Author Topic: Low Carb/Keto lifestyle for skinny fat and endos?  (Read 30089 times)

Thong Maniac

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Re: Low Carb/Keto lifestyle for skinny fat and endos?
« Reply #175 on: February 05, 2015, 12:48:47 PM »
So how much olive oil can you use on hi fat diets? Alot?

For breakfast i went to whole foods and had 2 peices of london broil, mixed greens and smoothered all of it in olive oil and vinegar. Was amazing. Is that hi fat enough?

Thong Maniac

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Re: Low Carb/Keto lifestyle for skinny fat and endos?
« Reply #176 on: February 05, 2015, 01:21:41 PM »

I appreciate the article offers food for thought about HDL readings and is interesting.

Nonetheless, the discussion I am having with you is NOT about the overall safety of using steroids and its risk to reward ratio.

What we are talking about specifically here is what kind of diet is best for overall health while using anabolic steroids to mitigate as best as possible heart failure, stroke and kidney problems and other factors steroids expedite.

The answer to that question is high fat diets (especially bad fats) and sugar should be avoided as much as possible.

This is one reason the vast majority of bodybuilders running huge cycles opt for diets which are moderate to high protein, moderate to high carbs (not sugar) and low healthy fats.

The evidence is resounding as to why that is the case if you research it, far beyond the scope of this thread for me to detail it all.

Low Carb/Keto diets work great for fatloss, but make no mistake about them being remotely healthy, especially while running gear.

I have a feeling 50 percent of people agree with the last statement

Thong Maniac

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Re: Low Carb/Keto lifestyle for skinny fat and endos?
« Reply #177 on: February 05, 2015, 01:24:47 PM »
The problem with the vast majority of gym rats cycling and getting less than optimal results is simply because they don't eat enough to let steroids do their job.

This was basically the reason for my OP. I was crushing alot of "healthy" foods. Rice, chicken, salmon, whole wheat pastas or quinoa pasta, olive oil, fish oil....and im on cycle,....and just kept getting fatter, not better. Which is why i want to experiment with hi fat diet. Keep in mind im only on 700mg of test a week, nothijg else

Thong Maniac

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Re: Low Carb/Keto lifestyle for skinny fat and endos?
« Reply #178 on: February 05, 2015, 02:09:24 PM »

If you are training properly and enough with the right intensity, volume and frequency you should not be getting fat eating clean foods within your TDEE depending on your goals.

I also accept it is very difficult to eat lots and lots of clean foods if you are trying to add muscle, its almost like a full time job eating enough, that is why diet is the hardest part of this game and why most people fail.

I need stats overall to assess and give opinion, weight, height, BF %, current training schedule, diet, goals + how many years regular training etc.

6ft, 210. Honestly man im lean everywhere but my lower back, stomache and tits. When i gain weight, that is where it goes. So unless im 8-10 percent, i look lousy with no shirt on. I do cRdio and HIIT often. Full body split 3 times a week now. I want to be full and 8 percent at 200lb, and keep around there year round

Big Chiro Flex

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Re: Low Carb/Keto lifestyle for skinny fat and endos?
« Reply #179 on: February 05, 2015, 02:48:45 PM »
Threads like these make me miss galeniko and no one, they would slap the shit out of all of you.

Thong Maniac

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Re: Low Carb/Keto lifestyle for skinny fat and endos?
« Reply #180 on: February 05, 2015, 03:05:09 PM »

Are you taking Aromatize Inhibitor such as Arimidex on the 700mg Test that you are on? If not then you definitely should be by the sound of things.
If you are getting fat near your tits, stomach and lower back its often sign you have way too much estrogen floating around in your body and you are no doubt getting water retention.

Anything above 500mg Test and I will be on 1mg Arimidex EOD otherwise I will look like a total bloated pig. Test at those levels will aromatise easily.
Also working out only 3 times a week doing full body????? That is not good my friend.
I don't think you are working out enough or eating enough, you need to up both and take AI if you are not. When on cycle is the time to KILL IT, you can get away with eating more and training more because you recover more quickly, that is the whole point of juicing in the first place so take advantage of it.

You should be eating and training something like this if possible. You can adjust splits but generally should look like this.

Training: twice a day. 6 times a week min.

Empty Stomach- Monday - Saturday 45min - 1 hour cardio (change up between LISS & HITT depending on how you HIIT only 2-3 times week max)

Evenings: 45 mins to 1 hour 15 min max
Monday: Chest + Back
Tuesday: Shoulders + Arms
Wednesday: Legs
Thursday: Off
Friday: Repeat cycle

Train each body part AT LEAST 2 times a week. Do at least 30-40 sets per muscle group possibly apart from arms which you can do around 20 ish. Don't rest more than a minute, incorporate super sets, drop sets and keep intensity up as much as muscle, you should be drenched with sweat after it.

Total focus on mind/muscle connection and only use weight that allows you to have constant tension on muscle all the time. Forget weight and reps, just focus on pain and suffering as much on the muscle group you are training. I mean good pain not injury type pain.

Diet: Depending on TDEE and Goals (adjust cals depending on that) try and eat at least 5 times a day, although 8 is better, small portions but regular. Get foods from rice, potatoes, chicken, lean red meat, fish, oats, vegtibles and salads, olive oil etc

After morning Cardio.
Oats + Whey
2-3 hours later.
Rice + Steak.
2-3 hours later.
Chicken + Rice.
2-3 hours later
Fish + Rice.
2-3 hours later
Just chicken + veg.
2-3 hour later
Cottage cheese + omelette

....drink shit loads of water everyday and be in bed by 10.00pm

That or similar kinda of regime is what most serious guys will train and eat like.

Yes, pharma adex at .5mg EOD, can bump up if u really think its necessary. Also, when on trt or even moderate cycles under 500mg, my estrogen is ALWAYS around 15-30. The weight gain in those areas i speak of are unrelated and probably bro science about the estro

Bro i just dont want to be fat or even permabulker. My face gets fat, my jaw line receeds when i get fat, and the part about tits, stomache etc. im too old to do that bulking stuff. Thats why i need to find an approac that works year round that lets me enjoy life somewhat and not get fat and bloofy. Ive been there and done that.