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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Alex23 on March 15, 2007, 08:01:14 PM

Title: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Alex23 on March 15, 2007, 08:01:14 PM
BMR at 6.5 cal per lb of bodymass says I require about 1450 cal at rest plus 450 per workout. So at about 1700 I'm defficient and should get ripped soon. Calories being calories and proteins, supplements being all a scam, I decided to get my 1700 cals on Cap n' Crunch and Cocopuffs, both will only bring me 4g of protein so I should be fine.

3 weeks later I'm wasting like there's no tomorow, my insulin is all fucked up and glucose to glucagon ratio is off the roof.

Where did I go wrong with my great application of those so called "Principles"?

Breaking out of that madness, I remembered something from biochemistry called PTOR (protein turn over rate). That scientifically proven rule says that my LBM x 1.818 is what I need to prevent from going catabolic. so that's about 310g of protein.

I come to the conclusion that the fucking idiots who think that "calories are calories" are misleading the goodhearted getbiggers.

Discuss  ;D

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Army of One on March 15, 2007, 08:03:00 PM
BMR at 6.5 cal per lb of bodymass says I required about 1450 cal at rest plus 450 per workout. So at about 1700 I'm defficient and should get ripped soon. Calories being calories and proteins, supplements being all a scam, I decided to get 1800 cals on Cap n' Crunch and Cocopuffs, both will only bring me 4g of protein so I should be fine.

3 weeks later I'm wasting like there's no tomorow, my insulin is all fucked up and glucose to glucagon ration if off the roof.

Where did I go wrong with my great application of those so called "Principles"?

Breaking out of that madness, I remembered something from biochemistry called PTOR (protein turn over rate). That scientifically proven rule says that my LBM x 1.818 is what I need to prevent from going catabolic. so that's about 310g of protein.

I come to the conclusion that the fucking idiots who think that "calories are calories" are misleading the goodhearted getbiggers.

Discuss  ;D

Agreed Alex, its getting a bit out of hand now, you have to wonder how many "new" trainers are eating it up like its gospel.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: benjamin pearson on March 15, 2007, 08:03:24 PM
BMR at 6.5 cal per lb of bodymass says I required about 1450 cal at rest plus 450 per workout. So at about 1700 I'm defficient and should get ripped soon. Calories being calories and proteins, supplements being all a scam, I decided to get my 1700 cals on Cap n' Crunch and Cocopuffs, both will only bring me 4g of protein so I should be fine.

3 weeks later I'm wasting like there's no tomorow, my insulin is all fucked up and glucose to glucagon ratio is off the roof.

Where did I go wrong with my great application of those so called "Principles"?

Breaking out of that madness, I remembered something from biochemistry called PTOR (protein turn over rate). That scientifically proven rule says that my LBM x 1.818 is what I need to prevent from going catabolic. so that's about 310g of protein.

I come to the conclusion that the fucking idiots who think that "calories are calories" are misleading the goodhearted getbiggers.

Discuss  ;D

Agreed spot on Alex
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Krusader on March 15, 2007, 08:04:20 PM
BMR at 6.5 cal per lb of bodymass says I required about 1450 cal at rest plus 450 per workout. So at about 1700 I'm defficient and should get ripped soon. Calories being calories and proteins, supplements being all a scam, I decided to get my 1700 cals on Cap n' Crunch and Cocopuffs, both will only bring me 4g of protein so I should be fine.

3 weeks later I'm wasting like there's no tomorow, my insulin is all fucked up and glucose to glucagon ratio is off the roof.

Where did I go wrong with my great application of those so called "Principles"?

Breaking out of that madness, I remembered something from biochemistry called PTOR (protein turn over rate). That scientifically proven rule says that my LBM x 1.818 is what I need to prevent from going catabolic. so that's about 310g of protein.

I come to the conclusion that the fucking idiots who think that "calories are calories" are misleading the goodhearted getbiggers.

Discuss  ;D

One of the most brutal scientific ownage ever see on this board, pretty...

Did you get that Hoist smith machine for your sunroom yet  :)?  
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Ozzy on March 15, 2007, 08:04:34 PM
Nothing to discuss.

"A calorie is a calorie" is about the dumbest statement I've ever heard. The human body needs amino acids (from protein OMG!), vitamins, and minerals to even function.

Great post btw, Alex.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on March 15, 2007, 08:07:06 PM
Thanks guys, trying to shed some light over that misinformation in a more pacific way. 8)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Chick on March 15, 2007, 08:09:53 PM
Thanks guys, trying to shed some light over that misinformation in a more pacific way. 8)

As opposed to a more "atlantic" way..? ;D
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Ozzy on March 15, 2007, 08:12:00 PM
As opposed to a more "atlantic" way..? ;D

I see what you did there. :)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: benjamin pearson on March 15, 2007, 08:12:26 PM
brutal trying to throw people off of the fact that you are a gimmick

who the fuck are you again?  ::)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: flexingtonsteele on March 15, 2007, 08:12:50 PM
Dont be an Ahole BOB!  ;)

As opposed to a more "atlantic" way..? ;D
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:14:08 PM

Optimal intakes of protein in the human diet
Author: Millward D.J.*

Source: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Volume 58, Number 2, 1999, pp. 403-413(11)

Publisher: CABI Publishing

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For protein, progress is slow in defining quantifiable indicators of adequacy other than balance and growth. As far as current requirements are concerned, only in the case of infants and children is there any case for revision, and this change is to lower values. Such intakes would appear to be safe when consumed as milk formula. In pregnancy, notwithstanding the concern that deficiency may influence programming of disease in later life, there is little evidence of any increased need, and some evidence that increased intakes would pose a risk. For the elderly there is no evidence of an increased requirement or of benefit from increased intakes, except possibly for bone health. For adults, while we now know much more about metabolic adaptation to varying intakes, there would appear to be no case for a change in current recommendations. As far as risks and benefits of high intakes are concerned, there is now only a weak case for risk for renal function. For bone health the established views of risk of high protein intakes are not supported by newly emerging data, with benefit indicated in the elderly. There is also circumstantial evidence for benefit on blood pressure and stroke mortality. With athletes there is little evidence of benefit of increased intakes in terms of performance, with older literature suggesting an adverse influence. Thus, given that a safe upper limit is currently defined as twice the reference nutrient intake, and that for individuals with high energy requirements this value (1·5 g/kg per d) is easily exceeded, there is a case for revising the definition of a safe upper limit.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: flexingtonsteele on March 15, 2007, 08:14:49 PM
But Alex is that is a researched owning of galatic proportions. I congratulate you! Keep it up my intelectually advanced brother!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:14:53 PM

1: Clin Sports Med. 1984 Jul;3(3):595-604. Links
Protein nutrition for the athlete.Dohm GL.
Endurance exercise results in a protein catabolic state characterized by decreased protein synthesis, increased amino acid oxidation, and increased conversion of amino acids to glucose. The adaptive response to performance of strength exercise, on the other hand, results in an anabolic state in hypertrophying muscles, and the accretion of protein is the result of increased protein synthesis. Because of changes in protein metabolism there is an increased dietary requirement for protein in both endurance and strength exercise. However, the normal dietary intake of protein is adequate for athletes as long as the energy intake is sufficient to maintain body weight. There is little scientific evidence that consumption of large protein supplements will have any beneficial effect on muscle hypertrophy, muscular strength, or physical performance.PMID: 6571233 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:15:36 PM

Lemon PW.
Applied Physiology Research Laboratory, Kent State University, OH 44242.

The debate regarding optimal protein/amino acid needs of strength athletes is an old one. Recent evidence indicates that actual requirements are higher than those of more sedentary individuals, although this is not widely recognized. Some data even suggest that high protein/amino acid diets can enhance the development of muscle mass and strength when combined with heavy resistance exercise training. Novices may have higher needs than experienced strength athletes, and substantial interindividual variability exists. Perhaps the most important single factor determining absolute protein/amino acid need is the adequacy of energy intake. Present data indicate that strength athletes should consume approximately 12-15% of their daily total energy intake as protein, or about 1.5-2.0 g protein/kg.d-1 (approximately 188-250% of the U.S. recommended dietary allowance). Although routinely consumed by many strength athletes, higher protein intakes have not been shown to be consistently effective and may even be associated with some health risks.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:16:16 PM

Effect of protein source on resistive-training-induced changes in body composition and muscle size in older men1,2,3 Mark D Haub, Amanda M Wells, Mark A Tarnopolsky and Wayne W Campbell
1 From the Department of Human Nutrition, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS (MDH); the Nutrition, Metabolism, and Exercise Laboratory, Donald W Reynolds Center on Aging, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, North Little Rock, AR (MDH and AMW); the Department of Medicine, Division of Neurology, McMaster University Medical Centre, Hamilton, Canada (MAT); and the Department of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (WWC).

Background: Aging is associated with reductions in muscle mass and strength, but nutrition and exercise interventions can delay this progression and enhance the quality of life.

Objective: We examined whether the predominant source of protein consumed by older men influenced measures of muscle size and strength, body composition, resting energy expenditure, and skeletal muscle creatine concentrations in response to 12 wk of resistive training.  
Design: After consuming a lactoovovegetarian (LOV) diet for 2 wk, 21 men aged 65 ± 5 y were randomly assigned to either consume a beef-containing (BC) diet (n = 10) or to continue the LOV diet (n = 11) throughout resistive training. The BC diet included 0.6 g protein · kg-1 · d-1 from beef and the LOV diet included 0.6 g protein · kg-1 · d-1 from textured vegetable protein (soy) sources. The remaining protein in the diets came from self-selected LOV sources.

Results: The mean total protein intake for both groups ranged from 1.03 to 1.17 g · kg-1 · d-1 during the intervention. Men in both groups had improvements (14–38%) in maximal dynamic strength of all the muscle groups trained with no significant difference between groups. With resistive training, cross-sectional muscle area of the vastus lateralis increased in both groups (4.2 ± 3.0% and 6.0 ± 2.6% for the LOV and BC groups, respectively) with no significant difference between groups. Body composition, resting energy expenditure, and concentrations of muscle creatine, phosphocreatine, and total creatine did not differ significantly between groups or change over time.

Conclusions: These data suggest that increases in muscle strength and size were not influenced by the predominant source of protein consumed by older men with adequate total protein intake.

Key Words: Vegetarian • omnivore • meat • beef • soy • textured vegetable protein • protein source • aging • elderly men • muscle strength • strength training • resistive training • exercise • muscle hypertrophy • creatine

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Ozzy on March 15, 2007, 08:18:08 PM
With athletes there is little evidence of benefit of increased intakes in terms of performance, with older literature suggesting an adverse influence. Thus, given that a safe upper limit is currently defined as twice the reference nutrient intake, and that for individuals with high energy requirements this value (1·5 g/kg per d) is easily exceeded, there is a case for revising the definition of a safe upper limit.

The statement in bold suggests that there is actually LIMITED EVIDENCE of benefit, as opposed to no evidence.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:18:13 PM

This is an absolute and can never change.

A Macronutrient is not a macronutrient.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Peptide Wizard on March 15, 2007, 08:19:15 PM
Hahahahahahahaha another brutal ownage by the dynamo known as Alex23 8)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:19:47 PM

The statement in bold suggests that there is actually LIMITED EVIDENCE of benefit, as opposed to no evidence.

The evidence is overwhelmingly NOT in favor of High Protein.

It has simply NEVER been demonstrated to be necessary, efficient or worthwhile.

All that money you guys have been wasting could have been spent elsewhere.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: SteelePegasus on March 15, 2007, 08:20:26 PM
Thanks guys, trying to shed some light over that misinformation in a more pacific way. 8)

1700 cals is probably a mid morning snack for you
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Ozzy on March 15, 2007, 08:20:51 PM

This is an absolute and can never change.

A Macronutrient is not a macronutrient.

Hahaha, so calories I get from eating a salad are used by my body the same way as calories from, say, a can of Coke?

Oh brother.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:21:33 PM

www.essentialnutrition.o rg
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on March 15, 2007, 08:22:43 PM
1700 cals is probably a mid morning snack for you

Hahahahahahahaha you little shit... yea it used to be 8)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Ozzy on March 15, 2007, 08:22:59 PM
The evidence is overwhelmingly NOT in favor of High Protein.

It has simply NEVER been demonstrated to be necessary, efficient or worthwhile.

All that money you guys have been wasting could have been spent elsewhere.

Actually, nevermind. I don't really feel like getting into this.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on March 15, 2007, 08:23:37 PM

So where did I go wrong in your misinformative opinion?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:25:02 PM

Hahaha, so calories I get from eating a salad are used by my body the same way as calories from, say, a can of Coke?

Oh brother.

Again, A CALORIE WILL ALWAYS BE A CALORIE, the energy will always be the same no matter what.

MacroNutrients are different.
Think of it like this, using Diesel gas, Steam Power, Chicken Breasts, all have a caloric amount and can all be equal in energy.

In the human body, given that Nutrient amounts are easily met with a common diet. overall energy in the diet IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING in diet.

This is not Arguable.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on March 15, 2007, 08:25:10 PM
The evidence is overwhelmingly NOT in favor of High Protein.

It has simply NEVER been demonstrated to be necessary, efficient or worthwhile.

All that money you guys have been wasting could have been spent elsewhere.
you are such a lunatic, ok since a 'calorie is a calorie', try this. for the next week, eat nothing but sugar packets and plain flour. lets see you thrive on that
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: amoney86 on March 15, 2007, 08:25:10 PM
In the end  anyone worth looking at eats like a bodybuilder and anyone who eats like adonis looks like jared from subway.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:26:17 PM
So where did I go wrong in your misinformative opinion?
You lack the most basic understanding of Scientific Fundementals is all.

You can remedy this by choosing to educate yourself.

What good does it do for you to remain ignorant?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: TheEgoCrusher on March 15, 2007, 08:27:31 PM
BMR at 6.5 cal per lb of bodymass says I require about 1450 cal at rest plus 450 per workout. So at about 1700 I'm defficient and should get ripped soon. Calories being calories and proteins, supplements being all a scam, I decided to get my 1700 cals on Cap n' Crunch and Cocopuffs, both will only bring me 4g of protein so I should be fine.

3 weeks later I'm wasting like there's no tomorow, my insulin is all fucked up and glucose to glucagon ratio is off the roof.

Where did I go wrong with my great application of those so called "Principles"?

Breaking out of that madness, I remembered something from biochemistry called PTOR (protein turn over rate). That scientifically proven rule says that my LBM x 1.818 is what I need to prevent from going catabolic. so that's about 310g of protein.

I come to the conclusion that the fucking idiots who think that "calories are calories" are misleading the goodhearted getbiggers.

Discuss  ;D

Alex, you are NOT are FAT AS HELL.  

There is a difference my delusional friend.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on March 15, 2007, 08:27:48 PM
In the end  anyone worth looking at eats like a bodybuilder and anyone who eats like adonis looks like jared from subway.
exactly, they can cite all the gay little 'studies' they want, all you have to do is look at the real world results
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:27:52 PM
you are such a lunatic, ok since a 'calorie is a calorie', try this. for the next week, eat nothing but sugar packets and plain flour. lets see you thrive on that

Energy can Neither be created or destroyed.  Everything you eat is energy.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Ozzy on March 15, 2007, 08:29:09 PM
You lack the most basic understanding of Scientific Fundementals is all.

You can remedy this by choosing to educate yourself.

What good does it do for you to remain ignorant?

I asked this once before, but here I go again:

Do you have any sort of education, meaning a degree or even a certificate, in the field of Human Anatomy, chemistry, or sports nutrition?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Chick on March 15, 2007, 08:29:15 PM
Again, A CALORIE WILL ALWAYS BE A CALORIE, the energy will always be the same no matter what.

MacroNutrients are different.
Think of it like this, using Diesel gas, Steam Power, Chicken Breasts, all have a caloric amount and can all be equal in energy.

In the human body, given that Nutrient amounts are easily met with a common diet. overall energy in the diet IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING in diet.

This is not Arguable.

Yes...and as you've pointed out, they work in very different ways.

Try running your car on chicken breasts...let us know how far you get.

Equally, eat nothing but diesel gas for a week and let us know your findings....
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:29:20 PM
No such thing as "eating like a bodybuilder".
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:29:57 PM
Yes...and as you've pointed out, they work in very different ways.

Try running your car on chicken breasts...let us know how far you get.

Equally, eat nothing but diesel gas for a week and let us know your findings....
Actaully, My Car runs on Vegetable Oil.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: benjamin pearson on March 15, 2007, 08:30:28 PM
Actaully, My Car runs on Vegetable Oil.

o did you invent that while working for nasa ::)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Ozzy on March 15, 2007, 08:30:44 PM
Actaully, My Car runs on Vegetable Oil.

Here's your sign.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on March 15, 2007, 08:31:20 PM

Energy can Neither be created or destroyed.  Everything you eat is energy.
sure most anything u eat can be used as energy, but the muscle-building qualities not to mention in every other aspect of health are completely different for everything.

you can feed 2 athletes, one nothing but flour and cookies, and the other animal protein and potatoes, and while they could both be getting the same amount of 'energy' in theory, the second guy is going to be able to utilize it for muscle growth while the first guy is not.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:31:33 PM
o did you invent that while working for nasa ::)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: whateva on March 15, 2007, 08:31:43 PM

Energy can Neither be created or destroyed.  Everything you eat is energy.
So ,you can diet for a bodybuilding show eating sugar packets and plain flour  :o
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: amoney86 on March 15, 2007, 08:32:15 PM
No such thing as "eating like a bodybuilder".
ok  ;)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:33:18 PM
So ,you can diet for a bodybuilding show eating sugar packets and plain flour  :o

You need to meet the basic Nutrition Requirements set out by the RDA which is easy to do.

Then you can eat all the Flour and Sugar you want, provided you don`t exceed a certain caloric limit.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Ozzy on March 15, 2007, 08:33:32 PM
So ,you can diet for a bodybuilding show eating sugar packets and plain flour  :o

Hahaha, yeah if you want to become diabetic.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:33:56 PM
I asked this once before, but here I go again:

Do you have any sort of education, meaning a degree or even a certificate, in the field of Human Anatomy, chemistry, or sports nutrition?
I do. In Physics.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Ozzy on March 15, 2007, 08:34:36 PM
I do. In Physics.

Really, what sort of degree to you have?

Oh and physics isn't what I asked.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: SteelePegasus on March 15, 2007, 08:34:40 PM
Hahahahahahahaha you little shit... yea it used to be 8)

you have a big chest...but an even bigger gut

clen/t3/eca/reduced will be down to 20% BF in no time
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:35:05 PM

Hahaha, yeah if you want to become diabetic.

Please Visit

www.essentialnutrition.o rg

Good luck on going against this Prestigious body:
Members of the Partnership for Essential Nutrition are:

Alliance for Aging Research
American Association of Diabetes Educators
American Council on Science and Health
American Institute for Cancer Research
American Obesity Association
Harvard Medical School
MedStar Research Institute
National Consumers League
National Women's Health Resource Center
Nutritional Sciences Program at the University of Washington
Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Shape Up America!
Society for Women's Health Research
University of California at Davis Department of Nutrition
UCLA Center for Human Nutrition
Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: whateva on March 15, 2007, 08:35:25 PM
You need to meet the basic Nutrition Requirements set out by the RDA which is easy to do.

Then you can eat all the Flour and Sugar you want, provided you don`t exceed a certain caloric limit.
thanks Adonis ,I'll do  :)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: pumpher on March 15, 2007, 08:35:38 PM
Again, A CALORIE WILL ALWAYS BE A CALORIE, the energy will always be the same no matter what.

MacroNutrients are different.
Think of it like this, using Diesel gas, Steam Power, Chicken Breasts, all have a caloric amount and can all be equal in energy.

In the human body, given that Nutrient amounts are easily met with a common diet. overall energy in the diet IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING in diet.

This is not Arguable.

He is essentially correct. Read it more carefully. His view has been modified from his earlier "theory" to include the realization that macronutrients are processed differently and in different biochemical pathways.

I posted this in another thread:

A calorie is a calorie only if you've assumed it has been already absorbed across the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream in the same metabolic environment.

If you are looking at the caloric content of food before you eat it, a calorie does NOT necessarily equal a calorie in vivo.

You may have neglected to consider the timing of food, amount of food per serving, diurnal variation in hormonal environment, bioavailability, insulin response, permeability of intestinal villi to said factors, and the resultant effect of a "calorie" in different serum hormone (esp. insulin & cortisol) levels.

Layne & True Adonis are correct in that the total caloric intake is probably the most important consideration when losing weight, but there are many other factors to consider.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:37:57 PM
He is essentially correct. Read it more carefully. His view has been modified from his earlier "theory" to include the realization that macronutrients are processed differently and in different biochemical pathways.

I posted this in another thread:

A calorie is a calorie only if you've assumed it has been already absorbed across the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream in the same metabolic environment.

If you are looking at the caloric content of food before you eat it, a calorie does NOT necessarily equal a calorie in vivo.

You may have neglected to consider the timing of food, amount of food per serving, diurnal variation in hormonal environment, bioavailability, insulin response, permeability of intestinal villi to said factors, and the resultant effect of a "calorie" in different serum hormone (esp. insulin & cortisol) levels.

Layne & True Adonis are correct in that the total caloric intake is probably the most important consideration when losing weight, but there are many other factors to consider.

I never modified, I just figured that the majority already knew this.  I was wrong and that is sad.  People are more ignorant than I thought.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:42:51 PM
He is essentially correct. Read it more carefully. His view has been modified from his earlier "theory" to include the realization that macronutrients are processed differently and in different biochemical pathways.

I posted this in another thread:

A calorie is a calorie only if you've assumed it has been already absorbed across the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream in the same metabolic environment.

If you are looking at the caloric content of food before you eat it, a calorie does NOT necessarily equal a calorie in vivo.

You may have neglected to consider the timing of food, amount of food per serving, diurnal variation in hormonal environment, bioavailability, insulin response, permeability of intestinal villi to said factors, and the resultant effect of a "calorie" in different serum hormone (esp. insulin & cortisol) levels.

Layne & True Adonis are correct in that the total caloric intake is probably the most important consideration when losing weight, but there are many other factors to consider.

I could really get into specifics, but given the audience and their general tendency towards bias and ignorance,(the fact they don`t understand basic concepts), I see it as completely useless.

Hopefully I can at least educate them on simple matters of Science.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on March 15, 2007, 08:44:05 PM
Layne & True Adonis are correct in that the total caloric intake is probably the most important consideration when losing weight, but there are many other factors to consider.

this 'theory' is great for losing weight, but as far as losing weight WHILE retaining muscle it sucks as exhibited perfectly by TA's own results, and for actually gaining lean muscle mass it is utterly useless
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Big Lee on March 15, 2007, 08:44:45 PM
Ok, take 2 twins, have them expend same amount of energy training and resting but feed one on 2000 cal of sugar and the other on 2000 cal spread over 6 meals of rice and chicken and olive oil.  In 2 years one would be dead and the other have muscles.  This is stupid.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:44:51 PM
this 'theory' is great for losing weight, but as far as losing weight WHILE retaining muscle it sucks as exhibited perfectly by TA's own results, and for actually gaining lean muscle mass it is utterly useless

This isn`t theory. It is SCIENTIFIC LAW.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 08:45:25 PM
Ok, take 2 twins, have them expend same amount of energy training and resting but feed one on 2000 cal of sugar and the other on 2000 cal spread over 6 meals of rice and chicken and olive oil.  In 2 years one would be dead and the other have muscles.  This is stupid.

Again, You must meet the RDA first.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Dballn247 on March 15, 2007, 08:49:07 PM
Was the information I sent to you correct?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: onlyme on March 15, 2007, 08:51:38 PM
I wonder how much time in a day Apenis spends trying to defend himself yet still loses the battle.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: pumpher on March 15, 2007, 08:52:50 PM
Ok, take 2 twins, have them expend same amount of energy training and resting but feed one on 2000 cal of sugar and the other on 2000 cal spread over 6 meals of rice and chicken and olive oil.  In 2 years one would be dead and the other have muscles.  This is stupid.

Yes. A calorie is just a measure for energy.

But read how he carefully worded his statements again. He is correct (maybe purposefully deceitful, but correct)

How your body absorbs different nutrients across the intestinal membrane and what it does with protein, carbohydrates or lipids is an entirely different story.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: onlyme on March 15, 2007, 08:54:30 PM
I also wonder why does Apenis always have to quote others.  He is proving to everyone he has not come up with anything new.  He actually copies what others have already proven.  It's like telling everyone Babe Ruth hit 714 home runs over and over again.  We all know that and that you didn't hit the home runs.  This guy is a tool
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: TheAnimal on March 15, 2007, 08:58:21 PM
I also wonder why does Apenis always have to quote others.  He is proving to everyone he has not come up with anything new.  He actually copies what others have already proven.  It's like telling everyone Babe Ruth hit 714 home runs over and over again.  We all know that and that you didn't hit the home runs.  This guy is a tool
Most educated people derive and support statements/opinions from prior independant research such as credible journal articles. Going through the university process will teach you this.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: joejoe on March 15, 2007, 09:00:51 PM
I also wonder why does Apenis always have to quote others.  He is proving to everyone he has not come up with anything new.  He actually copies what others have already proven.  It's like telling everyone Babe Ruth hit 714 home runs over and over again.  We all know that and that you didn't hit the home runs.  This guy is a tool

problem is fat man, people keep telling him ruth didnt hit 714 homeruns even though all the record books adonis keeps quoting says he did. i guess your brain is just as squishy as your body.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 09:01:21 PM
Most educated people derive and support statements/opinions from prior independant research such as credible journal articles. Going through the university process will teach you this.

And this is PRECISELY why america is so stupid.

They fail miserably at doing this in ALL areas.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ignorance on March 15, 2007, 09:07:40 PM
Adonis be glad I'm no a an Admin I would delete your fagot account so fast.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 09:09:19 PM
Adonis be glad I'm no a an Admin I would delete your fagot account so fast.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: onlyme on March 15, 2007, 09:11:13 PM
Please Visit

www.essentialnutrition.o rg

Good luck on going against this Prestigious body:
Members of the Partnership for Essential Nutrition are:

Alliance for Aging Research
American Association of Diabetes Educators
American Council on Science and Health
American Institute for Cancer Research
American Obesity Association
Harvard Medical School
MedStar Research Institute
National Consumers League
National Women's Health Resource Center
Nutritional Sciences Program at the University of Washington
Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Shape Up America!
Society for Women's Health Research
University of California at Davis Department of Nutrition
UCLA Center for Human Nutrition
Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center


PLEASE USE...........

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on March 15, 2007, 09:11:30 PM
BMR at 6.5 cal per lb of bodymass says I require about 1450 cal at rest plus 450 per workout. So at about 1700 I'm defficient and should get ripped soon. Calories being calories and proteins, supplements being all a scam, I decided to get my 1700 cals on Cap n' Crunch and Cocopuffs, both will only bring me 4g of protein so I should be fine.

3 weeks later I'm wasting like there's no tomorow, my insulin is all fucked up and glucose to glucagon ratio is off the roof.

Where did I go wrong with my great application of those so called "Principles"?

Breaking out of that madness, I remembered something from biochemistry called PTOR (protein turn over rate). That scientifically proven rule says that my LBM x 1.818 is what I need to prevent from going catabolic. so that's about 310g of protein.

I come to the conclusion that the fucking idiots who think that "calories are calories" are misleading the goodhearted getbiggers.

Discuss  ;D

NO WAY......I can't believe it, who would of thunk it?

Exept me owning "Adonis" all day and night long on this subject!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on March 15, 2007, 09:17:27 PM

Optimal intakes of protein in the human diet
Author: Millward D.J.*

Source: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Volume 58, Number 2, 1999, pp. 403-413(11)

Publisher: CABI Publishing

< previous article | next article > | View Table of Contents 


Key:  - Free content  - New Content  - Subscribed Content  - Free Trial Content


For protein, progress is slow in defining quantifiable indicators of adequacy other than balance and growth. As far as current requirements are concerned, only in the case of infants and children is there any case for revision, and this change is to lower values. Such intakes would appear to be safe when consumed as milk formula. In pregnancy, notwithstanding the concern that deficiency may influence programming of disease in later life, there is little evidence of any increased need, and some evidence that increased intakes would pose a risk. For the elderly there is no evidence of an increased requirement or of benefit from increased intakes, except possibly for bone health. For adults, while we now know much more about metabolic adaptation to varying intakes, there would appear to be no case for a change in current recommendations. As far as risks and benefits of high intakes are concerned, there is now only a weak case for risk for renal function. For bone health the established views of risk of high protein intakes are not supported by newly emerging data, with benefit indicated in the elderly. There is also circumstantial evidence for benefit on blood pressure and stroke mortality. With athletes there is little evidence of benefit of increased intakes in terms of performance, with older literature suggesting an adverse influence. Thus, given that a safe upper limit is currently defined as twice the reference nutrient intake, and that for individuals with high energy requirements this value (1·5 g/kg per d) is easily exceeded, there is a case for revising the definition of a safe upper limit.

Dear Stupid,

As I have stated before, bodybuilders ARE NOT athletes and their diets cannot even be remotely compared................ .just let me know if you're up to another brutal owning by yours truly, just say the word!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: G o a t b o y on March 15, 2007, 09:18:44 PM
I do. In Physics.

What university awarded you this degree, and in what year?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 09:20:18 PM
Dear Stupid,

As I have stated before, bodybuilders ARE NOT athletes and their diets cannot even be remotely compared................ .just let me know if you're up to another brutal owning by yours truly, just say the word!
Exactly. So you then also agree that they don`t require any special attention to protein in their diet as evidenced by all of those studies.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on March 15, 2007, 09:20:31 PM
What university awarded you this degree, and in what year?

Adonis wanted me to give you this message...........

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on March 15, 2007, 09:35:23 PM
Exactly. So you then also agree that they don`t require any special attention to protein in their diet as evidenced by all of those studies.

No, I don't agree, Adonis, do realize I've been doing this shit for along time and I do it for a living, and if my athletes don't perform correctly it's my ass? It's my job that the agents that come to me with their athletes depend on me for them to perform at the highest possible level and more than training itself, their eating program comes first.....dude, your the one that has no clue, and for you to even think about challenging me is rediculous in itself!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 15, 2007, 09:38:28 PM
No, I don't agree, Adonis, do realize I've been doing this shit for along time and I do it for a living, and if my athletes don't perform correctly it's my ass? It's my job that the agents that come to me with their athletes depend on me for them to perform at the highest possible level and more than training itself, their eating program comes first.....dude, your the one that has no clue, and for you to even think about challenging me is rediculous in itself!

You also Believe in Angels, Miracles, the earth is less than 10,000 years old and that it was created in a few days.

You are nobody to take serious since you reject ALL Science and Scientific Law that is PROVEN.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on March 15, 2007, 09:40:30 PM
You also Believe in Angels, Miracles, the earth is less than 10,000 years old and that it was created in a few days.

You are nobody to take serious since you reject ALL Science and Scientific Law that is PROVEN.

Did you cut and paste this post? Way to dodge my answer!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: onlyme on March 15, 2007, 11:24:37 PM
You also Believe in Angels, Miracles, the earth is less than 10,000 years old and that it was created in a few days.

You are nobody to take serious since you reject ALL Science and Scientific Law that is PROVEN.

You are truly a nobody.  Hey where is that degree you have boy.  Another lie uh?  Hurry up you should have been able to scan one by now and put your name on it.  Just be sure to include the university so we can verify.  Thanks boy.  I'm sure you'll get right on it like the video.  Bam you've been owned again.  You do know you qualify as a slave don't you.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: pumpher on March 15, 2007, 11:41:23 PM
@The True Adonis: Not all science is "good science."

Scientists publish articles because they are paid to and are pressured by the Universities they work for.

Many of the articles you have posted, are pure crap are pure crap. You can fool many here, but if you actually read the article (NOT just the abstract) you will find that their either:

1) Their methodology is flawed (e.g. they measure nitrogen retetion, but use the industry standard 10% fecal excretion instead of actually measuring it in the shit)

2) Improper (or lack of) proper controls

3) Lack of randomization of characteristics; sometimes they don't even mention inclusion/exclusion criteria

4) Lack of statistical significance or power

5) And, most commonly in nutritional & exercise physiology "papers" the sample size is too small

Because of these and other critical failings, many of these type of papers when properly critiqued: CANNOT be used to generalize findings to certain groups (say, bodybuilders, or 35 year old 75kg white males). Some are properly done, but you really have to READ the article, not just post the abstract...
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on March 15, 2007, 11:45:31 PM

Optimal intakes of protein in the human diet
Author: Millward D.J.*

Source: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Volume 58, Number 2, 1999, pp. 403-413(11)

Publisher: CABI Publishing

< previous article | next article > | View Table of Contents 


Key:  - Free content  - New Content  - Subscribed Content  - Free Trial Content


For protein, progress is slow in defining quantifiable indicators of adequacy other than balance and growth. As far as current requirements are concerned, only in the case of infants and children is there any case for revision, and this change is to lower values. Such intakes would appear to be safe when consumed as milk formula. In pregnancy, notwithstanding the concern that deficiency may influence programming of disease in later life, there is little evidence of any increased need, and some evidence that increased intakes would pose a risk. For the elderly there is no evidence of an increased requirement or of benefit from increased intakes, except possibly for bone health. For adults, while we now know much more about metabolic adaptation to varying intakes, there would appear to be no case for a change in current recommendations. As far as risks and benefits of high intakes are concerned, there is now only a weak case for risk for renal function. For bone health the established views of risk of high protein intakes are not supported by newly emerging data, with benefit indicated in the elderly. There is also circumstantial evidence for benefit on blood pressure and stroke mortality. With athletes there is little evidence of benefit of increased intakes in terms of performance, with older literature suggesting an adverse influence. Thus, given that a safe upper limit is currently defined as twice the reference nutrient intake, and that for individuals with high energy requirements this value (1·5 g/kg per d) is easily exceeded, there is a case for revising the definition of a safe upper limit.

Please elaborate.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on March 15, 2007, 11:48:51 PM
@The True Adonis: Not all science is "good science."

Scientists publish articles because they are paid to and are pressured by the Universities they work for.

Many of the articles you have posted, are pure crap are pure crap. You can fool many here, but if you actually read the article (NOT just the abstract) you will find that their either:

1) Their methodology is flawed (e.g. they measure nitrogen retetion, but use the industry standard 10% fecal excretion instead of actually measuring it in the shit)

2) Improper (or lack of) proper controls

3) Lack of randomization of characteristics; sometimes they don't even mention inclusion/exclusion criteria

4) Lack of statistical significance or power

5) And, most commonly in nutritional & exercise physiology "papers" the sample size is too small

Because of these and other critical failings, many of these type of papers when properly critiqued: CANNOT be used to generalize findings to certain groups (say, bodybuilders, or 35 year old 75kg white males). Some are properly done, but you really have to READ the article, not just post the abstract...

Nice work pumpher. Dont' worry he's not fooling anybody with that shit.

Great physiques talk for themselves and his ain't saying a word...

Thanks for all the support brothers. There's allways a critical but logical vibe on getbig, that's why it's the best BB board 8)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Ozzy on March 16, 2007, 12:07:15 AM
Most educated people derive and support statements/opinions from prior independant research such as credible journal articles. Going through the university process will teach you this.

Sup Adam.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Hedgehog on March 16, 2007, 12:37:40 AM
I never modified, I just figured that the majority already knew this.  I was wrong and that is sad.  People are more ignorant than I thought.

No. You've made different claims in the past.

Another man`s junk, is another man`s treasure.


There is no such thing as junk food.

A calorie is a calorie in all sense.

1 Calorie=1 Calorie of any substance.

When it comes to food, you should not overeat even when trying to gain muscle.

In any normal diet, you will be adequately fueled nutrient wise to build muscle or lose fat.

You would have to try your HARDEST to not meet nutritional needs.  Its not feasible.

You also posted pics of your past diet.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on March 16, 2007, 12:39:50 AM
No. You've made different claims in the past.

You also posted pics of your past diet.


Hedgehog, following this post,  I have a man crush on you.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Count Grishnackh on March 16, 2007, 01:09:06 AM
You can't fuck around with what you did or didn't say with Hedge, he pulls shit out of nowhere and crucifies people.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: wolfgang187 on March 16, 2007, 01:11:11 AM
You can't fuck around with what you did or didn't say with Hedge, he pulls shit out of nowhere and crucifies people.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Count Grishnackh on March 16, 2007, 01:13:38 AM


hahahahah ok "wolfgang"    ::)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Saxon on March 16, 2007, 05:05:08 AM
You need to meet the basic Nutrition Requirements set out by the RDA which is easy to do.

Then you can eat all the Flour and Sugar you want, provided you don`t exceed a certain caloric limit.

Can you explain this then...

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Enigma on March 16, 2007, 05:13:25 AM
No, I don't agree, Adonis, do realize I've been doing this shit for along time and I do it for a living, and if my athletes don't perform correctly it's my ass? It's my job that the agents that come to me with their athletes depend on me for them to perform at the highest possible level and more than training itself, their eating program comes first.....dude, your the one that has no clue, and for you to even think about challenging me is rediculous in itself!

As a Board Certified Physician who works w/ MANY current World Champion athletes to improve performance, I couldn't imagine even thinking about "A calorie is a calorie" cr*p that TA pushes. To improve performance, I concentrate on increasing an athletes anaerobic/lactate threshold, as well as improving their Phosphate and O2 energy systems.

In conjunction w/ the above stated, I implement a strict eating program to insure the calories consumed are NOT EMPTY calories. Additionally, a supplement program is designed to help the athlete deal w/ the day to day recovery, energy levels, electrolyte replacement etc.

My program EXCLUDES all of the "Adonis Principles" (A total joke)  

I suggest you ignore TA.......the boy is totally clueless, and is just looking to get "a rise" out of the G.B. members. He's nothing but a non-degreed wannabe.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: SteelePegasus on March 16, 2007, 05:48:54 AM
Most educated people derive and support statements/opinions from prior independant research such as credible journal articles. Going through the university process will teach you this.

going through the universityprocess also gives you the foundation to explore and analyze ideas put forth by others. Also it teaches you respect for the ideas and processes that came before you..there is word for it if you don't...Plagiarism

anyone that went through at least 1 year of college wouldn't called "taking in less calories than you expend to lose weight" the Adonis principles, They would get laughed at

...conventional usage of the the Diet impliess that already.

Adonis, what college(s) have you attended and what were/are your major again?  lol, he won't answer..guess why?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: nycbull on March 16, 2007, 07:12:35 AM
I like Adonis because he values science, challenges ingnorance and infuriates the religiously blind on this board.

However, Adonis is also known for quoting rat studies as well. The only thing science will find in a rat cage is a rat shit. The money wasted on rat studies is incalculable.

And the sooner they abandon this inferior and fraudulent form of study the faster science will make discoveries that will benefit humans.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: pumpher on March 16, 2007, 07:13:33 AM

As a Board Certified Physician who works w/ MANY current World Champion athletes to improve performance, I couldn't imagine even thinking about "A calorie is a calorie" cr*p that TA pushes. To improve performance, I concentrate on increasing an athletes anaerobic/lactate threshold, as well as improving their Phosphate and O2 energy systems.

In conjunction w/ the above stated, I implement a strict eating program to insure the calories consumed are NOT EMPTY calories. Additionally, a supplement program is designed to help the athlete deal w/ the day to day recovery, energy levels, electrolyte replacement etc.

My program EXCLUDES all of the "Adonis Principles" (A total joke)  

I suggest you ignore TA.......the boy is totally clueless, and is just looking to get "a rise" out of the G.B. members. He's nothing but a non-degreed wannabe.

Hope this helps.

You are quite correct. But The True Adonis has purposely mislead everyone in his wording.

From a pure energy/thermogenic standpoint, a calorie is indeed a calorie. It is just a unit of energy.

However, he has changed his tune. He used to believe this from a nutritional standpoint, as Saxon's post shows he thought a 100% diet was sufficient. He used believe macronutrient ratios were irrelevant (If you read his earlier threads)

He has now added that a minimum level of "RDA" approved nutrition is required, and  "macronutrient is not a macronutrient," suggesting that he understands how the body processes different macronutrients with respect to absorbtion, bioavailability, and which how the macro is processed once across enterocytes is much more complex.

Macronutrients are usually in a homeostatic equilibrium, but this equilibrium can coaxed to favor a different biochemical pathway, and ultimately a different fate, by a different hormonal environments. Timing of food, the amount of food per serving, different macro ratios all have an effect on endogenous hormonal release (the most important in this discussion being insulin).
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: SteelePegasus on March 16, 2007, 07:20:08 AM
I like Adonis because he values science, challenges ingnorance and infuriates the religiously blind on this board.

However, Adonis is also known for quoting rat studies as well. The only thing science will find in a rat cage is a rat shit. The money wasted on rat studies is incalculable.

And the sooner they abandon this inferior and fraudulent form of study the faster science will make discoveries that will benefit humans.

yes, he confuses those without a highschool education. Most of us with college educations laugh at him...umm...if he values science so much I take it that he went to college to study it. Can you tell us what college and what field he studied in?

he professes to be an expert of the human body so I take it that he has done college level research under some PHD professor. Or has written papers to be critiqued by the science community.

and no, spending all day on google isn't the same

Adam, prove me wrong..where did you perform your studies..what institution of higher learning?

he won't answer, you know why
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: natural al on March 16, 2007, 07:23:16 AM
yes, he confuses those without a highschool education. Most of us with college educations laugh at him...umm...if he values science so much I take it that he went to college to study it. Can you tell us what college and what field he studied in?

he professes to be an expert of the human body so I take it that he has done college level research under some PHD professor. Or has written papers to be critiqued by the science community.

and no, spending all day on google isn't the same

Adam, prove me wrong..where did you perform your studies..what institution of higher learning?

he won't answer, you know why

TA claims whateva will make him look best at that moment.  Wether it's writing articles for magazines that he can't name and wrote under some assumed name to anything else he claims on here.

dude is deranged and that's the bottom line......
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Buttsuck on March 16, 2007, 07:34:22 AM
BMR at 6.5 cal per lb of bodymass says I require about 1450 cal at rest plus 450 per workout. So at about 1700 I'm defficient and should get ripped soon. Calories being calories and proteins, supplements being all a scam, I decided to get my 1700 cals on Cap n' Crunch and Cocopuffs, both will only bring me 4g of protein so I should be fine.

3 weeks later I'm wasting like there's no tomorow, my insulin is all fucked up  and glucose to glucagon ratio is off the roof.

Where did I go wrong with my great application of those so called "Principles"?

Breaking out of that madness, I remembered something from biochemistry called PTOR (protein turn over rate). That scientifically proven rule says that my LBM x 1.818 is what I need to prevent from going catabolic. so that's about 310g of protein.

I come to the conclusion that the fucking idiots who think that "calories are calories" are misleading the goodhearted getbiggers.

Discuss  ;D

Alex, do you hyperventilate after you work out if you don't get your insuline spike and protien shake? Hahahahahaha. I bet you start getting bitchy if you haven't had a meal every 2 hours on the dot. "I HAVE TO KEEP MYSELF IN A POSITIVE NITROGEN BALANCE OMG!!!!!" ahahahah what a joke.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: G o a t b o y on March 16, 2007, 07:51:27 AM
Perhaps you missed my question, Adam:

What university awarded you this degree, and in what year?

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on March 16, 2007, 07:54:55 AM
I'm waiting for you motherfuckers to realize that Adam gave me, squadfather, bast and powerrod his password and we just fuck with you guys all day and night
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Buttsuck on March 16, 2007, 07:55:51 AM
I'm waiting for you motherfuckers to realize that Adam gave me, squadfather, bast and powerrod his password and we just fuck with you guys all day and night
Nonsense... i talk to adam on aim while he makes these posts. Monster attempt to discredit truth.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on March 16, 2007, 07:57:13 AM
Nonsense... i talk to adam on aim while he makes these posts. Monster attempt to discredit truth.

You don't think I talk to him as well? I've been talking to him on AIM for over 3 years. It's too easy hahahahahahahaaahahahaha ha
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: valhalla on March 16, 2007, 08:08:13 AM
Who the hell who eat an entire diet of Big macs,ice cream,candy etc etc ?? ???
Im not talking about calories or macronutrients, im talking about taste,smell and quality of foods!
What ever happend to making your meals from beautyful meat,fresh veggies,extra virgin olive oil..fresh un-processed foods! Where is the joy of cooking up a REAL meal gone ?
Only acne faced teenagers would call a sloppy Big Mac and an ice cream for a meal.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Enigma on March 16, 2007, 08:22:09 AM
You are quite correct. But The True Adonis has purposely mislead everyone in his wording.

From a pure energy/thermogenic standpoint, a calorie is indeed a calorie. It is just a unit of energy.

However, he has changed his tune. He used to believe this from a nutritional standpoint, as Saxon's post shows he thought a 100% diet was sufficient. He used believe macronutrient ratios were irrelevant (If you read his earlier threads)

He has now added that a minimum level of "RDA" approved nutrition is required, and  "macronutrient is not a macronutrient," suggesting that he understands how the body processes different macronutrients with respect to absorbtion, bioavailability, and which how the macro is processed once across enterocytes is much more complex.

Macronutrients are usually in a homeostatic equilibrium, but this equilibrium can coaxed to favor a different biochemical pathway, and ultimately a different fate, by a different hormonal environments. Timing of food, the amount of food per serving, different macro ratios all have an effect on endogenous hormonal release (the most important in this discussion being insulin).

One must understand that Adonis is NOT a professional in the healthcare field. His numerous posts are NOT to inform GB members on correct training or nutritional advice. He's a NOBODY who needs CONSTANT attention to serve is ego. One can only hope that members would look in another direction for serious health advice other than the GB board.

Intelligence and knowledge is derived from years of study coupled w/ "real world" application. TA has NONE of these qualities. Googling and posting is not considered being "informed" or "knowledgeable".

BTW.....I agree with your above stated post 100%.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Heckler on March 16, 2007, 09:02:33 AM
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Heckler on March 16, 2007, 09:07:21 AM
Hahahahahahahaha another brutal ownage by the dynamo known as Alex23 8)

ok alex ::)

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ricosauve on March 16, 2007, 09:10:11 AM

This is an absolute and can never change.

A Macronutrient is not a macronutrient.

As always you are wrong. How do I know this? by looking at yout pictures, you look unhealthy and flat period Mr. dush
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Buttsuck on March 16, 2007, 09:22:21 AM
As always you are wrong. How do I know this? by looking at yout pictures, you look unhealthy and flat period Mr. dush
And you are the depiction of eating healthy? PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFT BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ricosauve on March 16, 2007, 09:27:57 AM
Actaully, My Car runs on Vegetable Oil.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Buttsuck on March 16, 2007, 09:38:15 AM
Rico.... all cheese cake and hamburgers!!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on March 16, 2007, 09:45:46 AM
Rico.... all cheese cake and hamburgers!!

You look decent from the front man. Especially with superhigh contrast ligthing.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Buttsuck on March 16, 2007, 09:46:39 AM
You look decent from the front man. Especially with superhigh contrast ligthing.
It will only improve!! I am a nazi when it comes to results!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on March 16, 2007, 09:56:44 AM
It will only improve!! I am a nazi when it comes to results!

Then maybe you should gas chamber yourself if you don't hit 170 but next week .
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Buttsuck on March 16, 2007, 09:57:55 AM
Then maybe you should gas chamber yourself if you don't hit 170 but next week .
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: nycbull on March 16, 2007, 10:25:33 AM
@The True Adonis: Not all science is "good science."

Scientists publish articles because they are paid to and are pressured by the Universities they work for.

EXACTLY, and then they start pumping out low brow experiments on animals. Then they publish them, the local news reports it and next thing you know desperate people with cancer think there is some new cure coming down the pipe because they cured cancer in a rat. It sells lots of soap. Makes lots of money for a few. But its all lies.

Supplement companies are notorious for publishing these bottom feeding low level animal experiments to 'prove' their fraudulent products will work on you. Its a fraud.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ricosauve on March 16, 2007, 10:59:03 AM
You are quite correct. But The True Adonis has purposely mislead everyone in his wording.

From a pure energy/thermogenic standpoint, a calorie is indeed a calorie. It is just a unit of energy.

However, he has changed his tune. He used to believe this from a nutritional standpoint, as Saxon's post shows he thought a 100% diet was sufficient. He used believe macronutrient ratios were irrelevant (If you read his earlier threads)

He has now added that a minimum level of "RDA" approved nutrition is required, and  "macronutrient is not a macronutrient," suggesting that he understands how the body processes different macronutrients with respect to absorbtion, bioavailability, and which how the macro is processed once across enterocytes is much more complex.

Macronutrients are usually in a homeostatic equilibrium, but this equilibrium can coaxed to favor a different biochemical pathway, and ultimately a different fate, by a different hormonal environments. Timing of food, the amount of food per serving, different macro ratios all have an effect on endogenous hormonal release (the most important in this discussion being insulin).
[/u][/b] I have try to explained this to anus but he refuses to understand
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ricosauve on March 16, 2007, 11:04:24 AM
And you are the depiction of eating healthy? PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFT BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
Who the fucks ask for your opinion?  You little tits fagot
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ricosauve on March 16, 2007, 11:06:12 AM
Rico.... all cheese cake and hamburgers!!
And you just proved my point thank you, did you just got out of a concentration camp?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ricosauve on March 16, 2007, 11:10:42 AM
Do you actually enjoy getting beat up by everyone here on getbig, or you jut and idiot that does not realize that, if no then here is your sign
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Heckler on March 16, 2007, 11:14:00 AM
Who the fucks ask for your opinion?  You little tits fagot


Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ricosauve on March 16, 2007, 11:16:54 AM

multyple personalities huh ANUS?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Heckler on March 16, 2007, 11:17:47 AM
multyple personalities huh ANUS?


hahaha, you`re a riot.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Board_SHERIF on March 16, 2007, 11:23:36 AM

hahaha, you`re a riot.

I extended an olive branch to Rico on his atrocious spelling but he refused it. :-\
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Heckler on March 16, 2007, 11:24:58 AM
I extended an olive branch to Rico on his atrocious spelling but he refused it. :-\

They say that shitty spelling and grammar is a reflection of one`s shitty intellect.  I have to concur.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 16, 2007, 11:26:14 AM
Ignorance is rife. hahahhah

Americans are idiots.  I`m moving.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 16, 2007, 11:34:28 AM
Is a calorie a calorie?1,2,3,4
Andrea C Buchholz and Dale A Schoeller
1 From the Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2 Presented at the ASNS/ASCN Public Information Committee Symposium "The Weight Debate: Balancing Food Composition and Physical Activity," held in Washington, DC, at Experimental Biology 2004, April 19, 2004.

3 Supported in part by NIH grant DK30031 (to DAS) and research funds from the Institute for Molecular Virology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (to ACB).

4 Reprints not available. Address correspondence to DA Schoeller, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1415 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706. E-mail:

The aim of this review was to evaluate data regarding potential thermodynamic mechanisms for increased rates of weight loss in subjects consuming diets high in protein and/or low in carbohydrate. Studies that compared weight loss and energy expenditure in adults consuming diets high in protein and/or low in carbohydrate with those in adults consuming diets low in fat were reviewed. In addition, studies that measured the metabolizable energy of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates were reviewed. Diets high in protein and/or low in carbohydrate produced an 2.5-kg greater weight loss after 12 wk of treatment. Neither macronutrient-specific differences in the availability of dietary energy nor changes in energy expenditure could explain these differences in weight loss. Thermodynamics dictate that a calorie is a calorie regardless of the macronutrient composition of the diet. Further research on differences in the composition of weight loss and on the influence of satiety on compliance with energy-restricted diets is needed to explain the observed increase in weight loss with diets high in protein and/or low in carbohydrate.

Key Words: Weight loss • energy metabolism • protein • Atkins diet

High-protein diets, low-carbohydrate diets, and combined high-protein and low-carbohydrate diets have been highly popularized, and this is particularly true of the Atkins diet (1). This is not an entirely new phenomenon because both the high-protein diet and the protein-sparing modified fast have been popular in the not-too-distant past (2–9). As a consequence of this more recent interest, however, several controlled trials were performed to test the efficacy of these diets (10–18). Despite the initial skepticism of many investigators, these recent studies found that high-protein and/or low-carbohydrate diets do yield greater weight losses after 3-6 mo of treatment than do low-fat diets (10–13).

