Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1053227 times)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4550 on: August 14, 2019, 02:04:21 PM »
This man was pulled over by cops without probable cause (according to one of the cops) and when the cops couldn't find any drugs they beat him up while he was handcuffed, resulting in trauma that required brain surgery and then they locked him in a closet for 4 days (!) without food or use of a toilet, only 1 carton of milk. As expected, the dashcam portion that showed the cops beating the man was conveniently "missing" during request for discovery...
For all this brutality, the man was awarded $20m back in 2016 but an appeals court overtruned this. Now he is receiving $50m but once again, the taxpayers will foot the bill instead of the criminals or their gang's coffers. No information of course on whether the cops were charged with anything. Maybe they were "punished" with paid vacation..

Jury awards $50 million to man beaten, locked in East Cleveland police department storage room

A Cuyahoga County jury on Friday awarded $50 million ($20 million in compensatory damages and $30 million in punitive damages against the city of East Cleveland) to an East Cleveland man who filed a lawsuit that said police in that city beat him while he was in handcuffs in 2012, then locked him in a concrete storage room for four days with no food or restroom.

The award came after the second jury trial in the case of Arnold Black, after an appeals court last year overturned a previous award for $22 million.

In the run up to the first civil trial in 2016, East Cleveland’s law department did not respond to any requests from Black’s lawyers for evidence it planned to present to jurors in the city’s defense. A judge ruled that the move violated the rules of discovery and barred East Cleveland from presenting any evidence at trial.

The portion of the police dashboard camera video showing Hicks punching Black was missing when the department handed it over to Black’s lawyers prior to the first trial. The lawsuit claimed that the officers deliberately edited that portion out.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4551 on: August 15, 2019, 08:00:05 AM »

This man was pulled over by cops without probable cause (according to one of the cops) and when the cops couldn't find any drugs they beat him up while he was handcuffed, resulting in trauma that required brain surgery and then they locked him in a closet for 4 days (!) without food or use of a toilet, only 1 carton of milk. As expected, the dashcam portion that showed the cops beating the man was conveniently "missing" during request for discovery...
For all this brutality, the man was awarded $20m back in 2016 but an appeals court overtruned this. Now he is receiving $50m but once again, the taxpayers will foot the bill instead of the criminals or their gang's coffers. No information of course on whether the cops were charged with anything. Maybe they were "punished" with paid vacation..

Jury awards $50 million to man beaten, locked in East Cleveland police department storage room

A Cuyahoga County jury on Friday awarded $50 million ($20 million in compensatory damages and $30 million in punitive damages against the city of East Cleveland) to an East Cleveland man who filed a lawsuit that said police in that city beat him while he was in handcuffs in 2012, then locked him in a concrete storage room for four days with no food or restroom.

The award came after the second jury trial in the case of Arnold Black, after an appeals court last year overturned a previous award for $22 million.

In the run up to the first civil trial in 2016, East Cleveland’s law department did not respond to any requests from Black’s lawyers for evidence it planned to present to jurors in the city’s defense. A judge ruled that the move violated the rules of discovery and barred East Cleveland from presenting any evidence at trial.

The portion of the police dashboard camera video showing Hicks punching Black was missing when the department handed it over to Black’s lawyers prior to the first trial. The lawsuit claimed that the officers deliberately edited that portion out.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4552 on: August 16, 2019, 01:32:02 AM »
This man was pulled over by cops without probable cause (according to one of the cops) and when the cops couldn't find any drugs they beat him up while he was handcuffed, resulting in trauma that required brain surgery and then they locked him in a closet for 4 days (!) without food or use of a toilet, only 1 carton of milk. As expected, the dashcam portion that showed the cops beating the man was conveniently "missing" during request for discovery...
For all this brutality, the man was awarded $20m back in 2016 but an appeals court overtruned this. Now he is receiving $50m but once again, the taxpayers will foot the bill instead of the criminals or their gang's coffers. No information of course on whether the cops were charged with anything. Maybe they were "punished" with paid vacation..

Jury awards $50 million to man beaten, locked in East Cleveland police department storage room

A Cuyahoga County jury on Friday awarded $50 million ($20 million in compensatory damages and $30 million in punitive damages against the city of East Cleveland) to an East Cleveland man who filed a lawsuit that said police in that city beat him while he was in handcuffs in 2012, then locked him in a concrete storage room for four days with no food or restroom.

