Author Topic: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?  (Read 12998 times)


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #150 on: December 04, 2020, 07:50:05 PM »
Meltdown. ;D

It's like a Woodstock filled with people who don't take showers and walk around tripping all day.

If that is world class, you haven't been out much. But i will agree the art is pretty cool.

The pictures you see online represent less than 1% of what you see in person.

It's pretty neat if you're into weird things, but i couldn't handle all the strange people and i'm a very open minded person. Plus having to worry about people stealing your stuff all day long gets old. I heard it was a lot better in years past. My friend has been going for a long time.

You probably think Ibiza is cool too.
1) it's nothing like that, yes there are lots hippies but there's also major tech bros, lots of 20 year olds looking to party and do rec drug, social media influencers looking to be seen, art connoisseurs. It's a microcosm of society.

I was born in England, I've lived in Israel(where i also have citizenship), south Africa, new Zealand and now the states, i've visited every country in western Europe and south America and loads in between. Don't lump me in with trash Americans who barely ever leave the tiny town they're born in.

no one steals your shit, you prob camped with rubbish people, more so if something of yours get stolen there's plenty of folks gifting anything you can possibly want

and yeah ibiza is cool when you're 24

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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #151 on: December 04, 2020, 08:43:42 PM »
if you're keen there's one called love burn in miami, it's pretty much a scaled version and you get the added benefit of being on the beach, you can stay in a hotel and order ubereats

Thanks man that’s only 70 miles south of me

I’ll look into that

Problem is it’s in democratic broward county


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #152 on: December 04, 2020, 11:04:13 PM »
after everything that happened this year,

all coincidence right?

you get this shit in your body you deserve  it

you don't know how long they took to develop it

could have been ready to go long time ago

there is no such thing as truth

but I know what isn't true

Exactly.  You have had many epic posts here, but I'll just quote this one.  A couple of points [you can ignore anything not in bold]:

- Just two weeks to flatten the curve!" Day 285 [ amazes me how far we've tolerated this through the gradual process of acclimatization.  The global elites are really pushing this to see exactly how much the public will tolerate, and they are running a risk of the population snapping if they keep pushing it...but I almost get the sense they feel they are prepared for that].

- The 2,604 global billionaires overall net wealth went up by over $1 trillion so far, making their total net wealth as a group exceed $10 trillion [Primemuscle doesn't even seem to understand memes written by his fellow liberals like the one below - while I am almost certain he has no signs of dementia or age-based cognitive impairment, he doesn't seem able to understand any concept that requires controlling for more than one variable.  Possibly the product of living in an all-White, high trust liberal society all of his life.  Again, even the meme below will go over his head].

- The average age of a person dying remains 84.8, and among people suffering 2-3 separate health comorbidities.  Only 6% of the population even SURVIVES beyond that age with that health status, and from a statistical/actuarial perspective, are within the last 6-18 months of their lives as it is!  Unbelievable that people are afraid of this.  How can a society filled with opioid-addicted obese alcoholics not understand that we can become unhealthy, and that life ends?

- Canada is deficit spending at a rate of $1 BILLION per day, and I suspect most rich countries are around that level.  Canada has accrued more debt in 2020 than in the past 30 years combined!  Deficit spending this year alone exceeds any year in the HISTORY of Canada, and I think that figure is inflation-adjusted [but it's possible more was spent during WWII or something like that].

- We're really leading the sheep to the slaughter with this one, where only the dumbest - the ABSOLUTE dumbest among us - will continue to tolerate this.  Sadly, they are driving a lot of normal people to go along with it, and probably up to 50% of the population is at least somewhat on board with this.  But any attempts to force a vaccine on the masses will result in making it absolutely clear how many people aren't buying into this.  Right now, sheep are "just wearing a mask", while global billionaires get away with the largest transfer of wealth from the SME sector, and debt runs out of control.

But they, like Prime, don't know how the economy works, so don't understand the generational implications such debt will have on society, and so all they really notice right now is that they have to wear a mask.  Forcing people to get a vaccine is a whole other level of compliance, and that's when the elites will start to lose this game.  At that point, they will have collectively increased their net wealth by TRILLIONS, and possibly be happy to calm down for another ten years, when they can use another crisis to rob the middle class.

epic is back

  • Getbig V
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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #153 on: December 04, 2020, 11:15:13 PM »
This is after all a bodybuilding site my crazy friend from Canada

Your not going to get anyone except maybe mayday to understand this is not about health

It’s pure financial

That is it

Now the only Hope these guys have is when there’s no Job to go back to

Working remotely? Lols

They will get evicted or lose mortgages, cars ect

They will stop worrying about a piece of cotton on their face or virtue signaling

Bigger priorities will prevail

Like not being homeless

Let’s hope it happens before the end of 2021

Cause I am buying multi family units and I need those bums renting from me

But I hedge that with Amazon stock and old dominion trucking for the losers who want to stay home and order on internet

Either way they lose we win

Sooner the better


  • Getbig V
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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #154 on: December 04, 2020, 11:27:23 PM »
This post.

