Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1018027 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3400 on: May 10, 2017, 01:20:27 PM »

Obama = lying twink POS

Notice how when the government is spying recklessly, misappropriating funds or violating laws it's always a "mistake", never a crime.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3401 on: May 11, 2017, 10:37:42 AM »
Exposing the true nature and intentions of the violent criminal organization:

Police Dept Wanted a Cop to Kill a Suicidal Dad, He Chose Not To, So They Fired Him

Weirton, WV — Former Weirton police officer Stephen Mader is suing the city after he was fired for not killing a suicidal man who needed help.

As we reported last year, on May 6, 2016, Mader responded to a domestic call about a suicidal person. When he arrived on the scene, Mader confronted 23-year-old Ronald D. Williams who was armed and mentally distraught.

Madar said that he began talking to the young man in his “calm voice.”

“I told him, ‘Put down the gun,’ and he’s like, ‘Just shoot me.’ And I told him, ‘I’m not going to shoot you brother.’ Then he starts flicking his wrist to get me to react to it.

“I thought I was going to be able to talk to him and de-escalate it. I knew it was a suicide-by-cop” situation,” Mader said, adding that, “He wasn’t screaming, yelling, he wasn’t angry. He just seemed distraught. Whenever he told me to shoot him it was as if he was pleading with me. At first, I’m thinking, ‘Do I really need to shoot this guy?’ But after hearing ‘just shoot me’ and his demeanor, it was, ‘I definitely can’t.'”

Mader showed incredible restraint in the situation, even though Williams was attempting to provoke a suicide by cop.

Sadly, as Mader began to reason with Williams and de-escalate the situation, backup arrived, and another officer immediately shot and killed Williams without a second of consideration.

To add insult to injury, Mader was fired for his restraint, and the officer who murdered Williams was cleared of all wrongdoing, showing that the police department is explicitly encouraging indiscriminate killings.

Now, Mader is understandably reconsidering his career choices and has filed a lawsuit against the city that employed him.

“I loved being a police officer. And for them to say because of this incident you’re not going to continue here was heartbreaking. It had me questioning myself, should I be an officer,” Mader told NBC.

West Virginia attorney and ACLU representative Timothy P. O’Brien is helping to bring the lawsuit against the city.

“The City of Weirton’s decision to fire officer Mader because he chose not to shoot and kill a fellow citizen, when he believed that he should not use such force, not only violates the Constitution, common sense and public policy, but incredibly punishes restraint. When given the tragic, and, far too frequent unnecessary use of deadly force, such restraint should be praised not penalized. To tell a police officer, when in doubt either shoot to kill or get fired, is a choice that no police officer should ever have to make and is a message that is wrong and should never be sent,” O’Brien said.

“There’s the thin blue line, and one of the ironies of this case is that as we’ve seen across the county how many instances police have used deadly force in circumstances where that force is questioned, but nothing is ever done. In most cases, you don’t see training or suspension. When you contrast with what Officer Mader did and how he’s been treated, and officers who’ve used deadly force and how they’ve been treated, it speaks volumes to why we have a problem with deadly force in this country,” O’Brien added.

Mader has no regrets and still believes he did the right thing.

“I wouldn’t change anything. Even after them saying that I failed to eliminate a threat and that it should have been handled differently, I still believe I did the right thing. And a lot of people think I did the right thing, too. I know it’s not just me,” he said.

Shooting and killing suicidal or mentally distraught people sadly seems to be standard operating procedure for police across the country. We have covered countless cases over the years where officers have indiscriminately killed suicidal people instead of helping them out.

Obviously, if a family member makes a phone call to police because a loved one is suicidal, the last thing they want is for someone to get hurt, but when police arrive the situation tends to escalate quickly and result in violence.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3402 on: May 11, 2017, 10:44:30 AM »
Armed gangs looting the populace.

Good Cop Exposes ‘1 Ticket Per Hour’ Quota Scam After Being Fired for Refusing to Enforce It

For years now, The Free Thought Project has reported on police departments all throughout the country of instituting a mandatory quota system for traffic tickets and criminal violations among other things. Now one fired police officer is echoing our reports.

Dibble Oklahoma reserve police officer Richard Searcy says he was fired for not writing enough tickets. He posted to his Facebook of his devotion to his job, and knowledge of his profession;

For the town of dibble citizens. I have been a police officer for 12 years i know my job.

Complaining about his department’s one contact per hour mandatory quota (contact meaning ticket or otherwise warning to the public);

I also know that sometimes you dont have any contacts on your shift or very few and other days you are very busy.

Searcy says his problems started in April when he was written up for not writing enough tickets during one four-hour period on April 15 (mandatory one contact per hour):

On april 15th i went on duty at 8am at 12noon i was with a comunity service worker till 330pm. I was called on a pursuit at around 332pm .
The police chief brian murrel writes me up on april 21st for not having any contacts in that 4 hours.

Searcy objected to being written up and told reporters that he signed the reprimand “under protest” writing, “I will not make up reasons to stop vehicles.” He described his frustration with his police chief Brian:

Brian wants the police officers to have one stop every hour worked. I told him i would not make up reasons to stop vehicles. This comment made him mad or upset. So the next shift i worked he called me in to discuss the letter of reprimand. I told him that sometimes you just dont have anything to stop vehicles for. And that there is more to a officers job than just stopping vehicles.

Addressing his part-time status on the police force, and his desire to serve his hometown full-time, Searcy wrote that the town’s police budget depends a lot on generating revenue from ticket writing:

For the last year and four months i was just employed part time. Brian told me ” how can i justify putting you on full time untill the number of citations you write goes up.” I guess they expect a lot of the towns income to be from citations. I guess to be full time officer in the town of dibble you have to write a lot of citations.

Echoing the frustrations of the public at large, who often feel they’re being targeted by police, harassed, and given tickets for frivolous reasons, he continued his statement siding with the public. Searcy wrote:

I liked working for our town. But not everyone that gets stopped deserves a citation.

He said his firing party in the little country town took place on May 2nd and that he had no idea he was going to be fired.

May the second they had a council meeting. I wasnt there because i didnt know i was on the agenda. May the 3rd Brian came to my residence and told me i had been terminated due to his recommendations.

Searcy said he was fired behind closed doors and then notified on the 3rd of May. He wasn’t given a chance to defend himself against the chief’s accusations.

When the town fires someone they have a exsecutive session where the police chief and the council meet in private. The police chief can tell the council whatever he wants about the person he wants to fire without that person being there to defend their self. So who knows what is true and what is made up. He tells the council what he wants to get the council to vote the way he wants it to go.

He ended his Facebook post with a warning to Dibble’s residents:

So watch yourselves cause there will be a lot of citations given.

It might not seem like a big deal to those living in metropolitan regions but in small towns with few residents, getting stopped by police once per hour is a very big deal and leads to the type of distrust the American public seems to be experiencing in general.

As The Free Thought Project reported this week, one such frivolous traffic stop was caught on camera in North Enid, Oklahoma. There, an officer was confronted with a lady who’d stopped to say hello to a family friend and was cited for having parked her car. She never got out of her vehicle and seemed to only stay a few minutes before she was cited. The video has recently gone viral and can be seen by clicking here.

It appears there’s a fiscal crisis in law enforcement driving many officers to compromise their integrity, and their commitment to protect and serve the community, all for the sake of revenue. There may be coming a time when law enforcement officers will simply have to revolt against mandatory one contact per hour quotas such as Dibble Oklahoma’s Police Department has enacted. Until then, the parasitic nature of police departments will continue to stoke more divide between the police and the policed.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3403 on: May 12, 2017, 01:17:14 PM »
This is not the first time this violent scum has attacked people. Before that he attacked a 73 year old man who wanted to see his wife and the violent goon broke the elderly man's ribs.  These intruders should be hanged with a short rope.

Texas Cops Tackle and Taser Man in Home Asking for Warrant

Body cam footage obtained by PINAC shows two Texas cops enter a man’s home, apparently without a warrant, then tackle and taser the man while pinning him onto a couch.

All because the 48-year-old man stood up from his recliner and remained standing after one of the cops ordered him to sit back down.

“Have a seat for me,” said Buda police officer Demerriell Young, who has a history of abuse.

Leonard Garcia paused, not taking another step, but reminded Young it was his house and that he had yet to see a warrant, stating he preferred to remain standing until the officer could produce one.

But Young pounced on him and the second cop, Kellie Metz, then tasered him as you can see in the video below that contains footage from both body cams.

That incident, which took place January 21, 2016, led to a lawsuit filed against both cops and the Buda Police Department last month.

It is the second lawsuit filed against Young for excessive force within the past six months. Both acts of police brutality were caught on Young’s own body camera.

The first lawsuit for excessive force lawsuit was filed by Juan Martinez – a 73-year-old Vietnam veteran who uses a motorized scooter to get around – after Young tackled him, breaking his ribs for simply wanting to check up on his wife, who had been falsely accused of shoplifting.

As we wrote about here, that incident took place on October 3, 2014 and Martinez’s wife, who also uses a motorized scooter to get around, rode outside the store with items in her cart to look for her husband, whom she had lost.

That lawsuit was filed in federal court by the Carlson Law Firm in October 2016 with an amended complaint filed a month later, which states that the Buda Police Department hired Young despite knowing he had a history of abusive behavior at other police departments.

