Author Topic: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated  (Read 19751 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #75 on: October 23, 2011, 11:39:20 AM »
Muammar Gaddafi's grisly death raises questions the length of Libya's revolutionary road

The manner of Gaddafi's killing raises questions for the militias that make up the new Libya, writes Andrew Gilligan in Sirte.
The highway from Benghazi to Sirte was the Libyan revolution's battleground and success gauge: the road it drove up, retreated down, drove up again, then got stuck on for months; the road, this Thursday, on which it trapped and killed Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

All along the revolutionary road, less than 48 hours after that final triumph, we found something unexpected: a smidgeon of sympathy for the dead dictator.

In Benghazi, on the main square where it all started, they were slaughtering camels in celebration. There they sat, eight of them, feet tied so they could not move, quivering with fear as they were beheaded one by one. As soldiers fired rifles in the air, members of the cheering crowd held up the severed heads as trophies. They daubed their hands in the camel-blood, and gave the V-for-victory sign with dripping fingers.

But away from the square, the birthplace of the revolution was not in party mood. The streets were fairly quiet. And in the cafes, people were watching TV pictures – more graphic than any shown in Britain – of a bloodied Gaddafi dragged along and beaten, feebly protesting, before a gun was put to his head.

The picture then cut to the dead ex-leader being rolled onto the pavement, blood pooling from the back of his skull.

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From the WebFORM THE WEB:Gaddafi Dead: Leader's 42 Years In Power21 Oct 2011(The Huffington Post)Warriors: Terry's Commentary on Viking Terror22 Dec 2009( Children of War31 Dec 1969(LIFE)[what's this]
"He deserves to die, but not in this sort of way," said Mohammed Hamed, one of those who saw the images. "It's haram [forbidden in Islam] the way they treated him.

"He was a prisoner and should have been treated as a prisoner."

By last week, the empire of the self-proclaimed "emperor of Africa" had shrunk to the size of a drainpipe. His army had shrivelled to a handful of cars.

But the one thing Gaddafi retained to the very end was his ability to put on a show. Other Arab dictators – Tunisia's Zine el Abidine ben Ali, Egypt's Hosni Mubarak - slipped away into the night. Gaddafi's demise was as box-office as his 42-year rule.

Fascinatingly, some of the most gruesome images were apparently distributed by Al-Rai, the regime mouthpiece TV channel that aired the colonel's messages of defiance after losing power in August.

In the last one, only two weeks ago, he urged his followers to "rise up, raise our green flags to the skies and go and march in your millions in all the squares."

That, we can safely predict, will not be happening. Past us on the road to Sirte streamed thousands of revolutionary soldiers in the opposite direction, jubilantly returning from the front line to their homes for Sunday's planned day of national celebration. Even the field hospitals were pulling out. That war is definitely over.

But Gaddafi was not, as a government minister claimed only three weeks ago, hiding on the Algerian border. He did not take a four-by-four through the irrigation tunnels of his Great Man-Made River to some luxurious desert lair. Maybe such Hollywood stuff never happens in real life – Saddam and bin Laden died in humble circumstances too.

Maybe Gaddafi was only in Sirte because he had nowhere else to go.

But the fact is that he was found at the scene of the revolution's last battle, a fight which turned out to be among the war's most savage.

Before it was known he was in Sirte, the commander of the Nato air campaign, Lt-Gen Ralph Jodice, spoke of his "surprise" at the "tenacity" of the pro-Gaddafi forces holding the city, saying: "It's quite interesting how resilient and fierce they've been." Yesterday, the fact that he kept his promise to go down in – or at least near - the fighting was earning him a certain amount of respect.

"He had his gun with him. He was involved in the fighting," said Mohammed al-Nour, from the city of Ajdabiya. "I hated him but he did not run away."

Whatever al-Rai and the last loyalist handful may want, of course, the colonel will not be remembered as a martyr. He was despised by Libyans, who are overwhelmingly pleased to see him dead.

"We could not even say his name without fear," said Ali Barzani, a car dealer. "Now we are watching his body on television. This is a great day."

But Gaddafi's death is already showing up some of the weaknesses of Libya's new rulers.

The claim by the interim prime minister, Mahmoud Jibril, that he was killed in "crossfire" looks ever more false with every new piece of video.

