Author Topic: John Romano vs True Adonis and Vince Goodrum  (Read 8542 times)

The True Adonis

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John Romano vs True Adonis and Vince Goodrum
« on: February 25, 2007, 01:37:02 PM »
JOHN ROMANO: A life Less Ordinary or How I got owned by TA and Vince Goodrum!

I will start with this.

Look at this fictional "MELTDOWN" that John Romano had.  This is hillarious.

I was doing something called WORK. For True Adanus and Vince Dumbbum, that would be something one does in order to be productive, contribute and earn some income.

For the record - I have been off juice completely for over two years. And before that, I never took very much. The biggest cycle I was ever on was about 1200mg a week (if you added everything up) and I got up to 230 pretty hard. Not shredded, but hard. I was 24. I'm 46 now and can attest to the fact that I have stayed in shape for nearly twice as long as the True Idiot has been alive. During that time, I have dieted down to a very low level and been shredded more than once. Right now, at my age, on NOTHING, I have striations in my quads and more calf than both Dumbbum and Idiot put together - and no breasts. Especially not milk producing.

Also, I have endured several severe injuries that have set me back over the years (none related to bodybuilding or lifting) - torn biceps, completely torn patellar tendon, herniated disks at T-4 and T-5, torn shoulder, broken wrist, broken hand (twice). Then in Mexico, the Federales abducted me (by mistake, they were after my neighbor) they ambushed me outside my villa, threw a blanked over my head and beat me with batons until I stopped moving, threw me in the back of a pickup truck and drove 5 hrs to Guadalajara where I was interrogated (Mexican style) for two days before they confirmed the fact that they had the wrong guy. I had sever nerve damage in my left eye for almost a year after that and sever headaches when I tensed during training. On top of that, my son was abducted in Mexico when he was 2 and was missing for 4 weeks. I don't remember eating or training too much for a while during and after that. Other mind fucks during my career have also included a few business deals that nearly sucked the life out of me. And of course there were the usual set backs that all of you will eventually experience when you have 33 years in this game.

I've also pursued many other athletic interests outside bodybuilding. Most notably, for much of the 80s and early 90s, I was a serious rock climber. From small local crags to big walls in Yosemite. Shortly thereafter, I was fortunate enough to spend time in San Diego training with an America's Cup team. Grinding on a racing yacht requires a totally different training approach than bodybuilding and rock climbing. These days, I'm very much into cycling and click off at least 25 miles every morning, with a big ride on either Sat or Sun. That too requires a different approach in the gym.

Using juice as I have over those years has been a calculated protocol specific to my athletic pursuits or my healing, or both. Only a complete fucking moron would make such a retarded statement as to my lack of size in spite of this imaginary supertanker filled with juice that I’ve supposed to have consumed nearly every day of my life.

Naturally, I have seen guys over the years who look amazing completely drug free. Lane and Eric are two perfect examples. I know I am not genetically the same as these guys. And, my focus is different. I used gear to do what I wanted to do at the level I wanted to do it. The most important aspect of that is that whatever I did do, I did with as much knowledge as I could gather. And in so doing, today, my health is perfect. You're never going to hear me make such retarded Dumbbum statements such as "I had to get off for health reasons because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life on dialysis." or, "my breasts grew because I had been on for so long. That's what happens when you go off." Yeah, you produce milk! But only because you're a moron who doesn't know the first thing about he's doing. Nor do you have any idea about what I do or have done.

As you guys can see I’m in writing mode and this stuff flies out of me when I’m warmed up. I just wanted to give some of you some insight into what I’ve done and why. Especially since I have to two retards in tow spewing so many lies about me. I realized long ago that I was not going to make it as a competitive bodybuilder. I saw it up close and personal and I know what it takes to get to the top. I had neither the inclination nor the genetics to do so. This is perhaps why I have so much respect for the guys who do.

Especially the guys who do it without drugs.

natural al

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trying to keep the relationship alive?
nasser=piece of shit

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Here is VINCE GOODRUM owning the FUCK out of that fag-assed beanie wearing fruit, John Romano.

Oh please, Romano. You've been changing coats like a snake. One minute you're a rock climber, then a rock star, than a ship captain, then a cook, and now a hardcore steroid expert. You've done this all for financial gain and the respect I once had for you is long gone.

You may make fun of me getting off the gear but I've been clean since 2001 and you haven't. If you're such a big shit. The only reason why people know you is because you used to date that ugly ass female bodybuilder who screwed herself up on some bad shit. If you're so cool, then put some recent pictures up.

I'm sure you'll write some of this in you "Last Word". Well here's my last word. Fuck you and the transvestite you rode in on.
Caliber Fitness Solutions
The Leader in Human Evolution

See our ad in MD soon!!!!!


  • Getbig V
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anyone use species supplements here?

natural al

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nasser=piece of shit

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Romano was abducted. LOLOLOLOL

Imagine that.   The True Story is that he probably was wandering around Circuit City, looking for something to steal to support his recreational drug habit and as he was rifling through some Mexican`s pickup truck, the owner got in and pulled off and Romano was finally able to escape when they came to stop at the Taco Bell drive through.

hahhahhah  Romano thinks he is some kind of action star.

natural al

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I'll see you in Columbus!

oh, the irony of that TA quote.
nasser=piece of shit


  • Getbig V
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WHats funny is how APenis and Goodbum both make fun of Romano yet ROmano has done book loads more in this industry than you two together will ever do.  Apenis has already proven that he will never step on stage nor will he ever be known for anything but an Internet troll who lost an internet BB contest.  Goodbum on the other hand is known for stepping on stage even with a far inferior body even for a bowler.  His knowledge in anything could barely be considered a clift note.  He is best known for being the only drunk allowed to compete on stage.  So considering APenis's and Goodbums acheivements and potential I am pretty sure Romano is laughing his ass off at the both of you as most of us are.


