Author Topic: Kranks Log  (Read 185045 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #325 on: May 16, 2013, 06:18:04 AM »
Yeah, the massage sucked.  The put a credit on my account for another one, we shall when I use it.  Its tough taking these days off.  I asked my buddy in Arizona how often he takes days off and his simple response was "If I even think it, I do it.  No question".  So, I am debating holding off till Monday to resume training.  I might still swim this weekend, just no sprints.  Easy and relaxed.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #326 on: May 18, 2013, 05:24:19 AM »
Well, I think I am going to go in today and do some warming up and just gauge how I feel today.  I am not going to train past 60% effort.  Everything feels better, just not 100%.  Then again, I am not sure I would ever feel 100%.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #327 on: May 20, 2013, 09:53:30 PM »
It's hard to train/give lesser than 100% of yourself when you are so used to always doing no less than that.  Have a good train krank and if you feel that you need a couple more days off walk out and take them. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #328 on: May 25, 2013, 04:43:18 AM »


DE Squat - 10x2 (r60-90s) : #225
DE Deadlift - 10x3 (r60-90s) : 275#


For time:

1000m Row
50 45# Thrusters
30 Pullups

Time = 10:14

- The thrusters sucked because of wrist, so my time was off.  I know I can be about 2 - 3 mins faster.  I broke the stuff up into sets of 15 - 20.  The pullups were broken up into sets of 10.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #329 on: May 25, 2013, 04:48:16 AM »

Snatch - 7x1 60% 1rm (r:60s) : 105# - all sets

T2B - 3x10 (r:60s) : 10, 10, 10


10 Mins AMRAP

a) 3 x 135# Power Snatch
b) 3 30" burpee box jump
c) 3 C2B

Each successive round you do 3 more (i.e., 6, 9, 12, 15,....)

Rounds = 12 x a

- I am going to repeat last weeks workout with slightly lower loads.  My programming only calls for "as heavy as possible", so there is no percentages.  I wish there was some of that.  When I did the lighter or back off type of training with body building, it bugged me.  With this, I am actually ok with it.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #330 on: May 25, 2013, 04:55:07 AM »



3 mins max distance 230# added to prowler. - 135yds

For time :

Row 20 Cals
12 Push Press #135
20 Walking Lunges
Row 40 Cals
9 Push Press #135
40 Walking Lunges
Row 60 cals
6 Push Press
60 Walking Lunges

Time : 19:16

- I am thinking I might try breaking up my conditioning work from the rest of the training.  The conditioning often takes only about 10 - 15 mins and doing it after all the lifting is kind of a pain in the ass.  So, why not do it in the mornings and then come back later to do olympic and strength.
- The prowler was performed as a 10 yard shuttle (10 yards down, 10 yards back). Pushing high handles down, and low handles back.  I corrected last weeks
- The lunges are total steps.  The worst part of this was the rowing.  That shit just doesnt go as fast as you expect it to.  I was averaging about 1:07 for every 20 cals.
- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #331 on: May 25, 2013, 05:01:40 AM »

Pause First Pull + Clean & Jerk - 7x1+1 (r:60s) : 115x1, 1, 1, 1, 135x1, 1, 1

Squat -  1X5 @ 80%, 2X3 @ 85%, 3X1 @ 90% (r:2-3m) : 300x5, 315x3, 3, 335x1, 1, 1
1 1/4 Front Squats : 4X3 (r:90s) : 115#x3, 3, 3, 3


- Well, I didn't make it back yesterday to do my strength stuff.  I will be doing it today (even though this is my usual off day)
- With olympic lift, pause 3 seconds at the knees, then a full Clean & Jerk. Do not release tension on the BB when returning to the floor after the pause first pull
- I feel it bears repeating...front squats SUCK.  I kept everything light again today.  We will see how the rest of the week goes.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #332 on: May 25, 2013, 05:10:36 AM »

High Hang Snatch - 5 x 3 (r60-90s) : 85x3, 105x3, 3, 120x3, 3
High Hang Clean + Push Jerk - 5x3+1 (r60-90s) : 115x3, 3, 3, 3, 3


For time :

Run 800m
40 KBS 35#
Run 800m
40 KBS 35#
Run 800m

Time : 16:05

Demo - High Hang Snatch
Demo - High Hang Clean
- I was a moron and decided to run outside.  Nice 50 degrees and misting.  Better than treadmill thoughl.  I also found that it was a tad easier mentallly to do this.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #333 on: May 25, 2013, 05:19:16 AM »



