Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1053266 times)


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Wonder why these "bravest" are not going after bloods, crips, ms-13, vatos loco, etc?   

We all know why now don't we.   Fucking pussies. 

Don't you know that the Bloods, Crypts, MS-13, etc etc are "tools" of the police ?!?!!?!?. They were created by the Police and CIA as a way of terrorizing a neighborhood/city/state thereby justifying hiring more police... Also these "gangs" are given and allowed to sell and transport drugs for the CIA/police for the sake of funding their coffers. With this created "crime atmosphere", new totally brainless police are being hired to give the illusion of dealing with crime. These new cops react like they are playing a video game and the HUMAN is just a character on the screen that means absolutely nothing and is ripe for being killed. Sadly the only ones being killed are the innocent citizens and notice the cops murdered without even a flinch in this video.

I have said this before that nothing in america is as it seems. Few are the HONEST things...much are the DISHONEST things. Much to the CHAGRIN of others...this criminality is what CAPITALISM brings. when a society is built upon GREED and WANT then there is nothing that society will not do to achieve that end..EVEN IF IT IS ILLEGAL AND/OR DEADLY!!!

Soul Crusher

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I thougfht the same thing.  Was like a video game.


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I thougfht the same thing.  Was like a video game.

Shit is crazy, There's a thread about this topic on the G&O...

They say that this killing is justified...

However, it doesn't look right in my book. They gave the guy no change to surrender.

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I think that guy had no idea what was going on.


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Hugo Chavez

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spot on lol...

Dos Equis

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They had a warrant, just not on them and didn't have to as it was no-knock.  We know now he had a golf club, but the only thing the officers could see was a metal glint.

It's easy to sit back and play Monday morning quarterback.  When you're the cop whose life is on the line, and you have a second to make a decision, it's completely different.  Talk is easy.

We can agree that a lot of times the cops use way too much force, but in this case, I think they were justified (just going off the vid).

I agree with this.  Cops had to make a split second decision. 

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New case of this bullshit.   "Protect and Serve" my ass.   Cops are mostly organized and taxpayer financed street gangs and mafia rackets. 

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Medical care blocked for Marine Veteran killed by SWAT - update
KGUN9-TV ^ | May 11, 2011 | KGUN9-TV

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TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - 9 On Your Side has uncovered startling new information in the case of a man SWAT team members killed Thursday.

Medical attention was standing by to try to save Jose Guereña.

Paramedics waited more than an hour.

Then deputies sent them away

By then Guereña was dead.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Soul Crusher

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Former Marine killed by SWAT was acting in defense, family says ^ | May 11, 2011 | Joel Waldman

Jose Guerena, 26, was killed when a SWAT team came to his house to serve a search warrant

Guerena's wife, Vanessa, said the SWAT team did not identify themselves

Thinking it was a home invasion, Guerena got his rifle

Now, Pima County Sheriff's officials are refuting original claims that Guerena fired at the SWAT members. In fact, they confirmed his safety was still on when his gun was recovered. Also, officials said that reports that some SWAT officers' shields were riddled with bullets are also untrue.

SWAT gunned Jose down with 71 rounds fired in just about seven seconds; officials said they did not expect Vanessa to be home with their four-year-old son, Joel, who ended up witnessing his dad's death. Now he has questions about what happened, like so many others.

"The only thing he asked me, 'Mom, my dad a bad guy? They killed my dad! Police killed my dad? Why? What did my dad do?'" explained Guerena.

Jose's relatives want his children to know he did his best to be a great husband, dad and patriot.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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SWAT team fired 71 shots in raid
Fernanda Echavarri
Arizona Daily Star Arizona Daily Star | Posted: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 12:00 am

 Lt. Michael O'Connor, of the Sheriff's Department, discusses the shooting death of Jose Guerena. .

..The Pima County Regional SWAT team fired 71 shots in seven seconds at a Tucson man they say pointed a gun at officers serving a search warrant at his home.

