Author Topic: What do YOU like about Natural Bodybuilding? or being a Natural Bodybuilder?  (Read 127554 times)


  • Time Out
  • Getbig V
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Recently i was off for over a year and barely lost anything. As for bulls and horses... There's testosterone in humans too.

BTW: I would stick that needle in my glute, but currently i'm having a hard time getting human grade gear.

PS. You sound very angry, maybe you should talk to your high school councelor?
Whey don't you just walk around wearing one of those muscle suits or a puffy coat?

In both instances, just like steroids, you have not really earned what you are carrying around. Essentially, you are lying to people for your ego. At least this way, you would still have your health (and your testes).


  • Guest
Whey don't you just walk around wearing one of those muscle suits or a puffy coat?

In both instances, just like steroids, you have not really earned what you are carrying around. Essentially, you are lying to people for your ego. At least this way, you would still have your health (and your testes).
and people give steroid takers 0 respect

some guy on the beach was walking around real buff and everyone was making horse sounds
people know if you're steroids
and as a result will contribute all your gains to STEROIDS

GIRLS fucking hate steroid takers and their physique, if it was all about who was the biggest then Ronnie Coleman would get all the girls  ::)
you're not better than naturals
you're simply drug addicts
hope this helps


  • Getbig IV
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Because walking around with a big jacket on and then going to the gym and trying to squat to impress the other pencil necks will only get you hurt. If you don't have real muscle you do not have muscle. I've been training for allmost 12 years, 6 naturally. And i've done things like 8 - drop sets and passed on the floor and that was on top of 90 minute supersetting and forced reps leg training. After that i wen't to the locker room and took one 10 mg methandsotenole tablet and if you think that, that was what made my legs huge you are borderline retarded.

I'm sure your daddy talks about it all the time sitting on his lazy boy and bashing power athletes for cheating, but what you and the other sheeps don't get is the fact that in every top sports they use performance enhancing drugs. From: Football to baseball to ice hockey to swimming to tennis to cycling...

And if you ever bother to train as long and hard as i have, you are not going to achieve it unless you only train for yourself and not some dumb cheerleader who propably got the BUG from Tyrone and Leeroy...

northeast bodybuilder

  • Getbig I
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Ive been natural bodybuilding for 7 years and love it.making good gains


  • Getbig V
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LOL i think its hillarious how ppl think guys who take steriods dont earn their muscle...hahahahah fuking funny.

Im natural always have probably always will be, but if you feel that way about roids i hope you dont take any type of supplements b/c hey youre not earning your muscle  ::)

Also AXA you would be suprised how many ppl are on steroids, more ppl than not who take steroids dont look like they do...and trust girls dig guys on steroids just as much as naturals.


  • Getbig II
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  • Getbig!
What I like about natural BBing is that I take pride in getting big through progressively increasing the amount of weight lifted over time and know that I have done it myself. 
It's like a project/hobby.  I think the results are better when I know that I did it myself.

I also take pride in the fact that I know that great results can be achieved this way.  And that knowing how to train properly, rest properly, and eat properly is way more effective than the nutjobs I see in the gym, on gear, who have no idea what they are doing and make little or no changes year after year.  Hell, they don't even squat.  Or their form is shite..


Drug Free

  • Getbig I
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Keeping my hard earned gains.


  • Getbig I
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I am confused as to why we are so hard on each other (Naturals vs Others).  We are all part of the same sport/activity and should do our best to be supportive of each other.  I "CHOOSE" to be natural, but I only make decisions for myself.  Others have a different point of view and are free to make their own choices.

I choose to be natural because I like my look and enjoy my daily workout.  Besides, I am a goody two shoes and my biggest hangup with gear is it's illegal nature.  One bit of advice for those that think their opinion is the only correct one.......LIGHTEN UP!


  • Getbig V
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I am confused as to why we are so hard on each other (Naturals vs Others).  We are all part of the same sport/activity and should do our best to be supportive of each other.  I "CHOOSE" to be natural, but I only make decisions for myself.  Others have a different point of view and are free to make their own choices.

I choose to be natural because I like my look and enjoy my daily workout.  Besides, I am a goody two shoes and my biggest hangup with gear is it's illegal nature.  One bit of advice for those that think their opinion is the only correct one.......LIGHTEN UP!