Take 15-20 minutes to work up to 5 Hi-Hang Snatches with 75% 1rm of Snatch

5-10 non-rebounding Box Jumps with 36″ box

5 sets of 2-3 rebounding Box Jumps with 24" box

CF Games Open WOD 13.2

MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old

10 minutes AMRAP of:

5 x 115# Shoulder to overhead
10 x 115# Deadlift
15 24” Box jumps

Total Reps = 200

- Last time I did this, I got 274 reps.  The only problem is that I did it for 12 mins, and I also used a rack for my push press and a seperate bar for deads.  The difference in reps is obvious.  I think I could have gotten about 220 reps if my shoulders hadn't been achy like they were.  The should to overheads were not hard, just power cleaning it up to shoulders sucked. 
- I did use the tip of not letting the bar drop down to floor once I was done with push presses in order to start deads, but I like the over under grip, so you kind of have to put it down in order to switch grip.  I don't see a loss of anything more than 1 - 2 seconds from eact round.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #334 on: May 27, 2013, 09:35:23 PM »
20 Mins to establish 1rm Snatch = 170, missed 180.
20 Mins to establish 1rm C&J = couldn't perform

Front Squat - could not perform

75 PUll ups
w/ EMOM (Starting at 1:00) 3 x 135# Power Clean
(7 Min Max)
- Completed in 6mins

75 Lateral Burpees
w/ EMOM (Starting at 1:00) 3 x 135# Power Clean
(7 Min Max)
- 65 Reps at 7:00 min mark.

- I had a coach look at my snatch.  He pointed out that I am still pausing at the end of the first pull.  I didn't realize it, so we worked on me 'rebounding' a little before the first pull.  Well, the 180 came up faster than expected and I couldn't lock it out.  So, I know I have a 180 or 185 in me.  Thats about all the positive that came out of todays training.
- I am at a loss about what to do about this wrist.  I don't think its something serious, just an apprehensive with bending it back.  I might take the next 4 weeks and work on my mobility of thoracic spine and do something to imporve my front rack position.  This is getting to be re-god-damned-diculous

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #335 on: May 27, 2013, 09:46:33 PM »

5min EMOM - Snatch 115#

2min ME Snatch 115# - 10 reps

GHD - 3x20 (r:60s) : 20, 20, 20,
Free Handstand Holds - 3xME (max 60s) (r:60s) : max hold of 3 sets = 15 sec
Reverse Hyper Extension - 3x20 (r:60s) : 20, 20, 20

1 Min ME Ring Dips
a) 15 OH squat 75#
b) 20 Pull ups
c) 30 Double Unders

(no rest - repeat above one more time)

1 Min ME Ring Dips

Round 1 : Dips = 22, AMRAP = c3
Round 2 : Dips = 21, AMRAP = c1

Last Dips = 19

- All I did was work on speed of my snatch work.  I want to work on technique for a bit.  I can muscle it up, but whats the point.  I want to get stronger in the movement, but have to realize that there is not much in the workouts that call for it except for the OH squat
- With the OH squat, I could NOT get the feel for it today.  Just plain felt awkward.  I had to break it up into sets of 5.  My knees just didn't want to cooperate today.  Overall...shitty workout day.
- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #336 on: June 04, 2013, 08:28:46 PM »

3 Rounds (not for time)
Muscle Ups - 8 reps : 8, 5, 5
Double Unders - 50 reps
T2B - 12 reps

EMOM for 10 mins
Power Clean & Jerk - 2 reps (1+1) : 95x2, 2, 115x2, 2, 135x2, 2, 2, 155x2

Snatch Grip RDL - 3x4-6 (tempo 6021 / r:2mins) : 155x6, 6, 6

For Time:
1000m Row
50 Burpee Bar Jumps
75 Push Press 75#

Time : 16:00

- Haven't followed something for the last few days as I have been working a lot on my mobility issues.  Specifically the scapula/thoracic spine, shoulders, and elbows.  I was going to start this one program on Monday, but after doing it I realized there would be no way I would be able to follow it to a "t".  By the time I warmed up, got through the workout...not including met-con, it was 90 mins.  I was toast too.  So, I am switching things up a little and going to follow a different programming until after the actual Games.  Then everyone will be on the 'off season' plan.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #337 on: June 05, 2013, 11:45:11 AM »
I was asked which program I was talking about above....this is the site I found:

