Author Topic: Learning Thread *Satanism*  (Read 19048 times)


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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #100 on: December 26, 2006, 06:20:52 AM »
My only hatred towards religion is for the people who proclaim themselves to be holy and are anything but.

I can't stand that either but it doesn't make me hate Christianity or Jesus.  If a person is spouting how "holy" they are they have a problem w/pride among other things.

Even Jesus called out those types of people:

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisess, you hypocrites!  You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean.  In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness."  Matt 23:27-28

(See the entire chapter of Matthew 23 for Jesus laying the smackdown on the Pharisees and teachers of the law  :) )

Count Grishnackh

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #101 on: December 27, 2006, 01:53:22 AM »
I can't stand that either but it doesn't make me hate Christianity or Jesus.  If a person is spouting how "holy" they are they have a problem w/pride among other things.

Even Jesus called out those types of people:

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisess, you hypocrites!  You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean.  In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness."  Matt 23:27-28

(See the entire chapter of Matthew 23 for Jesus laying the smackdown on the Pharisees and teachers of the law  :) )

I would've liked to see you weigh in on the bodybuilding/christianity thread Stella. You weren't avoiding it were you?


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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #102 on: December 28, 2006, 07:22:13 PM »
I would've liked to see you weigh in on the bodybuilding/christianity thread Stella. You weren't avoiding it were you?

I wasn't avoiding it other than it was already 2 pages by the time I was able to view it.....I since have posted there. :)

Meanwhile, Count, some more questions re: satanism:

Is there any specific music or "hymns" of any type in regard to honoring satanism?  I'm not talking about stuff that some people may regard as "satanic rock music" (which a lot of times is not) but something more attuned to the worship of "humanism/satanism?"  If so, do you enjoy/listen to it and can you give some examples?

Count Grishnackh

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #103 on: December 28, 2006, 09:02:53 PM »
Meanwhile, Count, some more questions re: satanism:

Is there any specific music or "hymns" of any type in regard to honoring satanism?  I'm not talking about stuff that some people may regard as "satanic rock music" (which a lot of times is not) but something more attuned to the worship of "humanism/satanism?"  If so, do you enjoy/listen to it and can you give some examples?

The handful of wiccans that I have had conversations and known personally don't listen to satanic heavy metal but more traditional as you would expect, old style Celtic music (some of it is very listenable). Very earthy people.

I listen to a heavier style of music, some satanic, some not. Though I do not search out for satanic lyrics or themes. If I like the musical style, I like it, if not, I don't. I like a heavier, industrial metal sound for the most part. "Most" satanic themed metal is theatrical. People tend to forget that musicians are on a stage performing. No different than an actor performing in a play.

There is one self proclaimed satanist whom I do listen to and find his older music very invigorating for lack of a better word,
King Diamond, though I prefer the stuff from his days as the lead singer/songwriter for Mercyful Fate. I do believe he is a Satanist in the true sense of the religion. Not just the theatrics of a musician who entertains onstage.

Here is a sample of his lyrics, the song is quite well written and if you like a hard rock sound, you would find this to be quite agreeable.

The Oath

By the symbols of the creator
I swear henceforth to be
a faithful servant of his most
puissant archangel
the Prince Lucifer
whom the creator designated as his regent
and Lord of this World

I deny Jesus Christ...the deceiver
and I abjure the Christian faith
holding in contempt all of it's works

As a being now possessed of a human body
in this world I swear to give my full
allegiance to it's lawfull master,
to worship him our
Lord Satan and no other.

In the name of Satan, the ruler of Earth
open wide the gates of Hell
and come forth from the abyss
by these names: Satan, Leviathan,
Belial, Lucifer
I will kiss the goat

I swear to give my mind,
my body and soul unreservedly
to the furtherance of our
Lord Satan designs.

Do what thou wilt shall be the
whole of the law
as it was at the beginning
is now and ever shall be
a world without end...amen


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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #104 on: December 29, 2006, 06:05:11 AM »
Very interesting lyrics Count.  Does it seem like he believes in (the biblical) God and the (biblical) devil to you?

Jeff Miller

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #105 on: December 29, 2006, 08:16:32 AM »
The handful of wiccans that I have had conversations and known personally don't listen to satanic heavy metal but more traditional as you would expect, old style Celtic music (some of it is very listenable). Very earthy people.

I listen to a heavier style of music, some satanic, some not. Though I do not search out for satanic lyrics or themes. If I like the musical style, I like it, if not, I don't. I like a heavier, industrial metal sound for the most part. "Most" satanic themed metal is theatrical. People tend to forget that musicians are on a stage performing. No different than an actor performing in a play.

There is one self proclaimed satanist whom I do listen to and find his older music very invigorating for lack of a better word,
King Diamond, though I prefer the stuff from his days as the lead singer/songwriter for Mercyful Fate. I do believe he is a Satanist in the true sense of the religion. Not just the theatrics of a musician who entertains onstage.

