Author Topic: Natural Al's DC training Journal  (Read 184067 times)

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #625 on: November 22, 2008, 02:08:10 PM »
good workout today, beat all my totals, new movement for forearms but I'm trying some new stuff with them so we'll see how it goes:

Drag Curls-165*18RP

Reverse Grip 1 Arm Cable Curls-30*28ish reps with each arm, straight set.

paramount calf-190*8 done DC style and then about 15 partials

seated leg curl-185*13RP

single legged leg press-315 for about 15 reps each leg

did all my statics and stretches...I'm in a rush so I can't go into more detail.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #626 on: November 24, 2008, 03:45:46 PM »
Hey al hows things mate. long time no speak brother?!

looking solid as always mate.

It isn't the mountains ah

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #627 on: November 30, 2008, 10:29:42 AM »

seated BB curl-80*20RP-I started doing these on a whim and I like them, I modified the way I did them the first time and this worked out  alot better for me, no pain in the lower back ;D, I did a static and a stretch.

reverse grip preacher curl-another movement I did on a whim the other day and I love them, I did 45*31 RP and my forearms were fried..I've been really bummed about my forearms for a while and hopefully this will kick them in the ass.

sumo leg press-335*-I lowered the wieght last time and upped the reps to see how my knee's felt afterwards and they feel alot better so I'm gonna stick with this.

toe press-660*8 Done DC style

leg press-665*21SS-total killer here, I don't know how much longer I can keep hitting 20 reps but I'm gonna bust ass to do it.

I did 2 sets with the ab roller and called it a day.

overall I did some pretty decent jumps in terms of poundages, pretty much 10lbs across the board so that was good.

my weight has been all over the place the last few days, yesterday I was 190, today I was 196.  I've been drinking alot of diet soda so I'm pretty sure it's just me holding water plus I feel a little bit of a cold coming on so that probably has something to do with it.

gonna go hit the bike for a short session.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #628 on: December 07, 2008, 04:03:18 PM »
got in 2 workouts since the last journal, the first went pretty well but I'm trying a few different things and I'm trying to really up the poundages on some movements so I'm running into some things here and there but overall everythign is going really well.

workout 1 went something like this:

declines (on a smith) 315*9RP-I tried to do a 10lbs jump on this and I didn't hit a decent rep range, I'm probably gonna drop the weight back down to 310 next time, hit an acceptable rep range and then bump it back up.

I followed it up with my new widowmaker movement...

Seated DB press-65*25RP (I think this is right, don't have the journal in front of me)-didn't hit the range I wanted but I think my tri's gave out more than my shoulders so I'm gonna give these another chance before I drop them.

close grip dips on the precor dip machine-170*19RP

underhand pulldowns-190*12RP

T-Bar-180*11SS then I dropped the weight and did another set using a "wierd" technique I read about awhile ago, if I decide it works I'll describe it here.

workout 2-

drag curls-175*18RP

reverse grip cable curl-32.5*28ish straight set each arm

precor calf-192.5*8 done DC style

seated leg curl-185*16RP

single leg leg press-335 for 20 each leg (very, very hard set here)

and that was it...both workouts were great, I have a bit of a cold so that's kinda put a damper on things a little. 
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #629 on: December 12, 2008, 04:18:34 PM »
I've been doing "ok" with my cario, again I'm doing max ot cardio, 16 minutes all out and trying to beat my totals everytime, I try to keep my RPM's over 90 so I'm peddling my ass off. I'm up to 245 calories burned in that time frame so I'm doing pretty decent but I need to do it on a more consistant basis not every 3rd day, it's got to be everyday and I have to bust my ass or I'm never gonna get where I want to be.

I hit the gym today and the workout was great so I have that goin for me.

seated barbell curls-85*20RP with a 20 second static and a 60 second stretch ( I upped my weight by 5lbs)

reverse grip preacher curl-50*27RP ( upped by 5lbs and really had to bust ass to get this, I was just grinding it out)

toe press-655*8 done DC style with partials to failure ( upped my weight by 5lbs)

sumo leg press-345*30 SS ( my form might not have been what I wnated it to be here, it just seemed way to easy, I added 10lbs)

Leg press-665*20 SS (added 5 lbs) this was really, really rough, I put everything I could into this and pretty much puked afterwards which I never do so I knwo I pushed it to the limits.