Maybe something for the winter when I can cut back on my met-con.  Overall was a nice workout...just know I would have no time for metcons.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #338 on: June 07, 2013, 08:47:00 PM »

Recovery Day

15 x 50m Swim

- Just an easy pace for every 50m.  Extended arms, dropped head onto shoulders, turned whole body for breath.  Wasn't out of breath after each 50m.  I took about 30 - 60sec between each 50.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #339 on: June 07, 2013, 08:53:52 PM »

3 Rounds (not timed)
Candle stick stands - 5, 5, 5
Handstand Walks 15m - 10m, 7m, 5m
L-Sit on parelette 45sec - 15sec, 15sec, 15 sec

Pause Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Clean - 5x1(1+1+1) (r:60sec) - 115x1, 1, 135x1, 1, 155x1

GHR - 3x6-8 @3010 (r:60s) : 6, 4, 3
GHD - 3x15-20 (r:60s) : 20, 20, 20

For Time:
5 Hang Squat Clean @ 115#
25 Pullups
4 Hang Squat Clean @ 115#
20 Pullups
3 Hang Squat Clean @ 115#
15 Pullups
2 Hang Squat Clean @ 115#
10 Pullups
1 Hang Squat Clean @ 115#
5 Pullups

Time : 10:48

- I am getting better at the handstand walking.  Remembering all the stuff from gymnastics.
- Olympic took a lot more out of me.  I started second guessing all the pulling.  Shitty form started creeping in because of it.
- The conditioning was brutal because it was the hanging clean.  Would have preferred the full clean.  Oh, and the pullups damn near tore the shit out of my hands.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #340 on: June 07, 2013, 08:57:02 PM »

Just worked on snatch for 30 -40 mins.  No higher than 115#


3 Rounds for time:

Row 500m
20 Burpees (with the 6" jump)
10 T2B

Time : 15:38

- Taped a number of my snatches.  I found I can't be as wide as a lot of coaching says because it puts me over the bar.  Also, I need to make sure I transition from the hook grip to the full grip with the bar turn over.  Another thing that I need to do is make sure I bring my shoulders and traps higher with the arch on the back for the second pull.  I was a little spent after all of this.  Over all energy spent, not the muscular fatigue I would normally feel.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #341 on: June 13, 2013, 08:42:57 PM »




3 Rounds for time: 6:30
Row 100m
4 Bar MU

- Rest 2 mins

AMRAP 6 mins = 4 + 2a
a) 4 Power Cleans 135#
b) 8 C2B Pull ups

- rest 4 mins

AMRAP 6 min = 4 + b2
a) 5 115# Power Snatch
b) 10 Burpees

- Rest 4 mins

Row 1000m = 3:44

- Today was just going to be a conditioning day in order to try and give my body a little rest.  I didn't realize how much it was going to take it out of me.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #342 on: June 13, 2013, 08:46:27 PM »

Snatch First Pull - 3x3 (r:60s) - 175x3, 205x3
Snatch : 3x3 (r:60s) - 135x3, 3, 2

Squat : 5x3 (r:60s) @ 70%1rm - 260x3, 3, 3, 3, 3

3 Rounts for time = 12:31

Run 400m
21 KBS 24kg
12 Strict pullups

- The snatches were 'touch and go'.  I normally reset for each rep, but decided to do it differently to test grip

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #343 on: June 13, 2013, 08:50:28 PM »

Power Snatch : 5x2 (r:90s) - 155x2, 2, 2, 165x2, 2
Power Clear + Power Jerk : 5x2 (1+1) (r:90s) - 135x2, 155x2, 2, 175x2, 2
Overhead Squat : 3x3 (r:60s) - 95x3, 115x3, 125x3

HSPU : 3 x 10 - 12 (r:60s) - 12, 12, 12
Bar MU : 3 x 4 - 6 (r:60s) - 4, 4, 4

3 Rounds

Row 40 Cals
20 Burpee
20 AB mat situps

For time : 17:04

- This took a lot out of me.  I was going to do the Catalyst Athletics starter program and just realize that if I was to do met cons with it I would be burnt out.  Which is kind of how I felt when I got home tonight.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #344 on: June 13, 2013, 08:55:59 PM »


Clean and Jerk : 7x1 (r:as needed) @ 80% 1rm - 7 x 185 x 1


3 Rounds

5 Bar MU
20 Snatch Lunges : 10/leg w/ 16kg KB
40 Double Unders

Time = 15:20

- Ok so I am going to get my ass going on another cycle with Outlaw.  I will scale things back if I feel as though I am not recovering quick enough.  The program technically started already and this should be a 'deload week'.  I have the first two weeks already copied.  I am going to be about 1wk behind so I can see how my week is laid out.  Just fdeel better knowing whats coming.  I will upload the first two weeks on Saturday.

