that is really sad
considering the condition of her legs maybe you could call 911 and they could do something? something needs to be done about her legs
You don't think she sees a doctor? She's in the advanced stage of diabetes. If she wasn't on insulin she'd be dead in a matter of hours. A good friend of mine has a mother with the same condition. She had both legs amputated.
Start looking at people's lower legs. At least in Hawaii, there are tons of people walking around with swollen discolored legs. It has these purple and blue splotches. Next there will start to be open sores. Their legs are rotting away. When you have diabetes blood flow is compromised and the extremities get hit first. The legs and the arms. This is all self-induced.
Decades of gorging yourself with high glycemic foods causes insulin resistance leading to type 2 diabetes then eventually type one. So many people are clueless about this. Doctors don't explain it to them. They just treat you with insulin and get you out of the office so they can see another person and get another check from the insurance company.
I belong to a diabetic society. It stems when I use to work at a hospital on the mainland. We realize that people aren't going to go to classes to educate themselves. We go out into the public educating those that we can tell by just looking at them are in the advanced stages of type 2 diabetes.
Now it's not like you just pounce on someone and say, "Hey, I notice you have big fat elephant legs. Let me educate you." You have to be more subtle. McDonald's is a good place because I've found that so many of these people love McDonald's and their cheap ice cream. You see them there all the time and they become familiar with your face. That's when you can strike up a conversation with them and start educating them that type 2 diabetes can be reversed. It's not going to be overnight just like you didn't become insulin resistant overnight but if you don't do anything it is only going to get worse and you will end up in a wheelchair and then eventually get your amputated if you don't die from heart disease first. It's a slow and painful deterioration. So many are clueless as to why they are in that state. Many are very receptive as long as you are not overbearing trying to order them as to how they should live their lives.
With this lady she says it's pointless. It's too far gone. What is she going to reverse? Is she ever going to be able to walk if she starts cutting out sweets, following a cleaner sugar free diet and "exercising".
So then we get back to my original post. Is there a point where it's just not worth it anymore? You've reached a point of no return. Is now a state of just waiting for death like this lady is. She says she just wants to die. Doesn't want any help and will accept no help as it will only prolong her misery. But she still takes insulin. But she used it more like a drug to feel better not so much to stay alive. You go through horrible withdrawals if you don't take your insulin.
Of course, some on this thread are quick to lecture and scold and tell me what I should do when in their own private lives they don't do anything to help others.
Consider yourself fortunate because obvious you do see these kinds of things where you live. You don't see people just passed out on the sidewalk. That's why you think that someone should call 911 when they see this lady. When the ambulance comes, now what? Take her to the hospital and keep her there? If we could do that there would be nobody on the streets. They'd all be taken care of at other's expense. The problem is that we don't have unlimited resources. When you have one homeless in a hospital that is one less bed for someone who has paid a lot of money of medical insurance.