Author Topic: Natural Al's DC training Journal  (Read 183954 times)


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #125 on: April 03, 2007, 02:43:33 PM »
what did I say?  I never critiseized?  Esp. my boy.....just asked why he felt the smith was inferioir or not as impressie as he said.......he bro, you are strong as shit......just wish youd bulk with me......


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #126 on: April 04, 2007, 06:06:20 AM »
Delts today think I should use the SMith eh?  I usually do BNP or dbell press drop sets...for example last week I did 4-5 sets of seated bnp 115x5 --->90x6 immidiately.......4 sets

this week I would have tried the 120x5 ----->95x6.......

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #127 on: April 04, 2007, 06:15:05 AM »
Delts today think I should use the SMith eh?  I usually do BNP or dbell press drop sets...for example last week I did 4-5 sets of seated bnp 115x5 --->90x6 immidiately.......4 sets

this week I would have tried the 120x5 ----->95x6.......

dude...use whatever you want...seriously, it really doesn't matter.  Pick a movment that you feel you can make the greatest strength gains on in the shortest period of time and hammer it until you can't go any higher then rotate in a new movement and start again.

You're too hung up on the smith machine, it doesn't matter what I use, I have my reasons and sooner or later I'm gonna max out on that and have to drop it and move on, it's just a matter of time.  I have no issues with any movement that I feel I can make gains with.  I DON'T CARE IF IT'S A SMITH MACHINE, AN ICARIAN MACHINE, A HAMMER MACHINE, A NAUTILUS MACHINE, DUMBBELLS, BARBELLS....THE WHOLE POINT OF DC TRAINING IS TO GET YOU AS BIG AND AS STRONG AS POSSIBLE, YOU HAVE TO GET TO THE POINT WHERE YOU'RE SCARED TO GO INTO THE GYM CAUSE YOU KNOW YOU'RE GONNA KICK YOUR OWN ASS EVERYTIME.

I don't mind the questions but I'm not in a position to critique everything about you're routine, I've given you links, suggestions...everything I can think of....I'm not trying to be a dick but I'm kinda shaking my head at this point, I don't know what you want me to tell you...
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #128 on: April 04, 2007, 09:35:46 AM »
I did abs and cardio today:

Hammer V-Raise:  10lbs*22, 12.5lbs*18

side bends: 2.5lbs*15, BW*15

Icarian Crunch:  50*30, 70*20

max-ot cardio session, 16 minutes, 4.35miles, 185 calories burned.  Brutal.
nasser=piece of shit

benjamin pearson

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #129 on: April 04, 2007, 09:44:06 AM »
it's a smith machine so it ain't all that impressive.  I actually worked out with a guy at work today, he's about 230, I'm around 200 right now, dropping some bodyfat and he kinda freaked when he saw how much weight I put on and then proceeded to rep out with it.

Honestly I was gonna go down to about 225 and go for 30 reps rest paused but I didn't want to look like a wuss in front of a guy from work. ;D

Still impressive to me..... good work

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #130 on: April 05, 2007, 09:44:12 AM »
Donkey calf raises-425*13 with 28 partials-15lbs increase and 1 more rep than last time.  Calfs were pumped beyond belief when I was done, it was awsome.

seated leg curl-175*17, I think the breakdown went 8*5*4 plus a 23 second static and a 60 second stretch.  Only 5lbs increase (I think, I'm going off the top of my head) but still pushed it as hard as I could.

Hack Squat-245*20SS-20lbs increase :D and I hit my 20 rep goal, took me awhile but I got it, legs are aching now.  I'm going ass to ankles on these, they're brutal.  I'm gonna try a 15lbs increase next time. 

I'm hitting my stride now, dropping fat but my poundages and reps keep going up....awsome session today, it don't get much better for me.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #131 on: April 05, 2007, 10:43:12 AM »
I have a phisio ? if I may ask......Do you have to increase the weights or reps each week in order to gain mass?  I mean, If I bench 225 for 10 monday and today I did it for 9, was it pointless?

Reason I ask is I go heavy each week for chest, going down to 4-5 reps 2x a, I thought I'd do 4 sets of I still building mass?  More?

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #132 on: April 05, 2007, 11:04:31 AM »
I have a phisio ? if I may ask......Do you have to increase the weights or reps each week in order to gain mass?  I mean, If I bench 225 for 10 monday and today I did it for 9, was it pointless?

yes.  You've introduced no new stimuli into the equation especially in the scenerio you peresented.  You shouldn't be training chest that often anyway if you're trying to bulk up.