This post.

And this post.

Are all great.

Great idea in this post

But I am all in favor of Getbig's left wingers to get in line, lol


[see comic strip below - although it's a spoiler if you actually want to read a good science fiction story on this theme]

take vaccine get free 1200 bucks

Wow - are we seriously getting to the point that India is in, where they were offered free cars and blenders for the poor [non-Brahmin] Indians to get sterilized?  LMAO.  Jews in Israel actually forcibly sterilized a bunch of Africans once.

You can't make this stuff up [from India]:

From Israel:

Those who use the weasel-word pejorative 'conspiracy theorist', which is used do discourage analysis, have gone "overboard".

Exactly - and notice how "conspiracy theorist" was a way to prevent anyone from talking about 9/11.  And by circulating a bunch of videos from idiots saying that the twin towers were taking down via controlled demolition, it got people away from talking about sweeping policy changes to airlines, and the war in Afghanistan which resulted in a 20x increase in opium being shipped to North America, etc.  THAT is what was actually happening, but I guess whoever was benefitting from 9/11 [the real conspiracy] had a hand in that.  Whoever "they" are, they are pretty smart to predict all this...but I think they are pushing too hard this time.  Maybe they are really concerned that the planet will warm to a point that all of their billions or trillions won't be worth a hill of beans, and actually want people to die in the mass millions or even mass billions, to prevent that.  Somehow this just feels too forced.  I've never experienced anything like this in my life, so I just get the feeling something is going on that I don't know...but I don't know what it is.  I'm assuming much of what is happening is by design, to collapse the economy, even though the virus itself may well have been natural [although I don't even know that for certain].

Maybe this is how the global rich feel right now, due to actual crises that even their gigantic wealth can't help get them out of:

Or this [NSFW]:

^ Libya with Gaddafi, much like Iraq without Saddam Hussein, is by all measures, worse off than it was with him.  :-\  If any Getbiggers think I'm wrong there, I would be happy to analyze whatever information they have showing that I am wrong.

This one pissed me off so much. Lets introduce a hep b reaction in an hour old baby before he even drinks his first sip of milk. Total BS

Understandable.  The MMR vaccines are important though.  I can't speak on the autism link.  Testing has actually gotten much better, which is why I was not diagnosed through an autism test as a child, but was as an adult in 2016, when I was 34.

And with that...I need to stop replying to this thread for tonight/today, because I will just get out of hand posting too much if I do.  That's why I decided to consolidate all my replies in one thread.

Oh wait - one more:

They won't have to, they will just start taking your shiny things, then your job will require you to, then they will take your kids, but don't worry its safe you tin foil hat wackadoodle, getting it? No stopping it.


I'm reminded of this: more:

America was never remotely close to being one of the freest nations on the planet,  it's a lie they tell kids so they can go die for oil

 ??? ??? ???

While the second part of your post is true, the USA was, most absolutely, the freest nation in the world.  Specifically, it was the freest LARGE nation in the world.

And as authoritarianism continues to creep, people who were brainwashed by left-wing assholes like Michael Moore to give up their gun rights because of non-White gun violence that he blamed on White Americans through implication in his POS documentary, while this same imported non-White population that Moore shoved on the masses is collectively causing billions of dollars in property damage - they are going to be asking for that fat fuck's head a on STICK, for fuck's sake.

NONE of the revolutionary energy to destroy the USA would be possible if not for the importation of MILLIONS of people from the developing world into the USA, and White Americans are the ones who are going to suffer through all of those riots as they PAMPER this population with welfare beyond a level that they EVER gave it to themselves, as those same pampered non-Whites blame everything on White people.

When a huge chunk of the liberal Whites figure this out, many of these agendas [particularly, displacement of White people demographically] will stop dead in their tracks for another thirty years or more.

I'm getting the impression THAT is actually the problem now, hence why Covid-19 is being used to accelerate the agenda that would have just kept going along had there not been Covid-19 to distract awakening White people with - both in the USA, and worldwide.