Both he and his son Mutassim were alive when captured, and dead soon after. A statement by an anonymous NTC source that "they beat [Gaddafi] and they killed him" seems closer to the mark.

But Mr Jibril angrily rejected demands by the United Nations and some in the West for a proper investigation into the circumstances of Gaddafi's death.

"People in the West don't understand the agony and pain that the people went through during the past 42 years," he said.

The dictator's treatment – before and after death - underlines that Libya does not have a government, or a state with functioning standards, only a collection of militias.

After he was killed, his body was taken by the Misurata militia and put on display in a shopping centre, where yesterday the corpses of his slain son Mutassim and Gaddafi's army chief, Abu Bakr, were placed alongside.

Libyans from hundreds of miles away came to queue up and, some wearing gloves and masks, view the three bodies.

But the National Transitional Council, the supposed ruling body, was yesterday having a very hard time getting its hands on Gaddafi's corpse, or agreeing with the Misuratans how it should be buried.

On Saturday there were reports that it would be passed to the Gaddafi family.

What this meant was not entirely clear, since all of his immediate relatives are either dead, in exile or - in the case of his son Saif - still on the run. The apparent announcement came as Al-Rai TV said relatives wanted the body handed over.

"We call on the UN, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and Amnesty International to force the NTC to hand over the martyrs' bodies to our tribe," the station proclaimed on the family's behalf.

Most of the militias are based on a particular town, financed and commanded largely autonomously. Gaddafi's death means that the main thing which united them – the war against him – is over. Now, the many rivalries and disputes between them, and between them and the NTC, may come to the fore.

Those involving Misurata will be particularly fierce.

This port city, the country's third largest, became the hero of the revolution when it withstood an horrendous three-month siege from Gaddafi forces. In the battle for Tripoli, it was Misuratans who largely conquered Gaddafi's Bab al-Aziziyah compound.

Understandably, they have a very high opinion of themselves. "[The revolution] was teamwork," says Suleiman Fortia, a spokesman for the Misurata Brigade. "But we deserve the cup."

The Misuratans have almost established their own independent enclave, a kind of inverse Sirte: no Libyan from outside the city may enter it without a permit.

And the "cup" they want for their revolutionary endeavours is none other than the prime ministership of Libya for their commander, Rahman Swelhi. "Towns that suffered should have a greater voice," says Mr Fortia.

As for Mr Jibril, "We will never accept him. He should do the honourable thing and just vanish." Mr Jibril replies that the Misuratans do not seem to understand democracy.

"Fighting and strength is not a measure for representation in government," he has said. "Representation is a right guaranteed to all of us."

But the NTC is indeed going to vanish: Mr Jibril, along with the rest of the council, have already said they will serve only until elections in eight months' time, and he repeated that yesterday. Eight months is quite enough time for political disputes to fester and harden into something more serious.

Other places, too, are fighting for their share. Zintan, a town of just 70,000 in the Nafusa mountains that played an important part in the liberation of Tripoli, wants two cabinet posts, including the ministry of public works, coveted for its bribe potential. Benghazi's reluctance to celebrate too hard may reflect increasing anxiety about its own place in the revolution.

"Don't forget we carried the weight of the country at a difficult time," says one of its NTC members. Most of the militias, despite appeals, have refused to leave Tripoli, where each controls its little area of the city.

Abdulhakim Belhaj, the Islamist commander in charge of the capital's security, said only two weeks ago: "The citizens of Tripoli are frightened.

We demand an end to the uncontrolled arms that have started to be clearly seen on the streets." Mr Belhaj himself is involved in a huge area of yet further disagreement: he has attacked attempts by "secular elements" to "isolate and ignore" Libya's Islamists. "Some call for us to be marginalised. We will not allow this," he warns, a little ominously.

The other bad augury from the death of the dictator is that it reminds us the new, free Libya has not entirely thrown off the old Gaddafi nastiness. Much of Sirte, a pro-Gaddafi city of 100,000 people, has been substantially destroyed by revolutionary forces: barely a building in many areas is undamaged.

"The rebels shelled my house," said Mohammed Ferjani, from District 3, a clearly civilian residential area, pointing at a huge hole in the side of it. "On our street, a whole family was killed."

District 3 was relatively lightly attacked. In Districts 1 and 2, their torn-down Gaddafi flags lying in rags on the ground, we drove through a townscape of almost complete destruction, empty of civilians.