  • Getbig I
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Keeping my natural levels of hormone production. Not having to spend all that money and even more valuable time risking finding shit off the black market and risk getting arrested.
Avoiding all the side effects.
Just being able to see what I can accomplish with only my own hormones.

I guess the biggest reason why I would consider going on gear is the time. It takes a while to make gains naturally and you have to be very patient. I have goal that I would rather see be met sooner, but still for me the costs outweigh that benefit.

jon cole

  • Getbig IV
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-it's a real challenge.
-no law/moral question.
-no health trouble.
-achieve your potential.

on the other side.

-training while on gear is a fantastic trip.
-life is too short, so make the choice. 

100kg Clint

  • Getbig II
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I am natural now but have tried several short courses when i was younger. I plan to stay natural now as im very interested in seeing just what shape i can get my body in without external test. Just my true body inside and out. Also i plan on competing this year, easier to keep gains without having to do course after course. No side effects, not that i had many coz i didnt do massive courses but the drop of my test after a course (even with heaps of natural test BB supplements) had a big effect. Seeing pictures of Jay Rodriguez inspires me to stay natural too.
On the other side, on gear, i had a wicked looking body, had women all over me and felt very confident and happy with my look. Quick gains gets alot of attention. Most of which i experienced was good.
However, im over that stage of my life and feel confident in myself. Very excited about competing in naturals and am almost finished testing to become a fire fighter this year, where i get drug tested to get in anyway! The biggest allure for me with gear was looking great QUICK and easier. But the allure of creating my body the best and biggest it can get and being all me attracts me more. I dont discriminate people either way  ;D
Shadow was his brand: Instantly recognisable.


  • Getbig I
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Ill say my two cents

My best friend growing up was in love with bodybuilding. Both of us were. He started using before he was 19, I never used. Essentially where he once thought I looked great, he soon blew me away.  The drugs made the difference not the training so my guess is that YEAH, THE DRUGS GIVE YOU A HUGE FREAKING EDGE. When I trained at a gym I watched guys in their teens blow up with freaky arms and calves that Id never achieve and they were juicing and told me so. Theyd giggle when they handled weight that theyd previously struggled with and soon after some time on the juice all of them had personality changes that made them PRICKS.

my best friend too, his attitude turned to complete shit on roids. I never judged him for  it because I understand that ITS WHAT IT TAKES TO GO PRO. btw, he is pro now as far as I know. I havent seen him in 8-9 years I guess.

What I will never understand though is why anyone would take the drugs for recreational purposes. I mean, shoot, If it meant a pro football or pro baseball contract or even a good shot at making a bundle in bodybuilding then MAYBE ...but just to walk around with some beach muscles???? wtf, why bother.

ill bet its not cheap to buy that stuff, still illegal too right? might jeapardize your whole future if you get busted.


  • Getbig I
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Oh and to answer the OP question, I love lifting weights and building my body. Theres no better feeling then putting on a tee shirt and thinking "Gawd, I just might bust these sleeves if   I flex" and the tee shirt is XXL.  "NA MEAN?"

I like the fact that I am stronger than ...say ....98% of the people on the planet...thats pretty cool too.


  • Getbig I
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Re: What do YOU like about Natural Bodybuilding? or being a Natural Bodybuilder?
« Reply #89 on: September 19, 2009, 06:58:12 AM »
Note have to worry about the side effects, of course. 


  • Getbig III
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1. No need to worry about possible damage done to my body in the future.

2. Cheaper

3. My overall goal, I don't really like the "freaky" BB look (Coleman, Cutler for example), I prefer the natural bodybuilder look by far.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 26
The truth is, there is only one Ronnie Coleman. Even with steroids, most of us will never look like him or even get anywhere approaching his physique. People that take steroids may be doing so simply because they want to get bigger than they normally would, in the same time.

Its completely true what Arnold jr said in the post on the last page. How silly it is to assume steroid users do not have to work as hard... where do you think that muscle comes from, the steroid? NOPE. Steroids will in fact have no effect if you don't A. Train harder than you would normally aka not on steroids and B. Eat more than you normally would.

