Author Topic: Primemuscle Blocked Me.  (Read 7038 times)


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #75 on: May 11, 2022, 01:59:20 PM »
Welcome back Prime!



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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #76 on: May 11, 2022, 02:09:04 PM »


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #77 on: May 11, 2022, 02:12:21 PM »
Welcome back pal.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #78 on: May 11, 2022, 02:13:35 PM »
Welcome back Prime!


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #79 on: May 11, 2022, 02:33:54 PM »
Go eat shit stained dick, PrimeFaggot.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #80 on: May 11, 2022, 02:50:27 PM »
Matt really is pathetic.

Melts down at every post. Whines all day. Can’t stop whining. Loser. It just never ends with him.

Bullshit, SF!

Just FYI - but this is a one-sided duel. I don't have any issues with your posts. But when you bring my family in the picture, it crosses the line, man.

Anyway, I don't look at you as a generally negative or angry person - but I think you have an issue with me for being a right-wing guy who doesn't hide my views.

As for me complaining recently about the pandemic gym closures - NO ****, I WAS! My uncle would have lost his salons had that foolishness continued. Yeah, I'm mad. Why shouldn't I be? I still literally can't leave my damn country, while convicted pedophiles can!

Anyway, ever since the gyms have opened - I've been fine.

I hesitate to post new photos of my children online, but in case you care - here is a photo from Saturday with my 4-year-old.

Training is going well - hopefully I can get back into my best shape again. And take my word, SF - I won't be complaining if I'm legally allowed to do that.

Anyway, if you want to continue a beef with me, that's fine - just know it's one-sided.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #81 on: May 11, 2022, 03:15:03 PM »
You must be like... the Bill Cosby of Canada.  I can't believe any woman willingly slept with you.  You look like you use more cosmetics than she would.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #82 on: May 11, 2022, 03:52:02 PM »
Prime, every circus needs their clowns (me included) I may bust your balls, but glad you are doing OK.
We thought the RONA may have gotten ya.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #83 on: May 11, 2022, 04:10:38 PM »
Prime, every circus needs their clowns (me included) I may bust your balls, but glad you are doing OK.
We thought the RONA may have gotten ya.

x2 Welcome back Mr soggy


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #84 on: May 11, 2022, 04:46:08 PM »
You must be like... the Bill Cosby of Canada.  I can't believe any woman willingly slept with you.  You look like you use more cosmetics than she would.

Lurker - do you really think that?

[hang on]

If you mean my hair, I use this hair glue [pictured] occasionally - but not too often...considering I bought it in 2011, and still have about 1/4 left.

I'm also getting so many white hairs that the time may be coming for me to start dyeing my hair. What I normally do is just wait until my hair grows long enough and pluck them - maybe a few dozen a day for a few days until they aren't as prominent.

I've always been hesitant to use gear because I don't want to lose my hair. I've seen a few guys with very good hair, basically lose that quality, with enough years of gear.

Chris Bumstead comes to mind. He had very good hair, and IMO he would have kept it had it not been for his necessary gear use.

Aging sucks.

None of us will beat Father Time, unfortunately.

It also may be time for me to start doing a little TRT. I'll be seeing my doctor soon, and talking to him.

Regarding sex, I've been voluntarily celibate since July. Sex has really not been on my mind. I'd be curious what my testosterone levels are...I suspect they are just under the average range - maybe that's what up. Who knows...but it's been great to be back training.

For once in - years now, basically - I have nothing to complain about.

I'm bracing myself for "climate change lockdowns" in Canada...but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #85 on: May 11, 2022, 04:52:39 PM »
x2 Welcome back Mr soggy

It's nice to see Prime get this warm welcome.

I was wondering why he disappeared.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #86 on: May 11, 2022, 04:55:25 PM »
Lurker - do you really think that?

Matt, what I really think is that when it comes to hair, you are about as smart (and interesting) as a bag of hair that someone farted into. 