The second lawsuit stems from the January 16, 2016 incident when Young, Metz and Child Protective Services social workers arrived at Garcia’s home, claiming to have “paper work” to remove Garcia’s wife’s biological grandchildren from the home.

The Garcias had had been caring for the two girls for several weeks while their mother dealt with CPS.

The beginning of the video shows Young approaching the door of the home stating to people standing outside that CPS was there for a “visit.”

After Young gained permission to enter the home, he revealed he and social workers had actually arrived to enforce an “emergency order,” but never states whether or not the order was an actual warrant.

“Alright . . . uh. So,  CPS is here to removed two kids. Alright? Um, I guess, the little one and the other one.”

“They have paper work from a judge to do a (sic) emergency removal.”

A family friend objects, saying she was approved by the judge to be considered to care for the children.

“I’m not here to debate it. They had a (sic) paper work. Um, so, they’re gonna remove the kids.”

The family friend explains to Young she didn’t live there and was in the process of applying to gain custody of the girls.

“Not tonight. That’s gonna have to–once they determine they can do that (sic) follow up later. As of tonight, uh, they do have a…”

Young pauses the dialogue, which remained calm until this point, directing his attention towards Garcia, who slowly stood up from the recliner he sat on when the parties moved the initial conversation inside and began walking away from the conversation heading in a direction further away from officer Young.

“Have a seat for me.”

Garcia paused, not taking another step, but reminded Young it was his house and eventually that he hadn’t seen a warrant, stating he preferred to stand until the police produced an actual warrant he could actually see.

In all likelihood, he never did see one.

“This is my house,” he replied, before seeming to comply, turning back and taking steps towards the couch to sit down.

Body cam footage from officer Metz’ camera shows officer Young moving closer towards Garcia, telling him to sit down, repeating several times to “have a seat.”

Then, before giving him a chance to comply, Young suddenly tackles Garcia from behind onto the couch, pancaking him next to the youngest girl, who became visibly frightened from the ruckus that had landed right next to her.

“This is my house,” Garcia replied. “Get out of my house unless you’ve got a warrant.”

“You’re going to get tased!” Metz shouts at Garcia.

“Taser! Taser! Taser! Taser!” Metz screams just before tasering Garcia.

“Get out of my house unless you have a warrant,” repeated Garcia.

“This is my house.”

“Stop resisting before you get Tasered again!” she shouted before tasering Garcia once more.

Young placed Garcia under arrest and charged him with interfering with public duties.

Attorney Rob Ranco of the Carlson Law Firm in Austin told PINAC he agreed to represent Garcia after Juan Martinez learned of the incident and connected them though a referral.

“If these actions are allowed to keep going unchecked without the department taking the initiative to try to improve them, we can expect that this will continue to happen,” he said.

The video below includes footage from Young’s camera merged with footage from Metz’ body cam, as both excessive force lawsuits Ranco filed after viewing footage of the incident(s). Also below is the short clip from the Martinez incident in Walmart. The full video from that incident can be seen here.

Both lawsuits can be read here and here.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3404 on: May 12, 2017, 01:34:01 PM »
You think you have rights? Not any more, these "highly trained" "officers" have now become "experts" by completing “Drug Recognition Expert” training and they are so effective that they "identify" sober people as drunk and arrest the innocent.

‘Expert’ Cops Arrest Innocent, SOBER People for DUI, Based Only On A Hunch

Cobb County, GA — Arguably nothing is more devastating for a motorist than to be arrested, charged, and convicted for Driving Under the Influence. But now some Georgia drivers are finding their lives turned upside down after getting DUI’s for being entirely sober.

It may sound like something out of an Orwellian novel but Georgia law enforcement officers are now arresting people on the “suspicion” they’re impaired. Now, these new victims of badge abuse are speaking out and warning other drivers about what can happen when they’re being tested by officers with special “Drug Recognition Expert” training.

Below is a video of Katelyn Ebner, one of the victims of this insane rights-violating program.

Katelyn Ebner, the innocent victim in the video, was arrested by officer Tracy Carroll, spent the night in jail, and then spent thousands of dollars and many months trying to prove her innocence, even after all urine and blood tests proved she did not have any illegal or even legal substance in her system.

Officer Carroll: “I’m going to ask you a question, okay? When was the last time you smoked marijuana?”
Katelyn Ebner: “Oh, I don’t do that. I can give you a drug test right now.”
Officer Carroll: “You don’t smoke marijuana?”
Katelyn Ebner: “I do not, no.”
Officer Carroll: “Okay. Well, you’re showing me indicators that you have been smoking marijuana, okay?”

“I didn’t realize you could get arrested for something that you didn’t do, until it happened to me,” said Ebner to 11 Alive.

Carroll is considered a “Drug Recognition Expert” by the International Association of the Chiefs of Police. In other words, he can simply look at a person and determine if they’re under the influence, and make an arrest based on that assumption. Absent from that determination is probable cause, according to many critics.

Another such critic is Princess Mbamara. She, too, was arrested by Carroll. And like Ebner, she also tested negative for any illegal substances after being arrested and charged with DUI. She told reporters;

I remember my lawyer trying to talk about a deal…I was like, ‘I’m not taking a deal. I didn’t do anything! I want more than just a deal — I want more than just dismissal; I want my life back. Can you reverse time? If you can go back in time, then that’s what I really want.’

According to Mbamara, she spent the better part of 2016 fighting the charges in court. All the while, Carroll was racking up more DUI arrests, 90 in all.

Watch the video below to get a glimpse of what it’s like to be kidnapped and caged for doing absolutely nothing wrong but being accused by an insane cop who thinks he can magically detect that people have done drugs.

Princess Mbamara: “You’re arresting me because you think I smoke marijuana?”
Officer Carroll: “I think you’re impaired by cannabis, yes, ma’am.”
Princess Mbamara: “Sir, I don’t smoke weed! Is there a way you can test me right now?”

While the Cobb County Georgia police officers are celebrating their achievements, arresting 1,690 people for DUI, lawyers are likely lining up to sue the county’s law enforcement agencies for unlawful arrests and convictions, records which have all but destroyed the lives of folks like Ebner and Mbamara.

According to Georgia’s WXAI, Cobb County told reporters their officer’s training makes them more reliable than a scientific blood or urine test. We, at The Free Thought Project, beg to differ.

We’ve been warning our readers that, as police departments’ budgets grow, amid budgetary deficits and cutbacks, law enforcement agencies will become more desperate to fill their arrest quotas, thereby bringing in more revenue.

Now, it seems, these new “Drug Recognition Experts” are the latest iteration of such schemes, joining red light cameras, bogus field drug tests, nearly impossible to pass field sobriety tests, stop and frisk, car tossing, and sniff tests. Only now, it seems, they don’t have to go on the smell of marijuana, they can just listen to those voices bouncing around in their heads.

And they’re not open to any criticisms at all. According to WXAI, reporters were prevented from interviewing officer Carroll about his expertise at “Drug Whispering.” Who knows how many innocent people, among the nearly 1700, took the easy way out and plead guilty to a DUI they know they did not commit?

We encourage any and all persons who’ve been caught up in this latest Georgia DUI dragnet to get a lawyer and sue until the inhumane, unjust, violation of civil liberties comes to an end.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3405 on: May 13, 2017, 04:41:15 PM »
Of course they investigated themselves and found the murder "justified". Yet the jury didn't seem to agree. However, unless the money comes out of the pockets of the cops directly responsible, nothing will change. Imprison the murderer and take his money. Do the same for his buddies who covered up for him.

Maryland Jury Awards $1.26 Million to Family after Cop Wrongly Shot their Dog

A Maryland jury awarded a family $1.26 million Tuesday after deciding a cop wrongly shot and killed their dog, Vernon, on February 1, 2014 – the largest award in American history for such a case.

“The verdict sends a strong message to the police about community expectations,” attorney Carl J. Hansel said after the verdict, according to the Capital Gazette.

“The duty to serve and protect extends to our animal family members as well.”

However, the Anne Arundel County Police Department had already determined the shooting was justified, claiming the dog was aggressive, which made the cop fear for his safety.

But the evidence proved otherwise, which is why the jury ruled against the officer.

Hansel called the shooting of Michael Reeves’ dog by Anne Arundel County cop Rodney Price “senseless, unnecessary and unconstitutional.”

During the three-day trial, officer Price admitted the dog did not bite or injure him before he fired two shots, one entering the dog’s sternum and another shot through his side when the dog’s body was perpendicular to Price’s gun.

Hansel stated a necropsy performed after the shooting contradicted Price’s testimony regarding how the shooting occurred.

Price, a one-year veteran, was investigating a burglary at the time, canvassing the neighborhood looking for witnesses around 4 p.m., when a male Chesapeake Bay retriever “confronted” the officer in Reeve’s front yard,  according to police.

Vern barked and ran towards Price.

Price then fired two shots at Vernon, killing the dog.

Officer Price visited the Reeve’s family a few days after the shooting to explain what happened.

Former Anne Arundel County Police Chief Kevin Davis, met with the Reeves family,  promised a full investigation into the shooting and offered his condolences.

The internal investigation exonerated officer Price, finding the dog was aggressive.