Parts of the "Dollar" area – Libyan slang for the posh part of town – looked, quite simply, post-nuclear. By the end, Gaddafi and his entourage must have been some of the last people left in Sirte.

Libya's last retail copies of the Green Book, Gaddafi's incomprehensible tract, were strewn in the road outside the only shop in the country still stocking it. Sewage flooded the streets.

Outside the ruins of his home, a huge bomb crater obliterating most of the road, Ali Mohammed Ali, a mechanic, brewed tea. "Nato said they were protecting civilians, but I'm a civilian and they hit my house," he said. Alone in his area, Mr Ali stayed to protect his property from mass looting.

"There are two kinds of rebels," he said. "The first kind came to fight and the second kind to steal." It is no surprise that Libya cannot throw off viciousness.

Its history of repression goes back far further than Gaddafi.

Along this same road was the Italian concentration camp of Al Aghela, where thousands of Bedouin perished in colonial times, and Soulouk, where the great liberation fighter, Omar al-Mukhtar, was hanged by the Italians before 20,000 of his imprisoned supporters.

But this time, perhaps, Libya has a real chance to escape its history.

Unlike Egypt or Tunisia, where the leader went but the system stayed, Gaddafi's great bequest is that he was the system. Gaddafi's end leaves Libya with a cleaner sheet than any other Arab country. Even the militias are mostly composed of non-professional "citizen soldiers:" they may not want to abandon their families again for internecine fighting.

Along the road to Sirte, the old front line in Brega and Ras Lanuf, household names earlier this year, is now invisible.

This is the centre of Libya's oil industry, whose production is already back up from almost zero to 350,000 barrels a day, expects to reach a million by January and should return to full pre-war levels (1.6 million barrels) during 2012. The politics of free Libya may be difficult, but the economics are much more promising.

At Gaddafi's Tripoli compound of Bab al-Aziziyah, they have started knocking down the huge perimeter walls that kept out the public. And the lawn in front of his house, where he gave his famous speech promising to crush the then-rebel "rats," is now used for a weekly pet market.

On Sunday, in Tunisia, are held the Arab Spring's first free elections.

Next month it is Egypt's turn. And the day after Gaddafi died, President Obama announced the final pullout of the last American troops from Iraq.

Choreographed that may have been, but the sense of an old era ending and a new one beginning is real and unmistakable.

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #76 on: October 23, 2011, 11:43:38 AM »
if you blow up a plane containing 200 americans, you deserve to be shot in the street.

end thread.  no defense.  He killed americans.   nothing else to talk about.

Soul Crusher

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #77 on: October 23, 2011, 11:46:24 AM »
if you blow up a plane containing 200 americans, you deserve to be shot in the street.

end thread.  no defense.  He killed americans.   nothing else to talk about.

This is the guy who did it.   

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Soul Crusher

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #79 on: October 23, 2011, 11:53:02 AM »
kadaffi was innocent, 33?

No.  But I dont really like the idea of cheering on summary executions in the street either.   neither, does RP, so lets say you are now against 79% of what he agrees with.   

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #80 on: October 23, 2011, 11:57:11 AM »

No.  But I dont really like the idea of cheering on summary executions in the street either.   neither, does RP, so lets say you are now against 79% of what he agrees with.   

doesn't matter what i disagree with him on.  What matters is taht he could stop the insane spending - and NO other candidate will do that.  Stop taht spending, and things recover fast.

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #81 on: October 23, 2011, 12:00:35 PM »
doesn't matter what i disagree with him on.  What matters is taht he could stop the insane spending - and NO other candidate will do that.  Stop taht spending, and things recover fast.

you favor excessive spending so STFU.  you favored the Stim Bill remember?     

________________________ ________________________

Libya's transitional leader, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, says Libya will be ruled by Islamic Sharia law! 
 Libya NTC head Jalil pledges to uphold Islamic law staff and news service reports
October 23, 2011

Libya's transitional leader has declared liberation of the country, three days after the death of its leader of four decades, Moammar Gadhafi.

Mustafa Abdul-Jalil also told thousands of supporters at a ceremony on Sunday that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In an address that set an Islamist tone for post-Gadhafi Libya, he said new banks would be set up to follow the Islamic banking system, which bans charging interest.

"This revolution was looked after by God to achieve victory," he told the crowd.