I also strongly think that you would suck a cock faster than a meth whore would for $20 if you had the chance and didn't think anyone would find out about it.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #87 on: May 11, 2022, 05:01:40 PM »
Regarding Prime - I just think leftists need to be careful what they wish for. They want to give more and more power to their governments that are already clawing as much as they can, and I will bet any money, it's going to end terribly.

The top 10 most violent cities in the USA are all Democrat-ran. That's an objective fact.

Canada and Europe were NEVER better off than the USA - they were WHITER, and just didn't have the high crime that is found in diverse North American big cities.

Yet lefties think the reason why Canada and North America/Australia are better is because of socialism, and that diversity is the best thing since sliced bread.  ::)

What an utter and complete conflation of the reason why those USA cities are more violent and in disarray.

It's hilarious seeing diversity come to Europe and Canada, and seeing the "tolerant", "inclusive", and liberal Whites flee from the diverse areas to the Whiter ones.

Buncha hypocrites.

And no - I don't apologize for pointing this out. I'm literally stating objective and clearly observable trends. I'm sorry to the Getbig leftists who dislike my posts, but [1] there's an Ignore User feature here, and [2] like I said - I'm just stating facts.

Sometimes I wish we could just cut North America in half - try communism on one side and capitalism on the other side. Wait five years until the people in the USSA side are trying to flee to traditional USA side, and then settle that discussion once and for all.

IMO, Prime meets the pattern of the sort of NIMBY lefty Democrat who claims to support diversity and other lefty ideas, but is your typical addicted capitalist consumer. Am I wrong?

But his comment that I should fear Covid - yeah, I'm going to get scared of a virus that had killed ***85 people*** in my city or 108,000 in over TWO YEARS, almost ALL of whom had underlying medical conditions, and only ***17*** of whom were UNDER 70.

I'm getting scared!


But on a serious note - I RESENT that Democrats being such scared pussies led to the absolute SHIT-SHOW we just lived through.

Maybe the lockdowns didn't last long in the USA, but they sure as hell did here.

That's why I was upset with Prime. But he's cool to me.

I am a Primemuscle fan!


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #88 on: May 11, 2022, 05:11:13 PM »
Matt, what I really think is that when it comes to hair, you are about as smart (and interesting) as a bag of hair that someone farted into. 

I also strongly think that you would suck a cock faster than a meth whore would for $20 if you had the chance and didn't think anyone would find out about it.

If you mean IQ - you are wrong. My IQ is pretty high. I have a 4-year undergraduate STEM degree - they don't just give those out.

It boils down to - do you think IQ is a good measure of intelligence? Personally I do. Maybe I'm biased, but I do.

How about this Lurker - in the future, I will address your posts in an evidence-based way, and try to keep the posts short, ok?

My position on Russia was that Ukraine being a part of NATO was too close for comfort, and that's why Putin took Ukraine. Additionally, I said that if Putin goes ANYWHERE beyond Ukraine, the USA should declare war on Russia - even though the risk of such a war becoming nuclear is definitely very real.

We disagreed on this point, right, Lurker?

Lastly, regarding sucking the cocks of men:

Dude - with how politicized relationships are these days, if bisexuality was in my biology ONE IOTA, I would be dating a man right now.

It's just not in my biology.

Part of why things went so terribly for me in 2018 was because the bitch I was with was a feminist. And EVERY SINGLE THING I DID was victimizing her - even the MASSIVE number of times I was going way out of my way for her.

One day, she was going somewhere that was an unusual destination for her, and I told to call me, just to make sure she's ok. She said "Thanks [first name of ex-boyfriend who abused her]."


What a sack of absolute and complete shit.

And THAT is one of the problems with modern dating - women are effectively being trained to seek out examples of them being victimized everywhere they go.


That's why I say - if I was bisexual, I'd be dating men right now. And? What's wrong with that, Lurker?