We identified 9 studies of free-living adults in which weight losses in subjects consuming diets high in protein and/or low in carbohydrate were compared with those in subjects consuming diets high in carbohydrate and/or low in fat (Table 1). Of these studies, 6 lasted 12 wk. On average, consumption of the high-protein and/or low-carbohydrate diets resulted in 12-wk and 24-wk weight losses that were 2.5 ± 1.8 ( ± SD) and 4.0 ± 0.4 kg greater, respectively, than those that resulted from consumption of the high-carbohydrate and/or low-fat control diets. If these weight losses are assumed to have the typical composition of 80% fat and 20% fat-free mass (19), then this difference in weight can be estimated to reflect a 19 500–31 300-kcal difference in energy balance, or 186–233 kcal/d. These findings, however, are enigmatic because the energy intakes of the treatment groups in most studies were similar. This has caused several investigators to ask whether a calorie is indeed a calorie or whether a calorie is dependent on the macronutrient composition of the diet. We herein review the possible explanations for this difference in energy balance.

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   TABLE 1 Comparison of weight losses attained with consumption of high-protein (HP) and/or low-carbohydrate (LC) diets with those attained with consumption of high-carbohydrate (HC) and/or low-fat (LF) diets1


A calorie, by its simplest definition, is a unit of energy and is equivalent to 4.184 absolute J. In the popular press and in the labeling of food products in the United States, a food calorie actually refers to a kilocalorie, or 1000 cal. That is, 1 food cal equals 1 kcal, or the amount of energy needed to raise 1 kg water from 15 to 16 °C.
From a thermodynamic viewpoint, a calorie is of course a calorie. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but only transformed. Thus, the human body is constantly transforming energy—in this case, kilocalories—by combusting foodstuffs to produce heat. Although this concept is widely held today, our knowledge of life as a combustion process is limited to the last 2–3 centuries and arose from a very old and fundamental question. Because humans and animals are warm and animal heat is the essence of being alive, that question, as variously phrased, was, What is the innate fire, the vital force, animal heat (20)? The Greek philosophers Plato, Aristotle, and Hippocrates and the Roman physician Galen thought that the innate fire was in the heart and that it was somehow related to food, but the scientific answer to this question arose, in part, only in the latter half of the 18th century from the work of Lavoisier in France (21, 22). Lavoisier’s experiments involved the first-ever animal calorimeter, a device used to measure heat production. The outer shell of the calorimeter was packed with snow, which melted to maintain a constant temperature of 0 °C around an inner shell filled with ice. In the core of the inner shell was a wire cage housing a guinea pig. As the ice melted from the heat produced by the guinea pig, the water flowed out of the calorimeter and was collected and weighed. Each kilogram of melted ice water represented 80 kcal heat given off by the animal. Lavoisier noted that, in 10 h, the guinea pig melted 0.37 kg ice, thus producing 29.6 kcal heat (0.37 kg x 80 kcal heat/kg). He concluded, "la respiration est donc une combustion." That is, respiratory gas exchange is a combustion, like that of a candle burning.

Across the English Channel, Crawford was also conducting experiments on the heat of combustion in animals. Crawford noted that a given portion of pure air is "altered" by the respiration of an animal and that the extent of this alteration is nearly equal to that produced by combustion of an amount of wax or charcoal that used the same volume of oxygen during combustion. That is, the amount of heat produced per unit of oxygen consumed is nearly the same for animal catabolism as it is for the combustion of inanimate material (23). Lavoisier further concluded that a flame and an animal both consume oxygen, which combines with organic substance to release water and carbon dioxide. Thus, Lavoisier and Crawford showed that from a purely thermodynamic point of view, a calorie is indeed a calorie.

The human body, however, is not a perfect engine, and thus the thermodynamics may not be so pure. It is now known that the energy liberated from the combustion of a food is not identical to the energy available to the body from consumption of that food. This is the concept of "metabolizable energy," or the difference between the gross energy (as measured by bomb calorimetry) of consumed food and the energy contained in feces and urine (also measured by bomb calorimetry) (24). The systematic investigation of the gross energy content of food and of the availability of that energy can be credited to Rubner in Germany and to Atwater in the United States. Both scientists’ work is described in detail by Widdowson (25). Using a bomb calorimeter, Rubner measured the heats of combustion of many different proteins, fats, and carbohydrates found in individual foods. He thus determined the energy density of dietary fat to be 9.3 kcal/g on the basis of the mean combustion values for olive oil (9.384 kcal/g), animal fat (9.372 kcal/g), and butterfat (9.179 kcal/g). The energy density of dietary carbohydrate (specifically of starch and sugar in a mixed diet) was determined to be 4.1 kcal/g on the basis of the average combustion values for glucose (3.692 kcal/g), lactose (3.877 kcal/g), sucrose (3.959 kcal/g), and starch (4.116 kcal/g), which were weighted for their average contribution to a mixed diet. Rubner, however, made no allowance for fecal losses in deriving his calorie-conversion factors for fat and carbohydrate. He did, however, conclude that the heat of combustion of protein in a bomb calorimeter is higher than the energy value available to the host because the body oxidizes protein only to urea, creatinine, uric acid, and other nitrogenous end products, which can themselves be further oxidized in a bomb calorimeter. From urinary and fecal combustion in one subject, Rubner determined that the loss of energy from the nitrogenous substances in urine and feces totaled 23% of energy intake, 16.3% from meat sources and 6.9% from vegetable sources. Thus, meat and vegetable protein differed in their metabolizable energy densities: the former provided 4.23 kcal/g and the latter provided 4.30 kcal/g (after correction for the heat of combustion of nitrogenous end products in urine and losses of nitrogen in feces). Assuming that 60% of dietary protein was from animal sources and 40% from vegetable sources and recognizing that the energy content of wheat and rye protein ("the most important sources of vegetable protein") was overestimated by 7.9% because of the higher nitrogen content in wheat and rye protein than in animal protein, Rubner suggested that 4.1 kcal/g be used as an average factor for determining the energy content of dietary protein. Thus, Rubner showed that a calorie is a calorie; however, he also showed that the human body cannot extract all the calories liberated from combustion of a food and that macronutrients differ according to their chemical composition in the number of calories per unit of weight.

With Bryant, Atwater extended Rubner’s work by studying the availability of the other macronutrients. Data from human digestion experiments were combined with other data in the literature to devise "coefficients of availability" (defined as intake minus fecal excretion divided by intake) for protein, fat, and carbohydrate. Atwater and Bryant applied these coefficients of availability to the heat of combustion of "mixed" diets that were typical of the time (consisting of foods such as beef, butter, ginger snaps, parched cereal, rye bread, baked beans, and canned pears) and were consumed by 3 adult male subjects. The foods consumed, as well as the subjects’ urine and feces, were collected and analyzed for nitrogen and fat content; the difference between total organic matter and the sum of protein and fat was taken to represent carbohydrate. An additional correction was made for protein: for each gram of nitrogen in urine, there was sufficient unoxidized matter to yield an average of 7.9 kcal, or 1.25 kcal/g absorbed protein (7.9 divided by 6.25). Thus, after correction for the coefficient of availability, 1.25 kcal/g was subtracted from the heat of combustion of protein. The calculated availability of the mixed diets agreed closely with the actual availability as found by experiment.

The energy values obtained by Atwater and Bryant’s experiments, to which we refer today as the Atwater factors, are presented in Table 2. The metabolizable energy values in the right column, ie, 4, 9, and 4 kcal/g protein, fat, and carbohydrate, respectively, are more appropriately known as the Atwater general factors for metabolizable energy and were proposed for application to mixed diets of similar composition to those used in Atwater’s experiments. With the use of the Atwater general factors, metabolizable energy is calculated as 4.0P + 9.0F + 4.0TC, where P is protein (P = 6.25 x nitrogen; in g), F is fat (in g), and TC is total carbohydrate (in g, calculated by dry weight difference). Not only have these factors been applied to the total amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrate in a mixed diet, as Atwater and Bryant had intended, but they have also been used, and continue to be used, in assessing the energy value of individual foods.

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   TABLE 2 Atwater factors for heat of combustion, coefficient of availability, and "available energy" for nutrients in a mixed diet

At first glance, calculated metabolizable energy would appear to be equivalent to measured metabolizable energy. The work of Atwater and Bryant, however, clearly showed that these factors were average values. Although the general factors could be used to calculate the metabolizable energy of a mixed diet, they were in error to some degree for almost any particular single food item. This error results from differences in chemical structure that can alter the gross energy per unit weight by up to several percent and, to a slightly larger degree, from differences in availability. Thus, although a calorie is still a calorie from a thermodynamic point of view, calculations of the metabolizable energy of a diet that are obtained by using the Atwater general factors are not exact and could thus introduce an error in the calculated metabolizable energy content of a particular food or diet. In recognition of this, a modification of the general factors, the Atwater specific factors, was devised in the mid-1950s for specific classes of foods to account for the differences in the average digestibility of different food groups and thus reduce this potential for error (26).
The Atwater general factors, however, continue to be commonly used. In 1970 Southgate and Durnin (27) tested the Atwater general factors and determined that they were still valid, with one exception. Large amounts of unavailable dietary carbohydrate resulted in increased excretion of fecal fat, nitrogen, and energy, and these findings were subsequently confirmed by other researchers (28–31). Thus, Southgate and Durnin (27) found that the Atwater protein and fat factors overestimate the energy derived from these constituents. Others have since found that the Atwater general factors overestimate the measured metabolizable energy of mixed diets, especially those high in dietary fiber, by a mean (±SD) of 6.7 ± 4.4% (range: 1.2–18.1%) (28–30, 32–35). The reasons hypothesized to explain the effect of dietary fiber on metabolizable energy are many. Dietary fiber may decrease the transit time of food in the intestine (resulting in less time for digestion and absorption), increase bulk and water-holding capacity (reducing the rate of diffusion of digestion products toward the intestinal mucosal surface for absorption), or cause mechanical erosion of the mucosal surface (leading to increased endogenous material) (29, 36). Wisker and Feldheim (28) also note that in contrast with the energy content of protein and fat, the energy content of dietary fiber is liberated by fermentation. Thus, factors affecting the microbial degradation of dietary fiber—the chemical structure of nonstarch polysaccharides, the solubility and degree of lignification of the fiber components, and physiologic factors such as the composition of the colon microflora and the transit time—may affect metabolizable energy (28). This may be the reason why the Atwater general factors were found to overestimate measured metabolizable energy to a greater extent for diets high in nonavailable fiber than for diets high in available fiber (overestimations of 7.0% and 2.6%, respectively; P < 0.05) (35). Together, findings from the above studies show that not all dietary carbohydrates provide 4 kcal/g.

The differences between the general Atwater factors, the specific Atwater factors, and true metabolizable energy might explain some of the difference in weight loss observed after consumption of 2 diets with different fiber content. For example, Miles et al (29) carefully determined the metabolizable energy of 2 diets, one with 16 g fiber and one with 37 g fiber (Table 3). If the energy intakes in this study were extrapolated downward to 2 weight-loss diets each providing 1500 metabolizable kcal/d, one high and the other low in fiber, the Atwater general and specific factors would overestimate the measured metabolizable energy of the high-fiber diet by 120 and 102 kcal, respectively. Similarly, for the low-fiber diet, the Atwater general factors would overestimate metabolizable energy intake by 60 kcal, and the Atwater specific factors by 78 kcal. Thus, if a weight-loss study is performed and the energy intake of the 2 diets is calculated on the basis of the macronutrient content of the diets and the Atwater general factors, the 2 diets would differ in measured metabolizable energy by 60 kcal/d (120 – 60). If one assumes that weight loss averages 80% fat by weight, then this error could account for a difference in weight loss of 0.008 kg/d, or 0.6 kg over 12 wk. If the energy intakes were calculated by using the Atwater specific factors or tabulated food values from the US Department of Agriculture Agriculture Handbook no. 8 (37), which are based on the Atwater specific values, then the 2 diets would differ by 24 kcal/d (102 – 78), and the weight-loss effect would be 0.003 kg/d, or 0.3 kg over 12 wk. This error, however, does not bring into question the thermodynamics of a calorie being a calorie, but it does point to the limits of our ability to determine the exact metabolizable energy intake from a given diet.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 16, 2007, 11:35:29 AM

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   TABLE 3 Comparison of gross energy and measured and calculated metabolizable energy between 2 diets with different fiber content that were fed to 12 healthy, free-living men for 5 wk1


A second potential mechanism through which diets differing in macronutrient composition can produce differences in energy balance and hence weight loss is a change in energy expenditure. For example, if a particular diet were to increase energy expenditure relative to another diet, then for the same energy intake, energy balance would be more negative for the former diet, and weight loss would probably be greater. Although the most important consideration of energy expenditure with regard to energy balance is total energy expenditure, it is also helpful to look at the components of energy expenditure, ie, resting metabolic rate, the thermic effect of food, and energy expended in physical activity, to understand the mechanism through which macronutrients can alter energy expenditure.
One difficulty in comparing the effects of macronutrients on energy expenditure is the problem of being unable to manipulate only one macronutrient at a time under the experimental restriction of eucaloric feeding. Ten studies of energy expenditure measured in a whole-room calorimeter have been performed; in these studies, protein intake was held constant, and the percentages of energy from fat and carbohydrate were varied (38–47). The fat content of the low-fat diets used in these studies ranged from 3% to 20% of energy, and the fat content of the high-fat diets ranged from 40% to 60% of energy; the protein content was held at 10%, 15%, or 20% of energy. When the protein content was held constant and fat was substituted for carbohydrate, the mean 24-h energy expenditure of the control groups did not differ. Two studies (43, 46) also included a postobese subgroup, in whom 24-h energy expenditure decreased 75–80 kcal/d after consumption of the high-fat diet. When the results of all 10 studies were averaged, the difference in 24-h energy expenditure between the high-carbohydrate and high-fat diets was not different from zero ( ± SD: –19 ± 54 kcal/d).

Resting or sleeping metabolic rates were reported in 7 of these studies (41–47) and were found not to differ between the 2 diets ( ± SD: –21 ± 77 kcal/d). The thermic effect of food was measured in 2 studies (43, 45) and was 58 kcal/d lower with the high-fat diet in one study (45) and tended to be higher with the high-fat diet in the other (43). This topic was also reviewed by Eisenstein et al (48); the average effect of replacing fat (50% of energy) with carbohydrate was 40 kcal/d. Another study was performed in which total energy expenditure was measured by doubly labeled water, and thus the study provided greater freedom for the subjects to expend energy in physical activity (49). This was a crossover study comparing diets in which the protein content was held at 10% of energy, and the carbohydrate content was set at either 7% or 83% of energy. Energy expenditure was measured with doubly labeled water in the free-living participants. Under these conditions, total energy expenditure for the low-carbohydrate diet was 365 kcal/d lower than that for the low-fat diet, but resting metabolic rate and the thermic effect of a meal did not differ significantly between the 2 diets, which indicates that the difference in total energy expenditure was due to a reduction in the energy expended in physical activity.

Although the above studies provide some evidence of a change in the thermic effect of food when fat is substituted for carbohydrate, the magnitude of this change is usually small, and the direction is opposite to the one that would be required to explain a greater weight loss after consumption of a low-carbohydrate diet. This change in the thermic effect of a meal, however, did not translate into a lower total energy expenditure, except when the carbohydrate intake was reduced to a ketogenic level (7% of calories). The reason for this decrease is unknown, but the authors speculated that it was due to reduced physical activity that was secondary to low glycogen stores.

There are fewer studies of the effect of changes in the percentage of energy from protein on total energy expenditure than there are of the effect of changes in total energy intake. The effect of changes in the percentage of dietary energy from protein on the thermic effect of food has been reviewed recently (48). On the basis of a meta-analysis, it was concluded that the thermic effect of food increases 7 kcal/1000 kcal of ingested food for each increase of 10 percentage points in the percentage of energy from protein. Thus, if a subject is instructed to consume a 1500-kcal/d energy-restricted diet with 35% of energy from protein, then the thermic effect of food will be 21 kcal/d higher than if protein contributes only 15% of the dietary energy. Two studies also showed that a high-protein diet is associated with a higher resting metabolic rate. Mikkelsen et al (50) provided participants with a eucaloric diet having 29% or 11% of energy from protein and found that the resting metabolic rate was 51 kcal/d higher with the 29% protein diet. Whitehead et al (47) instructed participants to consume a diet that was energy restricted by 50% and that had either 36% or 15% of energy from protein; the sleeping metabolic rate was 44 kcal/d higher with the high-protein diet. These investigators also measured 24-h energy expenditure by using a room calorimeter and reported that expenditure was 71 kcal/d higher with the high-protein diet (P < 0.05), which was in agreement with the increase in sleeping metabolic rate and the predicted increase in the thermic effect of food.

Thus, although substituting carbohydrate for fat in the diet does not appear to alter total energy expenditure, increasing protein intake to 30–35% of energy does increase energy expenditure. The increase, however, is only 70 kcal/d, or 2.7% of a median 2550-kcal/d total energy expenditure for an adult. If the difference in energy expenditure is assumed to be proportionally reduced with a 1500-kcal/d energy-restricted diet, then the increase in energy expenditure with the higher protein diet would be 41 kcal/d. Given identical energy intake, however, this would increase weight loss by 0.04 kg/wk, or 0.44 kg over a 12-wk course of weight-loss treatment. Note, however, that no measurements have been made by using doubly labeled water in free-living subjects to determine whether changes in energy expenditure from physical activity occur. Inclusion of measures of total energy expenditure in future studies is recommended to provide these data.

The effects of metabolizable energy and diet-induced changes in energy expenditure indicate that having 2 groups of subjects consume 2 different energy-restricted diets could introduce a different energy imbalance. Should this, however, be considered evidence that a calorie is not a calorie when comparing macronutrients? Dietary intakes calculated by using the Atwater general factors of 4, 9, and 4 kcal/g protein, fat, and carbohydrate, respectively, may be in error with respect to metabolizable energy content. This is particularly true for a high-fiber diet, in which incomplete absorption of the fiber reduces the metabolizable energy provided to the body. This is because the Atwater general factors are not exact constants for calculation of metabolizable energy. Indeed, that is one reason why the food tables from the US Department of Agriculture are calculated by using the Atwater specific factors. As reviewed above, however, even these latter values have been found to overestimate metabolizable energy by 3–7%, particularly when the fiber content of the diet is high. However, this overestimation would lead to a prediction of only a 0.2–0.6-kg weight difference over a 12-wk treatment for a 21-g difference in fiber intake. In addition, diets that are specially formulated from a small number of foods or from isolated proteins, fats, and carbohydrates can also differ in metabolizable energy from the metabolizable energy content calculated by using the Atwater factors because, as stated above, the Atwater factors are average values for a mixed diet, and individual nutrients do deviate from the mean by a few percent. These effects, however, should not be interpreted as a thermodynamic advantage of one diet over another. The difference in energy can be totally explained by the increase in fecal energy, and the reality is that the difference is actually an error in calculating the metabolizable energy of the diets.

Of course, the increased energy expenditure associated with increased protein intake also does not violate the laws of thermodynamics, because the energy is conserved. It does, however, come close to the spirit of the argument that a calorie is not a calorie, because feeding diets that induce a difference in energy expenditure can introduce a difference in energy balance and thus a difference in weight loss. Of the macronutrients, only protein has been found to have this effect, but the magnitude of this effect is small and perhaps accounts for a 0.8-kg difference in weight loss between diet treatments over 12 wk. This difference in predicted weight loss could only account for one-third of the average greater weight loss of 2.5 kg reported for a 12-wk high-protein and/or low-carbohydrate weight-loss diet and thus should not be taken as evidence that a calorie is not a calorie.

If a calorie is a calorie, then what other factors could account for the reported differences in weight loss between either high-protein or low-carbohydrate diets and low-fat diets? One obvious explanation is a difference in the composition of the weight loss. A greater loss of solids or water from fat-free mass for one treatment than for a second treatment would result in greater weight loss with the former treatment. One particular factor for a low-carbohydrate diet is, of course, the loss of glycogen stores and associated water, which can be as great as 2 kg (51). In this regard, note that the 2 short studies (3 and 4 wk; references 14 and 17 in Table 1) of weight loss with a high-protein and/or low-carbohydrate diet found an 2-kg greater weight loss with the high-protein and/or low-carbohydrate diet than with the high-carbohydrate and/or low-fat diet, which is comparable to the average difference in weight loss in the 10–12-wk studies. This suggests that the difference in weight loss is an early event and is not one that increases with time; thus, this difference is more consistent with a rapid loss of extra water than with a loss of fat mass. Furthermore, the one 12-mo study (10) reported that the difference in weight loss between the 2 diets decreased after 3 mo, which is when the participants should have been adding back some carbohydrate to the low-carbohydrate diet (1) and would have been expected to regain the weight lost due to glycogen and water loss. Three studies (11, 12, 15), however, did measure changes in body composition after 10 wk of treatment, and the composition of the weight lost with the high-protein and/or low-carbohydrate diet was quantitatively similar to that of the weight lost with the control diet, which reduces the likelihood that the difference in weight loss typically reported is simply water weight.

Participants with lower initial relative fatness lose more fat-free mass per unit of weight loss than do those with higher initial relative fatness (19), and men may lose more fat-free mass per unit of weight loss than do women (52). These differences could confound weight-loss results if the 2 diet treatment groups in a study are not well matched. Because fat loss and preservation of fat-free mass are important goals in the treatment of obesity through weight loss, future comparisons between weight-loss treatments should include a measure of change in body composition to provide more specific information about the quality of the weight loss.

Another important consideration in clinical trials comparing weight-loss treatments is the accuracy of the participants’ energy intake data. For studies in which intake is prescribed and actual intake is assumed to equal the prescription or in which intake is calculated from self-reported diaries, actual intakes are almost certainly higher than prescribed or reported intakes (53–57) because participants frequently underreport their energy intake. Even if meals are provided, noncompliance can occur and dietary intakes are likely to be higher than prescribed. However, this higher intake may not be apparent from the diet records because of underreporting and the tendency to report an intake similar to the intake prescription (53, 56).

Finally, there is no reason to speculate that underreporting is any greater for one diet treatment than for another unless there is a difference in satiety between the meals. Preliminary evidence, which was comprehensively reviewed by Yao and Roberts (58) and Eisenstein et al (48), indicates that both protein and a low energy density of the diet increase satiety. Thus, subjects who consume a prescribed diet high in protein or fiber may be more compliant with the diet than are subjects who consume other diets, but this speculation has been confirmed by only one long-term study to date. Skov et al (11) instructed 2 groups of subjects to consume ad libitum amounts of a diet high in protein (25% of energy from protein and 46% from carbohydrate) or high in carbohydrate (12% of energy from protein and 59% from carbohydrate) for 6 mo. The subjects who consumed the high-protein diet reported that they consumed 22% fewer calories and subsequently lost 2.7 kg more than did those who consumed the high-carbohydrate diet, which led the authors to conclude that protein had a higher satiating effect than did carbohydrate. Further research into the dietary factors that increase satiety and decrease energy intake in the long term is recommended.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 16, 2007, 11:37:22 AM
We conclude that a calorie is a calorie. From a purely thermodynamic point of view, this is clear because the human body or, indeed, any living organism cannot create or destroy energy but can only convert energy from one form to another. In comparing energy balance between dietary treatments, however, it must be remembered that the units of dietary energy are metabolizable energy and not gross energy. This is perhaps unfortunate because metabolizable energy is much more difficult to determine than is gross energy, because the Atwater factors used in calculating metabolizable energy are not exact. As such, our food tables are not perfect, and small errors are associated with their use.

In addition, we concede that the substitution of one macronutrient for another has been shown in some studies to have a statistically significant effect on the expenditure half of the energy balance equation. This has been observed most often for high-protein diets. Evidence indicates, however, that the difference in energy expenditure is small and can potentially account for less than one-third of the differences in weight loss that have been reported between high-protein or low-carbohydrate diets and high-carbohydrate or low-fat diets. As such, a calorie is a calorie. Further research is needed to identify the mechanisms that result in greater weight loss with one diet than with another.

ACB and DAS shared the tasks of drafting and revising the manuscript.


Atkins RC. Dr. Atkins’ new diet revolution. New York: Avon Books, 1998.
Figueroa-Colon R, von Almen TK, Franklin FA, Schuftan C, Suskind RM. Comparison of two hypocaloric diets in obese children. Am J Dis Child 1993;147:160–6.[Abstract]
Stallings VA, Archibald EH, Pencharz PB, Harrison JE, Bell LE. One-year follow-up of weight, total body potassium, and total body nitrogen in obese adolescents treated with the protein-sparing modified fast. Am J Clin Nutr 1988;48:91–4.[Abstract]
Wadden TA, Stunkard AJ, Day SC, Gould RA, Rubin CJ. Less food, less hunger: reports of appetite and symptoms in a controlled study of a protein-sparing modified fast. Int J Obes 1987;11:239–49.[Medline]
Palgi A, Read JL, Greenberg I, Hoefer MA, Bistrian BR, Blackburn GL. Multidisciplinary treatment of obesity with a protein-sparing modified fast: results in 668 outpatients. Am J Public Health 1985;75:1190–4.[Abstract]
Yang SP, Martin LJ, Schneider G. Weight reduction utilizing a protein-sparing modified fast. J Am Diet Assoc 1980;76:343–6.[Medline]
Alford BB, Blankenship AC, Hagen RD. The effects of variations in carbohydrate, protein, and fat content of the diet upon weight loss, blood values, and nutrient intake of adult obese women. J Am Diet Assoc 1990;90:534–40.[Medline]
Larosa JC, Fry AG, Muesing R, Rosing DR. Effects of high-protein, low-carbohydrate dieting on plasma lipoproteins and body weight. J Am Diet Assoc 1980;77:264–70.[Medline]
Hendler R, Bonde AA III. Very-low-calorie diets with high and low protein content: impact on triiodothyronine, energy expenditure, and nitrogen balance. Am J Clin Nutr 1988;48:1239–47.[Abstract]
Foster GD, Wyatt HR, Hill JO, et al. A randomized trial of a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity. N Engl J Med 2003;348:2082–90.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Skov AR, Toubro S, Ronn B, Holm L, Astrup A. Randomized trial on protein vs carbohydrate in ad libitum fat reduced diet for the treatment of obesity. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1999;23:528–36.[Medline]
Brehm BJ, Seeley RJ, Daniels SR, D’Alessio DA. A randomized trial comparing a very low carbohydrate diet and a calorie-restricted low fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003;88:1617–23.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Samaha FF, Iqbal N, Seshadri P, et al. A low-carbohydrate as compared with a low-fat diet in severe obesity. N Engl J Med 2003;348:2074–81.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Baba NH, Sawaya S, Torbay N, Habbal Z, Azar S, Hashim SA. High protein vs high carbohydrate hypoenergetic diet for the treatment of obese hyperinsulinemic subjects. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1999;23:1202–6.[Medline]
Layman DK, Boileau RA, Erickson DJ, et al. A reduced ratio of dietary carbohydrate to protein improves body composition and blood lipid profiles during weight loss in adult women. J Nutr 2003;133:411–7.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Luscombe ND, Clifton PM, Noakes M, Farnsworth E, Wittert G. Effect of a high-protein, energy-restricted diet on weight loss and energy expenditure after weight stabilization in hyperinsulinemic subjects. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2003;27:582–90.[Medline]
Piatti PM, Monti F, Fermo I, et al. Hypocaloric high-protein diet improves glucose oxidation and spares lean body mass: comparison to hypocaloric high-carbohydrate diet. Metabolism 1994;43:1481–7.[Medline]
Luscombe ND, Clifton PM, Noakes M, Parker B, Wittert G. Effects of energy-restricted diets containing increased protein on weight loss, resting energy expenditure, and the thermic effect of feeding in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2002;25:652–7.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Forbes GB. Body fat content influences the body composition response to nutrition and exercise. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2000;904:359–65.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Webb P. The measurement of energy expenditure. J Nutr 1991;121:1897–901.[Medline]
Webb P. Human calorimeters. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers Division, Greenwood Press Inc, 1985:11–22.
Kleiber M. Energy. In: Kleiber M, ed. The fire of life: an introduction to animal energetics. New York: Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1961:105–28.
Kleiber M. Life as a combustion process. In: Kleiber M, ed. The fire of life: an introduction to animal energetics. New York: Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1961:3–8.
Moe PW. Future directions for energy requirements and food energy values. J Nutr 1994;124(suppl):1738S–42S.[Medline]
Widdowson EM. Assessment of the energy value of human foods. London: Cambridge University Press, 1955.
Merrill AL, Watt BK. Energy value of foods, basis and derivation. Agricultural handbook no. 74. Washington, DC: Human Nutrition Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, 1955.
Southgate DA, Durnin JV. Calorie conversion factors. An experimental reassessment of the factors used in the calculation of the energy value of human diets. Br J Nutr 1970;24:517–35.[Medline]
Wisker E, Feldheim W. Metabolizable energy of diets low or high in dietary fiber from fruits and vegetables when consumed by humans. J Nutr 1990;120:1331–7.[Medline]
Miles CW, Kelsay JL, Wong NP. Effect of dietary fiber on the metabolizable energy of human diets. J Nutr 1988;118:1075–81.[Medline]
Goranzon H, Forsum E, Thilen M. Calculation and determination of metabolizable energy in mixed diets to humans. Am J Clin Nutr 1983;38:954–63.[Abstract]
Baer DJ, Rumpler WV, Miles CW, Fahey GC Jr. Dietary fiber decreases the metabolizable energy content and nutrient digestibility of mixed diets fed to humans. J Nutr 1997;127:579–86.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Kruskall LJ, Campbell WW, Evans WJ. The Atwater energy equivalents overestimate metabolizable energy intake in older humans: results from a 96-day strictly controlled feeding study. J Nutr 2003;133:2581–4.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Brown J, Livesey G, Roe M, et al. Metabolizable energy of high non-starch polysaccharide-maintenance and weight-reducing diets in men: experimental appraisal of assessment systems. J Nutr 1998;128:986–95.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Miles CW. The metabolizable energy of diets differing in dietary fat and fiber measured in humans. J Nutr 1992;122:306–11.[Medline]
Goranzon H, Forsum E. Metabolizable energy in humans in two diets containing different sources of dietary fiber. Calculations and analysis. J Nutr 1987;117:267–73.[Medline]
Southgate DA. Fibre and the other unavailable carbohydrates and their effects on the energy value of the diet. Proc Nutr Soc 1973;32:131–6.[Medline]
US Department of Agriculture. Composition of foods: raw, processed, and prepared. Agriculture handbook no. 8. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1976–1988.
Davy KP, Horton T, Davy BM, Bessessen D, Hill JO. Regulation of macronutrient balance in healthy young and older men. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2001;25:1497–502.[Medline]
Roy HJ, Lovejoy JC, Keenan MJ, Bray GA, Windhauser MM, Wilson JK. Substrate oxidation and energy expenditure in athletes and nonathletes consuming isoenergetic high- and low-fat diets. Am J Clin Nutr 1998;67:405–11.[Abstract]
Thomas CD, Peters JC, Reed GW, Abumrad NN, Sun M, Hill JO. Nutrient balance and energy expenditure during ad libitum feeding of high-fat and high-carbohydrate diets in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 1992;55:934–42.[Abstract]
Hill JO, Peters JC, Reed GW, Schlundt DG, Sharp T, Greene HL. Nutrient balance in humans: effects of diet composition. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;54:10–7.[Abstract]
Rumpler WV, Seale JL, Miles CW, Bodwell CE. Energy-intake restriction and diet-composition effects on energy expenditure in men. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53:430–6.[Abstract]
Lean ME, James WP. Metabolic effects of isoenergetic nutrient exchange over 24 hours in relation to obesity in women. Int J Obes 1988;12:15–27.[Medline]
Abbott WG, Howard BV, Ruotolo G, Ravussin E. Energy expenditure in humans: effects of dietary fat and carbohydrate. Am J Physiol 1990;258:E347–51.[Medline]
Verboeket-van de Venne WP, Westerterp KR. Effects of dietary fat and carbohydrate exchange on human energy metabolism. Appetite 1996;26:287–300.[Medline]
Astrup A, Buemann B, Christensen NJ, Toubro S. Failure to increase lipid oxidation in response to increasing dietary fat content in formerly obese women. Am J Physiol 1994;266:E592–9.[Medline]
Whitehead JM, McNeill G, Smith JS. The effect of protein intake on 24-h energy expenditure during energy restriction. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1996;20:727–32.[Medline]
Eisenstein J, Roberts SB, Dallal G, Saltzman E. High-protein weight-loss diets: are they safe and do they work? A review of the experimental and epidemiologic data. Nutr Rev 2002;60:189–200.[Medline]
Bandini LG, Schoeller DA, Dietz WH. Metabolic differences in response to a high-fat vs. a high-carbohydrate diet. Obes Res 1994;2:348–54.[Medline]
Mikkelsen PB, Toubro S, Astrup A. Effect of fat-reduced diets on 24-h energy expenditure: comparisons between animal protein, vegetable protein, and carbohydrate. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;72:1135–41.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Kreitzman SN, Coxon AY, Szaz KF. Glycogen storage: illusions of easy weight loss, excessive weight regain, and distortions in estimates of body composition. Am J Clin Nutr 1992;56(suppl):292S–3S.[Abstract]
Pietrobelli A, Allison DB, Heshka S, et al. Sexual dimorphism in the energy content of weight change. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2002;26:1339–48.[Medline]
Kempen KP, Saris WH, Westerterp KR. Energy balance during an 8-wk energy-restricted diet with and without exercise in obese women. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;62:722–9.[Abstract]
Heymsfield SB, Darby PC, Muhlheim LS, Gallagher D, Wolper C, Allison DB. The calorie: myth, measurement, and reality. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;62(suppl):1034S–41S.[Abstract]
Clark D, Tomas F, Withers RT, et al. Energy metabolism in free-living, ‘large-eating’ and ‘small-eating’ women: studies using 2H2(18)O. Br J Nutr 1994;72:21–31.[Medline]
Racette SB, Schoeller DA, Kushner RF, Neil KM. Exercise enhances dietary compliance during moderate energy restriction in obese women. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;62:345–9.[Abstract]
Mertz W, Tsui JC, Judd JT, et al. What are people really eating? The relation between energy intake derived from estimated diet records and intake determined to maintain body weight. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;54:291–5.[Abstract]
Yao M, Roberts SB. Dietary energy density and weight regulation. Nutr Rev 2001;59:247–58.[Medline]
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Marty Champions on March 16, 2007, 11:37:31 AM
Rico.... all cheese cake and hamburgers!!

damn good physique, eat a lil more train a lil harder youll be built like zane without roids
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 16, 2007, 11:39:06 AM
We conclude that a calorie is a calorie. From a purely thermodynamic point of view, this is clear because the human body or, indeed, any living organism cannot create or destroy energy but can only convert energy from one form to another. In comparing energy balance between dietary treatments, however, it must be remembered that the units of dietary energy are metabolizable energy and not gross energy. This is perhaps unfortunate because metabolizable energy is much more difficult to determine than is gross energy, because the Atwater factors used in calculating metabolizable energy are not exact. As such, our food tables are not perfect, and small errors are associated with their use.

In addition, we concede that the substitution of one macronutrient for another has been shown in some studies to have a statistically significant effect on the expenditure half of the energy balance equation. This has been observed most often for high-protein diets. Evidence indicates, however, that the difference in energy expenditure is small and can potentially account for less than one-third of the differences in weight loss that have been reported between high-protein or low-carbohydrate diets and high-carbohydrate or low-fat diets. As such, a calorie is a calorie. Further research is needed to identify the mechanisms that result in greater weight loss with one diet than with another.

ACB and DAS shared the tasks of drafting and revising the manuscript.


Atkins RC. Dr. Atkins’ new diet revolution. New York: Avon Books, 1998.
Figueroa-Colon R, von Almen TK, Franklin FA, Schuftan C, Suskind RM. Comparison of two hypocaloric diets in obese children. Am J Dis Child 1993;147:160–6.[Abstract]
Stallings VA, Archibald EH, Pencharz PB, Harrison JE, Bell LE. One-year follow-up of weight, total body potassium, and total body nitrogen in obese adolescents treated with the protein-sparing modified fast. Am J Clin Nutr 1988;48:91–4.[Abstract]
Wadden TA, Stunkard AJ, Day SC, Gould RA, Rubin CJ. Less food, less hunger: reports of appetite and symptoms in a controlled study of a protein-sparing modified fast. Int J Obes 1987;11:239–49.[Medline]
Palgi A, Read JL, Greenberg I, Hoefer MA, Bistrian BR, Blackburn GL. Multidisciplinary treatment of obesity with a protein-sparing modified fast: results in 668 outpatients. Am J Public Health 1985;75:1190–4.[Abstract]
Yang SP, Martin LJ, Schneider G. Weight reduction utilizing a protein-sparing modified fast. J Am Diet Assoc 1980;76:343–6.[Medline]
Alford BB, Blankenship AC, Hagen RD. The effects of variations in carbohydrate, protein, and fat content of the diet upon weight loss, blood values, and nutrient intake of adult obese women. J Am Diet Assoc 1990;90:534–40.[Medline]
Larosa JC, Fry AG, Muesing R, Rosing DR. Effects of high-protein, low-carbohydrate dieting on plasma lipoproteins and body weight. J Am Diet Assoc 1980;77:264–70.[Medline]
Hendler R, Bonde AA III. Very-low-calorie diets with high and low protein content: impact on triiodothyronine, energy expenditure, and nitrogen balance. Am J Clin Nutr 1988;48:1239–47.[Abstract]
Foster GD, Wyatt HR, Hill JO, et al. A randomized trial of a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity. N Engl J Med 2003;348:2082–90.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Skov AR, Toubro S, Ronn B, Holm L, Astrup A. Randomized trial on protein vs carbohydrate in ad libitum fat reduced diet for the treatment of obesity. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1999;23:528–36.[Medline]
Brehm BJ, Seeley RJ, Daniels SR, D’Alessio DA. A randomized trial comparing a very low carbohydrate diet and a calorie-restricted low fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003;88:1617–23.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Samaha FF, Iqbal N, Seshadri P, et al. A low-carbohydrate as compared with a low-fat diet in severe obesity. N Engl J Med 2003;348:2074–81.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Baba NH, Sawaya S, Torbay N, Habbal Z, Azar S, Hashim SA. High protein vs high carbohydrate hypoenergetic diet for the treatment of obese hyperinsulinemic subjects. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1999;23:1202–6.[Medline]
Layman DK, Boileau RA, Erickson DJ, et al. A reduced ratio of dietary carbohydrate to protein improves body composition and blood lipid profiles during weight loss in adult women. J Nutr 2003;133:411–7.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Luscombe ND, Clifton PM, Noakes M, Farnsworth E, Wittert G. Effect of a high-protein, energy-restricted diet on weight loss and energy expenditure after weight stabilization in hyperinsulinemic subjects. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2003;27:582–90.[Medline]
Piatti PM, Monti F, Fermo I, et al. Hypocaloric high-protein diet improves glucose oxidation and spares lean body mass: comparison to hypocaloric high-carbohydrate diet. Metabolism 1994;43:1481–7.[Medline]
Luscombe ND, Clifton PM, Noakes M, Parker B, Wittert G. Effects of energy-restricted diets containing increased protein on weight loss, resting energy expenditure, and the thermic effect of feeding in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2002;25:652–7.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Forbes GB. Body fat content influences the body composition response to nutrition and exercise. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2000;904:359–65.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Webb P. The measurement of energy expenditure. J Nutr 1991;121:1897–901.[Medline]
Webb P. Human calorimeters. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers Division, Greenwood Press Inc, 1985:11–22.
Kleiber M. Energy. In: Kleiber M, ed. The fire of life: an introduction to animal energetics. New York: Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1961:105–28.
Kleiber M. Life as a combustion process. In: Kleiber M, ed. The fire of life: an introduction to animal energetics. New York: Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1961:3–8.
Moe PW. Future directions for energy requirements and food energy values. J Nutr 1994;124(suppl):1738S–42S.[Medline]
Widdowson EM. Assessment of the energy value of human foods. London: Cambridge University Press, 1955.
Merrill AL, Watt BK. Energy value of foods, basis and derivation. Agricultural handbook no. 74. Washington, DC: Human Nutrition Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, 1955.
Southgate DA, Durnin JV. Calorie conversion factors. An experimental reassessment of the factors used in the calculation of the energy value of human diets. Br J Nutr 1970;24:517–35.[Medline]
Wisker E, Feldheim W. Metabolizable energy of diets low or high in dietary fiber from fruits and vegetables when consumed by humans. J Nutr 1990;120:1331–7.[Medline]
Miles CW, Kelsay JL, Wong NP. Effect of dietary fiber on the metabolizable energy of human diets. J Nutr 1988;118:1075–81.[Medline]
Goranzon H, Forsum E, Thilen M. Calculation and determination of metabolizable energy in mixed diets to humans. Am J Clin Nutr 1983;38:954–63.[Abstract]
Baer DJ, Rumpler WV, Miles CW, Fahey GC Jr. Dietary fiber decreases the metabolizable energy content and nutrient digestibility of mixed diets fed to humans. J Nutr 1997;127:579–86.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Kruskall LJ, Campbell WW, Evans WJ. The Atwater energy equivalents overestimate metabolizable energy intake in older humans: results from a 96-day strictly controlled feeding study. J Nutr 2003;133:2581–4.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Brown J, Livesey G, Roe M, et al. Metabolizable energy of high non-starch polysaccharide-maintenance and weight-reducing diets in men: experimental appraisal of assessment systems. J Nutr 1998;128:986–95.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Miles CW. The metabolizable energy of diets differing in dietary fat and fiber measured in humans. J Nutr 1992;122:306–11.[Medline]
Goranzon H, Forsum E. Metabolizable energy in humans in two diets containing different sources of dietary fiber. Calculations and analysis. J Nutr 1987;117:267–73.[Medline]
Southgate DA. Fibre and the other unavailable carbohydrates and their effects on the energy value of the diet. Proc Nutr Soc 1973;32:131–6.[Medline]
US Department of Agriculture. Composition of foods: raw, processed, and prepared. Agriculture handbook no. 8. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1976–1988.
Davy KP, Horton T, Davy BM, Bessessen D, Hill JO. Regulation of macronutrient balance in healthy young and older men. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2001;25:1497–502.[Medline]
Roy HJ, Lovejoy JC, Keenan MJ, Bray GA, Windhauser MM, Wilson JK. Substrate oxidation and energy expenditure in athletes and nonathletes consuming isoenergetic high- and low-fat diets. Am J Clin Nutr 1998;67:405–11.[Abstract]
Thomas CD, Peters JC, Reed GW, Abumrad NN, Sun M, Hill JO. Nutrient balance and energy expenditure during ad libitum feeding of high-fat and high-carbohydrate diets in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 1992;55:934–42.[Abstract]
Hill JO, Peters JC, Reed GW, Schlundt DG, Sharp T, Greene HL. Nutrient balance in humans: effects of diet composition. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;54:10–7.[Abstract]
Rumpler WV, Seale JL, Miles CW, Bodwell CE. Energy-intake restriction and diet-composition effects on energy expenditure in men. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53:430–6.[Abstract]
Lean ME, James WP. Metabolic effects of isoenergetic nutrient exchange over 24 hours in relation to obesity in women. Int J Obes 1988;12:15–27.[Medline]
Abbott WG, Howard BV, Ruotolo G, Ravussin E. Energy expenditure in humans: effects of dietary fat and carbohydrate. Am J Physiol 1990;258:E347–51.[Medline]
Verboeket-van de Venne WP, Westerterp KR. Effects of dietary fat and carbohydrate exchange on human energy metabolism. Appetite 1996;26:287–300.[Medline]
Astrup A, Buemann B, Christensen NJ, Toubro S. Failure to increase lipid oxidation in response to increasing dietary fat content in formerly obese women. Am J Physiol 1994;266:E592–9.[Medline]
Whitehead JM, McNeill G, Smith JS. The effect of protein intake on 24-h energy expenditure during energy restriction. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1996;20:727–32.[Medline]
Eisenstein J, Roberts SB, Dallal G, Saltzman E. High-protein weight-loss diets: are they safe and do they work? A review of the experimental and epidemiologic data. Nutr Rev 2002;60:189–200.[Medline]
Bandini LG, Schoeller DA, Dietz WH. Metabolic differences in response to a high-fat vs. a high-carbohydrate diet. Obes Res 1994;2:348–54.[Medline]
Mikkelsen PB, Toubro S, Astrup A. Effect of fat-reduced diets on 24-h energy expenditure: comparisons between animal protein, vegetable protein, and carbohydrate. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;72:1135–41.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
Kreitzman SN, Coxon AY, Szaz KF. Glycogen storage: illusions of easy weight loss, excessive weight regain, and distortions in estimates of body composition. Am J Clin Nutr 1992;56(suppl):292S–3S.[Abstract]
Pietrobelli A, Allison DB, Heshka S, et al. Sexual dimorphism in the energy content of weight change. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2002;26:1339–48.[Medline]
Kempen KP, Saris WH, Westerterp KR. Energy balance during an 8-wk energy-restricted diet with and without exercise in obese women. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;62:722–9.[Abstract]
Heymsfield SB, Darby PC, Muhlheim LS, Gallagher D, Wolper C, Allison DB. The calorie: myth, measurement, and reality. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;62(suppl):1034S–41S.[Abstract]
Clark D, Tomas F, Withers RT, et al. Energy metabolism in free-living, ‘large-eating’ and ‘small-eating’ women: studies using 2H2(18)O. Br J Nutr 1994;72:21–31.[Medline]
Racette SB, Schoeller DA, Kushner RF, Neil KM. Exercise enhances dietary compliance during moderate energy restriction in obese women. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;62:345–9.[Abstract]
Mertz W, Tsui JC, Judd JT, et al. What are people really eating? The relation between energy intake derived from estimated diet records and intake determined to maintain body weight. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;54:291–5.[Abstract]
Yao M, Roberts SB. Dietary energy density and weight regulation. Nutr Rev 2001;59:247–58.[Medline]
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Marty Champions on March 16, 2007, 11:45:39 AM
and to alex 23 yes a calorie is a calorie if i were going to prescribe you a diet here is what it would be

am morning 1/2 cup of grape juice around 100 calories high potassium
am coffee with chocolate syrup milk         100-150 calories cocolate syrup has potassium

handfull of peanuts                                100-150 calories excellent minerals and potassium

krispy kreme doughnut                            200 calories be sure to chug water after or you will eat them all

any fast food double cheesburger             500 calories varies

this is all you need and PLENTY of water
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Marty Champions on March 16, 2007, 11:46:49 AM
and to alex 23 yes a calorie is a calorie if i were going to prescribe you a diet here is what it would be

am morning 1/2 cup of grape juice around 100 calories high potassium
am coffee with chocolate syrup milk         100-150 calories cocolate syrup has potassium

handfull of peanuts                                100-150 calories excellent minerals and potassium

krispy kreme doughnut                            200 calories be sure to chug water after or you will eat them all

any fast food double cheesburger             500 calories varies

this is all you need and PLENTY of water

you could probably add an extra serving or 2 of grape juice and still be fine. most potent antioxidant drink!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: nycbull on March 16, 2007, 12:05:22 PM
Who the hell who eat an entire diet of Big macs,ice cream,candy etc etc ?? ???
Im not talking about calories or macronutrients, im talking about taste,smell and quality of foods!
What ever happend to making your meals from beautyful meat,fresh veggies,extra virgin olive oil..fresh un-processed foods! Where is the joy of cooking up a REAL meal gone ?
Only acne faced teenagers would call a sloppy Big Mac and an ice cream for a meal.

YES, Americans have no idea what good food is. As the first generations of immigrants begin to die off, we see a return to horrible eating habits started by middle america. European immigrants did so much to promote good food in American unfortunatley, laziness and gluttony has become the new culture. Young people today do not know what fresh food tastes like and many have never had a meal lmade from scratch.

It is a sad state we are in. New Yorkers are obsessed over non European foods and they are getting fatter and unhealthier by the minute. Most of the crap they eat is not fresh loaded with salt and preservatives, but it taste like McDonalds food and it costs 40 dollars a plate so it must be good.

I think we need to start migrating more Italian, German and French immigrants at once!!!!!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 16, 2007, 12:09:26 PM
YES, Americans have no idea what good food is. As the first generations of immigrants begin to die off, we see a return to horrible eating habits started by middle america. European immigrants did so much to promote good food in American unfortunatley, laziness and gluttony has become the new culture. Young people today do not know what fresh food tastes like and many have never had a meal lmade from scratch.

It is a sad state we are in. New Yorkers are obsessed over non European foods and they are getting fatter and unhealthier by the minute. Most of the crap they eat is not fresh loaded with salt and preservatives, but it taste like McDonalds food and it costs 40 dollars a plate so it must be good.

I think we need to start migrating more Italian, German and French immigrants at once!!!!!

The thing is, people have no appreciation for food and they do not understand it.  The "plain Chicken Breast, plain rice" diets have ruined cooking also.   I think everyone should watch the Food Network and try to make at least one thing a day to familiarize themselves.

Funny thing is, they won`t.  Too scared. Mostly out of ignorance.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: nycbull on March 16, 2007, 12:15:08 PM
The thing is, people have no appreciation for food and they do not understand it.  The "plain Chicken Breast, plain rice" diets have ruined cooking also.   I think everyone should watch the Food Network and try to make at least one thing a day to familiarize themselves.

Funny thing is, they won`t.  Too scared. Mostly out of ignorance.

YES it is the same kind of resistance you see in religious conformists when they begin to realize they have been sold a false bill of goods. They are much happier to live in ignorance than to face betrayal, and worse yet thinking for themselves. Or in this case cooking for themselves.

Betrayal is one of the most difficult things a person faces as they mature. It happens to all of us. Our fathers and mothers inevitably betray us because they raised us to be them. Its natural and will all experience it in varying degrees and then solve it when we start thinking for ourselves. But its funny because when it comes to religion or mainstream culture people are so afraid to admit betrayal. Its like they can believe their parents betrayed them but they can't except that complete strangers have betrayed them. Its weird but once you accept it, process it and start 'raising' yourself you are truly free.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Enigma on March 16, 2007, 12:23:55 PM
Ignorance is rife. hahahhah

Americans are idiots.  I`m moving.

You promise? ;D
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: valhalla on March 16, 2007, 12:29:19 PM
YES, Americans have no idea what good food is. As the first generations of immigrants begin to die off, we see a return to horrible eating habits started by middle America. European immigrants did so much to promote good food in American unfortunately, laziness and gluttony has become the new culture. Young people today do not know what fresh food tastes like and many have never had a meal lamed from scratch.

It is a sad state we are in. New Yorkers are obsessed over non European foods and they are getting fatter and unhealthier by the minute. Most of the crap they eat is not fresh loaded with salt and preservatives, but it taste like McDonald's food and it costs 40 dollars a plate so it must be good.

I think we need to start migrating more Italian, German and French immigrants at once!!!!!

Agreed!..but then again I'm from Europe  ;D
I love the way people eat in the Mediterranean countries. Fresh seafood,tomatos,brocolli,lamb,pig etc. With a focus on quality and tradition not mass production of horrible chemical foods! Eating is about enjoying life,and for me a McD meal or a bag of candy makes me feel like shit with the horrible texture,scent and taste..all the processed sugar sure don´t help either.

Eat some real food for god sake!!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: MCWAY on March 16, 2007, 12:34:36 PM
You also Believe in Angels, Miracles, the earth is less than 10,000 years old and that it was created in a few days.

You are nobody to take serious since you reject ALL Science and Scientific Law that is PROVEN.

As the saying goes, "If the facts don't match the theory, change the facts"

In other words, this wouldn't be the first time scientists have said one thing, only to have their findings refuted in real-life applications.