"All the martyrs, the civilians and the army had waited for this moment. But now they are in the best of places ... eternal heaven," he said, shaking hands with supporters.

Read the full article at:

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #82 on: October 23, 2011, 12:03:27 PM »
Autopsy: Qaddafi was killed by shot to head (Obama and NATO complicit in real war crimes)
cbs ^ | 10/23/2011 | ap

An autopsy confirmed that Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi died from a gunshot to the head, the country's chief pathologist said Sunday, just hours before Libya's new leaders were to declare liberation and a formal end to an eight-month civil war to topple the longtime ruler's regime.

The declaration starts the clock on a transition to democracy that is fraught with uncertainty and could take up to two years.

However, international concern about the circumstances of Qaddafi's death and indecision over what to do with his remains overshadowed what was to be a joyful day. Qaddafi's body has been on public display in a commercial freezer in a shopping center in the port city of Misrata, which suffered from a bloody siege by regime forces during the spring.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #83 on: October 23, 2011, 12:09:37 PM »
yeah, let's all shed tears for kadaffi.  

i would expect liberals to cry about how an evil dictator with 40 years of terrorism, worldwide hit squads, and human rights violation was killed...

but repubs?  REALLY?  I have to think if Bush had X'd out kadaffi, 33 woudln't be crying about the violation of kadaffi's civil rights?

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #84 on: October 23, 2011, 12:11:30 PM »
yeah, let's all shed tears for kadaffi.  

i would expect liberals to cry about how an evil dictator with 40 years of terrorism, worldwide hit squads, and human rights violation was killed...

but repubs?  REALLY?  I have to think if Bush had X'd out kadaffi, 33 woudln't be crying about the violation of kadaffi's civil rights?

I'm not shedding tears, he deserved a trial, then execution if found guilty. 

Having been caught alive, unarmed, he deserved to be delivered to the authorities and dealt with accordingly.   

Sorry 180 - unlike you, I actually believe in the rule of law.     

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #85 on: October 23, 2011, 12:15:45 PM »
I'm not shedding tears, he deserved a trial, then execution if found guilty. 

Having been caught alive, unarmed, he deserved to be delivered to the authorities and dealt with accordingly.   

Sorry 180 - unlike you, I actually believe in the rule of law.     

I don't remember "obama and NATO" being the ones who killed him.  Looked like an angry mob on the video.

Obama/Nato shot and stopped his escape.  He was then hiding in a storm drain.  Then some local criminals killed him.

Do you have evidence that obama ordered these local criminals to shoot kadaffi?

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #86 on: October 23, 2011, 12:18:31 PM »
I don't remember "obama and NATO" being the ones who killed him.  Looked like an angry mob on the video.

Obama/Nato shot and stopped his escape.  He was then hiding in a storm drain.  Then some local criminals killed him.

Do you have evidence that obama ordered these local criminals to shoot kadaffi?

WWWW   TTTTTTTT   FFFFFF   ! ! ! ! ! ! !

You and andre have been giving each other golden showers for 2 days over Obama's role in this!   

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #87 on: October 23, 2011, 12:28:41 PM »
obama overthrew the govt.   that govt supported terror and was about to enact more mass killings - promising 10k people killed in the streets that week, remember?

US troops didn't shoot him.  he was killed in a street crime.   obama overthrew an evil govt.  Thugs in street broke law and killed kadaffi

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #88 on: October 23, 2011, 12:34:12 PM »
obama overthrew the govt.   that govt supported terror and was about to enact more mass killings - promising 10k people killed in the streets that week, remember?

US troops didn't shoot him.  he was killed in a street crime.   obama overthrew an evil govt.  Thugs in street broke law and killed kadaffi

Do you even look at the screen when you type, or do you just randomly smash a bunch of words with your keyboard and then press spell check?

Lay off the moonshine, possum stew and inter-family fornication for a bit. 


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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #89 on: October 23, 2011, 12:48:39 PM »
Do you even look at the screen when you type, or do you just randomly smash a bunch of words with your keyboard and then press spell check?

Lay off the moonshine, possum stew and inter-family fornication for a bit. 

OBAMA VICTORIOUS...nothing else matters..keep up with all your bogus arguments.....I was just starting to gain respect for you are such a smart guy.....give Obama his due and move on okay>???