Are you anti- homosexual? It's 2022 - who cares who sucks whose dick these days? Certainly not me. It's just not my thing. Biologically, it's not.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #89 on: May 11, 2022, 05:17:21 PM »
Can someone tell me what he said?


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #90 on: May 11, 2022, 05:18:32 PM »
Can someone tell me what he said?

Basically that if sucking a cock was in his DNA he'd be sucking them with bells on. 


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #91 on: May 11, 2022, 05:33:23 PM »
Also, there are some comments or suggestions that I am in the closet. Mainly that dumb shit Walter Sobchak.

There is nothing - ANYWHERE IN MY LIFE - to suggest such a thing. So my assumption is that he is just a closet gay.

I don't know of ANY STRAIGHT PERSON who would even CONSIDER that there would be a necessity to be in the closet in North America in 2022.

ONLY a closet homosexual would think that after internalizing DECADES of propaganda horseshit about how gaya are oppressed in North America [rofl - these tools think we live in Iran or something].

I can only think of one person I know - the ex-boyfriend of a gay male nurse friend of mine - who thought being out was a bad thing. He lives in Hornepayne, ON, which is a very small town of about a thousand people, where the people are in pain from being horny.

It's near Canning, Ontario.

Anyway, the poor guy didn't come out until age 34, because he internalized decades of propaganda that gay people are "oppressed".

Like I said - only a closet homosexual would think anyone living in North America in 2022 - let alone my city where like 1 in 5 houses fly rainbow flags.

You'd have to either be a complete moron, or gay and brainwashed into believing people hate gays [from years of VICIOUS propaganda] to think anyone would be a closet gay in 2022.

Yeah, I talk about Black crime, question the Hollywood Holocaust narrative, say it's bullshit that White Canadians are guilted about Indigenous residential schools, AND I DO ALL OF THIS POSTING FROM MY REAL NAME, MATT CANNING FROM THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO, CANADA because I'm scared of being myself or speaking my mind.

LMAO. Haha, right.

NO ONE - literally no one I know, even among the biggest and strongest alpha males I know, and the richest people I know, and the most independent people I know, speak their mind as much as I do.


So the idea that I'm a closet gay - just that ANYONE would think I feel the need to hide something that would essentially be a PART OF MY IDENTITY if true, is absolutely mind-boggling to me.

Walter Sobchak is a scared pussy who can't post using his real name because he knows he'd be fired, because he doesn't have enough money to live off his savings like I do. HAHAHAHAHA.

What a loser. He needs his 9 to 5 to eat, hahahaha.

Meanwhile, I don't need to do SHIT for the rest of my life.  :)

It almost makes me wish I had some brief gay history in my past just to post it, to prove I WOULD NEVER be made to be afraid to speak my mind. NEVER. Someone needs to stand up to these loathsome far-left BULLIES.

Currently, the University of Toronto is requiring that 40% of new hires need to be from the BIPOC/LGBTQ.

Something like that.

ONCE AGAIN, proving the POINT that not only is it NO PROBLEM being out of the closet - IT'S FINANCIALLY BENEFICIAL to be gay!



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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #92 on: May 11, 2022, 05:40:23 PM »
Basically that if sucking a cock was in his DNA he'd be sucking them with bells on.



Sometimes you can say more with less.  :) I hope to one day adopt this quality of yours one day.

A straight friend of mine recently said "There's nothing gay about getting your cock sucked by a man."

I was like "Huh?" Lol, have standards changed? Maybe not "gay", but seems a bit bi to me.

But really - in 2022, who cares about being gay?  ??? Sure AF not me.

PS - I was totally off about the location of Canning, Ontario. My bad.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #93 on: May 11, 2022, 05:42:52 PM »


Sometimes you can say more with less.  :) I hope to one day adopt this quality of yours one day.

A straight friend of mine recently said "There's nothing gay about getting your cock sucked by a man."

I was like "Huh?" Lol, have standards changed? Maybe not "gay", but seems a bit bi to me.

