Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1053220 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3725 on: March 28, 2018, 02:36:43 PM »
Cop Charged for Shooting 9yo Girl in the Head As He Tried to Kill Her Tiny Dog in Room Full of Kids

Wichita, KS — Earlier this year, a cop was fired after he shot a little girl inside her own home. Showing that they are willing to hold their own accountable, the officer was charged with felony aggravated battery this week.

In January, a Witchita cop was placed on administrative leave after discharging his firearm inside a family’s home—in a cowardly attempt to kill a dog—and hitting a little girl instead. Then, in an actual moment of accountability, Officer Dexter Betts was fired and he’s now been charged.

The officer was hired last January and barely made it a year before being fired.

According to, Betts becomes the first cop in decades to be charged in an on-duty shooting that resulted in an injury or death.

According to the family’s attorney, the girl, hit by bullet fragments, was so directly in the line of fire when the officer shot at her dog that the flashlight he shined from above his gun barrel illuminated her face right before he fired.

According to the charge against him, Betts “did … unlawfully and recklessly cause bodily harm to another person … (the child) in a manner whereby great bodily harm, disfigurement or death could have been inflicted, to wit: firing a handgun at a dog while a child was in the room.”

Naturally, Betts’ attorney, Jess Hoeme says her client did nothing wrong and was totally in the right when he nearly killed a little girl to prevent the possibility of her small dog biting him.

“I expect that this will be litigated at length because I firmly believe that Mr. Betts did not act recklessly under the circumstances, and we look forward to presenting our defense in court,” she said.

As reports, Charley O’Hara, attorney for the girl’s family, said the child’s mother is pleased.

“She said she was happy with the charge that was filed, and it was the correct thing to do.” Still, because of the shooting, “the girl is still struggling,” O’Hara said, without elaborating.

According to the report, O’Hara praised District Attorney Marc Bennett, whose office filed the charge: “I think it is a big deal. I think there’s a tendency of certain government officials to treat law enforcement officers differently than the regular public for the same acts, and it appears that Mr. Bennett is treating everyone equally, which is very admirable.”

Betts is now due in court on April 11.

As KAKE reports, officers were called at around 6:15 p.m. to the report of a domestic disturbance and suicidal person in the 1500 block of North Gentry, near 13th and Hillside. Officer Paul Cruz said in a news release that officers were told a 33-year-old man in the home had held a gun in his mouth and choked a dog.

When officers arrived at the home, instead of getting the woman and four children to safety, they went in guns blazing after learning that the gun the man had held in his mouth was under a pillow in a bedroom.

“While the officers were retrieving the gun, a mid-sized mixed breed dog charged at one of the officers,” the release said.” The officer pulled his service weapon and shot at the dog, missing it.”

The dog is described as a small 35-pound miniature English bull terrier name Chevy.

The poorly aimed shot then ricocheted off the floor and a fragment of the bullet struck the innocent 9-year-old girl in the forehead just above her right eye. Had the bullet struck just an inch lower, the poor girl could’ve been permanently blinded or worse.

Danielle Maples, the girl’s mother recounted the horrifying experience to the press noting that her daughter was sitting down on the couch when she was struck in the head. Also, her 6-year-old son was standing right next to the officer when he fired not one but two shots.

The little girl was brought to the hospital and treated for her injuries. Luckily, Maples’ three other children were not physically injured. However, the emotional scarring left by this experience could last a lifetime.

Maples explained how at the hospital doctors removed three fragments of the bullet from her daughter’s head showing just how close she’d come to being blinded.

Wichita Police Chief Gordon Ramsay reportedly told Maples that he watched the body camera from the officers in the room when Betts opened fire.

As reports, she said Ramsay told her in a phone conversation “that what he witnessed was not only morally wrong but against their protocols and training.” He didn’t say why, she said.

As for the suicidal man in the home, luckily he was not killed and completely cooperated with police. He was also brought to a hospital where he was given a mental health exam, according to the police statement.

According to the Wichita Eagle, the case will be reviewed by the District Attorney’s Office in addition to an internal review to determine if department policies were followed.

Sadly, police officers attempting to kill dogs and hitting innocent people in the process is an all too common occurrence.

As TFTP previously reported, responding to the house of a woman requesting medical treatment, a Columbus police officer arrived at the front door and immediately shot her 4-year-old daughter when attempting to kill their dog. Fearing that a jury would award the family substantially more money, the Columbus City Council unanimously approved a $780,000 settlement with the innocent girl’s family.

Prior to shooting the little girl, a police officer in Iowa shot and killed an innocent woman while attempting to kill her dog. The cop was not charged.

While tasked with the authority to carry a deadly weapon in all situations, this heavy responsibility is often disregarded, with innocent civilians — as well as other officers — becoming victims in the process.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3726 on: March 28, 2018, 09:35:20 PM »
Outrage grows over police killing of Stephon Clark in Sacramento: '20 shots over a cellphone'

Outrage is building over the deadly police shooting of an 22-year-old black man who was in his grandparents’ backyard, unarmed, earlier this month. Police had said officers were fearing for their safety, but critics have questioned why they chose not to resolve the situation with something significantly less lethal than a barrage of 20 bullets.

Stephon Clark was shot and killed March 18 after two Sacramento police officers were responding to a report of somebody breaking car windows. Police said they believed Clark was the suspect and he ran when a police helicopter responded, then failed to obey officers’ orders.

Police said they thought Clark was holding a gun when he moved toward them, but he was found only with a cellphone.