Jose Guerena, 26, a former Marine who served in Iraq twice, was holding an AR-15 rifle when he was killed, but he never fired a shot, the Sheriff's Department said Monday after initially saying he had fired on officers during last week's raid.

Six days after Guerena was shot, few details about the investigation that brought the SWAT team to the southwest-side home Guerena shared with his wife and their two young sons are known. Guerena's role in the narcotics investigation is unclear and deputies would not comment on what was seized from his home.

Three other homes within a quarter of a mile from Guerena's house, were served search warrants related to the investigation that morning. The addresses and the names of people who live in the other homes have not been made public.

Vanessa Guerena says she heard noise outside their home about 9 a.m. Thursday and woke her husband who had just gone to bed after working a 12-hour shift at the Asarco Mine, she said. There were no sirens or shouts of "police," she said.

Guerena told his wife and son to hide inside a closet and he grabbed the AR-15 rifle, his wife said.

The department says SWAT members were clear when identifying themselves while entering the home.

"Tucson is notorious for home invasions and we didn't want to look like that," said Lt. Michael O'Connor of the Pima County Sheriff's Department. "We went lights and sirens and we absolutely did not do a 'no-knock' warrant."

When five SWAT members broke through the front door Guerena was crouched down pointing the gun at them, said O'Connor.

"The suspect said, 'I've got something for you,' when he saw them," O'Connor said. Guerena's wife denied he said that.

Deputies began shooting.

A deputy's bullet struck the side of the doorway, causing chips of wood to fall on his shield. That prompted some members of the team to think the deputy had been shot, O'Connor said.

The Sheriff's Department put in a call to Drexel Heights fire at 9:43 a.m. requesting assistance with a shooting. But crews were told to hold off.

Guerena was dead by the time they were allowed in the house, fire officials said.

Vanessa Guerena vividly remembers seeing her wounded husband.

"When I came out the officers dragged me through the kitchen and took me outside, and that's when I saw him laying there gasping for air," Vanessa Guerena said. "I kept begging the officers to call an ambulance that maybe he could make it and that my baby was still inside."

The little boy soon after walked out of the closet on his own. SWAT members took him outside to be with his mother.

"I never imagined I would lose him like that, he was badly injured but I never thought he could be killed by police after he served his country," Vanessa Guerena said.

The family's 5-year-old son was at school that morning and deputies say they thought Guerena's wife and his other child would also be gone when they entered the home.

Guerena says there were no drugs in their house.

Deputies said they seized a "large sum of money from another house" that morning. But they refused to say from which of the homes searched that morning they found narcotics, drug ledgers or drug paraphernalia. Court documents showing what was being sought and was found have not been made public. A computer check on Guerena revealed a couple of traffic tickets and no criminal history.

Guerena was a Tucson native and Flowing Wells High School graduate. He joined the U.S. Marines in 2002. He served two tours in Iraq in 2003 and 2005 as part of the Yuma-based MWSS-173 under direct supervision of Master Sgt. Leo Verdugo.

Verdugo was with Guerena's family Tuesday afternoon. He gave them a Marine Corps jacket and gloves to use at Guerena's burial.

"He was an excellent Marine, with a bright future ahead of him," Verdugo said.

"We had just bought a home and he was working graveyard shifts and overtime just to help pay the bills, we were just starting to make this house our home," Vanessa Guerena said.

"I know I can't have him back but I want justice. I want explanations for what happened," she said.

Contact reporter Fernanda Echavarri at or 573-4224.

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Unbelievable.   I wish I was on the jury for this.  I would vote for the death penalty for every one of these murderous disgusting pigs. 



  • Getbig IV
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Wonder why these "bravest" are not going after bloods, crips, ms-13, vatos loco, etc?   

We all know why now don't we.   Fucking pussies. 