I have NO IDEA why you would say the USA wasn't an extremely free country.


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #155 on: December 04, 2020, 11:29:40 PM »
burning man

burning man is a prelude to hell... that stick figure will b u.


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #156 on: December 04, 2020, 11:33:13 PM »
searching for answers amongst dead, over compartmentalized wastelands of obfuscation


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #157 on: December 05, 2020, 12:14:06 AM »


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #158 on: December 05, 2020, 12:33:15 AM »

Exactly.  You have had many epic posts here, but I'll just quote this one.  A couple of points [you can ignore anything not in bold]:

- Just two weeks to flatten the curve!" Day 285 [ amazes me how far we've tolerated this through the gradual process of acclimatization.  The global elites are really pushing this to see exactly how much the public will tolerate, and they are running a risk of the population snapping if they keep pushing it...but I almost get the sense they feel they are prepared for that].

- The 2,604 global billionaires overall net wealth went up by over $1 trillion so far, making their total net wealth as a group exceed $10 trillion [Primemuscle doesn't even seem to understand memes written by his fellow liberals like the one below - while I am almost certain he has no signs of dementia or age-based cognitive impairment, he doesn't seem able to understand any concept that requires controlling for more than one variable.  Possibly the product of living in an all-White, high trust liberal society all of his life.  Again, even the meme below will go over his head].

- The average age of a person dying remains 84.8, and among people suffering 2-3 separate health comorbidities.  Only 6% of the population even SURVIVES beyond that age with that health status, and from a statistical/actuarial perspective, are within the last 6-18 months of their lives as it is!  Unbelievable that people are afraid of this.  How can a society filled with opioid-addicted obese alcoholics not understand that we can become unhealthy, and that life ends?

- Canada is deficit spending at a rate of $1 BILLION per day, and I suspect most rich countries are around that level.  Canada has accrued more debt in 2020 than in the past 30 years combined!  Deficit spending this year alone exceeds any year in the HISTORY of Canada, and I think that figure is inflation-adjusted [but it's possible more was spent during WWII or something like that].

- We're really leading the sheep to the slaughter with this one, where only the dumbest - the ABSOLUTE dumbest among us - will continue to tolerate this.  Sadly, they are driving a lot of normal people to go along with it, and probably up to 50% of the population is at least somewhat on board with this.  But any attempts to force a vaccine on the masses will result in making it absolutely clear how many people aren't buying into this.  Right now, sheep are "just wearing a mask", while global billionaires get away with the largest transfer of wealth from the SME sector, and debt runs out of control.

But they, like Prime, don't know how the economy works, so don't understand the generational implications such debt will have on society, and so all they really notice right now is that they have to wear a mask.  Forcing people to get a vaccine is a whole other level of compliance, and that's when the elites will start to lose this game.  At that point, they will have collectively increased their net wealth by TRILLIONS, and possibly be happy to calm down for another ten years, when they can use another crisis to rob the middle class.

Billionaires rule the world.

They already control most of the news, entertainment and social media.

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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #159 on: December 05, 2020, 12:44:19 AM »
I thought Pluto wandered out of our solar system

Marvin Martian

  • Getbig IV
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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #160 on: December 05, 2020, 06:57:50 AM »
I'm not swallowing this bitter pill.

I'm someone that has purposely stayed away from the flu shot for over 15 years. The last thing I'm going to do is serve as Pfizer and Moderna's guinea pig.


I took the flu shot ONE time and it’s the only time I actually got the flu. It was so bad I had to go get IV fluids because I had come damn close to shutting/vomiting- myself straight to death.



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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #161 on: December 05, 2020, 07:03:07 AM »

I took the flu shot ONE time and it’s the only time I actually got the flu. It was so bad I had to go get IV fluids because I had come damn close to shutting/vomiting- myself straight to death.


I agree with you.

It also doesn't help much. If you get the flu, that shot will likely not have much effect.



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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #163 on: December 05, 2020, 07:28:13 AM »

I took the flu shot ONE time and it’s the only time I actually got the flu. It was so bad I had to go get IV fluids because I had come damn close to shutting/vomiting- myself straight to death.


Same here , I took the Flu shot twice and  I got the flu both time  , I stopped taking it  and I didn't get the Flu for the next 7 years  ,then I got the swine Flu in 2009 ,after that I never got sick again ,not even a cold .


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #164 on: December 05, 2020, 06:59:47 PM »
Tell me about it.

And tell me about it.