Here is a sample of his lyrics, the song is quite well written and if you like a hard rock sound, you would find this to be quite agreeable.

The Oath

By the symbols of the creator
I swear henceforth to be
a faithful servant of his most
puissant archangel
the Prince Lucifer
whom the creator designated as his regent
and Lord of this World

I deny Jesus Christ...the deceiver
and I abjure the Christian faith
holding in contempt all of it's works

As a being now possessed of a human body
in this world I swear to give my full
allegiance to it's lawfull master,
to worship him our
Lord Satan and no other.

In the name of Satan, the ruler of Earth
open wide the gates of Hell
and come forth from the abyss
by these names: Satan, Leviathan,
Belial, Lucifer
I will kiss the goat

I swear to give my mind,
my body and soul unreservedly
to the furtherance of our
Lord Satan designs.

Do what thou wilt shall be the
whole of the law
as it was at the beginning
is now and ever shall be
a world without end...amen

Bear in mind that King Diamond is also a performer/entertainer.  Almost every single one of his albums tells a story -- its like the musical equivalent of horror novels.  And "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" is Crowley, not LaVey.

He is a self-proclaimed Satanist, but I honestly don't think even HE knows what he believes.

And yes, I own most of his albums.  ROCK!


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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #106 on: December 29, 2006, 01:21:20 PM »
I have never heard him but it seems that his view of satanism it different than the Church of Satan. I thought that the church of satan did not really worship anyone. I have only looked into it a little but I thought that the COS tought you to worship yourself more that a higher being is this true?

Count Grishnackh

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #107 on: December 29, 2006, 08:33:08 PM »
Bear in mind that King Diamond is also a performer/entertainer.  Almost every single one of his albums tells a story -- its like the musical equivalent of horror novels.  And "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" is Crowley, not LaVey.

He is a self-proclaimed Satanist, but I honestly don't think even HE knows what he believes.

And yes, I own most of his albums.  ROCK!

He started the story telling on his 1st KD album. Mercyful Fate were not theme related in the beginning (the original 2 albums), though obviously with the song Melissa, he continued with that (what a great song btw).

I do believe KD is a true satanist. He proclaims to be one and I think his followings are more along the true guidelines of the religion, not the fire and brimstone aspect, though he may keep that angle open for musical purposes. The couple interviews I've read with him where they got into his religous belief he seemed to be very familiar with LaVey's satanism.

Alistair Crowley and L Ron Hubbard (Mr Scientology) were buddies weren't they? I read once where they tried to impregnate a female through black magic and got into quite a bit of trouble. Wonder what Tom Cruise and John Travolta have to say about that !  :D

Eyeball Chambers

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #108 on: December 31, 2006, 04:06:52 PM »
The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth

1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.

3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.

4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.

5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.

7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

9. Do not harm little children.

10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.


I love this.

I will look into Satanism more.


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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #109 on: January 03, 2007, 11:09:37 AM »

I love this.

I will look into Satanism more.

I don't see what's "amazing" about these though?  They all seem like common sense except for #4, #7, and the last 1/3 of #11.

Jeff Miller

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #110 on: January 04, 2007, 12:48:11 AM »
and the last 1/3 of #11.

I just have this image of Emperor Palpatine saying that to Anakin.

Eyeball Chambers

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #111 on: January 04, 2007, 01:02:41 AM »
I don't see what's "amazing" about these though?

I couldn't really tell you why I liked them so much?  Just clicked in my head, wish everyone followed those rules.



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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #112 on: January 04, 2007, 08:04:01 AM »
I couldn't really tell you why I liked them so much?  Just clicked in my head, wish everyone followed those rules.

Happy belated birthday Benfun7  :D

Eyeball Chambers

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #113 on: January 04, 2007, 05:28:46 PM »
Thank ya! :D

Count Grishnackh

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #114 on: January 04, 2007, 10:03:28 PM »
I couldn't really tell you why I liked them so much?  Just clicked in my head, wish everyone followed those rules.

Wouldn't the world be a great place then !

Satanism makes people accountable, Christianity does not. 

Read through the threads and examples, you will begin to see a redundancy. Excuses, interpretation and the convenience of imperfection is really what Christianity has become.

They have accepted Jesus as their lord and savior and beg forgiveness for their sins, this has become the religions get out of jail free card in todays age.

You wouldn't be able to pay cash to an average hedonistic Christian to live 1 year in a Quaker or Amish environment. They just simply wouldn't do it. They are too engrossed in their own lives, what they are earning, what they need, what they want.

They don't see it themselves, but their faith has become introverted. They worship themselves exactly as a true Satanist would.

They have become satanists and are too paranoid and self obsessed to even realize it.