Thank you
Fuck these pricks
Agree 100%
Seen to many times. These fuckers are all though when they outnumber some guy but when there is a risk they themselves may be in danger they dont do shit.
Somehow they always feel thretened and forced to act violently when the opponent is a easy prey. But when their opponent is some who might actually be a threat  somehow they always keep cool. Fuck em i hope they get their entitlements and pentions cut

Soul Crusher

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SWAT raid fatal drama is revealed in 911 call
Fernanda Echavarri Arizona Daily Star | Posted: Saturday, May 14, 2011 12:15 am
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Jose Guerena
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The wife of a Tucson man killed in a Pima County SWAT raid May 5 pleaded for five minutes with 911 dispatchers to send an ambulance for her mortally wounded husband, audio records show.
Often through tears and sometimes in broken English, Vanessa Guerena, tells 911 operators that her husband had been shot by a "bunch of people" who opened the door of their southwest-side home and "just shoot him." Meanwhile, dispatchers worked to determine if she was calling from a house where the SWAT team was serving a search warrant, audio released Friday by Drexel Heights Fire Department reveals. It takes about an hour for waiting medics to know what happened, and the man is dead before fire crews are allowed into the home.
Jose Guerena, 26, a former Marine, was sleeping after the graveyard shift at Asarco Mission mine about 9:30 a.m. when his wife woke him saying she heard noises outside and a man was at their window. Guerena told his wife to hide in a closet with their 4-year-old son, his wife has said. He grabbed an AR-15 rifle and moments later was slumped in the kitchen, mortally wounded from a hail of gunfire.
For about five minutes after Guerena was shot, his wife stays on the phone trying to explain what happened and asking for an ambulance.
More than a week later, few details about the investigation that brought the SWAT team to the home Guerena shared with his wife and their two young sons are known. Details of the search warrant have not been made public and deputies would not comment on what was seized from the home.
The Pima County Sheriff's Department has provided no details about the investigation that prompted the raid and little information about the moments leading up to 71 gunshots being fired at Guerena, whose gun had the safety on. He was shot 60 times, doctors told the family. Initially the Sheriff's Department said Guerena fired at officers, but they retracted that this week. Drexel Heights provided audio of the 911 calls after the Star filed a public records request.
Vanessa Guerena, 27, continuously asks the operator to "please, please" send somebody to help her husband in a call in which she seems desperate, frustrated and panicked and says she could hear people talking outside.
About a minute into the 911 call a dispatcher who says she is with the Sheriff's Department comes on and asks if the SWAT team was at her house. Guerena sounds confused, and says her husband isn't talking to her anymore. She then talks over two operators who are trying to figure out if the house in the 7100 block of South Redwater Drive is among those targeted to be searched that morning as part of an investigation.
The operator asks again if there were law enforcement officers at her house and Guerena says yes, that they're outside. She then adds that they had come inside earlier, shot her husband and pointed a "big ol' gun" at her. She grabbed her son and worried she would be shot.
"Please send me an ambulance and you can ask more questions later, please!"
Guerena tells the dispatcher that her husband had returned home about 6:30 a.m. after work and was sleeping.
Prompted by the dispatcher, Guerena says her husband was shot in the stomach and hands.
The dispatcher asks Guerena to put her cheek next to her husband's nose and mouth to see if he's breathing, but she replies in Spanish that her husband is face- down.
The operator tells Guerena to grab a cloth and apply pressure to his wounds, but the wife responds frantically: "I can't! I can't! There's a bunch of people outside of my house. I don't know what the heck is happening!"
A dispatcher asks if the people outside are the SWAT members. "I think it's the SWAT, but they ... Oh my God!" Guerena says.
A dispatcher asks that she open the door for the SWAT, but Guerena replies that the door was already opened by police.
"Is anybody coming? Is anybody coming?" she asks.
The operator tells Guerena help is on the way, but they're still trying to figure out what happened.
"I don't know, that's it, whatever I told you, that's it," Guerena says.
Just after the five-minute mark, Guerena's end of the line goes silent.
The two dispatchers spend about four minutes talking to each other and calling out for Guerena while trying to figure out if the call is coming from the same residence where the warrant was served. At the end of the 10-minute 911 call, a dispatcher says she has confirmation that Guerena is outside with deputies on the scene.
Other audio records Drexel Heights released to the Star Friday indicate the agency dispatched a medical unit at 9:43 a.m. but was told by the Sheriff's Department to hold off.
Dispatchers said there were several addresses where the SWAT team was going that morning and they were not sure if this house was one of them, the audio shows.
The Sheriff's Department dispatcher said she had not received any requests for medical help from deputies on scene. Drexel Heights fire dispatcher asked: "You don't want us going in, right?" The sheriff's operator then said: "I don't know what is going on. You guys go ahead and hold off until we know what it's going to be."