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #90 on: October 23, 2011, 12:50:47 PM »
OBAMA VICTORIOUS...nothing else matters..keep up with all your bogus arguments.....I was just starting to gain respect for you are such a smart guy.....give Obama his due and move on okay>???

Like I said - you happily enjoy your golden showers from Obama.   


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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #91 on: October 23, 2011, 12:53:35 PM »

Like I said - you happily enjoy your golden showers from Obama.   

I'd like to pee on you actually :D

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #92 on: October 23, 2011, 01:00:35 PM »
I'd like to pee on you actually :D

You know where my office is.  If you feel like you want to try it - go ahead - just tell me if you prefer a shotgun blast, a machete chop, a 9mm to the head, etc.     


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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #93 on: October 23, 2011, 01:01:50 PM »
You know where my office is.  If you feel like you want to try it - go ahead - just tell me if you prefer a shotgun blast, a machete chop, a 9mm to the head, etc.     

what does it matter?'re not capable doing any of them

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #94 on: October 23, 2011, 01:18:06 PM »
what does it matter?'re not capable doing any of them


Feeling lucky punk? 


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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #95 on: October 23, 2011, 01:19:09 PM »


Feeling lucky punk? 

the great 3333 resorting to own ;D

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #96 on: October 23, 2011, 01:21:09 PM »
the great 3333 resorting to own ;D

Like I said - you know where my office is.   

If you want me to help you go on SSI, I can probably assist you in that.   


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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #97 on: October 23, 2011, 01:41:27 PM »
I'd like to pee on you actually :D

I'm sure u would "DOC".

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #98 on: October 23, 2011, 02:39:29 PM »
Libya’s transitional leader declares liberation, sets Islamist tone for future
Washington Post ^ | 10/23/11 | Associated Press

Tripoli, Libya - Libya’s interim rulers declared the country liberated on Sunday after an eight-month civil war, launching the oil-rich nation on what is meant to be a two-year transition to democracy. But they laid out plans with an Islamist tone that could rattle their Western backers.

The joyful ceremony formally marking the end of Moammar Gadhafi’s 42-year tyranny was also clouded by mounting pressure from the leaders of the NATO campaign that helped secure victory to investigate whether Gadhafi, dragged wounded but alive out of a drainage ditch last week, was then executed by his captors.

The circumstances of Gadhafi’s death remain unclear. In any case, critics said the gruesome spectacle of his blood-streaked body laid out as a trophy for a third day of public viewing in a commercial freezer tests the new leadership’s commitment to the rule of law. (Snip)

Gadhafi’s capture and the fall of his hometown of Sirte, the last loyalist stronghold, set the stage for the long-awaited declaration of liberation, delivered by the head of the National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil.

He did not mention the circumstances surrounding Gadhafi’s death — mobile phone videos showed the wounded leader being taunted and beaten by a mob after his capture. But he urged his people to eschew hatred.

“You should only embrace honesty, patience, and mercy,” Abdul-Jalil told a flag-waving crowd of several thousand at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi.

Abdul-Jalil laid out a vision for a new Libya with an Islamist tint, saying Islamic Sharia law would be the “basic source” of legislation, and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Great fucking job  Obama / Andre / 240!!!!!

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Re: OBAMA'S ASS-KICKING OF 3333 CONTINUES...Ghadafi dead and defeated
« Reply #99 on: October 24, 2011, 04:31:55 AM »
Bodies of 53 apparent Gadhafi loyalists found in Libyan hotel (Obama complicit in war crimes)
cnn ^ | 10/24/2011 | staff
Posted on October 24, 2011 6:30:37 AM EDT by tobyhill

The bodies of 53 people, believed to be supporters of ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, has been found in a hotel that was under the control of anti-Gadhafi fighters, Human Rights Watch said Monday.

The rights group said it found the bodies clustered together at Hotel Mahari in Sirte on Sunday. About 20 residents were putting the bodies in body bags to prepare them for burial when Human Rights Watch found them.

"We found 53 decomposing bodies, apparently (Gadhafi) supporters, at an abandoned hotel in Sirte, and some had their hands bound behind their backs when they were shot," said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director of Human Rights Watch.

"This requires the immediate attention of the Libyan authorities to investigate what happened and hold accountable those responsible."

Officials with the National Transitional Council, Libya's new leadership, were not immediately available for comment.

The residents told Human Rights Watch investigators they found the bodies last week after the fighting in Sirte stopped and they returned home.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...