Reason I ask is I go heavy each week for chest, going down to 4-5 reps 2x a, I thought I'd do 4 sets of I still building mass?  More?

IMO...nope.  You should be doing less work, if you're training "heavy" meaning you're actually pushing your limits then you really should think about decreasing the number of days you train...sooner or later your CNS is gonna say "enough" and you'll be done.  Less is more in this case.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #133 on: April 06, 2007, 11:35:41 AM »
Goof work NAt al, keep it up.

Lets keep this thread about nat als training as a journal!!

It isn't the mountains ah

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #134 on: April 08, 2007, 06:53:25 AM »
went to a different gym and did some stuff I never do jsut for kicks:

nautilus lat machine-70*25RP-this is an awsome OLD machine, there's pads that go under your elbows, it's really hard to describe but hits the lats in a way no other machine does, I love it.

hammer Low Row-180*21RP..about the same # of reps for both arms, I didn't really keep count...this was just a fun-but hard-workout to break things up.

nautilus bi machine-man...I don't even know how to describe this one, you sit in the machine...I'll try to find a pic but it's a great machine, really, really hits the bi's from a different angle than anything I've ever used.

icarian forearm machine.

then since I was just having fun I did some nautilus shrugs, the old fashioned says "please don't use heavy weight"..ok, I used 30lbs and it felt like 200, I don't see how you could use heavy wieght on this.  Then I did some pec deck work just for the hell of it.

it was fun but back to business this week >:( >:( >:( >:( :P
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #135 on: April 09, 2007, 04:11:04 AM »
New theory or testing on CHEST TODAY BRUTHA?  I am going to try your theory on the SMith Bench.   Still gain mass using it correct?  Easier on the rotator cuff, more focus on the chest?  Then move to a ligter 3-4 sets of 10-12 incline dbell?

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #136 on: April 09, 2007, 09:40:16 AM »
hammer incline-285*14RP (8-4-2), 70 second stretch.  I talked to a guy about a widowmaker movement and I'm giving it a go..I started off really light and got 30 reps.  I'm almost at a loss about what to do with my chest at this point :-\ :-\

hammer shoulder press-140*14 left hand (8-3-3)
                                     *15 right (9-4-3)
I did my partial lateral raises, 55lbs for 15-16 reps each hand.

reverse grip bench-on a smith-205*22SS, went for broke with this.  I actually failed at 19 took 2 or 3 deep breaths and pumped out a few more, I tried again but I was done.  I did a 60 second stretch at the end.

I also did the panata cardio at the end.  5 minutes worth.

New theory or testing on CHEST TODAY BRUTHA?  I am going to try your theory on the SMith Bench.   Still gain mass using it correct?  Easier on the rotator cuff, more focus on the chest?  Then move to a ligter 3-4 sets of 10-12 incline dbell?

luger, I don't know what you want me to tell you at this point.  Not trying to be a dick but we've gone over this like 15 times.  What part arent' you getting?  Use whatever you want to...just lift heavy. 
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #137 on: April 10, 2007, 09:41:32 AM »
didn't feel all that great goin in but decided to stick it out.  I don't know how much longer this blast will last.  I feel very motivated and my weights and or reps keep going up but I'm started to have some issues with some of my joints and in the morning I'm feeling pretty run down, I don't want to stop since I'm really hitting it hard but I've got to be objective here.  I'm gonna finish out this week and next and then I'll re-evaluate and see how I feel.  I can't really say when this even started to be truthful, I planned on it starting in January but I got sick and a couple of things happened so I really didn't start kicking until well into Feb....oh, well...we'll see.


toe press-480*13SS done is DC fashion then I got 23 partials, calves were on fire.

Sumo Leg Press-500*15SS with 14 partials and a 60 second stretch with each leg.  this movement is a killer on the hams, never really had them or worked them all that hard in the past but they're getting pounded now and I'm lovin it.

Leg Press-915*6, I don't know if I did them last workout but I did 22 partials at the end and my quads were throbbing afterwards, I unracked the weight and did my widowmaker over on an icarian leg press, I wanted 260*50 but I adjusted the seat and cranked out 30 and that took everything I had left, my legs are still shaking now...just a killer workout all around.

I think I'm leaning out a little more, still probably have about 20lbs to loose before I get to the high single digits in BF% but everything is going well.  We'll see.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #138 on: April 11, 2007, 10:47:23 PM »
do u get sore at all w/dc training?

