Author Topic: Happy Sunday  (Read 58324 times)

The Ugly

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #175 on: March 02, 2015, 08:24:21 PM »
Quoted in case he deletes it when he sobers up.

Sober as a judge, my friend. Just fired up.

The Ugly

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #176 on: March 02, 2015, 08:52:28 PM »
Having faith is more often than not,  a challenge.  I used to be able to honestly say that I could evidence of God in the faces around me...

Now all I notice is the stupidity of what one might term, "reverse evolution".  People in general are getting mo' dumber. ;D

I constantly question my faith and God.  I don't care for the "that's just God's will" style of ministering.  I despise it.  If God made me in His image then He made me able to question not only the world around me but the existence of the one who created it.  Test the spirits indeed.

I have no religion. I have faith.  And in faith, I have hope for more.  The best way to share that faith, that hope, is to live it.

And I rarely do so to the best of my abilities.  But I refuse to lie about it.  

Ever questioned why it should even be necessary? I mean, what noble human characteristic does it really display? That you're able to believe in the existence of things that defy all rational thought? With the mind He created, then insisted you not use.

Not insulting you, Scott, just baffled by the idea of, and necessity for, faith.


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #177 on: March 02, 2015, 08:53:11 PM »
Would god cure his aids if he prayed hard enough, or made more Youtube videos?

If medical science finds a cure for HIV during Tbombz lifetime, then one could say that God cured him (along with millions of others) of this virus. If you're thinking of an old fashioned laying of hands type cure, this is highly unlikely. Still there is power in believing and positive thinking that few are able to fully tap.

For those of you who continue to analyze Tbombz as if you are trained mental health professional and can figure out what ails him from a Youtube video, you are seriously misguided.


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #178 on: March 02, 2015, 08:59:24 PM »
Have we seen 100% proof that Tbombz:

1. Even has HIV (I know we saw pills, but that doesn't prove anything)

2. Has ever had gay buttsex

I watched a few minutes of this video, and I swear there were a few moments that he almost busted out laughing.

What if all of this has been master trolling?

This is a very real possibility, not just with Tbombz but with pretty much everyone on Getbig, you included. Even those of us who believe we are being completely honest, subconsciously color what we write in order to make a point or have ourselves appear better. This is just human nature at work.

Natural Man

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #179 on: March 02, 2015, 09:01:21 PM »
If medical science finds a cure for HIV during Tbombz lifetime, then one could say that God cured him (along with millions of others) of this virus. If you're thinking of an old fashioned laying of hands type cure, this is highly unlikely. Still there is power in believing and positive thinking that few are able to fully tap.

For those of you who continue to analyze Tbombz as if you are trained mental health professional and can figure out what ails him from a Youtube video, you are seriously misguided.
yeah because it takes a "mental health professional" to figure taylor is mentally unstable. Btw, the DSM is free to dl on the internet. And that's all psys are using before randomly administering drugs to people.

The Ugly

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #180 on: March 02, 2015, 09:09:03 PM »
On a positive note: Though my close friend's vigilant prayers for her young, tumor-ridden nephew weren't granted (he died), "God is so so good" today on FB, because he helped her own family get the new house.

So now we're praying for a smooth escrow.


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #181 on: March 02, 2015, 09:09:17 PM »
This is a dead end discussion.

You've got that right. These types of discussions almost never resolve anything. Heck, wars are fought over such matters and have been since the beginning of time. That we humans can't just live and let live is a crying shame.

Natural Man

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #182 on: March 02, 2015, 09:15:42 PM »
You've got that right. These types of discussions almost never resolve anything. Heck, wars are fought over such matters and have been since the beginning of time. That we humans can't just live and let live is a crying shame.
animals dont just live and let live, they re not designed to do so by nature. They kill instead of being killed for access to limited ressources.

Antonio fella

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #183 on: March 02, 2015, 09:17:19 PM »
Corps, govts, churches, schools, states, countries, etc....are made up of people.  People are entrusted with the whole of humanity.  The corp mission statement may not be to help end was merely an example of excess resources available to resolve issues today.  

The ability and resources are there....the willingness and accountability is not.

My actions should back up what I preach about Christ.  Agreed.  

Despite that statement being true it doesn't translate into my actions don't represent Christ....that I don't practice what I preach.  

