Author Topic: Kranks Log  (Read 185050 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #350 on: June 20, 2013, 05:20:20 AM »

3 Minutes ME Double-Unders = 98

In eight sets or fewer, build to a 1-RM Bench Press
• Set 1 – 50% of possible 1-RM x 5 reps
• Set 2 – 65% of possible 1-RM x 4 reps
• Set 3 – 75% of possible 1-RM x 3 reps
• Set 4 – 85% of possible 1-RM x 2 reps
• Set 5 – 90-95% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep
• Sets 6-8 – Test 1-RM
Rest 60-100 seconds between sets 1-4, and then 3-4 minutes between attempts over 85%.

Max = 315#

8 Rounds:
30 seconds max effort row sprint
Rest 2:30 between efforts

165m, 166m, 173m, 170m, 173m, 170m, 169m, 171m

- Very disappointing to know that your 1rm squat and 1rm bench are so damn close.  Makes me wonder just how bad my knees are, or if this is just because I am not very comfortable with the form.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #351 on: June 21, 2013, 05:23:35 PM »
Take 15-20 minutes, not more, to establish a 1-RM Snatch = 175# (no change from last pr)

Take 15 minutes, not more, to establish a 1-RM Clean & Jerk
(Do either a power or full – which ever allows you to lift more, just make a note of which was used.)
Rest exactly 10 minutes after session B, and then…

Against an 8-minute running clock, perform the following, in order:
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
95 lb. Thruster

Then, using the same barbell, build the barbell and establish a 1-RM Clean & Jerk in the remainder of the 8 minutes.

TOTAL SCORE –1-RM Clean & Jerk in lbs – Fran differential

Fran Differential =
SUBTRACT 1 lb for every second over 2 minutes (for males) it takes to complete “Fran.”
ADD 1 lb for every second under 2 minutes (males).

Total Score = -3 (C&J = 205# - Fran Time = 5:28 (NEW PR) but equates to a 208# penalty)

- I didn't want to push myself on the snatch.  I was feeling good with the turn over and the wrist.
- With the C&J I did a better job pulling myself under the bar as well as resetting the bar for the jerk.  On the last one I must not have dropped down low enough because I almost didn't get my left arm locked out.
- I actually have to say that I went at the "Fran" with about 90% intensity.  I can see a sub-5:00 Fran coming.  Sweat was pouring off of me when I was doing the next C&J

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #352 on: June 22, 2013, 01:21:41 PM »

For time:
20 Deadlifts (315 lbs)
30 Box Jump-Overs (24”)
40 Kettlebell Swings* (24 kg)
50 Double-Unders
50 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2
50 Double-Unders
40 Kettlebell Swings* (24 kg)
30 Box Jump-Overs (24”)
20 Deadlifts (315 lbs)

Time = 21:38

Easy stretching.

- The damn double unders.  That took the most time.  I went unbroken on KB swings and finished the row in 2:15.  I split the first deadlifts into 10 and 10, then the 2nd deadlifts got broken into 8/6/6 because of the heel pain from double unders.  I took a methodical approach to the box jump overs.  I dont hop down, I step down, and while turning I bend at the knees so that by the time I am facing the box I will jump again.  I went unbroken on the first set, and ended up doing 18/12 on the last.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #353 on: June 24, 2013, 05:53:23 PM »
Front Squat - 5 x 1 (Rest as needed) : 205, 225, 245, 265, 265
Build by feel to a “heavy” front squat. Once the load feels heavy and your barbell speed is reduced, move on to part B.

Six sets of:
Power Snatch from Mid-Thigh - 6 x 6 (Rest as needed) : 95x6, 115x6, 135x6, 135x6, 155x6
These should be fast and continuous.  Rest as needed, work up as heavy as you can, but stay focused on barbell speed.