During the trial, the jury was asked specifically if the dog attacked Price.

The jury determined Price was not attacked by the dog and found the shooting was not only committed with gross negligence, but also violated Reeves’ constitutional rights.

The $1.26 million verdict by the jury includes $500,000 in monetary damages for causing Reeves to miss a significant amount of time from his job as a defense contractor.

In addition, Reeves was awarded $760,000 in damages for mental anguish.

Anne Arundel County officials declined to comment on the verdict.

Rodney Price is still an officer with the Anne Arundel Police Department.

According to an estimate by the Department of Justice, police shoot about 10,000 dogs each year in the United States.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3406 on: May 14, 2017, 03:45:05 PM »
It's Mother's Day today. Here is what happened to a mom who thought she could call the police for help.
Instead of frying in an electric chair, this criminal was not disciplined, still roaming the streets and ready to attach his next victim.

Mom Calls Police for Help, Cop Shows Up and Beats Her In Front of Her Kids

Harris County, TX — An innocent mother’s assault by a police officer highlights the risk people take when calling 911 for help. Angela Lopez needed the police for help but when they showed up, help was the last thing she got.

The Free Thought Project spoke with Mrs. Lopez, who wants her story told so that others do not share her brutal fate.

On August 16, 2014, Lopez had an altercation with her daughter. So, she called the cops to help her resolve this situation.

“I was involved in a physical incident with my oldest daughter that turned out bad. I was really upset because she had hit me and bit me in the knee. I wanted her and ex-boyfriend out of my home. After they refused to leave, I called 911 to get someone to come out to help me remove or escort them out of my house,” Lopez explained.

However, when police arrived, officer Francisco Salazar became instantly belligerent.

As Lopez explains, “He entered into my front door which was open. The first thing I told him was if he could please talk to my daughter because she wouldn’t listen to me. His first reply was ‘Shut up and give me your ID!’ So I turned to my other daughter in the hallway and asked her to get my purse in my room. Then the officer took a step towards me, got in my face and raised his voice loudly, and told me, ‘Did I tell her to give it to me? No! I told you to give it to me!'”

“Look, officer, you don’t have to yell at me. I’m not disrespecting you in any way,” Lopez told Salazar.

But this seemingly made the officer even more aggressive.

“Well, you don’t listen!” He pointed out his finger toward Lopez, saying, “Now step outside and let me talk to your daughter!”

Lopez tells the Free Thought Project that she realized that calling the police may have been a bad idea after this cop began to escalate the situation.

“At that point, I had a bad feeling this would not go good and that I could not trust him to help me resolve this, not with his aggressive attitude. I was upset, shocked and confused about why he was treating me that way, especially when I was the one who called the police for help,” Lopez said. “So at that point, after he told me that, I told him, ‘You no what, if you want to talk to my daughter, you and her can step out and you can talk to her out there. This is my house.'”

Having been told what to do set this officer off. He then demanded her ID once more and when she asked why, he attacked.

In the video, we see Salazar yank Lopez out of her house and slam her down in the front yard.

“He grabbed me by my wrist twisted my arm slightly and yanked me out of my house. When I was on the ground he kept telling me to give him my arm, knowing darn well, I couldn’t because my arm was trapped under my body and he was on top of me. He even bent my arm all the way in half, behind my back applying his pressure against it, hurting my shoulder really bad,” she said.

Salazar’s attack and subsequent ‘stop resisting’ remarks are typical in police takedowns. Salazar demanded Lopez give him her arms, while at the same time making it entirely impossible.

After brutalizing her in front of her children, Salazar then put Lopez in handcuffs and shoved her in the back of his cruiser — with the car turned off.

It was a hot day and Lopez recalls sitting in the back of the cruiser for a half an hour sweating before having an asthma attack.

“I could not breathe because he had all his windows rolled up, and it was very hot that day,” Lopez recalls. “I threw up 5 times because I was feeling so sick cuz I couldn’t breathe. I was left there alone without my asthma meds. About 30 minutes later, he took me to jail and told me he was charging me with Failure to ID.”

After sitting in the jail all day, Lopez was let go with no charges. She’d been assaulted, kidnapped, and caged, for doing nothing wrong.

Naturally, Salazar was never held accountable for the attack and in October, Lopez filed a lawsuit. Lopez is now permanently injured from torn ligaments in her shoulder. All for calling the police.



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3407 on: May 14, 2017, 06:51:22 PM »
After violently attacking this man, they tried to destroy him by charging him with anything they could imagine. Most of the dozens of charges filed against him by Beaver Police were dismissed by judges during pretrial hearings in the case, who found no evidence to sustain 50 felony counts of possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance,  a felony count of aggravated assault against a law enforcement officer, DUI, felony fleeing and eluding, resisting arrest, and taunting a police dog.
(Yes they had the gall to charge him with "taunting a police dog"...)

Throw the pig in a pit with lions and let him rot.

Disturbing Video Shows Cops Force K9 to Maul Man for Not Getting Out of Car Fast Enough

Beaver, PA — For many years we, at The Free Thought Project, have published story after story of small-town police departments and officers allegedly terrorizing its residents with threats of being tasered, beatings, head-stomping, and arm breaking arrests at the hands of the very people who are sworn to protect and serve them. Unleashing attack dogs on compliant citizens is also, unfortunately, a very real part of that list.

Beaver, Pennsylvania has a population of just over 4,000, with one of its residents being James Cicco (34). Cicco told his lawyers he has been harassed by police in the past, so when Beaver Police Officer Jeffrey Wijnen-Riems attempted to pull over Cicco for a traffic violation, the man decided the best place to pull over would be at his home.

Cicco’s lawyer, Geraldo Benyo, told reporters it only took 13 seconds to pull over, and that his client was being compliant for the entire duration of the traffic stop which took a violent turn for the worst. Wijnen-Riems can be seen in the dash cam footage approaching Cicco’s car.

“The video does depict Mr. Cicco getting out of his vehicle with both hands palms out and raised and then he only retreats into his vehicle as officer releases the K-9,” Benyo explained.

He opened up Cicco’s car door and then began to attempt to extricate the man from his small SUV. However, we consulted with a close-quarters hand-to-hand combat expert who concluded Wijnen-Riems tactics were not standard procedure.

The officer can be seen placing Cicco in a painful wrist-lock which has the potential to break the man’s wrist. The patrolman then began cranking his arm behind his back, another move intended to break either the man’s arm or dislocate his shoulder.

According to our expert, at no time did the officer attempt to unbuckle Cicco’s seatbelt and drag him out of the car. It appears Cicco unbuckled his own seatbelt, at which time the officer then flung him to the ground.

Instead of placing the man in handcuffs, he went back to his vehicle and released his attack dog, a German-Shepherd. As Cicco sees the dog approaching, he jumped back into his car and shut the door, as anyone afraid of police attack dogs may do.

Once again, Officer Wijnen-Riems opened the car door, this time aided by his dog, who began to viciously attack him, biting him under the arm, in the armpit, exposing gaping wounds. He bit his back as well.

The small-town police officer, who some are now calling a bully, then charged Cicco with multiple charges including fleeing and eluding and driving without a license. Cicco fought the charges and his case was brought to trial. The jury could not agree on a verdict, ending the court case in a mistrial.

The district attorney reportedly said he would not retry Cicco, and now the man is suing for having his civil rights violated in an apparent excessive use of force.

“This entire incident resulted over an aggressive police officer who was upset because on the way to non-emergency call Mr. Cicco didn’t get out of way fast enough,” Benyo said. The lawyer said his client’s fears of police brutality, “Turned out to be pretty accurate with having the fear.”

After obtaining the dashcam footage, the Beaver Countian also obtained audio of the officer’s call. In the audio, the cop is heard joking about the damage his dog inflicted on Cicco.

Disturbing indeed.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3408 on: May 16, 2017, 04:40:28 PM »
This is what a police state looks like.

7yo Autistic Boy Cuffed, Kidnapped By Police, Held for 6 Days – for Acting Out at School

Dallas, TX — The family of a 7-year-old boy with autism is demanding answers after their son was handcuffed and essentially disappeared for 6 days for acting out during class.

The boy’s arrest was captured on camera and has drawn much-needed attention as it circulates around social media. Police claim they handcuffed the boy for his own protection. However, several images of the incident show the boy standing there — entirely compliant.

The incident happened last Tuesday at Gabe B. Allen Charter School in Dallas, Texas. The boy’s mother received a call from school — like she has plenty of times in the past — notifying her to come pick up her son for acting out.

However, when she arrived at school last Tuesday, her son was not there.

As FOX 4 reports, she says it had become a familiar routine as her son is a special needs student and often has episodes causing him to act out. But last week, she says administrators told her he’d been taken to a mental facility to prevent harm to himself and to others.

“My son was acting up, which he does every other day. My son was running, which he does every other day. My son was saying absurdities, which he does every other day. And just like every other day, I was called to go and pick him up that morning on a Tuesday morning. When I got there, ‘Where’s my baby?’ ‘Oh, he’s not here.’”

This poor family did not get their son back from the state facility until Monday — six days after police took him away. Naturally, police claim this was all done for the boy’s safety.