The award came after the second jury trial in the case of Arnold Black, after an appeals court last year overturned a previous award for $22 million.

In the run up to the first civil trial in 2016, East Cleveland’s law department did not respond to any requests from Black’s lawyers for evidence it planned to present to jurors in the city’s defense. A judge ruled that the move violated the rules of discovery and barred East Cleveland from presenting any evidence at trial.

The portion of the police dashboard camera video showing Hicks punching Black was missing when the department handed it over to Black’s lawyers prior to the first trial. The lawsuit claimed that the officers deliberately edited that portion out.

And On & On it Goes
This Criminal Gang Needs To Be Reigned in / stopped
Yet it’s allowed to continue - Almost as if the Victims are not important
Or a Price worth paying.

On that subject of paying its Tax payers coughing up Not Ever The Gang Member.
Sickening truly sickening in this day and age.

And Not 1 Cop or ex cop on this Board can come up with a Solution
To the Gang Member Mentality - Plenty of Excuses & Squirming to
Back or Defend The Scumbag Cops. No Solutions.  ::)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4553 on: August 17, 2019, 02:34:00 PM »
-Interesting article in today's Oregonian. The police photoshopped a man's appearance by removing his facial tattoos. According to the bank tellers who were held up, the perpetrator had no facial tattoos and the security cameras confirmed this. Some of the witnesses identified the man in the altered photo as the bank robber. The robber was then arrested and charge with robbing four banks.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4554 on: August 17, 2019, 06:57:30 PM »
Cop near me busted for child porn in port Chester

Was that John Telesca?


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4555 on: August 19, 2019, 04:48:56 PM »
Typical political move: his voters/constituents will think he "supports" the common man by "restraining" police, whereas the cops can still continue operating as before. Another feelgood measure that will change nothing and does not focus on holding the cops personally or collectively accountable for their crimes.

Newsom signs ‘Stephon Clark’s Law,’ setting new rules on police use of force

After an emotional fight that laid bare the chasm between California’s communities of color and police, Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed Assembly Bill 392, creating what some have described as one of the toughest standards in the nation for when law enforcement officers can kill.

Intense private negotiations and public outcry influenced the final language of the legislation, which will take effect on Jan. 1. Recent fatal police shootings of unarmed black men, in particular, prompted activists to seek changes in rules that in some cases were more than a century old. Though the final bill doesn’t go as far as some wanted, supporters say it’s a first step in changing the culture of policing in California.

What does the law do?

The new language will require that law enforcement use deadly force only when “necessary,” instead of the current wording of when it is “reasonable.” In large urban law enforcement departments that already train for deescalation and crisis intervention, day-to-day policing will probably not noticeably change. The law also prohibits police from firing on fleeing felons who don’t pose an immediate danger, an update from California’s original code that dates back to 1872.

Law enforcement groups vehemently opposed AB 392 when it was introduced. They backed a counterproposal, Senate Bill 230, written by state Sen. Anna Caballero (D-Salinas), that largely left current law unchanged but instead focused on training. SB 230 was significantly altered during the committee process and was amended so that it could pass only if AB 392 did.

After months of negotiations, law enforcement groups, including the California State Sheriff’s Assn. and the California Highway Patrol, unexpectedly dropped their opposition to AB 392 after it was amended to address their concerns. Newsom and leaders of both the Assembly and Senate then threw their support behind the measure.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4558 on: August 22, 2019, 02:08:46 PM »
Seriously- WTF !!

Guess the Race 🤣😂

There are some really crazy people in the world. The girl was smart not to accept the ride. Goes to show, cops can sometimes be criminals.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4559 on: August 22, 2019, 02:12:07 PM »
There are some really crazy people in the world. The girl was smart not to accept the ride. Goes to show, cops can sometimes be criminals.

Yep definitely so.
And reading this thread There Most Certainly are a Lot of Criminal cops
And sadly most often times they’re getting away with their Crimes
Which is worse than the criminal’s as they are supposed to be up holding
The Law & Should Be held to higher standard.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4560 on: August 22, 2019, 03:02:00 PM »
Yep definitely so.
And reading this thread There Most Certainly are a Lot of Criminal cops
And sadly most often times they’re getting away with their Crimes
Which is worse than the criminal’s as they are supposed to be up holding
The Law & Should Be held to higher standard.