Back Squat - 1x5 @ 65-70%, 1x3 @ 75-80% , 1x1 @ 85-90% (R:2-3 min) : 215x5, 250x3, 280x1

EMOM for 10 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat - 6 reps @ 75% of 1-RM (235#)

- My left achilles tendon and right heel pad were LIT UP.  Yesterday I had to literally crawl to the bathroom because my feet hurt so much.  The double unders and the box jumps really did me in.  I need to start working more on some ankle mobility as well as maybe looking into dfifferent shoes.
- The low bar squatting actually felt better today.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #354 on: June 25, 2013, 07:41:12 PM »

Three rounds (not for timed)
Muscle-Ups -  3-6 reps : 5, 4, 3
Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold - (up to 60-90 seconds) : 40sec, 30sec, 30sec
Strict Toes to Bar - 6-10 reps @ 2110 : 8, 7, 5

Jerk - 1 x 3 @ 60% 1Rm C&J, 1x2 @ 70% 1Rm C&J, 1x2 @ 80% 1Rm C&J, 5x1 @ 90+% (Rest as needed) : 135x3, 155x2, 180x2, 205x1, 1, 1, 1, 215x1

Push Press - 3 x 4-5 (rest as needed) : 135x5, 155x5, 165x4

AMRAP in 6 minutes of:
15 Stationary Dips (P-bars, Rogue Matador or other fixed dipping station)
10 Handstand Push-Ups
5 Burpees

Rounds = 2 + 15 Dips

- The handstand holds were harder than I thought they would be.  My right shoulder seemed to want to give more than my left.
- The Jerks weren't too bad.  I felt like I would be stronger after performing a C&J
- My shoudlers and triceps were FRIED after all this.  The HSPU were a bitch

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #355 on: June 27, 2013, 07:52:40 PM »

Front Squat - 1x3 @ 75%1rm, 1x2 @ 80% 1rm, 1x1 @ 85% 1rm, 1x3 @ 80% 1rm, 1x2 @ 85% 1rm, 1x1 @ 90% 1rm (r:2-3m) : 225, 240, 255, 240, 255, 270

Hang Clean + Clean - 5x1+1 (r:as needed) : 135, 155, 155, 185, 185

Clean Pulls - 3 x1+1+1 @ 95-100% 1rm clean (r:10s between singles and as needed between sets) : 205, 205, 135

3 Rounds for time
30 KB Swing (24kg)
20 Chest to bar pullups

Time : 10:48

How it broke down :
KB Swing - 30, 30, 30
CSB - 10/10, 7/7/6, 5/5/5/5

- On 'B' and 'C' my speed sucked because my left achilles is still sore from Saturday.  Its not torn, just tender as hell.  My right heel still hurts as well.  That also didn't feel great today.  Thats also why on 'C' I dropped down to 135 on the last set.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #356 on: June 27, 2013, 08:09:55 PM »
awsome training krank,,,,post a pic you probably look great between the power and intensity here,,


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #357 on: June 30, 2013, 04:54:33 PM »
awsome training krank,,,,post a pic you probably look great between the power and intensity here,,

Looking about the same.  Doing a lot of mobility work has helped the shoulder and knees.  Sure wish I would have done this stuff when bodybuilding.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #358 on: June 30, 2013, 05:15:45 PM »

EMOM for 10 minutes:
Hang Snatch - Sets 1-3 @ 55-65% 1rm, Sets 4-6 @ 65-75% 1rm, Sets 7-10 @ 75-85% 1rm : 105x1, 1, 1, 125x1, 1, 1, 140x1, 1, 1, 1

EMOM for 10 minutes:
Hang Clean + Jerk - Sets 1-3 @ 55-65% 1rm, Sets 4-6 @ 65-75% 1rm, Sets 7-10 @ 75-85% 1rm : 135x1, 1, 1, 160x1, 1, 1, 185x1, 1, 1, 1

Back Squat - 1x5 @ 65% 1rm, 1x3 @ 80% 1rm, 1x1 @ 85% 1rm, 3x1 @ 90% 1rm (r:3 min) : 205x5, 250x3, 265x1, 285x1, 1, 1

Three rounds for time of:
4 Muscle Ups
4 Clean & Jerk (185#)
6 Handstand Push-Ups