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #139 on: April 12, 2007, 06:46:15 AM »
do u get sore at all w/dc training?

yes.  I don't think being sore really means you're gonna grow though but I do get sore.  My chest is always sore after working it but it still sucks :(
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #140 on: April 12, 2007, 07:17:45 AM »
Loving this article NA! I guess I haven't given DC a legit chance. Tried it for awhile and just didn't see the results I wanted out of it and actually lost in alot of areas. Are you finding it delivering the results it promises? I applaud your dedication. How are you gauging yoru strength gains throughout your time with DC?

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #141 on: April 12, 2007, 08:13:30 AM »
Loving this article NA! I guess I haven't given DC a legit chance. Tried it for awhile and just didn't see the results I wanted out of it and actually lost in alot of areas. Are you finding it delivering the results it promises? I applaud your dedication. How are you gauging yoru strength gains throughout your time with DC?

I think at this point I'm just getting to the point where my strength is gonna be really tested, don't get me wrong I'm getting stronger but I think in alot of movements I'm hitting a point where I'm gonna take it to the next level, it's kinda hard to explain but I feel like something really good is coming if I keep pushing the way I am.

My goal right now is not to be a 230lbs monster, it's to take what I have, add muscle where I think I need it and how I think it needs to be added.  Again it's hard to explain...I have a little different mindset than alot of DC guys, I'm verrrry realistic about what I can accomplish at this point in my life with the resources I have.  If I can be 5'7, 175-185lbs with single digit bodyfat I think that's pretty damn good..keep in mind I'm totally natural so I think that would be outstanding. 

I think it does everything it says it's gonna do if you know what you're doing, if I went all out and ate like a monster I could get up to 225 but I'm not in a position right now to do that.  Heaviest I've gotten during this blast is 212 which is at about my alltime high.  I started adding cardio and modifyed my diet so I'm down to about 198-200ish right now but I have not had any drop in power and I'm still adding strength to all my movements on a regular basis.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #142 on: April 12, 2007, 08:30:39 AM »
That's awesome man! I'd love to see someone take DC and use it and GAIN from it. Most people that promote it and see great results are juiced but if it's working for you bro, hell yeah!

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #143 on: April 12, 2007, 09:49:29 AM »
That's awesome man! I'd love to see someone take DC and use it and GAIN from it. Most people that promote it and see great results are juiced but if it's working for you bro, hell yeah!

the last few years have been really hard on me from a personal standpoint, I don't really want to get into it cause I've mentioned things before and certain people like to throw it in my face every chance they get but anyway....back in July of 04 I started DC and went ALL OUT, I ate exactly as described and trained brutally heavy...I mean I was eating like an animal, tons of protien and by mid august I went from 193ish to 215ish, my waist got a little bigger but not much-the only thing I didn't do was cardio as described, if I would have I probably would have gotten a little leaner as I went along.  So it willl work for a natty if they do it right.  I've spoken to Dante and Trooponin and a few other "experts" about things I didn't really understand about the program and they helped me out.  I have a VERY good understanding of how it's supposed to work and what exactly I need to do to meet my goals.  This is only the second blast I've had since august of 04 where there are no distractions so to speak, I can actually focus in the gym.  Today I weighed 200 on the nose and am showing alot more vasularity and seperation so I think I'm holding onto my muscle while dropping fat.

Hammer High Pulldowns-315*14RP (8*4*2) with 14 partials and a 60 second stretch

Hammer Rows-220*20 (Left) and 22 (Right), both were rest paused, I don't remember the breakdown.

Icarian Preacher Curls-130*12RP (8*3*1) with a 22 second static and a 60 second stretch

Pinwheel Curls-my elbows have been bothering me so I went a little lighter and went for reps, I used the 25lbers and got about 35 reps with each arm, both rest paused...the breakdown went something like 18-10-7 or something similar to that.

did my panata cardio afterwards.....everythin g is going good.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #144 on: April 12, 2007, 10:22:47 AM »
the last few years have been really hard on me from a personal standpoint, I don't really want to get into it cause I've mentioned things before and certain people like to throw it in my face every chance they get but anyway....back in July of 04 I started DC and went ALL OUT, I ate exactly as described and trained brutally heavy...I mean I was eating like an animal, tons of protien and by mid august I went from 193ish to 215ish, my waist got a little bigger but not much-the only thing I didn't do was cardio as described, if I would have I probably would have gotten a little leaner as I went along.  So it willl work for a natty if they do it right.  I've spoken to Dante and Trooponin and a few other "experts" about things I didn't really understand about the program and they helped me out.  I have a VERY good understanding of how it's supposed to work and what exactly I need to do to meet my goals.  This is only the second blast I've had since august of 04 where there are no distractions so to speak, I can actually focus in the gym.  Today I weighed 200 on the nose and am showing alot more vasularity and seperation so I think I'm holding onto my muscle while dropping fat.