Remember: Scientists claimed that a human being couldn't run a mile in under 4 minutes. Obviously, someone forgot to tell Roger Bannister that, 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds after he finished his mile-long run.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Buttsuck on March 16, 2007, 12:35:17 PM
Not only is rico's spelling attrocious but so is his face ahahahah. It is full of craters.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Enigma on March 16, 2007, 12:38:06 PM
The thing is, people have no appreciation for food and they do not understand it.  The "plain Chicken Breast, plain rice" diets have ruined cooking also.   I think everyone should watch the Food Network and try to make at least one thing a day to familiarize themselves.

Funny thing is, they won`t.  Too scared. Mostly out of ignorance.

TA, honestly, what is your purpose in life? 
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 16, 2007, 12:50:20 PM
YES it is the same kind of resistance you see in religious conformists when they begin to realize they have been sold a false bill of goods. They are much happier to live in ignorance than to face betrayal, and worse yet thinking for themselves. Or in this case cooking for themselves.

Betrayal is one of the most difficult things a person faces as they mature. It happens to all of us. Our fathers and mothers inevitably betray us because they raised us to be them. Its natural and will all experience it in varying degrees and then solve it when we start thinking for ourselves. But its funny because when it comes to religion or mainstream culture people are so afraid to admit betrayal. Its like they can believe their parents betrayed them but they can't except that complete strangers have betrayed them. Its weird but once you accept it, process it and start 'raising' yourself you are truly free.
Here is the Pizza Jezebelle and I made the other night.  It contained Lump Crab Meat, Portabello Mushrooms, Gruyere cheese, and Truffle Oil drizzled on top with Parmigiano Reggiano.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: onlyme on March 16, 2007, 12:56:34 PM
You and Jizzumsmell should try this tonight.  It will solve so many of your problems
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Marty Champions on March 16, 2007, 12:58:20 PM
Here is the Pizza Jezebelle and I made the other night.  It contained Lump Crab Meat, Portabello Mushrooms, and Truffle Oil with the cheese being Gruyere and Parmesean Reggiano grated on top.

sounds fuckin good! i like red barons frozen pizza they got like 5 cheeses!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 16, 2007, 01:01:06 PM
sounds fuckin good! i like red barons frozen pizza they got like 5 cheeses!

Those are good too!  Palermo's are good for frozen pizza...the Greek one.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: SteelePegasus on March 16, 2007, 01:30:44 PM
once again, more google search, copy/paste from adonis

if you use ctrl C/ ctrl V it might save you a few clicks
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Buttsuck on March 16, 2007, 01:43:25 PM
You and Jizzumsmell should try this tonight.  It will solve so many of your problems
Looks unloaded to me...
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Hedgehog on March 16, 2007, 01:46:35 PM
The thing is, people have no appreciation for food and they do not understand it.  The "plain Chicken Breast, plain rice" diets have ruined cooking also.   I think everyone should watch the Food Network and try to make at least one thing a day to familiarize themselves.

Funny thing is, they won`t.  Too scared. Mostly out of ignorance.

Here is the Pizza Jezebelle and I made the other night.  It contained Lump Crab Meat, Portabello Mushrooms, Greyere cheese, and Truffle Oil drizzled on top with Parmesano Reggiano.

Happy New Year to all.

Today begins the first day to building a better body and the official start of destroying Anssi Manninen, the Muscular Development "(gym)Science Editior". I will be eating EVERY single meal at MCDONALD`S to achieve this rather simple feat.

I am saving all of the receipts, keeping a journal and doing some video as well. This project should be very interesting as you will see me mantain a physique at 6 percent and then eventually to an incredible 3 percent and lower. All by eating MCDONALD`S.


ALL MCDONALD`S! and of course some weight training.

Follow along with me. Join me. Get in the best shape of your life, eating the greatest, most nutritious, and most economical food available to date.

You won`t regret it.

I take it you didn`t watch the slanderous lies that is called "SuperSizeME".

Any rate,

You will see me eat MCDONALD`S 6-8 months straight and have a physique you could only dream of.

I will go down to 3 percent bodyfat and have more muscle mass than ever as well.

Watch and enjoy.

What happened to that experiment of yours where you were going to eat at McDonald's for three months straight, every meal?

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: G o a t b o y on March 16, 2007, 01:57:21 PM
Looks unloaded to me...

That's after TA has emptied the clip and locked out the slide, after trying unsuccesfully to shoot himself in the head fourteen times.  Turns out his aim sucks.  :-\
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: G o a t b o y on March 16, 2007, 01:58:17 PM
What happened to that experiment of yours where you were going to eat at McDonald's for three months straight, every meal?


He got laid off from his Assistant Manager job there.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: beatmaster on March 16, 2007, 02:49:39 PM

What happened to that experiment of yours where you were going to eat at McDonald's for three months straight, every meal?


damn, i forgot about that one.............. did he did it or not?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Enigma on March 16, 2007, 04:32:04 PM
Here is the Pizza Jezebelle and I made the other night.  It contained Lump Crab Meat, Portabello Mushrooms, Gruyere cheese, and Truffle Oil drizzled on top with Parmigiano Reggiano. actually eat off those "plates"?  ::)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Enigma on March 16, 2007, 04:34:25 PM

That's after TA has emptied the clip and locked out the slide, after trying unsuccesfully to shoot himself in the head fourteen times.  Turns out his aim sucks.  :-\

Apparently, TA sucks at EVERTHING. Where's a button man when you need um ?  ;D
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Count Grishnackh on March 16, 2007, 09:08:35 PM

What happened to that experiment of yours where you were going to eat at McDonald's for three months straight, every meal?


Hedgehog, McDonald's diets are so "yesterday"   hahahahhaha
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on March 16, 2007, 09:36:59 PM
We conclude that a calorie is a calorie. From a purely thermodynamic point of view, this is clear because the human body or, indeed, any living organism cannot create or destroy energy but can only convert energy from one form to another. In comparing energy balance between dietary treatments, however, it must be remembered that the units of dietary energy are metabolizable energy and not gross energy. This is perhaps unfortunate because metabolizable energy is much more difficult to determine than is gross energy, because the Atwater factors used in calculating metabolizable energy are not exact. As such, our food tables are not perfect, and small errors are associated with their use.

In addition, we concede that the substitution of one macronutrient for another has been shown in some studies to have a statistically significant effect on the expenditure half of the energy balance equation. This has been observed most often for high-protein diets. Evidence indicates, however, that the difference in energy expenditure is small and can potentially account for less than one-third of the differences in weight loss that have been reported between high-protein or low-carbohydrate diets and high-carbohydrate or low-fat diets. As such, a calorie is a calorie. Further research is needed to identify the mechanisms that result in greater weight loss with one diet than with another.

ACB and DAS shared the tasks of drafting and revising the manuscript.


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Clark D, Tomas F, Withers RT, et al. Energy metabolism in free-living, ‘large-eating’ and ‘small-eating’ women: studies using 2H2(18)O. Br J Nutr 1994;72:21–31.[Medline]
Racette SB, Schoeller DA, Kushner RF, Neil KM. Exercise enhances dietary compliance during moderate energy restriction in obese women. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;62:345–9.[Abstract]
Mertz W, Tsui JC, Judd JT, et al. What are people really eating? The relation between energy intake derived from estimated diet records and intake determined to maintain body weight. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;54:291–5.[Abstract]
Yao M, Roberts SB. Dietary energy density and weight regulation. Nutr Rev 2001;59:247–58.[Medline]

Here's the short translation to this long ass worthless (as far as bodybuilding goes) thread.................. less, lose weight, eat more gain weight, thanks Adonis for letting "The Enigma" "Pumpher" and myself own you AGAIN!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: chainsaw on March 16, 2007, 09:37:59 PM
and to alex 23 yes a calorie is a calorie if i were going to prescribe you a diet here is what it would be

am morning 1/2 cup of grape juice around 100 calories high potassium
am coffee with chocolate syrup milk         100-150 calories cocolate syrup has potassium

handfull of peanuts                                100-150 calories excellent minerals and potassium

krispy kreme doughnut                            200 calories be sure to chug water after or you will eat them all

any fast food double cheesburger             500 calories varies

this is all you need and PLENTY of water

Daddy, why not have 2 chicken breasts and rice instead of that garbage burger?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Buttsuck on March 16, 2007, 09:49:28 PM
Daddy, why not have 2 chicken breasts and rice instead of that garbage burger?
Yeah daddy? Why not have too shit logs with a cup of urine instead of a burger?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on March 16, 2007, 09:52:38 PM
Yeah daddy? Why not have too shit logs with a cup of urine instead of a burger?

I see your back for another owning, glutton for punishment?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: onlyme on March 16, 2007, 10:13:47 PM
Yeah daddy? Why not have too shit logs with a cup of urine instead of a burger?

Hey none of us want to eat the same as you.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: GoneAway on March 16, 2007, 10:19:31 PM
I'm sure it's been said before, but if a calorie is a calorie and there is nothing more to it than that, why not have 2000 calories of candy a day instead of mixing your calories with burgers, chips, candy and whatever else?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Hedgehog on March 26, 2007, 12:16:34 AM

Lemon PW.
Applied Physiology Research Laboratory, Kent State University, OH 44242.

The debate regarding optimal protein/amino acid needs of strength athletes is an old one. Recent evidence indicates that actual requirements are higher than those of more sedentary individuals, although this is not widely recognized. Some data even suggest that high protein/amino acid diets can enhance the development of muscle mass and strength when combined with heavy resistance exercise training. Novices may have higher needs than experienced strength athletes, and substantial interindividual variability exists. [/size]Perhaps the most important single factor determining absolute protein/amino acid need is the adequacy of energy intake. Present data indicate that strength athletes should consume approximately 12-15% of their daily total energy intake as protein, or about 1.5-2.0 g protein/kg.d-1 (approximately 188-250% of the U.S. recommended dietary allowance). Although routinely consumed by many strength athletes, higher protein intakes have not been shown to be consistently effective and may even be associated with some health risks.

Abeles, why do you post scientific articles that suggests that a high protein intake is beneficial?

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on March 26, 2007, 12:28:05 AM
Abeles, why do you post scientific articles that suggests that a high protein intake is beneficial?


Hedge, you're a fucking indexing and memorizing genious man. ;D
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Enigma on March 26, 2007, 02:57:01 AM
Here's the short translation to this long ass worthless (as far as bodybuilding goes) thread.................. less, lose weight, eat more gain weight, thanks Adonis for letting "The Enigma" "Pumpher" and myself own you AGAIN!

Owning Adonis is too easy.

Similar to a baby in diapers vs real men.

No challange.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 26, 2007, 06:24:58 AM
Read the last half.

Owning yourselves.

You don`t need more protein to get the amino acids.  THE MOST IMPORTANT, AS INDICATED BY THE STUDY, IS ADEQUATE AMINO ENERGY INTAKE. NOT HIGHER PROTEIN!Therefore a Higher Protein intake is useless.

I didn`t realize the lot of you were so stupid.  Did you all fail Reading Comprehension?

Perhaps the most important single factor determining absolute protein/amino acid need is the adequacy of energy intake. Present data indicate that strength athletes should consume approximately 12-15% of their daily total energy intake as protein, or about 1.5-2.0 g protein/kg.d-1 (approximately 188-250% of the U.S. recommended dietary allowance). Although routinely consumed by many strength athletes, higher protein intakes have not been shown to be consistently effective and may even be associated with some health risks.  

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 26, 2007, 06:30:17 AM
I clearly see why the lot of you are ignorant.

All too clear.   You guys failed Reading Comprehension.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: nycbull on March 26, 2007, 06:31:01 AM
why dont you guys post studies that prove that athletes need huge amounts of protein. Why are you guys so lazy?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 26, 2007, 06:34:17 AM
why dont you guys post studies that prove that athletes need huge amounts of protein. Why are you guys so lazy?
No Reliable Data at all to prove that.  All evidence points to high Protein as being completely useless. hahahah   IF they find any, there is a direct link to Supplement sales and not peer reviewed.

The studies they DO find will all correlate in that a high and extreme Protein intake is not shown to be necessary or beneficial at all.

ADEQUATE is all you need.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Rimbaud on March 26, 2007, 06:41:34 AM
why dont you guys post studies that prove that athletes need huge amounts of protein. Why are you guys so lazy?

Maybe because they don't care & they just do what works for them. If high protein works for you then that's great. If low protein works for you that's fine too. I personally just use a moderate protein intake. I weigh about 235lbs. & probably take in about 150 grams of protein a day (somedays more, somedays less). That works for me but I don't push it on others. The only thing I recommend is doing what works for you & with your body.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Hedgehog on March 26, 2007, 08:15:58 AM
why dont you guys post studies that prove that athletes need huge amounts of protein. Why are you guys so lazy?

Why should I post such studies when I don't believe in high protein diets?

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Option D on March 26, 2007, 08:26:22 AM
We conclude that a calorie is a calorie. From a purely thermodynamic point of view, this is clear because the human body or, indeed, any living organism cannot create or destroy energy but can only convert energy from one form to another. In comparing energy balance between dietary treatments, however, it must be remembered that the units of dietary energy are metabolizable energy and not gross energy. This is perhaps unfortunate because metabolizable energy is much more difficult to determine than is gross energy, because the Atwater factors used in calculating metabolizable energy are not exact. As such, our food tables are not perfect, and small errors are associated with their use.

In addition, we concede that the substitution of one macronutrient for another has been shown in some studies to have a statistically significant effect on the expenditure half of the energy balance equation. This has been observed most often for high-protein diets. Evidence indicates, however, that the difference in energy expenditure is small and can potentially account for less than one-third of the differences in weight loss that have been reported between high-protein or low-carbohydrate diets and high-carbohydrate or low-fat diets. As such, a calorie is a calorie. Further research is needed to identify the mechanisms that result in greater weight loss with one diet than with another.

ACB and DAS shared the tasks of drafting and revising the manuscript.


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Quote meltdown
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: SteelePegasus on March 26, 2007, 10:23:42 AM
Here's the short translation to this long ass worthless (as far as bodybuilding goes) thread.................. less, lose weight, eat more gain weight, thanks Adonis for letting "The Enigma" "Pumpher" and myself own you AGAIN!

wow..that theory sounds complicated..we need to attach a catchy name to it

the "Eat to live diet"
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Old_Rooster on March 26, 2007, 10:25:40 AM
BMR at 6.5 cal per lb of bodymass says I require about 1450 cal at rest plus 450 per workout. So at about 1700 I'm defficient and should get ripped soon. Calories being calories and proteins, supplements being all a scam, I decided to get my 1700 cals on Cap n' Crunch and Cocopuffs, both will only bring me 4g of protein so I should be fine.

3 weeks later I'm wasting like there's no tomorow, my insulin is all fucked up and glucose to glucagon ratio is off the roof.

Where did I go wrong with my great application of those so called "Principles"?

Breaking out of that madness, I remembered something from biochemistry called PTOR (protein turn over rate). That scientifically proven rule says that my LBM x 1.818 is what I need to prevent from going catabolic. so that's about 310g of protein.

I come to the conclusion that the fucking idiots who think that "calories are calories" are misleading the goodhearted getbiggers.

Discuss  ;D

u fucked up listening to the moron spout the calorie is a calorie bullshit.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: nycbull on March 26, 2007, 10:28:59 AM
Why should I post such studies when I don't believe in high protein diets?


so then you partially agree with Adonis?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Enigma on March 26, 2007, 11:12:59 AM
Hedgehog, McDonald's diets are so "yesterday"   hahahahhaha yesterday.  ::)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on March 27, 2007, 09:19:09 AM
Read the last half.

Owning yourselves.

You don`t need more protein to get the amino acids.  THE MOST IMPORTANT, AS INDICATED BY THE STUDY, IS ADEQUATE AMINO ENERGY INTAKE. NOT HIGHER PROTEIN!Therefore a Higher Protein intake is useless.

I didn`t realize the lot of you were so stupid.  Did you all fail Reading Comprehension?

Perhaps the most important single factor determining absolute protein/amino acid need is the adequacy of energy intake. Present data indicate that strength athletes should consume approximately 12-15% of their daily total energy intake as protein, or about 1.5-2.0 g protein/kg.d-1 (approximately 188-250% of the U.S. recommended dietary allowance). Although routinely consumed by many strength athletes, higher protein intakes have not been shown to be consistently effective and may even be associated with some health risks.  

2.0g/kg for a guy my size is ~220g  - You don't even get half of that with your dellusional principle. Hell you consider that to be high.

Can you explain what PTOR is without googling all morning? that's whay I though...

That's why you're so skinny, "bones".

End of the story.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: arce377 on March 27, 2007, 09:20:08 AM
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 27, 2007, 09:32:38 AM
2.0g/kg for a guy my size is ~220g  - You don't even get half of that with your dellusional principle. Hell you consider that to be high.

Can you explain what PTOR is without googling all morning? that's whay I though...

That's why you're so skinny, "bones".

End of the story.

Feeding  the fat on your body Protein is useless. You are NOT 242 lbs of Muscle.

At least you realize that you need UNDER 1 Gram Per Lb of Bodyweight as you have noted.

This is a start.  Soon you will learn.  You are still very obese though.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 27, 2007, 09:36:12 AM
2.0g/kg for a guy my size is ~220g  - You don't even get half of that with your dellusional principle. Hell you consider that to be high.

Can you explain what PTOR is without googling all morning? that's whay I though...

That's why you're so skinny, "bones".

End of the story.

Also realize that you ARE NOT  an ELITE Strength Athlete.

A Strength Athlete refers to OLYMPIC LIFTERS, who in this case, train for a few hours, full body, with many techniques involved.

You are barely more active than a Sedentary man.  You are a few days a week toolbag who does not spend a near fraction of the time in the Gym that an ELITE ATHLETE would.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: natural al on March 27, 2007, 09:41:58 AM
Feeding  the fat on your body Protein is useless. You are NOT 242 lbs of Muscle.

At least you realize that you need UNDER 1 Gram Per Lb of Bodyweight as you have noted.

This is a start.  Soon you will learn.  You are still very obese though.

when are you gonna start giving Ellington Darden the props he deserves for coming up with your "principles"?  Does he know you're marketing them as your own?  How much did you pay for "massive muscles in 10 weeks" by the good Dr.?

honest questions.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 27, 2007, 09:46:46 AM
when are you gonna start giving Ellington Darden the props he deserves for coming up with your "principles"?  Does he know you're marketing them as your own?  How much did you pay for "massive muscles in 10 weeks" by the good Dr.?

honest questions.

I don`t know who Darden is, nor have I read anything he has put out.

You can`t get massive muscles in 10 weeks by the way.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: natural al on March 27, 2007, 09:55:31 AM
I don`t know who Darden is, nor have I read anything he has put out.

You can`t get massive muscles in 10 weeks by the way.
hmmm....maybe you should check him out cause he's been saying what you say for over 20 years and you've actually quoted him almost word for word at times.  I'm gonna have to re-read some of arthur jones stuff too cause seems to me you might also be "borrowing" his ideas as well....but I'm sure you've never heard of him or read his stuff either.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 27, 2007, 09:56:33 AM
hmmm....maybe you should check him out cause he's been saying what you say for over 20 years and you've actually quoted him almost word for word at times.  I'm gonna have to re-read some of arthur jones stuff too cause seems to me you might also be "borrowing" his ideas as well....but I'm sure you've never heard of him or read his stuff either.
For training, I advocate training the WHOLE BODY every single time you set foot in the gym.  Train the Whole body as much as possible.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on March 27, 2007, 09:57:47 AM
Even when you are home, Do what you can if you are bored.

Pullups,Dips,Pushups.  Anything you can think of.  Be Creative.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: MCWAY on March 27, 2007, 11:19:10 AM
Also realize that you ARE NOT  an ELITE Strength Athlete.

A Strength Athlete refers to OLYMPIC LIFTERS, who in this case, train for a few hours, full body, with many techniques involved.

You are barely more active than a Sedentary man.  You are a few days a week toolbag who does not spend a near fraction of the time in the Gym that an ELITE ATHLETE would.

You mean an elite athlete like 3-time MET-Rx World's Strongest Man Champion Mariusz Pudianowski........WAIT A MINUTE!!!

If I recall his diet correctly, some of what he eats per day include 10 eggs, 2-3 lbs of bacon, and 7 lbs. of pork chops.

Even by the most conservative of estimates, that's over 400 grams of protein (WITHOUT the protein powder and BCAAs he also consumes).

You go tell him he doesn't need a high-protein diet.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: onlyme on March 27, 2007, 11:53:33 AM
I don`t know who Darden is, nor have I read anything he has put out.

You can`t get massive muscles in 10 weeks by the way.

How come you haven't
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The Enigma on March 27, 2007, 01:52:01 PM

You can`t get massive muscles in 10 weeks by the way.

Sure you can, I did...... on 'The True Adonis Big Mac diet'

And the best part was I maintained 'my size'.  ::)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: WhiteCastle on March 28, 2007, 06:46:14 PM
I have a feeling that most of the peer-reviewed research on protein-intake and muscle gain is seriously flawed, largely due to some of the reasons best explained here (free article)....

The biggest problem I have seen with most studies on this type of subject is very low sample sizes, even before dividing them into treatment & control groups.  I don't believe that protein intake is nearly as important as what common bodybuilding sources claim it to be (2+ g/lb bodyweight), but I would bet the effect is somewhere lower than that; in other words a small to medium sized effect from more protein.  Most studies simply do not have the statistical power to find this, even if the data actually show it.  I don't think I've ever seen any article on this subject that uses alternate methods for inference, i.e. bayesian or even bootstrapping or simulations.  The mags typically stress 2+g/lb, but they make most of their money from advertising and usually protein powder is a huge chunk of that.  These magazines completely rely on this source to stay afloat, and if protein powder is found to be overhyped, what are they going to replace it with in advertising?  Even w/ creatines, NO2, thermogenics, etc., the protein powders clearly rule the field for ads.

Realistically, I agree with this article's author and think that many of the disciplines that use classical inferential stats to draw conclusions are putting out at least 50% false findings.  In some of the fields that use human subjects (psych, exercise-related sciences, drug-testing), I wouldn't be surprised if about 75% of what we think we know is false. 
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: onlyme on March 28, 2007, 09:54:35 PM
For training, I advocate training the WHOLE BODY every single time you set foot in the gym.  Train the Whole body as much as possible.

Well when was the last time you stepped into a gym.  Cause you are missing allot of muscle.  Yo have the flattest set of traps I have ever seen.  And have arms even hit 14" yet.  I have a feeling you haven't been in a gym in a couple years from your pics.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: THE AUSSIE GIFT on March 29, 2007, 02:22:13 PM
You are an idiot Adonis, no way is a calorie a calorie. There is research to suggest that when eating 100 calories of high gi carbs and it hits your stomach it is very easily broken down and digested. The body needs to work much harder to digest the same amount of protein or low gi carbs. Hence the body actually uses energy or calories to do this. Therefore the net calories u are eating is less.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Frauhorn on March 29, 2007, 04:17:10 PM
Even when you are home, Do what you can if you are bored.

Pullups,Dips,Pushups.  Anything you can think of.  Be Creative.

is this for gaining muscle or losing weight?

imo that is a great idea for burning calories and developing good overall functional strength. but not for getting huuuge

ie something Bruce Lee would do rather than something Arnold would do
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ignorance on April 05, 2007, 07:43:43 PM
Adonis likes boys.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Krusader on April 19, 2007, 03:30:45 PM
Adonis is a self proclaimed Guru of misinformation.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: D.L. 5 on April 20, 2007, 07:24:39 AM
u don't 'need' 1.8 grams of protien per pound of bodyweight.

there is only so much protien the body needs and/or can utilise
Title: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 19, 2008, 10:51:15 PM
OK, since this is the second pm that I have gotten since last night and both from members that I regularly converse with I decided to post this, but I have been sworn to secrecy so no names.  >:(

Anyway, it seems our beloved Apenis not only eats clean, but he juices too. He is telling the truth about eating crap till he goes up to a certain weight which is about 10 pounds over what he calls his ideal weight then when he diets back down it's chicken, buffalo, egg whites, oatmeal, rice ect.  ;D He also has been juicing for quite some time from what I was told which I suspected anyway so no big surprise. What a clown. This guy is more than a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. Going to such great lengths to perpetuate a lie.  ??? Guess the truth has finally bitten you in your scrawny little ass. hahahahahaaaaaaa  ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Alex23 on November 19, 2008, 10:57:08 PM
OK, since this is the second pm that I have gotten since last night and both from members that I regularly converse with I decided to post this, but I have been sworn to secrecy so no names.  >:(

Anyway, it seems our beloved Apenis not only eats clean, but he juices too. He is telling the truth about eating crap till he goes up to a certain weight which is about 10 pounds over what he calls his ideal weight then when he diets back down it's chicken, buffalo, egg whites, oatmeal, rice ect.  ;D He also has been juicing for quite some time from what I was told which I suspected anyway so no big surprise. What a clown. This guy is more than a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. Going to such great lengths to perpetuate a lie.  ??? Guess the truth has finally bitten you in your scrawny little ass. hahahahahaaaaaaa  ;D

I have PMs proving the same thing.

I also have PMs implicating him and Leafy_bug who was supposed to come out with his usage to prove that "it's impossible to compete without drugs"....

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: gordiano on November 19, 2008, 11:09:49 PM
If what you fellas are saying is does it end?

Why use and then claim otherwise? What's the point?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 19, 2008, 11:10:09 PM

I have PMs proving the same thing.

I also have PMs implicating him and Leafy_bug who was supposed to come out with his usage to prove that "it's impossible to compete without drugs"....

Leafybug is OK in my book, but no offense to him it's just way too easy to spot guys who are on. The sad thing with Apenis is that you can tell he's on, but his body is more suited for chess maybe miniature golf or something.  ???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Alex23 on November 19, 2008, 11:11:38 PM
Leafybug is OK in my book, but no offense to him it's just way too easy to spot guys who are on. The sad thing with Apenis is that you can tell he's on, but his body is more suited for chess maybe miniature golf or something.  ???

Yea leafy stepped up after competing; he realized that judges read these boards etc...

He also realized how dellusionite Adonis is and distanced himself.

Smart move.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 19, 2008, 11:13:05 PM
If what you fellas are saying is does it end?

Why use and then claim otherwise? What's the point?

It's true, I wouldn't make up shit or I would have done it long ago. It's actually not the juicing that bothers me it's the lying about diet. I have known all along he never ate the way he claims. He is laughing his sick fuking ass off knowing that some one out there is eating the way he recommends. Well, not anymore.  >:(
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Jeffro on November 19, 2008, 11:13:33 PM
Pretty pathetic that these clowns have to come on here to lie to people they don't even know, just sad really.  :-\
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: LatsMcGee on November 19, 2008, 11:13:45 PM
I always knew that guy was full of shit.  Just eat McDonalds and deadlift,  yeah fucking right.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 19, 2008, 11:16:28 PM
Pretty pathetic that these clowns have to come on here to lie to people they don't even know, just sad really.  :-\

Don't worry, I'm sure he is scurrying to find something to copy and paste as we speak.  ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: gordiano on November 19, 2008, 11:17:44 PM
It's true, I wouldn't make up shit or I would have done it long ago. It's actually not the juicing that bothers me it's the lying about diet. I have known all along he never ate the way he claims. He is laughing his sick fuking ass off knowing that some one out there is eating the way he recommends. Well, not anymore.  >:(

Well, I have a problem with both juicing and his "diet".

If he's gonna "use", fine, but WHY lie about it? Why claim to be natural. I have zero respect for someone who does that.

As far as his Diet goes, why give people bad advice? As a joke? I fail to see the point......

Anyway you slice it....fucked up.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Alex23 on November 19, 2008, 11:19:41 PM
It's true, I wouldn't make up shit or I would have done it long ago. It's actually not the juicing that bothers me it's the lying about diet. I have known all along he never ate the way he claims. He is laughing his sick fuking ass off knowing that some one out there is eating the way he recommends. Well, not anymore.  >:(


Adonis has lied about every aspects of his life... malicious and deceptive.

A certain someone told me that he was dieting so hard in 2006 that his girl had to tell him to take it easy. The guy was obsessed beyond belief. 
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 19, 2008, 11:22:15 PM
Well, I have a problem with both juicing and his "diet".

If he's gonna "use", fine, but WHY lie about it? Why claim to be natural. I have zero respect for someone who does that.

As far as his Diet goes, why give people bad advice? As a joke? I fail to see the point......

Anyway you slice it....fucked up.

I agree, but it's one thing to lie about juicing, but what kind of sick mind do you have to lie for so long and try to get people to do things at all cost and to be so manipulative ?  Dude's gotta screw loose. Actually it's kinda scary.  ??
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 19, 2008, 11:25:48 PM
What a steaming pile of shit adonis is.

First he photoshopped pics of himself and put them off as legit ( back around 06'ish )

Then he made up these FALSE "adonis principles" which people believed to be true, tried it out for themselves and fucked themselves over royally.

Then he lies about being natural ( for what reason, no one knows )

Then he tries to debate Disgusted with faulty research when he has no real world working knowledge of diet or nutrition.

Because of all this, I say he should be banned. The great Ronaldo! please ban adonis, im sure there are hundreds of others who think the same. ( or atleast put his ass in timeout, so he can post in shame under one of his numerous gimmicks )
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 19, 2008, 11:32:11 PM
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Alex23 on November 19, 2008, 11:35:08 PM
I agree, but it's one thing to lie about juicing, but what kind of sick mind do you have to lie for so long and try to get people to do things at all cost and to be so manipulative ?  Dude's gotta screw loose. Actually it's kinda scary.  ??

I think you're discrediting the guy; he's good at something:

Anyone remember 2yrs ago when he called HR at my workplace trying to get me in trouble? Sicker than chlamydia. 
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 19, 2008, 11:37:50 PM
maaaaan...internet is serious business for some.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 19, 2008, 11:38:13 PM
I think you're discrediting the guy; he's good at something:

Anyone remember 2yrs ago when he called HR at my workplace trying to get me in trouble? Sicker than chlamydia.  

yea i remember that, it was around that time that he paraded around this board with damn near 100 gimmicks, all trying to "own" u.....

How pathetic  ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: MisterMagoo on November 19, 2008, 11:39:19 PM
guys... yer just tilting at windmills here.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DPump on November 19, 2008, 11:40:08 PM

what did he say to ur work?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: GoneAway on November 19, 2008, 11:42:04 PM
A supposed PM isn't proof of his steroid use.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Alex23 on November 19, 2008, 11:42:28 PM
guys... yer just tilting at windmills here.

"Holier than thou" showing up right on time ;D

Haven't you learned anything all those years ?  

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 19, 2008, 11:43:01 PM
A supposed PM isn't proof of his steroid use.

Why hasnt adonis responded???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: MisterMagoo on November 19, 2008, 11:44:03 PM
A supposed PM isn't proof of his steroid use.

for about three years now people have been talking about supposed posts adonis made on (a site that doesn't seem to exist any more) where he talked about using, but they never materialized. and every so often someone says "LOL I HAVE PROOZ NAOW" but then nothing happens and the cycle starts all over again.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Alex23 on November 19, 2008, 11:44:13 PM

what did he say to ur work?

Well at the time I was banging the Dir of HR's daughter so there wasn't any issues.

We tracked the call down to High Point, NC...

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: GoneAway on November 19, 2008, 11:44:44 PM
Why hasnt adonis responded???

You can answer that for yourself by viewing who's online at the moment.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Alex23 on November 19, 2008, 11:45:23 PM
for about three years now people have been talking about supposed posts adonis made on (a site that doesn't seem to exist any more) where he talked about using, but they never materialized. and every so often someone says "LOL I HAVE PROOZ NAOW" but then nothing happens and the cycle starts all over again.

Looks like "Zack" can't keep Adonis' Meaty trombone out of his mouth.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Jeffro on November 19, 2008, 11:46:27 PM
Looks like "Zack" can't keep Adonis' Meaty trombone out of his mouth.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: MisterMagoo on November 19, 2008, 11:46:49 PM
yeah that's it alex. you got me nailed on that one. the ol' getbig wit never ceases to disappoint. ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 19, 2008, 11:47:07 PM
A supposed PM isn't proof of his steroid use.

Yeah I guess it would be hard to prove just about anything ON THE INTERNET!!!!    ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Alex23 on November 19, 2008, 11:49:04 PM
yeah that's it alex. you got me nailed on that one. the ol' getbig wit never ceases to disappoint. ::)

"cease to disappoint"?? What do you expect Mr Intellectual? this, is, GETBIGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHA ok, "Molière"...
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Alex23 on November 19, 2008, 11:50:38 PM

Yeah I guess it would be hard to prove just about anything ON THE INTERNET!!!!    ::)

My favorite part was when he tried crawling inside Palumbo's ass to get help from him on his "diet"...

classic; this one should be easy to prove.. but who has the time to do all the legwork ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: MisterMagoo on November 19, 2008, 11:51:17 PM
"cease to disappoint"?? What do you expect Mr Intellectual? this, is, GETBIGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHA ok, "Volière"...

the hell is a "Volière"? are you sure you didn't mean "Voltaire"?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 19, 2008, 11:52:08 PM
My favorite part was when he tried crawling inside Palumbo's ass to get help from him on his "diet"...

classic; this one should be easy to prove.. but who has the time to do all the legwork ;D

I missed that one.  ???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 19, 2008, 11:54:56 PM
the hell is a "Volière"? are you sure you didn't mean "Voltaire"?

a mix between molière and voltaire i guess. hahaha.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 12:00:47 AM
separate form from content
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: titusisback on November 20, 2008, 12:17:05 AM
the dude looks like a retard.. why would anyone take advice from him  ???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Monster_Everything on November 20, 2008, 05:39:07 AM
So where is the proof that he takes steroids and that he has a clean diet? He is either telling the truth or going an extremely long (and pathetic) way to propagate falsehoods.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: affeman on November 20, 2008, 05:45:37 AM
OK, since this is the second pm that I have gotten since last night and both from members that I regularly converse with I decided to post this, but I have been sworn to secrecy so no names.  >:(

Anyway, it seems our beloved Apenis not only eats clean, but he juices too. He is telling the truth about eating crap till he goes up to a certain weight which is about 10 pounds over what he calls his ideal weight then when he diets back down it's chicken, buffalo, egg whites, oatmeal, rice ect.  ;D He also has been juicing for quite some time from what I was told which I suspected anyway so no big surprise. What a clown. This guy is more than a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. Going to such great lengths to perpetuate a lie.  ??? Guess the truth has finally bitten you in your scrawny little ass. hahahahahaaaaaaa  ;D

U rather owned yourself by worrying longer than 2 seconds about what this dumbo-eared buffoon says or does..... ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Go 4 It on November 20, 2008, 05:49:15 AM
I just think that if anyone who listens to what this guy recomends in terms of dieting, then their the ones getting owned...theres alot of way more knowlegable people on this board (Disgusted being one of them) that can help with diet and nutritional info.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: drkaje on November 20, 2008, 05:49:53 AM
guys... yer just tilting at windmills here.

I'm inclined to agree.

BTW, Nice reference MrMangoo. :)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: shiftedShapes on November 20, 2008, 05:55:17 AM

Why use and then claim otherwise? What's the point?

Well it is illegal without a script.  I think the way to go is if you use just don't comment on it or respond to questions about it.

Natural contests just mean contests for juicers with a more natural look.

Also I don't see why TA would need to juice to maintain 160lbs at 5'11 after probably over 10 years of training.

If you have proof he juices though post it.  I think outing users is a good way to help people see that the standards of what is natural have been warped.  If you don't have proof stop using this as an ad hominem attack to refute TAs arguments.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 05:58:14 AM
TA has been on the boards for many years. I'm pretty sure something could be found on him if it was true.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 06:02:16 AM
OK, since this is the second pm that I have gotten since last night and both from members that I regularly converse with I decided to post this, but I have been sworn to secrecy so no names.  >:(

Anyway, it seems our beloved Apenis not only eats clean, but he juices too. He is telling the truth about eating crap till he goes up to a certain weight which is about 10 pounds over what he calls his ideal weight then when he diets back down it's chicken, buffalo, egg whites, oatmeal, rice ect.  ;D He also has been juicing for quite some time from what I was told which I suspected anyway so no big surprise. What a clown. This guy is more than a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. Going to such great lengths to perpetuate a lie.  ??? Guess the truth has finally bitten you in your scrawny little ass. hahahahahaaaaaaa  ;D
do these people know Adam in person?
he sure doesn't look like he juices
so....I'm calling bullshit :D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:03:44 AM
AXA, it's just a conspiracy, don't worry about it.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 06:06:17 AM
AXA, it's just a conspiracy, don't worry about it.
if it is true, I want to see proof
I'm sick of people ruining other people's credibility on here
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Tapeworm on November 20, 2008, 06:06:29 AM
Someone post the bathroom mirror acne pic.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: BFP on November 20, 2008, 06:06:52 AM
I always knew that guy was full of shit.  Just eat McDonalds and deadlift,  yeah fucking right.

Actually, that would do alot for you.  It did for me ;D

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Bluto on November 20, 2008, 06:08:41 AM
The evidence is overwhelming - someone got a PM from someone  ::)

Your Honor, the jury has reached a verdict!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: drkaje on November 20, 2008, 06:09:38 AM
Actually, that would do alot for you.  It did for me ;D



Are rack pulls better for guys my height (6'2") than deads from the floor?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 06:11:02 AM
Adonis lied about everything, and i said that all the time.

It is so obvious he lied about his wine knowledge, the deadlift video (225x112 in under 5 mins, yeah right), his BS diet principles (Not that there isn't some truth to it, it's just the exaggeration he does) and if you saw his last pics it was so obvious the guy's a juicer.

Adonis = biggest clown on getbig.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 06:11:02 AM

Are rack pulls better for guys my height (6'2") than deads from the floor?
I want to know this too but I'm 6' 7"
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Nordic Beast on November 20, 2008, 06:11:29 AM
he admitted on here not too long ago that he eats clean and even uses protein powder. Don't know why people argu with him about diet, it's so obvious it's all a hoax.

Don't believe the juicing thing though.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:13:52 AM
he admitted on here not too long ago that he eats clean and even uses protein powder. Don't know why people argu with him about diet, it's so obvious it's all a hoax.
Don't believe the juicing thing though.

Did he ever deny to use protein powder?
Where did he say he eats "clean"?
AKAIK he always said there is no such thing as "junk" or "clean" food.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: 210 and growing on November 20, 2008, 06:17:00 AM
the thing that truely amazes me is how many people beleive the sh it that some people come out with on an internet message forum, that they know is a joke anyway !!  :-*
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 06:18:23 AM
Did he ever deny to use protein powder?
Where did he say he eats "clean"?
AKAIK he always said there is no such thing as "junk" or "clean" food.

WL, i understand you are a true believer of Adonis' principles.

The difference is, you took it to a reasonable level, which TA thankfully adopted and from then put forward as "his" ideas, whereas they have been yours.

TA twisted his Bullshit diet around so many times, and YOU were the one that made it all reasonable, because YOU interpreted Adonis posts in your way.

What Adonis posted as his diet back then was that he was eating only Pizza, Ice Cream and Burgers and drank "expensive italian wine" all day. He said that a calorie is a calorie and that you could eat only fat ans sugar every day and were fine.

Adonis = idiot

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 06:18:34 AM
Adonis lied about everything, and i said that all the time.

It is so obvious he lied about his wine knowledge, the deadlift video (225x112 in under 5 mins, yeah right), his BS diet principles (Not that there isn't some truth to it, it's just the exaggeration he does) and if you saw his last pics it was so obvious the guy's a juicer.

Adonis = biggest clown on getbig.
Can anyone on getbig actually do 225x112 ??

BillyMimmaugh ?  Jason Pegg ?  Wolfie ?  what's your take on this ?

I think Chris could
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Rimbaud on November 20, 2008, 06:19:04 AM
the thing that truely amazes me is how many people beleive the sh it that some people come out with on an internet message forum, that they know is a joke anyway !!  :-*

No what truly amazes me is all the people who take Adam seriously...  ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on November 20, 2008, 06:20:09 AM
It seems that the guys who idolize Apenis are coming to his aid and the guys who know better are exposing.  Maybe the reason he doesn't enter Mr. Getbig is because he knows that if he won someone on here would yell "drug" and really investigate it and expose him.  He has been called out so many times for other shit yet he never responds back or ignores it.  The guy is the "perfect" poster boy for the Internet.  Here is a guy who obviously talks a great game yet in real life has not achieved anything with his supposedly superior genetics and brains. He is an expert in everything.  Dieting, lifting, competition, dog racing, cooking, yet he has not done anything.  Just makes you wonder.  I can see him at home (his parents condo) with Jissumbelle over his shoulders just laughing after every post he does.  Then high fiving Jissumbelle and saying "these guys actually believe my shit". 

Now guys like AssHoletic are the perfect victim.  He is stupid, inexperienced and borderline moron so he will jump on board with Apenis.  "Birds of a feather, flock together"

How many times have someone asked him to tell us what college he went too and what degrees he has.  How many times have we asked for the videos of him performing him unreal lifts.  He is the master of Cut & Paste on Getbig and really that is about it.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Nordic Beast on November 20, 2008, 06:24:17 AM
Can anyone on getbig actually do 225x112 ??

BillyMimmaugh ?  Jason Pegg ?  Wolfie ?  what's your take on this ?

I think Chris could

He admitted a week ago on here he never did that deadlift
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:26:37 AM
WL, i understand you are a true believer of Adonis' principles.

I don't believe in anything, BB wise. Everything comes from my experience. I thought it's appropriate to call the rules "Adonis principles" on Getbig. It's just a name, nothing is really original.

The difference is, you took it to a reasonable level, which TA thankfully adopted and from then put forward as "his" ideas, whereas they have been yours.

TA twisted his Bullshit diet around so many times, and YOU were the one that made it all reasonable, because YOU interpreted Adonis posts in your way.

What Adonis posted as his diet back then was that he was eating only Pizza, Ice Cream and Burgers and drank "expensive italian wine" all day. He said that a calorie is a calorie and that you could eat only fat ans sugar every day and were fine.

You're right, I can only comment on what I have actually read from him. I couldn't find inconsistency there, maybe a few things I would have formulated differently. If he said something different in the past, do you have any links to that?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 06:27:27 AM
It seems that the guys who idolize Apenis are coming to his aid and the guys who know better are exposing.  Maybe the reason he doesn't enter Mr. Getbig is because he knows that if he won someone on here would yell "drug" and really investigate it and expose him.  He has been called out so many times for other shit yet he never responds back or ignores it.  The guy is the "perfect" poster boy for the Internet.  Here is a guy who obviously talks a great game yet in real life has not achieved anything with his supposedly superior genetics and brains. He is an expert in everything.  Dieting, lifting, competition, dog racing, cooking, yet he has not done anything.  Just makes you wonder.  I can see him at home (his parents condo) with Jissumbelle over his shoulders just laughing after every post he does.  Then high fiving Jissumbelle and saying "these guys actually believe my shit". 

Now guys like AssHoletic are the perfect victim.  He is stupid, inexperienced and borderline moron so he will jump on board with Apenis.  "Birds of a feather, flock together"

How many times have someone asked him to tell us what college he went too and what degrees he has.  How many times have we asked for the videos of him performing him unreal lifts.  He is the master of Cut & Paste on Getbig and really that is about it.


Adonis doesn't juice, he is 6 feet tall and 160 pounds
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: JOCKTHEGLIDE on November 20, 2008, 06:30:27 AM
A supposed PM isn't proof of his steroid use.
exactly MindSPin got a PM saying, "I dont use steroids"...........
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: drkaje on November 20, 2008, 06:31:39 AM
Someone saying anything on GetBig doesn't make it true, LOL!

On here anyone in decent shape gets accused of juicing. True, Adonis talks a lot of shit but that's his personality. Anyone that's been around here more than 15 minutes fully expected him to kick into high gear following the Mr GetBig contest. Had he competed again and lost, it would have been even worse.

People should use GetBig (especially G&O!!) for entertainment purposes and concentrate on their own personal fitness goals.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 06:32:41 AM
exactly MindSPin got a PM saying, "I dont use steroids"...........
hahahaha that cracks me up  ;D
PM the guy and ask him if he uses steroids
choose between 2,000 dollars or giving a lie
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hard decision  ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 06:34:31 AM
hahahaha that cracks me up  ;D
PM the guy and ask him if he uses steroids
choose between 2,000 dollars or giving a lie
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hard decision  ::)
7th place would still be last though.  8)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:34:43 AM
hahahaha that cracks me up  ;D
PM the guy and ask him if he uses steroids
choose between 2,000 dollars or giving a lie
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hard decision  ::)

For someone with a conscience it isn't.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 06:36:06 AM
hahahaha that cracks me up  ;D
PM the guy and ask him if he uses steroids
choose between 2,000 dollars or giving a lie
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hard decision  ::)

Well, it's hard to lie to someone over the internet that you haven't met in your life and never will for 2000$$, is it?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:39:01 AM
It seems that the guys who idolize Apenis are coming to his aid and the guys who know better are exposing.  Maybe the reason he doesn't enter Mr. Getbig is because he knows that if he won someone on here would yell "drug" and really investigate it and expose him.  He has been called out so many times for other shit yet he never responds back or ignores it.  The guy is the "perfect" poster boy for the Internet.  Here is a guy who obviously talks a great game yet in real life has not achieved anything with his supposedly superior genetics and brains. He is an expert in everything.  Dieting, lifting, competition, dog racing, cooking, yet he has not done anything.  Just makes you wonder.  I can see him at home (his parents condo) with Jissumbelle over his shoulders just laughing after every post he does.  Then high fiving Jissumbelle and saying "these guys actually believe my shit". 

Now guys like AssHoletic are the perfect victim.  He is stupid, inexperienced and borderline moron so he will jump on board with Apenis.  "Birds of a feather, flock together"

How many times have someone asked him to tell us what college he went too and what degrees he has.  How many times have we asked for the videos of him performing him unreal lifts.  He is the master of Cut & Paste on Getbig and really that is about it.

So you think it's all made up?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 06:40:16 AM
So you think it's all made up?

Adonis is all lies, he always was.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:42:48 AM
Adonis is all lies, he always was.

can't comment on anything besides his diet method, but that seems to work for me
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: spinnis on November 20, 2008, 06:43:43 AM
Leafy god big all of a sudden, especially traps.
So he is probably on, doesnt make is less impressive too me though.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Monster_Everything on November 20, 2008, 06:46:52 AM
It seems that the guys who idolize Apenis are coming to his aid and the guys who know better are exposing.  Maybe the reason he doesn't enter Mr. Getbig is because he knows that if he won someone on here would yell "drug" and really investigate it and expose him.  He has been called out so many times for other shit yet he never responds back or ignores it.  The guy is the "perfect" poster boy for the Internet.  Here is a guy who obviously talks a great game yet in real life has not achieved anything with his supposedly superior genetics and brains. He is an expert in everything.  Dieting, lifting, competition, dog racing, cooking, yet he has not done anything.  Just makes you wonder.  I can see him at home (his parents condo) with Jissumbelle over his shoulders just laughing after every post he does.  Then high fiving Jissumbelle and saying "these guys actually believe my shit". 

Now guys like AssHoletic are the perfect victim.  He is stupid, inexperienced and borderline moron so he will jump on board with Apenis.  "Birds of a feather, flock together"

How many times have someone asked him to tell us what college he went too and what degrees he has.  How many times have we asked for the videos of him performing him unreal lifts.  He is the master of Cut & Paste on Getbig and really that is about it.
good post , spot on
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on November 20, 2008, 06:48:04 AM
So you think it's all made up?

Yea I do.  I think he lies about the way he eats to make it look like he has some new way of dieting so it gives him some sort of importance on here and other sites.  He obviously has lost alot of weight and got in better shape than he was.  I give him credit for that bigtime.  But, he is lying 100% when he tells you how he did it.  Anyone can see that except for the people who hope he is telling the truth.  And he say he does no cardio or very little.  For some reason he wants people to think he is smarter than he really is so he creates these stories and tries to convince people he created a new way to lose weight, get strong and be in optimal shape.  He has done nothing.  He is a master of cut & paste and has not come up with anything that is new and revolutionary.  If he would have just come out and tell people his actual diet and training regime he would be respected on here.  but trying to fool people on here and some of them very very smart in the industry is just dumb.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 20, 2008, 06:51:47 AM

wave - your hero has been exposed as a fraud and a fool.

why don't you do the correct thing and admit your gear use too.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 06:51:59 AM
can't comment on anything besides his diet method, but that seems to work for me

It's not HIS diet method, it's YOUR diet method.

You read a lot of sense into Apenis bullshit claims.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 06:53:20 AM
wave - your hero has been exposed as a fraud and a fool.

why don't you do the correct thing and admit your gear use too.
how has he been "exposed" exactly?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: shiftedShapes on November 20, 2008, 06:53:46 AM
Yea I do.  I think he lies about the way he eats to make it look like he has some new way of dieting so it gives him some sort of importance on here and other sites.  He obviously has lost alot of weight and got in better shape than he was.  I give him credit for that bigtime.  But, he is lying 100% when he tells you how he did it.  Anyone can see that except for the people who hope he is telling the truth.  And he say he does no cardio or very little.  For some reason he wants people to think he is smarter than he really is so he creates these stories and tries to convince people he created a new way to lose weight, get strong and be in optimal shape.  He has done nothing.  He is a master of cut & paste and has not come up with anything that is new and revolutionary.  If he would have just come out and tell people his actual diet and training regime he would be respected on here.  but trying to fool people on here and some of them very very smart in the industry is just dumb.

Do you think that wavelength myself and everyone else here are lying when we say that caloric restriction is an effective means of weight loss without muscle wasting?

I was posting as to the benefits of caloric restriction well before TA was preaching his principles, was I lying just to set the stage for TA, or maybe a time traveler sent by TA to lay the foundations?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Marty Champions on November 20, 2008, 06:53:58 AM
adonis is clean leafy bug is not
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: drkaje on November 20, 2008, 06:55:30 AM
Yea I do.  I think he lies about the way he eats to make it look like he has some new way of dieting so it gives him some sort of importance on here and other sites.  He obviously has lost alot of weight and got in better shape than he was.  I give him credit for that bigtime.  But, he is lying 100% when he tells you how he did it.  Anyone can see that except for the people who hope he is telling the truth.  And he say he does no cardio or very little.  For some reason he wants people to think he is smarter than he really is so he creates these stories and tries to convince people he created a new way to lose weight, get strong and be in optimal shape.  He has done nothing.  He is a master of cut & paste and has not come up with anything that is new and revolutionary.  If he would have just come out and tell people his actual diet and training regime he would be respected on here.  but trying to fool people on here and some of them very very smart in the industry is just dumb.

Shouldn't your own diet the thing to concentrate on?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 06:57:46 AM
Do you think that wavelength myself and everyone else here are lying when we say that caloric restriction is an effective means of weight loss without muscle wasting?

I was posting as to the benefits of caloric restriction well before TA was preaching his principles, was I lying just to set the stage for TA, or maybe a time traveler sent by TA to lay the foundations?

Like i said, Adonis mixed BS claims with simple sense.

caloric reduction will lead to weight loss, no matter what you eat. Adonis claimed shit like gaining muscle mass on ice cream and pizza ONLY, every day.

Then, a few weeks ago he came up with the big NEWS that people consuming amino acids and glucose will have a better performance than people comsuming only glucose.

TA = idiot.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 06:59:47 AM
Like i said, Adonis mixed BS claims with simple sense.

caloric reduction will lead to weight loss, no matter what you eat. Adonis claimed shit like gaining muscle mass on ice cream and pizza ONLY, every day.

Then, a few weeks ago he came up with the big NEWS that people consuming amino acids and glucose will have a better performance than people comsuming only glucose.