The shooting has moved the Black Lives Matter movement back into the forefront. Two of the officers have been identified in media reports, which say one is white and one is black.

Sgt. Vance Chandler of the Sacramento Police Department told Fox News, “At this point, the investigation is ongoing. Our department is committed to providing the facts of this case and conducting a thorough, comprehensive and fair investigation. We will continue to be transparent and update our community as we have updated information.”

It is rare for police officers to be charged following a shooting and rarer still for them to be convicted. Oftentimes it’s because of the doctrine of reasonable fear: if prosecutors or jurors believe that officers have a reason to fear for their safety, they can use force up to and including lethal force.

Clark’s relatives have said they're not expecting a resolution in their favor.

“…We appreciate the conversation, but conversation without implementation of some true reformation means nothing,” Clark’s uncle, Curtis Gordon, told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday. “It brought us to this moment, but what about tomorrow? What about next week?

He added, “You know, sadly, I have no confidence in America and the fact that I will probably hear another story sometime this year of an innocent life lost over excessive police force. It’s so common, you’re numb to it.”


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3727 on: March 29, 2018, 12:34:22 PM »
“(I was thinking) What can I do?,” Kirolos said. “He’s a police officer. I can’t do anything back.”
Good thinking since if the "officers" were just barely touched, that person might have ended up dead with the cops claiming they "feared for their lives".
Had this been a doughnut shop most likely we would've seen a SWAT raid with multiple employee casualties.

Cops Angry Over Late Pizza, Storm Domino’s and Attack the Manager

Jersey City, NJ — Two New Jersey police officers have been suspended without pay after multiple videos showed them attacking a Domino’s manager while on Duty. Surprisingly, both of them have also been charged with multiple crimes.

Rodney Clark and Courtney Solomon are both charged with disorderly conduct, harassment and making terroristic threats after they stormed into a Domino’s pizza restaurant and began shaking down the manager.

Marina Elsamina, an employee at the Communipaw Avenue pizza shop, told The Jersey Journal in an interview that workers there received an online complaint on Tuesday evening by one of the police officers, apparently over a delivery issue, according to

Shortly after receiving the complaint, the officers showed up at the store and began attacking the manager, Mena Kirolos. The initial confrontation was captured on employee cellphones as well as surveillance video.

After the officers threw the innocent man up against the wall, they then demanded he go outside. According to the video, Kirolos, and multiple witnesses, cops made several threats toward him while physically assaulting him and saying they were going to lock him up—over pizza.

As NBC New York reports, Kirolos said at that point, the more irate of the two officers told him “I’ll lock you up,” and the cellphone footage then shows the manager holding his hands out as if they were cuffed as he says “please do it!”

“(I was thinking) What can I do?,” Kirolos said. “He’s a police officer. I can’t do anything back.”

During the attack, the manager called 911 and the officers then left.

The dispute happened after cops claimed that the driver never showed up with their pizza. However, according to the Domino’s employees, the driver went to the address and knocked for several minutes but nobody answered the door nor the repeated calls back to the number.

Instead of simply asking for a refund, these officers used their police powers to assault an innocent man and threaten him with kidnapping.

“We confront customers every day who fight with us, but he’s using his police powers,” Elsamina said.

“The prosecutor’s office will fully investigate the allegations against these officers and prosecute in accordance with the law to ensure that justice is served,” Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez said in a statement. “Officers who abuse their power and break the law must be held accountable for their actions.”

As reports, the cops in New Jersey are on a seeming rampage lately as they’ve been the subject of repeated stories of violence and corruption.

“Eleven cops, including the former police chief, have pleaded guilty in federal court to collecting pay for off-duty jobs they did not perform. Earlier this month, another officer was sentenced for striking a man with his police car during an arrest. Four others face charges related to a scheme to falsify timesheets. Four additional cops were indicted last year on charges related to a high-speed police pursuit that ended in a fiery crash on Tonnelle Avenue,” reports

Both of the officers seen in the video below have been on the force since 2015 and they are now due in court on April 11.

As for Kirolos, he just wants an apology—one that will likely never come.

“I don’t like being cursed at, being touched,” he said. “I only demanded an apology. That’s it.”


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3728 on: March 29, 2018, 05:40:16 PM »
I wonder just by the comments and the fact this video went viral.. how many people just read the misleading headlines and went on a rant or how many actually saw the video where he went on to say immediately after "When you pass away, we'll come get it" THEN went on to say if a law was passed today banning guns, it would be UNCONSTITUTIONAL to take guns that are already legally purchased. I do hope you put more effort in reviewing your cases than you did on this one...

No one ever said Soul Crusher is a good lawyer, if in fact, he passed the bar.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3729 on: March 29, 2018, 06:56:37 PM »
No one ever said Soul Crusher is a good lawyer, if in fact, he passed the bar.

Im not one to judge too much on Getbig personas but having worked with many lawyers, I can't think of one that came close to what I see here.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3730 on: March 30, 2018, 02:49:33 PM »

City Forces Elderly Homeowner To Replace Garden with Grass Lawn Even Though She’s Allergic To It

A couple in St. Peters, Missouri, learned the hard way that even though they are listed as the owners of their home, the city they live in still has the ability to dictate what is and is not on their property—even if they are allergic to it.

Carl and Janice Duffner purchased their house in 2002, and they opted to plant a flower garden because Janice, 69, is allergic to turf grass.

Then in 2008, the city of St. Peters passed an ordinance stating that homeowners must plant at least 50 percent turf grass on their property.