- Today I worked on the upright position of the clean in the hole, the front rack position, and the resetting of the bar once standing up.  Everything felt great except for a couple of times not feeling right coming from the squat position to standing.  Wrists don't hurt tonight.  The only pain in some slight pain in the left knee cap.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #345 on: June 15, 2013, 09:57:14 AM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #346 on: June 17, 2013, 08:17:00 PM »

Everything was feeling good up until Thursday night.  Knees took a shit on me BIG TIME.  I sat there for a couple of hours alternating between the knees, the shoulders, and then ankles.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #347 on: June 17, 2013, 08:19:56 PM »


20 Mins to find 1rm of Deadlift (conventional stance) - 475#
Bench Press - 5x3 @ 70% 1rm (r:60s) : 205x3, 3, 3, 3, 3

12min AMRAP:

a) 7 Power Cleans 115#
b) 14 Front Squat 115#
c) Row 200m

Total : 2 + 125m of c

- The knees did NOT like my deadlifting attempt.  Felt like it took forever to get warm
- I could NOT get my shit together for the damn front squats.  Shit workout

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #348 on: June 17, 2013, 08:23:24 PM »

20 Min to find 1rm of Snatch - 175# (no PR)
20 Min to find 1rm of Clean and Jerk - failed at everything above 205#...stopped at 8mins left



30 Snatch 135#

Time = 5:49

- This morning I took my dog to the vet and found out she most likely has a tear of her ACL.  I don't think its a complete tear (a dog I once had did that twice).  My mind was everywhere BUT the gym.  I shouldn't have been training.  I did it anyway.  I was fucking up left and right on the C&J's.  Also, probably not the best to have done a 1rm max on deads yesterday and then have to do the stuff I am doing today.  I am so stupid!!!

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #349 on: June 17, 2013, 08:25:53 PM »

In eight sets or fewer, build to a 1-RM Back Squat
• Set 1 – 50% of possible 1-RM x 5 reps
• Set 2 – 65% of possible 1-RM x 4 reps
• Set 3 – 75% of possible 1-RM x 3 reps
• Set 4 – 85% of possible 1-RM x 2 reps
• Set 5 – 90-95% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep
• Sets 6-8 – Test 1-RM
Rest 60-100 seconds between sets 1-4 then 3-4 minutes after that.

Max = 325#

In six sets or fewer, build to a 1-RM Weighted Pull-Up = BW + 95#

ME Back Squat @ 85% of today’s 1-RM = 4 Reps

60 seconds ME Pull-Ups = 30
Rest 2 minutes
60 seconds ME Strict Handstand Push-Ups = 14
Rest 2 minutes
60 seconds ME Kipping Handstand Push-Ups = 6
Rest 2 minutes
60 seconds of Ring Dips = 21

(Handstand Push-Ups should be performed with palms inside a 32″ wide box, and no further than 24″ from the wall.)

- I am switching from Outlaw training for a while, so the format will change as well.
- The low bar squats are going to take some time to get used to.  Funny thing was that at the end of the evening my knees were not hurting like I expected them to.  I have to learn to keep my shins parallel as well as look forward with chest out.
- The weighted pull-ups were NOT the kipping kind.  I don't know if that was what I should have done or not.
- The pull ups in "D" were the kipping kind, but I have learned to not let myself come out of the hole so hard that it messes with my shoulders.  
- The kipping HSPU were NOT easy.  This was the first time ever doing them.  I was too far away from the wall and I didn't know how to bring my knees down far enough.  I am sure this will double the next time I do them.
- The ring dips should have been more too but the adjusting clip for the height of the rings was scraping my forearms.  I had to quick move the straps up and that took too much time to do then get back up on rings.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort