Author Topic: leg training  (Read 11712 times)


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Re: leg training
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2008, 07:32:05 AM »
This arguement pops up often and it seems Candi is always the

Once again, for the 235,876,523th time...The ENTIRE chest works as a unit, you cannot isolate the Upper/lower portion of the chest. you cannot work your "middle"

My proof, i studied Kinesiology in college. Time to hit the books and throw out the bodybuilding nonsense.

Good luck.



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Re: leg training
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2008, 08:07:17 AM »
To The Mercurial Messiah of Manteca:

When can we expect your exercise philosophy and superior training methods book to come out?  Has your publisher set a release date yet? I heard a rumor it will be around the 1st of September. Is it true that you are also  going to  kick off your book signing tour starting from your satellite cell in Manteca?  And end the tour in Dec, 2012 in Mexico City, at one of your other satellite cell's?  

I do not want to seem foreward but a lot of us here at GetBig can hardly wait for  "The Word According to the Mercurial Messiah of Manteca".  The best of luck.


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Re: leg training
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2008, 08:45:27 AM »
To The Mercurial Messiah of Manteca:

When can we expect your exercise philosophy and superior training methods book to come out?  Has your publisher set a release date yet? I heard a rumor it will be around the 1st of September. Is it true that you are also  going to  kick off your book signing tour starting from your satellite cell in Manteca?  And end the tour in Dec, 2012 in Mexico City, at one of your other satellite cell's?  

I do not want to seem foreward but a lot of us here at GetBig can hardly wait for  "The Word According to the Mercurial Messiah of Manteca".  The best of luck.
you are familiar with manteca arent you ? whats with the obsession with the CNS i see occuring throughout your posts ?   your from so-cal huh ? i can see that form your posts too...

why the hate ?

everything ive written is accurate


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Re: leg training
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2008, 08:47:54 AM »
This arguement pops up often and it seems Candi is always the

Once again, for the 235,876,523th time...The ENTIRE chest works as a unit, you cannot isolate the Upper/lower portion of the chest. you cannot work your "middle"

My proof, i studied Kinesiology in college. Time to hit the books and throw out the bodybuilding nonsense.

Good luck.

there is a monstrous difference between isolating a band/portion of fibers and putting the majority of the stress on a certain area of fibers..


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Re: leg training
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2008, 08:56:45 AM »
you are familiar with manteca arent you ? whats with the obsession with the CNS i see occuring throughout your posts ?   your from so-cal huh ? i can see that form your posts too...

why the hate ?

everything ive written is accurate

If you wear the CNS down too much, you will never recover and not make any progress...that's the "cliff notes" version.

Read up about physical stress and how it effects the CNS.

We are all here to learn bro, just try to keep an open mind.



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Re: leg training
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2008, 08:59:25 AM »
there is a monstrous difference between isolating a band/portion of fibers and putting the majority of the stress on a certain area of fibers..

You are correct.

One is impossible.

The other is possible.

Study my friend, hit the books and come debate me. :)

I don't have the time to explain years of college study to you, but you are welcome to address any and all of my comments with documented studies.



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Re: leg training
« Reply #56 on: June 12, 2008, 09:06:45 AM »
You are correct.

One is impossible.

The other is possible.

Study my friend, hit the books and come debate me. :)

I don't have the time to explain years of college study to you, but you are welcome to address any and all of my comments with documented studies.


Overload bringing the brutality ;D


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Re: leg training
« Reply #57 on: June 12, 2008, 09:13:11 AM »
well most of the growth from a workout happens in the first 48 hours after a workout. and actually, protein synthesis is at its higest immidietly post workout. so if you really have to wait for the CNS to recover then it seems that the cns recovers pretty much immideietly.

and on the issue of bringing up a protion of a upper chest. well you just agreed with me, and pretty much admitted that the only reason you contraqdicted me was either for EGO, or because you want to fit in with the ignorant training board regulars.

overload i dont know why you feel compelled to find reasons to come here and argue with me.. they are over semantics and mute points. ive always been pretty coool with you..

anyways; i would bring up a bunch of charles glass and other guys who would support me in this...and those guys are pretty much the be-all-end-all on the issue...but if i did so no one would respond to the point they would just say "are you comparing yourself to charles glass?" like thats an argument at all..



  • Getbig V
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Re: leg training
« Reply #58 on: June 12, 2008, 09:50:36 AM »
well most of the growth from a workout happens in the first 48 hours after a workout. and actually, protein synthesis is at its higest immidietly post workout. so if you really have to wait for the CNS to recover then it seems that the cns recovers pretty much immideietly.

and on the issue of bringing up a protion of a upper chest. well you just agreed with me, and pretty much admitted that the only reason you contraqdicted me was either for EGO, or because you want to fit in with the ignorant training board regulars.

overload i dont know why you feel compelled to find reasons to come here and argue with me.. they are over semantics and mute points. ive always been pretty coool with you..

anyways; i would bring up a bunch of charles glass and other guys who would support me in this...and those guys are pretty much the be-all-end-all on the issue...but if i did so no one would respond to the point they would just say "are you comparing yourself to charles glass?" like thats an argument at all..


I don't even know where to

I am stating FACTS based on SCIENCE. I lost my EGO(ID) many years ago, i'm only trying to educate people.

Let me know when you take some Anatomy or Kinesiology.

Take care young grasshoppa.



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Re: leg training
« Reply #59 on: June 12, 2008, 01:00:46 PM »
I`d be willing to wager that 99 % of the people on the board have no knowledge of sattelite cells and how they work..........epic parrotting from the mags or the internet!!!!!!!!!!

Train,Eat,Rest,Repeat...........K*I*S*S*>KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!


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Re: leg training
« Reply #60 on: June 12, 2008, 01:02:51 PM »
My high rep leg workout which i do when in my 'cuttin phase' aka now ...

Smith Squat 20X(45 on each side),15 (two 45s),12 (three 45s), 8 (four 45s) (drop two 45s for ss of 8 more), 6 (four 45s and a 25 ) (drop to two 45's to ss for 6 more)
Leg press 25,20,15,10 superset all sets with Sissy Squats(usually on 6-8)
Leg Extensions 30,25,20,15
Lying Leg Curls 20,15,10
Seated Leg Curl 20, 10
Lower Back Ext. (really streching out and contracting the hams here) 15,15,15
Calves 5 sets of whatever after 2 warm up sets. I ussually jack the wieght up to the most it can hold.


Jae,You`re saying that you squat 455 for 8 and it`s in a drop-set??


  • Getbig V
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Re: leg training
« Reply #61 on: June 12, 2008, 01:04:24 PM »
I`d be willing to wager that 99 % of the people on the board have no knowledge of sattelite cells and how they work..........epic parrotting from the mags or the internet!!!!!!!!!!

Train,Eat,Rest,Repeat...........K*I*S*S*>KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!
wes whats with your obsession with blsting anything that goes into detail ?

no one here is saying... lift like a pussy eat like a girl and stay up all night; but if you know the science youll be huge ! thats not it at all. obviously we all kick our own ass in the gym and we all eat whatever it is we need to eat to reach our current  goals, and we all make sure to rest enough...

so whats wrong with trying to learn the science so you can get more out of all your efforts?

your over simplistic approach is great for keeping on track but theres no reason to be hateful of getting more intricate as long as you keep up the intensity.....


  • Getbig IV
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Re: leg training
« Reply #62 on: June 12, 2008, 02:13:16 PM »
Attention MMM... A very short cliff note follows:

The CNS has the affect of governing the majority of  muscle nerve functions (including those satellite cell message units). In referring to maintenance, recovery/repair/advancement and general body health. The CNS will need (as the mean average) 72 hours (some disagreement on that) to return to a somewhat normal state after a hard workout. That normal state will allow the muscle fibers/cells to have the opportunity/time to heal and grow a little larger than before that workout (in theory anyway). And be ready to adapt to the next demanding workout. To say the the CNS is one of the most important factors in steady gains, including slow or no gains, would be an understatement.

Some say a complete return to a normal state for the body may require 2 to 3 weeks, as some sports medicine people suggest, though that may be to the extreme. To function at near 100% the CNS has to return to at least that, or near that. Mike Mentzer (Art Jones ,though they may differ slightly) seemed to had been of this opinion of having workouts few and far between in his training protocol. After his Black Flag training day, you would need all the extra rest you could get before the next battle with the weights.

There is another important element that also uses the letters CNS, that may need quick attention. It is "Candidizzle Needs Study". Now he seems like a nice enough  chap, though tending to be a mite arrogant and self absorbed. I am sure as he matures in life and learns to respect and listen to the  experiences of others, in the lifting game or anything else, he can improve himself greatly. Both with knowledge and a physically superior body. Knowledge is a liftime pursuit but you can get impressive muscle mass in not that many years, if you know what you are doing. Not talking about drugs here. Good Luck.


  • Getbig V
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Re: leg training
« Reply #63 on: June 12, 2008, 02:24:25 PM »
Once again, for the 235,876,523th time...The ENTIRE chest works as a unit, you cannot isolate the Upper/lower portion of the chest. you cannot work your "middle"

My proof, i studied Kinesiology in college. Time to hit the books and throw out the bodybuilding nonsense.

We've gone through this before-those who get bogged down in anatomy and having to mention degrees sometimes miss the point. Those things can actually distract from reality, not help. Whether a muscle is in fact all one area or dispirate poritions is beside the actual point, which is that different exercises do in fact hit different areas. I think those who focus too much on the literal structure of the bod sometimes miss this.

Getting in to pissing contests based on education reminds me of designing & then flying a jetliner based soley on CAD, it's absurd. Plenty of experienced guys including moi would strongly suggest that it takes more than texbooks to render an informed opinion.


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Re: leg training
« Reply #64 on: June 12, 2008, 02:34:39 PM »
Attention MMM... A very short cliff note follows:

The CNS has the affect of governing the majority of  muscle nerve functions (including those satellite cell message units). In referring to maintenance, recovery/repair/advancement and general body health. The CNS will need (as the mean average) 72 hours (some disagreement on that) to return to a somewhat normal state after a hard workout. That normal state will allow the muscle fibers/cells to have the opportunity/time to heal and grow a little larger than before that workout (in theory anyway). And be ready to adapt to the next demanding workout. To say the the CNS is one of the most important factors in steady gains, including slow or no gains, would be an understatement.

Some say a complete return to a normal state for the body may require 2 to 3 weeks, as some sports medicine people suggest, though that may be to the extreme. To function at near 100% the CNS has to return to at least that, or near that. Mike Mentzer (Art Jones ,though they may differ slightly) seemed to had been of this opinion of having workouts few and far between in his training protocol. After his Black Flag training day, you would need all the extra rest you could get before the next battle with the weights.

There is another important element that also uses the letters CNS, that may need quick attention. It is "Candidizzle Needs Study". Now he seems like a nice enough  chap, though tending to be a mite arrogant and self absorbed. I am sure as he matures in life and learns to respect and listen to the  experiences of others, in the lifting game or anything else, he can improve himself greatly. Both with knowledge and a physically superior body. Knowledge is a liftime pursuit but you can get impressive muscle mass in not that many years, if you know what you are doing. Not talking about drugs here. Good Luck.
you call me a dophead head and drug addict , what the fuck do you think mike mentzer was?

when 90% of all ifbb professionals, 90% aof all well respected bodybuilding trainers, and 90% of all the research shows one thing....    but one meth addict steroid using h.i.t. proponent says another... i guess its only rational to follow suit and go with the crazy guys opinion on things.

me personally i am going to listen to lee naey ronnie coleman jay cutler makus ruhl justin harris victor martinez..ect ect...  ill listen to those guys and follow what has always worked for me

you know i tried your way once, the h.i.t. CNS based training...   yeah, i lost an inch off my arms in about one months time..  i will say that my chest improved a tiny but only because for e first time i was using a spotter so i could etch out those last reps and realy reach failure...


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Re: leg training
« Reply #65 on: June 12, 2008, 04:37:31 PM »
Candi,not hating bro,and not a thing wrong with learning new things but a lot of that stuff doesn`t make much of a difference in the long run if you keep it basic and a lot of it is merely minutia.


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Re: leg training
« Reply #66 on: June 12, 2008, 04:45:10 PM »
Candi,not hating bro,and not a thing wrong with learning new things but a lot of that stuff doesn`t make much of a difference in the long run if you keep it basic and a lot of it is merely minutia.

Very true.  I can respect someone wanting to know every last detail about the science of things, but really, it's WAY too easy to get bogged down in the little bullshit that's really not necessary.  I doubt Yates or Coleman ever worried about satellite cells or the such.

I've found myself in the past to fall into the same trap, but honestly, it's just not something to worry about. I love to research things and find out details, but over the years, I've just relegated the majority of that information as "cool" stuff to know and not anything I worry about in the gym.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: leg training
« Reply #67 on: June 12, 2008, 05:36:26 PM »
Some heavy duty gym's I have been at have a sign or banner with K.I.S.S. written on it.  It's great advice because it's true. Also suggested by Wes in this thread.  When in doubt and trainings seems to  get bogged down, go back to the basics. Lifting is pretty simple stuff. Forget about what MR So and So of 2003 does. Take a few compound exercises and lift like your mean it, with serious intent. Get that extra rest and stoke up on the good quality food. Now watch yourself grow pure muscle. Good Luck.