The Duffners kept their garden and found themselves embroiled in a legal conflict when they were reported to the city in 2014.
The City of St. Peters Board of Zoning Adjustment granted a variance that reduced the amount of turf grass required from 50 percent to 5 percent for the Duffners’ property.

In response, the Duffners filed a lawsuit arguing that the 5 percent requirement was still not right, based on the fact that Mrs. Duffner is still allergic. After their case was repeatedly returned to the lower court, the Duffners filed a federal lawsuit in December 2016.

The lawsuit stated that the Duffners believed the city ordinance is “unnecessary for the advancement of any compelling or permissible state objective” and that it “imposes a permanent obligation on the owner to cultivate and maintain that unwanted physical presence on their property for no reason other than that the government commands it.”

The Duffners’ neighbor, Mark Letko, told King5 News that the people in their neighborhood love the garden and enjoy visiting it.

“All of our friends want to walk through it,” Letko said. “I don’t know why anyone would want to take this pleasure away from her.”

Letko also said that he does not understand why the city is putting up such a big fight against the presence of the garden when it is not causing harm to anyone—however, the forced creation of turf grass in the yard would harm Mrs. Duffner.

“If it was there to harm people or something like that but it’s not that way,” Letko said. “St. Peter’s have just gone too far. It’s not drugs or anything like that. We are talking about grass.”

This week, U.S. District Judge John Ross issued a 17-page ruling, which stated that the Duffners can be forced to plant turf grass in their own yard. He stated that the couple “failed to identify a fundamental right that is restricted by the Turf Grass Ordinance.”

The Duffners’ attorney, David Roland, said in a statement that he believes this case could set a dangerous precedent because it proves that the local government has the power to threaten a family with thousands of dollars in fines and decades in prison because they refuse to add something to their property that will cause them physical harm.

“The court’s ruling is bad for anyone who thinks they have a constitutional right to use their own private property in lawful, harmless ways, or to decide for themselves who and what they will allow on their private property. If the government can force the Duffners to plant grass instead of the flowers they prefer, there is nothing that would prevent a local government from forcing property owners—at their own expense!—to put in and maintain a fence or a swimming pool or holiday lights. And it is utterly absurd that the government can threaten its citizens with hundreds of thousands of dollars and twenty years in prison simply because they would rather have lawful, harmless flowers on their property rather than a plant that makes them sick.”

The next step in this case is to file an appeal with the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. Roland said he is committed to continuing to appeal the case, even if it takes them all the way to the Supreme Court.

Las Vegas

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3731 on: March 30, 2018, 02:56:58 PM »
SC is realer than Real Deal Holyfield.  You guys must've altogether missed the action from a few years back.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3732 on: March 30, 2018, 04:08:14 PM »
Outrage grows over police killing of Stephon Clark in Sacramento: '20 shots over a cellphone'

Outrage is building over the deadly police shooting of an 22-year-old black man who was in his grandparents’ backyard, unarmed, earlier this month. Police had said officers were fearing for their safety, but critics have questioned why they chose not to resolve the situation with something significantly less lethal than a barrage of 20 bullets.

Stephon Clark was shot and killed March 18 after two Sacramento police officers were responding to a report of somebody breaking car windows. Police said they believed Clark was the suspect and he ran when a police helicopter responded, then failed to obey officers’ orders.

Police said they thought Clark was holding a gun when he moved toward them, but he was found only with a cellphone.

The shooting has moved the Black Lives Matter movement back into the forefront. Two of the officers have been identified in media reports, which say one is white and one is black.

Sgt. Vance Chandler of the Sacramento Police Department told Fox News, “At this point, the investigation is ongoing. Our department is committed to providing the facts of this case and conducting a thorough, comprehensive and fair investigation. We will continue to be transparent and update our community as we have updated information.”

It is rare for police officers to be charged following a shooting and rarer still for them to be convicted. Oftentimes it’s because of the doctrine of reasonable fear: if prosecutors or jurors believe that officers have a reason to fear for their safety, they can use force up to and including lethal force.

Clark’s relatives have said they're not expecting a resolution in their favor.

“…We appreciate the conversation, but conversation without implementation of some true reformation means nothing,” Clark’s uncle, Curtis Gordon, told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday. “It brought us to this moment, but what about tomorrow? What about next week?

He added, “You know, sadly, I have no confidence in America and the fact that I will probably hear another story sometime this year of an innocent life lost over excessive police force. It’s so common, you’re numb to it.”

Meanwhile it was claimed he "charged towards" the cops.

Stephon Clark shot 8 times, mostly in back, independent autopsy finds

"The entire interaction, he had his back to the officers," said Omalu, a pioneer and leading researcher on the affects concussions have on the brains of athletes.

The first bullet hit him in the side with his back "slightly facing the officers," Omalu said, which caused his body to turn. His back was facing officers when a barrage of six bullets hit him. One hit his neck, the others hit his back and shoulder.

The last gunshot hit his thigh, Omalu said, explaining Clark was either shot while on the ground or as he was falling.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3733 on: March 30, 2018, 04:23:21 PM »
Autopsy on Stephon Clark released.  Will be used against the cops, possibly resulting in serious destruction to them.

A little aside, and probably unfair of me: Has anyone seen the clips involving Stephon's brother?  The dude is nuts.  He's the guy who grabbed tight hold of Sharpton on stage, and held a very uncomfortable looking bearhug on him throughout Sharpton's speech. 