The Dallas ISD police department noted that they cannot discuss specifics of the case because of the boy’s age. However, after the photo began to go viral on social media, they issued the following response.

“The image you may have seen posted is of a student while he is being restrained to protect himself against any further harm,” the statement said. “We ask for your help during this period to not continue to spread misinformation.”

Sharing a photo of a 7-year-old boy in handcuffs surrounded by massive police officers is hardly ‘spreading misinformation.’ These are the images society needs to see to help shake them out of this passive acceptance of the police state.

In what world is it considered acceptable for police officers to handcuff a small child with autism at his school and then kidnap him for six days?

Sadly, however, this country is beginning to accept more instances like this one as schools turn to police to solve everyday childhood problems.

If teachers could not keep this little boy from hurting himself or others, then they have no business in that profession.

According to an attorney for the family, they were told their little boy was held for this prolonged period of time until it was determined that he no longer presented a threat to himself after intervention efforts. Exactly what those ‘intervention efforts’ were, at the unknown facility, have yet to be determined. However, speculation, especially for those with children, is left to a nightmarish imagination.

So far, the family has had to request a detailed account of why their son was handcuffed and kidnapped. They are also attempting to verify the training of the staff who allowed police to take a 7-year-old boy away from his family for nearly a week — to protect him.

This is what public education looks like in a police state.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3409 on: May 19, 2017, 11:36:25 AM »
Laws are only for plebs, not for cops.

Cop ‘Un-Arrested’ for DUI in His COP CAR, Epitomizing Why People are Upset

Sycamore, IL — The Sycamore Police Department and its Chief of Police, Glenn Theriault, are under the microscope today after dashcam footage was released showing how Elgin police officer Sgt. Mark T. Whaley was allegedly given special treatment during his DUI arrest proceedings.

The incident happened April 8, when Sycamore officer Luke Kampmeier pulled Whaley over for driving erratically, even cutting off another driver without using his turn signal. In the video, Kampmeier asks Whaley if he’d been drinking.

The 20-year veteran police officer admitted to only having drunk one beer, but his comportment gave the officer probable cause to issue a field sobriety test, which Whaley refused. According to reports, there was an unopened beer inside the vehicle, and Kampmeier said on video he could smell alcohol on the Elgin officer’s breath.

Whaley refused any and all field sobriety tests offered to him, was handcuffed, placed in the back of Kampmeier’s patrol car, and taken to jail sometime after 2:00 am. Closer to 4:00 Whaley was allowed to walk out of jail without being charged with Driving Under The Influence (DUI).

Records show Sycamore Chief Theriault made several calls to Elgin police commanders before he was released. Also, Whaley’s car, a police-issued pickup truck, was returned to the officer. Reports say Theriault used to be an officer with the Elgin Police Department, as a commander before he became Chief of Police for Sycamore.

Whaley was released by police after they said they did not have enough evidence to charge the officer with driving under the influence of alcohol. But critics contend the whole incident is an example of blue privilege, whereby the officer was allowed to walk free after committing a crime the rest of us get charged for.

The Elgin Police Department says the incident is between Whaley and Sycamore PD, and refuse to comment. However, the City of Sycamore seems to be taking the matter very seriously.

According to the Daily Chronicle;

Sycamore Police Chief Glenn Theriault has been on paid administrative leave since April 10 as the city investigates the decision to let Whaley go without charges early that morning. Theriault, who joined the Sycamore force as chief in January 2015, worked closely with Whaley on the Elgin police force for years, Elgin Police Chief Jeff Swoboda has said.
In other words, it appears as though Chief Theriault and Sgt. Whaley are good buddies.

The fact a police officer was allowed to walk free without being charged with DUI did not escape being noticed by followers of the story. Citizen Mark Wells voiced his opinion about the department’s decision to let the officer go with a slap on the wrist.

Wells wrote, “These two police chiefs should both be fired and arrested for conspiring to release an officer who had been arrested and charged with DUI.” He described his own experiences being on the wrong side of the law. “I’ve been clean and sober for 23 years. Getting DUIs was absolutely horrible. It was the worst feeling you can possibly imagine.”

” I lost my license for 7 years the last time. I served 30 days in county jail and spent a year on home monitoring with an ankle bracelet.”

The financial toll was back breaking Wells wrote, “I paid thousands of dollars in fines and spent several years on probation. I did a year of mandatory alcohol counseling, which is expensive. I carried the mandatory SR-22 insurance which is thousands of dollars a year for three years even though I couldn’t drive.”

He also described the shame associated with being arrested and outed as someone who drank alcohol then chose to drive.

In addition to getting in trouble, there is a lot of shame and humiliation that goes along with getting a DUI. Your name is published in the newspaper. All of your friends and everyone you know is aware that you got a DUI. Some people never speak to you again. Random people call you for weeks harassing you. It’s a serious offense and I’m not complaining, just listing the consequences.
I quit drinking and changed my entire life to avoid it ever happening again. I did finally get my license back, which I am very grateful for. But if I ever got another one I would lose my license for the rest of my life and do some serious prison time. I would rather be arrested for robbing a bank, I’m not kidding.

Why should citizens be crucified and the very people doing the enforcement just walk away?

Many who are following this story share Wells’ frustration. Whether or not Whaley was actually drunk, perceived to be drunk, or was under the influence of some other substance, the people will never know. But if Whaley had been given the same type of treatment others have been subjected to, the issue would have been a matter of public record.

As The Free Thought Project has reported, forced catheterizations by police are taking place in South Dakota, against a person’s will, to extract drug and alcohol evidence against suspects who’ve been accused of DUI.

And according to the Brian Roberts Law firm, “Many Illinois police are beginning to apply for a warrant to draw your blood when you refuse the mandatory breath test.” All of this leads many to question why the Sycamore Police Department didn’t forcefully take a sample of Whaley’s blood as many IL departments are doing.

The answer appears to be as disturbing as the incident. There’s blue privilege at work, and those who will kidnap, cage, and possibly kill you over a DUI, will give their buddies a free pass for doing the same thing.

Worse still is the fact the officer has been allowed to return to duty, writing DUI tickets, making drug busts, and DUI arrests. In the eyes of many, the special treatment Whaley received reaches the absolute heights of hypocrisy.



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3410 on: May 19, 2017, 04:56:49 PM »
Pigs abusing the elderly should be sent straight to the electric chair. Of course the cops are now investigating themselves to clear themselves of any wrongdoing.

Video shows deputies forcibly removing elderly woman from train station seat

In the video, she is heard asking for her cane. To which a sheriff's deputy responds, "I will give you your cane once you stand up," and the woman replies, "No, hand me my cane so I can stand up."

When she didn't stand up, a sheriff's deputy pushed her head down.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3411 on: May 23, 2017, 11:02:58 AM »
“No, Stop! Please!”: Cop Empties Pistol into Car, Reloads as Teen Begs for Life, Opens Fire Again

Columbus, AL – A graphic video, released as part of a report issued by the Alabama State Bureau of Investigation, shows officer Allan Brown firing eleven shots into the vehicle, after engaging in a high speed chase, pausing only to reload and fire another ten shots into the vehicle as the teens can be heard begging for their lives.

Christian Redwine, 17, was killed in the shooting, and passengers Hunter Tillis and Hanna Wuenschel, both 19 at the time, suffered nonfatal gunshot wounds. It was the first volley, of the 21 total bullets, that struck Redwine in the head and heart that ended his young life, according to the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences.

Brown claimed that Redwine tried to use the car to run him over, which caused him fear for his life, and prompted the fatal shots. An attorney representing Wuenschel said Redwine was trying only to back out of a hole. The attorney said Redwine was shot seven times, Wuenschel two or three times, and Tillis at least twice, according to the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer.

Despite the clearly desperate pleas of mercy from the teens, as Brown unloaded two magazines into their vehicle, a Russell County grand jury found that Brown committed no criminal wrongdoing in the November 6 incident.

Brown can be seen on dashcam video trailing two other police cars also in pursuit of Christian Redwine after reports of a stolen vehicle in Columbus.

Brown can be heard telling the other officers to “let me come around you.”

He then narrates that speeds are approaching 100 miles per hour.

“Dispatch speeds are 98 mph.”

Only two minutes later, Brown again can be heard narrating the speed to dispatch as the Pontiac G-6 he is pursuing appears headed for the highway.

“Advise speed 107 miles an hour.”

As the teens attempt to take an exit at high speeds, Redwine loses control of the vehicle.

“We’re gonna be on Riverchase Road dispatch. He has wrecked out. Wrecked out. He is spinning. Start uh rescue,” Brown reports to dispatch.

With the wheels of the vehicle now spinning in reverse, Brown, who is now on foot, fires his weapon 11 times.

The passengers can be heard pleading for the officer to stop firing.

“No, stop! Please! I got shot!

Please! Please! ”

Brown, instead, paused only to reload his weapon and fire 10 more times.

“Oh my God I‘m shot! My God. Please no. Please! Please!”

By the time Brown had unloaded two magazines, Christian Redwine, 17, was dead, and the two others had both suffered gunshot wounds. In fact, later investigation would reveal that all three teens had been shot in the initial barrage of gunfire.