People seem to think it is the steroid that builds muscle, don't be silly it is just a tiny 5mg pill, look how SMALL the pill is, theres your clue! It is protein synthesis and HARDER workouts (not easier) and more food, that in conjunction with steroids, creates the better muscle growth.

Thats basically my point, steroids are in fact not a short cut because you have to lift heavier to earn the extra muscle! Your muscle size is only a direct reflection on the weight you lift and it has to increase all the time where possible.

In that regard, steroid users are actually not "cheating" at all, they are lifting heavier weighs and putting the SAME EFFORT IN as naturals, but the drug allows you to build the muscle in less time.

I wanna see some proper scientific tests, there are several I have seen in the past but I wanna see them again. The advantages to using steroids outweigh the cons for me. For example, tests were done where people took a steroid and they did not lift one single weight and even then they still put on muscle.

Thats amazing!

But what about the effect steroids have when lifting? I mean, muscle growth has to be "improved" by a certain percentage over normal lifting with no steroid... but what are the figures on that?

All I know is, thank god we do have these steroids.

I am 33 now and too skinny. I want to be looking good by the time I am 40 but hey... to me thats old and past it (even though the reality is a man is in his prime testosterone wise at 40 years old) so yeah, I will have steroids... why should I lift weights for 7 years when I can probably cut that in half by doing a couple of cycles a year?

The feeling that "its all natural" doesn't really interest me, since you have to work actually HARDER on steroids, to get gains, why do you think steroid users get more gains in the first place, its not just the steroid, that is just like the "oil" you need for the motor, it is the workouts themselves and the food you eat that counts.

I also used to think just steroid alone are what built muscles. I now know that steroids, the chemicals contained in them, have ZERO effect on making muscles bigger, it is only one thing that can do that and that is of course - protein. The steroid merely drives more protein into the muscles, it does not build them even in the slightest, its impossible, the chemicals in the pill prove this since there is no protein in steroid tablets lol.


  • Getbig V
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Lifting natty and living a healthy lifestyle keeps you looking and feeling young.

Super Natural

  • Getbig IV
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Enjoyed reading this thread.... looking at the pros verses cons just confirms to me I'm on the right track for myself, inspires me to stay clean.


  • Getbig II
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i love making my own gains,building my own physique with no assistance but my own..based on food and few supps.Its very rewarding.


  • Getbig I
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Nothing. I only get laughed at.


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Nothing. I only get laughed at.

You need to find some new friends then.


  • Getbig I
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You need to find some new friends then.

Ahh, they never laughed, they got upset when I got into fitness, or even scared.


  • Getbig III
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Re: What do YOU like about Natural Bodybuilding? or being a Natural Bodybuilder?
« Reply #98 on: September 30, 2014, 10:23:35 AM »
the main reason is, you can train much more years intense, even over 50, than most "roiduser" which are out of the Gym mostly in there late 40´s. i like to do it lifetime....not stop depressed one day you get your quit....

Bobby Cole

  • Getbig I
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About 5 years ago the VA pretty much sent me home to die.  My organs were shutting down, I had no muscle tone and with the exception of my stomach, my skin was just a covering for my bones.  
So, to make a long story short, I made some huge changes and hitting the gym was the most major change I made and second to that was what I put into my body.  

From my first bicep curls with a 10# dumbbell and my first glass of whey protein mix, it’s all been a natural journey which is going to put me in the seniors amateur competition in my state in 2020 and at the grand old age of 70.  
My arms went from 11” to 19 1/2”, my waist was 52” and after a lot of water and fat loss is now sitting at 33”.  My chest went from 46” with man tits to 52” solid inches.  

About the only thing I might do a little different than some natural builders in my diet is the use of fenugreek in my postmix or witches brew as I like to call it.  Oh yeah, and by post mix I do mean that it’s a concoction which I drink from the time I finish a workout to the time I go to bed.  About 2 gallons of it per day, everyday since I workout for 2 hours ......every day.  

I also use tongkat ali three times a week for an aromatase blocker and 9 to 12 mg’s of extra boron each day to help max out my free testosterone.  

Bottom line, other than the needle going in for blood tests every 3 months or so, I refuse to go any other way than the natural lifestyle because it gave my body, health and life back to me.