1 minute stretch on the quads, 30 second for each hamstring but it was a real extreme stretch I also stretched my calves for 60 seconds cause they felt like they were gonna explode. I skipped abs cause I was wiped out after the leg workout.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #630 on: December 18, 2008, 04:47:22 PM »
got a workout in earlier this week, it went well.  I'm pretty much back on track with my cardio so that's great, I was gonna go in today but things came up so I'll have to push it off until tomorrow.  anyway, here's what I did the other day:

declines-310*13RP (I dropped the weight 5lbs from my last workout but I hit an acceptable rep range which I didn't when I did 315)

I did my chest widowmaker-added 5lbs total and got 21 reps so that was great.

seated DB press-65*25RP, I'm targeting 30 reps here rest paused and that might be to high so what I'm gonna have to do is drop my target to 20 and see how I progress.

precor dip machine (close grip for tri's)-190*12RP (I added 20lbs here so that was great.)

underhand pulldowns-192*14RP

T-bar rows-190*6 and then another set till failure with 100lbs.

nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #631 on: December 23, 2008, 05:27:11 AM »
last week was a mess as far as training, I was gonna go in on Weds and do my workout but didn't feel well so I pushed it off until Friday so I could finish the year out with my 2 days a week training then depending on my schedule I was planning on going back to 3 days a week next year...anyway we got a huge snowstorm on Friday, I toughed it out and went to the gym and.....CLOSED due to weather conditions. I had company all day on Saturday so that was out and I had to do a project at home on Sunday. Anyway I managed to screw up my hand while doing my project so I wasn't expecting much from my workout on Monday....anyway the workout was actually really, really good.

dip machine-215*13RP

military press-260*12RP

overhead DB extentions-75*19SS

Close grip pulldowns-228*14RP

so I upped my weight on the dip machine by 2.5lbs and my widowmaker weight by 5 lbs total, added weight to my military press (these are done on a smith machine, the weight is only lowered to eye level) and I also added weight and reps to the DB extention. I added 12 lbs on the close grip pulldowns, funny story with those: I try to keep my form pretty strict but I do move a bit when doing them and this little weasal walked right into me on about rep number 8, I almost knocked him over (he probably weighted about 105), I just kept on going with my set, I never looked at him or anything. I was gonna do rack deads but my hand was killing me at this point and I don't think I could grip the barbell so I did abs and tried something out that I really, really liked. I'll cover it in the future if I have extra time.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #632 on: February 06, 2009, 03:50:48 PM »
man, I haven't kept up on this at all...sorry.

I've had a really rough last few months training wise, wife went back to school, I went to school, kids started school, I got a new job....had an infection that took me out of action for a couple of weeks.  I'm hoping to get going again and make a really big push for the next few weeks. 

here's the movements I'm using right now:

chest-dip machine, declines, inclines

shoulders-wide grip upright rows, military press (in a power rack instead of on a smith machine, I'm starting really light), fly machine (this isn't really a DC movement but I need a break from always doing pressing movements for shoulders that's why I added the wide grip upright rows as well)

tri's-PJR pullovers (I'll post a video of these soon, learned about them on IM), dip machine, pushdowns

back width-close grip pulldowns, paramount pulldowns, underhand pulldowns

thickness-T-bar, 1 arm cable rows, either rack deads or paramount rows depending on how my lower back feels.

bi's-drag curls, machine curls, seated BB curls

forearms-wrist curls, reverse grip preacher curls, hammer curls

calves-toe press (heavy for 8-10 reps done DC style, calf sled, a second toe press that I'll get into when I do it.

hamstrings-seated leg curl, sumo press...I don't have a 3rd movement right now.

quads-leg press, single leg leg press, smith machine squats.

here's some random notes about what I"m doing now:

with chest I'm not doing any type of widowmaker moveement anymore, just one set about as heavy as I can go but when I do my extreme stretch I'm shooting for 90 seconds, really, really deep.  right now I'm using 50lbs db's for 65 seconds and trying to add 5 seconds each's pretty brutal.

tri's are one straight set, really heavy...I find when I RP these it tears up my elbow.

quads are the heaviest weight I can handle for 20 reps straight setted, smith machine squats are done ass to ankles...they are brutal.

I'm doing max OT cardio again, getting about 300 calories in 16 minutes, some days I do a second mini session in the evenings-only 4 minutes but I try to get 100 calories.

I eat great during the day but terrible at night...there's alot of reasons why but I'm really gonna work at cutting that out, I'm not nearly my best right now but I've just been trying to hold my ground for the last 6 months or it's gonna be on!

this is the plan...more tomorrow.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #633 on: February 06, 2009, 04:54:11 PM »
Haven't been reading this journal - you seem to be throwing around some pretty big weights.

Decline bench 310 for 8-9 reps?
As empty as paradise

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #634 on: February 06, 2009, 05:14:17 PM »
Haven't been reading this journal - you seem to be throwing around some pretty big weights.

Decline bench 310 for 8-9 reps?

alot of my pressing movements are done on a smith machine, I have access to a really good one and it's easier to use since everyone thinks a power rack is a curling station.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #635 on: February 06, 2009, 07:49:24 PM »
alot of my pressing movements are done on a smith machine, I have access to a really good one and it's easier to use since everyone thinks a power rack is a curling station.
got a Cybex model? those things are incredible, best Smith i've ever seen IMO.

