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What effect does weed have on your pain ?? IME, and some others, it can actually affect how pain "reverberates" increasing pain or emotional processing of that pain or any pain like in emotional pain, trauma etc. But I know many also say it decreases pain in a big way. Opiates and opioids decrease the sensation of pain numbing you emotionally, unlike weed. Some say they don't decrease pain exactly, just the "caring" about it so to say. Many specialists say opiates shouldn't be used in back pain, especially long term as they also increase pain eventually, actually sensitizing your pain receptors. I was looking at treatments for back pain, something affectin me right now in a big way, not lower back but up between my shoulders, possible hernia, waiting for a xray appointment right now. Docs were discouraging me about xrays or MRIs because "we actually don't, and can't, do much wrt to back pain, except surgery in some cases but they will most likely not operate on you anyway."

Xrays won't show anything for hernia.   If it is between your shoulder blades, one of the things to look at is the cervical region.  Referral pain from mid spine is very common.  C4 - C6 most likely.  What those guys say about back pain is right.  They don't know how handle it unless it is through surgery or pharma.  In addition, the likelyhood of a fusion helping is being shown to be less and less.  The fuse two segments and the resulting compensatory degeneration is accelerated.

Regarding chronic of the things that can happen is the brain gets so used to being in pain that even if the tissues become healed, the brain still thinks the area is damaged and the pain centers light up.  If there truly is damage that isn't healing (for example a disc that has turned from just a herniation to extrusion) that disc emits cytokines which tell the body there is damage, this in turn causes more release of the neuropeptide substance P (p for pain...literally).  Substance P has been implicated in the the initiation of the addictive response to opioids.   So, in a way its a double edge sword.
Tramadol does show up on drug test, it shows up as an opioid.

FACT....I know all about drug tests and what you can and cannot take

It does not show up on a standard 5 panel test which test for opioids you have to get a separate test for it
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Last post by bhank on Today at 05:01:58 AM »
Ah, must haven been the Delta-9 I was reading about?

The Delta-8 is NOT cannabis or hemp extracted as it's not SIGNIFICANTLY found in either of those so it's a synthetic product synthesized in a lab that is in those products. The hemp flowers are most likely sprayed with synthetic delta-8 or delta-9 or THC-A. BTW, there are over 100 variants of cannabinoids found in cannabis. Is delta-8 "natural," well it's for everyone to decide for themselves. There have also been some adverse effects. I know defenders will claim it simply involved involuntary intoxication which is naturally alarming to the uninitiated.
The pure CBD found in products is not extracted from hemp either, it's a lab animal.

Might try the THC-A only because it can be consumed through vape pens publicly without a cannabis odor.

Oh yeah vape pens are the way to go. Get a cannabinoid mix with thc-a and thc-p delta 8 and live resin. What they are finding is each cannabinoid has unique properties a mix is best.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Does this guy look better than BHANKS?!?
« Last post by bhank on Today at 04:59:07 AM »
I did about 7 contests that year and my body was not responding, plus I`m around 52 years old or more in that pic......have you ever been in a contest at 52?

PS   That would easily have beaten you in Charlotte and I`ve got a lot of years on you in that pic.

Put your back double biceps from Charlotte next to it just for shits and giggles.

Would you really have easily beat me? Would you really?
Gossip & Opinions / faces of evil
« Last post by funk51 on Today at 04:56:48 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Nasser El Sonbaty - AI Versions
« Last post by Rambone on Today at 04:56:47 AM »
Beautiful man with AI-generated rear delts
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Does this guy look better than BHANKS?!?
« Last post by bhank on Today at 04:53:43 AM »
Lol, bottom photo is from 2012 after I had been back training about 6 months after many years lay off to do a photo shoot for an old photographer friend of mine, I was totally natty as well
There is a video online you took that from
I would never have got onstage like that

Big Lenny won a show, was he stage ready?

You were my age in 2012 also we dont have any side chest pics of you recently no mandatories no comparisons nothing.

Meanwhile here is me in April 2022 2 years ago. My glutes and hamstrings are in great shape. But at what cost? My upper body is gone. My entire physique looks better 20lbs heavier. That is 195lbs. It is not a hamstring and starvation contest. I have no desire to drop that low ever again.

The best I have ever looked was right before my hernia surgery. I was 235lbs and I looked my absolute best. The only reason I am entertaining competing at 209lbs instead of 225lbs is because I think I can win Nationals in classic. I look better at 225lbs. But if I can win at 209lbs they give you an extra 10lbs when you turn pro and I would have 219lbs to work with then which is plenty for me.

Gossip & Opinions / Re: Does this guy look better than BHANKS?!?
« Last post by Krankenstein on Today at 04:52:56 AM »
I have dieted to near death which is what I am absolutely not going to do again. I have seen pics of me dieted to death and I have seen pics of me fuller. I prefer a fuller look.

Being that you embellish how you feel with a fucking sore throat....its totally reasonable to believe that you felt hungry and thought you were near death. have NEVER been that close.  EVER.  Stop with this bullshit.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 State of the Union
« Last post by funk51 on Today at 04:48:42 AM »
     Beware the MAGA-blaster. ;D
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