Apparently, some cops and government officials believe they are above the law.  ;)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4561 on: August 24, 2019, 02:18:53 PM »
Listen to this angry effeminate dirtbag making threats:

Remember this angry effeminate dirtbag making threats?

Turns out that he didn't "wait for all the facts to come out", as cops often say.

Once again, another crime was committed based on lies and fabrications that the "law enforcement professionals" didn't bother to check. It only crossed their mind to do so after 2 people were murdered in their home. Just claiming "it was a mistake" will not bring these people back and their killing could have been avoided but apparently the lives of non cops are of little importance to these scumbags. Will this killer and his gang be held accountable for the killing of these 2 people?

'You lie, you die' | HPD undercover cop lied about drug buy that led to deadly raid, Chief Acevedo says

In a bombshell development, the undercover cop who led a drug raid that ended with a deadly shootout last month is now the target of a criminal investigation.

The narcotics officer lied in the search warrant affidavit about a drug buy that never happened, Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo confirmed Friday.

"That’s totally unacceptable. I’ve told my police department that if you lie, you die," Acevedo said. "When you lie on an affidavit, that's not sloppy police work, that's a crime."

The case agent obtained a search warrant to conduct the no-knock raid on Jan. 28 after he swore a confidential informant bought heroin at the home the night before. He said the informant told him he saw a 9mm handgun and a large amount of heroin in the house.

Turns out, there never was a drug buy at the house or an informant who saw a large amount of heroin and weapons.

Remember that union goon's outrage about cops being victimized and shot, with the whole narrative about "war on cops"? He is not very vocal now.
It seems that it took some members of his gang to get shot to end the no knock warrants, instead of the members of his gang who invaded the house of an innocent couple and killed them.

Houston Police To Cease 'No Knock' Warrants, Chief Announces After Deadly Raid

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo says his department will stop serving "no knock" search warrants, weeks after a raid on a house left two married suspects dead and five officers injured. Acevedo also reiterated that the officer who led that raid may face criminal charges.

"The no-knock warrant's going to go away, kind of like leaded gasoline in our city," Acevedo said. He added that raids that stem from those warrants would only be used in very limited cases — and that they would not be used to nab people suspected of dealing small amounts of drugs.

No heroin was found at the residence, and Acevedo and the Houston police were forced to backtrack after initially saying the two suspects had opened fire on officers as soon as they reached the door of the house in the Pecan Park neighborhood, south of downtown Houston. The official narrative changed after it emerged that the police seemed to have opened fire first — shooting the couple's dog.

Now let's see if anyone will end up in prison for the murder of this couple.

FBI opens civil rights investigation into botched Houston drug bust, police chief says

The FBI has launched an independent civil rights investigation into the conduct of officers involved  in the botched no-knock drug raid that left two people dead and five officers wounded, Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo said Wednesday at a City Hall press conference.

The probe is the latest aftershock after last month's deadly drug raid, which left two people dead, thrown the Houston Police Department into turmoil, and sent city and county leaders scrambling to contain a burgeoning scandal.

Remember this story? Remember how this union scumbag came out to defend the "heroic" cops and to threaten people?

Then as the story progressed it turned out that the "heroic" cops were not shot by "anti police extremists"... The cops instead concocted a raid where they murdered 2 people and then of course there was a big attempt at covering everything up.

As expected the cops retired shortly after so they can enjoy their union mandated benefits.

Now, finally, there are murder charges against these killers. With all these charges it would seem like an ordinary person would receive life sentence or quite possibly execution. Let's see if this same standard will apply here. Not that it matters much but the victims of these killers were white and at least one of the killers is black. Of course don't expect to see any protests or looting... Had the races been different though it would have been a different story.

Former HPD officer charged with murder in botched raid at Harding Street house

A former Houston Police Department narcotics officer has been charged with murder, nearly seven months after a botched drug raid left a couple dead and unleashed a sprawling police scandal.

Ex-case agent Gerald Goines on Friday was charged with two counts of felony murder in the Jan. 28 deaths of Dennis Tuttle and Rhogena Nicholas and is still under investigation over claims he stole guns, drugs and money, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg announced at a news conference downtown. His partner, Steven Bryant, was charged with one count of evidence tampering, a state jail felony.