TA = idiot.
he recommends 1 gram of protein per pound of LBW
that is a hell of a lot more than I'm taking, I'm taking more like 1 gram per kilogram
he eats much more of a bodybuilding diet than me actually
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:00:06 AM
he recommends 1 gram of protein per pound of LBW
that is a hell of a lot more than I'm taking, I'm taking more like 1 gram per kilogram
And you look like shit. Case closed.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:01:01 AM
And you look like shit. Case closed.
says Mr. keyboard warrior
who could be a gimmick for all we know and never posts a picture
I look much better than most of the people on here
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 20, 2008, 07:02:29 AM
how has he been "exposed" exactly?
if your too dumb to know, theres no point explaining it.  ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Monster_Everything on November 20, 2008, 07:03:29 AM
says Mr. keyboard warrior
who could be a gimmick for all we know and never posts a picture
I look much better than most of the people on here

thats not hard to do here
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Tapeworm on November 20, 2008, 07:03:53 AM
adonis is clean leafy bug is not

Exactly.  ;)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:03:55 AM
if your too dumb to know, theres no point explaining it.  ::)
oh yeah, the same old "I got a PM telling me this, but I will not post it" crap  ::)
if YOU are too dumb to know, there is no point in explaining it  ;)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chester_bbb on November 20, 2008, 07:04:03 AM
OK, since this is the second pm that I have gotten since last night and both from members that I regularly converse with I decided to post this, but I have been sworn to secrecy so no names.  >:(

Anyway, it seems our beloved Apenis not only eats clean, but he juices too. He is telling the truth about eating crap till he goes up to a certain weight which is about 10 pounds over what he calls his ideal weight then when he diets back down it's chicken, buffalo, egg whites, oatmeal, rice ect.  ;D He also has been juicing for quite some time from what I was told which I suspected anyway so no big surprise. What a clown. This guy is more than a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. Going to such great lengths to perpetuate a lie.  ??? Guess the truth has finally bitten you in your scrawny little ass. hahahahahaaaaaaa  ;D

Has he been buying his juice from Palumbo? He's got as much muscle as billy gums. :)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 20, 2008, 07:04:27 AM
Like i said, Adonis mixed BS claims with simple sense.

caloric reduction will lead to weight loss, no matter what you eat. Adonis claimed shit like gaining muscle mass on ice cream and pizza ONLY, every day.

Then, a few weeks ago he came up with the big NEWS that people consuming amino acids and glucose will have a better performance than people comsuming only glucose.

TA = idiot.

yip yip

yeah buddy  8)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:06:08 AM

Bullshit.   The diet I believe, but juicing??  TA's physique does not look like that of a juicer in any way. 
he is absolutely not juicing
even his diet works

1 gram per pound of bodyweight in protein
the rest of calories from whatever you like
makes sense to me

these people are pushing me to eat like this for 4 weeks then post pictures
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 07:06:35 AM
wave - your hero has been exposed as a fraud and a fool.

why don't you do the correct thing and admit your gear use too.

I already admitted to using "pigletstarters" to maintain my massive 150lb frame. ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chester_bbb on November 20, 2008, 07:06:46 AM
It's true, I wouldn't make up shit or I would have done it long ago. It's actually not the juicing that bothers me it's the lying about diet. I have known all along he never ate the way he claims. He is laughing his sick fuking ass off knowing that some one out there is eating the way he recommends. Well, not anymore.  >:(

You mean like that wavelength douche?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:06:52 AM
says Mr. keyboard warrior
who could be a gimmick for all we know and never posts a picture
I look much better than most of the people on here

Most? You came last in an online competition. You placed behind a guy who drinks paint thinner, one who never trains his legs and Goudy who just happens to be a monster who didn't even diet down properly. What does this tell you?  
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 20, 2008, 07:07:01 AM
he is absolutely not juicing
even his diet works

1 gram per pound of bodyweight in protein
the rest of calories from whatever you like
makes sense to me

these people are pushing me to eat like this for 4 weeks then post pictures

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 07:07:09 AM
he recommends 1 gram of protein per pound of LBW
that is a hell of a lot more than I'm taking, I'm taking more like 1 gram per kilogram
he eats much more of a bodybuilding diet than me actually

That's recent, after wavelength cleared everything up and wrote sense into it.

Adonis said a calorie is a calorie and that IT DOES NOT MATTER at all, WHAT you eat. He said you can drink coke all day, as long as you get the calories.

THAT is "the Adonis principle".

Total utter bullshit.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:07:37 AM
Most? You came last in an online competition. You placed behind a guy who drinks paint thinner, one who never trains his legs and Goudy who just happens to be a monster who didn't even diet down properly. What does this tell you?  
that the judging sucks
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 07:08:39 AM
You mean like that wavelength douche?

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chester_bbb on November 20, 2008, 07:09:03 AM
Well, I have a problem with both juicing and his "diet".

If he's gonna "use", fine, but WHY lie about it? Why claim to be natural. I have zero respect for someone who does that.

As far as his Diet goes, why give people bad advice? As a joke? I fail to see the point......

Anyway you slice it....fucked up.

It's like when the chad and snasser almost killed Milos with their advice and then giggled like little schoolgirls about it.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:09:20 AM
that the judging sucks
lol you seriously are delusional.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on November 20, 2008, 07:10:06 AM
Do you think that wavelength myself and everyone else here are lying when we say that caloric restriction is an effective means of weight loss without muscle wasting?

I was posting as to the benefits of caloric restriction well before TA was preaching his principles, was I lying just to set the stage for TA, or maybe a time traveler sent by TA to lay the foundations?

No did I say you lying.  I don't read every post on here so I have no idea what you said.  Of course caloric restriction is effective.  Are the one who also said a calorie is a calorie.  Do you eat twinkies, cupcakes and pies for your food intake.  Or do you eat chicken, turkey, fish and lean meats.  And I'll beat you to it, I eat all of that just lower doses now.  He is full of shit and if you don't see that then that is your problem not mine.

Shouldn't your own diet the thing to concentrate on?

Yea doc I am.  But I still have time to post on getbig alot.  And the diet is fine now.  It is the training I got to get back too more.  But thanks for asking.  And it is useless trying to explain to the guys on here who idolize Apenis.  They are obviously beyond help.  I just find it ironic that not one seasoned veteran on here supports his bullshit.  It is all the newbies or guys who don't know any better.  That's fine though, he needs as many supporters as possible.  I bet just about everyone of you have accomplished exactly what he has in life.  Again, "birds of a feather, flock together."

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 07:10:20 AM
Most? You came last in an online competition. You placed behind a guy who drinks paint thinner, one who never trains his legs and Goudy who just happens to be a monster who didn't even diet down properly. What does this tell you?  

spot on. AXA may be a cool guy, but he is NOT an example that eating 1g/lbs is a bb diet.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 07:13:13 AM
You mean like that wavelength douche?

I didn't take anyone's advice, I tried to eliminate the inconveniences out of my diet step by step. It was a 10 year process.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 20, 2008, 07:13:23 AM
spot on. AXA may be a cool guy, but he is NOT an example that eating 1g/lbs is a bb diet.

AXA will never be a bodybuilder because he already knows it all and looks amazing  ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:14:50 AM
AXA will never be a bodybuilder because he already knows it all and looks amazing  ::)
Correct. When you have no muscle and look like a lamp post you know that you have it made!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:15:08 AM
spot on. AXA may be a cool guy, but he is NOT an example that eating 1g/lbs is a bb diet.
I said I eat 0.5 grams per pound, get it right  ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 07:16:32 AM
I think you're discrediting the guy; he's good at something:

Anyone remember 2yrs ago when he called HR at my workplace trying to get me in trouble? Sicker than chlamydia. 

Please tell me this didn't happen.  You can't be serious here
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:16:49 AM
Correct. When you have no muscle and look like a lamp post you know that you have it made!

where is your pictures Mr. Arnold ?
you don't have any posted the last time I checked

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chester_bbb on November 20, 2008, 07:18:06 AM
Did he ever deny to use protein powder?
Where did he say he eats "clean"?
AKAIK he always said there is no such thing as "junk" or "clean" food.

Get off his nutsack skinny homo. ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on November 20, 2008, 07:18:22 AM
he recommends 1 gram of protein per pound of LBW
that is a hell of a lot more than I'm taking, I'm taking more like 1 gram per kilogram
he eats much more of a bodybuilding diet than me actually

I gram for i pound has been around since I started lifting in the 70's.  That is far from new.  He weighs 160 pounds.  If he was eating like this how come he weighs 160.  He does not lifts weights.  He has no muscle to speak of.  He is lean as hell but concentration camp people were lean too and had abs.  His muscle size and weight combined with his height sure doesn't look like he eats 160 grams of protein a day.  But, who knows maybe he has super metabolism and he just can't get any muscle.

I said I eat 0.5 grams per pound, get it right  ;D

So you eat 70 grams of protein a day?  Up your dosage.  Take more guys in the parking lot so you can get more protein the way you really like too.  Did you ever ask your doctor how much protein is in a load like you said you were going to do ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 07:18:52 AM
where is your pictures Mr. Arnold ?
you don't have any posted the last time I checked

I thought you were just joking (you thought you look good).  You are serious?  You really think you look good??

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:19:34 AM
I thought you were just joking (you thought you look good).  You are serious?  You really think you look good??

Unfortunately he does. He actually thinks his side chest was better than Aquiles
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 07:21:02 AM
Unfortunately he does. He actually thinks his side chest was better than Aquiles

He has to be joking around.  He's obviously kidding.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 07:22:03 AM
I didn't take anyone's advice, I tried to eliminate the inconveniences out of my diet step by step. It was a 10 year process.

And yet i can't see why the hell you would give Adonis credit for what YOU achieved.

When Adonis read your "Adonis Principles", he must have felt like Hitler when he met Ernst Röhm.

"Hey, here is this naive guy with almost the same interests and a nice private army of thugs. I might use him to get the power and then I serve his stupid ass."
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 20, 2008, 07:22:28 AM
i wonder why adonis has not posted here  ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:23:40 AM
He has to be joking around.  He's obviously kidding.
Nope. He thinks he is a serious mass monster. Mr Getbig had bad judging and he should have won. He was saying for the last 3 months he was going to win it with ease.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 07:23:50 AM
i wonder why adonis has not posted here  ::)

He's busy deadlifting 225x112.

Oh no wait, that only took him 5 minutes.  ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:24:03 AM
I thought you were just joking (you thought you look good).  You are serious?  You really think you look good??

My sidechest crushes all of you, post a picture beating me, you must be natural,anybody? keith?
that's what I thought

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 20, 2008, 07:24:32 AM
Nope. He thinks he is a serious mass monster. Mr Getbig had bad judging and he should have won. He was saying for the last 3 months he was going to win it with ease.

he also claims he's not a virgin, has a supermodel girlfriend and curls 155lbs  ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: BFP on November 20, 2008, 07:25:45 AM
Can anyone on getbig actually do 225x112 ??

BillyMimmaugh ?  Jason Pegg ?  Wolfie ?  what's your take on this ?

I think Chris could

No way. My heart would exlode. That takes a level of conditioning that I dont have, nor want to obtain.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:27:22 AM
My sidechest crushes all of you, post a picture beating me, you must be natural,anybody? keith?
that's what I thought

have you forgotten how shit you look bean pole?

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: BFP on November 20, 2008, 07:27:34 AM

Are rack pulls better for guys my height (6'2") than deads from the floor?

I honestly believe that its completely individual. If you can get into proper form for pulling off of the floor, then I would recommend that first.  That being said, I believe that rack pulls definitely have a place in any program.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:28:26 AM
you guys are ridiculous, Adonis and his principles work and he is clean, a bunch of obese people judging a ripped man as always
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 07:28:59 AM
My sidechest crushes all of you, post a picture beating me, you must be natural,anybody? keith?
that's what I thought


You crush nothing.  You are the laughing stock of a bbing chat forum.  
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Marty Champions on November 20, 2008, 07:29:04 AM
adonis is 100 percent natural but ive been told that leafy bug is not natural
i am 100 percent natural except for using hero-win one time smoked crack a few handfulls of times and smoked weed 1000's of times
[img width=294 height=600]
adonis is right witht hie high protien

however balance should be maintained

u need some cholesterol in the diet (butter, milk with fat, fatfree has none) cholesterol is importan. also plenty of calcium. carbs should be mainly beans/milk 1-2 percent even whole occasionally and or protien bars
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 20, 2008, 07:30:16 AM
adonis is 100 percent natural but ive been told that leafy bug is not natural
i am 100 percent natural except for using hero-win one time smoked crack a few handfulls of times and smoked weed 1000's of times

that explains it.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 07:30:43 AM
have you forgotten how shit you look bean pole?

lmao!!!!  This has to be one big joke.  I still think this guy is kidding with all of us.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:31:02 AM
You crush nothing.  You are the laughing stock of a bbing chat forum.  
what didn't you get from where I said "natural"
I think the you injected yourself in the brain by mistake  :-\
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:33:19 AM
You crush nothing.  You are the laughing stock of a bbing chat forum.  
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 07:33:30 AM
that explains it.

he forgot to mention the paint thinner and sea salt.

JF = crack addict.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 07:34:42 AM
lmao!!!!  This has to be one big joke.  I still think this guy is kidding with all of us.

Agreed, i think he's pulling of a big joke somehow.

At least i hope that. If he means what he writes, he's even more delusional than TA and DW together.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:34:42 AM
you're a moron
that is self ownage, he takes steroids and looks like shit still
compare him to a top level pro and compare me to a top level natural
he is FAR behind in his league than I am
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:35:45 AM
Agreed, i think he's pulling of a big joke somehow.

At least i hope that. If he means what he writes, he's even more delusional than TA and DW together.

TA and DW are high level naturals whose physiques own most on getbig
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 07:37:47 AM
what didn't you get from where I said "natural"
I think the you injected yourself in the brain by mistake  :-\

I appreciate the compliment.  wow you think I am on juice here.  lol  Thanks!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 07:38:08 AM
TA and DW are high level naturals whose physiques own most on getbig

Would you say that using heroin, crack and paint thinner is still natural?  ::) ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:39:06 AM
you're a moron
that is self ownage, he takes steroids and looks like shit still
compare him to a top level pro and compare me to a top level natural
he is FAR behind in his league than I am
No he doesn't look like a top pro. He looks 10000000 times better than you bean pole. Also, you don't look like you lift weights. Have a look at the natural Olympia. Out of reach for the likes of you stringbean.
Unfortunately anyone who looks better than you will be deemed as a juicer...christ you are stupid.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:40:46 AM
No he doesn't look like a top pro. He looks 10000000 times better than you bean pole. Also, you don't look like you lift weights. Have a look at the natural Olympia. Out of reach for the likes of you stringbean.
Unfortunately anyone who looks better than you will be deemed as a juicer...christ you are stupid.
maybe you're too stupid to read?
what part of "he's on steroids and looks like shit compared to a pro" did you not understand?
I'm stupid? you people are on here claiming Adonis is on steroids cuz he looks better than you
self ownage again monkeyboy
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Monster_Everything on November 20, 2008, 07:42:47 AM
X factor crushes DW, Adonis and MemberX.

hope this helps
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:46:06 AM
maybe you're too stupid to read?
what part of "he's on steroids and looks like shit compared to a pro" did you not understand?
I'm stupid? you people are on here claiming Adonis is on steroids cuz he looks better than you
self ownage again monkeyboy
XFACTOR destroys you. Everyone in GB3 destroyed you. You looked like a lost child. I don't really care about Adonis and his principles...I just think you are a retard. If you took steroids you would still look like garbage. You think you know everything about this but you really don't have a clue. 1/4 squats? Are you frickin kiddin me?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 07:47:27 AM
XFACTOR destroys you. Everyone in GB3 destroyed you. You looked like a lost child. I don't really care about Adonis and his principles...I just think you are a retard. If you took steroids you would still look like garbage. You think you know everything about this but you really don't have a clue. 1/4 squats? Are you frickin kiddin me?

Do you think this may be the reason why he placed dead last?  ::) ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 07:48:36 AM
" ::) " this whole thread
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:49:04 AM
Do you think this may be the reason why he placed dead last?  ::) ::)
It may just be the reason.  ;D
" ::)" this whole thread
Uh oh

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 07:52:46 AM
" ::) " this whole thread


I give up and wave the white flag. Now i will cry a bit and then call everyone juicer again.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:54:20 AM

I give up and wave the white flag. Now i will cry a bit and then call everyone juicer again.

lol he posted about 1000 posts the day the photos were revealed. All defending his shit body.

Clearly no back day on his training schedule
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: mass 04 on November 20, 2008, 07:57:22 AM
lol he posted about 1000 posts the day the photos were revealed. All defending his shit body.

Clearly no back day on his training schedule
or shoulder day,tricep day,and haircut day.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 07:58:51 AM
or shoulder day,tricep day,and haircut day.
Haircut day needs to be added asap.
Then he should concentrate on actually going to the gym and training.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Monster_Everything on November 20, 2008, 08:00:22 AM
Haircut day needs to be added asap.
Then he should concentrate on actually going to the gym and training.
maybe he should change the definition of gym to 'a place where one works out' from 'the place I met that Avesher guy'
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on November 20, 2008, 08:00:54 AM
I'm not taking a side on this but I think in the 5 years I've seen Adonis on these boards people have periodically tried to get him to go away.
Each time drugs are brought up, lies, supposed pm's, evidence of steroid use, homosexual slanders.
With this time we have a successful married man taking time to print out a photo, urinate on said photo, video tape it and spend time uploading it all in an effort to piss Adam off (no pun intended).
Jeff McFarland literally went crazy when dealing w/ Adam's messageboard life.
It's obvious he doesn't care. He obviously has a lot less invested in these boards than his detractors as evidenced by him disappearing for months at a time.
Why keep making these long ass threads that just lead to absolutely nothing?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Method101 on November 20, 2008, 08:01:14 AM
anyone who believed his bullshit diet deserves to look like shit.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 08:03:22 AM
maybe he should change the definition of gym to 'a place where one works out' from 'the place I met that Avesher guy'
I'm pretty sure it was his first time in the gym ever. He looked confused as to what actually goes on in a gym
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 08:05:53 AM
lol he posted about 1000 posts the day the photos were revealed. All defending his shit body.

Clearly no back day on his training schedule

This guy is actually funny.  Personally I think getbig needed a new punching bag/jester now that johnny vegas is gone.

AXA back and my back
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 08:07:47 AM
This guy is actually funny.  Personally I think getbig needed a new punching bag/jester now that johnny vegas is gone.

AXA back and my back
"Yeah but the lighting in your shot is better and I'm uh taller than you and umm I am umm.......You use steroids "
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 08:10:37 AM
my back  ;D
Juicer  ;D

AXA still looks better than all you fairys. He carries more mass than everyone on getbig. Hence last place.

Seriously though - Impressive back.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Monster_Everything on November 20, 2008, 08:11:28 AM
All i know is that when I did the Mr. getbig II, i starved myself, had bad lighting, and did a carb-up thing and sodium load that made me look like shit, forever etched into the internet...but nowadays my constant balanced diet, strength training, and good sleep makes me look better, more muscular than ever. I eat bagels twice a week, egg, saugsage with cheese on a roll in the morning (four to five days a week )and the rest of the day sensible stuff like chicken, brown rice, fish (basic BB diet), I have a protein shake once a day. I probably eat 5 times a day, and on the weekend I eat out cause well thats life, enjoy it.

The nerve of this tiniest of tits to say that he ownes me , MemberX i felt sorry for you at first but you continue to be delusional, hahah your the official getbig whipping boy, finished 8 out of 8 and recieved no money (i got $100 bucks), you deserve to be pasted by the masses.... First you look like the scarecrow, now you might as well sing his song...."if i only have a brain" hahahah

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 08:12:48 AM
All i know is that when I did the Mr. getbig II, i starved myself, had bad lighting, and did a carb-up thing and sodium load that made me look like shit, forever etched into the internet...but nowadays my constant balanced diet, strength training, and good sleep makes me look better, more muscular than ever. I eat bagels twice a week, egg, saugsage with cheese on a roll in the morning (four to five days a week )and the rest of the day sensible stuff like chicken, brown rice, fish (basic BB diet), I have a protein shake once a day. I probably eat 5 times a day, and on the weekend I eat out cause well thats life, enjoy it.

The nerve of this tiniest of tits to say that he ownes me , MemberX i felt sorry for you at first but you continue to be delusional, hahah your the official getbig whipping boy, finished 8 out of 8 and recieved no money (i got $100 bucks), you deserve to be pasted by the masses.... First you look like the scarecrow, now you might as well sing his song...."if i only have a brain" hahahah

jaejown3d in leet speak too! Nicely put sir.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: TacoBell on November 20, 2008, 08:14:03 AM
Juicer  ;D

AXA still looks better than all you fairys. He carries more mass than everyone on getbig. Hence last place.

Seriously though - Impressive back.

Excuse me, I'm natural.
I follow the Bell principals, which means everything I eat is smothered in cheese with 2 packs of fire sauce.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 08:20:59 AM
Excuse me, I'm natural.
I follow the Bell principals, which means everything I eat is smothered in cheese with 2 packs of fire sauce.

Seems to work! AXA dwarfs you on sheer delusionism
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: TacoBell on November 20, 2008, 08:25:54 AM
Seems to work! AXA dwarfs you on sheer delusionism

Well, if u stretched me out to 6'7, I'd probably look just like him.....
Right AXA?  ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 08:26:42 AM
Well, if u stretched me out to 6'7, I'd probably look just like him.....
Right AXA?  ::)
Bwahahahaha not a chance. He is far superior! He can do 1/4 inch squats with 585
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 08:27:16 AM
Get off his nutsack skinny homo. ::)

Just 3 simple questions I don't know the answer to.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: dayweed on November 20, 2008, 08:27:28 AM
All i know is that when I did the Mr. getbig II, i starved myself, had bad lighting, and did a carb-up thing and sodium load that made me look like shit, forever etched into the internet...but nowadays my constant balanced diet, strength training, and good sleep makes me look better, more muscular than ever. I eat bagels twice a week, egg, saugsage with cheese on a roll in the morning (four to five days a week )and the rest of the day sensible stuff like chicken, brown rice, fish (basic BB diet), I have a protein shake once a day. I probably eat 5 times a day, and on the weekend I eat out cause well thats life, enjoy it.

The nerve of this tiniest of tits to say that he ownes me , MemberX i felt sorry for you at first but you continue to be delusional, hahah your the official getbig whipping boy, finished 8 out of 8 and recieved no money (i got $100 bucks), you deserve to be pasted by the masses.... First you look like the scarecrow, now you might as well sing his song...."if i only have a brain" hahahah


That pic looks really weird.. shitty photoshop skills ?!
But you obviously made good improvements as you honestly looked like shit.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: mass 04 on November 20, 2008, 08:27:39 AM
Bwahahahaha not a chance. He is far superior! He can do 1/4 inch squats with 585
in a smith machine, no less.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 08:28:56 AM
in a smith machine, no less.
Damn I forgot it was smith machine 1/4 inch squats with 585 for reps. How retarded can one twig be?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 08:30:10 AM
All i know is that when I did the Mr. getbig II, i starved myself, had bad lighting, and did a carb-up thing and sodium load that made me look like shit, forever etched into the internet...but nowadays my constant balanced diet, strength training, and good sleep makes me look better, more muscular than ever. I eat bagels twice a week, egg, saugsage with cheese on a roll in the morning (four to five days a week )and the rest of the day sensible stuff like chicken, brown rice, fish (basic BB diet), I have a protein shake once a day. I probably eat 5 times a day, and on the weekend I eat out cause well thats life, enjoy it.

The nerve of this tiniest of tits to say that he ownes me , MemberX i felt sorry for you at first but you continue to be delusional, hahah your the official getbig whipping boy, finished 8 out of 8 and recieved no money (i got $100 bucks), you deserve to be pasted by the masses.... First you look like the scarecrow, now you might as well sing his song...."if i only have a brain" hahahah


you got fuckin jacked jj!!  Nicely done man!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Bluto on November 20, 2008, 08:32:24 AM
7 pages of adonis, all in all you guys probably written 100's of pages about him through the years

he owns your minds.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 08:34:00 AM
I've dieted off of a typical "clean" low carb diet and I've followed a simple "Adonis Principles/Weight Watchers" type diet and let me tell you this, reducing calories to a rediculously low level to get shredded is MUCH harder to do on the latter. I lost 40 pounds on a low carb diet in just shy of 4 months following a VERY low calorie method five out of seven days. I'm talking 1500-1800 calories maximum for those 5 days, increasing to 2500 or so on weekends. The main thing is that my body copes very well off of very little carbs, no craving, no hunger, no muscle loss. As soon as I went back to a more rounded diet, including so-called "junk food", which would be available to you on a "True Adonis" type diet, my hunger and cravings shot up. I stuggled to maintain at 2500-3000 calories with this method, due to the newly found sugar-cravings due to insulin release etc. Yes, a calorie is a calorie, you will end up looking pretty similar regardless of diet as long as nutritional bases are covered BUT how those macronutrients effect an INDIVIDUAL is entirely dependant on GENETICS. Adonis argues that people cannot be "carb sensitive" and such, but explain how people manage to eat themselves into diabetes; even in a calorie defecit? Seems to me like you can't ignore an individuals needs and predispostions.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 08:35:11 AM
And yet i can't see why the hell you would give Adonis credit for what YOU achieved.

When Adonis read your "Adonis Principles", he must have felt like Hitler when he met Ernst Röhm.

"Hey, here is this naive guy with almost the same interests and a nice private army of thugs. I might use him to get the power and then I serve his stupid ass."

I don't care about who gets credit. Nothing is original. What difference does it make how a method is called? If he has said something different in the past, I don't support that. I am only talking about the rules as defined in the thread I started.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 08:36:07 AM
7 pages of adonis, all in all you guys probably written 100's of pages about him through the years

he owns your minds.

 I think the AXA guy is the interesting one.  Guy is hilarious.  You are funny as well though 30k posts and that physique of yours makes for a good laugh.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: tommywishbone on November 20, 2008, 08:36:24 AM
lol he posted about 1000 posts the day the photos were revealed. All defending his shit body.


Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: spinnis on November 20, 2008, 08:37:34 AM
All i know is that when I did the Mr. getbig II, i starved myself, had bad lighting, and did a carb-up thing and sodium load that made me look like shit, forever etched into the internet...but nowadays my constant balanced diet, strength training, and good sleep makes me look better, more muscular than ever. I eat bagels twice a week, egg, saugsage with cheese on a roll in the morning (four to five days a week )and the rest of the day sensible stuff like chicken, brown rice, fish (basic BB diet), I have a protein shake once a day. I probably eat 5 times a day, and on the weekend I eat out cause well thats life, enjoy it.

The nerve of this tiniest of tits to say that he ownes me , MemberX i felt sorry for you at first but you continue to be delusional, hahah your the official getbig whipping boy, finished 8 out of 8 and recieved no money (i got $100 bucks), you deserve to be pasted by the masses.... First you look like the scarecrow, now you might as well sing his song...."if i only have a brain" hahahah


that photos is soooo distorted lol.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 08:38:44 AM
lol he posted about 1000 posts the day the photos were revealed. All defending his shit body.


Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wood on November 20, 2008, 08:40:19 AM
7 pages, no PM's posted with any credible evidence and the only one getting owned is AXA as usual.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: njflex on November 20, 2008, 08:43:09 AM
SO if this is true a]adonis competed in gb1 was using per say and lost to a pro natural and cried about it,even if he was cycling/or just off and lost .b]was doing cycle in pics he posted recently but did not want to compete gb3 cause he lost some of that condiition or size due to coming off again .those pics were couple months old and maybe he lost some of it and didn't want to do gb3.c]maybe he's telling the truth about everything.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: jtsunami on November 20, 2008, 08:46:29 AM
This thread needs to be deleted if no evidences is posted, it is just slandering The True Adonis. 

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Monster_Everything on November 20, 2008, 08:47:56 AM
you got fuckin jacked jj!!  Nicely done man!
your not so small yourself 'x' ...
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on November 20, 2008, 08:52:02 AM
My sidechest crushes all of you, post a picture beating me, you must be natural,anybody? keith?
that's what I thought


You almost got it right.  You meant to say "My chest is so small and I am so skinny, that if I benched pressed 135 it would CRUSH my chest"  Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 08:53:48 AM
You almost got it right.  You meant to say "My chest is so small and I am so skinny, that if I benched pressed 135 it would CRUSH my chest"  Hope this helps.
I wonder does he bench 585 for 1/4 inch reps in the smith?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Camel Jockey on November 20, 2008, 08:56:42 AM

I have PMs proving the same thing.

I also have PMs implicating him and Leafy_bug who was supposed to come out with his usage to prove that "it's impossible to compete without drugs"....

I have mixed feelings about Adonis. My urge is to not like him, and if these allegations are true then he's a fucking insecure little weasel. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I mean he would describe himself as a "bodybuilder", so naturally he is prone too lies and insecurity.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:08:44 AM
guys... yer just tilting at windmills here.
Quoted for truth.

I detect a jealous rage.  I find it hilarious.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: mazrim on November 20, 2008, 09:11:17 AM
7 pages, no PM's posted with any credible evidence and the only one getting owned is AXA as usual.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: shiftedShapes on November 20, 2008, 09:17:38 AM
No did I say you lying.  I don't read every post on here so I have no idea what you said.  Of course caloric restriction is effective.  Are the one who also said a calorie is a calorie.  Do you eat twinkies, cupcakes and pies for your food intake.  Or do you eat chicken, turkey, fish and lean meats.  And I'll beat you to it, I eat all of that just lower doses now.  He is full of shit and if you don't see that then that is your problem not mine.

He may have said a calorie is a calorie very long ago when he was finding his way, but he has subsequently amended his proscription to "a calorie is a calorie so long as one gets the RDA of all nutrients."  Granted, this is not a free for all but with a 2500 calorie mainteneance level, this still leaves you with substantially more freedom in your diet than a conventional bodybuilding diet and it is just as effective.

I believe that TA admitted to being wrong about a calorie is a calorie (plain and simple) but if he didn't I'm sure that he would if you put it to him in a clear manner. 
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Tapeworm on November 20, 2008, 09:20:29 AM
He may have said a calorie is a calorie very long ago when he was finding his way, but he has subsequently amended his proscription to "a calorie is a calorie so long as one gets the RDA of all nutrients."  Granted, this is not a free for all but with a 2500 calorie mainteneance level, this still leaves you with substantially more freedom in your diet than a conventional bodybuilding diet and it is just as effective.

I believe that TA admitted to being wrong about a calorie is a calorie (plain and simple) but if he didn't I'm sure that he would if you put it to him in a clear manner. 

TA, is a calorie a calorie, plain and simple?  :D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:22:19 AM
He may have said a calorie is a calorie very long ago when he was finding his way, but he has subsequently amended his proscription to "a calorie is a calorie so long as one gets the RDA of all nutrients."  Granted, this is not a free for all but with a 2500 calorie mainteneance level, this still leaves you with substantially more freedom in your diet than a conventional bodybuilding diet and it is just as effective.

I believe that TA admitted to being wrong about a calorie is a calorie (plain and simple) but if he didn't I'm sure that he would if you put it to him in a clear manner. 
I have ALWAYS and STILL MANTAIN that a Calorie is a calorie but a Macro Nutrient is not a Macro Nutrient.  1 calorie of paper clips=1 calorie of carbs=1 calorie of shampoo=1 calorie of fat=1 calorie of diamond and so on....

Protein is not a Carbohydrate, Carbohydrates are not a Fat, Fats are not a Protein and so on....

I have said this since day one.

The poor comprehension skills of most members on here is astounding.  :o
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:23:07 AM
TA, is a calorie a calorie, plain and simple?  :D
I have ALWAYS and STILL MANTAIN that a Calorie is a calorie but a Macro Nutrient is not a Macro Nutrient.  1 calorie of paper clips=1 calorie of carbs=1 calorie of shampoo=1 calorie of fat=1 calorie of diamond and so on....

Protein is not a Carbohydrate, Carbohydrates are not a Fat, Fats are not a Protein and so on....

I have said this since day one.

The poor comprehension skills of most members on here is astounding.  Shocked
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Tapeworm on November 20, 2008, 09:25:41 AM
Do you currently recommend protein consumption in excess of the RDA? 
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 20, 2008, 09:26:56 AM
I have ALWAYS and STILL MANTAIN that a Calorie is a calorie but a Macro Nutrient is not a Macro Nutrient.  1 calorie of paper clips=1 calorie of carbs=1 calorie of shampoo=1 calorie of fat=1 calorie of diamond and so on....

Protein is not a Carbohydrate, Carbohydrates are not a Fat, Fats are not a Protein and so on....

I have said this since day one.

The poor comprehension skills of most members on here is astounding.  Shocked

pure genius.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:31:34 AM
Do you currently recommend protein consumption in excess of the RDA? 
There is no excess range for Protein according to the RDA/RDI.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 09:34:49 AM
Quoted for truth.

I detect a jealous rage.  I find it hilarious.

 lol at being jealous of you. Too funny.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 09:35:56 AM
I have ALWAYS and STILL MANTAIN that a Calorie is a calorie but a Macro Nutrient is not a Macro Nutrient.  1 calorie of paper clips=1 calorie of carbs=1 calorie of shampoo=1 calorie of fat=1 calorie of diamond and so on....

Protein is not a Carbohydrate, Carbohydrates are not a Fat, Fats are not a Protein and so on....

I have said this since day one.

The poor comprehension skills of most members on here is astounding.  Shocked


More of your Bullshit.

You clearly stated that macronutrients don't matter. The only "rule" was a calorie is a calorie.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on November 20, 2008, 09:37:00 AM
Donkey Kong once again trolling the Adonis thread w/ his anger. Just walk away for once. You'll never win.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:37:24 AM

More of your Bullshit.

You clearly stated that macronutrients don't matter. The only "rule" was a calorie is a calorie.
Please show me where I posted that.

Link me.

Wait. You can`t.
Because I have NEVER stated or mantained that.

You are reaching my friend for an alternate reality that only exists in your mind.  Don`t let your hate for me consume you in such a way that distorts your own reality. 

I notice this is a clear trait of the Conservative brain.  It is a quite interesting phenomenon.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: mass 04 on November 20, 2008, 09:42:58 AM
Adonis is the best mind fvcker on the internet,hands down.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Tapeworm on November 20, 2008, 09:46:27 AM
There is no excess range for Protein according to the RDA/RDI.

I don't mean protein ceiling, I mean basement - minimum protein consumption.

I seem to recall you recommending the RDA at one point, but I thought you had since revised your view and were eating slightly more protein.  I can't remember for sure what you recommend in the way of grams of protein per day.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 09:47:03 AM

This is an absolute and can never change.

A Macronutrient is not a macronutrient.


Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 09:47:54 AM
Donkey Kong once again trolling the Adonis thread w/ his anger. Just walk away for once. You'll never win.

"win"? How can i "win" on an internet message board.

Please show me where I posted that.

Link me.

Wait. You can`t.
Because I have NEVER stated or mantained that.

You are reaching my friend for an alternate reality that only exists in your mind.  Don`t let your hate for me consume you in such a way that distorts your own reality. 

I notice this is a clear trait of the Conservative brain.  It is a quite interesting phenomenon.

Oh i can't??


This is an absolute and can never change.

A Macronutrient is not a macronutrient.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: MAXX on November 20, 2008, 09:48:44 AM
this thread is pretty useless without proof..

that Leafy is not natural anymore has been obvious since after his first competition... with adonis i doubt it but you never know...
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:50:45 AM
"win"? How can i "win" on an internet message board.

Oh i can't??


uhhh, You do realize that is EXACTLY what I just posted above?  Here I will repost it:

I have ALWAYS and STILL MANTAIN that a Calorie is a calorie but a Macro Nutrient is not a Macro Nutrient.  1 calorie of paper clips=1 calorie of carbs=1 calorie of shampoo=1 calorie of fat=1 calorie of diamond and so on....

Protein is not a Carbohydrate, Carbohydrates are not a Fat, Fats are not a Protein and so on....

I have said this since day one.

The poor comprehension skills of most members on here is astounding.  Shocked

I have ALWAYS said that a Calorie is a Calorie but a Macro Nutrient is not a Macro Nutrient.

Thanks for making my case yet again.

Seriously, what is the matter with your comprehension skills?  Do you realize that you are just re-affirming what I have always mantained?


Are you just a moron that does not realize that he just in fact PWNED himself?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 09:52:02 AM
BS, you claimed it doesn't matter in what way macronutrients are in your diet.

I'll find the post, just wait.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:52:38 AM
I don't mean protein ceiling, I mean basement - minimum protein consumption.

I seem to recall you recommending the RDA at one point, but I thought you had since revised your view and were eating slightly more protein.  I can't remember for sure what you recommend in the way of grams of protein per day.
.5 to 1 gram per lb of bodyweight is what I recommend.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:54:48 AM
BS, you claimed it doesn't matter in what way macronutrients are in your diet.

I'll find the post, just wait.
You are just wasting your time.  It could be better spent learning how to comprehend what you read and remembering the context.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on November 20, 2008, 09:55:19 AM


thanks bro.. I was looking for this thread but too lazy to search..
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:58:40 AM


So 1 calorie of shampoo is not equal to one calorie diamond?  Care to demonstrate that one?  You have revised the Second Law of Thermodynamics?


You are claiming that all Macronutrients are the same?  Care to demonstrate that one?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Tapeworm on November 20, 2008, 09:58:40 AM
.5 to 1 gram per lb of bodyweight is what I recommend.


Agree, although I raise protein a little higher when dieting.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 10:01:45 AM
I don't think this "calorie = calorie" thing will provide any real information. It's like saying 1 inch is 1 inch, of course that's always true.

Macro composition does matter, I think this is established.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 10:02:42 AM
So where are the PMs this thread was all about ???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Nordic Beast on November 20, 2008, 10:04:59 AM
hahah are you saying that fat bloated Alex is jealous of your ideal greek physique ??? ;D

you know disgusted and him were all giddy talking to each other on IM about how they were going to "own" you into oblivion-----got to wonder how much time ALex has spent on his mancrush on you...pure self-ownage on his part :-\

I know the deal----he's been following me around for the last 6 months with a disturbing mancrush :-X
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 10:08:03 AM
I don't think this "calorie = calorie" thing will provide any real information. It's like saying 1 inch is 1 inch, of course that's always true.

Macro composition does matter, I think this is established.
The irony is that the concept is so simple, yet so lost and deemed too confusing for fellows such as DonkyKong to ever grasp.  The hope for the future is indeed dim if this kind of thought operates en masse`.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 10:14:32 AM
hahah are you saying that fat bloated Alex is jealous of your ideal greek physique ??? ;D

you know disgusted and him were all giddy talking to each other on IM about how they were going to "own" you into oblivion-----got to wonder how much time ALex has spent on his mancrush on you...pure self-ownage on his part :-\

I know the deal----he's been following me around for the last 6 months with a disturbing mancrush :-X
I don`t understand it really.  Usually a mancrush operates in the opposite manner.  Alex23 has unchanneled anger I think due to Hummer and GMC on the brink of dissolution and the fact that his stock portfolio has declined further than his physique has which is quite frightening.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 10:14:50 AM
The irony is that the concept is so simple, yet so lost and deemed too confusing for fellows such as DonkyKong to ever grasp.  The hope for the future is indeed dim if this kind of thought operates en masse`.

people.....which is heavier

a pound of feathers or a pound of steel?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: MisterMagoo on November 20, 2008, 10:16:15 AM
any man who buys a hummer clearly has security issues.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: shiftedShapes on November 20, 2008, 10:17:56 AM
So where are the PMs this thread was all about ???

yes please post let us make up our own minds.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: drkaje on November 20, 2008, 10:19:48 AM
My sidechest crushes all of you, post a picture beating me, you must be natural,anybody? keith?
that's what I thought



You're trying too hard to fit in here.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 10:22:05 AM
Yea I do.  I think he lies about the way he eats to make it look like he has some new way of dieting so it gives him some sort of importance on here and other sites.  He obviously has lost alot of weight and got in better shape than he was.  I give him credit for that bigtime.  But, he is lying 100% when he tells you how he did it.  Anyone can see that except for the people who hope he is telling the truth.  And he say he does no cardio or very little.  For some reason he wants people to think he is smarter than he really is so he creates these stories and tries to convince people he created a new way to lose weight, get strong and be in optimal shape.  He has done nothing.  He is a master of cut & paste and has not come up with anything that is new and revolutionary.  If he would have just come out and tell people his actual diet and training regime he would be respected on here.  but trying to fool people on here and some of them very very smart in the industry is just dumb.

BINGO! At this point only a dumbass would believe anything that he says? I guarentee that he doesn't have to think too hard as to who the people are that pmd me either.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: MONSTER_TRICEPS on November 20, 2008, 10:22:11 AM
Another juicer who looks like he squats 135 for 5.   :'(
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: drkaje on November 20, 2008, 10:26:21 AM
BMR at 6.5 cal per lb of bodymass says I require about 1450 cal at rest plus 450 per workout. So at about 1700 I'm defficient and should get ripped soon. Calories being calories and proteins, supplements being all a scam, I decided to get my 1700 cals on Cap n' Crunch and Cocopuffs, both will only bring me 4g of protein so I should be fine.

3 weeks later I'm wasting like there's no tomorow, my insulin is all fucked up and glucose to glucagon ratio is off the roof.

Where did I go wrong with my great application of those so called "Principles"?

Breaking out of that madness, I remembered something from biochemistry called PTOR (protein turn over rate). That scientifically proven rule says that my LBM x 1.818 is what I need to prevent from going catabolic. so that's about 310g of protein.

I come to the conclusion that the fucking idiots who think that "calories are calories" are misleading the goodhearted getbiggers.

Discuss  ;D

I'm not going to disagree with ya but can Adumbass really be blamed for people being thatstupid? Adonis is just an internet persona (like the rest of us), unless someone's putting out legit credentials and can show real results there isn't a reason to believe them.

Generally, I believe he's a smart guy that is a bit of an attention whore. :)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 10:26:42 AM

Bullshit.   The diet I believe, but juicing??  TA's physique does not look like that of a juicer in any way. 

You ought to know better than that Goat. There are still plenty of legal steroids (not prohormes) out there to be taken. Take a look at some of his pics and you can tell he was on something. He "had" oretty good size to his shoulders and arms that obviously was not natural. Just because he has bad genetics doesn't mean he's clean.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: drkaje on November 20, 2008, 10:30:42 AM
You ought to know better than that Goat. There are still plenty of legal steroids (not prohormes) out there to be taken. Take a look at some of his pics and you can tell he was on something. He "had" oretty good size to his shoulders and arms that obviously was not natural. Just because he has bad genetics doesn't mean he's clean.

Adonis has always had pretty good arms/shoulders. I believe he looked healthier/fuller at the higher weight but that's just one man's opinion. As far as juicing, pro-hormoning (not a real word) or legal sterioding (another Jakeism) goes... there's really no way to verify it and it just becomes another Adonis thread.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 10:30:58 AM

BINGO! At this point only a dumbass would believe anything that he says? I guarentee that he doesn't have to think too hard as to who the people are that pmd me either.
I feel sorry for your reputation that you even made this thread.  I have never gone out of my way to make up lies about you.  I find it amusing that you simply could not engage in a healthy and robust debate.

You spiralled out of control, had a meltdown, made this thread and didn`t even bother to offer proof of what you are claiming. I know why, because you made it all up.  The question that strikes me the most is, Why?

Disagree with my methodology, with how I look or how I present my facts all you want, but don`t make blatant lies and expect people to believe them.  It does an injustice to your reputation to give in to the bottom-feeders and the slime of getbig.

Now some words of Wisdom from the Great Joe Biden.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but NOT your own Facts."- Joe Biden
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 10:35:08 AM
I feel sorry for your reputation that you even made this thread.  I have never gone out of my way to make up lies about you.  I find it amusing that you simply could not engage in a healthy and robust debate.

You spiralled out of control, had a meltdown, made this thread and didn`t even bother to offer proof of what you are claiming. I know why, because you made it all up.  The question that strikes me the most is, Why?

Disagree with my methodology, with how I look or how I present my facts all you want, but don`t make blatant lies and expect people to believe them.  It does an injustice to your reputation to give in to the bottom-feeders and the slime of getbig.

Now some words of Wisdom from the Great Joe Biden.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but NOT your own Facts."- Joe Biden

Gee Adam I am honored that you feel sorry for me and and my reputation, but did I ever mention that I was talking about you? I don't think that I ever made it 100% clear who I am talkng about.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Man of Steel on November 20, 2008, 10:38:09 AM
Here's the standard muscle formula:  eat bigger than normal + lift weights consistently = get bigger muscles

Here's the standard super muscle formula:  eat huge + have superior genetics + use bb drugs + lift weights consistently + wear otomoix ankle high boots = get super big muscles
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: mass 04 on November 20, 2008, 10:39:36 AM
Im eating a double cheeseburger RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: MAXX on November 20, 2008, 10:40:30 AM
Gee Adam I am honored that you feel sorry for me and and my reputation, but did I ever mention that I was talking about you? I don't think that I ever made it 100% clear who I am talkng about.
just spill the beans already. need attention much? post the pm ffs
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 10:42:16 AM
Gee Adam I am honored that you feel sorry for and and my reputation, but did I ever mention that I was talking about you? I don't think that I ever made it 100% clear who I am talkng about.
Here is your chance to clear the air.  So tell us, if you were not talking about me, just who were you referring to and why?

Show us what you have been misled to believe.  

Are you trying in some way to "Bill Ayers" me? Example- "Adonis Instant Messages board member X frequently. Board member X drives a Hummer and is obese with a lowered position in the stock market due to the economic downturn. Therefore Adonis must also drive a Hummer, be obese and on steroids and like to partake in the seedy underbelly of the sport known as off-roading and hunting while standing in the street with an empty cup, begging for change as the DOW closes another 243 points lower."

Is that your modus operandi?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Man of Steel on November 20, 2008, 10:48:16 AM
Oh yeah, the calorie is a calorie thing.......depends on the person.   My body responds to weight training best on an 80% clean diet / 20% eat whathever crappy food you want kinda diet.   I'm not talking about weight loss or leaning out...I'm talkin about buildin size.   

Weight loss I look at like this:  if ya eat 10 big macs a day everyday and you suddenly begin consuming 7 big macs a day you will lose weight.  Add some regular aerobic exercise and you'll lose more weight.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 10:51:39 AM
Just FYI here's just a small list of actual legal steroids that you can still purchase.

2a, 17a-Dimethyl-5a-Androstane-3-One
17b-Ol, Estra-4,9-Diene-3,17-Dione,
4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1, 4-diene-3-17b-diol

It amazes me that some people will take these products and still call themselves natural. Hell, mostof these chemicals are more potent than Anadrol., but I guess as long as they are OTC it's OK in their minds.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Deicide on November 20, 2008, 10:52:33 AM
Subjectively I don't agree and anyway I am consuming less than 1800 calories a day and still not dropping's frustrating.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 10:54:12 AM
I still see no PMs, also none which would indicate usage of named OTC procucts.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 10:55:56 AM
he is absolutely not juicing
even his diet works

1 gram per pound of bodyweight in protein
the rest of calories from whatever you like
makes sense to me

these people are pushing me to eat like this for 4 weeks then post pictures

By all means I think that you should have Adam help you with your diet and I mean that sincerely. I think that you would look great if you got leaner and I told you this when you asked me after the contest what it was that I thought you needed to improve upon. Plus this would be another chance (first one failed) for Adam to prove his diet approach.  
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 10:56:57 AM
Just FYI here's just a small list of actual legal steroids that you can still purchase.

2a, 17a-Dimethyl-5a-Androstane-3-One
17b-Ol, Estra-4,9-Diene-3,17-Dione,
4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1, 4-diene-3-17b-diol

It amazes me that some people will take these products and still call themselves natural. Hell, mostof these chemicals are more potent than Anadrol., but I guess as long as they are OTC it's OK in their minds.
Do those occur in Snickers Marathon Bars or Met-Rx Big 100 bars?   ???  Should I be worried?  ???

ROFLMAO. Seriously, you may just want to end this thread.  The more you post, the worse you look.  How much more rope are you going to unfurl in order hang yourself with?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 11:00:26 AM
I still see no PMs

Did you not read my first post?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: tommywishbone on November 20, 2008, 11:00:44 AM
Just FYI here's just a small list of actual legal steroids that you can still purchase.

2a, 17a-Dimethyl-5a-Androstane-3-One
17b-Ol, Estra-4,9-Diene-3,17-Dione,
4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1, 4-diene-3-17b-diol

It amazes me that some people will take these products and still call themselves natural. Hell, mostof these chemicals are more potent than Anadrol., but I guess as long as they are OTC it's OK in their minds.

Help out a square... trade names please.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 11:01:22 AM
Do those occur in Snickers Marathon Bars or Met-Rx Big 100 bars?   ???  Should I be worried?  ???

ROFLMAO. Seriously, you may just want to end this thread.  The more you post, the worse you look.

I fail to see why you are wasting your time trying to converse with me.  ???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 11:02:15 AM
Help out a square... trade names please.

Sorry,  ;D Just copy and paste them into google.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: jtsunami on November 20, 2008, 11:02:19 AM
The True Adonis defending himself like an Attorney.  He is so smart, so intellectual you will never out wit him, just give up.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 11:02:59 AM
I fail to see why you are wasting your time trying to converse with me.  ???
At least we both can agree on one premise....We both KNOW you are lying.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: tommywishbone on November 20, 2008, 11:03:26 AM
Sorry,  ;D Just copy and paste them into google.

 >:( google shill!!

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 11:03:40 AM
Did you not read my first post?

Which one, the very first? Call me stupid, I don't get it.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 11:06:39 AM
Which one, the very first? Call me stupid, I don't get it.
What I find most amusing IS that first post.  Here is an ironic excerpt from Disgusted:

Today at 01:51:15 AM
 What a clown. This guy is more than a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. Going to such great lengths to perpetuate a lie.   
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chester_bbb on November 20, 2008, 11:08:55 AM
I have ALWAYS and STILL MANTAIN that a Calorie is a calorie but a Macro Nutrient is not a Macro Nutrient.  1 calorie of paper clips=1 calorie of carbs=1 calorie of shampoo=1 calorie of fat=1 calorie of diamond and so on....

Protein is not a Carbohydrate, Carbohydrates are not a Fat, Fats are not a Protein and so on....

I have said this since day one.

The poor comprehension skills of most members on here is astounding.  Shocked

No that Macro Nutrient stuff came later when everyone called you on a calorie is a calorie (people were asking you to eat a can of crisco). You then came up with the RDA thing and Macro Nutrients.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 11:10:08 AM
No that Macro Nutrient stuff came later when everyone called you on a calorie is a calorie (people were asking you to eat a can of crisco). You then came up with the RDA thing and Macro Nutrients.
Why would anyone eat a can of Cisco?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 11:10:39 AM
how about I put this whole thing to rest
lower my calories and eat icecream everyday for the next 4 weeks and post the results
I already made a thread
I'll prove that all that matters is how much you eat  ;)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The ChemistV2 on November 20, 2008, 11:12:28 AM
This thread got absurd real fast. Someone claiming they own someone, using a derogatory nickname (Apenis) that we all know has been used to describe Adonis, by saying they know he's a juicing hypocrite. Then when proof is asked, suddenly it wasn't Adonis they were talking about. Why do I even read this crap?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Monster_Everything on November 20, 2008, 11:13:30 AM
This thread got absurd real fast.  Why do I even read this crap?
cause its stoopid
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 11:16:06 AM
"Apenis" != "Adonis"
I think I got it now.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: 4thAD on November 20, 2008, 11:16:22 AM
OK, since this is the second pm that I have gotten since last night and both from members that I regularly converse with I decided to post this, but I have been sworn to secrecy so no names.  >:(

Anyway, it seems our beloved Apenis not only eats clean, but he juices too. He is telling the truth about eating crap till he goes up to a certain weight which is about 10 pounds over what he calls his ideal weight then when he diets back down it's chicken, buffalo, egg whites, oatmeal, rice ect.  ;D He also has been juicing for quite some time from what I was told which I suspected anyway so no big surprise. What a clown. This guy is more than a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. Going to such great lengths to perpetuate a lie.  ??? Guess the truth has finally bitten you in your scrawny little ass. hahahahahaaaaaaa  ;D

I remember seeing the bloated mess Adonis pics and thinking he has to be using some gear!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 11:16:41 AM
how about I put this whole thing to rest
lower my calories and eat icecream everyday for the next 4 weeks and post the results
I already made a thread
I'll prove that all that matters is how much you eat  ;)
Yes. You proved it already. Eat shit..look like shit. Continue to eat shit...continue to look shit. Congrats. 8th place.  8)

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chester_bbb on November 20, 2008, 11:17:45 AM
Why would anyone eat a can of Cisco?