Every other time that he's been on camera, usually standing beside someone who's making statements about his brother and the cops, he becomes really animated with bizarre movements in his face and body.  He looks to be making expressions of hostility against someone in the crowd, doing it silently, and with the strangest effect I've ever seen.

You'd imagine they'd learn to keep this kid somewhere else until the shit's handled.  It can't be helpful to put him on stage, certainly.  He's representing his brother, whether he realizes it or not.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3734 on: March 30, 2018, 04:24:11 PM »
Thank you, Skeletor.  Sorry  :)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3735 on: March 30, 2018, 04:36:38 PM »
Autopsy on Stephon Clark released.  Will be used against the cops, possibly resulting in serious destruction to them.

A little aside, and probably unfair of me: Has anyone seen the clips involving Stephon's brother?  The dude is nuts.  He's the guy who grabbed tight hold of Sharpton on stage, and held a very uncomfortable looking bearhug on him throughout Sharpton's speech.  

Every other time that he's been on camera, usually standing beside someone who's making statements about his brother and the cops, he becomes really animated with bizarre movements in his face and body.  He looks to be making expressions of hostility against someone in the crowd, doing it silently, and with the strangest effect I've ever seen.

You'd imagine they'd learn to keep this kid somewhere else until the shit's handled.  It can't be helpful to put him on stage, certainly.  He's representing his brother, whether he realizes it or not.

I didn't see much of his brother but I'd imagine he'd be in a really bad condition if his brother was murdered like that by those violent criminals and may be overreacting I can't really blame the family in their grief since losing such a close family member is a shock and people react to death in different ways. It is not surprising that worms like $harpton show up in any case they can, he will do anything for fame and to stay relevant. I can't speak for the deceased's family but my opinion is that someone like $harpton getting involved just adds an unnecessary political dimension in cases of police brutality/murder and undermines their legitimacy, i.e. people and the media will focus more on a charlatan like $harpton and his politics instead of the deceased person and his killers.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3736 on: March 31, 2018, 01:59:59 AM »
Ex-cop worked with drug dealers, 'seized' cash from their rivals, authorities say

A former Atlanta-area police officer has been indicted for allegedly stealing cash that she would split with local drug dealers.

Lori Monique Johnson, 33, is accused of taking the money during phony traffic stops targeting the rivals of her associates, the DeKalb County District Attorney’s Office said, according to Fox 5 Atlanta.

Johnson was charged with violating the Georgia RICO act and 14 counts of violation of oath by a public officer, the station reported.

The former officer stole a total of more than $150,000 during three staged traffic stops beginning in March 2015, authorities said. They added that Johnson targeted drug dealers because they were unlikely to report the robberies to police.

After each traffic stop, Johnson would share money with her associates and then receive a cut for herself. Johnson made various deposits into a local bank, according to the indictment.

“The reprehensible actions of Ms. Johnson are unacceptable and do not reflect the high standards of the DeKalb County Police Department,” Chief James Conroy told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Her actions tarnish the reputations and service which is demonstrated by our honorable law enforcement officers each and every day.”

The FBI was asked to assist in the investigation, Fox 5 reported.

Johnson was released on bond Friday, the Journal-Constitution reported.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3737 on: March 31, 2018, 06:25:24 PM »
After 2 Years And No Charges, Video Released of Cop Threatening, Then Killing Alton Sterling

Baton Rouge, LA — After the state of Louisiana announced that they would not be charging the officers responsible for ending the life of a man who had caused harm to no one, body camera footage was released showing the travesty that was the seeming premeditated murder of Alton Sterling.

It took only 90 seconds for Baton Rouge police officer Blane Salamoni to threaten to kill and then kill Sterling that fateful night. However, it took nearly two years for the body camera footage to be released and for Salamoni to be fired.

Now, for the first time since police killed Sterling, the public and the family can see the graphic videos that led to his death.

What is particularly troublesome about the release of this video is the fact that Salamoni wasn’t fired until it was released — two years later.

Police and investigators had this video evidence the same night Sterling was killed yet they did nothing with it and waited until their officers were cleared in his death before releasing it.
Suspicious indeed.

As the newly released body camera footage shows, officer Howie Lake II was already on the scene when Salamoni showed up. Sterling was not being combative and had simply been picking up his sales table for his CDs which he had permission from the owner to sell in front of the store.

Police were responding to a call from a homeless man who some claim was disgruntled after Sterling refused to give him money and ran him off from the store. The homeless man reportedly told police that Sterling was armed.

When Salamoni arrived, within a few seconds, he had his pistol trained on Sterling and was immediately threatening to kill him.

As Sterling asks police why he’s being harassed and subsequently held at gunpoint for selling CDs, Salamoni threatens to kill him.

“Don’t f—– move or I’ll shoot your f—- a–. Put your f—— hands on the car,” Salamoni shouts.

When the officers attempt to get Sterling to put his hands on the hood of the car, a struggle ensues and the officers bring Sterling to the ground. One of the officers shouts, “He’s got a gun!” and gunshots then ring out.

When the officers stand up, Sterling is in a pool of his own blood, the gun that he never went for remained in his pocket.

“Today was a troubling day, it was a sad day, but it was a day for truth,” L. Chris Stewart, an attorney for the Sterling family told reporters after the release of the video and the news of Salamoni’s firing. “Truth that we don’t really see too often.”

An internal police investigation into Sterling’s actions determined the officers’ actions “were not minor deviations from policy” Chief Murphy Paul said.

Paul cited “fear” as the factor that determined why the officer was fired. Salamoni created a situation in fear and hostility and violence were used instead of de-escalation.