According to the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, the incident began when:

Columbus police said Redwine aroused suspicion when officers saw the Pontiac cruising around closed businesses around 4:30 a.m. near Columbus State University’s main campus on University Avenue.
Checking the tag, they learned the car had been reported stolen by Fred Levins, a friend of Redwine’s grandmother who considered himself to be like a grandfather to the teen. Around 3:30 a.m. on Nov. 6, Levins noticed it was missing along with his car keys.

When police tried to stop the car, Redwine sped away, initiating a chase that continued into downtown Columbus and crossed the 13th Street bridge into Alabama, where Phenix City police joined the pursuit.
A WLTZ First News investigation revealed Brown was fresh off a suspension for violating pursuit policy last year when this deadly incident took place.

The Russell County Grand Jury cleared Brown of any criminal wrongdoing just two weeks ago, and only days ago he submitted his resignation effective immediately.

According to the Ledger-Enquirer:

Russell County District Attorney Ken Davis said Brown waived his rights and volunteered to testify before the 18-member grand jury, which spent two days reviewing the evidence. Prosecutors did not recommend charges, but asked the grand jurors to determine whether the shooting was justified, Davis said.

Among other witnesses testifying were two more Columbus officers experienced in the department’s training and procedures, and an Alabama Bureau of Investigation agent who probed the shooting, Davis said.
In other words, they brought in a bunch of police apologist “experts” to justify and propagandize the jury into believing that unloading an entire magazine into a car full of teens, then pausing to reload and drop another ten shots as they beg for their lives, was justified.

Perhaps had this officer taken the same training as the Salt Lake City Police Department, which emphasizes de-escalation, and has resulted in them not killing anyone since 2015, these type of incidents would not be accepted and protected as “just doing my job.”



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3412 on: May 26, 2017, 02:28:36 PM »
And yet there will still be people who believe "Blue lives matter" and that we should "support the police".
Could the judge who helped clear this criminal be getting "endorsements" from police unions and other criminal gangs?

Cop Admits to Raping 14yo Girl AT SCHOOL, No Jail, Won’t Register as Sex Offender

Houston, TX — More trouble for the Houston Independent Schools District Wednesday after a former Houston police officer, a school resource officer, pleaded guilty to having an improper sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl. Once again, however, another officer got off with a slap on the wrist.

Jacob Ryan Delgadillo, 30, was arrested in January for allegedly having carried out sex acts inside Cullen Middle School’s girl’s bathroom. Suspicions were raised by teachers when they observed the officer blowing kisses to the teen through a window to a classroom.

Friends of the teen victim told the authorities the girl performed oral sex on him while on school property. Later, the victim confirmed she’d had oral sex with the officer, after confessing the act to a teacher. A subsequent investigation by police led to his arrest.

He resigned in December once the allegations surfaced which also showed he had shown the girl pictures of his genitals. An internal investigation led authorities to locate the pictures in question on the officer’s cell phone. According to court documents obtained by the press, Delgadillo denied all the allegations.

Delgadillo was charged with two felony counts of indecency with a child, but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of having an inappropriate relationship with the child. As a result of the plea deal, the former officer will only spend five years on probation for what critics say a regular citizen would have done 20 years in a cage for having done.

The verdict is seen by many as a slap on the wrist for pedophilia committed by a guy with a badge and a gun, who was entrusted with the care of the community’s most precious resources, its children.

Worse still, the officer will not have to register as a sex offender, and will not have the criminal charge on his record once his five years of probation is complete. The legal agreement is known as deferred adjudication, and it simply means he can return to his law enforcement career after his sentencing is carried out.

The sentencing is incredulous for many who believe police officers not only should be held to a higher standard but a stricter form of sentencing when they’re convicted of such crimes. After all, Delgadillo was a school resource officer, someone who is supposed to arrest others for the very same things he pleaded guilty for.

Even though Delgadillo will have to surrender his law enforcement license, conceivably, once his probation is over, he may be able to re-apply for the state license, transfer to another state, and continue his career in law enforcement.

District Judge Marc Carter, a Republican from District 228, presided over the case. He is up for re-election in Harris County in 2018. His email address is can be found by clicking here for any and all readers who may wish to opine about his decision.

As part of the plea deal, prosecutor Jennifer Stabe told reporters the two felony counts against Delgadillo were dropped. Instead of prison time, Stabe accepted the deferred adjudication agreement, which allowed him to serve not one single day in prison. Instead of a guilty verdict in a trial by jury, the former officer would only have to admit to placing the girl’s hand on his genitals.

The whole case serves to illustrate what The Free Thought Project has reported on numerous occasions. Police can get away with having sex with children without doing any real prison time.

They’re known to TFTP as pedophile cops, and such cases involving police officers having sex with minors seems to be an epidemic. As TFTP has reported recently, officers have been arrested for having child porn, having sex with minors, impregnating teens, and being a part of pedophile rings which include high-ranking government officials.

Just this week, TFTP’s Matt Agorist reported on the existence of an underground pedophile ring in Baltimore. The ring is the topic of a new Netflix documentary on the subject. “Netflix exposed a dark underground child sex ring involving the church, politicians, and cops,” writes Agorist. As a result of the film’s release, Baltimore police were forced to respond to numerous inquiries. “The series, titled, The Keepers, has forced the Baltimore police to set up an online submission form as people began to come forward after watching it,” he wrote.



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3413 on: May 27, 2017, 02:02:00 PM »
Once again the violent criminals attacking innocent people. These cops and their dogs should all be executed.

Innocent Man Mauled Nearly to Death As Cops Sic K9 on Him with No Warning

Harris County, TX — Don’t do anything wrong, some say, and you won’t have to worry about the police hurting you. While this seems logical enough, in police state USA, nothing could be further from the truth. Tim Young, an innocent AC repairman, who was so badly injured by police siccing their K9 on him that he had a prolonged stay in ICU, is just one recent example that blows that notion out of the water.

On May 5, Tim and his dad Allen were repairing a customer’s air conditioner. They weren’t committing a crime, had never committed a crime, and, contrary to the apologist cliché, had done nothing wrong. However, that did nothing to stop the Harris County Sheriff’s Department from unleashing their deadly K9 on Tim.

The department claims they were looking for a suspected car thief and when they saw a man under a modular home, this was grounds enough to unleash the deadly K9.
“I didn’t hear [anything],” Young said. “I didn’t see [anything]. I just felt a real sharp pain and I look down and there is a dog.”

As Tim worked under the home, he was shocked suddenly when a K9 began attacking him. Being the strong weightlifter that he is, however, Tim was able to hold the dog’s mouth shut and protect himself. But, under coercive threats of violence from the deputies, Tim was forced to obey their commands to let the dog go. As soon as he did, the K9 tore into his flesh.

“As soon as I let go, the dog bit me,” Young said.

The video begins as the dog is dragging Young out from under the home by the flesh of his arm.

“It was the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen,” Tim’s father Allen Young said.

A dispute arises, however, as to whether or not police gave a warning prior to releasing the K9. Both Tim, his father, and a third witness, Don Lorenz, were all there and all claim to have heard nothing before police unleashed their attack dog.

“Nobody told us who they were,” Lorenz said. “We did not hear one word of warning.”

Police, however, claim they did issue a warning and thus were entirely justified in releasing their dog on an innocent person.

“I have to, at this point, believe the deputy did in their training what they thought was appropriate,” Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said of the incident. Despite apologizing, he is standing by his deputy’s decision to release a deadly animal on an innocent man.

“It’s an unfortunate incident,” Gonzalez said. “It’s difficult for anyone to be bit. I am sorry for that.”

“It could’ve been the suspect, it could’ve been kids, it could’ve been an air conditioning repairman. At that point, the handler had no idea,” ABC13 investigative reporter Ted Oberg asked.

“Correct,” Gonzalez said.

“No one ever asked, ‘are people working, are there children underneath there’,” Williams said. “Had it not been a 25-year-old weight-lifting, strong, healthy guy, it would’ve been a much different outcome.”

“I felt like I went from being a help to being a burden,” Gonzalez said.

“A police attack dog is a deadly weapon,” Williams said. “If you’re going to use a deadly weapon, you have to make sure you got the right guy.”

“They got the wrong guy.”

To add insult to injury, after their dog nearly tore Tim’s arm off, the cops refused to render any aid. Tim’s dad described through tears what happened after cops finally removed the dog from his son’s arm.

To illustrate the sheer callous nature of the deputies, the father was attempting to put a tourniquet on his son’s arm to stop the bleeding, but couldn’t get it tight enough. So, he asked for help.

“I asked him for help and I don’t know if he’s having a bad day, he just said, ‘Do it yourself,'” Allen said.

More than a minute passes before any of the deputies does anything to help the innocent man their dog just tore to shreds.

To highlight what a stand-up man Tim Young is, the family is not eager to sue — they are only asking for help with medical bills since Tim will be out of work for several months.

As he stayed in intensive care for days, while doctors replaced missing chunks of his artery, Tim, a very religious man, said he prayed. When asked who he prayed for by ABC 13, his response speaks volumes.

“I didn’t know what to pray about except for, it sounds kind of funny, but the officers,” Young said.

To those who think police siccing their K9s on innocent people is an isolated incident, think again.

