ok, I am not bashing, but i must say this thread is so wrong.... supplemens over the counter cost far more than good UG gear....time you guys buy all that shit your bill is way higher and gains are far less...where is the logic? oh, and most of those supplements are fresh on the market and could be dangerous..gear has been around for ever and we all know what it does...plus, why are all you natties always hanging out in our steroid forum? duh... 
welcome to the nattie board bigjohn_bluesfan..
Cost of supps is subjective. All depends where you are and your accessability to the gear, in Australia the accessability of gear even UG is considerably lower and as a result the prices are higher.. (I am speaking from prior experience)
What I have found in talking to natties is that by enlarge they don't take as many supps as the enhanced brother & that is for several reasons.. i.e grey areas on legality (ie prohormones)risks in competing including contaminated supplements, most supps are useless & the dislike of injesting outside of solid food.
I totally agree with you on the point of the new fad supps being potentially dangerous (no trials done) and people usually find out in hindsight the risks... To make myself clear, I personally believe that sensible use of AAS can be safe, thats if you have done your research and know your limitations versus your expectations.
The reason we like to hang around the steroid forum is the same reason you are here.. we got opinions (some like me were not always drugfree) and Arnold jr is one of the funniest fuckers on getbig.