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Re: leg training
« Reply #68 on: June 12, 2008, 05:46:32 PM »
you call me a dophead head and drug addict , what the fuck do you think mike mentzer was?

when 90% of all ifbb professionals, 90% aof all well respected bodybuilding trainers, and 90% of all the research shows one thing....    but one meth addict steroid using h.i.t. proponent says another... i guess its only rational to follow suit and go with the crazy guys opinion on things.

me personally i am going to listen to lee naey ronnie coleman jay cutler makus ruhl justin harris victor martinez..ect ect...  ill listen to those guys and follow what has always worked for me

you know i tried your way once, the h.i.t. CNS based training...   yeah, i lost an inch off my arms in about one months time..  i will say that my chest improved a tiny but only because for e first time i was using a spotter so i could etch out those last reps and realy reach failure...

100 % of the IFBB BBers are drugged out of their minds and would grow doing anything.  If you look at those guys after they stop training and juicing they retain little if any muscle.  Compare their lifting to that of a strong man or athlete and you will see who grows REAL muscle.  Most guys, myself included, follow the pros and don't do much. 

As far as HIT, I think most people don't eat and rest enough to fully benefit from it.
Squishy face retard


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Re: leg training
« Reply #69 on: June 12, 2008, 06:05:40 PM »
I don't even know where to

I am stating FACTS based on SCIENCE. I lost my EGO(ID) many years ago, i'm only trying to educate people.

Let me know when you take some Anatomy or Kinesiology.

Take care young grasshoppa.


tip from me to you:

nevermind that you are both bigger and FAR stronger with more experience than candi. he will argue that he knows more until he is blue in the face and, coincidentally, will resume doing what he's doing and getting nothing from it. at some point pumpster will back him up and when you argue against him, expect a shitload of ad hominem personal attacks and for your posts to get deleted.

the training board is starting to get hard to get through simply because of a pair of guys with huge egos that think they know everything despite demonstrating nothing.


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Re: leg training
« Reply #70 on: June 12, 2008, 07:24:59 PM »
tip from me to you:

nevermind that you are both bigger and FAR stronger with more experience than candi. he will argue that he knows more until he is blue in the face and, coincidentally, will resume doing what he's doing and getting nothing from it. at some point pumpster will back him up and when you argue against him, expect a shitload of ad hominem personal attacks and for your posts to get deleted.

the training board is starting to get hard to get through simply because of a pair of guys with huge egos that think they know everything despite demonstrating nothing.
That's what the Positive Board is for! :D

I gave up trying to give candidildo any type of "training" advice or my opinion on what works/what doesn't. He read it in MD and Charles Glass said so, so it's true for everyone.

And pumpster is blinded by his hatred for anyone that disagrees with him, he goes into delete mode when his boytoy candidildo gets blasted.


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Re: leg training
« Reply #71 on: June 12, 2008, 08:21:41 PM »
What amazes me is the knuckle heads that come on here, think this forum is THEIR personal domain and only their information matters.  We are all men and if you can't handle differing opinions then tough, but if you cause unnecessary trouble then it becomes a problem.  If someone wants to train a certain way, let them.  If guys disagree, fine, but don't get pissy, which is what I see a few people doing.  Enjoy the training advice from guys pushing big weight and getting results, and learn a thing or two.  Meltdown complete.
Squishy face retard


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Re: leg training
« Reply #72 on: June 12, 2008, 08:38:44 PM »
Enjoy the training advice from guys pushing big weight and getting results, and learn a thing or two. 
This is where it gets tricky, because candi says big, strong, experienced guys are wrong and MD and Charles Glass are right. Anyone saying otherwise is just a plain ol idiot. ::)


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Re: leg training
« Reply #73 on: June 12, 2008, 09:22:16 PM »
This is where it gets tricky, because candi says big, strong, experienced guys are wrong and MD and Charles Glass are right. Anyone saying otherwise is just a plain ol idiot. ::)
no no no... big jacked bodybuilders wh have been lifting their entire lives and have been successful at building quality physiques are the people i listen to.

oh and dont give me no bullshit about them being filled with drugs because SO AM I  ;D

i agree absolutely100% that the best way for a natural lifeter, regardless of bodybuilding or powerlifting oriented, should ALWAYS lift bigger and heavier and ALWAYS do basic compound heavy intense movements.


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Re: leg training
« Reply #74 on: June 12, 2008, 09:38:44 PM »

oh and dont give me no bullshit about them being filled with drugs because SO AM I  ;D

So how is that working out for you?

What strength gains have you made in the basic lifts, bench, dead, rows, squats, overhead presses?

How has your body changed size wise? Are you bigger, leaner?

I'm asking because you are constantly saying how you are "on", yet you refuse to show progress pics, and your "log" was a short lived memory.