Earlier this year, the Free Thought Project brought you the story of an 81-year-old grandma was hospitalized after she was attacked by a police K9 while cleaning her shed in her own backyard. Police are now claiming that they ‘acted appropriately’ when they unleashed their dog on this innocent woman.

In 2014, the Free Thought Project reported on yet another grandma who was mauled by a police K9. Irene Collins, however, was not as lucky as the two attack stories above as she was mauled to death.

It’s not just the elderly either. In 2015, we reported the story of an innocent father who was accused of being a robber. When cops saw him drive into a parking lot, without warning, they unleashed their K9 who jumped into the back seat of the man’s car and began mauling his infant daughter.



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3414 on: May 31, 2017, 08:07:44 PM »
Instead of frying in the electric chair, not only did this criminal get away with invading and brutally attacking this old woman (ultimately killing her) but he "remains on the force".

Cop Attacks Elderly Woman for Asking for a Warrant, Breaking Her Hip Causing Her Death

Modesto, CA — He could have called a female officer to speak with the elderly woman. He could have asked to speak with her over a cup of coffee. He could even have taken a walk to think about his next move. But, instead, Modesto officer John C. Lee pushed 67-year-old Patricia Mugraue to the floor, breaking her hip.

The incident happened in January of 2015 when police were called to Mugraue’s home by a tenant who said her landlord would not let her into the home to retrieve her belongings.

The elderly Mugraue, who spent her working years in the Hershey chocolate factory, suffered from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. She told Lee she was “sick” when he asked her how she was doing.

Mugruaue proceeded to explain to Lee why she wouldn’t let the woman into her home. She said she felt like the right thing to do would be for the officer to go to the man’s place of work, just around the corner, and ask him to come home, so he could be there while the woman retrieved her belongings from the room they were renting together.

Lee insisted, even though he isn’t a lawyer, the woman had the legal right to enter the home and retrieve her belongings. But lawyers who spoke with the Sacramento Bee disagree. The SACBEE wrote:

In this instance, Mugrauer’s property rights were greater than the young woman’s, said Raquel Aldana, a professor and associate dean for faculty scholarship at the McGeorge School of Law. “This is a close case, but the entry is likely illegal,” she said in an email. “… The issue is not whether the tenant has a right to her property but under what circumstances she can have access.

Seems reasonable enough right? Get the man, let the woman in, wait while she gets her things, and then let the man go back to his place of work. After all, it was Mugraue’s home, a fact which she conveyed to Lee, and insisted he should have a warrant before he or the woman be allowed to enter.

Not getting anywhere with the elderly woman, Lee then seemed to snap, threw open the door with his left arm, and pushed down the frail, elderly woman with his right arm, her head slamming to the ground.

The fall took its toll on Mugraue, who had to be hospitalized, undergo several surgeries, and eventually decided to sue. She won her case in January of this year, settling with the City of Modesto for $750,000, but she never saw a penny of the funds. Patricia Mugraue died a week after the settlement at the age of 69.

Her sister LeAnne Stoops says being pushed by Lee, a fall which broke her hip, was what sent her on the steep hill of decline to her death. “She never fully recovered,” Stoops said. “I think this is what helped her pass. It was like a domino effect when she got injured from the officer.”

Stoops relayed her grief saying, “I’m brokenhearted…I’m sick to my stomach because she was getting her food from the food banks. She was getting her clothes from the clothes closet. She was so excited, (saying) ‘I think I’m going to get some money.’ The first thing she was going to do was buy some new clothes. And she never had a chance. It’s incredibly sad.”

Mugraue was not at fault, according to lawyers who spoke with SACBEE. The newspaper wrote:

UC Davis School of Law professor Floyd Feeney – who reviewed the body camera footage at The Bee’s request – said the officers should not have entered the home unless they had a warrant or there was an emergency. He said Patricia Mugrauer was calm and reasonable and simply setting the circumstances under which the young woman could retrieve her belongings. But it would not have mattered if she had been rude and slammed the door on the officers.

Officer Lee is still on the Modesto police force, and was not arrested for assaulting the elderly woman. In fact, not only did Lee push a woman down, causing her to break her hip, an injury her family says ultimately led to her death, he arrested her son, Wade Mugraue, even putting a gun/taser to his head during the arrest.

Wade Mugraue has not settled with Modesto and is still pursuing a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city and Lee for illegally arresting him, and violating his Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights in the process. As one headline put it, “One Push, One Million Dollar Settlement”. But it should probably read, “Cop’s Actions Leads To Elderly Woman’s Death.”



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3415 on: June 07, 2017, 01:32:57 PM »
When will these violent pigs be treated and charged like the violent criminal gang they are?

Cops Torture Innocent Disabled Man with a Taser, Break His Hip

A severely disabled Syracuse man was tased, tackled, and badly injured by police for wanting to stand on the bus because sitting caused him pain.

Syracuse, NY — Brad Hulett (39) is arguably one of the unluckiest men who’s ever lived. When he was 12, he was hit by two trains, and permanently disabled, and a portion of his brain was removed. At 27, he was run over by a truck.

Both accidents left him permanently disabled. The train accident left his left side practically useless, and his brain injury left him with a dented skull when half of his brain was removed. The man vs. truck incident left him with constant back pain, aggravated by standing.

But it wasn’t until he had a run-in with Syracuse police officers that his luck, once again, took a turn for the worse. Officers were called to the bus where Hubert was a rider on May 3, 2013.

Hulett refused to sit down, preferring to stand while holding the pole, reportedly because sitting hurt his back. When Syracuse’s finest arrived, instead of noticing he is obviously disabled, and employing de-escalation techniques, the officers went straight to their tasers.

The disabled man was tased and dragged out of the bus. As a result of the officers’ actions, he broke his hip in the process and had to have surgery, which left a seven-inch scar. The disabled man sued the officers, the police department, and the ambulatory services after charges against him were dismissed.

Instead of being transported to the hospital to receive proper medical care for his injuries, the frail handicapped man, with obvious special needs was taken to jail.

However, it’s what the judge in his case has noticed which is making news today. U.S. District Judge David Hurd uncovered a pattern of misconduct, cover-up, abuse, and misstatements which he says is reason enough for Hulett’s case to go forward.

Judge Hurd pointed to Syracuse PD’s lackadaisical approach to use of force incidents as a cause for concern. As The Free Thought Project has advocated, the city has an effective Citizens Review Board (CRB) which independently determines whether or not an officer should be disciplined when he or she is accused of an excessive use of force.

But Chief Frank Fowler only disciplined 3 of 18 officers in 2013 whom the CRB recommended be disciplined for their actions. Citing the Chief’s own words, Hurd stated officers are rarely if ever disciplined for an improper use of a taser.

Judge Hurd also noticed the use of force incident report was not filed until newspapers covered the story about police using a taser on a disabled man. He also noted an internal investigation was not launched until reporters began to ask questions about the incident involving Hubert. wrote Hulett’s lawyers have uncovered an apparent cover-up:

Hulett’s lawsuit claims not only that police used excessive force, but that they tried to cover it up by falsifying reports and destroying other videos that Centro surveillance cameras captured outside the bus.
Video filmed by Syracuse Metro, which could have served as evidence in the case against the officers, was destroyed. Hulett’s lawyers also claim he was not told he was under arrest prior to being tased and drug out of the bus. Audio from the bus surveillance camera seems to indicate the officers never told the man he was under arrest before they deployed their tasers.

Judge Hurd is allowing the case to proceed. “A jury could conclude that, as a result of SPD leadership’s well-known permissive attitude toward compelled compliance with authority…, (the officers) knew they would not be critically investigated, much less disciplined, for using force on citizens,” Hurd wrote, before adding, “Consequently, these subordinate officers felt empowered to use force with relative impunity and that, as a result, used excessive force on (Hulett).”

Rick Guy, Hulett’s lawyer had harsh words for the officers and the police department. “The video evidence in my client’s case shows a brutal and unnecessary abuse of power against one of the least of us,” he said. The lawyer added, “The integrity of the police department and the safety of the community depend on unbiased and honest investigation of uses of force and the appropriate disciplining of abusive officers.”


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3416 on: June 07, 2017, 01:39:40 PM »
Notice the goons who immediately try to block the camera and threatening and intimidating the person filming. They should be tried as accomplices to murder.

Cop Watches Her Husband Choke Man to Death, No Charges, Still on Duty

A Harris County, Texas sheriff's deputy and her husband are at the center of a controversy after the deputy's husband injured a man so severely in a fight, he later passed away. Dramatic cell phone footage has now been released, showing the end of the fight which took his life.

Harris County, TX — Terry Thompson, a 41-year-old Harris County man choked another man to death at a local Denny’s Sunday night. But Thompson, the husband of a Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy, has still not been charged with any crime. Now, dramatic footage of the fight has emerged, and we must warn you, it is extremely graphic.

John Hernandez, 24, was drunk when he went to the restaurant Sunday night, his family told reporters. From the surveillance video, a wobbly Hernandez can be seen entering the restaurant. He sat down but got up to leave the establishment, over the objections of his wife who pleaded for him to stay.

The drunken man then reportedly relieved himself outside the front entrance, apparently in front of the deputy and her husband. Taking umbrage with the grown man peeing in the parking lot, the deputy’s husband confronted Hernandez about his actions.