My desire to help others and my actual giving of my personal resources is not put on public display....I have one audience in the Lord....all I need.

Our ability to govern the resources of the world is more practically accomplished collectively (IMHO), but we should desire to do so individually.....we will be judged individually.  This world has ample resources and ample governance at its disposal.


Have you tried LSD?

Serious question

You too uberman, have you tried LSD?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #184 on: March 02, 2015, 09:23:28 PM »
animals dont just live and let live, they re not designed to do so by nature. They kill instead of being killed for access to limited ressources.

And this has what to do with a discussion about religion?


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #185 on: March 02, 2015, 11:38:06 PM »
dude. Please. WTF.

He probably been abused by family members, became completely fucked up, got ill and now is trying to create a meaning to a sad existence that has intrinsically none. The only moral of the stroy is that dude is weak and has been buttfucked -no pun intended- by everyone surrounding him since he s born. He s a sucker. He didnt choose any of it. There is no justice, no explanation, no meaning to any of this. He might convince himslf, brainwash himself thru religion to give a meaning to what has none; life is innerently absurd, cruel, and there are only two main forces at work; RANDOMNESS, and the law of nature, the jungle, the strongest, IE evolution and darwinism.
Randomness and brutal law of nature are the only things that dictates the way vegetal and animal lifeforms survive. There is no need for a god or gods.

He will suffer, regret, then die and there wont be any miracle happening. He might make himself feel better reading the bible and propagating its bullshits , but in the end it doesnt change anything to what happened to him or what is waiting for him, he also probably doesnt help anyone, and there will still be poor suckers going the path he went. It will keep going on, life is just like that, it constantly creates randomly inequalities and suffering. Spirituality is just doing mental gymnastic to convince yourself that life isnt as absurd and random it intriscially is. IT s pure bullshit tho, but it is reasuring. It is highly hypocritical too, because it creates a completely artificial meaning , reason as to why you have to kill someone else -who is different, acts differents, think different- to access limited ressources. Religions, spirituality, are a defense mecahnism developed by our brains, to cope with the intrinsical random absurdity of life, of death. All human animals developed the same kind of belief system everywhere in the world and copied each others to create their own thing. But all of them are bullshit. All religions are false, wrong. At best they help people to unite FIGHT other people with different beliefs secure the access to limited ressources. We are animals first and foremost, this is the ultimate nature of reality, and religions, spirituality are just a byproduct of our animality. Whatever the way you sugarcoat it, life was, is and will always be about killing instead of being killed until one day you cant fight anymore and..die. All adaptations at some point fail and become a burden that hinders a lifeform's survival, become counterproductive. Everything that lives is doomed to fail, die,  disapear. Truth is, there is no reincarnation, and no heaven, or hell. People, animals, plants just reproduce, struggle for survival, fight, adapt, evolve, until at some point they cant anymore and disapear.

Buddha; God, allah, krishna; Zeus, jesus; philosophies etc, its all bullshit and none of them existed and there is no valhala, heaven, but only hell on earth for all living being who were randomly and blindly spwaned into life without choosing it and have no other choice but to kill instead of being killed to insure their survival until they can reproduce. If you re lucky to be born strong and dominant or access that status after steping on others people heads, surviving at the expense of their own survival, then maybe life can be bearable. Yet, everything you build, gain, conquer, will decay , everything you win, you will lose anyway.

We are machines, animals generated by a blind evolution where every life form develops based on how it interacts with other lifeforms that threaten its survival or exploit its weaknesses; we are programmed to fight, kill, eat fuck and die and we are all convinced our own survival is more important than the other assholes survival. Life is a giant cruel butchery that goes nowhere and constantly repeats itself. To say it like it is, life is constant suffering and the only way to end this suffering is to end life. The only pleasure we get from life is when we re able to kill, dominate, others. Life is only worth living when you can dominate others. Hope is envisionning yourself dominating others in the future or seeing your kids being able to do so in the future.  Life is all about domination, hapiness is all about being able to dominate or envisioning yourself dominating in the future. When one s realize he cannot dominate in the future, he has no will to live anymore.
We re just animals, this is the ultimate truth, the sum of all truths.

HEaven doenst exist, neither does hell. We are animals who created these concepts. We create meaning, where there is none.  They ve been created in all religions btw.  And there is nothing after death. We re just animals randomly killing each others for limited ressources until our species disapear because it destroys itslef or cant adapt anymore.