You said that you could eat anything as long as the calories were below maintenance level and still get ripped and add muscle.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The Coach on November 20, 2008, 11:18:28 AM
"You are entitled to your own opinion, but NOT your own Facts."- Joe Biden

You mean like when Biden said to Couric about President FDR going on TV in 1929 addressing the great depression..LMAO. Great person to quote there Adam....hahahahahaha!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: drkaje on November 20, 2008, 11:20:40 AM
how about I put this whole thing to rest
lower my calories and eat icecream everyday for the next 4 weeks and post the results
I already made a thread
I'll prove that all that matters is how much you eat  ;)

Go for it, LOL!

Try doing the exact same workout and eat nothing but ice cream over the next 4 weeks, 2500 cal/cay. :)
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: drkaje on November 20, 2008, 11:22:31 AM
Subjectively I don't agree and anyway I am consuming less than 1800 calories a day and still not dropping's frustrating.

How is that even possible?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 11:24:10 AM
What I find most amusing IS that first post.  Here is an ironic excerpt from Disgusted:

Today at 01:51:15 AM
 What a clown. This guy is more than a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. Going to such great lengths to perpetuate a lie.   

Adam, why is this thread bothering you so much and why are you obsessing with me? Kinda out of charactor for you isn't it  ???
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 11:25:23 AM
people.....which is heavier

a pound of feathers or a pound of steel?
How about a bucket of shut the f*ck up?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Deicide on November 20, 2008, 11:34:56 AM
How is that even possible?

No idea...seriously, the last few days I have super low and nothing is coming off...

9:00 AM Whey Shake

11:00 AM Whey/Casein Mix Shake

13:00 PM Chicken Breast and Broccoli

15:00 PM Whey/Casein Mix Shake

17:30 PM Two Cans of Tuna in water

Thrown in are a bunch of fish/flax oil capsules and multivits.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 11:35:39 AM
No idea...seriously, the last few days I have super low and nothing is coming off...

9:00 AM Whey Shake

11:00 AM Whey/Casein Mix Shake

13:00 PM Chicken Breast and Broccoli

15:00 PM Whey/Casein Mix Shake

17:30 PM Two Cans of Tuna in water

Thrown in are a bunch of fish/flax oil capsules and multivits.
You have fucked up your metabolism.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Deicide on November 20, 2008, 11:40:05 AM
You have fucked up your metabolism.

How so?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: d0nny2600 on November 20, 2008, 11:50:35 AM
How so?
Check out Milos' seminar he can explain it better than me. Basically you have lowered your calories so low now that your body is maintaining on 1200 calories. I think I ate about 1200 calories for dinner tonight.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Bobby on November 20, 2008, 11:53:34 AM
You ought to know better than that Goat. There are still plenty of legal steroids (not prohormes) out there to be taken. Take a look at some of his pics and you can tell he was on something. He "had" oretty good size to his shoulders and arms that obviously was not natural. Just because he has bad genetics doesn't mean he's clean.

I'm with goatboy on this one, I don't believe he has juiced.

He may or may not eat like crap, don't really care as i would never even consider eating 100g of ice cream for dinner.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: BFP on November 20, 2008, 11:55:08 AM
any man who buys a hummer clearly has security issues.

Thats a  bit of a stretch isnt it? Are you saying a guy with the money to spend on one shouldn't? 

Brutal epic colossal delusional, etc. etc. etc. jealousy. ;D

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 20, 2008, 11:58:32 AM
WL, i understand you are a true believer of Adonis' principles.

The difference is, you took it to a reasonable level, which TA thankfully adopted and from then put forward as "his" ideas, whereas they have been yours.

TA twisted his Bullshit diet around so many times, and YOU were the one that made it all reasonable, because YOU interpreted Adonis posts in your way.

What Adonis posted as his diet back then was that he was eating only Pizza, Ice Cream and Burgers and drank "expensive italian wine" all day. He said that a calorie is a calorie and that you could eat only fat ans sugar every day and were fine.

Adonis = idiot

While I dont necessarily agree with what Adam says....guys, you ARE missing something.  A calorie is a calorie.  Just like 1 horsepower = 1 horsepower.  No matter if you have a 4 cylinder engine or a 6 cylinder engine.  

Calorie is a unit of measurement for energy. One calorie is formally defined as the amount of energy required to raise one cubic centimeter of water by one degree centigrade. For the purpose of measuring the amount of energy in food, nutritionists most commonly use kilocalories (equal to 1,000 calories), and label the measurement either as "kcal" or as "Calories" with a capital "C." One kcal is also equivalent to approximately 4.184 kilojoules.

So, the way I see it Adam isnt really saying 1gm or protein = 1gm of carb.....he is just stating that the calorie produced by protein is no different than the calorie of fat or carbohydrate.  At least, thats the way I read it.

Also, when he just says "I can eat ice cream every day and look like this"....note, he doesnt say how much of it, or how many meals will be just that ice cream.  I mean really....the black and white of it is this....if you had just 1TBL of ice cream every day while prepping for a show, you realistically could say that you ate ice cream every day while prepping for the show.  In peoples mind they envision some huge bowl of it.

I do think some of the things he says are said only to get a rise out of people.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Deicide on November 20, 2008, 11:59:03 AM
Check out Milos' seminar he can explain it better than me. Basically you have lowered your calories so low now that your body is maintaining on 1200 calories. I think I ate about 1200 calories for dinner tonight.

For 2 or 3 days just as a shock it's not bad...
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 20, 2008, 12:04:27 PM
My sidechest crushes all of you, post a picture beating me, you must be natural,anybody? keith?
that's what I thought

Yep...I feel crushed under your power......
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 12:09:19 PM
Yep...I feel crushed under your power......
I feel crushed under yours  :o
is that you bro? and natural too?
Damn Impressive, you're right, I'm no where near your level
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 20, 2008, 12:11:36 PM
any man who buys a hummer clearly has security issues.

well, any man who does his best to build an internet personnality has serious insecurity issues.

We had robert ziruolo, michael arvilla, spermastase, alex23, adonis, daddywaddy, xfactor, dave/sarcasm/quakeroats, MemberX , bast etc etc all of em fit in the same bag to me. Basically they re all attention whores who think their shit doesnt stink at first and that they re better than anyone else.They all lie and pretend to be someone they arent.They all end facing reality at some point.

They all have huge insecurity issues in their real lifes and need to create an internet personality hoping to get more attention and envy from anonymous strangers on the internet.

Point is, they re all nobodies like you and me but use the internet to feel better about themselves.
All of them finally understand that it doesnt cure any of their insecurities but they are addicted to it and in the end it mostly destroys em more than it makes em feel better.

They re no different than teenage girls posting their whole uninteresting life on mypsace for that matter. It's useless, but they just cant stop doing it cause they feel like they re someone, they feel like they re "existing" , and basically they see themselves as "stars" or "models/legends" in their own mind while nobody even really get a flying fuck about them. But it's all an illusion.
Internet is a drug for some.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 12:29:31 PM
Yep...I feel crushed under your power......

drugfree4life is one huge mofo right thair
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 12:31:20 PM
Im eating a double cheeseburger RIGHT NOW!!!!!

pics or it ain't true
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 20, 2008, 12:35:35 PM
Not as much as you would think.....I compete at about 188 - 191.  Right now I am pushing about 208 - 210 for my off season.  Hope to compete at 191 - 193 next august.  Can't wait for Sevastina to say I am on something or am an ex user some shit.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: musclehedz on November 20, 2008, 12:36:04 PM
BMR at 6.5 cal per lb of bodymass says I require about 1450 cal at rest plus 450 per workout. So at about 1700 I'm defficient and should get ripped soon. Calories being calories and proteins, supplements being all a scam, I decided to get my 1700 cals on Cap n' Crunch and Cocopuffs, both will only bring me 4g of protein so I should be fine.

3 weeks later I'm wasting like there's no tomorow, my insulin is all fucked up and glucose to glucagon ratio is off the roof.

Where did I go wrong with my great application of those so called "Principles"?

Breaking out of that madness, I remembered something from biochemistry called PTOR (protein turn over rate). That scientifically proven rule says that my LBM x 1.818 is what I need to prevent from going catabolic. so that's about 310g of protein.

I come to the conclusion that the fucking idiots who think that "calories are calories" are misleading the goodhearted getbiggers.

Discuss  ;D

The adonis principles are retarded and fake. Food with lots of sugar are causing insulin spikes during unwanted times.. this is when you get fat.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 12:42:42 PM
While I dont necessarily agree with what Adam says....guys, you ARE missing something.  A calorie is a calorie.  Just like 1 horsepower = 1 horsepower.  No matter if you have a 4 cylinder engine or a 6 cylinder engine.  

Calorie is a unit of measurement for energy. One calorie is formally defined as the amount of energy required to raise one cubic centimeter of water by one degree centigrade. For the purpose of measuring the amount of energy in food, nutritionists most commonly use kilocalories (equal to 1,000 calories), and label the measurement either as "kcal" or as "Calories" with a capital "C." One kcal is also equivalent to approximately 4.184 kilojoules.

So, the way I see it Adam isnt really saying 1gm or protein = 1gm of carb.....he is just stating that the calorie produced by protein is no different than the calorie of fat or carbohydrate.  At least, thats the way I read it.

Also, when he just says "I can eat ice cream every day and look like this"....note, he doesnt say how much of it, or how many meals will be just that ice cream.  I mean really....the black and white of it is this....if you had just 1TBL of ice cream every day while prepping for a show, you realistically could say that you ate ice cream every day while prepping for the show.  In peoples mind they envision some huge bowl of it.

I do think some of the things he says are said only to get a rise out of people.

Basically, yes. Basic nutritional needs must be met, that's one of the principles. Also a certain protein intake. Beyond that, everything is allowed though.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: MAXX on November 20, 2008, 12:45:55 PM
Yep...I feel crushed under your power......
good build dude. but you're not natural?

you got some gyno there.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Deicide on November 20, 2008, 12:46:41 PM
Basically, yes. Basic nutritional needs must be met, that's one of the principles. Also a certain protein intake. Beyond that, everything is allowed though.

Unfortunately you can never test this unless you actually did this experiment on tons of people, especially the people who don't buy into your system...
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 12:49:53 PM
Unfortunately you can never test this unless you actually did this experiment on tons of people, especially the people who don't buy into your system...

True, I always said that I can only speak for myself. Just sharing my experience. I just think people should give it a try before judging.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 20, 2008, 12:52:55 PM
good build dude. but you're not natural?

you got some gyno there.

Yes...I am VERY natural.  Some people will claim I am 'clean' because I did pro-hormones (AGES ago).  Last one I took was Ulitimate Nutrition's Nor-19 back in 97 or 98.  I also can't use ephedrine due to the banned policy of the INBF/WNBF.

As far as the gyno....I knew that comment was going to be dolled out.  About 30 years ago I had lumps in nipples that was attributed to 'puberty'.  Thats about it.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 12:56:16 PM
At least you're honest, you look great in any case, great structure for BB.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 01:00:03 PM
Yes...I am VERY natural.  Some people will claim I am 'clean' because I did pro-hormones (AGES ago).  Last one I took was Ulitimate Nutrition's Nor-19 back in 97 or 98.  I also can't use ephedrine due to the banned policy of the INBF/WNBF.

As far as the gyno....I knew that comment was going to be dolled out.  About 30 years ago I had lumps in nipples that was attributed to 'puberty'.  Thats about it.

I had pubescent gyno and had it taken out years ago. Funny thing was when I went to the plastic surgeon he made a comment to me right away that the gyno I had was caused by puberty. His comment took me by surprise as I figured right away he would have thought something else.  He said there is a difference between the two, one was very much like a marble and hard and the other was softer and not as perfectly round. I have seen plenty of both kinds of gyno thru the years.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: MAXX on November 20, 2008, 01:01:10 PM
Yes...I am VERY natural.  Some people will claim I am 'clean' because I did pro-hormones (AGES ago).  Last one I took was Ulitimate Nutrition's Nor-19 back in 97 or 98.  I also can't use ephedrine due to the banned policy of the INBF/WNBF.

As far as the gyno....I knew that comment was going to be dolled out.  About 30 years ago I had lumps in nipples that was attributed to 'puberty'.  Thats about it.

so why didnt you join mr getbig for an easy buck :D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on November 20, 2008, 01:01:18 PM
I have ALWAYS and STILL MANTAIN that a DELUSIONAL is a DELUSIONAL but a MORON is not a MORON UNLESS YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT ME AND MY FOLLOWERS.  1 calorie of paper clips=1 calorie of carbs=1 calorie of shampoo=1 calorie of fat=1 calorie of diamond and so on AND SO ON.  SO SEE I AM DUMBER THAN YOU SEE

Protein is not a Carbohydrate, Carbohydrates are not a Fat, Fats are not a Protein and so on SO ON.  SO YOU NOW SEE WHY I AM A PENCIL SURROUND BY SKIN


The poor comprehension skills of most members on here is astounding CONSIDERING I HAVE LESS OF A CLUE THAN ALL OF YOU.  Shocked THAT I AM STILL AROUND CONSIDERING HOW STUPID I SOUND AND LOOK.

I fixed it for you ABOVE.  And look at what you have done to this poor kid.  How much did you sell him one of your circus mirrors for.  When is the insanity going to stop
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 20, 2008, 01:11:33 PM
so why didnt you join mr getbig for an easy buck :D

Well, a couple of reasons.  I remember all the shit Whateva got for competing in it even though he is a WNBF guy.  So, I decided not to go through all that.  Also, I really needed a break from dieting as I starting prepping for a show in March, then in June I had to take 3 1/2 weeks off because of Lasik surgery, so when I could get back to gym I then focused on the September show.  I havent exactly kept my diet clean (as Jim recommends naturals do after a show) so I would have had to start dieting again for this.  Perhaps next year I will do it.  I am going to get myself back into some reasonable bodyfat percentages (perhaps pick Jims brain a little   ;) ) and get myself ready for next August and September.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 01:42:48 PM
Well, a couple of reasons.  I remember all the shit Whateva got for competing in it even though he is a WNBF guy.  So, I decided not to go through all that.  Also, I really needed a break from dieting as I starting prepping for a show in March, then in June I had to take 3 1/2 weeks off because of Lasik surgery, so when I could get back to gym I then focused on the September show.  I havent exactly kept my diet clean (as Jim recommends naturals do after a show) so I would have had to start dieting again for this.  Perhaps next year I will do it.  I am going to get myself back into some reasonable bodyfat percentages (perhaps pick Jims brain a little   ;) ) and get myself ready for next August and September.
You look great in that photo.  How is your new vision?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 01:44:21 PM
Here's my new diet. It consists of  2090 calories. Boy is this gonna be fun.  ;D  Now there is no excuse for anyone on this board not to be ripped.  >:(  Of course this is just an example. The possibilities are endless. Cakes and pies cakes and pies.  :P

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480  ;D

Large McDonlads french fri 500

Hi-C® Orange Lavaburst (Large) 350

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 01:45:28 PM
Here's my new diet. It consists of  2090 calories. Boy is this gonna be fun.  ;D  Now there is no excuse for anyone on this board not to be ripped.  >:(  Of course this is just an example. The possibilities are endless. Cakes and pies cakes and pies.  :P

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480  ;D

Large McDonlads french fri 500

Hi-C® Orange Lavaburst (Large) 350

shit that sounds good
Post by: Mars on November 20, 2008, 01:46:14 PM
you dont have to eat clean foods anymore these days to get ripped.
Post by: The Showstoppa on November 20, 2008, 01:47:26 PM
you dont have to eat clean foods anymore these days to get ripped.

Exactly.  McD's foods are all that is necessary.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 01:47:38 PM
I just ate a serving of Ben & Jerry`s of Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream for 270 calories and a Snickers Protein Bar.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 01:49:05 PM
I went to the chinese buffet today.
Post by: just_a_pilgrim on November 20, 2008, 01:49:49 PM
Disgusted could you give us a calorie breakdown of your new diet?  ;D

Or wait, does it even matter?
Post by: The Showstoppa on November 20, 2008, 01:49:59 PM
I just ate a serving of Ben & Jerry`s of Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream for 270 calories and a Snickers Protein Bar.

TA that's great.  And just look at how many more calories you have left to enjoy today.
Post by: MAXX on November 20, 2008, 01:51:00 PM
Post by: Monster_Everything on November 20, 2008, 01:51:27 PM
I just ate a serving of Ben & Jerry`s of Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream for 270 calories and a Snickers Protein Bar.
Try the brownie cheesecake flavor Adam....good with whipped cream (310 calories)
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 01:54:04 PM
Here's my new diet. It consists of  2090 calories. Boy is this gonna be fun.  ;D  Now there is no excuse for anyone on this board not to be ripped.  >:(  Of course this is just an example. The possibilities are endless. Cakes and pies cakes and pies.  :P

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480  ;D

Large McDonlads french fri 500

Hi-C® Orange Lavaburst (Large) 350

You're gonna be the next Mr Olympia!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Earl1972 on November 20, 2008, 01:54:05 PM
OK, since this is the second pm that I have gotten since last night and both from members that I regularly converse with I decided to post this, but I have been sworn to secrecy so no names.  >:(

Anyway, it seems our beloved Apenis not only eats clean, but he juices too. He is telling the truth about eating crap till he goes up to a certain weight which is about 10 pounds over what he calls his ideal weight then when he diets back down it's chicken, buffalo, egg whites, oatmeal, rice ect.  ;D He also has been juicing for quite some time from what I was told which I suspected anyway so no big surprise. What a clown. This guy is more than a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. Going to such great lengths to perpetuate a lie.  ??? Guess the truth has finally bitten you in your scrawny little ass. hahahahahaaaaaaa  ;D

a pm proves nothing

remember everybody had "proof" that mars/sarcasm were the same person, TA was sarcasm etc ::)

i did think leafy went on the juice, he weighed like 145 for a competition one year and then 170 the next

Post by: MAXX on November 20, 2008, 01:54:40 PM
I just ate a serving of Ben & Jerry`s of Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream for 270 calories and a Snickers Protein Bar.
i just ate some oat meal with 2 days old chicken on the side :(
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 01:55:10 PM
i just ate some oat meal with 2 days old chicken on the side :(

Hahahaha, masochist!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 01:58:42 PM
Disgusted could you give us a calorie breakdown of your new diet?  ;D

Or wait, does it even matter?

Calories are right beside each meal. Far as the fat and carb content who cares, I'm freakin nuts! 
Post by: nycbull on November 20, 2008, 01:59:41 PM
the only problem with eating that stuff is you have unhealthy bowel movements
Post by: MAXX on November 20, 2008, 02:03:05 PM
Hahahaha, masochist!
maybe i hate myself
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 02:06:33 PM
maybe i hate myself

That's good, you're making progress.
Now on to the fridge to get some icecream. ;D
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 02:07:35 PM

Calories are right beside each meal. Far as the fat and carb content who cares, I'm freakin nuts! 
You don`t have enough protein in your diet to meet the .5 to 1 gram per lb of bodyweight requirement.  You are going to have to elminate some of those choices and replace them to meet that requirement.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 02:10:39 PM
You don`t have enough protein in your diet to meet the .5 to 1 gram per lb of bodyweight requirement.  You are going to have to elminate some of those choices and replace them to meet that requirement.
With that said, you could add about 3-4 scoops of protein which would add 75-100 grams of protein in that diet and be perfect.

Your calories will increase a bit though to about 2300-2400 but you would likely still be in a deficit so you would be able to get ripped in time.


You would mantain and build nicely on that.
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 02:11:01 PM
You don`t have enough protein in your diet to meet the .5 to 1 gram per lb of bodyweight requirement.  You are going to have to elminate some of those choices and replace them to meet that requirement.

good advice.

Replace the Lavaburst and Snickers with Ice Cream.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 20, 2008, 02:14:56 PM
You look great in that photo.  How is your new vision?

Prior to Lasik...left eye worse than Lasik.....left eye is absolutely crystal clear.  Right eye is maybe 95 - 97%.
Post by: nycbull on November 20, 2008, 02:15:16 PM
let us know how you bowel movements go
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 02:15:33 PM

Well, I do seem to remember TA mentioning a minimum protein requirement as a caveat.  Does your diet meet this standard?

Of course.  :D
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 02:16:28 PM
Here's my new diet. It consists of  2090 calories. Boy is this gonna be fun.  ;D  Now there is no excuse for anyone on this board not to be ripped.  >:(  Of course this is just an example. The possibilities are endless. Cakes and pies cakes and pies.  :P

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480  ;D

Large McDonlads french fri 500

Hi-C® Orange Lavaburst (Large) 350

Ok, here is the Breakdown of a Dbl Quarter Lber from Mcdonald`s Website. 740 calories.

Double Quarter Pounder® with Cheese ++
Serving Size: 9.8 oz (279 g)
Two 1/4 pound 100% beef patties, two slices of American cheese, slivered onions, ketchup, mustard on a toasted sesame seed bun.

Add to Bag
++ Based on the weight before cooking 8 oz. (226.8g)
Nutrition Facts      Hide Details   
   Quarter Pound 100% Beef Patty*
450   32   14   2   130   360   1   0   37
   Sesame Seed Bun
170   2.5   0.5   0   0   290   31   2   5
   Pasteurized Process American Cheese
100   7   5   0   25   470   3   0   5
20   0   0   0   0   170   5   0   0
0   0   0   0   0   5   0   0   0
   Pickle Slices
0   0   0   0   0   80   0   0   0
   Slivered Onions
0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0
Total:   740   42   19   2.5   155   1380   40   3   48
% Daily Value**:   -   65   96   -   52   57   13   11   -

   Quarter Pound 100% Beef Patty*   290   0   0   0   25   4
   Sesame Seed Bun   20   5   0   0   110   2
   Pasteurized Process American Cheese   70   1   450   0   140   0
   Ketchup   0   3   100   1   2   0
   Mustard   0   0   0   0   0   0
   Pickle Slices   0   0   0   0   6   0
   Slivered Onions   0   0   0   0   0   0
Total:   380   9   550   2   290   6
% Daily Value**:   -   -   10   4   30   35
Note: Nutrient contributions from individual components may not equal the total due to federal rounding regulations. Percent Daily Values (DV) and RDIs are based on unrounded values.

** Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

To customize menu items that display components:

  •        Remove components by unchecking the box next to the component. Then click the Recalculate button.
  •        Add back components by checking the box next to the component. Then click the Recalculate button.
Ingredients (Allergen statement in ALL CAPS.)   
Quarter Pound 100% Beef Patty*
100% pure USDA inspected beef; no fillers, no extenders. Prepared with grill seasoning (salt, black pepper). *Based on the weight before cooking 4 oz. (113.4g).
Sesame Seed Bun
Enriched flour (bleached wheat flour, malted barley flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), water, high fructose corn syrup, yeast, soybean oil, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, canola oil, sesame seed, contains 2% or less of each of the following: salt, wheat gluten, calcium sulfate, soy flour, ammonium sulfate, calcium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate, ammonium chloride, sorbic acid, baking soda, calcium carbonate, deactivated dry yeast, dough conditioners (may contain one or more of the following: distilled monoglycerides, DATEM, ascorbic acid, azodicarbonamide, enzymes, sodium stearoyl lactylate, mono-and diglycerides, calcium peroxide, guar gum), calcium propionate & sodium propionate (preservatives), soy lecithin.
Pasteurized Process American Cheese
American cheese (pasteurized milk, cheese culture, salt, enzymes), water, milkfat, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate, salt, sorbic acid (preservative), acetic acid, artificial color, soy lecithin and/or corn starch (added for slice separation).
Tomato concentrate from red ripe tomatoes, distilled vinegar, high fructose corn syrup, water, corn syrup, salt, natural flavors (vegetable source).
Distilled vinegar, water, mustard seed, salt, turmeric, paprika, spice extractive.
Pickle Slices
Cucumbers, water, distilled vinegar, salt, calcium chloride, alum, potassium sorbate (preservative), natural flavors (plant source), polysorbate 80, extractives of turmeric (color).
Slivered Onions
Food Exchanges   
2 carbohydrate, 7 medium fat meat, 3 fat
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 02:18:54 PM
Here's my new diet. It consists of  2090 calories. Boy is this gonna be fun.  ;D  Now there is no excuse for anyone on this board not to be ripped.  >:(  Of course this is just an example. The possibilities are endless. Cakes and pies cakes and pies.  :P

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480  ;D

Large McDonlads french fri 500

Hi-C® Orange Lavaburst (Large) 350

Here is how to fix your diet.

Keep everything the same but order a Small Fries instead.
Then replace the calorie difference with protein powder.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 02:19:28 PM
Yep, Adam as was just about to correct you but you serem to have noticed your error

Double Quarter Pounder® with Cheese 9.8 oz (279 g)  740 calories Approx. 46 grams of protein
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: nycbull on November 20, 2008, 02:21:33 PM
Prior to Lasik...left eye worse than Lasik.....left eye is absolutely crystal clear.  Right eye is maybe 95 - 97%.

is lasik safe, i have heard people get side effects?...Is it scary waiting for the cut? I dont know if I would be able to sit still.
Post by: shiftedShapes on November 20, 2008, 02:24:01 PM
Here's my new diet. It consists of  2090 calories. Boy is this gonna be fun.  ;D  Now there is no excuse for anyone on this board not to be ripped.  >:(  Of course this is just an example. The possibilities are endless. Cakes and pies cakes and pies.  :P

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480  ;D

Large McDonlads french fri 500

Hi-C® Orange Lavaburst (Large) 350
Here is how to fix your diet.

Keep everything the same but order a Small Fries instead.
Then replace the calorie difference with protein powder.

How about you drop the Hi-C as well for a diet soda and add in some fiber one yougurt with fiber one cereal and frozen berries.  So now you have fiber vitamins and some more protein.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 02:26:35 PM
Here is how to fix your diet.

Keep everything the same but order a Small Fries instead.
Then replace the calorie difference with protein powder.
So your new diet will be this:
McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760- 46 grams of protein

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480- 8 grams of protein

SMALL McDonlads french fri 230-  3 grams of protein

Hi-C® Orange Lavaburst (Large) 350

2 Scoops Body Fortress Protein Powder 200 calories -56 grams of protein

So here are your totals:
2020 Calories
113 Grams of Protein

That would work well
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 02:27:34 PM

How about you drop the Hi-C as well for a diet soda and add in some fiber one yougurt with fiber one cereal and frozen berries.  So now you have fiber vitamins and some more protein.
Yah, Hi-C looks like a crappy choice. A large one at that.

I would blow those calories totally on something else.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 02:27:51 PM
a pm proves nothing

remember everybody had "proof" that mars/sarcasm were the same person, TA was sarcasm etc ::)

i did think leafy went on the juice, he weighed like 145 for a competition one year and then 170 the next


Come on Earl, this is the internet buddy. There is no reason to believe anything that anyone says unless they can prove it. Not that it matters, but both pms I got are from people who I know their first and last name. In fat, I taked to one of the today on the phone. I talk to a lot more people on here than most would think, thru pms and phone.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 02:28:24 PM
So your new diet will be this:
McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760- 46 grams of protein

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480- 8 grams of protein

SMALL McDonlads french fri 230-  3 grams of protein

Hi-C® Orange Lavaburst (Large) 350

2 Scoops Body Fortress Protein Powder 200 calories -56 grams of protein

So here are your totals:
2020 Calories
113 Grams of Protein

That would work well

Thank you.  ???
Post by: Megalodon on November 20, 2008, 02:29:00 PM
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 02:31:05 PM
Thank you.  ???
Also, with my diet you don`t eat the same thing everyday unless you want to.  So that would be considered an acceptable days worth of food.

Post by: Go 4 It on November 20, 2008, 02:33:07 PM
This is pre contest right ;D
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 02:35:26 PM
This is pre contest right ;D

Or if you want to mantain VERY low bodyfat.

Once you get lean enough you can then play around with increasing calories to see what kind of limits you can pull off.

Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 02:37:31 PM
getting ripped on THAT ???????????????

I'm sorry Adonis but claiming all this bullshit to newbies on the boardit's ok I guess since they might be gullible ...

Anyone who has an idea about dieting laughs at you ...

But when you start explaining DISGUSTED , one of the best nutritionists in the game at this date, how to get ripped running a deficit calorie eat anything you want has to wonder

I'm not trying to insult you but I feel you are insulting my intelligence...

Post by: drkaje on November 20, 2008, 02:38:22 PM
Not enough protein.
Post by: The Coach on November 20, 2008, 02:44:06 PM
Disgusted, I'm pissed, you held out on me. All that time last year you had me on Eggs, Veggies, chicken, red meat, fish and whey. Why Jim, oh why :( :)
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 02:46:09 PM
Disgusted, I'm pissed, you held out on me. All that time last year you had me on Eggs, Veggies, chicken, red meat, fish and whey. Why Jim, oh why :( :)
You should get a refund and with the money pay adonis to prep you for your next show ;)

can you imagine ?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 20, 2008, 02:47:32 PM
is lasik safe, i have heard people get side effects?...Is it scary waiting for the cut? I dont know if I would be able to sit still.

Umm...well here is my experience:

Sat in waiting area and was given a Valium to calm me down.  I never felt any different.  Was taken to operating room and put in chair.  They cover one eye.  Then they use a plastic instrument to 'prop' the other eye open.  They spray your eye with some numbing liquid.  Then the blade makes the incision in the eye.  The flap is lifted (which is one of the freakiest things) and your vision is even blurrier.  Then the laser does its thing....for a moment you have COMPLETE darkness in the eye along with some pressure (dont remember why).  It goes like an eclipse.  When your sight come back, the flap is closed, something is then used to close the incision (sounds like you are being tazered). 

When they did my right eye I told them that there was a LOT of pressure.  They said it was normal.  When you are done, you really are able to see clearly.  You go home, sleep for about 6 - 8 hours.  For the first two weeks every hour you are putting drops of some sort in your eye.

All in all...WELL WORTH IT.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 02:47:43 PM
getting ripped on THAT ???????????????

I'm sorry Adonis but claiming all this bullshit to newbies on the boardit's ok I guess since they might be gullible ...

Anyone who has an idea about dieting laughs at you ...

But when you start explaining DISGUSTED , one of the best nutritionists in the game at this date, how to get ripped running a deficit calorie eat anything you want has to wonder

I'm not trying to insult you but I feel you are insulting my intelligence...

Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 02:48:01 PM
getting ripped on THAT ???????????????

I'm sorry Adonis but claiming all this bullshit to newbies on the boardit's ok I guess since they might be gullible ...

Anyone who has an idea about dieting laughs at you ...

But when you start explaining DISGUSTED , one of the best nutritionists in the game at this date, how to get ripped running a deficit calorie eat anything you want has to wonder

I'm not trying to insult you but I feel you are insulting my intelligence...

I'm with you.  Do people honestly believe the Adonis guy though?  One has to wonder.  I'd imagine if they do they would be young kids who don't know any better.
Post by: DK II on November 20, 2008, 02:48:24 PM
Disgusted, I'm pissed, you held out on me. All that time last year you had me on Eggs, Veggies, chicken, red meat, fish and whey. Why Jim, oh why :( :)

Are you crazy??

Off with you to McDonalds and Pizza Hut, there is no such thing as a bodybuilder diet, you have been fooled all your life.  ::)
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 02:49:05 PM
getting ripped on THAT ???????????????

I'm sorry Adonis but claiming all this bullshit to newbies on the boardit's ok I guess since they might be gullible ...

Anyone who has an idea about dieting laughs at you ...

But when you start explaining DISGUSTED , one of the best nutritionists in the game at this date, how to get ripped running a deficit calorie eat anything you want has to wonder

I'm not trying to insult you but I feel you are insulting my intelligence...

I didn`t insult your intelligence. You did. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

 I simply  revised Disgusted`s original diet to make it workable and viable as the original was not.  I left intact the foods he likes to eat along with simple manipulation to make it possible to use in order to get ripped.  I made it into an acceptable approach.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 02:50:54 PM
I'm with you.  Do people honestly believe the Adonis guy though?  One has to wonder.  I'd imagine if they do they would be young kids who don't know any better.
I think Adonis is a spoilled  little kid that comes from money and has the liberty and nerve to waste his time and daddy's money on shit like ... THIS.

I think he talks this crap to get a raise out of people .. his style is def consistant but nevertheless transparent
Post by: The Coach on November 20, 2008, 02:51:40 PM
Hey Adam...tell what Joe Biden said..hahahah
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 02:52:02 PM
Disgusted, I'm pissed, you held out on me. All that time last year you had me on Eggs, Veggies, chicken, red meat, fish and whey. Why Jim, oh why :( :)

 :o ??? :-[ AH well you see um I had to pay my drug bill and Um they were coming after me and, you know I needed the money.  :P
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 02:54:22 PM
Actually I knew the protein content was low. I hate sugar drinks!!!! I NEVER drink them. Take the drink out and throw in whey and a Ho Ho or two and that would be good.
Post by: XFACTOR on November 20, 2008, 02:55:12 PM
I think Adonis is a spoilled  little kid that comes from money and has the liberty and nerve to waste his time and daddy's money on shit like ... THIS.

I think he talks this crap to get a raise out of people .. his style is def consistant but nevertheless transparent

I'd even go as far as saying he's not even spoiled.  He has what I like to call internet intelligence.  No real worldly experiences though like you have.

I'd bet he's never even been to Europe.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 02:55:38 PM
Hey Adam...tell what Joe Biden said..hahahah
Pretty soon you and the others are going to force me to quote Harry Reid.  :D
Post by: Go 4 It on November 20, 2008, 02:55:41 PM
I think Munzer had a similar diet when he was competing..
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 02:56:05 PM
I think Adonis is a spoilled  little kid that comes from money and has the liberty and nerve to waste his time and daddy's money on shit like ... THIS.

I think he talks this crap to get a raise out of people .. his style is def consistant but nevertheless transparent

I couldn't care less about someone's style if what he has to offer works for me.
Post by: bigbobs on November 20, 2008, 02:57:02 PM
Here's my new diet. It consists of  2090 calories. Boy is this gonna be fun.  ;D  Now there is no excuse for anyone on this board not to be ripped.  >:(  Of course this is just an example. The possibilities are endless. Cakes and pies cakes and pies.  :P

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480  ;D

Large McDonlads french fri 500

Hi-C® Orange Lavaburst (Large) 350

Wouldn't you get hungry on that?  That sounds like just two meals.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 02:57:39 PM
I didn`t insult your intelligence. You did. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

 I simply  revised Disgusted`s original diet to make it workable and viable as the original was not.  I left intact the foods he likes to eat along with simple manipulation to make it possible to use in order to get ripped.  I made it into an acceptable approach.
mutha fukka (please excuse my french ) ... you got ripped the same way anyother human being can :





Now : why you keep peddling this shit is beyond me

You are so desperate to FEEL like you are accomplishing something in your life , anything that would say " I'm not mommy's and daddy's boy", that you spend so much time claiming BS on an internet forum

Eleanore was into sexual satanic ceremonies so please never quote her again . I don't like people who rape , molest and kill kids ( sorry buddy...not my THING )

I also suspect you come from money, maybe bloodline, and your behaviour has traces of mind control/ past abuse(sexual,emotional,physical)

Honest to god ....

Maybe I sound harsh but you need help....PM me and I'll recommend you something .
Post by: Go 4 It on November 20, 2008, 02:58:41 PM
mutha fukka (please excuse my french ) ... you got ripped the same way anyother human being can :





Now : why you keep peddling this shit is beyond me

You are so desperate to FEEL like you are accomplishing something in your life , anything that would say " I'm not mommy's and daddy's boy", that you spend so much time claiming BS on an internet forum

Eleanore was into sexual satanic ceremonies so please never quote her again . I don't like people who rape , molest and kill kids ( sorry buddy...not my THING )

I also suspect you come from money, maybe bloodline, and your behaviour has traces of mind control/ past abuse(sexual,emotional,physical)

Honest to god ....

Maybe I sound harsh but you need help....PM me and I'll recommend you something .
;D ;D ;D
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 02:59:01 PM
I'd even go as far as saying he's not even spoiled.  He has what I like to call internet intelligence.  No real worldly experiences though like you have.

I'd bet he's never even been to Europe.
Every 3 years I have gone. Usually for 2 weeks at a time.
Post by: shiftedShapes on November 20, 2008, 02:59:57 PM
Wouldn't you get hungry on that?  That sounds like just two meals.

Yes he purposely made unwise food choices to make the Adonis Principles look less workable.  It is a strawman argument plain and simple.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:01:11 PM
I couldn't care less about someone's style if what he has to offer works for me.
Noone EVER on planet Earth will get ripped on that diet ...NEVER EVER

whomever says he/she can I'm willing to have them stay with me for 3 months 24/7 and if they succeed I'll pay them 10 k at the end ...

any takers?

if not ..I get 10 k
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 03:01:34 PM
Yes he purposely made unwise food choices to make the Adonis Principles look less workable.  It is a strawman argument plain and simple.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 03:02:15 PM
I'd even go as far as saying he's not even spoiled.  He has what I like to call internet intelligence.  No real worldly experiences though like you have.

I'd bet he's never even been to Europe.
My Uncle lives in Boeblingen, Germany.  Small town.  There is a US Military base there that once housed Hitler`s giant Panzer tanks. Panzer Kaseme.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 03:04:51 PM
Noone EVER on planet Earth will get ripped on that diet ...NEVER EVER

whomever says he/she can I'm willing to have them stay with me for 3 months 24/7 and if they succeed I'll pay them 10 k at the end ...

any takers?

if not ..I get 10 k

My diet is not that far away from the one layed out. Don't know yet if it could get me in contest condition, though.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:04:57 PM
My Uncle lives in Boeblingen, Germany.  Small town.  There is a US Military base there that once housed Hitler`s giant Panzer tanks. Panzer Kaseme.

Are you an army brat ? Or is your father into politics ?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:05:24 PM
OK so I replaced the drink with 6 Hostess Brownie Bites which I looooove and they have a total of 348 cals. This is fun!!!!  ;D

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760- 46 grams of protein

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480- 8 grams of protein

SMALL McDonlads french fri 230-  3 grams of protein

Hostess Brownie Bites (6) 348

2 Scoops Body Fortress Protein Powder 200 calories -56 grams of protein

So here are your totals:
2018 Calories
113 Grams of Protein
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 03:05:57 PM
My Uncle lives in Boeblingen, Germany.  Small town.  There is a US Military base there that once housed Hitler`s giant Panzer tanks. Panzer Kaseme.

It's Panzerkaserne. ;)
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:06:08 PM
My diet is not that far away from the one layed out. Don't know yet if it could get me in contest condition, though.
If that diet takes you from 12 % to 6 % I'll honestly hang myself in a public place
Post by: Alex23 on November 20, 2008, 03:06:54 PM
Wouldn't you get hungry on that?  That sounds like just two meals.

HAHAHAHA the great Disgusted and the legendary-honorary San Diegan 'bigbos' laying the smack on Acronis!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:07:12 PM
My diet is not that far away from the one layed out. Don't know yet if it could get me in contest condition, though.
Also you did not get to look like you did in those photos using this diet ...

Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 03:07:31 PM
Are you an army brat ? Or is your father into politics ?
My father was in the 82nd Airborne in the 1950`s.  He died when I was about 8 years old of a brain aneyurism.  He was heavily into politics.  He would be 77 had he lived.  I am in my 20s and had an old father!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 03:08:35 PM
If that diet takes you from 12 % to 6 % I'll honestly hang myself in a public place

I got down to about 8% I would say. Started at around 17%.

Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 03:09:01 PM
Noone EVER on planet Earth will get ripped on that diet ...NEVER EVER

whomever says he/she can I'm willing to have them stay with me for 3 months 24/7 and if they succeed I'll pay them 10 k at the end ...

any takers?

if not ..I get 10 k
What country do you reside and would you be willing to sign a contract?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:09:46 PM

NO I didn't and I am being sincere about that so accept my word on that please. I know we joke around and stuff but IF!!! I was going to follow your recommedations then this is t he exact diet I would follow because I like the taste of what I picked. You yourself said it was OK correct or not?

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760- 46 grams of protein

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480- 8 grams of protein

SMALL McDonlads french fri 230-  3 grams of protein

Hostess Brownie Bites (6) 348

2 Scoops Body Fortress Protein Powder 200 calories -56 grams of protein

So here are your totals:
2018 Calories
113 Grams of Protein

Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:10:02 PM
My father was in the 82nd Airborne in the 1950`s.  He died when I was about 8 years old of a brain aneyurism.  He was heavily into politics.  He would be 77 had he lived.  I am in my 20s and had an old father!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 03:10:54 PM
Also you did not get to look like you did in those photos using this diet ...

It was not exactly the diet layed out, that's correct.
Or do you mean something else?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:11:14 PM
If that diet takes you from 12 % to 6 % I'll honestly hang myself in a public place

OMFG You bastard I just spit coffee out on to my damn shirt!!   ;D LMAO!
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:11:51 PM
My father was in the 82nd Airborne in the 1950`s.  He died when I was about 8 years old of a brain aneyurism.  He was heavily into politics.  He would be 77 had he lived.  I am in my 20s and had an old father!
I swear to fucking god you are a classic case ..

I won't get in details here but I can read youlike an open book ... you myfriend need something that'll help you .. I'll point you towards someone ... just PM me ...I'm not kidding
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 03:11:59 PM
OK so I replaced the drink with 6 Hostess Brownie Bites which I looooove and they have a total of 348 cals. This is fun!!!!  ;D

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760- 46 grams of protein

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480- 8 grams of protein

SMALL McDonlads french fri 230-  3 grams of protein

Hostess Brownie Bites (6) 348

2 Scoops Body Fortress Protein Powder 200 calories -56 grams of protein

So here are your totals:
2018 Calories
113 Grams of Protein

That is not too bad.  I can`t stand your food choices with the exception of the Mcdonalds and Ben & Jerrys of course, but you are on the right track.

Be creative. Buy a cookbook, figure out the calories and your options are limitless.  Branch out into other restaurant and fast food as well.
Post by: ManBearPig... on November 20, 2008, 03:13:12 PM
I swear to fucking god you are a classic case ..

I won't get in details here but I can read youlike an open book ... you myfriend need something that'll help you .. I'll point you towards someone ... just PM me ...I'm not kidding

well, he didn't make that part up.  about his dad being dead and what not, that came out a while ago.  but let's attack adonis, not his family history.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:13:47 PM
OMFG You bastard I just spit coffee out on to my damn shirt!!   ;D LMAO!
Did you seehis pictures ?

6 % with tight skin, full muscles ...

show disgusted your pics wavelength

so this diet took you from 17 % to those pics ??????????????

You are a nice guy so I'll let others to call you a blatant liar ;)
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:13:56 PM
That is not too bad.  I can`t stand your food choices with the exception of the Mcdonalds and Ben & Jerrys of course, but you are on the right track.

Be creative. Buy a cookbook, figure out the calories and your options are limitless.  Branch out into other restaurant and fast food as well.

Honestly I am the type of guy who likes to eat the same thing everyday "almost" without exception, cept on the weekends.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:15:52 PM
What country do you reside and would you be willing to sign a contract?
I'm in Romania. Of course ... you gotta come here above 10 gotta live with me....and eat and work out toghether ..
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Earl1972 on November 20, 2008, 03:18:27 PM
Come on Earl, this is the internet buddy. There is no reason to believe anything that anyone says unless they can prove it. Not that it matters, but both pms I got are from people who I know their first and last name. In fat, I taked to one of the today on the phone. I talk to a lot more people on here than most would think, thru pms and phone.

how would somebody have proof that TA juices and doesn't use the adonis priciples?  how could somebody possibly know what he eats on a daily basis?

sorry if you already went over this, i didn't read the whole thread

Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 03:18:34 PM
NO I didn't and I am being sincere about that so accept my word on that please. I know we joke around and stuff but IF!!! I was going to follow your recommedations then this is t he exact diet I would follow because I like the taste of what I picked. You yourself said it was OK correct or not?

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760- 46 grams of protein

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480- 8 grams of protein

SMALL McDonlads french fri 230-  3 grams of protein

Hostess Brownie Bites (6) 348

2 Scoops Body Fortress Protein Powder 200 calories -56 grams of protein

So here are your totals:
2018 Calories
113 Grams of Protein

Also you can manipulate serving sizes if you have a digital scale so you can basically eat whatever caloric amount will work.

For instance, if 1 serving of say Pecan Pie is 400 calories at 100 grams weight.  Break out your digital scale and measure 68 grams weight and you will have 275 calories worth of Pecan Pie.

or if you want more Pecan Pie say 650 calories, measure out 163 grams and you have got your 650 calories.

Too easy.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:19:03 PM
Did you seehis pictures ?

6 % with tight skin, full muscles ...

show disgusted your pics wavelength

so this diet took you from 17 % to those pics ??????????????

You are a nice guy so I'll let others to call you a blatant liar ;)

Yep, I saw them yesterday. I like him too but I will give my honest opinion. I notcied that he said he "built" his physique with this diet. Actually there was no muscle being built while dieting. He got very lean but he has no real muscle to speak of. I am not trying to be mean but you can take just about anyone who doesn't lift and if you get them lean enough their muscles will show.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 03:19:56 PM
Did you seehis pictures ?

6 % with tight skin, full muscles ...

show disgusted your pics wavelength

so this diet took you from 17 % to those pics ??????????????

You are a nice guy so I'll let others to call you a blatant liar ;)

Disgusted has seen my pics. My diet was exactly as I have described it. Prove me wrong and I will match any bet you are willing to put up.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:20:28 PM
Also you can manipulate serving sizes if you have a digital scale so you can basically eat whatever caloric amount will work.

For instance, if 1 serving of say Pecan Pie is 400 calories at 100 grams weight.  Break out your digital scale and measure 68 grams weight and you will have 275 calories worth of Pecan Pie.

or if you want more Pecan Pie say 650 calories, measure out 163 grams and you have got your 650 calories.

Too easy.

Yes I have a digital scale. The last time I bought one I got a weird look at the checkout.  ???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:21:06 PM
Not as much as you would think.....I compete at about 188 - 191.  Right now I am pushing about 208 - 210 for my off season.  Hope to compete at 191 - 193 next august.  Can't wait for Sevastina to say I am on something or am an ex user some shit.
In the picyou posted you needed aas to maintain muscle whilebeing that cut ( fatburners and or t3 also )

you are lieing although you'd never admit it
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 03:22:04 PM
Yep, I saw them yesterday. I like him too but I will give my honest opinion. I notcied that he said he "built" his physique with this diet. Actually there was no muscle being built while dieting. He got very lean but he has no real muscle to speak of. I am not trying to be mean but you can take just about anyone who doesn't lift and if you get them lean enough their muscles will show.

I never claimed to have gained muscle while dieting, that's just not true. I never claimed to be huge, the starting point was far from my best at that condition. And I'm lifetime natural.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 03:22:39 PM
NO I didn't and I am being sincere about that so accept my word on that please. I know we joke around and stuff but IF!!! I was going to follow your recommedations then this is t he exact diet I would follow because I like the taste of what I picked. You yourself said it was OK correct or not?

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760- 46 grams of protein

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480- 8 grams of protein

SMALL McDonlads french fri 230-  3 grams of protein

Hostess Brownie Bites (6) 348

2 Scoops Body Fortress Protein Powder 200 calories -56 grams of protein

So here are your totals:
2018 Calories
113 Grams of Protein

Yep. I approve it.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:26:34 PM
Disgusted has seen my pics. My diet was exactly as I have described it. Prove me wrong and I will match any bet you are willing to put up.
So if I do that diet I'll go from the first pic's condition to the second one...

why the fuck did I diet so hard then ??????????

Disgusted ,WTF man ? revise your aproach ...  :-\

Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:27:57 PM
I never claimed to have gained muscle while dieting, that's just not true. I never claimed to be huge, the starting point was far from my best at that condition. And I'm lifetime natural.

Never said you did, non the less use said "built" in your description although I realize that you may have just used that term loosely. I give you credit, you are lean, but Like I said you have very little muscle. That's not a put down.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:30:33 PM
So if I do that diet I'll go from the first pic's condition to the second one...

why the fuck did I diet so hard then ??????????

Disgusted ,WTF man ? revise your aproach ...  :-\

Here I go again opening a Pandoras box (and I haven't been in her box for years  ;D) but it's a whole different ballgame when it comes to bbing. CF Smith claimed the same thing but he never really got shredded either but he did get lean. Verdict, you did the right thing.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 03:31:23 PM
Never said you did non the less use said "built" in your description although I realize that you may have just used that term loosely. I give you credit, you are lean, but Like I said you have very little muscle. That's not a put down.

Of course I did, I never meant to say that I have gained muscle mass during the cut.

You're absolutely right, I'm tiny. I think my natural potential is to be maybe 10lbs heavier at that condition. As I said, the starting point was bad due to injuries in the past year.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:31:46 PM

Maybe I'm crazy but if that diet can get you to look like this maybe I REALLY and retarded and should go hang myself ( in a public place nonetheless )
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:32:02 PM
Of course I did, I never meant to say that I have gained muscle mass during the cut.

You're absolutely right, I'm tiny. I think my natural potential is to be maybe 10lbs heavier at that condition. As I said, the starting point was bad due to injuries in the past year.

You look good!!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: nycbull on November 20, 2008, 03:33:51 PM
Umm...well here is my experience:

Sat in waiting area and was given a Valium to calm me down.  I never felt any different.  Was taken to operating room and put in chair.  They cover one eye.  Then they use a plastic instrument to 'prop' the other eye open.  They spray your eye with some numbing liquid.  Then the blade makes the incision in the eye.  The flap is lifted (which is one of the freakiest things) and your vision is even blurrier.  Then the laser does its thing....for a moment you have COMPLETE darkness in the eye along with some pressure (dont remember why).  It goes like an eclipse.  When your sight come back, the flap is closed, something is then used to close the incision (sounds like you are being tazered). 

When they did my right eye I told them that there was a LOT of pressure.  They said it was normal.  When you are done, you really are able to see clearly.  You go home, sleep for about 6 - 8 hours.  For the first two weeks every hour you are putting drops of some sort in your eye.

All in all...WELL WORTH IT.

wow, sounds scary....thanks for the description

I would definitley need a few valiums.  :)

Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:34:56 PM
Maybe I'm crazy but if that diet can get you to look like this maybe I REALLY and retarded and should go hang myself ( in a public place nonetheless )

THank God I was between sips.   ;D
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 03:35:15 PM
So if I do that diet I'll go from the first pic's condition to the second one...

why the fuck did I diet so hard then ??????????

Disgusted ,WTF man ? revise your aproach ...  :-\

Were you clean for that diet?
What exactly do you accuse me of, lying about my diet or lying about my lifetime natural status?
I have no problems with your opinion, I'm not insulted or anything, I'm just interested.
As Disgusted pointed out, I'm nowhere in the range where anyone would think that I'm on any kind of drugs.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:36:19 PM
Fuk it, I'm droppin down even further. If she can do it so can I!!  >:(
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:36:25 PM
It always fascinated me how some people have this uncanny ability to lie with the most natural candor of a 5 year old ...
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 03:37:21 PM
Were you clean for that diet?
What exactly do you accuse me of, lying about my diet or lying about my lifetime natural status?
I have no problems with your opinion, I'm not insulted or anything, I'm just interested.
As Disgusted pointed out, I'm nowhere in the range where anyone would think that I'm on any kind of drugs.
Yes .. I dieted clean as in no aas, hormones , t3/4,fatburners or diuretics
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 03:40:45 PM
Why should I lie about my diet? Do you think I want to deliberately mislead people? Why is it so unbelievable?

