Author Topic: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!  (Read 28407 times)

The Squadfather

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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2006, 08:30:21 AM »
yeah Ron listen to Texas Rush he benches 380 on the Smith Machine. ::)


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #51 on: November 02, 2006, 08:34:00 AM »
  ok "squadfather"  ::) hahaha oh brother!! I bet you're the type of guy who........

            You really are  a nerd,you do know that,right?

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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #52 on: November 02, 2006, 08:35:51 AM »
The hack squats were pretty impressive, but his other lifts are a joke. He would be a lot better off just doing bench presses and deadlifts for his upper body, because those half rep "incline dumbbell presses" and "bent-over rows" obviously aren't doing shit.
i think so his form on incline presses was alright though


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #53 on: November 02, 2006, 09:04:02 AM »
I agree, his upper arms looked to be parallel to the ground which is all that really matters anyway - and it saves the shoulders.  Flys/crossovers are better for getting a good pec stretch.  I think Ron's a good example of a guy without Mr. Olympia genetics doing a good job with what he has, very good physique overall.


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #54 on: November 02, 2006, 09:22:27 AM »
My arms don't 'look' 18 inches because they are, and always have been, weak in comparison to my shoulders and chest.

This whole strength thing is silly. I have seen many, many guys that are incredibly strong for their size, though you would never guess it by looking at them. There are only a few bodybuilders that are as strong or stronger than you would guess by looking at them, like Ronnie and Johnnie Jackson. Strength and size are not always so closely related. We have all seen those 130-pound Olympic lifters from Turkey and Bulgaria that can grab 400 pounds off the ground and jerk it overhead. How many 250-pound bodybuilders can do that? My guess would be none.

My lifts are nothing special and I never claimed they were. The only reason I started posting on YouTube was because it was an easy and free way to have links to video clips that I could use on my blog, The Daily Pump.


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #55 on: November 02, 2006, 09:31:37 AM »
Someone certainly can train hard without competing.However,for someone to come on a forum and rip on a guy who,not only trains hard,but has the nads to compete is the silliest thing Ive ever seen.Ron put his reputation on the line and goes on stage and competes.He does this knowing that some arm chair "bodybuilder" on a website will rip him.He writes magazine articles and knows ,that by competing,he will be the first one to get ripped for having any part of his body not measuring up,or not coming in shape or any other of a thousand other things.The guy could easily just train in seclusion,and never post a pic or video of himself,make a living writing like so many other bodybuilding writers do,but instead,he "mans up" and goes on stage and shows what he has.To rip a guy like that is assanine and sad,especially if you cant muster the same courage.


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #56 on: November 02, 2006, 09:47:13 AM »
Matt, my legs are 28 inches around the thickest part. The sweep makes them look bigger, and that's just thanks to genetics.

Billy, I figured out a long time ago that if you post up pics or video clips, you are going to get ripped on no matter what. The comments I get on YouTube are the worst, because it's 99% haters over there. But such is life. I am happy with who I am and what I do, and that's all that matters. I will never have the physique I wish I did, but I am grateful to have what I do have. I watched a special called 'The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off' last week about this guy in England named Jonny Kennedy who died at age 36 of this horrendous disease, never having gone through puberty or had any type of romantic relationship. He kept a sense of humor and stayed positive despite being covered in sores and living in agony 24/7 his whole life.

Things like that put it all into perspective. How can I cry over not having 21-inch arms when I see something like that? How can I worry about someone saying I didn't go all the way down on an incline press? I am alive, healthy, have a career, a wonderful wife and two kids. That's why I don't let it get to me when guys post insults and so on.


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #57 on: November 02, 2006, 10:03:42 AM »
Actually, a lot of the YouTube comments have forced me to really reconsider my form. With the barbell rows, for example, I realize that the form SUCKS and I am going back to dumbbell rows, where I don't have any tendency to start standing up. As for the partial reps on some things, I do agree I see it too. I confess that with DC Training, especially doing it clean (been off for 8 months now), it's very hard to keep using more weight and do more reps every single workout, especially since I've already been training for over 20 years.