According to the Thompson, he claims the drunken Hernandez struck him and started a fight which ended when the deputy’s husband reportedly choked the man unconscious. The off-duty deputy helped restrain Hernandez and noticed he wasn’t breathing.

She started CPR and waited for paramedics to arrive. After on-duty police arrived, surprisingly, the deputy’s husband was not charged with assault, involuntary manslaughter, manslaughter, or even murder.

Hernandez was transported to the hospital by ambulance, was placed into intensive care, but was taken off of life support. He later died.

Following Hernandez’ death, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez asked for the Texas Rangers and the Department of Justice to become involved in the investigation. Since Hernandez’ passing, dramatic cell phone footage has emerged which appears to have recorded the moments leading up to his fatal injuries.

From the video, the large man in a red tank top (deputy’s husband) can be seen seemingly choking Hernandez to the point which led to his demise. Bystanders, apparently realizing what was taking place, attempted to step in front of the camera as the man can be seen rendering Hernandez incapacitated.

Thompson can be heard telling Hernandez, “Do you want me to hit you again?” Panic can be heard in the young lady’s voice standing nearby when she notices someone is recording the incident.

Thompson does not appear to be attempting to kill Hernandez, only subdue him, but his weight, combined with the choke, likely contributed to Hernandez fatal injuries.

One man, dressed in what appears to be biker attire, threatened the person recording the attack with going to jail and continued to step in front of the camera.

No one, in the 52-second video, can be seen attempting to break up the fight, appearing to be more concerned with the fact someone was recording the encounter than fearful someone may be dying beneath Thompson’s weight.

The biker declared the lady to Thompson’s side to be a Sheriff’s deputy and insisted recording was illegal and the videographer would go to jail if he/she continued.

The video was presented to the Hernandez family’s attorney who is now demanding answers and accountability. “This clearly showed Terry Thompson choking and eventually killing John Hernandez,” said Randall Kallinen, the family’s attorney.

While the deputy’s and her husband’s actions on the outside looking in seem justified, the question remains as to whether or not a double standard is at work.

Was the knowledge Mr. Thompson is the spouse of a deputy a factor in the decision not to charge him with involuntary manslaughter? Would he have been arrested if she weren’t an officer of the law?

These questions and more remain as the Harris County Sheriff’s office must now come face to face with the reality one of their own deputy’s relatives killed a drunk man at a Denny’s restaurant and has yet to be charged.

The Free Thought Project will continue to follow this story and inform our readers as it unfolds.



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3417 on: June 07, 2017, 02:07:42 PM »
I don't know sometimes wether to thank you or ask you to stop posting these endless ongoing unpunished
Crimes by this seemingly untouchable criminal gang.

It is just beyond comprehension what is happening & going unpunished.
Even when there is video evidence it counts for little in most cases.

Except of course if there is video evidence of someone doing something untoward to
a member of The Criminal gang - Then its all the proof they need to bang them up..!!

Thank you - for posting.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3418 on: June 08, 2017, 09:29:42 PM »
Notice the goons who immediately try to block the camera and threatening and intimidating the person filming. They should be tried as accomplices to murder.

Cop Watches Her Husband Choke Man to Death, No Charges, Still on Duty

A Harris County, Texas sheriff's deputy and her husband are at the center of a controversy after the deputy's husband injured a man so severely in a fight, he later passed away. Dramatic cell phone footage has now been released, showing the end of the fight which took his life.

Harris County, TX — Terry Thompson, a 41-year-old Harris County man choked another man to death at a local Denny’s Sunday night. But Thompson, the husband of a Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy, has still not been charged with any crime. Now, dramatic footage of the fight has emerged, and we must warn you, it is extremely graphic.

John Hernandez, 24, was drunk when he went to the restaurant Sunday night, his family told reporters. From the surveillance video, a wobbly Hernandez can be seen entering the restaurant. He sat down but got up to leave the establishment, over the objections of his wife who pleaded for him to stay.

The drunken man then reportedly relieved himself outside the front entrance, apparently in front of the deputy and her husband. Taking umbrage with the grown man peeing in the parking lot, the deputy’s husband confronted Hernandez about his actions.

According to the Thompson, he claims the drunken Hernandez struck him and started a fight which ended when the deputy’s husband reportedly choked the man unconscious. The off-duty deputy helped restrain Hernandez and noticed he wasn’t breathing.

She started CPR and waited for paramedics to arrive. After on-duty police arrived, surprisingly, the deputy’s husband was not charged with assault, involuntary manslaughter, manslaughter, or even murder.

Hernandez was transported to the hospital by ambulance, was placed into intensive care, but was taken off of life support. He later died.

Following Hernandez’ death, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez asked for the Texas Rangers and the Department of Justice to become involved in the investigation. Since Hernandez’ passing, dramatic cell phone footage has emerged which appears to have recorded the moments leading up to his fatal injuries.

From the video, the large man in a red tank top (deputy’s husband) can be seen seemingly choking Hernandez to the point which led to his demise. Bystanders, apparently realizing what was taking place, attempted to step in front of the camera as the man can be seen rendering Hernandez incapacitated.

Thompson can be heard telling Hernandez, “Do you want me to hit you again?” Panic can be heard in the young lady’s voice standing nearby when she notices someone is recording the incident.

Thompson does not appear to be attempting to kill Hernandez, only subdue him, but his weight, combined with the choke, likely contributed to Hernandez fatal injuries.

One man, dressed in what appears to be biker attire, threatened the person recording the attack with going to jail and continued to step in front of the camera.

No one, in the 52-second video, can be seen attempting to break up the fight, appearing to be more concerned with the fact someone was recording the encounter than fearful someone may be dying beneath Thompson’s weight.

The biker declared the lady to Thompson’s side to be a Sheriff’s deputy and insisted recording was illegal and the videographer would go to jail if he/she continued.

The video was presented to the Hernandez family’s attorney who is now demanding answers and accountability. “This clearly showed Terry Thompson choking and eventually killing John Hernandez,” said Randall Kallinen, the family’s attorney.

While the deputy’s and her husband’s actions on the outside looking in seem justified, the question remains as to whether or not a double standard is at work.

Was the knowledge Mr. Thompson is the spouse of a deputy a factor in the decision not to charge him with involuntary manslaughter? Would he have been arrested if she weren’t an officer of the law?

These questions and more remain as the Harris County Sheriff’s office must now come face to face with the reality one of their own deputy’s relatives killed a drunk man at a Denny’s restaurant and has yet to be charged.

The Free Thought Project will continue to follow this story and inform our readers as it unfolds.


The scumbags were indicted for murder, they face 5 years to life if convicted. Hopefully they'll get life in prison. The bystanders who were blocking the filming and intimidated the person filming should also have been indicted as accomplices.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3419 on: June 08, 2017, 11:02:45 PM »
Ever jack off while you're taking a shit?


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3420 on: June 10, 2017, 12:50:10 AM »
Elderly Man Mauled As Police Sic K9 on Him for Rescuing His Neighbor’s Cat

For helping his 73-year-old neighbor rescue her cat an innocent elderly man was mauled by a police K9 and treated like a trophy kill by cops.

San Francisco, CA — While rescuing his neighbor’s cat from a construction area, retired sound engineer, Richard May, 64, was attacked, brought to the ground, viciously mauled by a k9, and then arrested by a sadistic officer who would photograph his kill. May is in court this week attempting to seek justice for that horrific evening involving a deputy and his dog with the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Department.

On the night of January 1, 2015, May was conducting, what he thought to be, a good deed. He was helping his 73-year-old neighbor, Sharon Coster, rescue her cat, Domino who’d climbed up construction scaffolding on an unfinished building next door.

As May was climbing up the scaffolding to retrieve the black and white cat, he recalls the K9 biting into his right leg. During this week’s trial, May recalled to the eight-member jury that the bite was “extremely painful.”

After the initial bite, May was brought to the ground by the large dog who continued to maul him.

“I was scratching and screaming. I was trying to escape in my mind. I couldn’t believe what was going on,” May recalled.

Riggs, the mauling K9, belonged to Sheriff’s Deputy Chris Laughlin who, along with two other deputies, were responding to a call about an alleged burglary seen on surveillance video at the construction site.

Both Laughlin and the county maintain they gave ample warning for May to respond to their commands before unleashing the deadly dog on the elderly man. Police claim the innocent, retired, elderly man — rescuing his neighbor’s cat — hid out in the shadows and refused to emerge and show his hands.

The county claims the deputy’s actions were reasonable as he feared for his life and thought May could’ve had a weapon.

As KTVU reports:

May contends he posed no threat and didn’t hear any announcement from Laughlin until after Riggs started biting.
His lawsuit is based on claims of unconstitutional use of excessive force, as well as negligence, assault and false arrest under California law. It seeks compensation from the county and the deputy for May’s costs and emotional distress as well as a punitive award from Laughlin.
May testified today that he did “absolutely not” hear Laughlin’s alleged initial command to show his hands and drop to the ground.
He said he saw the dark silhouettes of the deputies about 100 yards away, assumed they were security officers and stood still to await them.
“I stayed right where I was because I was expecting a conversation,” May said. According to May, the only sound he heard was a “very loud guttural sound which I interpreted as an attack word,” he recalled.