The Sheriff's Department operator said people at the scene wanted the medical help to stay back because they might be dealing with a "barricaded subject."

Three other homes within a quarter mile of the Guerena house were served search warrants that morning as part of the sheriff's investigation. The addresses and the names of people who live in the homes have not been made public. However, the Sheriff's Department has said they found drugs and money.
Guerena was a Tucson native and Flowing Wells High School graduate. He joined the Marines in 2002. He served two tours in Iraq in 2003 and 2005 as part of the Yuma-based MWSS-173.
Contact reporter Fernanda Echavarri at or 573-4224.

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West Point grad shot, killed at Nevada Costco
united states military academy at west point 12 July 2010 | 0 Comments

From the Las Vegas Review-Journal:

The man shot by police outside a Summerlin Costco store on Saturday was a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point with a master’s degree from Duke University, friends said.

Army veteran Erik Scott, 39, was at the store near Charleston Boulevard and the Las Vegas Beltway with his girlfriend before three officers fatally shot him in a confrontation.

Friends and an attorney speaking on behalf of Scott’s relatives, described him as a good man from a military family. His father was in the Air Force, and his grandfather fought in World War II, friend Mike Pusateri said.

“The most loyal, honest, trustworthy, salt-of-the-earth guy you could meet,” said Pusateri, 38. “You only meet one or two of those kinds of guys in your life, and Erik is one of them.”

Scott worked for Boston Scientific, a medical devices manufacturer, as a sales representative for the company’s pacemakers. Attorney Ross Goodman, who represents Scott’s family, said Scott was one of the company’s top sales employees.

Pusateri and Goodman said Scott and his girlfriend were at the Costco because they were moving in together and wanted to buy the things they needed. The two men declined to discuss the events that led to the shooting.

According to Las Vegas police, officers were called to 801 S. Pavilion Center Drive at 12:47 p.m. by a store worker who said a man was destroying merchandise. Police were told the man had a gun.

Capt. Patrick Neville described Scott as “kind of going berserk.” Workers evacuated the store. Officers stopped Scott outside as the customers were leaving.

Neville said an officer tapped the man on the shoulder and identified himself as police. Scott then spun around and reached for a gun, law enforcement officials said.

“They ordered him to the ground,” Neville said of the officers on Saturday. “He does not comply with that order. He reaches for the weapon, pulls the weapon out, at which time, the weapon was out of the waistband.”

Three officers fired multiple times, killing Scott.

One witness interviewed Saturday and three others interviewed Sunday by the Review-Journal gave accounts that differed from what police described.

With a few minor variations, the witnesses recounted matching sequences of events. The witnesses interviewed did not see what happened inside the store that prompted workers to call police. Three of the witnesses, upset by the event, asked that their names not be published.

Once Scott was outside, none of the witnesses saw him brandish a weapon or make any movement that would seem like he was brandishing a weapon.

The first witness already had made his purchases and was waiting in line for a worker to check his receipt when he saw an officer enter the store. The officer whispered something to the worker checking the receipts. The first witness then heard that employee turn to another employee and say, “He said we should let him through.”

The four witnesses described a calm rush of customers exiting the front of the store after Costco workers told everyone to leave.