Time : 10:35

- My legs were trashed after all this.  The conditioning was brutal trying to do the jerks.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #359 on: June 30, 2013, 05:28:32 PM »

Three rounds, not for time, of:
Double-Unders x 40-50 reps - DNP
L-Sit x 30-45 seconds - 30, 15/15, 15/15
Bar Muscle-Up x 2-5 reps - 5, 3, 2

(B-D is to be done with running clock)
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
25 Burpees Over the end of rower

Time : 6:00

When the clock hits10 minutes, perform the following:
Three rounds for time of:
135lb Push Press x 15 reps
Toes to Bar x 20 reps

- Did not finish.  2 rounds + 12 push press

When the clock strikes 20 minutes, perform the following…
Three rounds for time of:
30″ Box Jump-Overs x 15 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 20 reps

- Did not finish : 2 rounds + 8 Chest to bar

- Fucking left achilles and right hell would NOT allow me to even do a few regular rope jumps.
- So pissed that my ankle/foot problems prevented me from doing this properly.  The burpees were done cautiously and the box jump-overs were done in a similar manner. 
- Totally screwed up on the push presses in "C".  I did 20 the first round so my shoulders were trashed for the next two rounds.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and

second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that

the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed

with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #360 on: July 01, 2013, 05:20:49 PM »
Krank just catching up on your log.  When are you getting some new shoes?  The achilles can take a long time to heal due to the limited blood supply getting down there.  I had inflamation in my left one for 9 months once and it was terrible.  I didn't take a few days off and let it heal....I kept training and doing my cardio through it.  


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #361 on: July 01, 2013, 07:01:37 PM »
Krank just catching up on your log.  When are you getting some new shoes?  The achilles can take a long time to heal due to the limited blood supply getting down there.  I had inflamation in my left one for 9 months once and it was terrible.  I didn't take a few days off and let it heal....I kept training and doing my cardio through it.  

I need to get new 'regular' shoes.  I have my oly shoes and they aren't the greatest for doing 'jumping' things.  I have been icing both things a lot, so we shall see what day is like. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #362 on: July 01, 2013, 07:07:45 PM »

Five sets of Front Squat x 1 rep (Rest as needed)

In five sets or fewer, build by feel to a “heavy” front squat. Once the load feels heavy and your barbell speed is noticeably slower, move on to part B.

Worked up to 275#.  I am really focusing on keeping the chest high and the elbows up.

Five sets of Snatch from Mid-Thigh x 2.2.2 reps (Rest 10 seconds between 2 rep clusters, straps may be used)
Rest 3 minutes

Back Squat (using 1rm max from wk #1)  Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%

205x5, 245x3, 285x1

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat x 5 reps @ 80%


- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #363 on: July 06, 2013, 05:06:02 AM »

Three Rounds (untimed)
1) Chest to bar pullups - 10-12 reps : 12, 12, 10
2) Nose-to-wall holds - 60 - 90sec : 45, 40, 40
3) Skin the cat - 3 - 5 reps : 3, 3, 3

Jerk - (base off  1rm of C&J) 1x3  @ 60%, 1x2 @ 70%, 1x2 reps @ 80%, 5x1 @ 90+% (r:AN) : 135x3, 155x2, 180x2, 205x1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Behind the Neck Push Press (sntach grip) - 3x4 (r:AN) : 135x4, 155x4, 165x3

5 minute AMRAP of:
5 Burpees
5 Ring Dips

- The skin the cat is a nice shoulder stretch.  Those used to be easy. 
- For "B" hold receiving position in all sets for one full second to assess proper footwork and positioning – make adjustments and prioritize mechanics over load.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort
- (r:AN) = Rest as needed


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #364 on: July 06, 2013, 05:30:11 AM »

Front Squat - 1x3 @ 75% 1rm, 1x2 reps @ 80% 1rm, 1x1 @ 85% 1rm, 1x3 @ 80% 1rm, 1x2 @ 85% 1rm, 1x1 @ 90% 1rm (r:2-3 min) : 225, 3, 240x2, 255x1, 240x3, 225x2, 270x1