Go to a fucking hospital, retirement home, looney bin or jail ; you will understand there is no fucking god. Just strong, lucky, people who prey on weaker, unlucky, people and exploit their weaknesses to insure their own survival. Every single life forms has to exploit other life forms to insure its own survival. For every winner, there has to be a loser. No one is innocent, purity, perfection, dont exist. There are just lifeforms that spawn, replicate, adapt and fight each others randomly. Many lifeforms, vegetal, or animal, many blind and random creations of evolution, species, failed at some point to survive. At some point the human species itself will disapear COMPLETELY. Nothing has a purpose or meaning, other than the one humans create with their brains. But this meaning is always false, an illusion, that tries to avoid, hide, the reality; we re just animals killing each others randomly and indefinitly until we disapear. And the same shit probably goes on and on in the universe everywhere there s some sun, some water and bacterias. There is no meaning or purpose to it, it just is.

Buy, kill, fuck, die. Life.

your arrogant to the extreme in your know it allness.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #186 on: March 02, 2015, 11:44:21 PM »
This is the rationale of religious thinking:

Gets better = Saved by God

Screws up = Man has Free Will

A convenient way to excuse your God from any wrongdoing.  ::) ::)

this is the fundametal problem with religion

its a win win and doesnt worrry about logic

everything good that happens is down to god

everything bad that happens is down to free will

what a load of shit

King Shizzo

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #187 on: March 03, 2015, 01:47:08 AM »
This is a very real possibility, not just with Tbombz but with pretty much everyone on Getbig, you included. Even those of us who believe we are being completely honest, subconsciously color what we write in order to make a point or have ourselves appear better. This is just human nature at work.
What have I ever written here that has made me look better?  :D

Man of Steel

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #188 on: March 03, 2015, 06:27:10 AM »
this is the fundametal problem with religion

its a win win and doesnt worrry about logic

everything good that happens is down to god

everything bad that happens is down to free will

what a load of shit

The only problem with SF's post is that it isn't correct.  

SF loves to straw man and folks eat that up because the argument presented is "a straw man" LOL.

I've answered his questions over and over (ad nauseum) and despite the answer given he will literally press on with the opposite of what I gave him typically via a straw man position.  Not because he's correct or loves the issue, but because he loves to argue.

I like SF, but he's admitted to me that often he doesn't read my responses to his questions (or he skims them at best).....what can I do with that LOL?

Man of Steel

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #189 on: March 03, 2015, 06:31:44 AM »
All due respect to believers, how did this whole deal evolve into a big ol' Hide 'n' Seek?

Say you're God. You created man because you were lonely and wanted to experience unforced, reciprocal love. This explains the impetus for creation, if I'm not mistaken (Judeo-Christian God, I mean, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Adam and Eve, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah - ALL the Biblical heroes, these folks never needed faith in God's existence, right? They were simply required to carry out His will. Fair enough, but difficult task in itself. Yet God communicated with them directly; they never had to question whether or not He was really there. And some STILL failed.

Now here we are thousands of years later. On top of the behavior commandments and fulfilling God's will, we're also deligated the task of having faith in His existence, when He's completely excused Himself from further direct communication. Considering how far we've come with the various branches of science (which He certainly knew would happen), that ALL cast suspicion and/or doubt on His existence and explanation for ours; why on earth would He add this extra hurdle?

Yes, I know you can't see or hear Me in this age of science, reason, skepticism, and whatnot, but you BETTER believe I'm here.

So, again, say you're God. Modern day God. More than anything you still want to experience reciprocal love and obedience from your free-willed creation: WHAT F'N SENSE DOES IT MAKE TO ADD FAITH IN EXISTENCE TO AN ALREADY DIFFICULT EQUATION?

The ultimate deal-breaker for me, yet Christians accept the task like it's not particularly unnecessary and/or unreasonable.

We are likewise expected to love and obey our parents - again, difficult in itself at times, and we often fall short. But we are never expected to suspend disbelief and play some childish Hide 'n' Seek bullshit, trying to reassure ourselves that they're really there. We KNOW they're there.

As God then, when/why did you decide that highly improbable riddles were more important than your original need for love and obedience?

And, of course, the penalty for not excelling at Hide 'n' Seek: eternal torture.