“The dog immediately at full speed was running my way,” and began biting his leg, May said. May said he was told to get on the ground and even after he immediately complied, the dog continued to bite him.

After the dog mauled the innocent May, he was handcuffed and brought to the sheriff’s office — before the hospital. He was berated with questions until it was determined that he was rescuing a cat and not robbing the place.

This is where the story takes an even more ominous turn.

After realizing they had just allowed their K9 to maul an innocent man, the cops were not only unapologetic, but Laughlin celebrated the attack and even made a trophy out of their victim.

Laughlin took May to the hospital where he tagged his prey with a sticker on May’s shirt that said, “I met Riggs,” before snapping a photo for his personal collection.

He then dropped two tickets in May’s lap. They were notices to appear in court for the alleged misdemeanors of trespassing and resisting arrest.

Luckily for May, both of those charges were thrown out by the District Attorney who clearly had no evidence of any crimes.

The civil rights trial is currently underway in the Federal Building courtroom of U.S. Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler. Hopefully, the jury sees the sadistic nature of deputy Laughlin and awards May accordingly.

As for Laughlin, however, he’s still a cop, and likely still tagging his victims for photos in his trophy book.



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3421 on: June 10, 2017, 02:33:43 PM »
Another horrific incident in the jail of "Sheriff Clarke". While this beast was facing 200 years in prison for 5 felony counts of sexual assault, he was given a plea deal (to which he plead no contest) and he will only serve 3 days and a $200 fine. Yes, the felony sexual assault counts were ignored and the 200 years became 3 days and $200... Of course the $6.7m bill gets sent to the taxpayer.

Woman Gets $6.7mn After Being Raped by Police in Jail & Shackled as She Gave Birth

After the cop who raped her got off with a slap on the wrist, a jury awarded a mother $6.7 million for enduring horrid torture in Sheriff David Clarke's jail.

Milwaukee, WI — Milwaukee corrections officer Xavier Thicklen only spent three days in jail for allegedly raping a female inmate on numerous occasions which she says started when she was 19. The pregnant inmate, whose identity is being protected as she’s considered a victim of sexual assault, claims Thicklen raped her both before and after she gave birth.

A jury of her peers believed her claims and awarded her a staggering $6.7 million in a civil suit she brought against the county. According to the Journal Sentinel;

The guard, Xavier Thicklen, was acting under his scope of employment when the sexual assaults occurred and therefore Milwaukee County is liable for the damages amount, the jury determined.
Adding insult to injury and possibly endangering both the life of her baby as well as herself, the woman was shackled during labor, a practice long criticized by midwives as being risky, writes the Sentinel.

The jury agreed, and noted there was “no legitimate government purpose” in the restraints applied during childbirth.

As the Free Thought Project previously reported, shackling women during pregnancy is a common practice in the Milwaukee jail — under the orders of ‘hero’ Sheriff David Clarke.

According to a recent federal lawsuit, Melissa Hall, 27, underwent simliar torture when she “was forced to receive pre-natal care, labor, give birth, and undergo post-partum treatment while shackled, in accordance with the Jail’s policy, custom, and/or widespread practice of shackling all detainees during medical treatment.”

Clarke, according to the lawsuit, “has had personal knowledge that the shackling practices challenged in this case were occurring at the jail.”

When Hall was brought to the hospital to have her baby, she was made to wear a “belly-chain,” according to the lawsuit. This chain went “around her waist with her wrists attached to the waist and her legs attached to one another by leg-irons.”

In spite of hospital staff asking for the chains to be removed, because of the health risks to the mother and child, deputies, under Clarke’s orders, refused, according to the suit.

Thicklen, who resigned just before being charged with the rapes, successfully pleaded guilty to a lesser felony of “misconduct” for giving her candy according to his attorney. He was sentenced to three days and jail and a $200 fine, but in the minds of the civil suit jurors and alleged victim, he is a rapist.

The scandal is the latest in a long list of alleged improprieties leveled at jail staff. As The Free Thought Project reported earlier this year, an inquest proceeding ended with jurors recommending criminal charges be filed against seven jailhouse employees in the dehydration death of Terrill Thomas. Thomas, whose family said suffered from mental illness, was allegedly deprived of water during his last days on earth spent inside the Milwaukee jail.

Another mother was forced to give birth on the floor of a jail cell, resulting in the baby’s death. However, the outspoken Clarke defended the jail’s practice of shackling women in labor saying in a deposition it is done to ensure the safety of hospital staff.

Clarke, who made a name for himself on the Fox News Channel as a Fox News contributor, is reportedly leaving town for a job within the U.S. Department of Homeland security under the Trump administration. But even his departure is of little comfort to the three families just mentioned in this story who entrusted the judicial/penal system with their loved ones, one of which was raped, and another who was likely murdered due to inexcusable negligence on the part of those sworn to protect and serve the community.

As The Free Thought Project has recently reported, being an inmate in any jail in America is a dangerous place to be. It used to be that prisoners only had to worry about their fellow inmates. But given the rash of rapes, killings, beatings, and torture occurring on the inside, by the ones running the jail, they now have to worry about men and women with badges. Left to saddle the costs, are the American taxpayers whose tax bills are surging, due in part to the criminal activities of those in power.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3422 on: June 10, 2017, 05:36:48 PM »
Laughlin took May to the hospital where he tagged his prey with a sticker on May’s shirt that said, “I met Riggs,” before snapping a photo for his personal collection.

I've never understood how someone, very clearly a twisted wacko judging by this piece of information alone, is allowed to do his thing as an officer. 

Furthermore, how was he allowed into the position to begin with, since he didn't just fall from the sky yesterday? 

HOW could it be true -- if not for some cultural "norm" within the PD -- that a person with such deeply disturbing tendencies is allowed to work for (against, really) us?

And the saddest part (of course) is that it's relatively mild compared to many others.  If we can get rid of these wicked clowns when they pull shit like this right in front of everyone, maybe we wouldn't have all those other stories.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3423 on: June 10, 2017, 05:41:45 PM »
I understand he wants to have a picture as a hedge against future consequences.  But I absolutely cannot see how the mockery fits into a supposedly professional environment, and with the injuries.  Why isn't this viewed as a clear warning sign by the higher-ups?


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3424 on: June 13, 2017, 11:28:17 PM »
The bouncer and cops need to be thrown in prison.

Cops Mistake Innocent Man’s License for a Fake, So They Beat and Arrest Him

Tempe, AZ — Jazmine Faye and her boyfriend Bryan Acosta were trying to have a night out on Tempe, Arizona’s famed Mill Avenue June 7th. They’d partied at the Zuma Grill before, and had a great time, so they thought they’d go back. Little did they know the night would end with Bryan getting a beatdown by the Tempe Police Department for mistaking his legitimate New York Driver’s License for a fake one.

It all started when Acosta’s driver’s license was confiscated by the bar’s security guard because the Arizona bouncer said the New York drivers license looked fake to him. Instead of returning the questionable identification, he simply put it in his pocket and ignored his requests to get back his license.

“If you want it back, you’ll have to call police,” he said, before informing Faye he’d keep it at the bar because it seemed fake to him. While the couple was trying to make sense of the situation, another security guard called the police.

After Tempe Police bike patrol officers arrived, a brief discussion with the bouncers took place. They then called Acosta over, who explained the situation to the officers. After they ran his identification through their system, they then asked Acosta to confirm the last four digits of his social security number.

Acosta told them the last four of his social, but that’s where things took a turn for the worse. He said one officer told him to put his hands behind his back, while the other officer told him to put his hands on the police cruiser.

Not knowing which officer to obey, he just stood there. At that point, they said he was resisting arrest, and slammed him to the ground. Faye knew what to do. She started recording.

From her video, Tempe officers can be seen applying painful arm bars and placing their knees on his neck. All the while, Acosta is screaming that he wasn’t resisting arrest. He even tried to reiterate his social security number to end the conflict, still thinking if he gave the right numbers they would release him.

But this was to no avail. Police kidnapped her boyfriend and drove off.

Faye asked one of the officers where she should go to bond him out of jail. He told her Acosta would be taken to the Tempe jail, but he never made it to jail.

Faye tells the Free Thought Project what happened next. “I arrived at the police station at 1:55 and called to ask for him. They politely explained that no one has been brought in by that name yet and to call in 10 to 15 minutes,” she said. “Eleven minutes later I called and the man on the phone just rudely said no one was there named Bryan and hung up.”

Instead of taking Acosta to jail, officers took him away from Mill Ave., returned his driver’s license, gave him a citation for “resisting arrest” and dropped him off at 6th Street. Acosta was never booked into jail, didn’t have to bond out, but suffered numerous injuries.

Acosta got a black eye and now complains of constant back and neck pain. He has scabs from scrapes on his arms, elbows, and knees, all because a bouncer in Tempe, AZ thought his ID was fake and called the cops.

No one ever read him his Miranda rights, there’s no proof he was taken to jail, yet now he has to show up for court June 20th. He says he’s being forced to get a lawyer to defend himself for doing nothing more than wanting to party at the club.

Ironically, it was Acosta who wanted the bouncer to call the police. He wanted his identification back. He wanted to party. He didn’t want any trouble. But, apparently, providing the last four digits of one’s social security number for verifying his identity is a crime on Mill Ave.