“Our police officers are held to a higher standard,” Chief Paul said. “Fear cannot be a driver for an officer’s response to every incident. Unreasonable fear in an officer is dangerous.”

Indeed, unreasonable fear is the reason cops in America kill more citizens than any other country in the world.

“Today you saw that Alton Sterling was not some wild, deranged? Cocaine-filled, high, big black man who was out of control. The person who was out of control was Blane Salamoni,” Michael Adams, another lawyer for the Sterling family said.

“Never once pushed an officer, touched an officer, kicked an officer, did anything,” Stewart said. “But yet he ended up dead.”


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3738 on: March 31, 2018, 06:32:32 PM »
After 2 Years And No Charges, Video Released of Cop Threatening, Then Killing Alton Sterling

Baton Rouge, LA — After the state of Louisiana announced that they would not be charging the officers responsible for ending the life of a man who had caused harm to no one, body camera footage was released showing the travesty that was the seeming premeditated murder of Alton Sterling.

It took only 90 seconds for Baton Rouge police officer Blane Salamoni to threaten to kill and then kill Sterling that fateful night. However, it took nearly two years for the body camera footage to be released and for Salamoni to be fired.

Now, for the first time since police killed Sterling, the public and the family can see the graphic videos that led to his death.

What is particularly troublesome about the release of this video is the fact that Salamoni wasn’t fired until it was released — two years later.

Police and investigators had this video evidence the same night Sterling was killed yet they did nothing with it and waited until their officers were cleared in his death before releasing it.
Suspicious indeed.

As the newly released body camera footage shows, officer Howie Lake II was already on the scene when Salamoni showed up. Sterling was not being combative and had simply been picking up his sales table for his CDs which he had permission from the owner to sell in front of the store.

Police were responding to a call from a homeless man who some claim was disgruntled after Sterling refused to give him money and ran him off from the store. The homeless man reportedly told police that Sterling was armed.

When Salamoni arrived, within a few seconds, he had his pistol trained on Sterling and was immediately threatening to kill him.

As Sterling asks police why he’s being harassed and subsequently held at gunpoint for selling CDs, Salamoni threatens to kill him.

“Don’t f—– move or I’ll shoot your f—- a–. Put your f—— hands on the car,” Salamoni shouts.

When the officers attempt to get Sterling to put his hands on the hood of the car, a struggle ensues and the officers bring Sterling to the ground. One of the officers shouts, “He’s got a gun!” and gunshots then ring out.

When the officers stand up, Sterling is in a pool of his own blood, the gun that he never went for remained in his pocket.

“Today was a troubling day, it was a sad day, but it was a day for truth,” L. Chris Stewart, an attorney for the Sterling family told reporters after the release of the video and the news of Salamoni’s firing. “Truth that we don’t really see too often.”

An internal police investigation into Sterling’s actions determined the officers’ actions “were not minor deviations from policy” Chief Murphy Paul said.

Paul cited “fear” as the factor that determined why the officer was fired. Salamoni created a situation in fear and hostility and violence were used instead of de-escalation.

“Our police officers are held to a higher standard,” Chief Paul said. “Fear cannot be a driver for an officer’s response to every incident. Unreasonable fear in an officer is dangerous.”

Indeed, unreasonable fear is the reason cops in America kill more citizens than any other country in the world.

“Today you saw that Alton Sterling was not some wild, deranged? Cocaine-filled, high, big black man who was out of control. The person who was out of control was Blane Salamoni,” Michael Adams, another lawyer for the Sterling family said.

“Never once pushed an officer, touched an officer, kicked an officer, did anything,” Stewart said. “But yet he ended up dead.”

WTF kind of Police / Justice is going on

Why just why would the cops sit on that video for 2yrs !!

Nope nothing remotely fcuking dodgy about that .... ::)

Las Vegas

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3739 on: April 02, 2018, 07:19:36 AM »
Total bunk move by me to comment on the Clark brother like that, when he may have been breaking down during his worst moment.  Not my own finest moment, either, but (unlike him) without excuse.  I can't even claim absent-mindedness, since I admitted at the time to realizing it was unfair. 

Not right.  I regret it, and learned from it.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3740 on: April 02, 2018, 03:58:13 PM »
I didn't see much of his brother but I'd imagine he'd be in a really bad condition if his brother was murdered like that by those violent criminals and may be overreacting I can't really blame the family in their grief since losing such a close family member is a shock and people react to death in different ways.

You are so right.  If there were ever a time a person may snap, it'd be then.  If there were ever a time we could find sensitivity, it'd be then.  Everyone gets tested, then.

Thanks for that, Skeletor.  I appreciate the reminder.  It's way too easy to become desensitized these days, and it shouldn't be like that.

It is not surprising that worms like $harpton show up in any case they can, he will do anything for fame and to stay relevant. I can't speak for the deceased's family but my opinion is that someone like $harpton getting involved just adds an unnecessary political dimension in cases of police brutality/murder and undermines their legitimacy, i.e. people and the media will focus more on a charlatan like $harpton and his politics instead of the deceased person and his killers.

He's always on the prowl, looking to make contact with families as quickly as possible after reports start to surface.  No doubt he has a big book of tricks to take every imaginable advantage of that moment.  His motivation for doing what he does would probably blow our minds if we knew the full extent of it.  He isn't holding that position for reasons that are as clear and obvious as he'd like us to think, that's for sure.