Now, as for no chest, come on now!

That's good, but it's obviously gotten you the physique ou got now and your not a powerlifter so it's really not too important.  Could you have built a better physique doing the exercises with better form?  I'm not sure, I guess it's worth given it a go to see.  The only reason I responded to the video is because they seem to be wanting to demonstrate strength and the technique in the video would totally negate that.  The physique is good though, no doubt.  I had no idea 1 element of DC training program was to constantly increase poundage or reps. NO WAY IT'S POSSIBLE and YES the physique CAN continue to progress without increasing poundages....If that is truely a element than it's one that could completely ruin credibility from the program.  If it's not then forget the comment.

Yorkie T

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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #58 on: November 02, 2006, 10:26:48 AM »
Yeah Ron, I feel the same way, and I see the same kinds of comments on youtube on the clips I post.  Most people could only wish to live a life as fulfilled as mine, and even though I may not have all the superficial luxuries people strive for, I can guarantee I am happier than lots of millionaires and billionaires.  It doesn't matter what I have or don't have since I've found inner peace and self acceptance.  Everyone should be so lucky, but it's safe to say that most are not.  Somebody who went to my university and was my age died of pancreatic cancer eight days after being diagnosed terminal after going to the hospital because he had symptoms of a stomach flu.  That was two years ago and he was only 22, but it left me thinking about it for a year.  What is life if you are not happy or healthy?  Nothing.  All the other details are just that - details.  I want to have your build while you want to strive for bigger.  When it comes down to it, be pleased with the skin you're in, because no matter what you look like you can always dwell on your flaws.  Trolls have always been around on the internet and always will be.  They don't bother me much anymore.

Matt your a good dude but for someone who claims to have such a great life, you do feel the need to tell people how great you are and how great your life is in every other post. Maybe your trying to overcompensate for something? It makes you look a little insecure, to someone able to pick up on such things of course. Did you get picked on at school and it made you depressed? Is that the reason you started bodybuilding? Im not taking the piss btw its just something ive noticed.

Dr Yorkshire Terrier.
8) B.B.C. 8)

The Luke

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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #59 on: November 02, 2006, 10:41:13 AM »
Pazuzu/Ron Harris,

Just a quick question regarding the barbell rows...

Why do you do them so upright? Surely rowing in an upright position means the lats can't physically take much of the weight (consider the vectors), meaning you have to consciously flex the lats to achieve a contraction... if you're only flexing your lats why do you need to use 315 lbs? Especially seeing as Ronnie and Dorian both use approx 405 lbs at about 45 degrees (which would be 315 lbs at 90 degrees).

I do my rows at 90 degrees, and even 225 lbs is a massive weight (more than Ahnuld used)... only 135 lbs will build impressive lats if you row to the lower stomach/pubic bone.

This video in particular seems like ego lifting (no offence).

The Luke

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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #60 on: November 02, 2006, 10:58:06 AM »
There are some reasonable points there, but there is more to it than that.  It's that people attack me and THEN I will tell them about my achievements or my life.  The most recent example was when TorontoRaptorsFan who can't even spell and has a lowly commerce degree attacked my intelligence.  Then I WILL come back and explain point-by-point how wrong that is.  Also, I never said how great I was, but how great my life was in terms of how happy and fulfilled I am, and the point I was trying to make is that it doesn't matter what you have, but your perception of what you have that makes your life great.  I would rather be working for minimum wage and be happy than be a millionaire and be unhappy.  That was my point.  This is something that everyone will learn once they acquire enough wisdom to see it.  Happiness, no matter how you get it, means more than anything else in your life (along with health of course).

As for why I started bodybuilding - I most definitely started bodybuilding for what some would consider to be the wrong reasons.  I knew I would get chicks if I got big muscles, despite all of them denying it.  Guess what?  I was right.  I honestly don't think I have changed at all as a person since before I started working out.  I am the same guy now as I was when I was 18.  It wasn't MY problem that the world treats more muscular men differently (and better).

