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It can feel a bit like that at times.
still I read in credible sources that 120k is to be expected in 24 months. I have no reason to doubt these sources majorly. So lets take off 20% to be conservative and we get 100k
Flat bench
5x12 Paused

Are you still shaky and slanty on the bench press?

Guessing yes, 

Lol, At 20 reps. You have said yourself you have trouble counting while lifting.

I'm guessing, you did 8 reps.

You don't have the muscular endurance or strength to do 20 reps with 225.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by webstar on Today at 09:15:45 AM »
I posted the video showing me curling 75 kilos with 2 white lights in competition. SCN keeps a list of tested records. I was not competing as a tested athlete. Doesn't change the fact I strict curled 75 kilos in competition with 2 white lights. I did curl more than their listed tested record for my age group and weight. They were not clear that their records were only tested and they actually changed their bylaws after Jeff harassed them and no longer even have a non tested division.

Regardless I proved my strength. I held myself accountable. None of you have any accountability. You don't hold yourself to any standardized testing ever. No pics, no lifts, no competitions, not even once a year nothing just yap yap yap

Fuck off,

You came back to the board, bragging how you were a record holder.

You used anadrol for your anemia to compete in a tested event.

Pathetic Coward

I can't wait until the Olympia where you start crying/ shaking/ falling on the floor blaming your knee at the site of Josh.

Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by Grape Ape on Today at 09:15:13 AM »
Nobody gives a fuck how much you or your competitors weighed you sack of shit.

You showed up with bodyparts under layers of fat and water. The "Arnold" guy had fat rolls hanging off his trunks. That's how seriously you wankers dieted.

None of you should have been onstage except as what you were - a silly side show.

Nobody who follows this stuff would draw the conclusions he is.  In fact, I bet the other two fellows in the pics would agree that Jeff and his opponents were in incredibly better condition.

Heck, we even bought in _aj_ as an unbiased expert, and he thought the Charlotte guys were possibly natty and that the older NABBA guys would wax them.

It is just a combo of arrogance, delusion, and not understanding how contests are judged.
Your wife is pregnant and you want to divorce her?

You are in a bad situation pal.
She is still not, that is why I think I should have taken a younger one. I never used steroids but probably decades of BPA and other safe and effective items reduced my firepower.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by Raymondo on Today at 09:09:59 AM »
False my show was the bigger show with better competition dude competed in a high school auditorium against two guys in their mid 60s neither whom was over 200lbs

Nobody gives a fuck how much you or your competitors weighed you sack of shit.

You showed up with bodyparts under layers of fat and water. The "Arnold" guy had fat rolls hanging off his trunks. That's how seriously you wankers dieted.

None of you should have been onstage except as what you were - a silly side show.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Last post by NarcissisticDeity on Today at 09:01:39 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by CalvinH on Today at 08:59:10 AM »
Yeah, I think so too.

Your blatant disregard has been noted...
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