To the family, the advantage may be the focus he brings to their tragedy.  Knowing (or believing) his presence will make it less likely they'll be swept aside.  But on many occasions, too, he's been told to stfu and get lost.  He isn't a stranger to hearing that.  IMO it's because someone may have beaten him to the punch.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3741 on: April 02, 2018, 04:21:46 PM »
He's always on the prowl, looking to make contact with families as quickly as possible after reports start to surface.  No doubt he has a big book of tricks to take every imaginable advantage of that moment.  His motivation for doing what he does would probably blow our minds if we knew the full extent of it.  He isn't holding that position for reasons that are as clear and obvious as he'd like us to think, that's for sure.

To the family, the advantage may be the focus he brings to their tragedy.  Knowing (or believing) his presence will make it less likely they'll be swept aside.  But on many occasions, too, he's been told to stfu and get lost.  He isn't a stranger to hearing that.  IMO it's because someone may have beaten him to the punch.

Indeed, there must've been some cases where he's been told by families to GTFO but he probably still lingers around if there are people or cameras around so he can do his thing. He's a race pimp taking advantage of grieving families. He is a piece of shit.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3742 on: April 02, 2018, 04:47:58 PM »
Indeed, there must've been some cases where he's been told by families to GTFO but he probably still lingers around if there are people or cameras around so he can do his thing. He's a race pimp taking advantage of grieving families. He is a piece of shit.

Oh, yeah.  Nothing can stop him from (at least) appearing to represent something important in every attention-grabbing case he sees fit to place himself into.  What a joke, and how interesting MSM allows him to do it with blessings.  The hilarious situations are the ones in which the family does their best to make sure everyone understands he is NOT speaking for them and that they've told him to buzz off.

Maybe he'd learn to quit being so insincere, since zero doubt in my mind he is NOT a slow learner (of all the things to be said about him).


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3743 on: April 02, 2018, 11:37:32 PM »
A long but interesting read from the BBC (you know, one of those extremist, cop hating websites).

When cops become robbers
Inside one of America's most corrupt police squads

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3745 on: April 03, 2018, 01:36:59 PM »
Will these perverted and violent uniformed criminals end up in prison?

Cops Sexually Assault Innocent Man in Broad Daylight Because They “Smell Weed”

South Hampton, NJ — One of the most disturbing videos illustrating the horrors of marijuana prohibition was released this week showing police officers handcuff an innocent man and publicly grope his genitals and probe his anus. The lengths the police state will go to prosecute otherwise innocent people for this plant were on full display as two New Jersey state troopers detained a man then humiliated and sexually assaulted him for nearly ten minutes in broad daylight.

Highlighting the gross negligence associated with such a tyrannical and vile act — the public sexual assault of this innocent man turned up nothing. What’s more, the footage of the attack was hidden from public view and only discovered by accident.

The traffic stop took place on March 8, 2017, after police allegedly saw the driver of a vehicle, Jack Levine tailgating another vehicle. When the officers pulled him over, they claimed to have smelled marijuana and then used this as justification for the disgusting and horrific act that followed.

According to NJ 101.5, who first reported the video, it was published by open government advocate John Paff. He came across the case through happenstance — filing random public records requests, as he does across the state.

Paff told New Jersey 101.5 he became aware of the search after the driver filed a motion to extend the 90-day deadline for a tort notice — the notification a person must give a government agency before suing it in New Jersey Superior Court. He then filed records requests for dashcam and body cam videos, according to the report.

In the video published by Paff — from the perspective of Trooper Andrew Whitmore — Levine’s passenger, a coworker, is seen in the back of one troop car, and Levine in the other. Whitmore tells the passenger that “it’s not like TV” — that marijuana possession isn’t an offense that will land him in jail — and urges him to disclose where the pot the troopers say they smelled might be. But the passenger says it’s not his car, and he doesn’t have any marijuana.
As the video shows, once cops claimed to smell the weed, they used this as probable cause to detain Levine and his passenger and search the vehicle with no warrant.

After finding nothing in Levine’s pockets and the vehicle turning up empty as well, trooper Whitmore urged trooper Joseph Drew to turn their attention on this innocent man’s most private parts.

“He might have stashed it somewhere …” Whitmore says.

“That’s what I’m thinking,” Drew responds.

“… stashed it somewhere where we can’t just … physically can’t … it’s not in his pockets,” Whitmore says.

As we see in the video, this is when the nightmare begins.

“Am I free to go?” Levine asks before the sexual assault.

“Not at this point, no”
Whitmore tells him.

“Am I under arrest?”

“Yes. you are.”

“For what?”

“You’re under arrest for the odor of marijuana.”

“So now you can get arrested for somebody smelling something? What is that all about?”
Levine says.

The officers tell Levine they might bring him back to their station for a strip search.

“If that’s you guys trying to scare me into telling on myself for something I didn’t even do wrong, then it’s not going to work,” he says.

Later in the video, Drew then pulls Levine aside and begins the search.

“If you think this is the worst thing I’m going to do to you right now, you have another think coming my friend,” trooper Drew says as he searches the outside of Levine’s pants, premeditating the public sexual assault.

“Try not to rape me, already,” Levine says, halfway joking, not knowing that this was actually about to happen.

For several minutes, Drew proceeds to savagely poke, prod, and molest this innocent man as he finds nothing.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” screams Levine as the the trooper physically grabs his penis while violently ramming his fingers into the innocent man’s anus.

Drew then yells at Levine to stop squirming as he sexually assaults him — as if it is easy to sit passively by as an armed man who has kidnapped you on the side of the road attempts to sexually assault you in search of a plant.