You won't get away with much with Van - from what little experience I had with steroids, when I used what was by ALL means a wimpy cycle [a few of them - as in literally, three in my life], and got to around 193-lb and pretty lean for that size [compared to average people - not competing bodybuilders], Van knew I was using.

He said the reason why is because we have the most highly disproportionate number of steroid receptors in our shoulders/delts [I'm not sure why, and don't recall anyone ever explaining if there is some underlying biological mechanism why that would be the case], and Van said he knew I was using steroids because my shoulders are one of only two areas of my physique where I have decent muscle fiber concentration, and they were out of proportion to my other muscles.  No amount of juicing is going to change your genetic structure, and that's probably why I just submitted to my biology, and stayed 170-lb for most of my adult years, which is still around my goal weight.

Also, Dennis Newman was by all means said to be a handsome guy - and oddly, was one of the few who retained his looks even with heavy juice.  Meanwhile, the guy could have been 210-lb at 5'10", and had a career in the fitness world, and possibly not have gotten leukemia, depending on that GH/leukemia correlation.  In fact - I just recall how that 2003 interview he did with MD ended.  He said something like:

"F*ck bodybuilding - I should have been a model!"

No doubt about that - he looked better at lower body weights, IMO, and he could have had such a physique with much less toxicity to his body through juice.  I don't know if he is around 240-lb here, but I think he was in that range - yet he still maintained his facial handsomeness.  I can't remember which Getbigger said that there comes a point where nature will literally stop us from becoming too attractive - I think it was that nature will literally say "You're getting too much pussy" [or cock, I guess], and stop people from "having it all" so to speak.

F**k me!  He's only 22 in that video  :o

Your point about shoulders reminds me - his shoulders were always a strong point



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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #165 on: December 05, 2020, 10:33:24 PM »
mRNA enters the nucleus, and does what?

it replicates into double strand of DNA.

this vaccine will introduce modified, synthetic mRNA... (rearrangement of nucleotides)

which will do what?

enter into the nucleus and replicate into an artificial double strand of DNA, rendering your innate DNA desolate.

u will become a frankenstein, hybrid creature of sorts... which sounds like a bad idea.
Haha ,oh brother we have a scientist on Getbig :o


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #166 on: December 05, 2020, 10:35:48 PM »

F**k me!  He's only 22 in that video  :o

Your point about shoulders reminds me - his shoulders were always a strong point

Dennis was amazing at a very young age - 22/23.  I think 1994 was when he got leukemia, which would make him 24 [he was born in 1970].


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #167 on: December 05, 2020, 10:36:46 PM »
LOL @ masks and social distancing [and even "Social Fitnessing" at my gym] doing NOTHING to reduce normal seasonal influenza deaths:

Biggest bullshit lie since Y2K.

Never wear a mask
Never social distance
Never shelter in place

HAHAHAHA, exactly.  Bill Gates can't even stop computer viruses on his own software, but expects to stop a real virus?  It's clear all that the jagoff wants is [another] recurring revenue model.  I wonder how long he thought this one through?

Check out how masks and "social distancing" [and at my gym - "Social Fitnessing", LMAO] did asbolutely nothing to help prevent the spread of the flu this past flu season compared to the 2018-2019 season prior to it:

Final 2019/20 Flu Numbers

Between October 1, 2019 and April 4, 2020, the flu resulted in:

39 to 56 million illnesses
410,000 to 740,000 hospitalizations
24,000 to 62,000 deaths
195 pediatric deaths

October 1, 2018–April 30, 2019, the flu resulted in:

37.4 million to 42.9 million illnesses
531,000 to 647,000 hospitalizations
36,400 to 61,200 deaths in the United States.
116 pediatric deaths

Also, 17.3 million–20.1 million medical visits.


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #168 on: December 05, 2020, 10:43:16 PM »
Haha ,oh brother we have a scientist on Getbig :o

how would u know?

also, this is where the vast majority of scientists dwell:

searching for answers amongst dead, over compartmentalized wastelands of obfuscation


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #169 on: December 06, 2020, 05:36:54 AM »


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #170 on: December 06, 2020, 08:21:43 AM »
Haven't had a flu shot in over 20 years, won't get this abortion of a genetically altered cum cocktail either. The longer this goes on, the more it's obviously about control, how long will we allow this to happen? SoCal is supposed to go on another lockdown tonight at midnight.... ::)


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #171 on: December 06, 2020, 08:30:45 AM »
staff that attended should be charged with negligent homicide!  IT'S THE ASYMPTOMATIC FOCKBOYS AND GIRLS!