Hammer High Pulldowns-315*14RP (8*4*2) with 14 partials and a 60 second stretch

Hammer Rows-220*20 (Left) and 22 (Right), both were rest paused, I don't remember the breakdown.

Icarian Preacher Curls-130*12RP (8*3*1) with a 22 second static and a 60 second stretch

Pinwheel Curls-my elbows have been bothering me so I went a little lighter and went for reps, I used the 25lbers and got about 35 reps with each arm, both rest paused...the breakdown went something like 18-10-7 or something similar to that.

did my panata cardio afterwards.....everythin g is going good.

AWESOME numbers! I love my hammer high pulls and the hammer rows! What exercises do you normally incorporate into your back workouts for DC?

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #145 on: April 12, 2007, 10:32:12 AM »
width, I use Hammer High Pulldowns-or whatever they're called, underhand grip pulldowns and parrellel grip pulldowns-I've maxed out the machines with the parrellel grip stuff so I have to figure out how to pin additional plates on-stack goes to 250lbs, if it's an issue I'm gonna try a new movement that I read about on an IntenseMuscle thread.

Thickness I use Hammer Rows, barbell rows and rack deads.  BB rows and Rack deads are done 1 super heavy set-for me the weight is heavy-for 4-6 reps and then a "lighter set" for 12-18 reps.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #146 on: April 12, 2007, 07:36:53 PM »
Yes, that is very true brother. The reason I asked is because whenever I go to an abbreviated style of training, I dont get as sore, but I make progress and grow like a weed.

I was just seeing if you experience the same phenomenon or not

yes.  I don't think being sore really means you're gonna grow though but I do get sore.  My chest is always sore after working it but it still sucks :(

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #147 on: April 13, 2007, 04:37:49 AM »
Yes, that is very true brother. The reason I asked is because whenever I go to an abbreviated style of training, I dont get as sore, but I make progress and grow like a weed.

I was just seeing if you experience the same phenomenon or not

yes I do actually, I haven't done volume type of training in years but I was "sorer" when I did, I'm bigger now.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #148 on: April 13, 2007, 09:47:08 AM »
ok, here it 3 chest movements for the rest of this blast and next blast:  Hammer Incline, Incline on a smith and Decline.

I started with decline's today and my chest feels like it's gonna explode ;D

Decline Press(on a smith-as usual) 225*34(!)RP, 70 second stretch with the 40's...I wanted to start a little light to make sure there was no problem, I figured I'd get 20 but I just kept on going.

I did my widowmaker, 50lbs for 22 reps.

Icarian Shoulder Press-72.5lbs, 13RP with my Left and 12 with my Right, breakdown went   8-3-1 or something like that, I did my partial lateral raises at the end, 55*17ish and a 60 second stretch.

Close Grip Bench-285* was on a smith but I did 10lbs more than last workout and I did a 60 second stretch at the end.

f'n brutal today, next week will be it for this blast, my wrists and elbows are starting to bother me so I'm gonna take a week off but still do my cardio and maybe some light stuff.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #149 on: April 13, 2007, 10:03:43 AM »
ok, here it 3 chest movements for the rest of this blast and next blast:  Hammer Incline, Incline on a smith and Decline.

I started with decline's today and my chest feels like it's gonna explode ;D

Decline Press(on a smith-as usual) 225*34(!)RP, 70 second stretch with the 40's...I wanted to start a little light to make sure there was no problem, I figured I'd get 20 but I just kept on going.

I did my widowmaker, 50lbs for 22 reps.

Icarian Shoulder Press-72.5lbs, 13RP with my Left and 12 with my Right, breakdown went   8-3-1 or something like that, I did my partial lateral raises at the end, 55*17ish and a 60 second stretch.

Close Grip Bench-285* was on a smith but I did 10lbs more than last workout and I did a 60 second stretch at the end.

f'n brutal today, next week will be it for this blast, my wrists and elbows are starting to bother me so I'm gonna take a week off but still do my cardio and maybe some light stuff.

awesome numbers especially on the decline smith or not! why not wrap your wrists and elbows? I'm starting to wrap my wrists as a precaution since I've started working on the highend of 300 again. Wrap your old ass up! :D