(TLDR, I know. Had to get it off my thick, striated chest, though. I'll probably delete this bullshit in the morning.)

Genesis 15:6
6 And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith.

As believers in Christ we are saved by grace through faith and thereby justified and deemed righteous….like the innocents who are inherently righteous we become like the them through Christ.  Anyone who comes to God and desires forgivenessness and righteousness will be deemed as such.   Even before Christ came to earth as the incarnate son and perfect sacrifice for our sin, there was Abraham and he “believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith."”

You are correct that Jesus never claimed to forgive everyone's sins, but those that come to him faithfully will be forgiven.  Believers are saved from the judgement of God by the grace of God through faith in him and thereby deemed righteous and justifed before God and indwelt by the Holy Spirit and sanctified for his will and purposes for our lives.  It's our faith in who he is and what he did that that makes the difference. As I mentioned previously, it was because of Abraham's faith that righteousness was credited to him.  This goes for all others that came to God before Jesus came as the incarnate son, while Jesus was here as the incarnate Son and after he ascended to his divine throne.

I probably have two dozen other posts I've written in threads like this about this exact thing.   Will anyone here read it LOL?


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #190 on: March 03, 2015, 06:44:07 AM »
My favorite debate, religion.  And it all started with Tbombz.

What if Tbombz is the new Jesus?  Anybody ever thought of that?  What if this guy starts turning water into wine and shit?

Prepare for the rapture friends.



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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #191 on: March 03, 2015, 06:44:42 AM »
AS this escalates into more pages and its starting to get more deeper ,the religious board is awaiting ..


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #192 on: March 03, 2015, 06:50:59 AM »
I admire tbombz's passion in his beliefs but damn, he came as across as borderline insane during parts of that video. What was up with all those tears and emotion? :-\

I'm as summing that his own words were possibly hitting too close to home. Perhaps, while tbombz is interested in spreading his faith to others, he fears eternal damnation for himself because of all the faggotry he participated in prior to his conversion.

I wish him all the best though. He seems like a good dude with sincere intentions. :)


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #193 on: March 03, 2015, 06:53:32 AM »
The only problem with SF's post is that it isn't correct.  

SF loves to straw man and folks eat that up because the argument presented is "a straw man" LOL.

I've answered his questions over and over (ad nauseum) and despite the answer given he will literally press on with the opposite of what I gave him typically via a straw man position.  Not because he's correct or loves the issue, but because he loves to argue.

I like SF, but he's admitted to me that often he doesn't read my responses to his questions (or he skims them at best).....what can I do with that LOL?

It is correct. The responses you give are religious babble and are not grounded in reality. It's not a strawman at all. It's a logical argument to make that religious people often use to excuse their god of any wrong doing. Then you see that you have presented arguments that make me wrong lol. Hardly.

And I hate to break it to you, but just because you provided me with an answer it doesn't mean I have to accept it as true, nor does it mean you are right. All it means is that you presented an answer. Why should I stop arguing it? Because you think it's the correct answer? Therefore, it's done.  

As for skimming or not reading your posts that was when I had "issues" with you and that was quite long ago,  so stop being disingenuous. Not the case any more.

When you're pushed into a corner, you just cry strawman.  :-\

Natural Man

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #194 on: March 03, 2015, 07:05:41 AM »
I admire tbombz's passion in his beliefs but damn, he came as across as borderline insane during parts of that video. What was up with all those tears and emotion? :-\

I'm as summing that his own words were possibly hitting too close to home. Perhaps, while tbombz is interested in spreading his faith to others, he fears eternal damnation for himself because of all the faggotry he participated in prior to his conversion.

I wish him all the best though. He seems like a good dude with sincere intentions. :)
he s full of regrets, of anger , is affraid of death and suffering, and to redeem himself he suddenly feels the need to help, purify, other people ''spreading the ultimate truth'' ...hoping it will change anything in his own failed life... Truth is we are animals and he is a weak one that failed at life because his caregivers misled him and didnt protect him or made him strong enough to face the competition of others in life. Again dude probably been sexually abused by a father figure in his youth to go the gay route at some point in his life.
When a tool is damaged beyond repair, you have no use for it anymore and you throw it in the garbage bin and replace it with another, new, better one. It is the same with animal lives; when someone is useless to other, has nothing to provide , bring to them to help insure or improve their odds of survival, people reject, abandon him or her. Sometimes people are so damaged they arent of any use anymore and simply have no reasons to live anymore. Taylor  is probably realizing progressively the true animal nature of people , how brutal and unfair life is, and tries to give a nice reassuring meaning to life just like many people do when they realize their lives are ruined and that they got owned without having been able to do anything about it.