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #636 on: February 07, 2009, 01:40:31 PM »
got a Cybex model? those things are incredible, best Smith i've ever seen IMO.

I have access to 2 smith machines both are by a company called Magnum, one is pretty "heavy duty" the other one is kinda crappy.

had to go to a memorial today and I'm totally emotionally drained so I'll have to start training during the week cause there is no way I can go in today and be mentally ready for what I want to do.

I did do my cardio before the memorial, 16 minutes and I got 312 calories, my weight this morning was 201 so I've weighed this before but I'm pretty soft compared to last time I walked around at this weight....I have aloit to lose at this point.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #637 on: February 10, 2009, 02:48:08 PM »
first workout yesterday was great, I got up early and did my max-ot cardio, got 325 calories in 16 minutes.  I'm kinda bummed cause I had to get up and get to work super early today so I didn't do any cardio but yesterday was awsome.

this is what I did in the gym:

dip machine-220*16RP with a 70 second stretch with the 50's

fly machine-85*18RP these arent' really a DC movement but I like them and they are a nice break from all the heavy pressing, I do a really slow negative...I also did a static and a 1 minute stretch.

PJR Pullover-85*18SS with a 45 second stretch

close grip pulldowns-135*15RP  I'm not really happy with my form...I might actually lower the weight and see what happens, I think I just went a little nuts with the weight.  I don't usually get to worked up about form and all that jazz but my ROM is really not all that great here.

1 arm cable rows-140*8 with both arms and then one set with each arm a little lighter.

weighed 198 this morning so I dropped a couple of LBS already...woo hoo.
nasser=piece of shit


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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #638 on: February 10, 2009, 02:52:21 PM »
dude your numbers have come a long ass've had your log up since i've had mine.. nice to see you're not dropping off the wagon. Keep it up buddy. This once again proves that this training protocol never stops producing! How you looking these days?

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #639 on: February 10, 2009, 03:50:06 PM »
dude your numbers have come a long ass've had your log up since i've had mine.. nice to see you're not dropping off the wagon. Keep it up buddy. This once again proves that this training protocol never stops producing! How you looking these days?

well I've had a rough couple of months just with everything goin on in life and I had a coupel of minor health issues so that took me out fo the game a bit.  right now I'm 198, BF is a little higher than I'd like it to be like I said the other day, I'm not as lean as I've been at this weight in the past.  I'd say that my legs have come up bigtime in the past 6 months, my chest is still an issue but I think it's getting better.  I'm pretty realistic about who and what I am, I know I'm never gonna have a great chest but I just can't stop pounding the shit out of it trying to get it better. 

if I can stay on track and get back to where I was back in august of 08 I'd be really, really happy.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #640 on: February 13, 2009, 12:55:01 PM »
good workout last time in:

seated BB curl-100*16RP  I don't know how I started doing these but I like them alot, they don't bother my back at all.

hammer curls-90*16RP  16 each arm, I do these alternating, the DB is brought up in front of my body

sumo leg press-405*31SS  my knees were starting to bother me so I decided to lower the weight and do 1 straight set like this

toe press-700*8 done DC style

leg press-710*21SS

I did all my stretches, I pretty much don't do statics anymore, once in awhile but I've kinda moved away from them...

no cardio cause I don't do it on days I train legs.

I weighed 194 this morning but I ate somethings I shouldn't have today :-\ 
nasser=piece of shit

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #641 on: February 13, 2009, 01:19:07 PM »
You're only getting 100lbs on seated straight bar curls but 90 in each arm for hammers?  That's crazy.

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #642 on: February 13, 2009, 01:28:15 PM »
You're only getting 100lbs on seated straight bar curls but 90 in each arm for hammers?  That's crazy.

y'know I just started with the seated BB curls so maybe that's why, you've gotta be really form with the hammer's is a little looser so maybe that adds to the weight difference, I dunno by the end of that seated BB curls set that weight seemed awfully heavy.

just got 342 calories in 16 min for max-ot cardio, I did it a little different than I've been doing really kicks your ass.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #643 on: February 17, 2009, 12:51:01 PM »
got a couple of workouts in since last time:

decline (smith machine) 315*14RP  with a 85 second stretch with the 50'2

wide grip upright row-180*17RP  I do these on a smith as well cause my lower back can't handle doing it with just a barbell


precor pulldown-185*17RP

Precor rows stack*20 and then 1 set with less weight but I don't remember how much right now-don't have my logbook in front of me, I did all my stretches for 1 minute aside from chest.

workout 2

machine curls-120*20ish with each arm rest paused, this is one of those unilateral curl machines, I think it's by paramount or precor, I also did a 20 second static and a 1 minute stretch

wrist curl-95*31RP

toe press "2" 375*29SS...these are done with only a 3 second stretch instead of the normal 15 count, lighter weight but way higher reps...burns really bad.

single leg leg press-405*20 each leg....these are rough

did all my stretches...