Ogg said that as investigators probed the case, they determined that:

Goines first lied about using a confidential informant to buy heroin;
then claimed to have bought the drugs himself; then lied about who identified the drugs;
and finally admitted that he couldn’t determine whether Tuttle was the same person from whom he allegedly purchased the drugs.

Ogg also said that after the shooting, Bryant lied in an offense report about helping Goines with the investigation and falsely claimed that they’d recovered a plastic bag that contained a white napkin and two small packets of heroin.

Because the deaths occurred in the course of another alleged felony — tampering with a government record — Goines was charged with felony murder.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4562 on: August 25, 2019, 01:28:18 PM »

Mayor: "Think about what happened today, a sniper took out one of our deputies. The only reason that deputy is alive is because he had his vest on." "Thank god we don't have a funeral"

According to sources, the mayor even stated that he went to the hospital and saw the "injured officer" in "pain" and saw his "wound"...

SWAT teams with helicopters and armored vehicles (because apparently this is Ramadi or Kabul) started looking for the "active shooter".

An evil sniper shooting at "heroic" cops...

But as it turns out once again, a cop LIED, he made it up all up.
(as apparently did the mayor, if he "saw" the liar in the hospital with the fictional wound)

Officer Jussie...


Officials: LA County Sheriff’s deputy in Lancaster fabricated report he was shot by sniper

In a rare Saturday night press conference, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department officials revealed that the rookie deputy who claimed he was shot in the shoulder at the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station “completely fabricated” the incident and would be relieved of his duties.

Investigators who met Saturday with 21-year-old Deputy Angel Reinosa “saw no visible injury to Reynosa’s shoulder,” department officials said.

After getting interrogated due to doubts raised from his testimony, Reinosa admitted that he was not shot at from an apartment complex near the station as he previously claimed, sheriff’s Capt. Ken Wegener said.

“He also told investigators that he had caused the holes in his uniform shirt by cutting it with a knife,” Wegener said. “There was no sniper, no shots fired and no gunshot injury sustained to his shoulder. “(It was) completely fabricated.”


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4563 on: August 25, 2019, 08:05:56 PM »

Mayor: "Think about what happened today, a sniper took out one of our deputies. The only reason that deputy is alive is because he had his vest on." "Thank god we don't have a funeral"

According to sources, the mayor even stated that he went to the hospital and saw the "injured officer" in "pain" and saw his "wound"...

SWAT teams with helicopters and armored vehicles (because apparently this is Ramadi or Kabul) started looking for the "active shooter".

An evil sniper shooting at "heroic" cops...

But as it turns out once again, a cop LIED, he made it up all up.
(as apparently did the mayor, if he "saw" the liar in the hospital with the fictional wound)

Officer Jussie...


Officials: LA County Sheriff’s deputy in Lancaster fabricated report he was shot by sniper

In a rare Saturday night press conference, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department officials revealed that the rookie deputy who claimed he was shot in the shoulder at the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station “completely fabricated” the incident and would be relieved of his duties.

Investigators who met Saturday with 21-year-old Deputy Angel Reinosa “saw no visible injury to Reynosa’s shoulder,” department officials said.

After getting interrogated due to doubts raised from his testimony, Reinosa admitted that he was not shot at from an apartment complex near the station as he previously claimed, sheriff’s Capt. Ken Wegener said.

“He also told investigators that he had caused the holes in his uniform shirt by cutting it with a knife,” Wegener said. “There was no sniper, no shots fired and no gunshot injury sustained to his shoulder. “(It was) completely fabricated.”

Was the Mayors name Jussie Smollett ?

Great not only are cops Blatantly Lying the Mayor is joining in
And Backing Them.  ::)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4564 on: August 26, 2019, 05:56:15 PM »

Mayor: "Think about what happened today, a sniper took out one of our deputies. The only reason that deputy is alive is because he had his vest on." "Thank god we don't have a funeral"

According to sources, the mayor even stated that he went to the hospital and saw the "injured officer" in "pain" and saw his "wound"...

SWAT teams with helicopters and armored vehicles (because apparently this is Ramadi or Kabul) started looking for the "active shooter".

An evil sniper shooting at "heroic" cops...

But as it turns out once again, a cop LIED, he made it up all up.
(as apparently did the mayor, if he "saw" the liar in the hospital with the fictional wound)

Officer Jussie...


Officials: LA County Sheriff’s deputy in Lancaster fabricated report he was shot by sniper

In a rare Saturday night press conference, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department officials revealed that the rookie deputy who claimed he was shot in the shoulder at the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station “completely fabricated” the incident and would be relieved of his duties.