What all so called, self proclaimed religious, spiritual people do, they find a niche, pointing at other people sins, faults etc to make themselves feel better. Some even make money out of it. It s just an occupation, a job, a business, that might help one to insure his own survival, its just a function some find in their society, species, just like some develop skills in craftmaship, in teaching, driving a cab etc that allow them to find a place in society. Spiritual people need unspiritual people to give a meaning to their own existences, just like cops needs delinquants, just like social workers need handicaped people, just like PTs need fat people, this is how life works, the weaknesses of some are the bread and butter of others. The cynical irony of life; we re all exploiting each others weaknesses, preying on them.

Man of Steel

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #195 on: March 03, 2015, 07:05:49 AM »
The responses you give are religious babble

I read your entire response, but after this point there's nothing else to say.  Especially since I've said the same things hundreds and hundreds of times....maybe thousands of times previously in multiple threads, across multiple boards, in multiple years.   There comes a point when I just have to stop with a particular line of discussion with folks.   I don't mean that as insult either....just means we're so far beyond a simple impasse that pressing any point further (yours or mine) is fruitless.   Not angry with you in the a great deal about everyone on the board actually.

All things equal, my answers about my faith will - for the rest of my days - remain the same religious babble to you.  It won't be perceived differently unless at some point you desire to know the reality of God in your own life and seek his will for your life.  Only then will things change.  I hope for that.  I pray for that.  I share my faith because of that.  Otherwise probably best that this be the end of that.


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #196 on: March 03, 2015, 07:19:33 AM »
I read your entire response, but after this point there's nothing else to say.  Especially since I've said the same things hundreds and hundreds of times....maybe thousands of times previously in multiple threads, across multiple boards, in multiple years.   There comes a point when I just have to stop with a particular line of discussion with folks.   I don't mean that as insult either....just means we're so far beyond a simple impasse that pressing any point further (yours or mine) is fruitless.   Not angry with you in the a great deal about everyone on the board actually.

All things equal, my answers about my faith will - for the rest of my days - remain the same religious babble to you.  It won't be perceived differently unless at some point you desire to know the reality of God in your own life and seek his will for your life.  Only then will things change.  I hope for that.  I pray for that.  I share my faith because of that.  Otherwise probably best that this be the end of that.

Thats the issue Your answers are based on faith, which is almost impossible to debate logically. Thats like me saying that I know unicorns exist, then you say , "prove it," and I say, "ITS MY FAITH." The debate/argument/conversation ends there. You can't debate faith in a logical manner. This is why I press the issue because just because you provide an answer based on faith, it doesn't mean I have to be satisfied with the answer, nor does it mean I have to accept it.

In that regard, people will just have to agree to disagree then.

Man of Steel

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #197 on: March 03, 2015, 07:47:55 AM »
Thats the issue Your answers are based on faith, which is almost impossible to debate logically. Thats like me saying that I know unicorns exist, then you say , "prove it," and I say, "ITS MY FAITH." The debate/argument/conversation ends there. You can't debate faith in a logical manner. This is why I press the issue because just because you provide an answer based on faith, it doesn't mean I have to be satisfied with the answer, nor does it mean I have to accept it.

In that regard, people will just have to agree to disagree then.

Do you personally desire to know the reality of God in your life?   Do you want to know him?


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #198 on: March 03, 2015, 07:58:22 AM »
1 Peter 3:15 - But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear

Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek

1 Corinthians 1:17 - For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

Man of Steel

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #199 on: March 03, 2015, 08:04:43 AM »
1 Peter 3:15 - But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear

Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek

1 Corinthians 1:17 - For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

Amen! This why Christians share their faith and become emotional about their faith.

Like the words beneath my avatar:

Isaiah 40:28-31 - waiting patiently on and drawing strength from the Lord
Romans 10:9 - how to be saved and enter into righteousness with Lord
1 Peter 3:15 - sharing our faith with others about the Lord