Author Topic: Juice but don't compete.  (Read 21033 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Juice but don't compete.
« Reply #125 on: May 21, 2006, 05:24:16 PM »

Marijuana and steroids and both next to harmless when used properly.  The doctors who say otherwise are themselves ignorant of the science behind them.

  The problem with recreational steroids is that to invoke a desired response, it often takes many times the "used properly" amount. What is therapeutically prescribed (even to children) will do next to nothing to put on extra muscle on a healthly male.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Juice but don't compete.
« Reply #126 on: May 21, 2006, 06:24:04 PM »
Side effects of aspirin

Ulcerations, abdominal burning, pain, cramping, nausea, gastritis, and even serious gastrointestinal bleeding
Liver toxicity
Stomach ulceration and bleeding
Black tarry stools
Weakness and dizziness upon standing
Rash, kidney impairment, vertigo, and lightheadedness can also occur

Side effects of alcohol
Alcohol damages the liver, the central nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the heart. Alcoholics who do not quit drinking decrease life expectancy by 10 to 15 years.
Alcohol also can impair vision, impair sexual function, slow circulation, cause malnutrition, cause water retention (resulting in weight gain and bloating), lead to pancreatitis and skin disorders (such as middle-age acne), dilate blood vessels near the skin causing "brandy nose," weaken the bones and muscles, and decrease immunity

And your point being..

Getting high on pot is not a harmless activity. What's yours?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Juice but don't compete.
« Reply #127 on: May 21, 2006, 06:51:30 PM »
I agree that it's pretty pointless to gear up if you have no plans of competing.

I think it's safe to say that 99.99% of people (except hardcore bodybuilding fans) prefer the "off" look over someone who's on.

And then there's the matter of your health.  Elevated blood pressure and all the other nice side effects like male pattern baldness, shriveled testicles and acne all over your back and shoulders.  And say what you want, but you're probably paying a lot of $$$ for the privilege of shaving a few years off your lifespan.

Maybe, MAYBE it's worth taking a calculated risk if you've got the genetics to do okay competitively and make $$$ from endorsements and/or contest winnings.  But otherwise it's just plain stupid and shortsighted.

And smoking is ok? Fucking fools. You juice for yourself and only yourself.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Juice but don't compete.
« Reply #128 on: May 21, 2006, 07:05:40 PM »
for the last time taking a shit isn't competitive and unless you are seriously constipated you don't flex every single muscle when you take a shit

it takes skill to pose well and posing counts just look at the 01 Olympia

and just because a known idiot like gordiano agrees with you doesn't mean shit

you're just bitter because you never made it to the pro ranks just admit it already ::)


 Bobdybuilding is not a sport because they win on how they look, not how well they pose. Any of us could pose like the pros but we would lose because looks are what is being judged. That makes it an art, not a sport.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: Juice but don't compete.
« Reply #129 on: May 21, 2006, 07:24:49 PM »
Harmless marijuana:

1.) 3 to 5 times more tar and carbon monoxide than cigarettes (due to typical deeper inhalation and no filtering)

This is true except containing more tar doesn't mean it's more dangeorus. Marijuana contains THC which disrupts apoptotic pathway that cause cancer or other problems associated from the tar or carbon monoxide.

In laymen..the THC in marijuana counteracts the tar in it so that it's far less harmful tham tobacco. That's why people die from tobacco and not marijuana.

2.) Contains Benzyprene (carcinogen)

Again there's obviously some counteraction. The deat rate from Tobacco is over 400,000 a year in USA alone yet 0 from Marijuana. Meaning it's simply not dangerous.

3.) Impaired memory and ability to learn

Marijuana works differently on different people. Some people(Like the famous scientist carl sagan) are able to learn much better while on marijuana and compose their best works while using marijuana. Some others can hardly do basic math while using it. It depends on the person.

But the thing to remember is it's all TEMPORARY. Marijuana's effect is short term. The long term effects BENEFIT the brain.