Attorney David Amesbury said he arrived in time to see shoppers leaving. He described the customer exodus as being “like the aftermath of Disneyland.”

A customer told Amesbury that he couldn’t go in, so the attorney waited on a bench west of the entrance. He said he had a clear view of two officers standing beside the entrance with their guns drawn.

All four witnesses said they were within 20 feet of the store’s main entrance. They said Scott walked out of the entrance with the crowd.

They described an officer shouting at Scott, then a quick succession of gunshots.

The witnesses differed in their recollection of what one of the officers said.

Amesbury heard, “I told you to stop. Stop.”

Two witnesses interviewed Sunday heard, “Drop it.”

A fourth witness, interviewed Saturday, heard, “Get down,” “Put it down,” or “Get out of the way.”

A second anonymous witness said Sunday he saw Scott pull up his shirt and turn toward the shouting officer. Then he saw the man get shot, drop to his knees and fall face-first in front of the entrance.

“There wasn’t even time for someone to react,” the second witness said. “The guy didn’t pull a gun. There was no gun in his hand, there was no gun on the ground.”

The second witness said he was interviewed by homicide detectives and gave them the same account.

The first anonymous witness also didn’t see Scott make a threat.

“I certainly did not see the guy do anything with a gun that would threaten anybody,” the first witness said Sunday. “It appeared to me that if he had guns on him, that they were literally in his pocket or in his waist.”

The first witness also was interviewed by homicide detectives about the shooting.

Amesbury said he did not see the man get shot, but, “When I go around the corner, I see this guy laid out. I didn’t see a gun.” Amesbury’s view of the shooting was blocked by stone pillars. He was not interviewed by police.

Before the shooting, Scott was walking with a woman that three witnesses thought was his girlfriend. They said she became distraught after the shooting. The incident also left the witnesses shaken.

It’s just incredible “with all these people around that Metro would provoke something there,” the second witness said. “I don’t want to second-guess the police, but wouldn’t it have been better to confront him out at his car?”

After the shooting, some people in the crowd panicked. An elderly woman was knocked down and cut her elbow in the chaos, the second witness said.

Only Scott was struck by gunfire .

Police said Scott had two handguns on him when he was shot. Goodman said Scott had a concealed-weapons permit.

Pusateri said his friend was a “safety freak” around guns. He said that “absolutely not in a million years” would Scott be careless with them around others.

Scott graduated from West Point, in New York, in 1994 and was stationed for a time at Fort Hood, Texas, as a tank platoon leader. In 2003, he graduated from Duke University in North Carolina with a master’s degree in business administration.

Friends said they noticed nothing strange about Scott in the days before the shooting.

On Friday, Scott’s vehicle was struck by another vehicle while he was rushing a pacemaker to Summerlin Hospital Medical Center, Pusateri said. Scott was not injured in the collision, and a firefighter took the device from the crash scene to the hospital, he said.

Friends were distraught and puzzled as to why police shot and killed Scott.

“He’s a stand-up guy in the community,” Goodman said. “This guy is not somebody to put himself in a situation like that.”

Pusateri, who also sells medical devices, said Scott worked closely with patients in his job. He called Scott’s job the “pinnacle” of the business.

“It’s very, very sad,” Pusateri said. “I’m shocked by it. It’s the tragic loss of a great man.”

Contact reporter Lawrence Mower at or

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Atlanta Woman, 88, Shot Dead in Drug Raid

Posted by Tim Lynch

Today’s New York Times reports on another drug raid gone awry.  Kathryn Johnston thought criminals were breaking into her home–so she retrieved a handgun and shot at the people who were at her front door.  As it turns out, the men at the door were cops on a drug raid.  The officers were wounded, but they returned fire and killed Ms. Johnston.  According to the Times report, the cops involved may have lied to get the search warrant and may have lied about the shooting afterward.  These incidents are far more common than most people believe, as this Cato raidmap shows.