Or are you just busting my balls?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 03:46:09 PM

Maybe I'm crazy but if that diet can get you to look like this maybe I REALLY and retarded and should go hang myself ( in a public place nonetheless )

Or this!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 03:47:28 PM
that's no comparison, more mass and leaner than me
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:48:23 PM
Adam please post those pics again, I missed then the first 6000 times.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 03:50:55 PM
Disgusted, do you agree with sev that I must either lie about my diet or my natural status to get in the shape displayed in the pic? I think it's ridiculous.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 03:53:02 PM
Umm...well here is my experience:

Sat in waiting area and was given a Valium to calm me down.  I never felt any different.  Was taken to operating room and put in chair.  They cover one eye.  Then they use a plastic instrument to 'prop' the other eye open.  They spray your eye with some numbing liquid.  Then the blade makes the incision in the eye.  The flap is lifted (which is one of the freakiest things) and your vision is even blurrier.  Then the laser does its thing....for a moment you have COMPLETE darkness in the eye along with some pressure (dont remember why).  It goes like an eclipse.  When your sight come back, the flap is closed, something is then used to close the incision (sounds like you are being tazered). 

When they did my right eye I told them that there was a LOT of pressure.  They said it was normal.  When you are done, you really are able to see clearly.  You go home, sleep for about 6 - 8 hours.  For the first two weeks every hour you are putting drops of some sort in your eye.

All in all...WELL WORTH IT.
I think I will just stick to contact lenses and glasses.  I read that and I get nervous just thinking about the procedure.  That instant of darkness and pressure......eeek  Not good.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 03:55:40 PM
Disgusted, do you agree with sev that I must either lie about my diet or my natural status to get in the shape displayed in the pic? I think it's ridiculous.

You want my honest opinion? OK, first I think your a good guy. Now, I once had a friend who's wife never knew he took steroids even thogh he won a few shows. We all had to si there while his wife would brag about the fact that he never took steroids. I don't even personally know most of you guys so how would I REALLY know? Does it look like you are on? not really since like I said you have not much muscle. The lighting is really good for your pics and if you are not flexing and in normal light you may not even look lean. As far as the diet goes I have never seen yours. Was it on you site cause I missed it?
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 03:59:17 PM
I say we put up pool and someone take up the adonis challenge for 10 weeks and start a sticky on the main board keep a journal and post there results daily/weekly.

This way we can see if it works or not and put this to rest for good.

Anyone up for the challenge. Ill put up 50 bux, anyone else want to chip in???
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 04:00:47 PM
I say we put up pool and someone take up the adonis challenge for 10 weeks and start a sticky on the main board keep a journal and post there results daily/weekly.

This way we can see if it works or not and put this to rest for good.

Anyone up for the challenge. Ill put up 50 bux, anyone else want to chip in???

Yeah but how can we know that this person will eat this way?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Sharma on November 20, 2008, 04:01:48 PM
I don't understand why such venom and fury is unleashed toward the true adonis. He is not saying so much that is crazy. Not at all in fact. He just say enjoy what you eat and as long as you satisfy certain protein and calorific criteria, there is much breadth of choice and you need not be so confined in your choices. This can actually cause people to break diets that are unnecessarily harsh.

Seem to me that not enough are really reading Adam, just try to attack him from a position of total ignorance.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 04:01:57 PM
You want my honest opinion? OK, first I think your a good guy. Now, I once had a friend who's wife never knew he took steroids even thogh he won a few shows. I don't even personally know most of you guys so how would I REALLY know? Does it look like you are on? not really since like I said you have not much muscle. The lighting is really good for your pics and if you are not flexing and in normal light you may not even look lean. As far as the diet goes I have never seen yours. Was it on you site cause I missed it?

You have your expert stars for a reason, you are spot on. The lighting is quite good and that pose makes me look bigger. If you look at the other pics in my thread that's pretty obvious. I would have never thought to be accused of using anything based on the pictures in my thread.

My diet is very simple:
- one large meal a day (lunch) in different restaurants
- one 100g whey protein shake during the day
- sometimes one or two glasses of red wine in the evening
- one day a week is pig out day

Calories were around 2000 if the pig out day is taken into account.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 04:02:47 PM
Yeah but how can we know that this person will eat this way?
Video Journal via Youtube. Every meal is filmed and eaten on camera along with some verifiable proof of the day.   
Post by: Army of One on November 20, 2008, 04:03:00 PM
I say we put up pool and someone take up the adonis challenge for 10 weeks and start a sticky on the main board keep a journal and post there results daily/weekly.

This way we can see if it works or not and put this to rest for good.

Anyone up for the challenge. Ill put up 50 bux, anyone else want to chip in???

"The new age pussy Punisher!", do Ethiopian women dig your 140 pound "rippling mass" then ,"flexingtonsteele"?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 04:04:29 PM
You have your expert stars for a reason, you are spot on. The lighting is quite good and that pose makes me look bigger. If you look at the other pics in my thread that's pretty obvious. I would have never thought to be accused of using anything based on the pictures in my thread.

My diet is very simple:
- one large meal a day (lunch) in different restaurants
- one 100g whey protein shake during the day
- sometimes one or two glasses of red wine in the evening
- one day a week is pig out day

Calories were around 2000 if the pig out day is taken into account.
As you see, my principles allow for a lot of creativity.  I space my caloric amount whereas Wavelength chooses to space it out a bit differently.
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 04:04:40 PM
Yeah but how can we know that this person will eat this way?

very true, and honestly after a few weeks, i think they would get sick of eating crap everyday.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 04:05:06 PM
Video Journal via Youtube. Every meal is filmed and eaten on camera along with some verifiable proof of the day.   

Good luck with that meaining I don't think too many people would go that far unless the reward was great.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 04:05:31 PM
I say we put up pool and someone take up the adonis challenge for 10 weeks and start a sticky on the main board keep a journal and post there results daily/weekly.

This way we can see if it works or not and put this to rest for good.

Anyone up for the challenge. Ill put up 50 bux, anyone else want to chip in???
How about you try it yourself also.  Nothing better than doing it firsthand.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 04:06:43 PM
very true, and honestly after a few weeks, i think they would get sick of eating crap everyday.
How is eating your favorite foods construed as automatically eating crap?
So by your rationale, anyone who eats anything they enjoy, even if it is a chicken breast, is eating crap?

Doesn`t make any sense.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 04:11:40 PM
I never eat crap, only foods I enjoy (apart from the protein shake, of course)
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 04:11:57 PM
How is eating your favorite foods construed as automatically eating crap?
So by your rationale, anyone who eats anything they enjoy, even if it is a chicken breast, is eating crap?

Doesn`t make any sense.

lets see now, u said today u had ben and jerry's and u like it. Ben and Jerry's is crap food, it has no nutritional value, and i would get tired of eating it or something similar everyday.
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 04:13:03 PM
How about you try it yourself also.  Nothing better than doing it firsthand.

I dont believe it works so i wouldnt last on it! ;D
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 04:13:25 PM
So Disgusted do you think I lie about the diet or not?
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 04:14:35 PM
I dont believe it works so i wouldnt last on it! ;D

You would, I'm pretty sure. You love them burgers! ;D
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 04:20:01 PM
You would, I'm pretty sure. You love them burgers! ;D

Yea I love burgers, but can only eat them twice a week at the most.

I get tired of fast food quite easily, just dont like the way i feel after eating non home cooked food.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 04:20:30 PM
lets see now, u said today u had ben and jerry's and u like it. Ben and Jerry's is crap food, it has no nutritional value, and i would get tired of eating it or something similar everyday.
A couple of things. Ben and Jerry`s food does have nutritional value more so than oatmeal believe it or not.  Examine the Nutrient profile of Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids and Essential Fatty Acids and you wil find that 300 calories of Ben and Jerry`s is actually more nutritious then 300 calories of oatmeal.  Just because a food is sweet and tastes wonderful does not mean it can`t be functional or nutritious.

Take an 8 oz Chicken Breast for Example and a Big Mac. The Big Mac has lower Cholesterol. See what I am getting at?  You can`t just label a food as crap. There is no such thing.

Lastly, you don`t have to eat Ben and Jerry`s everyday or any certain food everyday unless you enjoyed it or wanted to.  I don`t understand why you automatically think you have to eat the same thing everyday. What gave you that notion?
Post by: Alex23 on November 20, 2008, 04:21:27 PM
A couple of things. Ben and Jerry`s food does have nutritional value more so than oatmeal believe it or not.  Examine the Nutrient profile of Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids and Essential Fatty Acids and you wil find that 300 calories of Ben and Jerry`s is actually more nutritious then 300 calories of oatmeal.  Just because a food is sweet and tastes wonderful does not mean it is functional or nutritious.

Take an 8 oz Chicken Breast for Example and a Big Mac. The Big Mac has lower Cholesterol. See what I am getting at?  You can`t just label a food as crap. There is no such thing.

Lastly, you don`t have to eat Ben and Jerry`s everyday or any certain food everyday unless you enjoyed it or wanted to.  I don`t understand why you automatically think you have to eat the same thing everyday. What gave you that notion?

Good job rallying all your gimmicks in this thread.

Logistics props.
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 04:22:14 PM
A couple of things. Ben and Jerry`s food does have nutritional value more so than oatmeal believe it or not.  Examine the Nutrient profile of Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids and Essential Fatty Acids and you wil find that 300 calories of Ben and Jerry`s is actually more nutritious then 300 calories of oatmeal.  Just because a food is sweet and tastes wonderful does not mean it is functional or nutritious.

Take an 8 oz Chicken Breast for Example and a Big Mac. The Big Mac has lower Cholesterol. See what I am getting at?  You can`t just label a food as crap. There is no such thing.

Lastly, you don`t have to eat Ben and Jerry`s everyday or any certain food everyday unless you enjoyed it or wanted to.  I don`t understand why you automatically think you have to eat the same thing everyday. What gave you that notion?
you've just lost what little credibility you ever had with that post.
Post by: Army of One on November 20, 2008, 04:22:59 PM
Good job rallying all your gimmicks in this thread.

Logistics props.

Alex23, you look like you are a keen follower of The Adonis Principles, although you seem to have the calorie consumption a little high.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 04:25:14 PM
Hey Alex, I remember a post where you said every advanced lifter who is not a masochist and has half a brain would follow the Adonis principles, what gives ???
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 04:27:22 PM
Yea I love burgers, but can only eat them twice a week at the most.

I get tired of fast food quite easily, just dont like the way i feel after eating non home cooked food.
The Home Cook Food I make tends to be more caloric than Fast Food.  About 750 calories here.

Sausage and Peppers ala Lidia
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 04:28:55 PM
you've just lost what little credibility you ever had with that post.
Not at all.  Look at the Nutrient Profile of each food and Compare.  You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts as Joe Biden would say. :)
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 04:29:42 PM
The Home Cook Food I make tends to be more caloric than Fast Food.

Sausage and Peppers ala Lidia
I certainly use a lot more oil than Fast Food!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 04:30:31 PM
that looks quite tasty TA
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 04:37:41 PM
Where's the beef?

There are some who challenge the definition "junk food", and claim that the phrase is used as a moral judgement on certain people's lifestyles rather than as a strictly scientific category.

Vincent Marks, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Biochemistry at the University of Surrey and co-editor of a new book titled Panic Nation: Unpicking the Myths We're Told About Food and Health, goes so far as to claim that there is no such thing as junk food.

"Junk food is an oxymoron," he says. "Food is either good - that is, it is enjoyable to eat and will sustain life - or it is good food that has gone bad, meaning that it has deteriorated and gone off.

"To label a food as 'junk' is just another way of saying, 'I disapprove of it.' There are bad diets - that is, bad mixtures and quantities of food - but there are no 'bad foods' except those that have become bad through contamination or deterioration."

Professor Marks says that all foods - whether the dreaded twizzler or a freshly picked apple - are just combinations of protein, fat and carbohydrates, and our bodies will take from them what we need and get rid of the rest. "Even hamburgers provide energy in a palatable and affordable form," he argues.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 04:40:31 PM
Is junk food a faddist myth?
Some scientists are questioning whether fast food is really bad for us

By Mick Hume

JUNK food does not exist, says Professor Stanley Feldman. “Of course, some foods taste better or are more nutritious. But the idea that some contain nothing of value or are harmful is nonsense.”For Professor Vincent Marks, junk food is “a contradiction in terms. By definition, food is good for you. The only bad food is food that has gone bad. McDonald’s is considered bad, simply because it is wrong for the current fashion.”

These two views may seem unusual. We are used to warnings about burgers, fizzy drinks and other fast foods, and high fat, sugar and salt content being blamed for an epidemic of obesity, especially among children. The Department of Health has detailed targets for reducing consumption of what it calls “unhealthy foods” (aka junk). One MP has even introduced a Bill to ban junk food adverts from children’s TV. There is also a huge amount of anti-junk food literature, from Eric Schlosser’s investigative Fast Food Nation to the children’s morality tale, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food. But much of this orthodoxy is rejected as unscientific by Feldman (from the University of London) and Marks (Surrey University). They carry no banners for the fast-food industry, and it is hard to imagine them eating a double cheeseburger, but they object to what they see as “misinformation” and “propaganda” from the anti-junk food lobby.

“The idea that any food by itself is harmful is nonsense,” Feldman says. “Meat is not absorbed into the blood stream as Angus beef or Big Macs, but as a variety of amino acids, the same in both meats. Fat enters the bloodstream as fatty acids, and the same ones are produced from good cheese as from fatty meat.

“In a balanced diet we need a certain amount of protein, fat and carbohydrate. We also need salts. One thing that might be considered as ‘junk food’ is water, since it has no nutritional value, but we can’t survive without a certain amount of that, either.”

Obesity, Feldman thinks, “is not down to one type of food, or to one make of food”. The suggestion that fatty or sugary foods are addictive is “absolute nonsense. They say that these foods release endorphins in the body. Well, a lot of things do that — sex, sunshine, laughing. Are we supposed to ban them as well?”

Marks first upset food faddists when he identified a condition that he called Muesli Belt Malnutrition. He thinks that junk food is “just an emotive, derogatory label that means you don’t approve. My mother thought that baked beans on toast with tomato sauce was junk food. Now we might say it is ideal, lots of antioxidants, fibre and so on.

“Food that is eaten is good for you. I have been trying to get the manufacturers to make ice-cream with all the minerals required for feeding people in hospital, because it is one thing that they will eat.”

Warnings about addictive fast food are “a distortion of the concept of addiction. You might as well say that all food is ‘addictive’, since we keep going back for more, especially the ones we enjoy.”

Marks accepts that “obesity is a big problem. But it is much more complicated than we have imagined, probably with genetic and biological factors. People do need to be educated to understand that while there are no rigid rules, there are general guidelines. But to label these foods as the problem is just to try to find a scapegoat.”
Post by: 210 and growing on November 20, 2008, 04:40:43 PM
Here's my new diet. It consists of  2090 calories. Boy is this gonna be fun.  ;D  Now there is no excuse for anyone on this board not to be ripped.  >:(  Of course this is just an example. The possibilities are endless. Cakes and pies cakes and pies.  :P

McDonald's sandwich: Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese 760

Ben and Jerry's chocolate chunk 2 servings 480  ;D

Large McDonlads french fri 500

Hi-C® Orange Lavaburst (Large) 350

Frigging hell, is that it for the whole day?? I would waste away on that
Post by: Alex23 on November 20, 2008, 04:50:14 PM
Hey Alex, I remember a post where you said every advanced lifter who is not a masochist and has half a brain would follow the Adonis principles, what gives ???

I got fat and changed my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then witnessed the magic Disgusted did with a natural subject. It blew my mind.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 04:50:29 PM
So Disgusted do you think I lie about the diet or not?

An answer, "Disgusted"? :D
Just testing your abilities as an expert.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 04:51:18 PM
A couple of things. Ben and Jerry`s food does have nutritional value more so than oatmeal believe it or not.  Examine the Nutrient profile of Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids and Essential Fatty Acids and you wil find that 300 calories of Ben and Jerry`s is actually more nutritious then 300 calories of oatmeal.  Just because a food is sweet and tastes wonderful does not mean it can`t be functional or nutritious.

Take an 8 oz Chicken Breast for Example and a Big Mac. The Big Mac has lower Cholesterol. See what I am getting at?  You can`t just label a food as crap. There is no such thing.

Lastly, you don`t have to eat Ben and Jerry`s everyday or any certain food everyday unless you enjoyed it or wanted to.  I don`t understand why you automatically think you have to eat the same thing everyday. What gave you that notion?

This is not true, you are not taking into account the approx 25 grams of sugar per serving which does not provide any nutritional value and in fact robs the body of nutrients.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 04:51:29 PM
I got fat and changed my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then witnessed the magic Disgusted did with a natural subject. It blew my mind.

Come on now Alex, be honest, is that really true?
Post by: Army of One on November 20, 2008, 04:54:01 PM
I got fat and changed my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then witnessed the magic Disgusted did with a natural subject. It blew my mind.

Word round the campfire is that he is as natural as Leafy, although in Flex's case I find that hard to believe.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 04:56:23 PM
An answer, "Disgusted"? :D
Just testing your abilities as an expert.

Oops  ;D I can believe it. I once put a really good friend of mine on a diet. He was about your height and stature. He weighed bout 190 but did not lift at all. So, I put him on a zero carb diet. He thrived on it! He chose to eat one meal per day. He usually cooked up a huge omelet in the morning with cheese and bacon and a few other things. This is all he ate all day. Now, when he came home from work at night he drink a six pack. He did this almost every night. He felt much better during this time and was way more active. He lost almost 50 pounds on about 4 months then quit.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 04:56:32 PM
This is not true, you are not taking into account the approx 25 grams of sugar per serving which does not provide any nutritional value and in fact robs the body of nutrients.

Again, Compare 300 calories of Oatmeal and 300 Calories of your favorite Ben and Jerry`s.  Once you break it down molecule for molecule you find that the Ice Cream is superior nutritionally.
Post by: Alex23 on November 20, 2008, 04:57:33 PM
Come on now Alex, be honest, is that really true?

All truth. This is how fat and disgusting I got on "Adonis Prinshitles" I'm still recovering. Flexingtonsteele have been helping me out a lot. We don't allways see eye to eye but the kid quired tremendous knowledge from Jim.


Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 04:57:43 PM
Word round the campfire is that he is as natural as Leafy, although in Flex's case I find that hard to believe.

You mean Flexington? If you do trust me he took nothing for his show.
Post by: Army of One on November 20, 2008, 04:57:50 PM
Oops  ;D I can believe it. I once put a really good friend of mine on a diet. He was about your height and stature. He weighed bout 190 but did not lift at all. So, I put him on a zero carb diet. He thrived on it! He chose to eat one meal per day. He usually cooked up a huge omelet in the morning with cheese and bacon and a few other things. This is all he ate all day. Now, when he came home from work at night he drink a six pack. He did this almost every night. He felt much better during this time and was way more active. He lost almost 50 pounds on about 4 months then quit.

He ended up at 140 pounds?he must have been a beast at the end.
Post by: Army of One on November 20, 2008, 04:58:40 PM

You mean Flexington? If you do trust me he took nothing for his show.

Fair enough, thats good enough for me.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 20, 2008, 04:59:51 PM
In the picyou posted you needed aas to maintain muscle whilebeing that cut ( fatburners and or t3 also )

you are lieing although you'd never admit it

Epic're the biggest fuckstick on here.  I at least respect Squad/Sarcasm for calling people out when they make claims.  The INSTANT someone might look better than you its into "he juices" mode for you.  I am 5'9 188 in that think thats a juicer???  Wow!!!  I will gladly post my diet AND my training (weights included....of which will not be ones that a juicer would be using)  I used for my show.  I will list all supps I used and the times I used them.  Hows that?

You're a douche..... HTH
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:00:26 PM

Again, Compare 300 calories of Oatmeal and 300 Calories of your favorite Ben and Jerry`s.  Once you break it down molecule for molecule you find that the Ice Cream is superior nutritionally.

You are not answering my question, but maybe I didn't make it clear. How can you know what you claim is true without taking into account the 25 gr of sugar? Did you actually break it down molecule for molecule? If so please post the equation.

Lastly, why eat something that has not nutritional value. Sugar is NOT a food. It is junk.  ;)
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 05:01:39 PM
All truth. This is how fat and disgusting I got on "Adonis Prinshitles" I'm still recovering. Flexingtonsteele have been helping me out a lot. We don't allways see eye to eye but the kid quired tremendous knowledge from Jim.


You never followed any principles. Again, you are pathetic.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:01:50 PM
He ended up at 140 pounds?he must have been a beast at the end.

;D Never lifted a day in his life, you know a lot like some guys on here.  :D

Post by: Alex23 on November 20, 2008, 05:02:37 PM

You mean Flexington? If you do trust me he took nothing for his show.


A structure Adonis could only dream of. All sweat, sacrifices and low blood sugar.. well the same way Adonis does it but won't admit and instead deceit everyone ;D
Post by: Alex23 on November 20, 2008, 05:03:26 PM
You never followed any principles. Again, you are pathetic.

How do you know "Tool Adonis"?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 05:03:31 PM
You are not answering my question, but maybe I didn't make it clear. How can you know what you claim is true without taking into account the 25 gr of sugar? Did you actually break it down molecule for molecule? If so please post the equation.

Lastly, why eat something that has not nutrtional value. Sugar is NOT a food. It is junk.  ;)

Post by: Army of One on November 20, 2008, 05:03:41 PM

;D Never lifted a day in his life, you know a lot like some guys on here.  :D

Thats an unfair jab at alex23.
Post by: Alex23 on November 20, 2008, 05:04:03 PM


Post by: Alex23 on November 20, 2008, 05:04:40 PM
Thats an unfair jab at alex23.

I resent that.

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 05:06:51 PM
Oops  ;D I can believe it. I once put a really good friend of mine on a diet. He was about your height and stature. He weighed bout 190 but did not lift at all. So, I put him on a zero carb diet. He thrived on it! He chose to eat one meal per day. He usually cooked up a huge omelet in the morning with cheese and bacon and a few other things. This is all he ate all day. Now, when he came home from work at night he drink a six pack. He did this almost every night. He felt much better during this time and was way more active. He lost almost 50 pounds on about 4 months then quit.

Hmmm, I think there's too many insider jokes in there for me :-\
Not sure if that was an answer or not.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:07:08 PM


No, all carbs break down into glucose in the end. I am talking about white table sugar, the kind in the ice cream that you are talking about. Please answer my question.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 05:07:51 PM

You're a douche..... HTH
This is common knowledge and did not help.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:08:17 PM
Hmmm, I think there's too many insider jokes in there for me :-\
Not sure if that was an answer or not.

Huh? No jokes at all. My point was that I believe you and I used an example of a friend who only ate once per day like you.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: SOMEPARTS on November 20, 2008, 05:09:00 PM
Umm...well here is my experience:

Sat in waiting area and was given a Valium to calm me down.  I never felt any different.  Was taken to operating room and put in chair.  They cover one eye.  Then they use a plastic instrument to 'prop' the other eye open.  They spray your eye with some numbing liquid.  Then the blade makes the incision in the eye.  The flap is lifted (which is one of the freakiest things) and your vision is even blurrier.  Then the laser does its thing....for a moment you have COMPLETE darkness in the eye along with some pressure (dont remember why).  It goes like an eclipse.  When your sight come back, the flap is closed, something is then used to close the incision (sounds like you are being tazered). 

When they did my right eye I told them that there was a LOT of pressure.  They said it was normal.  When you are done, you really are able to see clearly.  You go home, sleep for about 6 - 8 hours.  For the first two weeks every hour you are putting drops of some sort in your eye.

All in all...WELL WORTH IT.

Jeebus, will stick with lenses. I keep thinking all the lasik eyes are going to go bad someday.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 05:10:22 PM
You are not answering my question, but maybe I didn't make it clear. How can you know what you claim is true without taking into account the 25 gr of sugar? Did you actually break it down molecule for molecule? If so please post the equation.

Lastly, why eat something that has not nutritional value. Sugar is NOT a food. It is junk.  ;)
Ice creams, BREYERS, All Natural Light Vanilla

New Search
Refuse: 0% 
NDB No: 19875 (Nutrient values and weights are for edible portion)

Nutrient    Units    Value per
185 grams    Number
of Data
Total lipid (fat)   
Carbohydrate, by difference   
Fiber, total dietary   
Sugars, total   
Calcium, Ca   
Iron, Fe   
Sodium, Na   
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid   
Vitamin A, IU   
Fatty acids, total saturated   

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 05:12:27 PM

Huh? No jokes at all. My point was that I believe you and I used an example of a friend who only ate once per day like you.

Ah, OK, I thought you were actually referring to flex ;D

So what you are saying is that sev is not so good in judging such things :-\
Up to now I actually thought his judgment is not so bad.

You would still say that on a different diet, I could have preserved more muscle, true?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 05:12:53 PM

Cereals, oats, instant, fortified, plain, dry

New Search
Refuse: 0%  
Common Name:  instant oatmeal
NDB No: 08122 (Nutrient values and weights are for edible portion)

Nutrient    Units    Value per
80 grams    Number
of Data
Total lipid (fat)   
Carbohydrate, by difference   
Fiber, total dietary   
Sugars, total   
Glucose (dextrose)   
Calcium, Ca   
Iron, Fe   
Magnesium, Mg   
Phosphorus, P   
Potassium, K   
Sodium, Na   
Zinc, Zn   
Copper, Cu   
Manganese, Mn   
Selenium, Se   
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid   
Pantothenic acid   
Vitamin B-6   
Folate, total   
Folic acid   
Folate, food   
Folate, DFE   
Choline, total   
Vitamin B-12   
Vitamin B-12, added   
Vitamin A, RAE   
Carotene, beta   
Carotene, alpha   
Cryptoxanthin, beta   
Vitamin A, IU   
Lutein + zeaxanthin   
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)   
Vitamin E, added   
Tocopherol, beta   
Tocopherol, gamma   
Tocopherol, delta   
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)   
Fatty acids, total saturated   
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated   
16:1 undifferentiated   
16:1 c   
18:1 undifferentiated   
18:1 c   
18:1 t   
22:1 undifferentiated   
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated   
18:2 undifferentiated   
18:2 n-6 c,c   
18:2 i   
18:3 undifferentiated   
18:3 n-3 c,c,c   
20:4 undifferentiated   
20:5 n-3   
22:5 n-3   
22:6 n-3   
Fatty acids, total trans   
Fatty acids, total trans-monoenoic   
Amino acids
Aspartic acid   
Glutamic acid   
Alcohol, ethyl   

Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 05:15:47 PM
Disgusted, Play around with this tool

You will soon learn that foods you labeled as "junk" which is a myth are in fact not even close and that some of the food you are used to eating is not as sound nutritionally.

Try out Different Ice Cream brands and compare them to Oatmeal.  Ice Cream wins everytime.

Make sure you are comparing the same caloric amounts.
Post by: Bast000 on November 20, 2008, 05:16:00 PM
Sugar is NOT a food.

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 05:16:58 PM
Why is sugar not a food, it provides energy, doesn't it?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 05:17:48 PM
No, all carbs break down into glucose in the end. I am talking about white table sugar, the kind in the ice cream that you are talking about. Please answer my question.
That is NOT the majority of the kind of sugar in Ice Cream.  For the most part the sugar comes from the Milk or Cream which is known as Lactose!

I am going to educate you!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 20, 2008, 05:18:55 PM
This is common knowledge and did not help.

Sorry...  :-[
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:21:20 PM
That's a nutritional break down, but it does not take into account the energy deficit and nutritional deficit that the sugar is causing thru digestion. Also, it is common practice to label sugar as a natural food when in fact is has ZERO nutrition and is not a food at all.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:22:31 PM
Disgusted, Play around with this tool

You will soon learn that foods you labeled as "junk" which is a myth are in fact not even close and that some of the food you are used to eating is not as sound nutritionally.

Try out Different Ice Cream brands and compare them to Oatmeal.  Ice Cream wins everytime.

Make sure you are comparing the same caloric amounts.

I already again that there is no such ting as "junk food" as in the pure sense of the definition. Although I still will use the term to describe some foods.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 05:23:35 PM
That's a nutritional break down, but it does not take into account the energy deficit and nutritional deficit that the sugar is causing thru digestion. Also, it is common practice to label sugar as a natural food when in fact is has ZERO nutrition and is not a food at all.

Disgusted are you saying sugar has a negative energy balance?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:29:22 PM
Why is sugar not a food, it provides energy, doesn't it?

Look up the definition of food. and NO, it does not provide energy. It robs the body of energy.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:30:54 PM

The kind of sugar that IS ADDED to food is not a food! It provides NOTHING for the body!
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 05:31:43 PM
Look up the definition of food.

"Food is any substance, usually composed primarily of carbohydrates, fats, water and/or proteins, that can be eaten or drunk by an animal or human for nutrition or pleasure."
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:33:35 PM
"Food is any substance, usually composed primarily of carbohydrates, fats, water and/or proteins, that can be eaten or drunk by an animal or human for nutrition or pleasure."

I may eat rat poison for pleasure but it sure ain't a food so I gotta disagree with the last part of "this" particular definition.  ;D
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 05:34:33 PM
I may eat rat poison for pleasure but it sure ain't a food so I gotta disagree with the last part of "this" particular definition.  ;D

Nutrition amongst other things means providing energy, true?
Just to get that right, do you think sugar has a negative energy balance in the body?
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 05:35:04 PM
Disgusted has snapped, he's pwning people left and right in here!!! :o
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:40:55 PM
Nutrition amongst other things means providing energy, true?

 False. They are not the same thing. I may snort a line of Coke to provide me some energy, but it sure isn't providing me with any nutritional support.
Post by: Bast000 on November 20, 2008, 05:42:11 PM
NO they are not the same thing. I may snort a line of Coke to provide me some energy, but it sure isn't providing me with any nutritional support.

cocaine (or any stimulant) doesn't give you energy, it makes you use up glycogen faster, which sugar provides.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 05:43:16 PM
NO they are not the same thing. I may snort a line of Coke to provide me some energy, but it sure isn't providing me with any nutritional support.

I am referring to energy as in the physical definition.
Providing that to the body is the main purpose of nutrition, no?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:46:51 PM
cocaine (or any stimulant) doesn't give you energy, it makes you use up glycogen faster, which sugar provides.

If I shoot you in the ass with pure adrenaline it will give you an energy rush and it nothing to do with glycogen. Sugar does NOT provide anything.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:48:19 PM
Disgusted are you saying sugar has a negative energy balance?

Pure white sugar robs your body of nutrients and it provides no nutrition. Nothing more needs to be said.
Post by: Bast000 on November 20, 2008, 05:50:38 PM
If I shoot you in the ass with pure adrenaline it will give you an energy rush and it nothing to do with glycogen. Sugar does NOT provide anything.

actually adrenaline does use glycogen, fat too.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 05:50:55 PM
"The macronutrients (excluding fiber and water) provide energy, which is measured in kilocalories, often called "Calories" and written with a capital C to distinguish individual calories. Carbohydrates and proteins provide four (4) Calories of energy per gram, while fats provide nine (9) Calories per gram.[1] Vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water do not provide energy, but are necessary for other reasons."

I really don't understand what you are getting at, of course we mean energy in the physical sense, not the psychological sense.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:52:36 PM
actually adrenaline does use glycogen, fat too.

Not in the short term as per my example. Meaning this is not where the energy is coming from.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 05:54:13 PM
"The macronutrients (excluding fiber and water) provide energy, which is measured in kilocalories, often called "Calories" and written with a capital C to distinguish individual calories. Carbohydrates and proteins provide four (4) Calories of energy per gram, while fats provide nine (9) Calories per gram.[1] Vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water do not provide energy, but are necessary for other reasons."

I really don't understand what you are getting at, of course we mean energy in the physical sense, not the psychological sense.

So are you saying that pure white sugar is a macro nutrient?
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 05:58:34 PM
So are you saying that pure white sugar is a macro nutrient?

It's a carbohydrate, isn't it?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: HeyNow on November 20, 2008, 06:04:56 PM
I gram for i pound has been around since I started lifting in the 70's.  That is far from new.  He weighs 160 pounds.  If he was eating like this how come he weighs 160.  He does not lifts weights.  He has no muscle to speak of.  He is lean as hell but concentration camp people were lean too and had abs.  His muscle size and weight combined with his height sure doesn't look like he eats 160 grams of protein a day.  But, who knows maybe he has super metabolism and he just can't get any muscle.

So you eat 70 grams of protein a day?  Up your dosage.  Take more guys in the parking lot so you can get more protein the way you really like too.  Did you ever ask your doctor how much protein is in a load like you said you were going to do ;D

Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 06:05:25 PM
It's a carbohydrate, isn't it?

I'll let you decide that one.

Carbohydrates (from 'hydrates of carbon') or saccharides (Greek σάκχαρον, sákcharon, meaning "sugar") are the most abundant of the four major classes of biomolecules. They fill numerous roles in living things, such as the storage and transport of energy (starch, glycogen) and structural components (cellulose in plants, chitin in animals). Additionally, carbohydrates and their derivatives play major roles in the working process of the immune system, fertilization, pathogenesis, blood clotting, and development.[1]
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 06:10:32 PM
Also you may find it interesting to know that carbohydrates are not essential nutrients in humans, but fats and proteins are. The body can obtain all its energy from protein and fats. NOw., before you come back and say the the brain needs carbs for energy, this is not true. It needs glucose. The body can make the glucose it needs for the brain and neurons from a few of the amino acids in protein and also from the glycerol backbone in triglycerides.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 06:10:47 PM
So are you saying that pure white sugar is a macro nutrient?
Oh my.  I am stunned.  :o

You did not know that Sugar is a Carbohydrate?  Im speechless.  :-X
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 06:11:56 PM
Oh my.  I am stunned.  :o

You did not know that Sugar is a Carbohydrate?  Im speechless.  :-X

Come on Adam, I did not say that sugar was not a carb. Show me where I said this?
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:12:44 PM
I'll let you decide that one.

Carbohydrates (from 'hydrates of carbon') or saccharides (Greek σάκχαρον, sákcharon, meaning "sugar") are the most abundant of the four major classes of biomolecules. They fill numerous roles in living things, such as the storage and transport of energy (starch, glycogen) and structural components (cellulose in plants, chitin in animals). Additionally, carbohydrates and their derivatives play major roles in the working process of the immune system, fertilization, pathogenesis, blood clotting, and development.[1]

I'm not the expert, you are.
Chemically speaking, do you think sugar is a carbohydrate, yes or no?
Do you think it provides physical energy to the body?
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:13:20 PM
Also you may find it interesting to know that carbohydrates are not essential nutrients in humans, but fats and proteins are. The body can obtain all its energy from protein and fats. NOw., before you come back and say the the brain needs carbs for energy, this is not true. It needs glucose. The body can make the glucose it needs for the brain and neurons from a few of the amino acids in protein and also from the glycerol backbone in triglycerides.

but that was not the topic at all
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 06:16:27 PM
Also you may find it interesting to know that carbohydrates are not essential nutrients in humans, but fats and proteins are. The body can obtain all its energy from protein and fats. NOw., before you come back and say the the brain needs carbs for energy, this is not true. It needs glucose. The body can make the glucose it needs for the brain and neurons from a few of the amino acids in protein and also from the glycerol backbone in triglycerides.
Glucose is the form of sugar that travels in your bloodstream to fuel the mitochondrial furnaces responsible for your brain power. Glucose is the only fuel normally used by brain cells. Because neurons cannot store glucose, they depend on the bloodstream to deliver a constant supply of this precious fuel.

This blood sugar is obtained from carbohydrates: the starches and sugars you eat in the form of grains and legumes, fruits and vegetables. (The only animal foods containing a significant amount of carbohydrates are dairy products.)

Brain Energy Demand

Your brain cells need two times more energy than the other cells in your body.

Neurons, the cells that communicate with each other, have a high demand for energy because they're always in a state of metabolic activity. Even during sleep, neurons are still at work repairing and rebuilding their worn out structural components.

They are manufacturing enzymes and neurotransmitters that must be transported out to the very ends of their– nerve branches, some that can be several inches, or feet, away.

Most demanding of a neuron's energy, however, are the bioelectric signals responsible for communication throughout the nervous system. This nerve transmission consumes one-half of all the brain's energy (nearly 10% of the whole body's energy).


 Dr. Norberto Cysne Coimbra M.Sc., Ph.D., Laboratory of Neuroanatomy and Neuropsychobiology, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of the University of são Paulo; Neuroscience Art Galleries

Complex vs. Simple Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are like time-release capsules of sugar. Simple carbohydrates are more like an injection of sugar.

Complex carbohydrates tend to be in natural foods – and have long chains of sugar molecules that the liver gradually breaks down into the shorter glucose molecules the brain uses for fuel. In natural foods, the cell walls are made of cellulose fiber that resists digestion, slowing the breakdown and the subsequent release of sugars into the bloodstream, kind of like the way a time-release capsule works.

Simple carbohydrates are found in most processed or refined foods and some natural foods. These carbohydrates have short-chained sugar molecules and, because they break apart quickly, enter the bloodstream quickly. Sugary foods--including corn syrup, fruit juices, and honey--contain glucose that is absorbed directly through the stomach wall and rapidly released into the bloodstream, almost as quickly as if delivered by syringe.

Most of us have discovered that thinking can be tiring, even exhausting. As the primary source of energy in the human brain, glucose can be rapidly used up during mental activity.

Some interesting research has shown that mental concentration actually drains glucose from a key part of the brain associated with memory and learning – underscoring just how crucial this blood sugar is for proper brain function.

Glucose, Learning and Memory - Study       
Psychology professor Paul E. Gold has researched the stability of glucose levels in the brain. Working with Ewan C. McNay , they found that as rats went through a maze, concentrations of glucose declined in the animals' hippocampus , a key brain area involved in learning and memory – even more dramatically so in older brains.

Except under conditions of starvation, it was thought that the brain always had an ample supply of glucose. "While this is the case in terms of consciousness, the new findings suggest that glucose is not always present in ample amounts to optimally support learning and memory functions," said Gold, who is director of the Medical Scholars Program in the University of Illinois College of Medicine.

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:17:52 PM
very strange
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 06:17:56 PM
When Dr. Carol Greenwood tested the memory of older adults after they ate a breakfast of mashed potatoes or barley, she found that "eating carbohydrate foods can improve memory within an hour after ingestion in healthy elderly people with relatively poor memories."

In another study, Greenwood and her colleagues at the University of Toronto gave a group of healthy senior citizens a bowl of cereal and milk, along with white grape juice for breakfast. Another group only drank water. When tested twenty minutes later, the cereal-eaters had a better memory – able to remember 25% more facts.

Not only does a diet lacking in carbohydrates cut off the brain's main energy supply, Greenwood said a scarcity of glucose can impede the synthesis of acetylcholine, one of the brain's key neurotransmitters.1
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:19:19 PM
But I don't think that was the topic, I just wanted to know if Disgusted thinks that suger (whatever type) provides physical energy. Obviously it does.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 06:23:58 PM
I think therefore I`m ripped. LOL

I once told someone I don`t need to do cardio because I read a lot.

Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 06:25:36 PM
but that was not the topic at all

Never said it was. There are others on here to ya know.  ;)
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 06:27:33 PM
Carbohydrates are not an essential nutrient, true or false.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 06:28:49 PM
Look up the definition of food. and NO, it does not provide energy. It robs the body of energy.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:29:37 PM
Carbohydrates are not an essential nutrient, true or false.

True but I don't understand why you say refined sugar provides NOTHING. I think we can agree that refined sugar doesn't add much other than pure energy and may even "rob" the body of other nutrients, but to say it provides NOTHING seems strange.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 06:30:40 PM
Carbohydrates are not an essential nutrient, true or false.
To function in society they are.  Unless of course you don`t value the ability to think.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 06:32:40 PM
To function in society they are.  Unless of course you don`t value the ability to think.

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:33:28 PM

If that was true, one would lose weight when adding refined sugar to the diet.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 06:35:16 PM
The other problem with complete Carbohydrate elimination will be a Vitamin Deficiency by default which can cause a whole slew of health-related problems, weaken the immune system and then die from a viral infection.

Its just like Cancer.  Cancer by itself does not kill you, but when it weakens the immune system and organ failure ensues, better hang it up and call the mortician.

Cancer by itself is not fatal, its what Cancer does, just as what an extreme Vitamin or Nutrient deficiency can do.

I DARE you to put a senior citizen with a weakened immune system on a Zero Carb diet.  I dare you...
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 06:35:56 PM
To function in society they are.  Unless of course you don`t value the ability to think.

lol, well how do eskimos live?? They eat only fatty meat and fatty fish.

Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 06:36:43 PM
The other problem with complete Carbohydrate elimination will be a Vitamin Deficiency by default which can cause a whole slew of health-related problems, weaken the immune system and then die from a viral infection.

Its just like Cancer.  Cancer by itself does not kill you, but when it weakens the immune system and organ failure ensues, better hang it up and call the mortician.

Cancer by itself is not fatal, its what Cancer does, just as what an extreme Vitamin or Nutrient deficiency can do.

I DARE you to put a senior citizen with a weakened immune system on a Zero Carb diet.  I dare you...

ever heard of a multi vitamin?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 06:37:34 PM
If that was true, one would lose weight when adding refined sugar to the diet.

Yes, but not enough to worry about. Kinda like the fad of eating negative calorie foods. At least with them you are getting some nutrition. Actually if you took two groups of people and fed one group nothing and gave the other group all the table sugar they wanted the sugar group would starve first.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 06:41:13 PM
Adam, I have put many many many people on zero carb diets. Of course there are some trace carbs in there. Anyway, not bbers just regular people like accountants, lawyers, nurses and even dietitians. After an adjustments period they all functioned quite well as they lost fat. So, I have no idea what you mean by your statement?
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:41:22 PM
Yes, but not enough to worry about. Kinda like the fad of eating negative calorie foods. At least with them you are getting some nutrition. Actually if you took two groups of people and fed one group nothing and gave the other group all the table sugar you wanted the sugar group would starve first.

So again, if I would add refined sugar to my maintenance diet, I would start to lose weight?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 06:42:55 PM
ever heard of a multi vitamin?
Heavy multivitamin use linked to cancer in men

May 18, 2007
Courtesy JNCI
and World Science staff

Tak ing too many mul ti vi ta mins may be as so ci at ed with an in creased risk for ad vanced or fa tal pros tate can cers, ac cord ing to a study in the May 16 is sue of the Jour nal of the Na tional Can cer In sti tute.

Mil lions of Amer i cans take mul ti vi ta mins be cause of a be lief in their po ten tial health ben e fits, even though there is lim it ed sci en tif ic ev i dence for this. Re search ers have won dered what im pact mul ti vi ta min use might have on can cer risk.

Kar la Law son of the Na tional Can cer In sti tute in Be thes da, Md., and col leagues fol­lowed 295,344 men en rolled in the Na tional In sti tutes of Health-AARP Di et and Health Study.

Af ter five years of fol low-up, 10,241 men were di ag nosed with pros tate can cer, in clud­ing 8,765 with can cers re strict ed to a small ar ea and 1,476 with ad vanced can cers.

The re search ers found no link be tween mul ti vi ta min use and the risk of lo cal ized pros­tate can cer. But they did find an in creased risk of ad vanced and fa tal pros tate can cer among men who used mul ti vi ta mins more than se ven times weekly, com pared with men who did not use mul ti vi ta mins. The as socia t ion was strongest in men with a fam i ly his to ry of pros tate can cer and men who al so took se le ni um, beta-ca ro tene, or zinc sup­ple ments.

“Be cause mul ti vi ta min sup ple ments con sist of a com bina t ion of sev er al vi ta mins and men us ing high lev els of mul ti vi ta mins were al so more like ly to take a va ri e ty of in di­vid ual sup ple ments, we were un able to iden ti fy or quan ti fy in di vid ual com po nents re­spon si ble for the as socia t ions that we ob served,” the au thors write.

In an ac com pa ny ing ed i to ri al, Goran Bje lakovic of the Un ivers ity of Nis in Ser bia, and Chris tian Gluud of Co pen ha gen Un iver s ity Hos pi tal in Den mark, dis cuss the pos i tive and neg a tive health ef fects of an ti ox i dant sup ple ments. “Law son [and col leagues] add to the grow ing ev i dence that ques tions the ben e fi cial val ue of an ti ox i dant vit a min pills in gen er al ly well-nour ished pop ula t ions and un der score the pos si bil ity that an ti ox i dant sup ple ments could have un in tend ed con se quenc es for our health,” the au thors wrote.

Post by: just_a_pilgrim on November 20, 2008, 06:43:09 PM
9 pages? Adonis just post that picture of you in a shirt again that should end the discussion  ::)
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 06:43:35 PM
So again, if I would add refined sugar to my maintenance diet, I would start to lose weight?

Quote from: Disgusted on Today at 06:37:34 PM
Yes, but not enough to worry about. Kinda like the fad of eating negative calorie foods. At least with them you are getting some nutrition. Actually if you took two groups of people and fed one group nothing and gave the other group all the table sugar you wanted the sugar group would starve first.

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:47:37 PM

Quote from: Disgusted on Today at 06:37:34 PM
Yes, but not enough to worry about. Kinda like the fad of eating negative calorie foods. At least with them you are getting some nutrition. Actually if you took two groups of people and fed one group nothing and gave the other group all the table sugar you wanted the sugar group would starve first.

I'm just interested in the first statement. The other statements are a different story.
I think I will try that out, add refined sugar to my diet and see if I lose weight faster.
Thanks for the tip.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 06:48:41 PM
Heavy multivitamin use may be linked to advanced prostate cancer

The embargo has been lifted at the request of the submitting PIO.

While regular multivitamin use is not linked with early or localized prostate cancer, taking too many multivitamins may be associated with an increased risk for advanced or fatal prostate cancers, according to a study in the May 16 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Millions of Americans take multivitamins because of a belief in their potential health benefits, even though there is limited scientific evidence that they prevent chronic disease. Researchers have wondered what impact multivitamin use might have on cancer risk.

Karla Lawson, Ph.D., of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md., and colleagues followed 295,344 men enrolled in the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study to determine the association between multivitamin use and prostate cancer risk. After five years of follow-up, 10,241 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer, including 8,765 with localized cancers and 1,476 with advanced cancers.

The researchers found no association between multivitamin use and the risk of localized prostate cancer. But they did find an increased risk of advanced and fatal prostate cancer among men who used multivitamins more than seven times a week, compared with men who did not use multivitamins. The association was strongest in men with a family history of prostate cancer and men who also took selenium, beta-carotene, or zinc supplements.
“Because multivitamin supplements consist of a combination of several vitamins and men using high levels of multivitamins were also more likely to take a variety of individual supplements, we were unable to identify or quantify individual components responsible for the associations that we observed,” the authors write.

In an accompanying editorial, Goran Bjelakovic, M.D., of the University of Nis in Serbia, and Christian Gluud, M.D., of Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark, discuss the positive and negative health effects of antioxidant supplements. “Lawson [and colleagues] add to the growing evidence that questions the beneficial value of antioxidant vitamin pills in generally well-nourished populations and underscore the possibility that antioxidant supplements could have unintended consequences for our health,” the authors write.



•   Article: National Cancer Institute Media Relations Branch, 301-496-6641,
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 06:51:11 PM
Heres a challenge for u adonis

i will delete my getbig acct and never post on this board again if u can find me an ESSENTIAL carbohydrate. Essential meaning = essential to life, like u cant live without it.

Now I know of essential amino acids ( protein ) and essential fatty acids ( fat ) but I have NEVER and I mean NEVER heard of an essential carbohydrate. Now I know i went to college and have a bachelors in health, but I may be wrong.

prove me wrong! please. Now go and pound away on ur keyboard and find me some research that proves me wrong!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 06:51:18 PM
I'm just interested in the first statement. The other statements are a different story.
I think I will try that out, add refined sugar to my diet and see if I lose weight faster.
Thanks for the tip.

Don't  thank me as I am not giving you a tip or any type of advise to add sugar to your diet.
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 06:52:10 PM
Heavy multivitamin use linked to cancer in men

May 18, 2007
Courtesy JNCI
and World Science staff

Tak ing too many mul ti vi ta mins may be as so ci at ed with an in creased risk for ad vanced or fa tal pros tate can cers, ac cord ing to a study in the May 16 is sue of the Jour nal of the Na tional Can cer In sti tute.

Mil lions of Amer i cans take mul ti vi ta mins be cause of a be lief in their po ten tial health ben e fits, even though there is lim it ed sci en tif ic ev i dence for this. Re search ers have won dered what im pact mul ti vi ta min use might have on can cer risk.

Kar la Law son of the Na tional Can cer In sti tute in Be thes da, Md., and col leagues fol­lowed 295,344 men en rolled in the Na tional In sti tutes of Health-AARP Di et and Health Study.

Af ter five years of fol low-up, 10,241 men were di ag nosed with pros tate can cer, in clud­ing 8,765 with can cers re strict ed to a small ar ea and 1,476 with ad vanced can cers.

The re search ers found no link be tween mul ti vi ta min use and the risk of lo cal ized pros­tate can cer. But they did find an in creased risk of ad vanced and fa tal pros tate can cer among men who used mul ti vi ta mins more than se ven times weekly, com pared with men who did not use mul ti vi ta mins. The as socia t ion was strongest in men with a fam i ly his to ry of pros tate can cer and men who al so took se le ni um, beta-ca ro tene, or zinc sup­ple ments.

“Be cause mul ti vi ta min sup ple ments con sist of a com bina t ion of sev er al vi ta mins and men us ing high lev els of mul ti vi ta mins were al so more like ly to take a va ri e ty of in di­vid ual sup ple ments, we were un able to iden ti fy or quan ti fy in di vid ual com po nents re­spon si ble for the as socia t ions that we ob served,” the au thors write.

In an ac com pa ny ing ed i to ri al, Goran Bje lakovic of the Un ivers ity of Nis in Ser bia, and Chris tian Gluud of Co pen ha gen Un iver s ity Hos pi tal in Den mark, dis cuss the pos i tive and neg a tive health ef fects of an ti ox i dant sup ple ments. “Law son [and col leagues] add to the grow ing ev i dence that ques tions the ben e fi cial val ue of an ti ox i dant vit a min pills in gen er al ly well-nour ished pop ula t ions and un der score the pos si bil ity that an ti ox i dant sup ple ments could have un in tend ed con se quenc es for our health,” the au thors wrote.

Taking too much of anything can have a negative impact on your health!!! Even water.

Again ur research proves nothing.

Try again.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 06:52:40 PM
Don't  thank me as I am not giving you a tip or any type of advise to add sugar to your diet.

Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 06:53:21 PM
ever heard of a multi vitamin?

Harvard Doctor Says Multivitamins Are Ineffective, Possibly Harmful
Drew Levinson, CBS News

Story Created: Mar 17, 2008 at 11:47 AM EST
(CBS) — Multivitamins don't work and may actually be harmful. That's the opinion of a Harvard doctor and it's causing quite a controversy.RELATED CONTENT
Giving children vitamins may not be necessary
Dr. Harvey Simon used to take multivitamins but not anymore.
"For healthy adults I can say with a good deal of confidence that they're not effective,” he said.
Writing in the Harvard Men's Health Watch, he points to research showing multivitamins “don't protect against heart disease or cancer."
And studies suggest high amounts of some vitamins may actually raise the risk of certain cancers.
"So if we say a multivitamin doesn't provide benefit and we think there's even a possibility that it could do harm, why take it?” Dr. Simon said.
For millions of Americans, including Michael Ash, the news is a hard pill to swallow.
"Usually when I get up in the morning first thing I do is take my vitamin,” he said.
Dr. Simon argues healthy adults only need a small amount of vitamins that come from foods. A bowl of cereal, he says, provides almost a full daily dose.
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 06:57:02 PM

Harvard Doctor Says Multivitamins Are Ineffective, Possibly Harmful
Drew Levinson, CBS News

Story Created: Mar 17, 2008 at 11:47 AM EST
(CBS) — Multivitamins don't work and may actually be harmful. That's the opinion of a Harvard doctor and it's causing quite a controversy.RELATED CONTENT
Giving children vitamins may not be necessary
Dr. Harvey Simon used to take multivitamins but not anymore.
"For healthy adults I can say with a good deal of confidence that they're not effective,” he said.
Writing in the Harvard Men's Health Watch, he points to research showing multivitamins “don't protect against heart disease or cancer."
And studies suggest high amounts of some vitamins may actually raise the risk of certain cancers.
"So if we say a multivitamin doesn't provide benefit and we think there's even a possibility that it could do harm, why take it?” Dr. Simon said.
For millions of Americans, including Michael Ash, the news is a hard pill to swallow.
"Usually when I get up in the morning first thing I do is take my vitamin,” he said.
Dr. Simon argues healthy adults only need a small amount of vitamins that come from foods. A bowl of cereal, he says, provides almost a full daily dose.

haha! if u think a multi vitamin will stop u from getting heart disease or cancer! YOUR AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 06:58:30 PM
Heres a challenge for u adonis

i will delete my getbig acct and never post on this board again if u can find me an ESSENTIAL carbohydrate. Essential meaning = essential to life, like u cant live without it.