Investigators who met Saturday with 21-year-old Deputy Angel Reinosa “saw no visible injury to Reynosa’s shoulder,” department officials said.

After getting interrogated due to doubts raised from his testimony, Reinosa admitted that he was not shot at from an apartment complex near the station as he previously claimed, sheriff’s Capt. Ken Wegener said.

“He also told investigators that he had caused the holes in his uniform shirt by cutting it with a knife,” Wegener said. “There was no sniper, no shots fired and no gunshot injury sustained to his shoulder. “(It was) completely fabricated.”
Good old CA.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4565 on: August 27, 2019, 04:02:35 AM »
Skip to comments.

Police Charged with Murder, Tampering, in Houston No-Knock Raid
Ammoland ^ | 25 August, 2019 | Dean Weingarten
Posted on 8/27/2019, 6:38:50 AM by marktwain

Images from Houston Police Department, source, 23 August, 2019, combined, cropped and scaled by Dean Weingarten.

U.S.A. –-( County District Attorney Kim Ogg has announced felony murder charges for former Sergeant Gerald Goins of Narcotics Squad 15, the Houston Police Department (HPD), in the homicides of Dennis Tuttle and Rhogena Nicholas. The married couple, who lived in their modest Houston home at 7815 Harding Street for Twenty years, were killed with their dog in a no-knock raid on January 28th. DA Ogg also announced former Houston police officer Steven Bryant has been charged with second-degree tampering of a government document.

Both officers retired two months after the raid, as the investigation into the raid proceeded.

The video of the press conference is 26 minutes long, courtesy of ABC13 Houston.

At every turn of the investigation of the 28 January raid, where the married couple was killed, and four officers wounded, more questions are raised and more disturbing facts uncovered.

We know the no-knock warrant was fraudulent. Both Houston Police Chief Acevedo and District Attorney Ogg acknowledge this fact. We know no significant amount of drugs or cash was found at 7815 Harding Street. We know most of the neighbors did not see anything suspicious and knew Dennis Tuttle as a medically discharged Navy man, and Rhogena Nicholas as a caring, believing Christian wife, who sent a prayer to her mother every day.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events; US: Texas
KEYWORDS: banglist; houston;


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4566 on: August 27, 2019, 11:21:00 PM »
As it has been shown over and over, we are dealing with criminal gangs.
Think about this also: some cops were making $302,000 a year (!) — including $131,650 in overtime (!).

How a trooper’s alleged racist remark ignited the State Police overtime scandal

The woman was driving through the Ted Williams Tunnel on her way to Logan Airport on a weeknight three years ago when a Massachusetts State Police trooper popped out of nowhere in front of her car, arms flailing, gesturing to pull over.

“Do you not speak English?” the trooper yelled after she rolled down the window.

An Asian-American with a medical degree from Harvard, the woman spoke 4 languages fluently.

Eventually, a second trooper at the scene handed her a ticket for driving 10 miles per hour over the speed limit. The citation she received was for the following day, not the night she was pulled over.

The federal and state investigations have revealed troopers were writing bogus traffic citations to meet unconstitutional ticket quotas, falsified other paperwork, and destroyed documents. The convictions showed how troopers and supervisors stole money and coordinated a coverup of their tracks — signs, prosecutors say, of systemic cultural problems and lax oversight at the state’s largest law enforcement agency.

Read more: Boston Globe


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4567 on: August 28, 2019, 12:12:52 AM »
As it has been shown over and over, we are dealing with criminal gangs.
Think about this also: some cops were making $302,000 a year (!) — including $131,650 in overtime (!).

How a trooper’s alleged racist remark ignited the State Police overtime scandal

The woman was driving through the Ted Williams Tunnel on her way to Logan Airport on a weeknight three years ago when a Massachusetts State Police trooper popped out of nowhere in front of her car, arms flailing, gesturing to pull over.

“Do you not speak English?” the trooper yelled after she rolled down the window.

An Asian-American with a medical degree from Harvard, the woman spoke 4 languages fluently.

Eventually, a second trooper at the scene handed her a ticket for driving 10 miles per hour over the speed limit. The citation she received was for the following day, not the night she was pulled over.