At the end of the assault, the troopers then let Levine and his passenger go but not before they gave him a ticket for following too close.

The Free Thought Project contacted the New Jersey State Police who said they were aware of the video and were going to release a statement. TFTP has also confirmed that both troopers are currently on active duty.

“It was the most humiliating experience I’ve ever been through, also due to the fact people were driving by very slowly (sic), watching him with his hand down my pants,” Levine said.

Below is this graphic footage. Warning, it may be extremely disturbing to some viewers. When watching the video below, ask yourself who the real criminals are.

If you’d like to express your peaceful protest about this incident to the New Jersey State Police their information is below:

Trooper Joseph Drew
Trooper Andrew Whitmore
Phone number: 609-882-2000

Cops searched man's anus on road — never found pot


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3746 on: April 03, 2018, 02:24:44 PM »
Feds: There are hostile stingrays in DC, but we don’t know how to find them
There’s also “anomalous activity”—probably stingrays—in other US cities, too.

The federal government has formally acknowledged for the first time that it has located suspected and unauthorized cell-site simulators in various parts of Washington, DC.
The revelation, which was reported for the first time on Tuesday by the Associated Press, was described in a letter recently released from the Department of Homeland Security to the offices of Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon).

"Overall, [DHS' National Protection and Programs Directorate] believes the malicious use of IMSI catchers is a real and growing risk," wrote Christopher Krebs, DHS' acting undersecretary, in a March 26, 2018 letter to Wyden.

The letter and attached questionnaire say that DHS had not determined who is operating the simulators, how many it found, or where they were located.

DHS also said that its NPPD is "not aware of any current DHS technical capability to detect IMSI catchers." The agency did not explain precisely how it was able to observe "anomalous activity" that "appears to be consistent" with cell-site simulators.

The devices, which are also known as stingrays or IMSI catchers, are commonly used by domestic law enforcement nationwide to locate a particular phone. Sometimes, they can also be used to intercept text messages and phone calls. Stingrays act as a fake cell tower and effectively trick a cell phone into transmitting to it, which gives up the phone’s location.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3747 on: April 03, 2018, 03:26:57 PM »
Supreme Court shields a police officer from being sued for shooting a woman in her front yard

The Supreme Court on Monday shielded a police officer from being sued for shooting an Arizona woman in her front yard, once again making it harder to bring legal action against officers who use excessive force, even against an innocent person.

With two dissents, the high court tossed out a lawsuit by a Tucson woman who was shot four times outside her home because she was seen carrying a large knife.
The ruling — which comes at a time of growing controversy over police shootings nationwide — effectively advises courts to rely more heavily on the officer's view of such incidents, rather than the victim's.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3748 on: April 03, 2018, 05:51:01 PM »
Graphic New Videos Show a Cop Try to Kill A Man for Improperly Crossing the Street

Asheville, NC – Crossing the street in a manner deemed “illegal” by the state can and will get you beaten, shot, kidnapped, caged, and even killed. Body Camera footage was released last month illustrating this dangerous reality. The video shows one police officer restraining a man down while another officer repeatedly punches him in the head after they confronted him for the “crime” of jaywalking. Last month, in an extremely rare move by the District Attorney, the cop who was recorded doing the beating has been criminally charged and arrested.

Now, this week, the department has released all the video from the attack which provides new insight into the nature of this most brutal encounter and illustrates why the officer was charged.

District Attorney Todd Williams announced early last month that former officer Chris Hickman, 31, is facing charges of felony assault by strangulation, and misdemeanor assault inflicting serious injury and communicating threats, according to the Citizen-Times.

Hickman then posted $10,000 bail and was released.

The department attempted to keep the video below from the public eye, however, the city of Asheville petitioned the courts to release all the footage related to the incident. On March 26th, a judge ruled that they were to be released, and this week, nine videos were published online.

As TFTP reported last month, Johnnie Jermaine Rush, 33, had just finished a 13-hour shift at a local Cracker Barrel restaurant and was leaving a store on his way home when he was approached by Verino Ruggiero, an officer in training. In the Body Cam footage published by the Citizen-Times, Ruggiero claimed he had warned Rush about jaywalking.

“All I’m trying to do is go home, man. I‘m tired. I just got off work,” Rush replied.

The originally relased footage was from a camera worn by Hickman, who was in the patrol car with Ruggiero. While Ruggiero was the one directly confronting Rush, Hickman stood on the other side of the vehicle.

“I’ve got two options: I can either arrest you or write you a ticket,” Ruggiero told Rush.

“It doesn’t matter to me, man. Do what you have got to do, besides keep harassing me,” Rush replied.

“I’m not harassing you,” Ruggiero insisted.

“That’s all in your mind, man,” Hickman interjected. He then directed his attention towards his fellow officer and said, “Just write him a ticket. He wants to act like a punk.”

It is clear from the Body Cam footage that traffic was light at that time of night, and the Citizen-Times noted that the confrontation happened near a corner were hundreds of pedestrians typically cross without using a crosswalk before and after games at a nearby baseball field.

When Rush let out an exasperated string of obscenities, Hickman apparently decided that a ticket was not enough. He began marching towards Rush, pointing his finger at him and yelling, “Put your hands behind your back! Don’t! Don’t! Do NOT! Stop, drop the bag. Put your hands behind your back.”

“OK, OK,” Rush responded before he slipped from the officer’s grasp and started running in the opposite direction.

“Motherf—ker … thinks it’s funny. You know what’s funny is that you’re going to get f—ked up hardcore!” Hickman yelled as he pulled out his Taser and chased after Rush.