Going on with this example - if a woman is 400 pounds and she is happy and smart and nice and confident, she is unlikely to ever find love.  She can keep EXACTLY those qualities and lose 270 pounds and guess what?  With NOTHING else having changed, she will get more dates.  So who has the problem?  The woman, or the rest of the world who is too shallow to see her for who she is because of what she looked like?  I am still ultimately the same 135 pound geek I was when I started.  I haven't honestly changed much as a person, but have changed drastically from a physical point of view.  When I was 18 I literally had not kissed a girl - now getting dates is no problem.  So even if I did start working out for the wrong reasons, I am not regretting anything because I got the result I wanted.  Can you really hold it against me yorkshire terrier?

No mate i cant hold that against you, i guess ive got an inquisitive mind and i always try and figure people out by there posts, the people behind the text, just the wierd way this dog's mind works, i dont get it right every time though  ;D
8) B.B.C. 8)

Yorkie T

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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #61 on: November 02, 2006, 11:22:07 AM »

I love to train for my own personal goals, but I'm not going to deny it, I love the fact that girls are attracted to physically fit men.  Is that unusual?  ???  I honestly think that literally everything I do is motivated in some way that involves women.  Freud actually said that everything we as humans do is essentially motivated by survival and reproduction instincts.

aye your probly right evryones got there own reasons for starting training, i cant pinpoint it with myself but i reckon its because when i was younger i was pretty tough, fighting a lot til my early 20's then i started partying all the time and i lost a LOT of weight, that much that people were commenting on how much weight id lost, i got really paranoid about it, and probably is why im trying to overcompensate now to be bigger than everyone else, the only reason i was thin in the first place is from the things i was doing though, my natural bodyweight for me is 13 stone at 5"10 so im not a small person anyway but i just feel like i need to be bigger all the time  ???
8) B.B.C. 8)


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #62 on: November 02, 2006, 11:27:52 AM »

I think judging by his lifts they are decent. Definitely stronger than most internet message board types. The form on some of the lifts was a tad bit sketchy but I am yet to see anyone in the gym demonstrate perfect form 100% of the time. Just look at the vids of many IFBB pros. Do they have great form during all of their lifts? The thing I respect about Ron is that he isn't just some armchair quarterback. He writes about bodybuilding and he also participates. You have to give him props for his dedication.


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #63 on: November 02, 2006, 11:49:28 AM »
no clicky

This video has been removed by the user.  >:(

I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #64 on: November 02, 2006, 11:53:24 AM »
those "contests" must have been weak as hell because his body is nothing, 15 inch arms, no chest or back, soft as butter but his legs are pretty good.
i compete with him, some of the best pros out there came from this show...the HW class had 13 people last time, few are in nationals now. Please stfu 14 year old cuntkabob


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #65 on: November 02, 2006, 11:59:03 AM »
Nice to see a few men with class discussing personal things...

It's funny how all the trash talkers can't back shit up...



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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #66 on: November 02, 2006, 11:59:20 AM »
My arms don't 'look' 18 inches because they are, and always have been, weak in comparison to my shoulders and chest.

This whole strength thing is silly. I have seen many, many guys that are incredibly strong for their size, though you would never guess it by looking at them. There are only a few bodybuilders that are as strong or stronger than you would guess by looking at them, like Ronnie and Johnnie Jackson. Strength and size are not always so closely related. We have all seen those 130-pound Olympic lifters from Turkey and Bulgaria that can grab 400 pounds off the ground and jerk it overhead. How many 250-pound bodybuilders can do that? My guess would be none.

My lifts are nothing special and I never claimed they were. The only reason I started posting on YouTube was because it was an easy and free way to have links to video clips that I could use on my blog, The Daily Pump.

ron dont bother man, i know what you look like and your a class act and a great BB'er


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #67 on: November 02, 2006, 12:42:02 PM »
i got into this same discussion with a guy i used to work with about Tampa Bay's running back Mike Alstott who used to claim he was 265 pounds and looked 215-220 i told him that even if he got on a scale in front of me and weighed 265 he doesn't LOOK 265.