But really - in 2022, who cares about being gay?  ??? Sure AF not me.

PS - I was totally off about the location of Canning, Ontario. My bad.

I could not achieve an erection if a dude was wanting to blow me.  Even if a lass with big tits started on it and a dude came in to close the show, I'd shrivel up instantly.  I think.   ;D


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #94 on: May 11, 2022, 06:38:52 PM »
Soggy > MattCawk


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #95 on: May 11, 2022, 07:03:13 PM »
Also, there are some comments or suggestions that I am in the closet. Mainly that dumb shit Walter Sobchak.

There is nothing - ANYWHERE IN MY LIFE - to suggest such a thing. So my assumption is that he is just a closet gay.

I don't know of ANY STRAIGHT PERSON who would even CONSIDER that there would be a necessity to be in the closet in North America in 2022.

ONLY a closet homosexual would think that after internalizing DECADES of propaganda horseshit about how gaya are oppressed in North America [rofl - these tools think we live in Iran or something].

I can only think of one person I know - the ex-boyfriend of a gay male nurse friend of mine - who thought being out was a bad thing. He lives in Hornepayne, ON, which is a very small town of about a thousand people, where the people are in pain from being horny.

It's near Canning, Ontario.

Anyway, the poor guy didn't come out until age 34, because he internalized decades of propaganda that gay people are "oppressed".

Like I said - only a closet homosexual would think anyone living in North America in 2022 - let alone my city where like 1 in 5 houses fly rainbow flags.

You'd have to either be a complete moron, or gay and brainwashed into believing people hate gays [from years of VICIOUS propaganda] to think anyone would be a closet gay in 2022.

Yeah, I talk about Black crime, question the Hollywood Holocaust narrative, say it's bullshit that White Canadians are guilted about Indigenous residential schools, AND I DO ALL OF THIS POSTING FROM MY REAL NAME, MATT CANNING FROM THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO, CANADA because I'm scared of being myself or speaking my mind.

LMAO. Haha, right.

NO ONE - literally no one I know, even among the biggest and strongest alpha males I know, and the richest people I know, and the most independent people I know, speak their mind as much as I do.


So the idea that I'm a closet gay - just that ANYONE would think I feel the need to hide something that would essentially be a PART OF MY IDENTITY if true, is absolutely mind-boggling to me.

Walter Sobchak is a scared pussy who can't post using his real name because he knows he'd be fired, because he doesn't have enough money to live off his savings like I do. HAHAHAHAHA.

What a loser. He needs his 9 to 5 to eat, hahahaha.

Meanwhile, I don't need to do SHIT for the rest of my life.  :)

It almost makes me wish I had some brief gay history in my past just to post it, to prove I WOULD NEVER be made to be afraid to speak my mind. NEVER. Someone needs to stand up to these loathsome far-left BULLIES.

Currently, the University of Toronto is requiring that 40% of new hires need to be from the BIPOC/LGBTQ.

Something like that.

ONCE AGAIN, proving the POINT that not only is it NO PROBLEM being out of the closet - IT'S FINANCIALLY BENEFICIAL to be gay!


This sounds like something Madison Cawthorne would say.   Hmmm....


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #96 on: May 11, 2022, 07:07:03 PM »
Also, there are some comments or suggestions that I am in the closet. Mainly that dumb shit Walter Sobchak.

There is nothing - ANYWHERE IN MY LIFE - to suggest such a thing. So my assumption is that he is just a closet gay.

I don't know of ANY STRAIGHT PERSON who would even CONSIDER that there would be a necessity to be in the closet in North America in 2022.

ONLY a closet homosexual would think that after internalizing DECADES of propaganda horseshit about how gaya are oppressed in North America [rofl - these tools think we live in Iran or something].

I can only think of one person I know - the ex-boyfriend of a gay male nurse friend of mine - who thought being out was a bad thing. He lives in Hornepayne, ON, which is a very small town of about a thousand people, where the people are in pain from being horny.