Halting Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Clean - 5x1+1+1 (r:AN) : 135, 155, 185, 185, 205 (fail on last clean)

Good Morning - 3x6 @ 4011 (r:AN) : 95x6, 115x6, 135x6

For time:
Row 500 M
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
40 Walking Lunges with Two Kettlebell Farmer Carry (25# plates)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Row 500 M

Time : 13:19

- I did this workout at a local gym.  I was upposed to use 50# kettlebells for the "D" but my legs were so smoked I couldn't even get two steps. 
- Going with the above, I got reprimanded by a trainer for having my gym bag on the floor.  Ummm, so how does one get al lhis lifting gear up to gym floor if the lockers are downstairs?

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and

second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that

the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed

with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort
- (r:AN) = Rest as needed


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #365 on: July 06, 2013, 05:41:27 AM »

Drop Snatch - 3x1 (r:AN) : 85, 95, 95
Snatch Balance - 3x1 (r:AN) : 105, 115, 125

Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Clean & Jerk (based off 1rm) - 1.1 (rest 10 seconds between singles) 2x1.1 @ 55-65%, 2x1.1 @ 65-75%, 2x1.1 @ 75-85%, 2x1.1 @ 85-95% : 135, 135, 155, 155, 180, 180, 205, 205

Back Squat - 1x5 @ 65-70% 1rm, 1x3 @ 75-80% 1rm, 1x1 @ 85-90% 1rm, 3x1 @ 90-95% 1rm (r:3m) : 205x5, 245x3, 275x1, 295x1, 1, 1

For time:
30 Squat Clean & Jerks (135#)

Time : 7:51

- This workout destroyed me.  Took about 90 mins to complete.  My low back was sore from yesterday.  Maybe from the good mornings, maybe from the miss on the clean.
- I broke "D" up into 10/5/5/5/5.  I went in to it at a controlled pace and wanted to make sure I didn't burn out.  I didn't split jerk either.  I just did a squat jerk for them.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and

second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that

the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed

with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort
- (r:AN) = Rest as needed


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #366 on: July 07, 2013, 01:06:51 AM »

Front Squat - 1x3 @ 75% 1rm, 1x2 reps @ 80% 1rm, 1x1 @ 85% 1rm, 1x3 @ 80% 1rm, 1x2 @ 85% 1rm, 1x1 @ 90% 1rm (r:2-3 min) : 225, 3, 240x2, 255x1, 240x3, 225x2, 270x1

Halting Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Clean - 5x1+1+1 (r:AN) : 135, 155, 185, 185, 205 (fail on last clean)

Good Morning - 3x6 @ 4011 (r:AN) : 95x6, 115x6, 135x6

For time:
Row 500 M
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
40 Walking Lunges with Two Kettlebell Farmer Carry (25# plates)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Row 500 M

Time : 13:19

- I did this workout at a local gym.  I was upposed to use 50# kettlebells for the "D" but my legs were so smoked I couldn't even get two steps. 
- Going with the above, I got reprimanded by a trainer for having my gym bag on the floor.  Ummm, so how does one get al lhis lifting gear up to gym floor if the lockers are downstairs?

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and

second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that

the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed

with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort
- (r:AN) = Rest as needed

It's a universal gym rule. I can understand in some ways. I have seen members trip over gym bags.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #367 on: July 07, 2013, 05:00:29 AM »
It's a universal gym rule. I can understand in some ways. I have seen members trip over gym bags.