If heaven and hell exists as they believe, they will find out in the end regardless of what they keep telling themselves.

If hell exists, it will be standing room only !   lol


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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #115 on: January 14, 2007, 12:50:48 PM »

If hell exists, it will be standing room only !   lol

Count, if you believed hell existed, what is your vision of what hell would be like?

Count Grishnackh

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #116 on: January 14, 2007, 04:14:33 PM »
Count, if you believed hell existed, what is your vision of what hell would be like?

A place for the truly vile souls to be condemned with each other.

Kind of like Escape from New York !  :)


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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #117 on: January 15, 2007, 06:12:38 AM »
A place for the truly vile souls to be condemned with each other.

Kind of like Escape from New York !  :)

What would make someone "truly vile?"  Who would determine that?

Good movie (The first one anyway) :D 

Count Grishnackh

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #118 on: January 16, 2007, 01:15:05 AM »
What would make someone "truly vile?"  Who would determine that?

Good movie (The first one anyway) :D 

Our maker. Be it god, the devil or even ET     :)

If only we truly did have a place to throw the criminal burdens of society that we all support to make their own way amongst each other. The US would truly be a much better place.   


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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #119 on: January 28, 2007, 03:32:28 PM »
Count, I just looked at the first page of your avatar website.

The picture shows some people dressed up in costumes.  Do you ever do this and what is the purpose?  Do the different animal heads have different meanings?


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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #120 on: January 30, 2007, 02:17:05 PM »
I dont know any xtians who embrace the scum of the earth, which is exactly what Jesus did. They look down upon prostitutes, porn stars, drug addicts etc. and bend over backwards trying to be a moral comapss, but none of them practice one of the most central tennants of xtianity, which is judge not.

this is one thing that really bothers me about lots of christians. they judge people who arent christians..or do things that are against christianity(homosexuality comes to mind).

like jimmy said we are not to judge. we dont have to agree with them or what they do/belive....but dont judge them for it.


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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #121 on: January 30, 2007, 02:51:04 PM »
thanx for the info count. you made me see that satanism is much different than what i had previously thought. i still dont know enough to consider that its good or bad(in my view).............but youve made some points that i never would have thought were part of satanism.

Count Grishnackh

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #122 on: January 30, 2007, 11:41:45 PM »
Count, I just looked at the first page of your avatar website.

The picture shows some people dressed up in costumes.  Do you ever do this and what is the purpose?  Do the different animal heads have different meanings?

Most of the symbolism STella is meant to for lack of a better word 'upset' the christian community.
You see, the christian bible, symbolism, rituals mean nothing to myself or any other satanist, I would go sit at a service any day with you no problem, or join you for a bible study class.

Chrisitans themselves for the most part are afraid to expose themselves to satanism (perhaps to avoid tempation??). They are afraid to read the satanic bible, get upset with an inverted cross or a pentagram. Honestly, did you even click past the homepage, read anything? If not, why not?

I'm betting the answer will be "I don't need to"    ;)

Count Grishnackh

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #123 on: January 30, 2007, 11:42:38 PM »
thanx for the info count. you made me see that satanism is much different than what i had previously thought. i still dont know enough to consider that its good or bad(in my view).............but youve made some points that i never would have thought were part of satanism.

It really IS the answer for alot of people blinky. Keep learning..

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Re: Learning Thread *Satanism*
« Reply #124 on: February 02, 2007, 06:58:45 AM »
Just discovered this thread, didn'y even realise there was a board for religious discussion!

1] The 'myth' of Anton Lavey has been disseminated many times. He was a liar, a wife beater, a fake and a money crazed scoundrel. This is according to his own family!

2] When the church of satan was originally formed they did believe in a literal satan - a big bad guy in the sky that could give them 'magical powers' ::) At some point in the mid seventies Lavey stopped believing and instead turned his church into a personal bank.

3] Most of the satanic bible is Rands work jazzed up with some metaphysical musings.

4] The only work of any importance Lavey ever wrote was the compleat witch. This is either the ravings of a misogyinist madman or a profound insight into the power of women and the pathetic nature of men.

5] Despite earlier indictaions that indicated otherwise, Lavey didn't like homosexuals and didn't want them in his church [unless they were rich and would give him money]. At heart he was a traditional fifties male.

5] The vast majority of people that call themselves 'satanists' are fat, ugly, single men that somehow believe they are part of 'the elite' ::)

6] The two biographies about lavey were ghostwritten by him! For a true look at the church of satan and lavey read the church of satan, by michael aquino. He left the church after lavey started selling titles to people, and then formed the even more deluded temple of set. Oh, he was also the centre of a huge paedophile scandal. Speaking of which, laveys grandson claims lavey let him be abused by an old man. Charming ::)

            [Don't break the oath by Merycful Fate is one of the best albums ever recorded. KD and lavey did meet, and lavey gave him his pentagram!]