Rush stopped running and both officers forced him to the ground and piled on top of him. While both Hickman and Ruggiero restrained Rush on the ground, Hickman is seen on the Body Cam footage punching him in the head several times.

“I can’t breathe!” Rush cried out multiple times as he was punched repeatedly and hit with the officer’s Taser twice. He was taken to the hospital after the incident, and he told the Citizen-Times that while he was there, “Hickman was abusive to him and used a racial slur.”

Rush was initially charged with assault on a government official; resisting, delaying and obstructing an officer; trespass and traffic offenses. However, those charges have all been dismissed.

After watching the videos below, it becomes entirely clear as to why the charges against Rush were dropped and charges against Hickman were brought. (videos available on article below)

According to the Citizen Times, in response Monday to questions about the videos, including the portions that appear to show Rush being strangled, Hickman’s attorney Thomas Amburgey said, “nothing is clear cut.”

He gave no further comment.

It is extremely rare that we see cops charged when they become violent and attack people - in this case one of them is charged with 1 felony and 2 misdemeanors. Now the "Sheriff" is whining about "anti-law enforcement agenda" even though the calls were mostly about "reviewing policies", funding "training" and establishing independent bodies that will investigate abuse and use of force incidents. Training is not enough. Criminals must be punished, and those of the badge holding variety who violently attack and abuse others should be punished extremely harshly.

Sheriff slams county's call for more police training as a 'slap in the face,' says it drives 'anti-law enforcement agenda'

Calls for training by officials in North Carolina after police released video of an officer punching and choking a black pedestrian have angered the county’s sheriff, who says doing so drives “anti-law enforcement agenda.”

Three Democratic Buncombe commissioners issued a statement on Tuesday asking to fund training for all law enforcement within the county, the Asheville Citizen-Times reported.

This comes just one day after officials released a video from 2017 showing Officer Christopher Hickman subduing and punching Johnnie Jermaine Rush, 33, for allegedly jaywalking.

Rush can also be seen screaming in pain after being shocked with a stun gun.

Hickman is facing a felony assault charge.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #3749 on: April 05, 2018, 12:05:00 PM »
"No one wants to take away your guns".  ::)
Except, they do. Of course cops, even retired ones, are exempt from this "ordinance".

Town Bypasses Constitution, US Citizens Given 60 Days to Turn in Guns Or Become Criminals

As the state promises gun rights activists they’re not coming for their guns, behind the scences they’re pleading for it to happen. And now the feared gun grab is occurring. Residents in Deerfield, Illinois have 60 days to surrender their “assault weapons” or face fines of $1000 per day per gun.

The gun ban ordinance was passed on April 2nd with residents left with few choices of how to dispose of their valuable “assault weapons.” Upon careful reading of the ordinance, residents will be left with revolvers, .22 caliber “plinking” rifles, and double barrel shotguns to defend their homes and families from criminals who could care less about the law.

Fines for not disposing of the weapons range from $250 to $1000 per day per gun for those who choose not to comply with the city’s ordinance. While a fine may seem reasonable to some, as TFTP has reported on multiple occasions, failure to pay fines always results in police action. It is not far-fetched to predict major turmoil and arrests in the event of non-compliance.

One example of the so-called “assault weapon” is the Ruger 10/22 which can accept magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Even though the 10/22 is not listed in the list of guns the village wants to see banned, the gun cannot legally be possessed in the village.

Residents have been instructed to either sell their guns, transfer the ownership to someone who lives outside the village, surrender their guns to Deerfield’s sheriff, or begin paying the fines.

Deerfield mentioned a number of cities where mass shootings took place, including Sutherland Springs, TX where 26 people were killed in the First Baptist Church. That shooting was actually stopped by a man who used the very gun Deerfield voted to ban. No mention was made of that fact in the ordinance.

Also included in the gun ban were semi-automatic pistols which can accept higher than 10 round magazines. That’s virtually all full size semi-automatic pistols.

Even though the village trustees ignored the pleas of residents to leave their guns alone, and passed the ordinance anyway, many residents were encouraged to ignore the gun ban and engage in civil disobedience.

Joel Siegel, a resident of Lincolnwood, warned the village’s residents that governments all across the world have moved to confiscate guns then turned around and ran roughshod over the people. He said, “There’s an ancient and honored American tradition called disobeying an unjust law…I have urged (people) to listen to their conscience and if so moved do not obey this law.”

Deerfield Mayor Harriet Rosenthal implied the students from the local high school helped sway her decision to bring about the ordinance. “Enough is enough,” Rosenthal said adding, “Those students are so articulate just like our students. There is no place here for assault weapons.”

The statement mirrors the knee jerk reaction to ban guns following a nationwide public outcry of students who supposedly feared for their own lives following the recent mass shooting in Florida.

Opponents of the gun grab vow to fight the action in court while others praised the trustees decision to ban semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns. Ariella Kharasch, a Deerfield High School senior said she wants more action to be taken on both a local and national level.

“This is our fight…This is our generation’s fight. We’re going to keep fighting and this is part of it. Change happens gradually step by step. The fight does not end at the borders of our village.,” Kharasch said.

Predictably, law enforcement and retired law enforcement members of the community are exempted from the ban. Currently, in the U.S., law enforcement kills around 1,200 citizens per year. Ironically, that number is actually four times higher than those who die from rifles.

As TFTP has reported, cops have killed 450 percent more people than have died in the past forty years of mass shootings.