For all the years I have been training I have always brought my bag into the gym.  I place it out of the way of people.   I only have things I need and use.  I am looking at laundry bags that are made of mesh so I will bring my stuff up there and then they can look right in just in case they are that worried about theft.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #368 on: July 07, 2013, 05:08:47 AM »
For all the years I have been training I have always brought my bag into the gym.  I place it out of the way of people.   I only have things I need and use.  I am looking at laundry bags that are made of mesh so I will bring my stuff up there and then they can look right in just in case they are that worried about theft.
I have never been able to get away with that unless I was travelling and just doing the casual gym pass. For some reason you get left alone.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #369 on: July 07, 2013, 05:18:51 AM »

Three rounds (untimed):
Double-Unders x 40-50 reps : 50, 50, 50
Bar Muscle-Ups x 3-6 reps : 6, 6, 6
Handstand Walk x 10-15 meters : 10m, 10m, 10m

For time:
50 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Time : 5:05

Four Rounds:
Run 800 Meters
15 Burpees
30 Kettlebell Swings (24 kg)
Rest 4 minutes

Round#1 : 6:39
Round#2 : 7:00
Round#3 : 6:46
Round#4 : 6:41

- I was finally able to get back to jumping rope, just singles but its a start.
- Also, for "C" I subbed 1000m rowing for the 800m run.  I did not want to mess with my ankle or my heel.
- I took a little longer on "B" just because I was feeling so beat up after the last two days of training.
- Part "C" was a bitch.  Doesn't seem like much but I was dragging ass after the 2nd round.  My shirt was soaked when done.  I had to tape my palms with athletic tape after the 2nd round because I was sweating so much I couldn't keep my grip on rower handle.

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort
- (r:AN) = Rest as needed


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #370 on: July 07, 2013, 05:19:40 AM »
I have never been able to get away with that unless I was travelling and just doing the casual gym pass. For some reason you get left alone.

I keep to myself at the gym.  I have to travel this week, so we shall see just how hard this is going to be.  I have to take my gear with me.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #371 on: July 07, 2013, 05:29:13 AM »
I keep to myself at the gym.  I have to travel this week, so we shall see just how hard this is going to be.  I have to take my gear with me.
I know you are and you should be fine to have your gym bag with you. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #372 on: July 16, 2013, 08:54:00 PM »
Haven't really trained since 7/6.  I was out of town in Phoenix and felt like shit in the heat.  I remember when I originally lived there that it took about 2wks for me to acclimate and feel like training.  A couple of other things came into play (long day at work, feet hurting, etc).

Wednesday I managed a 1000m swim.

Thursday I just did a little metcon of:

5 rounds of:
12 135# Deadlift
9 135# Clean
6 135# Jerks

Really sucked because I was at a Lifetime fitness and they don't allow chalk and it was humid as hell in the weight area.  The bar was freaking slippery as hell.

Saturday I stopped at my friends Crossfit gym.  I did the olympic weight lifting class.  Great olympic coach.  Pointed out a few mistakes I was making.  He really emphasized the front rack problem of mine.  Will be working on it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #373 on: July 16, 2013, 08:57:05 PM »

5 attempts to work up to a near maximal Clean & Jerk (after warmup lifts), rest as needed between attempts : 205#

EMOM for 5 minutes – 1 Clean & Jerk @ 85-90% of max from #1 : Used 175#

3X3 Pause Front Squats (5 second pause in the absolute bottom) - rest 60 sec. : 135, 155, 155

3X5 Push Press – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. : 135, 135, 155


For time:

5 rounds of “Cindy”

5 Pull-ups
10 HR Push-ups
15 Air Squats


15 Hang Power Snatches 115#


5 rounds of “Cindy”

5 Pull-ups
10 HR Push-ups
15 Air Squats

Time : 9:37

- I haven't really trained hard since 7/6.  Today (and this week) I will be reducing the wolume of what I will be doing.  I will post the workouts I should be doing and just be making notes of what I actually did.
- I didn't work up to a near maximal weight on the C/J.  I kept it comfortable and worked on getting into a good holding position at the bottom of the clean.
- I kept the front squats lighter to emphasize the good thoracic posture.
- For the metcon I did not do the 2nd "Cindy".  I also paced myself on the first one.  With the power snatches I was spent.  I broke them up into 5/5/5

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise
- ME = Maximum effort


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #374 on: July 18, 2013, 05:49:22 PM »
The swimming would have been more enjoyable to do in that humidity, as opposed to your training in the gym.  Don't worry too much Krank about missing some training.  It would have done more good than harm since you need your achilles and heel to fully recover.