Tim Lynch • November 28, 2006 @ 12:01 pm
Filed under: General; Law and Civil Liberties

Hugo Chavez

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I guess there is no comment from the morons that were all for this shit....

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I guess there is no comment from the morons that were all for this shit....

The drug war is total bullshit.   


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I agree with this.  Cops had to make a split second decision. 

Anything to support state authority, right Beach? ::)
I hate the State.

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I don't support this swat crap.   It's pure bullshit.   

Hugo Chavez

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Anything to support state authority, right Beach? ::)
bb is pure neocon but doesn't even know what that means, what do you expect?

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Just once I'm hoping for some dude like in the professional to take out a whole swat team when one of these bullshit no knock warrants go to the wrong house and terrorize some innocent family. 

Until that happens, these jackboots and bitches w badges will only get worse.

Hugo Chavez

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Just once I'm hoping for some dude like in the professional to take out a whole swat team when one of these bullshit no knock warrants go to the wrong house and terrorize some innocent family. 

Until that happens, these jackboots and bitches w badges will only get worse.

great movie

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Oh another thing - guess who is the pofs sheriff in pima county?   Take a long guess? 

No other than that disgusting fat pofs dupnik who trashed rush limbaugh, blamed talk radio for the giffords shooting etc. 

The far left pofs posters on this site like benny and blacken were praising that scumbag to the hilt for that.  Ill bet they won't say shit about this dead marine at the hands of the states' modern say praetorian guard. 

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Re: Police are Out of Control - Official Thread
« Reply #72 on: May 15, 2011, 07:42:44 AM »
Co-defendant: High-ranking cop stole from hookers
San Francisco Chronicle ^ | May 14, 2011 | Justin Berton

PLEASANT HILL -- The former commander of a law enforcement task force in Contra Costa County robbed prostitutes whose operations were competing with his own brothel in Pleasant Hill, his co-defendant in a drug theft case told investigators.

The former commander, ex-state Department of Justice agent Norman Wielsch, said prostitutes and drug dealers deserved to have their money stolen, said Christopher Butler, a private eye in Concord and Wielsch's former colleague on the Antioch police force.

In a 34-page narrative that he wrote for investigators detailing his alleged criminal exploits and obtained by The Chronicle, Butler also said a woman accused of prostitution had told him that she had sex with Wielsch in exchange for having charges against her reduced.

In 2009, at Wielsch's suggestion, the woman helped the task force commander and private eye set up a massage parlor on Gregory Lane in Pleasant Hill that fronted for a brothel, Butler said.

Wielsch, 50, and Butler, 49, were charged in February with stealing drugs from evidence lockers in Contra Costa and selling them. Separately, Butler has been charged with arranging the false drunken-driving arrests of men who were targets of his investigations firm. Wielsch and Butler have pleaded not guilty.

Lawyer's denial


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #73 on: May 15, 2011, 07:48:41 AM »
You're quickly becoming one of my favorites! Keep up the good work 333386!

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #74 on: May 15, 2011, 07:57:54 AM »
You're quickly becoming one of my favorites! Keep up the good work 333386!

I try to be as honest as I know how to be.   I know sometimes I piss off some of the real  GOP or Bust types, and obviously piss off the far left commie types, I only go by my own experiences in lower westchester (Yonkers, New Ro., Mt. Vernon) as well as NYC (Bronx, Brooklyn) experiences for my belief system.

I grew up with a ton of terrible people.  About 35% became cops, 15% firemen, 10% mafia, 20% moved away, 20% the rest of us.

I know the deal all too well.  The guys I grew up with who became cops are far worse than those who pursued crime as a living.   I say this regrettably as I was and am still friendly with a lot of them.   Every single firehouse and police station in Yonkers is littered with BMW's, mercedes, etc.  Coincendece?   Hardly.   

The cops I know, and have known since 10 y/o, are worse than any gangster you will ever see on tv.   I'm not kidding.   I have seen and have been witness to things that would make the average taxpayer puke for months.