Now I know of essential amino acids ( protein ) and essential fatty acids ( fat ) but I have NEVER and I mean NEVER heard of an essential carbohydrate. Now I know i went to college and have a bachelors in health, but I may be wrong.

prove me wrong! please. Now go and pound away on ur keyboard and find me some research that proves me wrong!
Please Delete your account:

Hypoglycemia can produce a variety of symptoms and effects but the principal problems arise from an inadequate supply of glucose as fuel to the brain, resulting in impairment of function (neuroglycopenia). Derangements of function can range from vaguely "feeling bad" to coma and (rarely) permanent brain damage or death. Hypoglycemia can arise from many causes and can occur at any age. It also sometimes occurs at random.

Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 06:59:45 PM
haha! if u think a multi vitamin will stop u from getting heart disease or cancer! YOUR  AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
"you're"........damnit!! >:(
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 07:01:57 PM
Response to treatment, especially the amount of carbohydrate needed to reverse or prevent recurrence of hypoglycemia, may provide important clues as well. When 15-30 grams of sugar or starch are given by mouth, a low blood glucose will usually rise by 18-36 mg/dl (1-2 mmol/l) within 5-10 minutes, relieving hypoglycemic symptoms within 10 minutes[citation needed]. It may take longer to recover from severe hypoglycemia with unconsciousness or seizure even after restoration of normal blood glucose. When a person has not been unconscious, failure of carbohydrate to reverse the symptoms in 10-15 minutes increases the likelihood that hypoglycemia was not the cause of the symptoms. When severe hypoglycemia has persisted in a hospitalized patient, the amount of glucose required to maintain satisfactory blood glucose levels becomes an important clue to the underlying etiology. Glucose requirements above 10 mg/kg/minute in infants, or 6 mg/kg/minute in children and adults are strong evidence for hyperinsulinism. In this context this is referred to as the glucose infusion rate (GIR). Finally, the blood glucose response to glucagon given when the glucose is low can also help distinguish among various types of hypoglycemia. A rise of blood glucose by more than 30 mg/dl (1.70 mmol/l) suggests insulin excess as the probable cause of the hypoglycemia.

In other words,
If you do not give this patient Carbohydrates ie Sugar, He DIES!
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 07:04:34 PM
Please Delete your account:

Hypoglycemia can produce a variety of symptoms and effects but the principal problems arise from an inadequate supply of glucose as fuel to the brain, resulting in impairment of function (neuroglycopenia). Derangements of function can range from vaguely "feeling bad" to coma and (rarely) permanent brain damage or death. Hypoglycemia can arise from many causes and can occur at any age. It also sometimes occurs at random.

Ill delete my account when u find me an essential carbohydrate to life !!!!!!!!   ;)
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 07:06:41 PM
Flex do you also think that if you would add refined sugar to your maintenance diet you would start to lose weight?
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 07:11:06 PM
Flex do you also think that if you would add refined sugar to your maintenance diet you would start to lose weight?

no just the opposite would happen.

refined sugars are void of any of the nutritional minerals and vitamins that pure sugar plants have, therefore they have no nutritional value and are actually harmful to consume.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 07:11:18 PM
lol, well how do eskimos live?? They eat only fatty meat and fatty fish.

Sarah Palin`s husband is an eskimo.  Perhaps we should ask him how most Eskimos today eat.  I did see a video of Todd and Sarah Palin at a Diner in Pennsylvania eating what looked to be a cheesesteak that had two nice pieces of bread overflowing with swiss cheese.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 07:12:27 PM
no just the opposite would happen.

refined sugars are void of any of the nutritional minerals and vitamins that pure sugar plants have, therefore they have no nutritional value and are actually harmful to consume.

With opposite you mean you would start to gain weight?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 07:13:08 PM
Sarah Palin`s husband is an eskimo.  Perhaps we should ask him how most Eskimos today eat.  I did see a video of Todd and Sarah Palin at a Diner in Pennsylvania eating what looked to be a cheesesteak.

I know one thing he eats.  ;D Then again maybe not.  ???
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 07:15:19 PM

With opposite you mean you would start to gain weight?

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 07:16:37 PM

Hmmmm, you both seem to think refined sugar has no nutrional value yet Disgusted thinks I would lose weight while you think I would gain weight. ???
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 07:17:04 PM
Sarah Palin`s husband is an eskimo.  Perhaps we should ask him how most Eskimos today eat.  I did see a video of Todd and Sarah Palin at a Diner in Pennsylvania eating what looked to be a cheesesteak that had two nice pieces of bread overflowing with swiss cheese.

I was talking about the inuit eskimo who inhabit the Arctic and northern Bering Sea coasts of Alaska  ;)
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 07:18:04 PM
Hmmmm, you both seem to think refined sugar has no nutrional value yet Disgusted thinks I would lose weight while you think I would gain weight. ???

Thats not what u asked me..........u asked if i thought I would gain weight.

To which i answered YES!!!

Dont twist my words
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 07:18:27 PM
If you are looking to what the OLD Primitive Eskimos ate and not the internet using Wasilla Hillibillies of today, then I will shine some light on that as well.
Excerpts from: The Straight Dope Website.

Much of what we know about the Eskimo diet comes from the legendary arctic anthropologist and adventurer Vilhjalmur Stefansson, who made several daredevil journeys through the region in the early 20th century. Stefansson noticed the same thing you did, that the traditional Eskimo diet consisted largely of meat and fish, with fruits, vegetables, and other carbohydrates--the usual source of vitamin C

Other aspects of the arctic diet also remain controversial. For example, some say the Eskimos could get vitamin C from blueberries during the summer months. while others say you'd be lucky to find enough berries to cover a bowl of Rice Chex. I say let's not sweat the details of the menu, which varied from region to region anyway. We know Eskimos got enough vitamin C in their traditional diet to survive because obviously they did. Now it's academic--most arctic natives live in villages and get their vitamin C from OJ and Juicy Juice, just like you and I.

Vitamin C can be found in a variety of traditional Eskimo/Inuit staples, including the skin of beluga whales (known as muktuk), which is said to contain as much vitamin C as oranges. Other reported sources include the organ meats of sea mammals as well as the stomach contents of caribou.

Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 07:20:07 PM
Sarah Palin`s husband is an eskimo.  Perhaps we should ask him how most Eskimos today eat.  I did see a video of Todd and Sarah Palin at a Diner in Pennsylvania eating what looked to be a cheesesteak that had two nice pieces of bread overflowing with swiss cheese.
Sounds good, any pics?
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 07:20:46 PM
Thats not what u asked me..........u asked if i thought I would gain weight.

To which i answered YES!!!

Dont twist my words

Honestly, how am I twisting your words? I just repeated what you said: refined sugar has no nutritional value and I would gain weight, correct?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 07:21:04 PM
Thats not what u asked me..........u asked if i thought I would gain weight.

To which i answered YES!!!

Dont twist my words
Oatmeal has little nutritional value.
White rice almost has no nutritonal value.
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 07:21:56 PM
Pretty much always in keto on a diet of reindeer and blubber then.
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 07:24:23 PM
Honestly, how am I twisting your words? I just repeated what you said: refined sugar has no nutritional value and I would gain weight, correct?

You didnt ask me about yourself, u asked me about ME!

So thats what my answer was for, i didnt mention at all what i thought refined sugar would do to YOU! But only for ME.
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 07:25:18 PM
Oatmeal has little nutritional value.
White rice almost has no nutritonal value.

Ill stick with eating a 1/2 cup of oatmeal in the morning for breakfast over 1/2 cup of table sugar any day Adam! Thank you.

Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 07:26:59 PM
Pretty much always in keto on a diet of reindeer and blubber then.
And fruits and vegetables.

Also, Europeans are poorly adapted for a similar diet as this type of diet was not eaten by Europeans and did not impose Natural Seletion.  Just as the Innuit are not adapted to drinking milk via Natural Selection.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 07:27:44 PM

You didnt ask me about yourself, u asked me about ME!

So thats what my answer was for, i didnt mention at all what i thought refined sugar would do to YOU! But only for ME.

Ah OK, sorry bout that. I was talking generally, not individually. Just a misunderstanding.

So I ask again, do you think that generally someone who adds refined sugar to his maintenance diet he would lose or gain weight?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 07:28:30 PM
Ill stick with eating a 1/2 cup of oatmeal in the morning for breakfast over 1/2 cup of table sugar any day Adam! Thank you.

Why would you or anyone eat a 1/2 cup of table sugar?
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 07:30:51 PM
And fruits and vegetables.

Also, Europeans are poorly adapted for a similar diet as this type of diet was not eaten by Europeans and did not impose Natural Seletion.  Just as the Innuit are not adapted to drinking milk via Natural Selection.

Hmm. I think that our dietary needs are still very similar TA, wouldn't you agree? I still find as an individual and a European, lowering carbohydrate intake creates a feeling of well-being not found whilst on a higher carbohydrate adapted diet.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 07:32:21 PM
Hmm. I think that our dietary needs are still very similar TA, wouldn't you agree? I still find as an individual and a European, lowering carbohydrate intake creates a feeling of well-being not found whilst on a higher carbohydrate adapted diet.

An Air Force pilot is not allowed to operate on a Low-Carbohydrate diet and for good reason!
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 07:34:06 PM
Why would you or anyone eat a 1/2 cup of table sugar?
Maybe a bet?
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 07:34:28 PM
Why would you or anyone eat a 1/2 cup of table sugar?

why would anyone follow the "adonis principles".........still trying to find me an essential carbohydrate adam??? Good luck ;D
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 07:34:50 PM
An Air Force pilot is not allowed to operate on a Low-Carbohydrate diet and for good reason!

Ha, pilots live off of ephedrine anyway.
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 07:35:50 PM
Ah OK, sorry bout that. I was talking generally, not individually. Just a misunderstanding.

So I ask again, do you think that generally someone who adds refined sugar to his maintenance diet he would lose or gain weight?

adding it every now and then, it would not make much of a difference, it probably would give his metabolism a boost which in would return have him lose weight.

adding it in regularly= becoming a fat ass
Post by: GoneAway on November 20, 2008, 07:36:00 PM
Adonis' diet is very simple and it will obviously work. Why is there such a big fuss about it?
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 07:38:15 PM
why would anyone follow the "adonis principles".........still trying to find me an essential carbohydrate adam??? Good luck ;D

Carbohydrates are not essential no, but what TA is saying is that any additional macronutrients above the basic required ones will only be stored as bodyfat if in a surplus, regardless of whether they are an essential sub-group or not.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 07:41:03 PM
adding it every now and then, it would not make much of a difference, it probably would give his metabolism a boost which in would return have him lose weight.

adding it in regularly= becoming a fat ass

But that's what Disgusted said in this thread, if one adds refined sugar to a mainenance diet, he would lose weight. He did not mean metabolism boost, he meant constantly adding refined sugar to the diet and losing weight because the refined sugar would substract energy from the body.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 07:48:21 PM
Adonis' diet is very simple and it will obviously work. Why is there such a big fuss about it?
I already have figured out why.

Its like religion or religious people.  As soon as you question their faith and show them the mountain of evidence against their beliefs and notions, they view it as an attack on themselves.
Why? It is Because they have spent so much time vested in their methods and beliefs that for them to admit that there may be another way or that their way is not the only way or the correct way  basically tears the whole cloak of meaning from their body.

They surely do not want to come to terms with the prospect that the dogma and myths they regard so dearly as truth, despite all available evidence, is in fact based largely on folklore.  Rather than examine the evidence critically, you instead get a lashing out as they do not want their cloak of delusion ripped to shreds. To do this, would strip away thier own personal worth as they have believed and lived something for years and years.

Dogma is a bastard child of human behavior as we are evolutionary programmed pattern seekers and seek to repeat the same thing over and over out of fear.

Fear and Dogma when challenged become hate.

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 07:50:38 PM
Just to get a third opinion, TA: would one lose weight if he did nothing else to his maintenance diet than adding refined sugar? Or would he gain weight?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 07:51:26 PM
Carbohydrates are not essential no, but what TA is saying is that any additional macronutrients above the basic required ones will only be stored as bodyfat if in a surplus, regardless of whether they are an essential sub-group or not.

Carbohydrates CERTAINLY are essential to life in MANY cases. For Instance:

Hypoglycemia can produce a variety of symptoms and effects but the principal problems arise from an inadequate supply of glucose as fuel to the brain, resulting in impairment of function (neuroglycopenia). Derangements of function can range from vaguely "feeling bad" to coma and (rarely) permanent brain damage or death. Hypoglycemia can arise from many causes and can occur at any age. It also sometimes occurs at random.

Response to treatment, especially the amount of carbohydrate needed to reverse or prevent recurrence of hypoglycemia, may provide important clues as well. When 15-30 grams of sugar or starch are given by mouth, a low blood glucose will usually rise by 18-36 mg/dl (1-2 mmol/l) within 5-10 minutes, relieving hypoglycemic symptoms within 10 minutes[citation needed]. It may take longer to recover from severe hypoglycemia with unconsciousness or seizure even after restoration of normal blood glucose. When a person has not been unconscious, failure of carbohydrate to reverse the symptoms in 10-15 minutes increases the likelihood that hypoglycemia was not the cause of the symptoms. When severe hypoglycemia has persisted in a hospitalized patient, the amount of glucose required to maintain satisfactory blood glucose levels becomes an important clue to the underlying etiology. Glucose requirements above 10 mg/kg/minute in infants, or 6 mg/kg/minute in children and adults are strong evidence for hyperinsulinism. In this context this is referred to as the glucose infusion rate (GIR). Finally, the blood glucose response to glucagon given when the glucose is low can also help distinguish among various types of hypoglycemia. A rise of blood glucose by more than 30 mg/dl (1.70 mmol/l) suggests insulin excess as the probable cause of the hypoglycemia.

In other words,
If you do not give this patient Carbohydrates ie Sugar, He DIES!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 07:51:51 PM
But that's what Disgusted said in this thread, if one adds refined sugar to a mainenance diet, he would lose weight. He did not mean metabolism boost, he meant constantly adding refined sugar to the diet and losing weight because the refined sugar would substract energy from the body.

Yes and no. We are getting into a very complex discussion here which unfortunately is not easy to explain. I wish we were all sitting at a table talking face to face. Eating tons of table sugar will also create a hellova insulin response from the body which in turn can cause your body to store fat. There are many factors involved.

Wave, you are the one that is making the mistake of thinking of adding sugar into your diet to create a negative caloric response. To be blunt this is foolish. My MAIN point was that sugar provides no nutritional value and robs your body of nutrients!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: TacoBell on November 20, 2008, 07:52:33 PM
Adonis' diet is very simple and it will obviously work. Why is there such a big fuss about it?

Because there are better, smarter, healthier, and more effective ways of dieting?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 07:53:25 PM
Why would you or anyone eat a 1/2 cup of table sugar?

The average person eats over 100 pounds of sugar per year.
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 07:54:37 PM
Carbohydrates CERTAINLY are essential to life in MANY cases. For Instance:

Hypoglycemia can produce a variety of symptoms and effects but the principal problems arise from an inadequate supply of glucose as fuel to the brain, resulting in impairment of function (neuroglycopenia). Derangements of function can range from vaguely "feeling bad" to coma and (rarely) permanent brain damage or death. Hypoglycemia can arise from many causes and can occur at any age. It also sometimes occurs at random.

Again, dependant on the individual. I personally study and write more creatively on low carbs.
Post by: haider on November 20, 2008, 07:55:27 PM
what a dumb discussion, I'm sorry to say. Ridiculous.

you guys are discussing what nutrients are, and what a fucking carbohydrate is?  ;D

That's like trying to debate physics but not being able to make your mind about what an atom is... you're not going to get very far.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 07:55:47 PM
No healthy individual ever died from not eating carbs.
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 07:56:33 PM
what a dumb discussion, I'm sorry to say. Ridiculous.

you guys are discussing what nutrients are, and what a fucking carbohydrate is?  ;D

That's like trying to debate physics but not being able to make your mind about what an atom is.. you're not going to get very far.

There is only one valid theory of anything. We're just in the process of finding it  ;D
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 07:57:12 PM
Yes and no. We are getting into a very complex discussion here which unfortunately is not easy to explain. I wish we were all sitting at a table talking face to face. Eating tons of table sugar will also create a hellova insulin response from the body which in turn can cause your body to store fat. There are many factors involved.

Wave, you are the one that is making the mistake of thinking of adding sugar into your diet to create a negative caloric response. To be blunt this is foolish. My MAIN point was that sugar provides no nutritional value and robs your body of nutrients!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I fully agree that it's foolish, I will of course not try that as my next diet concept. I also understand that your main point was that refined sugar does not provide certain nutrients and may even "rob" the body of some nutrients. But to say it does not provide ANY nutrition (including the main purpose of it = energy), yet even robs the body of physical energy is a concept unknown to me. That's why I'm curious.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 07:58:43 PM
Just to get a third opinion, TA: would one lose weight if he did nothing else to his maintenance diet than adding refined sugar? Or would he gain weight?
Lets be a little more specific if we may.

Person A has a caloric limit of 2500 lets say.  This means that he will neither gain weight nor lose weight given this hypothetical situation.  If we feed him 200 calories of sucrose he will gain weight with any amount that puts him over the 2500 calories for that matter.

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 08:00:17 PM
Lets be a little more specific if we may.

Person A has a caloric limit of 2500 lets say.  This means that he will neither gain weight nor lose weight given this hypothetical situation.  If we feed him 200 calories of sucrose he will gain weight with any amount that puts him over the 2500 calories for that matter.

That's what I was thinking up to now.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:01:48 PM
I fully agree that it's foolish, I will of course not try that as my next diet concept. I also understand that your main point was that refined sugar does not provide certain nutrients and may even "rob" the body of some nutrients. But to say it does not provide ANY nutrition (including the main purpose of it = energy), yet even robs the body of physical energy is a concept unknown to me. That's why I'm curious.

Just google sugar and nutritional value and you will find tons of info confirming just that.
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 08:03:12 PM
I know TA's principles work for cutting and maintaining, I've experimented with all sorts of diets, the only qualm I have with this kind of diet is the elevated apetite which inevitably leads to overeating.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:04:45 PM

The average person eats over 100 pounds of sugar per year.
Actually you are wrong.
Per capita sugar consumption in 2007 was 44.2 lbs per year. (18)

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. 2008. Table 51 -- Refined cane and beet sugar: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year. Table 52 -- High fructose corn syrup: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year. Table 53 -- Other sweeteners: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year. Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook 2007.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 08:05:11 PM
Just google sugar and nutritional value and you will find tons of info confirming just that.

I already did and I could not find an article that would claim adding refined sugar to a diet could lead to an energy deficit (aka weight loss). Can you provide me with any reference or link?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:05:31 PM
Lets be a little more specific if we may.

Person A has a caloric limit of 2500 lets say.  This means that he will neither gain weight nor lose weight given this hypothetical situation.  If we feed him 200 calories of sucrose he will gain weight with any amount that puts him over the 2500 calories for that matter.

This is because the insulin response is greater than the caloric deficit. The deficit is small but it is there and over years takes it's toll on the body.  Like I said before you can take to groups of people and feed one group nothing and the other as much sugar as they like and the sugar group would starve first.
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 08:08:03 PM
LOL, 11 pages. ;D
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:08:09 PM
Actually you are wrong.
Per capita sugar consumption in 2007 was 44.2 lbs per year. (18)

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. 2008. Table 51 -- Refined cane and beet sugar: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year. Table 52 -- High fructose corn syrup: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year. Table 53 -- Other sweeteners: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year. Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook 2007.

No I am not. It has steadily gone up each year.

One sweet nation
Posted 3/20/05
Here are some facts about Americans' infatuation with sugar and syrup:

In 1967, Americans ate 114 pounds of sugar and sweeteners a year per capita, nearly all of it as either raw or refined sugar. In 2003, each person consumed about 142 pounds of sugar per year.

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Since high-fructose corn syrup was developed more than 30 years ago, consumption of the sweetener, which flavors everything from soda pop to ranch dressing, has skyrocketed. Now Americans down about 61 pounds a year each.

Since 1950, soft-drink consumption per capita has quadrupled, from about 11 gallons per year to about 46 gallons in 2003--nearly a gallon a week per person.

With all that sugar-eating, it's no wonder people don't have much room for their vegetables. In 2003, Americans consumed, on average, a dismal 8.3 pounds of broccoli and just over 25 pounds of dark lettuces (the kinds that are really good for you).

This story appears in the March 28, 2005 print edition of U.S. News & World Report.

Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:12:14 PM
Sugar's effect on your health

The average American consumes an astounding 2-3 pounds of sugar each week, which is not surprising considering that highly refined sugars in the forms of sucrose (table sugar), dextrose (corn sugar), and high-fructose corn syrup are being processed into so many foods such as bread, breakfast cereal, mayonnaise, peanut butter, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and a plethora of microwave meals.

Here is a list of ways sugar can affect your health:

Sugar can suppress the immune system.
Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance.
Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children.
Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
Sugar can reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs).
Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).
Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.
Sugar can cause kidney damage.
Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
Sugar may lead to chromium deficiency.
Sugar can cause copper deficiency.
Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose.
Sugar can promote tooth decay.
Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.
Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.
Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey hair.
Sugar can increase total cholesterol.
Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity.
High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.
Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure.
Sugar causes food allergies.
Sugar can cause free radical formation in the bloodstream.
Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
Sugar can overstress the pancreas, causing damage.
Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.
Sugar can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of the liver.
Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver.
Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney.
Sugar can cause depression.
Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention.
Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.
Sugar can cause hypertension.
Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.
Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha and theta brain waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think clearly.
Sugar can increase blood platelet adhesiveness which increases risk of blood clots and strokes.
Sugar can increase insulin responses in those consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.
Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.

Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:12:38 PM

The average person eats over 100 pounds of sugar per year.
Even though the Per capita sugar consumption in 2007 was 44.2 lbs per year as stated by the USDA, this still is meaningless in regards to eating 1/2 cup of sugar as a meal.

Anyways, Who sits down and says, "I am going to eat a half a cup of sugar today"? I haven`t seen anyone eat just a 1/2 of sugar by itself. Have you?

Also if you do the math, this comes to be .1210958904 lbs per day.  Not a whole lot at all. Less than a serving of Cell-Tech a day.  :)
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 08:15:36 PM
Sugar's effect on your health

The average American consumes an astounding 2-3 pounds of sugar each week, which is not surprising considering that highly refined sugars in the forms of sucrose (table sugar), dextrose (corn sugar), and high-fructose corn syrup are being processed into so many foods such as bread, breakfast cereal, mayonnaise, peanut butter, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and a plethora of microwave meals.

Here is a list of ways sugar can affect your health:

Sugar can suppress the immune system.
Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance.
Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children.
Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
Sugar can reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs).
Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).
Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.
Sugar can cause kidney damage.
Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
Sugar may lead to chromium deficiency.
Sugar can cause copper deficiency.
Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose.
Sugar can promote tooth decay.
Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.
Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.
Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey hair.
Sugar can increase total cholesterol.
Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity.
High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.
Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure.
Sugar causes food allergies.
Sugar can cause free radical formation in the bloodstream.
Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
Sugar can overstress the pancreas, causing damage.
Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.
Sugar can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of the liver.
Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver.
Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney.
Sugar can cause depression.
Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention.
Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.
Sugar can cause hypertension.
Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.
Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha and theta brain waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think clearly.
Sugar can increase blood platelet adhesiveness which increases risk of blood clots and strokes.
Sugar can increase insulin responses in those consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.
Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.

Sugar feeds yeast infections aswell  ;D
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 08:16:10 PM
Even though the Per capita sugar consumption in 2007 was 44.2 lbs per year as stated by the USDA, this still is meaningless in regards to eating 1/2 cup of sugar as a meal.

Anyways, Who sits down and says, "I am going to eat a half a cup of sugar today"? I haven`t seen anyone eat just a 1/2 of sugar by itself. Have you?

Also if you do the math, this comes to be .1210958904 lbs per day.  Not a whole lot at all. Less than a serving of Cell-Tech a day.  :)
How many calories in half a cup of sugar?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:18:30 PM
Even though the Per capita sugar consumption in 2007 was 44.2 lbs per year as stated by the USDA, this still is meaningless in regards to eating 1/2 cup of sugar as a meal.

Anyways, Who sits down and says, "I am going to eat a half a cup of sugar today"? I haven`t seen anyone eat just a 1/2 of sugar by itself. Have you?

Also if you do the math, this comes to be .1210958904 lbs per day.  Not a whole lot at all. Less than a serving of Cell-Tech a day.  :)

First of all it is a well known fact that the average person eats 130 to 150 pounds of sugar per year. And I agree that no one sits down and eats a half cup of sugar "by itself". But they easily do it in the foods that they eat. Drink a couple of sodas and eat a peice of cake and you have done just that.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:20:59 PM
Sugar's effect on your health

The average American consumes an astounding 2-3 pounds of sugar each week, which is not surprising considering that highly refined sugars in the forms of sucrose (table sugar), dextrose (corn sugar), and high-fructose corn syrup are being processed into so many foods such as bread, breakfast cereal, mayonnaise, peanut butter, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and a plethora of microwave meals.

Here is a list of ways sugar can affect your health:

Sugar can suppress the immune system.
Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance.
Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children.
Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
Sugar can reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs).
Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).
Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.
Sugar can cause kidney damage.
Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
Sugar may lead to chromium deficiency.
Sugar can cause copper deficiency.
Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose.
Sugar can promote tooth decay.
Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.
Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.
Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey hair.
Sugar can increase total cholesterol.
Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity.
High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.
Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure.
Sugar causes food allergies.
Sugar can cause free radical formation in the bloodstream.
Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
Sugar can overstress the pancreas, causing damage.
Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.
Sugar can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of the liver.
Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver.
Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney.
Sugar can cause depression.
Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention.
Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.
Sugar can cause hypertension.
Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.
Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha and theta brain waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think clearly.
Sugar can increase blood platelet adhesiveness which increases risk of blood clots and strokes.
Sugar can increase insulin responses in those consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.
Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.

I`m sorry, I am going to have to question your source,(Where is your source for that matter???) as it is TOTALLY WAY OFF from what the United States Department of Agriculture has. 

Here is the USDA chart for this year. 44.2 lbs as I stated earlier.
Post by: benz on November 20, 2008, 08:21:03 PM
i just want sperm in the morning, is it too much to ask?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:22:38 PM
How many calories in half a cup of sugar?
387. Not many.
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 08:22:49 PM
i just want sperm in the morning, is it too much to ask?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:24:13 PM
I`m sorry, I am going to have to question your source,(Where is your source for that matter???) as it is TOTALLY WAY OFF from what the United States Department of Agriculture has. 

Here is the USDA chart for this year. 44.2 lbs as I stated earlier.

I just gave you two sources. Seriously just google it and there are tons. It's common knowledge. I bettin someone forgot to add a one in front of the 44.
Post by: benz on November 20, 2008, 08:25:22 PM

adoni's source is way more reliable than yours, i think he won that round.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:25:58 PM
First of all it is a well known fact that the average person eats 130 to 150 pounds of sugar per year. And I agree that no one sits down and eats a half cup of sugar "by itself". But they easily do it in the foods that they eat. Drink a couple of sodas and eat a peice of cake and you have done just that.
As Joe Biden says, "You are entitled to your own opinions, Not your Own Facts."

The USRDA, who is the authority on Nutrition and commodity consumption has the United States Sugar Consumption at 44.2 lbs per year or .1210958904 lbs per day.
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 08:26:13 PM
i just want sperm in the morning, is it too much to ask?

Somebody get this man a calorie count on a tablespoon of semen.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:26:56 PM

adoni's source is way more reliable than yours, i think he won that round.

NOt a chance bro, I'll bet my life on this one.
Post by: benz on November 20, 2008, 08:28:50 PM

NOt a chance bro, I'll bet my life on this one.

The man supplied a valid link, unless you can prove it isnt and yours is. Can you do that?

Btw, i still want sperm in the morning, so i ask again: is it too much to ask?  >:(
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:29:40 PM
I just gave you two sources. Seriously just google it and there are tons. It's common knowledge. I bettin someone forgot to add a one in front of the 44.

THIS is your Source:

I love the Disclaimer at the end of this holistic healing mumbo jumbo site:
disclaimer: Throughout this website, statements are made pertaining to the properties and/or functions of food and/or nutritional products. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these materials and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

© 2007 by Marc Leduc

Come on Disgusted, I don`t even think Muscle-Tech would stoop that low to hawk a sugar detoxifying product.

Your source is bogus.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 08:30:01 PM
When benz is at it, someone's in trouble. ;D
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:30:20 PM
The man supplied a valid link, unless you can prove it isnt and yours is. Can you do that?

Btw, i still want sperm in the morning, so i ask again: is it too much to ask?  >:(

;D I ready gave him a link.

Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:31:20 PM

;D I ready gave him a link.

THIS is your Source:

I love the Disclaimer at the end of this holistic healing mumbo jumbo site:
disclaimer: Throughout this website, statements are made pertaining to the properties and/or functions of food and/or nutritional products. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these materials and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

© 2007 by Marc Leduc

Come on Disgusted, I don`t even think Muscle-Tech would stoop that low to hawk a sugar detoxifying product.

Your source is bogus.
Post by: benz on November 20, 2008, 08:31:33 PM
I think adonis just proved you wrong, How do you dare to trust your knowledge to some Marc Lehomosexual guy?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:33:48 PM
Um ADAM!? This is for cane and beet sugar bro not all forms one of which is high fructose corn syrup.  ::)

Cane and beet sugar
    A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O
1   Table 51 -- Refined cane and beet sugar: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year 1/                                                       
3        Primary   Loss from   Weight   Loss from   Weight   Loss at consumer level   Per capita   Calories       Calories   Servings
4       weight   primary to   at   retail/institutional   at       Other   consumption,   per   Serving   consumed   (teaspoons)
5   Year   (market   retail   retail   to consumer   consumer   Nonedible   (uneaten food,   adjusted   serving   weight   daily 3/   consumed
6       level) 2/   weight   level   level   level   share   spoilage, etc.)   for loss   (teaspoon)           daily 4/
8        lb/yr   percent   lb/yr   percent   lb/yr   percent   percent   lb/yr   oz/day   g/day   number   grams   number   teaspoons
9   1970   101.8   0.0   101.8   11.0   90.6   0.0   20.0   72.5   3.2   90.0   16.0   4.2   343   21.4
10   1971   102.1   0.0   102.1   11.0   90.9   0.0   20.0   72.7   3.2   90.4   16.0   4.2   344   21.5
11   1972   102.3   0.0   102.3   11.0   91.0   0.0   20.0   72.8   3.2   90.5   16.0   4.2   345   21.6
12   1973   100.8   0.0   100.8   11.0   89.7   0.0   20.0   71.8   3.1   89.2   16.0   4.2   340   21.2
13   1974   95.7   0.0   95.7   11.0   85.1   0.0   20.0   68.1   3.0   84.6   16.0   4.2   322   20.2
14   1975   89.2   0.0   89.2   11.0   79.4   0.0   20.0   63.5   2.8   78.9   16.0   4.2   301   18.8
15   1976   93.4   0.0   93.4   11.0   83.1   0.0   20.0   66.5   2.9   82.6   16.0   4.2   315   19.7
16   1977   94.2   0.0   94.2   11.0   83.8   0.0   20.0   67.1   2.9   83.3   16.0   4.2   318   19.8
17   1978   91.4   0.0   91.4   11.0   81.4   0.0   20.0   65.1   2.9   80.9   16.0   4.2   308   19.3
18   1979   89.3   0.0   89.3   11.0   79.5   0.0   20.0   63.6   2.8   79.0   16.0   4.2   301   18.8
19   1980   83.6   0.0   83.6   11.0   74.4   0.0   20.0   59.5   2.6   74.0   16.0   4.2   282   17.6
20   1981   79.4   0.0   79.4   11.0   70.7   0.0   20.0   56.5   2.5   70.3   16.0   4.2   268   16.7
21   1982   73.7   0.0   73.7   11.0   65.6   0.0   20.0   52.5   2.3   65.2   16.0   4.2   248   15.5
22   1983   70.3   0.0   70.3   11.0   62.6   0.0   20.0   50.1   2.2   62.2   16.0   4.2   237   14.8
23   1984   66.7   0.0   66.7   11.0   59.3   0.0   20.0   47.5   2.1   59.0   16.0   4.2   225   14.0
24   1985   62.7   0.0   62.7   11.0   55.8   0.0   20.0   44.7   2.0   55.5   16.0   4.2   211   13.2
25   1986   60.0   0.0   60.0   11.0   53.4   0.0   20.0   42.8   1.9   53.1   16.0   4.2   202   12.7
26   1987   62.4   0.0   62.4   11.0   55.5   0.0   20.0   44.4   1.9   55.2   16.0   4.2   210   13.1
27   1988   62.1   0.0   62.1   11.0   55.2   0.0   20.0   44.2   1.9   54.9   16.0   4.2   209   13.1
28   1989   62.8   0.0   62.8   11.0   55.9   0.0   20.0   44.7   2.0   55.5   16.0   4.2   212   13.2
29   1990   64.4   0.0   64.4   11.0   57.3   0.0   20.0   45.8   2.0   57.0   16.0   4.2   217   13.6
30   1991   63.6   0.0   63.6   11.0   56.6   0.0   20.0   45.3   2.0   56.3   16.0   4.2   214   13.4
31   1992   64.2   0.0   64.2   11.0   57.2   0.0   20.0   45.7   2.0   56.8   16.0   4.2   216   13.5
32   1993   63.8   0.0   63.8   11.0   56.8   0.0   20.0   45.4   2.0   56.5   16.0   4.2   215   13.4
33   1994   64.4   0.0   64.4   11.0   57.3   0.0   20.0   45.8   2.0   57.0   16.0   4.2   217   13.6
34   1995   64.9   0.0   64.9   11.0   57.8   0.0   20.0   46.2   2.0   57.4   16.0   4.2   219   13.7
35   1996   65.2   0.0   65.2   11.0   58.0   0.0   20.0   46.4   2.0   57.7   16.0   4.2   220   13.7
36   1997   64.9   0.0   64.9   11.0   57.8   0.0   20.0   46.2   2.0   57.5   16.0   4.2   219   13.7
37   1998   64.9   0.0   64.9   11.0   57.8   0.0   20.0   46.2   2.0   57.5   16.0   4.2   219   13.7
38   1999   66.3   0.0   66.3   11.0   59.0   0.0   20.0   47.2   2.1   58.7   16.0   4.2   224   14.0
39   2000   65.5   0.0   65.5   11.0   58.3   0.0   20.0   46.7   2.0   58.0   16.0   4.2   221   13.8
40   2001   64.5   0.0   64.5   11.0   57.4   0.0   20.0   45.9   2.0   57.1   16.0   4.2   217   13.6
41   2002   63.3   0.0   63.3   11.0   56.4   0.0   20.0   45.1   2.0   56.0   16.0   4.2   213   13.3
42   2003   61.0   0.0   61.0   11.0   54.3   0.0   20.0   43.5   1.9   54.0   16.0   4.2   206   12.9
43   2004   61.7   0.0   61.7   11.0   54.9   0.0   20.0   44.0   1.9   54.6   16.0   4.2   208   13.0
44     2005   63.2   0.0   63.2   11.0   56.3   0.0   20.0   45.0   2.0   55.9   16.0   4.2   213   13.3
45     2006   62.5   0.0   62.5   11.0   55.6   0.0   20.0   44.5   1.9   55.3   16.0   4.2   211   13.2
46     2007   62.1   0.0   62.1   11.0   55.3   0.0   20.0   44.2   1.9   55.0   16.0   4.2   209   13.1
47   1/ Estimated number of daily per capita calories calculated by adjusting sugar deliveries for domestic food and beverage use for food losses.                                                       
48    2/ U.S. per capita cane and beet sugar estimated deliveries for domestic food and beverage use, calendar year. See Table 50 of Sugar and Sweetener Yearbook series.                                                       
49    3/ Number of daily teaspoons multiplied by calories per serving.                                                       
50    4/ Grams per day divided by serving weight.                                                       
51    5/ Preliminary.                                                       
52    Source: Sugar and Sweeteners Team, Market and Trade Economics Division, Economic Research Service, USDA.                                                       
53    Last updated: 4/1/2008                                                       
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:35:08 PM
Um ADAM!? This is for cane and beet sugar bro not all forms one of which is high fructose corn syrup.  ::)

Cane and beet sugar
    A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O
1   Table 51 -- Refined cane and beet sugar: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year 1/                                                       
3        Primary   Loss from   Weight   Loss from   Weight   Loss at consumer level   Per capita   Calories       Calories   Servings
4       weight   primary to   at   retail/institutional   at       Other   consumption,   per   Serving   consumed   (teaspoons)
5   Year   (market   retail   retail   to consumer   consumer   Nonedible   (uneaten food,   adjusted   serving   weight   daily 3/   consumed
6       level) 2/   weight   level   level   level   share   spoilage, etc.)   for loss   (teaspoon)           daily 4/
8        lb/yr   percent   lb/yr   percent   lb/yr   percent   percent   lb/yr   oz/day   g/day   number   grams   number   teaspoons
9   1970   101.8   0.0   101.8   11.0   90.6   0.0   20.0   72.5   3.2   90.0   16.0   4.2   343   21.4
10   1971   102.1   0.0   102.1   11.0   90.9   0.0   20.0   72.7   3.2   90.4   16.0   4.2   344   21.5
11   1972   102.3   0.0   102.3   11.0   91.0   0.0   20.0   72.8   3.2   90.5   16.0   4.2   345   21.6
12   1973   100.8   0.0   100.8   11.0   89.7   0.0   20.0   71.8   3.1   89.2   16.0   4.2   340   21.2
13   1974   95.7   0.0   95.7   11.0   85.1   0.0   20.0   68.1   3.0   84.6   16.0   4.2   322   20.2
14   1975   89.2   0.0   89.2   11.0   79.4   0.0   20.0   63.5   2.8   78.9   16.0   4.2   301   18.8
15   1976   93.4   0.0   93.4   11.0   83.1   0.0   20.0   66.5   2.9   82.6   16.0   4.2   315   19.7
16   1977   94.2   0.0   94.2   11.0   83.8   0.0   20.0   67.1   2.9   83.3   16.0   4.2   318   19.8
17   1978   91.4   0.0   91.4   11.0   81.4   0.0   20.0   65.1   2.9   80.9   16.0   4.2   308   19.3
18   1979   89.3   0.0   89.3   11.0   79.5   0.0   20.0   63.6   2.8   79.0   16.0   4.2   301   18.8
19   1980   83.6   0.0   83.6   11.0   74.4   0.0   20.0   59.5   2.6   74.0   16.0   4.2   282   17.6
20   1981   79.4   0.0   79.4   11.0   70.7   0.0   20.0   56.5   2.5   70.3   16.0   4.2   268   16.7
21   1982   73.7   0.0   73.7   11.0   65.6   0.0   20.0   52.5   2.3   65.2   16.0   4.2   248   15.5
22   1983   70.3   0.0   70.3   11.0   62.6   0.0   20.0   50.1   2.2   62.2   16.0   4.2   237   14.8
23   1984   66.7   0.0   66.7   11.0   59.3   0.0   20.0   47.5   2.1   59.0   16.0   4.2   225   14.0
24   1985   62.7   0.0   62.7   11.0   55.8   0.0   20.0   44.7   2.0   55.5   16.0   4.2   211   13.2
25   1986   60.0   0.0   60.0   11.0   53.4   0.0   20.0   42.8   1.9   53.1   16.0   4.2   202   12.7
26   1987   62.4   0.0   62.4   11.0   55.5   0.0   20.0   44.4   1.9   55.2   16.0   4.2   210   13.1
27   1988   62.1   0.0   62.1   11.0   55.2   0.0   20.0   44.2   1.9   54.9   16.0   4.2   209   13.1
28   1989   62.8   0.0   62.8   11.0   55.9   0.0   20.0   44.7   2.0   55.5   16.0   4.2   212   13.2
29   1990   64.4   0.0   64.4   11.0   57.3   0.0   20.0   45.8   2.0   57.0   16.0   4.2   217   13.6
30   1991   63.6   0.0   63.6   11.0   56.6   0.0   20.0   45.3   2.0   56.3   16.0   4.2   214   13.4
31   1992   64.2   0.0   64.2   11.0   57.2   0.0   20.0   45.7   2.0   56.8   16.0   4.2   216   13.5
32   1993   63.8   0.0   63.8   11.0   56.8   0.0   20.0   45.4   2.0   56.5   16.0   4.2   215   13.4
33   1994   64.4   0.0   64.4   11.0   57.3   0.0   20.0   45.8   2.0   57.0   16.0   4.2   217   13.6
34   1995   64.9   0.0   64.9   11.0   57.8   0.0   20.0   46.2   2.0   57.4   16.0   4.2   219   13.7
35   1996   65.2   0.0   65.2   11.0   58.0   0.0   20.0   46.4   2.0   57.7   16.0   4.2   220   13.7
36   1997   64.9   0.0   64.9   11.0   57.8   0.0   20.0   46.2   2.0   57.5   16.0   4.2   219   13.7
37   1998   64.9   0.0   64.9   11.0   57.8   0.0   20.0   46.2   2.0   57.5   16.0   4.2   219   13.7
38   1999   66.3   0.0   66.3   11.0   59.0   0.0   20.0   47.2   2.1   58.7   16.0   4.2   224   14.0
39   2000   65.5   0.0   65.5   11.0   58.3   0.0   20.0   46.7   2.0   58.0   16.0   4.2   221   13.8
40   2001   64.5   0.0   64.5   11.0   57.4   0.0   20.0   45.9   2.0   57.1   16.0   4.2   217   13.6
41   2002   63.3   0.0   63.3   11.0   56.4   0.0   20.0   45.1   2.0   56.0   16.0   4.2   213   13.3
42   2003   61.0   0.0   61.0   11.0   54.3   0.0   20.0   43.5   1.9   54.0   16.0   4.2   206   12.9
43   2004   61.7   0.0   61.7   11.0   54.9   0.0   20.0   44.0   1.9   54.6   16.0   4.2   208   13.0
44     2005   63.2   0.0   63.2   11.0   56.3   0.0   20.0   45.0   2.0   55.9   16.0   4.2   213   13.3
45     2006   62.5   0.0   62.5   11.0   55.6   0.0   20.0   44.5   1.9   55.3   16.0   4.2   211   13.2
46     2007   62.1   0.0   62.1   11.0   55.3   0.0   20.0   44.2   1.9   55.0   16.0   4.2   209   13.1
47   1/ Estimated number of daily per capita calories calculated by adjusting sugar deliveries for domestic food and beverage use for food losses.                                                       
48    2/ U.S. per capita cane and beet sugar estimated deliveries for domestic food and beverage use, calendar year. See Table 50 of Sugar and Sweetener Yearbook series.                                                       
49    3/ Number of daily teaspoons multiplied by calories per serving.                                                       
50    4/ Grams per day divided by serving weight.                                                       
51    5/ Preliminary.                                                       
52    Source: Sugar and Sweeteners Team, Market and Trade Economics Division, Economic Research Service, USDA.                                                       
53    Last updated: 4/1/2008                                                       
Aren`t we still discussing how much table sugar/sucrose Americans are eating or have we jumped the shark and you forgot to tell us?
Post by: benz on November 20, 2008, 08:35:12 PM
fair enough, sounds like a good source.

Adonis, i think disgusted proved that your source is made by incompetents in the goverment.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 08:35:52 PM
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:37:11 PM
fair enough, sounds like a good source.

Adonis, i think disgusted proved that your source is made by incompetents in the goverment.
Damn you USRDA, How dare you spy on us citizens and measure our sucrose consumption!!!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:38:27 PM
I said the average american eats roughly 150 pounds of sugar per year QUOTE So I have just proven you wrong!! The Government is always right.  ::) YOu now have to donate semen to Benz.

Post by: benz on November 20, 2008, 08:38:31 PM
I need a table about the daily consumption of sperm in the morning. please help
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 08:39:46 PM
I already did and I could not find an article that would claim adding refined sugar to a diet could lead to an energy deficit (aka weight loss). Can you provide me with any reference or link?

Bump, I really couldn't find a valid source on that one.
Post by: haider on November 20, 2008, 08:41:18 PM
Bump, I really couldn't find a valid source on that one.
maybe you're not lookig hard enough.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:42:22 PM
I said the average american eats roughly 150 pounds of sugar per year QUOTE So I have just proven you wrong!! The Government is always right.  ::) YOu now have to donate semen to Benz.

Why did you just link us to some strange newsletter from over a decade ago?   ???  I just checked my watch, it is November 20, 2008.  Did you steal Doc Brown`s Delorean again?
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:43:56 PM
Bump, I really couldn't find a valid source on that one.

Wave, this is something that I have known for years just like the average person eating 150 pounds of sugar per year, which surprises me that Adam did not know this. I sometimes take for granted that the average person may know these things too. Anyway, I read this years ago. You amy or may not find it but you should if you research enough.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:46:17 PM
Wave, this is something that I have known for years just like the average person eating 150 pounds of sugar per year, which surprises me that Adam did not know this. I sometimes take for granted that the average person may know these things too. Anyway, I read this years ago. You amy or may not find it but you should if you research enough.
What happened to discussing table sugar also known as sucrose and the fact that Americans consume 44.2 lbs of it a year according to the USDA?

Weren`t you the one who considered eating a half cup of table sugar for breakfast or was that someone else?  ???
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:47:43 PM
Why did you just link us to some strange newsletter from over a decade ago?   ???  I just checked my watch, it is November 20, 2008.  Did you steal Doc Brown`s Delorean again?

So you think sugar consumption went down over the last ten years?  ::) You really are showing your ignorance here Adam. People haven't eaten 44 pounds of sugar per year since around 1930.
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 08:48:11 PM
Sugar Intake Hit All-time High in 1999
Government Urged to Recommend Sugar Limits
WASHINGTON - Citing new figures that show that in 1999 Americans ate more sugar than ever before, the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is urging the federal government to advise consumers to limit their sugar intake. According to new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data, sugar consumption in 1999 was 158 pounds per person  — 30 percent higher than in 1983. Consumption has risen every year but one since 1983.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:48:22 PM
What happened to discussing table sugar also known as sucrose and the fact that Americans consume 44.2 lbs of it a year according to the USDA?

Weren`t you the one who considered eating a half cup of table sugar for breakfast or was that someone else?  ???

Not me.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:50:41 PM
Sugar Intake Hit All-time High in 1999
Government Urged to Recommend Sugar Limits
WASHINGTON - Citing new figures that show that in 1999 Americans ate more sugar than ever before, the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is urging the federal government to advise consumers to limit their sugar intake. According to new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data, sugar consumption in 1999 was 158 pounds per person  — 30 percent higher than in 1983. Consumption has risen every year but one since 1983.
I think you and Disgusted are confused.

We were discussing just Table Sugar/Sucrose.  Not Other forms.  Unless you jumped the same shark with him and you both decided not to tell us.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 08:50:58 PM
Wave, this is something that I have known for years just like the average person eating 150 pounds of sugar per year, which surprises me that Adam did not know this. I sometimes take for granted that the average person may know these things too. Anyway, I read this years ago. You amy or may not find it but you should if you research enough.

Well I will make the claim that I think it is impossible to create an energy deficit (aka weight loss) by adding refined sugar to a maintenance diet. Every article I could find on refined sugar states that it always leads to weight gain. I have also never heard anyone else make a different statement. That's why I'm so interested in getting prove of that statement of you. No bash at all, I'm just curious.
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 08:51:24 PM
I think you and Disgusted are confused.

We were discussing just Table Sugar/Sucrose.  Not Other forms.  Unless you jumped the same shark with him and you both decided not to tell us.
Yeah, we're hanging with Jaws.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:51:36 PM
Sugar Intake Hit All-time High in 1999
Government Urged to Recommend Sugar Limits
WASHINGTON - Citing new figures that show that in 1999 Americans ate more sugar than ever before, the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is urging the federal government to advise consumers to limit their sugar intake. According to new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data, sugar consumption in 1999 was 158 pounds per person  — 30 percent higher than in 1983. Consumption has risen every year but one since 1983.

I really thought it was something that most people knew. It's really easy to figure out per day boys and girls all you have to do is multiply by 365.242199.  ;D
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 08:52:06 PM
What happened to discussing table sugar also known as sucrose and the fact that Americans consume 44.2 lbs of it a year according to the USDA?

Weren`t you the one who considered eating a half cup of table sugar for breakfast or was that someone else?  ???

Would you mind sharing some of your credentials and give us a few success stories where your dietary recommendations have been utilized by a bodybuilder of note?

It appears to me that Disgusted has a much more impressive track record than you do, TA.  If this diet worked so well, why aren't any top bodybuilders using it right now?  What you keep championing is not a new concept...and there are valid reasons why PROS and top NPC AMATEURS would never eat BS calories when dieting for a competition.  

Why can't you convince anyone other than a few misguided youngsters to follow your diet?  
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:53:13 PM
I think you and Disgusted are confused.

We were discussing just Table Sugar/Sucrose.  Not Other forms.  Unless you jumped the same shark with him and you both decided not to tell us.

No Adam my exact statement was that the average person consumed 150 of sugar per year, but if you thought that I was referring to only table then no biggy. At least we got it straighten out.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 08:55:10 PM
No Adam my exact statement was that the average person consumed 150 of sugar per year, but if you thought that I was referring to only table then no biggy. At least we got it straighten out.
Oh ok.  So the hypothetical breakfast eater, Let`s call him Joe the Sugar Consumer, can then change his 1/2 cup of sugar for a 1/2 cup of corn syrup. 
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 08:55:14 PM

The average person eats over 100 pounds of sugar per year.
His statement here that you responded to does not say "table sugar".

Actually you are wrong.
Per capita sugar consumption in 2007 was 44.2 lbs per year. (18)

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. 2008. Table 51 -- Refined cane and beet sugar: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year. Table 52 -- High fructose corn syrup: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year. Table 53 -- Other sweeteners: estimated number of per capita calories consumed daily, by calendar year. Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook 2007.
This quote that you used does not say "table sugar"

Someone is jumping sharks here.
Post by: haider on November 20, 2008, 08:57:17 PM
Well I will make the claim that I think it is impossible to create an energy deficit (aka weight loss) by adding refined sugar to a maintenance diet. Every article I could find on refined sugar states that it always leads to weight gain. I have also never heard anyone else make a different statement. That's why I'm so interested in getting prove of that statement of you. No bash at all, I'm just curious.
damn man, chill out!

It aint that important serious  :D
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:57:57 PM
We now break for this message from our sponsor.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 08:58:34 PM
With that said, you could add about 3-4 scoops of protein which would add 75-100 grams of protein in that diet and be perfect.

Your calories will increase a bit though to about 2300-2400 but you would likely still be in a deficit so you would be able to get ripped in time.


You would mantain and build nicely on that.

160-170 pounds at 5'11'' isn't anything I nor most on this board would aspire to, TA.  If you played soccer and looked like David Beckham, these would be permissible stats...but you're on a bodybuilding message board, remember?
Post by: haider on November 20, 2008, 08:58:39 PM
reported for indecent content
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 08:58:50 PM
Oh ok.  So the hypothetical breakfast eater, Let`s call him Joe the Sugar Consumer, can then change his 1/2 cup of sugar for a 1/2 cup of corn syrup. 

OK so what is the question?
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 08:59:57 PM
Why can't you convince anyone other than a few misguided youngsters to follow your diet?