I did carido everyday except the day of my leg workout.

weighed 192 last time I checked
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #644 on: February 20, 2009, 04:34:02 PM »
wierd last couple of days, woke up and my knees were killing me, next day I woke up nad my knee's were fine then about half way through the day my hip started to hurt really bad almost like it had to pop or crack it was just really tight.  I did my workout as planned but when I went to do my t-bar rows my hip just didn't want to cooperate so I skipped em, woke up the next morning and everything was fine :-\

incline press-285*14RP, then I did a 90 second extreme stretch with the 50's

new movement for my shoulders, as usual I'll get into details once I decide if I like it, the weight I used was very, very light.

dip machine-210*21RP, then I did a 1 minute stretch with a 45lbs DB

underhand pulldowns-210*17RP

cardio has been going well but I had a pretty bad jump in bodyweight that I'm not happy about.

nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #645 on: March 01, 2009, 05:46:51 PM »
I've gotten 3 good workouts since my last post, I got my hours at worked jacked up so I've been busy as busy can  be.  I'm not gonna post everything just some highlights.  Beat everything, yesterday I did 320*11 on the decline and 140*19 on tri pushdowns.  720*24 on the legpress so that was great. 

my scale was screwy so it was giving me a weight that was pretty far off I'm a little bummed about my actual weight. 

I'm really, really tired so that's it for now.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #646 on: April 09, 2009, 06:10:59 PM »
right after my last couple of posts I got put on 65 hours a week for about a month....I'm still doing 50's but getting in my sessions for the most part.  I wanted to be a nice lean 185 by Easter Sunday but I'm not gonna make it.....I just ended up with to much going on to really stay on track with anything.

I have a workout coming up this weekend so I'll get this going again.....promise..
nasser=piece of shit

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #647 on: April 12, 2009, 12:02:59 PM »
I've been using the smith machine at my gym for military press's for along time, a couple of weeks ago I started doing them in the power rack, the first 2 workouts went really well, not really heavy but they felt great so I made a 25lbs jump in wieght, on about the 6th rep I pressed the weight up and my arms started to float back at the top, I didn't have a spot so I didn't really know what to do, I powered it back into position and finished the set, I didn't notice anything right away but both my shoulders have been bothering me for the last couple of weeks so I'm gonna take some time off and rest them up.....kinda sucks cause I can't keep this journal going but hopefully after a few days I'll be going again and be able to keep this journal up again.
nasser=piece of shit

natural al

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #648 on: May 08, 2009, 07:13:17 PM »
I had to go on some medicine a few weeks ago and it took all my energy away so I haven't touched a weight in about 3 weeks, diet was not good cause the medicine messed with my appetite.  this coming week I will start over adn see how it goes.  I'm gonna drop my poundages by a bit (probably 20%) cause I want to concentrate on the negative.  I'm also gonna rework a few things with some new movements, I have to sit down and figure it out.  I'm hoping to start cardi tomorrow then in a couple of weeks when I get going again things shoulld get exciting.
nasser=piece of shit

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Re: Natural Al's DC training Journal
« Reply #649 on: June 21, 2009, 09:00:17 AM »
well I finally made it back to the gym, I've just had a terrible time over the last few weeks, lots of false starts, some nagging injuries(not bb related), some health problems, life problems, work name it.  Anyway I reworked alot of the things I'm doing, dropped some of my poundages on some movements and a bunch of other stuff.  Right now I'm about 196 so my weight hasn't really moved one way or the other in awhile now but I've been very inconsistant with everything.


Preacher curl-50*32RP with a 35 second static

hammer curls-35*34RP with a reverse curl widowmaker 60*21SS-my forearms kinda suck so I'm gonna wm them for a few weeks to see if I can get them back on track.

toe press-245*32RP-these are different than the usual dc calf routine, it's only a 3 second stretch and you rest pause them.

single leg leg press-245*20-22 each leg, then a 1 minute static with both legs, I did 30 reps on the abductor machine to hit my inner thighs a bit

I did a quick set of abs to finish the day off.  I know the weight is light and the reps are high but this was my first real workout in about 2 months so gimmie a break.

I also did a bit of cardio this morning but it was nothing to write home about, I just want to get used to doing everything again, this year has just been terrible for me training wise, I've probably taken about 10 steps backwards from where I was this time last year, hopefully I can get back on track pretty quick but my motivation has been off due to all the stress from everything else. 
nasser=piece of shit