Oh boy...   Here comes more bullshit  ::)

Dude, WE ALL KNOW YOU ARE 14 YEARS OLD!!  and that you have no friends, that you emulate roided up lifters because, frankly, you are the exact opposite of that.  Your gimmick is played out...why do you even try to keep up the charade anymore??


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #68 on: November 02, 2006, 01:31:27 PM »
Is he really 14? Shit, I have a daughter that will be 13 in April! I busted her saying she was 16 on her MySpace page. Funny how we all want to be older until we are about 30 or so, and then you do NOT want to get any older.

I can do barbell rows with up to 275 at a 45-degree angle. Heavier than that and it all goes to shit. I tend to get into ego lifting with bb rows because I have this idea that anything less than 315 is light. That's why I am abandoning the exercise and doing db rows from now on. I also deleted the clips of that and the rack deads on YouTube - they are embarrassing! I didn't know you could delete videos until today.

Thanks for the props, 2Large4U/Mike.


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #69 on: November 02, 2006, 01:35:01 PM »
Couple pics from when I was juicing - my arms used to be 19 pumped, but I don't really think it counts.

The Luke

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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #70 on: November 02, 2006, 01:48:50 PM »

I can do barbell rows with up to 275 at a 45-degree angle. Heavier than that and it all goes to shit. I tend to get into ego lifting with bb rows because I have this idea that anything less than 315 is light. That's why I am abandoning the exercise and doing db rows from now on. I also deleted the clips of that and the rack deads on YouTube - they are embarrassing! I didn't know you could delete videos until today.

Gotta respect that answer, more honest than I expected.

I'm thinking I might post a few of my own lifts... everyone seems to be very encouraging (Squadholes excluded), and my own training is strange enough to warrant people's interest (twice a week, 30 min workouts, one set per exercise HIT stuff). I think everyone should be doing 90 degree pull to lower stomach rows... they're brilliant! I do 100 lb rows, and no offence Ron, my back is thicker than yours.

My brother reckons I should diet down (from 25% bf) and record one workout per month making a Bob Chick type series (I have some experience in film-making), entering the Irish Narural Championships (a life-long dream) at the end of the series... something like "Blobbybuilder! The Luke Molloy Story"

The Luke 


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #71 on: November 02, 2006, 02:28:28 PM »
Is he really 14?

I'm afraid so.  For some reason known only to himself, the suicidal teenager still continues to post with a continuation of the Sarcasm gimmick, even though we all know the truth about him.

BTW, lookin' good man!


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!
« Reply #72 on: November 02, 2006, 02:55:42 PM »
Luke, I am sure your back is thicker than mine, but I still wanted to post up better pics. That lat spread was a bit blurry.

The Luke

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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!
« Reply #73 on: November 02, 2006, 03:07:25 PM »
That's a great back Ron, my thickness is mostly due to my proportions.

I'm only 5'4'' tall but proportioned more like a taller person, I have hyperextendable knees that allow me to tip my toes without even stretching and as a result I can do bent over rows at 90 degrees with an arched back without stretching my hamstrings... end result: thick, chunky lats and ridges of erector spinae muscles.

I can even do my deadlifts after doing squats without fatiguing my back... it's a great benefit to have lower back as your strongest bodypart.

I'd recommend you try the fully bent over row. Pulling to the lower stomach (instead of the chest) makes all the difference. If you are performing all the exercises properly then the ratios of your weights should be something along the following lines:
Bench   100 lbs (for example)
Row     80 lbs
Squat   150 lbs
Deadlift 200 lbs

...if you're much off these ratios you have lagging bodyparts.

Again, great pics Ron,
The Luke


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Re: Ron Harris aka "Pazuzu"s lifting clips on you tube!
« Reply #74 on: November 02, 2006, 03:12:01 PM »
  Good videos.  Glad to see you hitting it hard.
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