The federal and state investigations have revealed troopers were writing bogus traffic citations to meet unconstitutional ticket quotas, falsified other paperwork, and destroyed documents. The convictions showed how troopers and supervisors stole money and coordinated a coverup of their tracks — signs, prosecutors say, of systemic cultural problems and lax oversight at the state’s largest law enforcement agency.

Read more: Boston Globe

Yeah....And don't drive in Lake Oswego, Oregon after cocktail hour or after 10:00 p.m.. If you do, you run the risk of the city police pulling you over for no good reason so they can check your sobriety. If you are sober, they'll give you a ticket anyway for some bogus infraction. -Go to the courthouse and they pretty much reduce the fine to nothing. I guess it helps keep drunks off the road. But, when you are the person pulled over, it is more than annoying.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4568 on: August 28, 2019, 07:43:35 PM »
Yeah....And don't drive in Lake Oswego, Oregon after cocktail hour or after 10:00 p.m.. If you do, you run the risk of the city police pulling you over for no good reason so they can check your sobriety. If you are sober, they'll give you a ticket anyway for some bogus infraction. -Go to the courthouse and they pretty much reduce the fine to nothing. I guess it helps keep drunks off the road. But, when you are the person pulled over, it is more than annoying.
Tell us more about your experience trolling the streets of Lake Oswego, Oregon after 10 PM


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4569 on: August 29, 2019, 12:58:24 AM »
Only the finest...

DEA Special Agent Convicted of Perjury, Obstruction of Justice and Falsification of Government Records

A U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) special agent was convicted yesterday by a federal jury in New Orleans, Louisiana of perjury, obstruction of justice and falsifying government records.

After a seven-day trial, Chad A. Scott, 51, of Covington, Louisiana, was found guilty of two counts of perjury, three counts of obstruction of justice and two counts of falsifying government records.  U.S. District Judge Jane Triche Milazzo of the Eastern District of Louisiana, who presided over the trial, has scheduled sentencing for Dec. 4, 2019.

According to the evidence presented during the seven-day trial, Scott, while a DEA special agent in New Orleans, committed these crimes in and around the New Orleans, Louisiana, and Houston, Texas, areas.  Specifically, the evidence showed that Scott directed a Houston-based drug trafficker to buy a Ford F-150 truck worth approximately $43,000 and forfeit the truck to Scott as part of the drug trafficker’s cooperation.  Scott then falsified the seizure paperwork for the truck in various aspects, including falsely claiming that he had seized the truck in New Orleans instead of Houston, in order to facilitate the vehicle being forfeited and given to Scott as his official government vehicle.

“Chad Scott violated his sworn commitment to serve the public and uphold justice, dishonoring the special trust that we place in each of our federal law enforcement agents,” said Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division.  “Today’s conviction sends a clear message to the public that malfeasance by federal law enforcement officers will not be tolerated.” 

“The conviction of Chad Scott reinforces the message that no one is above law,” said FBI Acting Special Agent in Charge Anthony T. Riedlinger.  “Scott’s actions were selfish and placed an unnecessary stain on an otherwise stellar agency.  We commend our partners at the DEA for their unprecedented level of cooperation throughout this investigation.”

“The criminal justice system relies on law enforcement agents to act with integrity and honesty.  By soliciting bribes and compromising cases, Scott undermined the values he swore to uphold as a federal agent,” said Special Agent in Charge Robert A. Bourbon of the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General (DOJ-OIG).  “The Office of the Inspector General will continue to be vigilant that corrupt law enforcement agents are held accountable.”

“At its core, DEA is a law enforcement agency committed to faithful and effective service to our country and its citizens, as well as uncompromising personal and institutional integrity,” said DEA Chief Inspector Brian McKnight.  “Throughout the course of this investigation and its ultimate trial, DEA was appreciative of the professionalism and support that we received from our law enforcement partners.”

Additionally, the evidence showed that Scott convinced the same Houston-based drug trafficker, as well as another drug trafficker in Houston, to testify falsely at a federal trial in New Orleans as to the identification of a major cocaine and heroin supplier in the Houston area.  Along with obstructing justice by inducing this false testimony, Scott then himself committed perjury during a motion session as well as during the federal trial, the evidence showed.  After a trial including this false testimony, the alleged supplier was found guilty.  Once Scott’s actions and the false testimony came to light, the case against the alleged supplier was dismissed by the court at the request of the United States.