Seven Washington state nursing home residents with Covid-19 died after staff members attended a 300-person wedding that violated the governor's coronavirus restrictions.

The deaths were at three nursing home facilities in Grant County, health officials said Thursday. They were men in their 70s, 80s, and 90s who had underlying health conditions, according to a press release by the Grant County Health District.

Four additional deaths are pending death certificate reviews.

The health department said it is looking into whether the deaths are linked to a Nov. 7 wedding in Ritzville, about 59 miles southwest of Spokane, but an investigation found that some staff members at the facilities had tested positive after attending the event.

Columbia Crest Center, a nursing home in Moses Lake, Wash. (Google Maps)
Columbia Crest Center, a nursing home in Moses Lake, Wash. (Google Maps)
Officials did not say how many staff members were guests at the wedding and a health department spokesperson did not immediately return a request for comment on Saturday.

"Because staff in these facilities care for entire units, direct contact with associated patients is not known," the agency said.

The health department had previously said that the wedding was linked to 40 cases of coronavirus and outbreaks at a nursing home facility and a school. The more than 300 guests were asked to get tested and to quarantine.

At the time of the ceremony, Gov. Jay Inslee's executive order capped wedding receptions at 30 people, according to the Tri-City Herald.

"Our most vulnerable community members — elderly, immunocompromised, and those with chronic conditions — are especially at risk of complications due to a COVID-19 infection and we must continue to take measures to protect them from this disease. The best way to do that is by staying home as much as possible," the health department urged.

"Your choice to gather with those outside your household could lead to additional cases of COVID-19 and even death. Please protect those you love, by staying home."


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #172 on: December 06, 2020, 08:35:20 AM »
mRNA enters the nucleus, and does what?

it replicates into double strand of DNA.

this vaccine will introduce modified, synthetic mRNA... (rearrangement of nucleotides)

which will do what?

enter into the nucleus and replicate into an artificial double strand of DNA, rendering your innate DNA desolate.

u will become a frankenstein, hybrid creature of sorts... which sounds like a bad idea.

Sounds like a good idea, but for a bad movie...


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #173 on: December 06, 2020, 09:28:49 AM »
I’ll rush down to my local Walgreens as soon as it’s available!!


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Re: How many of you are going to voluntarily get the COVID vaccine?
« Reply #174 on: December 06, 2020, 12:26:55 PM »
New lawsuit that was filed by both a German Medical Doctor & retired British Medical Doctor against the European Medicines Agency arguing about the dangers of pushing forth a poorly-tested vaccine, of the likes has never been used in the past:

My favorite part of this lawsuit, which highlights the issue I have been researching closely can be found here (Page 4, section VIII):

"For a vaccine to work, our immune system needs to be stimulated to produce a neutralizing antibody, as opposed to a non-neutralizing antibody. A neutralizing antibody is one that can recognize and bind to some region (‘epitope’) of the virus, and that subsequently results in the virus either not entering or replicating in your cells. A non-neutralizing antibody is one that can bind to the virus, but for some reason, the antibody fails to neutralize the infectivity of the virus. In some viruses, if a person harbors a non-neutralizing antibody to the virus, a subsequent infection by the virus can cause that person to elicit a more severe reaction to the virus due to the presence of the non-neutralizing antibody. This is not true for all viruses, only particular ones. This is called Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), and is a common problem with Dengue Virus, Ebola Virus, HIV, RSV, and the family of coronaviruses. In fact, this problem of ADE is a major reason why many previous vaccine trials for other coronaviruses failed. Major safety concerns were observed in animal models. If ADE occurs in an individual, their response to the virus can be worse than their response if they had never developed an antibody in the first place. This can cause a hyperinflammatory response, a cytokine storm, and a generally dysregulation of the immune system that allows the virus to cause more damage to our lungs and other organs of our body. In addition, new cell types throughout our body are now susceptible to viral infection due to the additional viral entry pathway. There are many studies that demonstrate that ADE is a persistent problem with coronaviruses in general, and in particular, with SARS-related viruses. ADE has proven to be a serious challenge with coronavirus vaccines, and this is the primary reason many of such vaccines have failed in early in-vitro or animal trials. For example, rhesus macaques who were vaccinated with the Spike protein of the SARS-CoV virus demonstrated severe acute lung injury when challenged with SARS-CoV, while monkeys who were not vaccinated did not. Similarly, mice who were immunized with one of four different SARS-CoV vaccines showed histopathological changes in the lungs with eosinophil infiltration after being challenged with SARS-CoV virus."