  • Getbig IV
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Hahaha, another heavy roid user that's STILL using telling other people not to.

What a croc. I love when you post threads like this, TA. Hilarious.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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HAHAHA I`ll bet after Romano goes to the movie theatre,and the movie is over, he tries to act like the Main Character and sneak around the theatre a bit after he saw Casion Royale.

Or how about after he saw Too Fast, Too Furious.....Got in his little Honda and was doing doughnuts in the parking lot with his beanie on, hoping to entice a few into a burnout contest.

hahhahhahahah what a loser.


  • Getbig V
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Did i just read MD is paying APenis's way to the Arnold.  I love it.  They even want to see Apenis get his ass kicked.  I love it.  And he thinks its because he is working for them.  This gets better and better.  I doubt even MD is that low to hire Apenis.  

natural al

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Hahahah i can picture romano being abducted with the bag over his head and the guards yelling at him to touch his asshole. At first he would refuse but after constant beatings and crying like a little girl he would eventually fall in and touch his asshole for the pleasure of the mexican police ahahahahahaha.

wow, what a shock.  Buttlick is here virtually blowing adonis.  Didn't see that one coming at all ::) ::) ::) ::)

maybe one day when your balls drop you'll see that it's not a good idea to manworship but hey, give it a go.  You're good at it, you've got the virtual blowjobs and rimjobs down...soon you'll be able to do the real thing and all your wishes will come true.

what a homo.

Are you saying that TA lies?

no, I'm saying that the particular quote you used was very ironic if things are as they seem to be.  I wish I could explain more but......I can't verify the validity of the information I have.

Did i just read MD is paying APenis's way to the Arnold.  I love it.  They even want to see Apenis get his ass kicked.  I love it.  And he thinks its because he is working for them.  This gets better and better.  I doubt even MD is that low to hire Apenis.  

not exactly the case.
nasser=piece of shit

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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WHats funny is how APenis and Goodbum both make fun of Romano yet ROmano has done book loads more in this industry than you two together will ever do.  Apenis has already proven that he will never step on stage nor will he ever be known for anything but an Internet troll who lost an internet BB contest.  Goodbum on the other hand is known for stepping on stage even with a far inferior body even for a bowler.  His knowledge in anything could barely be considered a clift note.  He is best known for being the only drunk allowed to compete on stage.  So considering APenis's and Goodbums acheivements and potential I am pretty sure Romano is laughing his ass off at the both of you as most of us are.
I hate "The Industry" and would love to see it fail, just like your T-Shirt Business.  hahahahah   Bodybuilding is horrible in its current state.

natural al

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I hate "The Industry" and would love to see it fail, just like your T-Shirt Business.  hahahahah   Bodybuilding is horrible in its current state.

 ;D ;D ;D
nasser=piece of shit

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Are you saying that TA lies?
How I deadlifted 225 for 112.

Use Straps.  Do as many reps as you can until you are tired.  DO NOT PUT THE BAR DOWN.  Take about a 10-30 second rest and keep doing more reps until you hit 112.

Try for a time limit of just a few minutes.

ITs really easy.


  • Getbig IV
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Hey Buttlick.  WHo picked your name.  I thought your dad choose Dicksuck and your mom picked Buttsuck.  WHat made you go with your mom.  Or is this something you regulary do.  
Hahahah you type this while licking the cream off your fingers from your 10th twinkie. BLOODY FUCKING SPIDERS!!!!! ROFL!!


  • Getbig V
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Hey Buttlick just becasue you post my pic I will NOT go out with you.  I am not gay and I have told you repeatedly that you need to try another route.  Maybe PM Apenis and get his private number.  

natural al

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So MD is paying TA to go to Columbus?

"Issue 19's Foul Play is infamous for its ending, where a murderer is dismembered and his body parts are used to play a baseball game."


That story scared the hell out of me as a 10 year old.  The murderer was given an invitation to a special reunion ball game and horror ensued!

Will this happen to TA?  :-\

matt're rubbing salt in the wounds and you don't even know it.
nasser=piece of shit


  • Getbig V
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So MD is paying TA to go to Columbus?

"Issue 19's Foul Play is infamous for its ending, where a murderer is dismembered and his body parts are used to play a baseball game."


That story scared the hell out of me as a 10 year old.  The murderer was given an invitation to a special reunion ball game and horror ensued!

Will this happen to TA?  :-\

What was funny the TRUE ADONIS (ADAM ABELES) emailing chad nichols to say "did you know that your people have designed the MD site!!!!",

Chad told him to fuck off.


  • Getbig IV
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natural al

  • Getbig V
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What was funny the TRUE ADONIS (ADAM ABELES) emailing chad nichols to say "did you know that your people have designed the MD site!!!!",

Chad told him to fuck off.
i had not heard this one....hmmm.
nasser=piece of shit


  • Getbig II
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MD is going to pay me to go. The fireworks will ensue!

really? :-\


  • Getbig V
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i had not heard this one....hmmm.

lol theres so much.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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What was funny the TRUE ADONIS (ADAM ABELES) emailing chad nichols to say "did you know that your people have designed the MD site!!!!",

Chad told him to fuck off.

I never did that. 

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Is MD paying for TA or not?  ???