Scott has been indefinitely suspended as a DEA special agent.

Two other former Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana Sheriff’s Office deputies who were serving as DEA task force officers in New Orleans have pleaded guilty in this investigation.  Karl Emmett Newman, 52, of Kentwood, Louisiana, pleaded guilty to unlawfully carrying a firearm in furtherance of an August 2015 robbery, which was disguised as the execution of a search warrant, as well as misappropriating money confiscated by the DEA during another search.  Johnny Domingue, 30, of Maurepas, Louisiana, pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine and misappropriating money confiscated by the DEA.

Scott is additionally charged, along with Rodney Gemar, 43, of Ponchatoula, Louisiana, a former Hammond, Louisiana police officer and DEA task force officer, with various counts, including unlawful conversion of property by a government officer or employee and removing property to prevent seizure.  Trial on those charges is set for October 2019.  Those charges are only allegations and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

This case was initially investigated by the Louisiana State Police and later investigated by the FBI’s New Orleans Field Division, DEA-OPR and DOJ-OIG.  Acting Deputy Chief Charles Miracle of the Criminal Division’s Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section and Trial Attorney Timothy Duree of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section are prosecuting the case.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4570 on: August 29, 2019, 02:57:02 PM »
No prison time... As usual, they resigned before the trial...

Ex-NYPD cops dodge jail time for sex with suspect inside police van in plea deal despite Brooklyn DA’s opposition


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4571 on: August 29, 2019, 03:04:09 PM »
This "brave hero" gave a 75 year old man with a prosthetic leg a $257 ticket for "disorderly conduct" (the typical bogus catch all that cops use when they can't find something to pin on someone) because the elderly man "dared" to tell him to close the bathroom door... He even threatened a woman who was filming the interaction.

Belton officer terminated after ticketing man for bathroom door altercation in restaurant

Belton police officer Thaddeus Shockley was terminated from the Belton Police Department following a confrontation with a 75-year-old man over an open bathroom door, according to Belton Mayor Wendell Page.
Shockley was terminated Aug. 23 for violating agency policy, a day after the Independent-Mail reported on the Aug. 20 incident with Bobby Ray Phillips at the Standpipe Family Restaurant, authorities said.

On Aug. 20, Shockley walked into Standpipe Family Restaurant for lunch and went to the bathroom. When he left the bathroom, Phillips, a restaurant regular, yelled at the officer to shut the door, according to Shockley's written account.

Shockley wrote that he asked Phillips for identification. Phillips declined and also did not get up to go outside with the officer, as the officer requested, according to Shockley's report.

Phillips told the Independent Mail last week that he was loud, as he always is, due to hearing difficulties. He has an artificial leg and said it is difficult to stand and he wanted to finish his meal.
 Shockley can be seen in the video interacting with Phillips, using the word “handcuff” before turning to Young, saying “ma’am, do I need to take that phone from you?” Young said no and shut off her phone. Young said she was intimidated by the officer and didn’t want to be arrested or have her phone seized.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4572 on: August 29, 2019, 03:05:32 PM »
Another cop who, as usual, resigns just before being charged...

NC policeman resigns, faces prostitution charge

Soul Crusher

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4574 on: August 30, 2019, 02:31:22 PM »
Notice the usual "if you have nothing to hide what are you afraid of" by the cop...

Police can get your Ring doorbell footage without a warrant, report says

Hundreds of police departments around the country have partnerships with Amazon's home surveillance brand Ring. The relationship benefits both sides: the company provides tech and software to law enforcement, and the cops both provide data to Amazon and also help sell the product to local homeowners. That alone raises troubling issues, but according to a pair of new reports, Ring also gets access to real-time 911 data, and the company helps police work around a need for search warrants when looking for footage.

And for those recalcitrant few, for whom no amount of social buy-in is enough, there's an end-run: police also have the option to ask Amazon directly for Ring footage if a user declines, effectively generating a subpoena.

The Fresno County (California) Sheriff's Office told Government Technology that, while most users "play ball," for the ones who don't, "If we ask within 60 days of the recording and as long as it’s been uploaded to the cloud, then Ring can take it out of the cloud and send it to us legally so that we can use it as part of our investigation."

The officer who spoke to us also dismissed the potential for user privacy concerns. "The consumer knows what they're getting into... If you're a good upstanding person who is doing things lawfully, nobody has concerns," the officer told GovTech.