It's near Canning, Ontario.

Anyway, the poor guy didn't come out until age 34, because he internalized decades of propaganda that gay people are "oppressed".

Like I said - only a closet homosexual would think anyone living in North America in 2022 - let alone my city where like 1 in 5 houses fly rainbow flags.

You'd have to either be a complete moron, or gay and brainwashed into believing people hate gays [from years of VICIOUS propaganda] to think anyone would be a closet gay in 2022.

Yeah, I talk about Black crime, question the Hollywood Holocaust narrative, say it's bullshit that White Canadians are guilted about Indigenous residential schools, AND I DO ALL OF THIS POSTING FROM MY REAL NAME, MATT CANNING FROM THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO, CANADA because I'm scared of being myself or speaking my mind.

LMAO. Haha, right.

NO ONE - literally no one I know, even among the biggest and strongest alpha males I know, and the richest people I know, and the most independent people I know, speak their mind as much as I do.


So the idea that I'm a closet gay - just that ANYONE would think I feel the need to hide something that would essentially be a PART OF MY IDENTITY if true, is absolutely mind-boggling to me.

Walter Sobchak is a scared pussy who can't post using his real name because he knows he'd be fired, because he doesn't have enough money to live off his savings like I do. HAHAHAHAHA.

What a loser. He needs his 9 to 5 to eat, hahahaha.

Meanwhile, I don't need to do SHIT for the rest of my life.  :)

It almost makes me wish I had some brief gay history in my past just to post it, to prove I WOULD NEVER be made to be afraid to speak my mind. NEVER. Someone needs to stand up to these loathsome far-left BULLIES.

Currently, the University of Toronto is requiring that 40% of new hires need to be from the BIPOC/LGBTQ.

Something like that.

ONCE AGAIN, proving the POINT that not only is it NO PROBLEM being out of the closet - IT'S FINANCIALLY BENEFICIAL to be gay!


Walter Sobchak owns your mind and is more successful than you will ever be. He wins in every way. And you lose.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #97 on: May 12, 2022, 07:13:59 AM »
Matt’s posts always give off little dick energy.  Between his lay about nature, ADHD, and creepy obsession with all things gay, you just sort of know that it all stems from having a tiny penis. 

I get the impression it’s so small that when he puts it in a girl, her immune system attempts to fight it off.  Foreplay for Matt must be giving the girl an anti depressant before undressing himself to prepare her for the disappointment with the upcoming 22 seconds of Adderall fueled human sewing machine genitalia demonstration.

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #98 on: May 12, 2022, 08:09:00 AM »
Walter Sobchak owns your mind and is more successful than you will ever be. He wins in every way. And you lose.

The spastic little polesmoking phaggot says he’s ignoring me, but she mentions me in every one of her Downs Syndrome posts.

I’m not sure how I’m going to get fired for posts on Getbig, I am self-employed.

Maybe the manlet fruit loop can post up another photo of the shack he lives in (without his illegitimate brood of kids mind you) and we can compare it to one of my rental properties or something? Because that plywood dump isn’t going to impress anyone who owns suburban Chicago real estate.

Matt….you little runt kunt, post up another gay video of you failing at flipping a tire. We are all so impressed with your 160 lb strongman class failures and excuses.


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Re: Primemuscle Blocked Me.
« Reply #99 on: May 12, 2022, 09:18:13 AM »
Matt’s posts always give off little dick energy.  Between his lay about nature, ADHD, and creepy obsession with all things gay, you just sort of know that it all stems from having a tiny penis. 

I get the impression it’s so small that when he puts it in a girl, her immune system attempts to fight it off.  Foreplay for Matt must be giving the girl an anti depressant before undressing himself to prepare her for the disappointment with the upcoming 22 seconds of Adderall fueled human sewing machine genitalia demonstration.

pissing my pants laughing reading this, LOL.