Marijuana like chemicals spur braincell growth.

5.) Anxiety attacks or feelings of paranoia

This is a very rare side effect occuring in a small number of people. Most who use marijuana get a feeling of eurphoria not paranoia.

6.) Impaired muscle coordination and judgment

I hardly see how this makes marijuana unhealthy. Just don't use it and drive and you'll be fine.

7.) Increased susceptibility to infections

This is a myth. There aren't any reliable studies on humans showing marijuana hurts the immune system. In fact marijuana is given to aids and cancer patients around the world to help them cope with pain. Marijuana..If it had any effect on the immune system would NOT be given to sick patients with damaged immune systems to begin with.

8.) Cardiac problems for people with heart disease or high blood pressure, because marijuana increases the heart rate

Evidence? Not that it increases heart rate but that there is a proven link between marijuana use and heart disease.

Johnny, it's irresponsible of you to say that's it benign, there are clearly health risks with smoking pot. I'm not saying it's lethal but there are definitely risks associated with it.

If there were health risks we should see people dead from it. We don't.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Juice but don't compete.
« Reply #130 on: May 21, 2006, 07:27:12 PM »
This is true except containing more tar doesn't mean it's more dangeorus. Marijuana contains THC which disrupts apoptotic pathway that cause cancer or other problems associated from the tar or carbon monoxide.

In laymen..the THC in marijuana counteracts the tar in it so that it's far less harmful tham tobacco. That's why people die from tobacco and not marijuana.

Again there's obviously some counteraction. The deat rate from Tobacco is over 400,000 a year in USA alone yet 0 from Marijuana. Meaning it's simply not dangerous.

Marijuana works differently on different people. Some people(Like the famous scientist carl sagan) are able to learn much better while on marijuana and compose their best works while using marijuana. Some others can hardly do basic math while using it. It depends on the person.

But the thing to remember is it's all TEMPORARY. Marijuana's effect is short term. The long term effects BENEFIT the brain.

Marijuana like chemicals spur braincell growth.

This is a very rare side effect occuring in a small number of people. Most who use marijuana get a feeling of eurphoria not paranoia.

I hardly see how this makes marijuana unhealthy. Just don't use it and drive and you'll be fine.

This is a myth. There aren't any reliable studies on humans showing marijuana hurts the immune system. In fact marijuana is given to aids and cancer patients around the world to help them cope with pain. Marijuana..If it had any effect on the immune system would NOT be given to sick patients with damaged immune systems to begin with.

Evidence? Not that it increases heart rate but that there is a proven link between marijuana use and heart disease.

If there were health risks we should see people dead from it. We don't.

 Great post! It's always good to see someone counter prejudice with fact.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: Juice but don't compete.
« Reply #131 on: May 21, 2006, 07:32:21 PM »
Getting high on pot is not a harmless activity. What's yours?

It's harmless if used correctly. I.E. not getting high and driving your car.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Juice but don't compete.
« Reply #132 on: May 21, 2006, 08:09:23 PM »
Getting high on pot is not a harmless activity. What's yours?

I do not use pot, but do like an occasional lemon drop martini..


  • Getbig V
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Re: Juice but don't compete.
« Reply #133 on: May 21, 2006, 08:18:31 PM »
Bobdybuilding is not a sport because they win on how they look, not how well they pose. Any of us could pose like the pros but we would lose because looks are what is being judged. That makes it an art, not a sport.

it is both an art and a sport

ask paul dillet how much posing counts or jay after the 01 Olympia



  • Getbig V
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Re: Juice but don't compete.
« Reply #134 on: May 21, 2006, 08:56:13 PM »
it is both an art and a sport

ask paul dillet how much posing counts or jay after the 01 Olympia


  It's what the physique looks like while posing, not the posing. As I said, either of us could pose as well as the pros, but we would lose the contest. It's not the posing, it's the physique. Even if it was the posing, it would still not be a sport, unless some sort of scoring system were used. Bodybuilding is fundamentally not a sport.