and you can’t be caught up in thinking everything is a dead-end


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #48 on: January 09, 2018, 07:59:26 AM »
Another thing guys I like to address and it’s not really talked about specially in this forum  is mental health and I’m not talking about going to psychiatrist are talking about your problems or anything like that it’s really about you dealing with the health of how efficiently your brains working now what I mean by that is nutrition it slows down certain parts of blood flow to certain areas of your brain so you feel depressed or you feel angst or certain things like that and I say this because I was kind of a able to overcome those things and once you get that blood flow in there or you start Kinda I don’t know it’s kind a like when you work out you like working out your brain


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Re: Big Spikes new plan *SERIOUS POST
« Reply #49 on: January 09, 2018, 08:06:46 AM »
 Sorry I’ll stop here with the rants but I want thing I want you guys to realize is we keep talking about sugar and one thing that’s very prevalent in our society is alcohol so basically alcohol is going to break down in the sugar and we consume it on a social level so the only time you really interact with females that should say in college like a hot female would be drinking and we drink and then I get ingrained in you and then when you get older you feel like you and your wife have to have fun by consuming alcohol that’s only way she gets turned on you know what’s lacking is the attraction because you’re physically not fit if you guys worked out together you guys would need the alcohol and I’m not saying alternatives , just be aware and maybe you can change things