I'm not aware of any misguided youngsters. I'm e.g. older that TA and came to the same conclusions on my own.
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 09:00:16 PM
reported for indecent content
Yes, I can't believe Adonis had the audacity to type "Joe the Sugar Consumer".......
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 09:00:40 PM
reported for indecent content

Fag  >:(
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 09:01:03 PM
I'm not aware of any misguided youngsters. I'm e.g. older that TA and came to the same conclusions on my own.
That you can eat shit all day and lose weight?
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 09:01:10 PM
damn man, chill out!

It aint that important serious  :D

I'm perfectly calm, just stating the obvious. At least what I thought until today to be obvious. I'm always willing to learn if evidence is provided. 8)
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:02:35 PM
I'm not aware of any misguided youngsters. I'm e.g. older that TA and came to the same conclusions on my own.

OK, plus you.  I'm still looking for a bodybuilder of note, not a guy on a MB who weighs 150-160. Everybody TA keeps referring to following his diet is a featherweight.  Where are the big boys who follow this type of diet?
Post by: haider on November 20, 2008, 09:03:15 PM
That you can eat shit all day and lose weight?
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 09:03:45 PM
OK, plus you.  I'm still looking for a bodybuilder of note, not a guy on a MB who weighs 150-160. Everybody TA keeps referring to following his diet is a featherweight.  Where are the big boys who follow this type of diet?
They all weigh 150-160 now.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:04:15 PM
I'm perfectly calm, just stating the obvious. At least what I thought until today to be obvious. I'm always willing to learn if evidence is provided. 8)

You're obviously missing the point of BODYBUILDING.  

Key word here guys; BUILD.  Not maintain, not shred - BUILD.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:06:06 PM
OK so what is the question?
I`m not sure but it looks like Joe The Sugar Consumer needs to add a bit of flour,butter and some Pecans and he can bake himself a pie.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 09:06:56 PM
You're obviously missing the point of BODYBUILDING.  
Key word here guys; BUILD.  Not maintain, not shred - BUILD.

I think you may have missed the story behind that quote. 8)
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:06:58 PM
They all weigh 150-160 now.

These guys just don't "get it."  Is there a men's fitness forum they can exchange ideas with somewhere?  This ridiculousness just doesn't work - or everybody would be doing.  Victor Martinez and Jay Cutler don't believe cutting fat with pecan pie as part of their diet is a good idea.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:07:16 PM
OK, plus you.  I'm still looking for a bodybuilder of note, not a guy on a MB who weighs 150-160. Everybody TA keeps referring to following his diet is a featherweight.  Where are the big boys who follow this type of diet?
Us Naturals tend to never make it to big boy status.  :-\
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 09:08:15 PM
I`m not sure but it looks like Joe The Sugar Consumer needs to add a bit of flour,butter and some Pecans and he can bake himself a pie.

 ;D  Agreed

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 09:08:54 PM
OK, plus you.  I'm still looking for a bodybuilder of note, not a guy on a MB who weighs 150-160. Everybody TA keeps referring to following his diet is a featherweight.  Where are the big boys who follow this type of diet?

Don't know if there are any. I can only speak for myself. I'm lifetime natural, so I won't be huge anytime soon at that kind of condition.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:09:22 PM
These guys just don't "get it."  Is there a men's fitness forum they can exchange ideas with somewhere?  This ridiculousness just doesn't work - or everybody would be doing.  Victor Martinez and Jay Cutler don't believe cutting fat with pecan pie as part of their diet is a good idea.
So by that rationale, you are calling Whateva who is 5`10 158 lbs and a PRO Natural Bodybuilder only worthy of being a fitness enthusiast and one who just doesn`t "get it". Whatever "it" is.

That doesn`t seem fair.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:09:54 PM
I think you may have missed the story behind that quote. 8)

Actually, I just came up with that on my own.  If someone else said it before and there is a story behind it, I'm not aware of it.  Whatever the case is, I'm glad you guys have found a diet that works for you.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 09:11:27 PM
Actually, I just came up with that on my own.  If someone else said it before and there is a story behind it, I'm not aware of it.  Whatever the case is, I'm glad you guys have found a diet that works for you.

Sorry, that's a misunderstanding, I was talking about what you quoted of me. The story behind that quote had nothing to do with my diet.
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 09:14:12 PM
So by that rationale, you are calling Whateva who is 5`10 158 lbs and a PRO Natural Bodybuilder only worthy of being a fitness enthusiast and one who just doesn`t "get it". Whatever "it" is.

That doesn`t seem fair.
No fuckin way is Whateva 5'10". 5'6" at the most.
Post by: GoneAway on November 20, 2008, 09:16:42 PM
No fuckin way is Whateva 5'10". 5'6" at the most.

Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 09:18:26 PM
Relentless, I'm just curious, are you natural?
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:18:30 PM
So by that rationale, you are calling Whateva who is 5`10 158 lbs and a PRO Natural Bodybuilder only worthy of being a fitness enthusiast and one who just doesn`t "get it". Whatever "it" is.

That doesn`t seem fair.

I don't know anything about whateva, other than he has a great physique.  He also possesses great lines TA.  His muscle insertions and overall shape are much different that yours, even at close to the same height.  You have a very long frame that needs A LOT more muscle to be competitive on a bodybuilding stage.  By the way, why have you not gotten onto a bodybuilding stage and shown the world what your principles will do if applied properly?  You just don't have the credentials to be taken seriously.  You are the SARAH PALIN of bodybuilding message boards - a ton of visibility with very little substance or real accomplishments to back anything up.

If you really want to PROVE that your dietary principles are legit, convince a bodybuilder worthy of note to harness your knowledge during his next contest prep.  I'm betting you won't find ANYONE who will take you up on this offer.  

Let's see some RESULTS rather than rhetoric.  

Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 09:20:50 PM
I don't know anything about whateva, other than he has a great physique.  He also possesses great lines TA.  His muscle insertions and overall shape are much different that yours, even at close to the same height.  You have a very long frame that needs A LOT more muscle to be competitive on a bodybuilding stage.  By the way, why have you not gotten onto a bodybuilding stage and shown the world what your principles will do if applied properly?  You just don't have the credentials to be taken seriously.  You are the SARAH PALIN of bodybuilding message boards - a ton of visibility with very little substance or real accomplishments to back anything up.

If you really want to PROVE that your dietary principles are legit, convince a bodybuilder worthy of note to harness your knowledge during his next contest prep.  I'm betting you won't find ANYONE who will take you up on this offer.  

Let's see some RESULTS rather than rhetoric.  

Even steroids won't help someone hold size while using the Adonis diet.
Post by: Hubert Cumberdale on November 20, 2008, 09:23:36 PM
Even though the Per capita sugar consumption in 2007 was 44.2 lbs per year as stated by the USDA, this still is meaningless in regards to eating 1/2 cup of sugar as a meal.

Anyways, Who sits down and says, "I am going to eat a half a cup of sugar today"? I haven`t seen anyone eat just a 1/2 of sugar by itself. Have you?

Also if you do the math, this comes to be .1210958904 lbs per day.  Not a whole lot at all. Less than a serving of Cell-Tech a day.  :)
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:24:48 PM
Relentless, I'm just curious, are you natural?

Yes, I am a 25 yr old lifetime natural.  I am going to compete at my first contest in late April/early May; the contest I will be entering has not decided on an exact date yet.  I have a blog I will be making public detailing my contest prep once it begins in early January.  

I've always been interested to see how my body would respond when dieting down for a contest, so I've decided to go for it.  Several of the guys at my gym have been asking me if I was getting ready for a contest (as I'm pretty lean right now), so why not give it a go and see what happens?

As you would already have figured, I will not be following TA's diet.  I believe that the COMPOSITION of calories is important and I want to maximize the nutritional value of any foods I consume.  TA's diet is not for serious competitive bodybuilders.  TA's diet sounds more like WEIGHT WATCHERS.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 09:25:44 PM
Yes, I am a 25 yr old lifetime natural.  I am going to compete at my first contest in late April/early May; the contest I will be entering has not decided on an exact date yet.  I have a blog I will be making public detailing my contest prep once it begins in early January.  

I've always been interested to see how my body would respond when dieting down for a contest, so I've decided to go for it.  Several of the guys at my gym have been asking me if I was getting ready for a contest (as I'm pretty lean right now), so why not give it a go and see what happens?

As you would already have figured, I will not be following TA's diet.  I believe that the COMPOSITION of calories is important and I want to maximize the nutritional value of any foods I consume.  TA's diet is not for serious competitive bodybuilders.  TA's diet sounds more like WEIGHT WATCHERS.

got any pics?
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 09:25:53 PM
I agree with TA about the weight range of a well-conditioned natural bodybuilder. If you are between 5'8 and 5'11 (the average height is in there somewhere) then you are not going to weigh over 200 pounds ripped. It is just not plausible. I have been ripped to the bone at 130 pounds at a height of 5'10 at the age of 16 with minimal muscle but good structure due to no training and after my 5 years of training I am now in that same condition at 160 pounds. I do not think somehow after my hormone levels have already started to decline due to the onset of ageing that I am going to add another 40 pounds of pure muscle in the forseeable future. I like TA have "bulked" and been in denial about my actual muscular weight, I've been 210 at 5'10 thinking I'm going to diet down to 185 ripped; no chance. For all you obese, natural bodybuilders, trim the fat and face facts.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:28:21 PM
Even steroids won't help someone hold size while using the Adonis diet.

Someone who uses the Adonis diet isn't very serious about building muscle for competitive bodybuilding in the first place, why would they use steroids?
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 09:29:12 PM
I agree with TA about the weight range of a well-conditioned natural bodybuilder. If you are between 5'8 and 5'11 (the average height is in there somewhere) then you are not going to weigh over 200 pounds ripped. It is just not plausible. I have been ripped to the bone at 130 pounds at a height of 5'10 at the age of 16 with minimal muscle but good structure due to no training and after my 5 years of training I am now in that same condition at 160 pounds. I do not think somehow after my hormone levels have already started to decline due to the onset of ageing that I am going to add another 40 pounds of pure muscle in the forseeable future. I like TA have "bulked" and been in denial about my actual muscular weight, I've been 210 at 5'10 thinking I'm going to diet down to 185 ripped; no chance. For all you obese, natural bodybuilders, trim the fat and face facts.

Sounds about right, I'm also 5'10 and came down to about 150lbs although with a bad starting point, mass wise.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 09:29:55 PM
Someone who uses the Adonis diet isn't very serious about building muscle for competitive bodybuilding in the first place, why would they use steroids?

I tried different diets and the one I'm using now is the winner. My seriousness did not change, just my method.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:31:34 PM
I agree with TA about the weight range of a well-conditioned natural bodybuilder. If you are between 5'8 and 5'11 (the average height is in there somewhere) then you are not going to weigh over 200 pounds ripped. It is just not plausible. I have been ripped to the bone at 130 pounds at a height of 5'10 at the age of 16 with minimal muscle but good structure due to no training and after my 5 years of training I am now in that same condition at 160 pounds. I do not think somehow after my hormone levels have already started to decline due to the onset of ageing that I am going to add another 40 pounds of pure muscle in the forseeable future. I like TA have "bulked" and been in denial about my actual muscular weight, I've been 210 at 5'10 thinking I'm going to diet down to 185 ripped; no chance. For all you obese, natural bodybuilders, trim the fat and face facts.

I think what TA said is GENERALLY true, but not always.  I have a good friend who is 260 and natural; I've seen him at 205 SHREDDED.

It might be true the majority of the time, but not all of the time.  TA doesn't know enough about bodybuilding and what constitutes GOOD GENETICS to make an absolute statement.  
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:33:26 PM
got any pics?

I'll link you guys to my blog once contest prep has gotten underway.  Unlike TA, I will be hitting all 7 mandatory poses...not just side shots with tank tops.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:33:36 PM
I agree with TA about the weight range of a well-conditioned natural bodybuilder. If you are between 5'8 and 5'11 (the average height is in there somewhere) then you are not going to weigh over 200 pounds ripped. It is just not plausible. I have been ripped to the bone at 130 pounds at a height of 5'10 at the age of 16 with minimal muscle but good structure due to no training and after my 5 years of training I am now in that same condition at 160 pounds. I do not think somehow after my hormone levels have already started to decline due to the onset of ageing that I am going to add another 40 pounds of pure muscle in the forseeable future. I like TA have "bulked" and been in denial about my actual muscular weight, I've been 210 at 5'10 thinking I'm going to diet down to 185 ripped; no chance. For all you obese, natural bodybuilders, trim the fat and face facts.
Great piece of advice here. Simple and effective.  I especially adore the final Sentence.  "Trim the fat and face the Facts".

You oughta make that your signature.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 09:34:17 PM
I'll link you guys to my blog once contest prep has gotten underway.  Unlike TA, I will be hitting all 7 mandatory poses...not just side shots with tank tops.

Gonna be interesting. What's your height, weight, and BF right now?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:36:57 PM
I think what TA said is GENERALLY true, but not always.  I have a good friend who is 260 and natural; I've seen him at 205 SHREDDED.

It might be true the majority of the time, but not all of the time.  TA doesn't know enough about bodybuilding and what constitutes GOOD GENETICS to make an absolute statement.  
Oh trust me, I am sure I know more about the subject than you think- From Bobby Pandour and Professor Atilla at the turn of the century to Dennis Wolf and Roger Callendar in between them.

I know bodybuilding.  Especially the history of it and who makes up that sometimes illustrious history.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:37:32 PM
Gonna be interesting. What's your height, weight, and BF right now?

5'9'' 180-183 right now.  Body fat is already pretty low - not sure where I'll end up come the day of the show.  I think I might actually GAIN muscle when on the diet bc I'll be taking in a steady flow of protein over 6 meals a day; right now I am probably not getting enough protein into my diet.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:38:43 PM
5'9'' 180-183 right now.  Body fat is already pretty low - not sure where I'll end up come the day of the show.  I think I might actually GAIN muscle when on the diet bc I'll be taking in a steady flow of protein over 6 meals a day; right now I am probably not getting enough protein into my diet.
I doubt you will gain anything.
Post by: wavelength on November 20, 2008, 09:39:21 PM
5'9'' 180-183 right now.  Body fat is already pretty low - not sure where I'll end up come the day of the show.  I think I might actually GAIN muscle when on the diet bc I'll be taking in a steady flow of protein over 6 meals a day; right now I am probably not getting enough protein into my diet.

I also was in that range when I was not held back by injuries. Will be interesting. Be sure to keep us updated!
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:41:11 PM
Oh trust me, I am sure I know more about the subject than you think- From Bobby Pandour and Professor Atilla at the turn of the century to Dennis Wolf and Roger Callendar in between them.

I know bodybuilding.  Especially the history of it and who makes up that sometimes illustrious history.

Good for you!
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:45:04 PM
I doubt you will gain anything.

I might not gain body weight, but I do see the potential to gain muscle.  I've done a lot of things wrong over the years and still maintained a good physique.  We'll see what happens.  I don't claim to know what will happen exactly.  I'm not overly concerned about weight - just a look that I'm pleased with and that will be competitive.

Once again, you're speaking out of turn TA.  You do not know anything about my training habits, my diet, or my genetics.  You are a negative sonofabitch who attempts to tear others down in a feeble effort to built yourself up.  Pathetic.
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 09:46:53 PM
Great piece of advice here. Simple and effective.  I especially adore the final Sentence.  "Trim the fat and face the Facts".

You oughta make that your signature.

It's so true though, one of my closest friends at 5'9 got to 270 pounds and is in the process of dieting down. He is 220 pounds and still has a long way to go, I will tell you his final weight, which incidentally I believe will be no more than 190 pounds due to his superior structure. Look at Samir Bannout 1983, a DRUG ASSISTED physique and he weighed if my memory serves me correct between 185-195 pounds at 5'8. You don't get naturals bigger than that.
Post by: chaos on November 20, 2008, 09:47:19 PM

Once again, you're speaking out of turn TA.  You do not know anything about my training habits, my diet, or my genetics.  You are a negative sonofabitch who attempts to tear others down in a feeble effort to built yourself up.  Pathetic.
TA'S MO. He's an angry little guy.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:52:06 PM
TA'S MO. He's an angry little guy.

I have a little bet to make with our friend TA.  The contest I will be competing in late April/early May will be drug and polygraph tested.  We'll conduct a little poll to see who looks better based off my comp pics and the loser will exit the board permanently. 

Care to see what happens, TA?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 09:53:08 PM
I might not gain body weight, but I do see the potential to gain muscle.  I've done a lot of things wrong over the years and still maintained a good physique.  We'll see what happens.  I don't claim to know what will happen exactly.  I'm not overly concerned about weight - just a look that I'm pleased with and that will be competitive.

Once again, you're speaking out of turn TA.  You do not know anything about my training habits, my diet, or my genetics.  You are a negative sonofabitch who attempts to tear others down in a feeble effort to built yourself up.  Pathetic.
Where am I building myself up by saying you probably won`t gain any muscle on your way to dieting down?

Perhaps you mistake my cold realism for hubris?
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 09:58:22 PM
Where am I building myself up by saying you probably won`t gain any muscle on your way to dieting down?

Perhaps you mistake my cold realism for hubris?

It's a negative assumption. 

You don't have enough facts or knowledge of my habits, genetics, diet, training history, etc to make any sort of valid judgment. 

All signs to you being an extremely negative and angry person.
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 10:00:43 PM
Where am I building myself up by saying you probably won`t gain any muscle on your way to dieting down?

Perhaps you mistake my cold realism for hubris?

To be fair, TA has a point, it is very unlikely that you will gain muscle dieting down due to being in a deficit of energy needed by cells to build up or become highly anabolic. You can easily maintain though. I believe in training less whilst dieting as the energy/nutrients are not at optimum, so as long as one stimulates their muscle mass often enough to maintain some small degree of anabolism to compensate for any catabolism then they should not have a problem.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 10:05:36 PM
To be fair, TA has a point, it is very unlikely that you will gain muscle dieting down due to being in a deficit of energy needed by cells to build up or become highly anabolic. You can easily maintain though. I believe in training less whilst dieting as the energy/nutrients are not at optimum, so as long as one stimulates their muscle mass often enough to maintain some small degree of anabolism to compensate for any catabolism then they should not have a problem.

TA does raise good points on occasion; the only problem is that he claims absolutes in many instances.  Individual genetics play a huge factor in bodybuilding success/failure. 

There are people who grow on a diet.  Maybe not a whole lot of people, but it does happen.
Post by: Hedgehog on November 20, 2008, 10:08:35 PM
You don`t have enough protein in your diet to meet the .5 to 1 gram per lb of bodyweight requirement.  You are going to have to elminate some of those choices and replace them to meet that requirement.
Wait a minute.
In the past, you claimed that with your diet it is possible to eat whatever.
When asked if drinking beer only would be ok, you said that was fine as long as the calories were monitored.

You then said that high protein diets are a myth and that you ate cerca 50-60 grams of protein each day.

Now all of a sudden you recommend a healthy, balanced diet, with moderate amounts of protein.
A diet which most of us here probably would agree on.
Something doesn't add up.
Why not just admit you were wrong with the whole 'adonis diet project'.
How about instead trying to find a good use for the knowledge you must have been collecting over time on nutrition.
How about selling nutrition advices in your hometown to older people or start up with some little league team.
Cause you sure as hell ain't getting anywhere here with that old bullshit of yours.
Your new diet ideas seem dandy and all.
Only one problem though - it's not something new and if you try preaching basic healthy diet to people who already know about that shit..
You will have reactions.
So do a market analysis, find a target group and hook up 240 for a website.
You don't see Coach trying to tell everyone how to train, right?   
Post by: PJim on November 20, 2008, 10:12:51 PM
TA does raise good points on occasion; the only problem is that he claims absolutes in many instances.  Individual genetics play a huge factor in bodybuilding success/failure. 

There are people who grow on a diet.  Maybe not a whole lot of people, but it does happen.

I am willing to experiment with this theory. From past experiences at below or at maintenance calories I never really gained any appreciable weight that I could call muscle mass. But, I will give it a try. On my next cut, I shall try to gain whilst in condition with just under maintenance calories so that you could still technically call it a "diet".
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 10:13:21 PM
Wait a minute.
In the past, you claimed that with your diet it is possible to eat whatever.
When asked if drinking beer only would be ok, you said that was fine as long as the calories were monitored.

You then said that high protein diets are a myth and that you ate cerca 50-60 grams of protein each day.

Now all of a sudden you recommend a healthy, balanced diet, with moderate amounts of protein.
A diet which most of us here probably would agree on.
Something doesn't add up.
Why not just admit you were wrong with the whole 'adonis diet project'.
How about instead trying to find a good use for the knowledge you must have been collecting over time on nutrition.
How about selling nutrition advices in your hometown to older people or start up with some little league team.
Cause you sure as hell ain't getting anywhere here with that old bullshit of yours.
Your new diet ideas seem dandy and all.
Only one problem though - it's not something new and if you try preaching basic healthy diet to people who already know about that shit..
You will have reactions.
So do a market analysis, find a target group and hook up 240 for a website.
You don't see Coach trying to tell everyone how to train, right?   

Thanks for laying it all out!  This guy doesn't have a leg to stand on, does he?  

Get out of here're not wanted.  It's time for your negativity and lies to be extinguished.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 10:14:16 PM
Wait a minute.
In the past, you claimed that with your diet it is possible to eat whatever.
When asked if drinking beer only would be ok, you said that was fine as long as the calories were monitored.

You then said that high protein diets are a myth and that you ate cerca 50-60 grams of protein each day.

Now all of a sudden you recommend a healthy, balanced diet, with moderate amounts of protein.
A diet which most of us here probably would agree on.
Something doesn't add up.
Why not just admit you were wrong with the whole 'adonis diet project'.
How about instead trying to find a good use for the knowledge you must have been collecting over time on nutrition.
How about selling nutrition advices in your hometown to older people or start up with some little league team.
Cause you sure as hell ain't getting anywhere here with that old bullshit of yours.
Your new diet ideas seem dandy and all.
Only one problem though - it's not something new and if you try preaching basic healthy diet to people who already know about that shit..
You will have reactions.
So do a market analysis, find a target group and hook up 240 for a website.
You don't see Coach trying to tell everyone how to train, right?   
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Who would drink just beer and only beer for nutrition?
Define High Protein.  I think .5 to 1 gram per lb of bodyweight is LOW PROTEIN when compared to the diets a lot of bodybuilders follow.

I think perhaps you lacked the comprehension skills to follow along early on.  I think also you probably have made a habit of parsing my words and taking them so out of context that in effect you have confused yourself.  My diet hasn`t changed at all, perhaps you have.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 10:16:05 PM
I am willing to experiment with this theory. From past experiences at below or at maintenance calories I never really gained any appreciable weight that I could call muscle mass. But, I will give it a try. On my next cut, I shall try to gain whilst in condition with just under maintenance calories so that you could still technically call it a "diet".

I've spent a good deal of time at Dave Palumbo's thread at MD - it appears that quite a few people gain on his ketogenic diet because they have not been taking in enough healthy fats in their diet.  Check it out if you haven't already - it's in the "ask the pros" section.
Post by: TacoBell on November 20, 2008, 10:17:25 PM
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Who would drink just beer and only beer for nutrition?
Define High Protein.  I think .5 to 1 gram per lb of bodyweight is LOW PROTEIN when compared to the diets a lot of bodybuilders follow.

I think perhaps you lacked the comprehension skills to follow along early on.  I think also you probably have made a habit of parsing my words and taking them so out of context that in effect you have confused yourself.  My diet hasn`t changed at all, perhaps you have.

Dude, you are backpeddling and you know it.  You have changed the framework for your theories( ::)) numerous times.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 10:17:49 PM
TA, are you going to take me up on my challenge?  How confident are you?

I have a little bet to make with our friend TA.  The contest I will be competing in late April/early May will be drug and polygraph tested.  We'll conduct a little poll to see who looks better based off my comp pics and the loser will exit the board permanently.

Care to see what happens, TA?

Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 10:17:52 PM
Wait a minute.
In the past, you claimed that with your diet it is possible to eat whatever.
When asked if drinking beer only would be ok, you said that was fine as long as the calories were monitored.

You then said that high protein diets are a myth and that you ate cerca 50-60 grams of protein each day.

Now all of a sudden you recommend a healthy, balanced diet, with moderate amounts of protein.
A diet which most of us here probably would agree on.
Something doesn't add up.
Why not just admit you were wrong with the whole 'adonis diet project'.
How about instead trying to find a good use for the knowledge you must have been collecting over time on nutrition.
How about selling nutrition advices in your hometown to older people or start up with some little league team.
Cause you sure as hell ain't getting anywhere here with that old bullshit of yours.
Your new diet ideas seem dandy and all.
Only one problem though - it's not something new and if you try preaching basic healthy diet to people who already know about that shit..
You will have reactions.
So do a market analysis, find a target group and hook up 240 for a website.
You don't see Coach trying to tell everyone how to train, right?   
Yah, come to think of it, thats what it was.  You used to love to take phrases of mine out of context.

You see, when you do that, the entire meaning of the post and thread are lost. Also, you used to mistake my facetiousness and sarcasm at times for a general recommendation.

Sarcasm, wit and satire do tend to get lost on many people.  You may be from a different country so that is understandable as the cultural norms, memes and translations may differ.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 10:19:12 PM
Yah, come to think of it, thats what it was.  You used to love to take phrases of mine out of context.

You see, when you do that, the entire meaning of the post and thread are lost. Also, you used to mistake my facetiousness and sarcasm at times for a general recommendation.

Sarcasm, wit and satire do tend to get lost on many people.  You may be from a different country so that is understandable as the cultural norms, memes and translations may differ.

Your negativity and insults aren't lost on anyone.  It's very obvious to everyone here that you are a jerk who tries to impose his views on others. 
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 10:21:58 PM
Your negativity and insults aren't lost on anyone.  It's very obvious to everyone here that you are a jerk who tries to impose his views on others. 
I don`t care how you diet, what you do or how you get there. With that said, I am going to repost what I did earlier because I think it is apt to apply here:

Its like religion or religious people.  As soon as you question their faith and show them the mountain of evidence against their beliefs and notions, they view it as an attack on themselves.
Why? It is Because they have spent so much time vested in their methods and beliefs that for them to admit that there may be another way or that their way is not the only way or the correct way  basically tears the whole cloak of meaning from their body.

They surely do not want to come to terms with the prospect that the dogma and myths they regard so dearly as truth, despite all available evidence, is in fact based largely on folklore.  Rather than examine the evidence critically, you instead get a lashing out as they do not want their cloak of delusion ripped to shreds. To do this, would strip away thier own personal worth as they have believed and lived something for years and years.

Dogma is a bastard child of human behavior as we are evolutionary programmed pattern seekers and seek to repeat the same thing over and over out of fear.

Fear and Dogma when challenged become hate.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 10:23:01 PM
For the record my clients and my self including have made plenty of muscle gains on a lower carb diet. I have been doing it for years.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 10:24:12 PM
For the record my clients and my self including have made plenty of muscle gains on a lower carb diet. I have been doing it for years.

Welcome back Jim!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 20, 2008, 10:24:31 PM
For the record my clients and my self including have made plenty of muscle gains on a lower carb diet. I have been doing it for years.
All diets work. This is true.  No clue why people don`t understand that.  Although I do prefer my brain to perform optimally with a higher carb approach. :)
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 10:26:37 PM
Welcome back Jim!

Thanks  :)  dealing with a sick pet right now and it sucks.  :'(
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 10:28:46 PM
All diets work. This is true.  No clue why people don`t understand that.  Although I do prefer my brain to perform optimally with a higher carb approach. :)

My off season diet does has plenty of carbs but not in the traditional sense. Most of the food comes from protein and fat. Lots of veggies and cheese is in the two. I prefer unprocessed cheese though. A slice or two of organic bread usually non wheat.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 10:29:48 PM
I don`t care how you diet, what you do or how you get there. With that said, I am going to repost what I did earlier because I think it is apt to apply here:

Its like religion or religious people.  As soon as you question their faith and show them the mountain of evidence against their beliefs and notions, they view it as an attack on themselves.
Why? It is Because they have spent so much time vested in their methods and beliefs that for them to admit that there may be another way or that their way is not the only way or the correct way  basically tears the whole cloak of meaning from their body.

They surely do not want to come to terms with the prospect that the dogma and myths they regard so dearly as truth, despite all available evidence, is in fact based largely on folklore.  Rather than examine the evidence critically, you instead get a lashing out as they do not want their cloak of delusion ripped to shreds. To do this, would strip away thier own personal worth as they have believed and lived something for years and years.

Dogma is a bastard child of human behavior as we are evolutionary programmed pattern seekers and seek to repeat the same thing over and over out of fear.

Fear and Dogma when challenged become hate.

I understand you are trying to say here, but you're missing an important point.


You don't know how to communicate effectively, TA.  Who wants to listen to a jerk like you?  You'll never convince anyone or anything with that abrasive personality.
Post by: TacoBell on November 20, 2008, 10:30:44 PM
All diets work. This is true.  No clue why people don`t understand that.  Although I do prefer my brain to perform optimally with a higher carb approach. :)

Then I'd suggest upping your intake  :D
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 10:32:55 PM
Then I'd suggest upping your intake  :D

Post by: Hedgehog on November 20, 2008, 10:34:28 PM
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Who would drink just beer and only beer for nutrition?
Define High Protein.  I think .5 to 1 gram per lb of bodyweight is LOW PROTEIN when compared to the diets a lot of bodybuilders follow.

I think perhaps you lacked the comprehension skills to follow along early on.  I think also you probably have made a habit of parsing my words and taking them so out of context that in effect you have confused yourself.  My diet hasn`t changed at all, perhaps you have.
whateva asked if a beer only diet would be fine.
You said yes.

As far as high protein diets goes: Anyone in Sports Nutrition will tell you that a protein ratio of 15% or more is considered a high protein diet.
10% is normal protein diet.

Look, I think the recent stuff you've posted ain't all that bad, aside from the polemic.
But it's not something new. It's not a 'TA diet'.

Living healthy and eating healthy is good for the body.
Look at it from the bright side too - if you admit you were wrong with the whole 'I will eat at McDonalds for three months straight' and your other pranks.
 Then you will have much more credibility slamming transfats, processed junk food, et al. 
Not trying to bash you.
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 10:35:39 PM
Not trying to bash you.

You're a real gent, hedge.
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 10:36:26 PM
Yah, come to think of it, thats what it was.  You used to love to take phrases of mine out of context.

You see, when you do that, the entire meaning of the post and thread are lost. Also, you used to mistake my facetiousness and sarcasm at times for a general recommendation.

Sarcasm, wit and satire do tend to get lost on many people.  You may be from a different country so that is understandable as the cultural norms, memes and translations may differ.

hahaha, adonis now backpeddling faster than a pro bowl caliber NFL cornerback.
Post by: TacoBell on November 20, 2008, 10:37:17 PM
im eating ice cream right now
Post by: Relentless on November 20, 2008, 10:38:11 PM
hahaha, adonis now backpeddling faster than a pro bowl caliber NFL cornerback.

He's getting taken back of the woodshed quite often these days.
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 10:38:38 PM
im eating ice cream right now

mmmmm sounds tasty! But it gives me the runs, so i havent had it in years.
Post by: flexingtonsteele on November 20, 2008, 10:39:21 PM
He's getting taken back of the woodshed quite often these days.

yea id say about every 5th post made he's getting a decent little spanking from the other members of this board.
Post by: TacoBell on November 20, 2008, 10:42:37 PM
mmmmm sounds tasty! But it gives me the runs, so i havent had it in years.

i laughed at the kid from, but this truly saddens me.
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 10:55:19 PM
Not that this is relevant, but I actually only eat at McDonalds bout once or twice a year And I have one right down the road from me. It's not that I don't like the food cause when I get it I enjoy it but I don't seem to be able to crave it more than that. I usually get a DQP with cheese.  ;D
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 11:00:27 PM
I understand you are trying to say here, but you're missing an important point.


You don't know how to communicate effectively, TA.  Who wants to listen to a jerk like you?  You'll never convince anyone or anything with that abrasive personality.

The kind of attitude that Adam displays towards people is generally something that have to do with age although not always. Hopefully as he gets older he will realize that not only is it impolite to treat people like that, but you will get your point across much better. Also, he needs to be able to admit he is wrong at times. Being humble goes a long way in my book.
Post by: TommyBoy on November 20, 2008, 11:08:18 PM
An Air Force pilot is not allowed to operate on a Low-Carbohydrate diet and for good reason!

They do all the time. It is RECOMMENDED they get carbs though. Same thing as a controller. Being carb depleted definitely has its tolls on your mental status. Caffeine....good ole caffeine. Caffeine is my anti-carbdepletion. Go go synapses!
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 11:08:48 PM
This post is dedicated to Adam. I think it says at lot and I just couldn't resist.  ;D
Post by: gordiano on November 20, 2008, 11:09:17 PM
Fuk it, I'm droppin down even further. If she can do it so can I!!  >:(

HOLY FUCKING SHIT....that's just wrong.....and what in the blue hell makes you think that's possibly a woman? The gyno?

(We badly need the "barf" smiley, Ron)
Post by: Disgusted on November 20, 2008, 11:11:15 PM
HOLY FUCKING SHIT....that's just wrong.....and what in the blue hell makes you think that's possibly a woman? The gyno?

(We badly need the "barf" smiley, Ron)

It's a girl trust me. Although if I ever got down to that degree of BF my breasts would most likely look like that too.  :'(
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 20, 2008, 11:36:28 PM
mmmmm sounds tasty! But it gives me the runs, so i havent had it in years.
you haven't had icecream in YEARS?  :o
Post by: Jizzacked on November 20, 2008, 11:54:43 PM
This post is dedicated to Adam. I think it says at lot and I just couldn't resist.  ;D

I fucking hate star trek but that image is awesome :D
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 20, 2008, 11:58:28 PM

You mean Flexington? If you do trust me he took nothing for his show.
He actualy the only guy whom I trust to have prepped clean as his " look" is similar with mine when I tried : small and fairly flat ... only he had less bodyfat (p[rolly had more drive ;))

If wavelength got that ripped on mcdonalds and sausages and sugars I'll fucking quit bodybuilding and take up curling.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 12:09:15 AM
Ah, OK, I thought you were actually referring to flex ;D

So what you are saying is that sev is not so good in judging such things :-\
Up to now I actually thought his judgment is not so bad.

You would still say that on a different diet, I could have preserved more muscle, true?
Every time you answer my initial question you elegantly sidestep a paramount issue




Your 1 restaurant meal was clean as in CLEAN ...not much saturated fat, no sugars, not many complex carbs

you can't do what hundreds of world class bodybuilders failed to do throughout the years : get ripped on JUNK ..

you are insulting my intelligence and everyone else's

You constantly sidestepped my junk question...constantly

'I ate only 1 meal and ashake,I ate at a restaurant, I lost a lot of weight, I am small. I never used AAS "

Not the FUCKING ISSUE. Did you get ripped on fucking Mickey D's and ben and jerry's ????????????????

NO ! WHY ? CAUSE IT'S fucking impossible ..
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 12:13:39 AM
I'm not the expert, you are.
Chemically speaking, do you think sugar is a carbohydrate, yes or no?
Do you think it provides physical energy to the body?
If you are not an expert why are you arguing ?

My newest theory is that You might be Adam's gimmick..;)

Your styles are VERY similar in sidestepping the issue at hand and arguing a point
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 12:16:36 AM

When food is ingested until absorbtion and transportation to all parts of the body ENERGY is spent to aid those processes ..

you SPEND ENERGY to ingest, digest, absorb and transport/store nutrients

Maybe you're not getting Disgusted's point
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 12:19:10 AM
True but I don't understand why you say refined sugar provides NOTHING. I think we can agree that refined sugar doesn't add much other than pure energy and may even "rob" the body of other nutrients, but to say it provides NOTHING seems strange.
I'll give you strange ...


I'm not making this up.
Post by: DK II on November 21, 2008, 12:19:47 AM
I understand you are trying to say here, but you're missing an important point.


You don't know how to communicate effectively, TA.  Who wants to listen to a jerk like you?  You'll never convince anyone or anything with that abrasive personality.

Superb post. 100% spot on.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 12:24:13 AM
Flex do you also think that if you would add refined sugar to your maintenance diet you would start to lose weight?
you keep hammering away w/ the same technique .. you get DISGUSTED to say a certain thing than you take it out of context and you use it later trying to get him to infirm his own statement

This is an old and boring technique that I noticed you pulling all over this thread .

You are either incredibly stupid and don';t get it, or you are indeed Adonis's gimmick ...

I suspect the latter as his technique might come from debating which he always bragged about ...

Again Adonis : I can read you easily my abused friend ;)
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 12:26:59 AM
Hmmmm, you both seem to think refined sugar has no nutrional value yet Disgusted thinks I would lose weight while you think I would gain weight. ???
Again ! You pull the same shit ..only this time you use flex as a contra argument to Disgusted as he was his try to get Disgusted to state conflicting shit so he would discredit himself .. he called Apenis once on this already ...

See what I mean ?

Who the fuck you think you're fooling hombre ?
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 12:27:40 AM
Thats not what u asked me..........u asked if i thought I would gain weight.

To which i answered YES!!!

Dont twist my words
See flex what he does ????????

It's Apenis's same tehnique ..
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 12:28:57 AM
Honestly, how am I twisting your words? I just repeated what you said: refined sugar has no nutritional value and I would gain weight, correct?
You must be fantastic in sales :

you can manipulate a conversation twisting previous statements to benefit your argument ... using ones statements against himself

you also lie with a straight face
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 12:32:27 AM
And fruits and vegetables.

Also, Europeans are poorly adapted for a similar diet as this type of diet was not eaten by Europeans and did not impose Natural Seletion.  Just as the Innuit are not adapted to drinking milk via Natural Selection.
There is no natural selection retard ... races were created and subsequently p[laced in certain locations, and their diets were adapted to what the landscape had to offer

This is the reason the original lyran empire ( human ) when it split it evolved in so many diff races

The human race has to evolve and adapt to it's environment constantly otherwise it becomes stagnant and dies ...

the reptilian race remains unchanged throughout the aeons ...
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 12:40:13 AM
Wait a minute.
In the past, you claimed that with your diet it is possible to eat whatever.
When asked if drinking beer only would be ok, you said that was fine as long as the calories were monitored.

You then said that high protein diets are a myth and that you ate cerca 50-60 grams of protein each day.

Now all of a sudden you recommend a healthy, balanced diet, with moderate amounts of protein.
A diet which most of us here probably would agree on.
Something doesn't add up.
Why not just admit you were wrong with the whole 'adonis diet project'.
How about instead trying to find a good use for the knowledge you must have been collecting over time on nutrition.
How about selling nutrition advices in your hometown to older people or start up with some little league team.
Cause you sure as hell ain't getting anywhere here with that old bullshit of yours.
Your new diet ideas seem dandy and all.
Only one problem though - it's not something new and if you try preaching basic healthy diet to people who already know about that shit..
You will have reactions.
So do a market analysis, find a target group and hook up 240 for a website.
You don't see Coach trying to tell everyone how to train, right?   
Thank you Hedge ...

This guy changes things and sidesteps issues with such grace that Fred Astaire is twisting in his grave w/ envy..
Post by: DK II on November 21, 2008, 01:00:55 AM
Wait a minute.
In the past, you claimed that with your diet it is possible to eat whatever.
When asked if drinking beer only would be ok, you said that was fine as long as the calories were monitored.

You then said that high protein diets are a myth and that you ate cerca 50-60 grams of protein each day.

Now all of a sudden you recommend a healthy, balanced diet, with moderate amounts of protein.
A diet which most of us here probably would agree on.

Something doesn't add up.
Why not just admit you were wrong with the whole 'adonis diet project'.
How about instead trying to find a good use for the knowledge you must have been collecting over time on nutrition.
How about selling nutrition advices in your hometown to older people or start up with some little league team.
Cause you sure as hell ain't getting anywhere here with that old bullshit of yours.
Your new diet ideas seem dandy and all.
Only one problem though - it's not something new and if you try preaching basic healthy diet to people who already know about that shit..
You will have reactions.
So do a market analysis, find a target group and hook up 240 for a website.
You don't see Coach trying to tell everyone how to train, right?   

Thank you Hedge.

TA was trying to bullshit everyone again.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 02:10:33 AM
I have ALWAYS and STILL MANTAIN that a Calorie is a calorie but a Macro Nutrient is not a Macro Nutrient.  1 calorie of paper clips=1 calorie of carbs=1 calorie of shampoo=1 calorie of fat=1 calorie of diamond and so on....

Protein is not a Carbohydrate, Carbohydrates are not a Fat, Fats are not a Protein and so on....

I have said this since day one.

The poor comprehension skills of most members on here is astounding.  :o

hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahaha

don't forget, a cat is not a dog, a plane is not a boat, AXA is not a bodybuilder, and you are not intelligent.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 02:26:46 AM
In the picyou posted you needed aas to maintain muscle whilebeing that cut ( fatburners and or t3 also )

you are lieing although you'd never admit it

i agree 100% seva - total lier.

apart from the gyno, condition and muscle mass you have to ask why would a guy who claims to have ever taken steroids chose a screen name drugfre4life  ???

you wouldn't even thing about drugs if you have never taken them.

to chose a screen name that shouts your innocence is a massive sign to me.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Gino30 on November 21, 2008, 02:33:47 AM
You are just wasting your time.  It could be better spent learning how to comprehend what you read and remembering the context.

ah, the good old context....

that way you can change the meaning anyway you like based on the "context"

you're nothing but cut and paste, regurgitation, diet hero....a hack, wannabe does show

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 21, 2008, 03:31:57 AM
ah, the good old context....

that way you can change the meaning anyway you like based on the "context"

you're nothing but cut and paste, regurgitation, diet hero....a hack, wannabe does show

spot on.

Over time, he changed everything so often that there are hundreds of versions of his "principles", but still the fact remains: At first, he told everyone that you can be a perfect BB with only drinking coke or eating ice cream.
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 03:35:39 AM
Not the FUCKING ISSUE. Did you get ripped on fucking Mickey D's and ben and jerry's ????????????????

I said multiple times that my diet was not exactly as the one layed out by Disgusted. I asked you multiple times to say exactly what you think I'm lying about. You never came clear about that, you said you will let others do that job. I really don't understand what's the big problem, I was not out to insult you. How would you react if someone called you a liar and you know that you were telling the truth?

If you are not an expert why are you arguing ?
My newest theory is that You might be Adam's gimmick..;)
Your styles are VERY similar in sidestepping the issue at hand and arguing a point

I just asked a simple question to Disgusted, he could have ended it right there by answering instead of coming back with another question himself. That's why I asked the question again.

I'll give you strange ...
I'm not making this up.

That was not the topic I asked Disgusted about. I said in one of my posts that I understand that his main point was that refined sugar is not very beneficial in a diet.

you keep hammering away w/ the same technique .. you get DISGUSTED to say a certain thing than you take it out of context and you use it later trying to get him to infirm his own statement
This is an old and boring technique that I noticed you pulling all over this thread .
You are either incredibly stupid and don';t get it, or you are indeed Adonis's gimmick ...
I suspect the latter as his technique might come from debating which he always bragged about ...
Again Adonis : I can read you easily my abused friend ;)

It was really not my intention to get him to say anything. I have never heard the claims he made in this thread (questioning if refined sugar is a carb, saying refined sugar provides NO nutrition, etc.), that's why I kept asking. I even asked again, because I thought I may have misunderstood something the first time around.

Again ! You pull the same shit ..only this time you use flex as a contra argument to Disgusted as he was his try to get Disgusted to state conflicting shit so he would discredit himself .. he called Apenis once on this already ...
See what I mean ?
Who the fuck you think you're fooling hombre ?

I also asked Adonis what he thinks about it, those were the people active in the thread at that time. If you hear something that you never heard before, wouldn't you ask other people if they thought it was true? I also googled the topic right away and couldn't find any references. The misunderstanding between Flex and me was easily resolved.

you also lie with a straight face

I never lied about anything in this thread or in any post I ever made on this board. Find me one post I ever made on this board you can prove I lied about. I will immediately delete my account if you can.

Sorry again if I insulted you or Disgusted, I can guarantee you it was not my intention. I'm just an inquisitive mind when it comes to things I never heard before.
Post by: windsor88 on November 21, 2008, 03:36:50 AM
dude you don"t have to address that fool.  He hold ZERO merit.
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 03:42:41 AM
Wait a minute.
In the past, you claimed that with your diet it is possible to eat whatever.
When asked if drinking beer only would be ok, you said that was fine as long as the calories were monitored.

I would really be interested in seeing such a post of TA. If it exists, I don't agree with that of course.
Post by: Deicide on November 21, 2008, 03:46:16 AM
dude you don"t have to address that fool.  He hold ZERO merit.

Post by: Deicide on November 21, 2008, 03:48:20 AM
I said multiple times that my diet was not exactly as the one layed out by Disgusted. I asked you multiple times to say exactly what you think I'm lying about. You never came clear about that, you said you will let others do that job. I really don't understand what's the big problem, I was not out to insult you. How would you react if someone called you a liar and you know that you were telling the truth?

I just asked a simple question to Disgusted, he could have ended it right there by answering instead of coming back with another question himself. That's why I asked the question again.

That was not the topic I asked Disgusted about. I said in one of my posts that I understand that his main point was that refined sugar is not very beneficial in a diet.

It was really not my intention to get him to say anything. I have never heard the claims he made in this thread (questioning if refined sugar is a carb, saying refined sugar provides NO nutrition, etc.), that's why I kept asking. I even asked again, because I thought I may have misunderstood something the first time around.

I also asked Adonis what he thinks about it, those were the people active in the thread at that time. If you hear something that you never heard before, wouldn't you ask other people if they thought it was true? I also googled the topic right away and couldn't find any references. The misunderstanding between Flex and me was easily resolved.

I never lied about anything in this thread or in any post I ever made on this board. Find me one post I ever made on this board you can prove I lied about. I will immediately delete my account if you can.

Sorry again if I insulted you or Disgusted, I can guarantee you it was not my intention. I'm just an inquisitive mind when it comes to things I never heard before.

How many words a minute can you type?
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 03:51:27 AM
How many words a minute can you type?

I just woke up and saw all the posts of sev. I really don't understand what made him attack me, I can't see what I did wrong in this thread. Maybe I was too pushy... :-\
Post by: Deicide on November 21, 2008, 03:52:23 AM
I just woke up and saw all the posts of sev. I really don't understand what made him attack me, I can't see what I did wrong in this thread. Maybe I was too pushy... :-\

He's weird. Still, you do have your ways as I can fully attest to...

You didn't answer my question: how words a minute can you type?
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 03:53:45 AM
He's weird. Still, you do have your ways as I can fully attest to...

You didn't answer my question: how words a minute can you type?

I have no idea, I think it's avarage.
Post by: Deicide on November 21, 2008, 03:54:43 AM
I have no idea, I think it's avarage.

Komisch dafuer, dass du Informatiker bist...

Wie dick bist du im Moment?
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 04:01:54 AM
Komisch dafuer, dass du Informatiker bist...

Wie dick bist du im Moment?

Still hovering around 150lbs, unfortunally body composition getting worse,  can't train at all right now, injury, flu.
Do you think I lied about my diet or that I used drugs? I'm a tiny guy who managed to get decently lean with an unconventional diet approach. :-\
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 04:11:27 AM
dude you don"t have to address that fool.  He hold ZERO merit.

If this was directed at me, I disagree. I think Sev holds a lot of merit. If he thinks I'm lying about anything, he's off, though. He even suggests that I could be a gimmick of Adonis, which can easily be refuted.
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 04:34:31 AM
haha! if u think a multi vitamin will stop u from getting heart disease or cancer! YOUR AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!

what else does vitamins and minerals do  ??? they keep you healthy.

its clear you're the idiot.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 04:56:31 AM
yea id say about every 5th post made he's getting a decent little spanking from the other members of this board.
Sorry, I don`t view it that way.
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 04:58:14 AM
Still hovering around 150lbs, unfortunally body composition getting worse,  can't train at all right now, injury, flu.
Do you think I lied about my diet or that I used drugs? I'm a tiny guy who managed to get decently lean with an unconventional diet approach. :-\

you have clearly taken some sort of anabolic or fat loss agent like clen or eca - especially if you are claiming you got ripped like you are on ice cream and burgers.
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 05:02:39 AM
I re-read that post:

Every time you answer my initial question you elegantly sidestep a paramount issue




Your 1 restaurant meal was clean as in CLEAN ...not much saturated fat, no sugars, not many complex carbs

How do you want to know what I ate at the restaurants? I e.g. go to the chinese buffet a lot. I eat rice, fried noodles, chicken curry, chicken wings, sushi, cooked and fried veggies, fruit, etc. Whatever I feel like on that particular day.

you can't do what hundreds of world class bodybuilders failed to do throughout the years : get ripped on JUNK ..

you are insulting my intelligence and everyone else's

You constantly sidestepped my junk question...constantly

'I ate only 1 meal and ashake,I ate at a restaurant, I lost a lot of weight, I am small. I never used AAS "

Not the FUCKING ISSUE. Did you get ripped on fucking Mickey D's and ben and jerry's ????????????????

NO ! WHY ? CAUSE IT'S fucking impossible ..

No I didn't get ripped on the exact diet layed out by Disgusted and I never claimed to do that. I did eat at burger king or Mc Donalds once or twice a week on avarage. I wouldn't call myself "ripped" either in the last pic, I was at about 8%, I think.
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 05:03:30 AM
regarding sugar, there is no scientific basis for claiming that sugar is unhealthy.

regarding fat loss - it makes no difference how much sugar you eat as long as you are in calorie deficit, so yes you can loss fat while eating sugar.

Intake of sugars in relation to fatness and micronutrient adequacy.Bolton-Smith C.
Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, University of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, UK.

Dietary sugars have frequently been linked with excess body weight and poor quality diets. A review of the recent research in this area reveals no basis for a causative association between sugar intake and obesity. Rather, a diet which contains a high percentage of energy from carbohydrate (starch and sugars) may assist in weight loss if the proportion of energy from fat is low. Nutrient inadequacies tend to occur in susceptible groups (generally women and children) who have a low total energy intake, and this is compounded by a relatively high contribution from sugars. For general populations with an adequate caloric intake nutrient adequacy can be achieved across a wide range of dietary sugar (4-20% energy). In this respect, intakes at either extreme are sub-optimal.
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 05:05:41 AM
and another:

Sugar and body weight regulation.Hill JO, Prentice AM.
University of Colorado Health Science Center, Denver, USA.

The need to understand reasons for the high prevalence of obesity in developed countries has led to examination of dietary habits that may contribute to obesity. We consider whether consumption of high amounts of sugars presents a public health problem by contributing to the development of obesity. Metabolic studies show that diets high in fat are more likely to result in body fat accumulation than are diets high in carbohydrate. There is no indication that simple sugars differ from complex sugars in this regard. Epidemiologic data show a clear inverse relation between intake of sugar and fat. Further, although high intake of dietary fat is positively associated with indexes of obesity, high intake of sugar is negatively associated with indexes of obesity. There is ample reason to associate high-fat diets with obesity but, at present, no reason to associate high-sugar diets with obesity.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 05:05:45 AM
There is no natural selection retard ... races were created and subsequently p[laced in certain locations, and their diets were adapted to what the landscape had to offer

This is the reason the original lyran empire ( human ) when it split it evolved in so many diff races

The human race has to evolve and adapt to it's environment constantly otherwise it becomes stagnant and dies ...

the reptilian race remains unchanged throughout the aeons ...
You just lost all credibility with me. You believe in Creationism and that all races were magically plopped down in strategic locations?

This is self admonition that you know nothing about the Natural world, the migration of various Homo genus species from Africa, the relationship of them to the surrounding environment as well as the pressures they were selected against.

You are in your 30s which means you have gone this long not knowing ANYTHING about the Natural World.  I am shocked.  :o
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 05:06:33 AM
you have clearly taken some sort of anabolic or fat loss agent like clen or eca - especially if you are claiming you got ripped like you are on ice cream and burgers.

Sorry I never claimed that. Ice cream and burgers were included in the diet, but the diet did not exclusively consist of it, of course. I can guarantee you again that I didn't take ANY supplement except for whey. I have never in my life used Clen or E. I have used supps containing C or A in the past but not in this diet. I did consume some C via drinking coke zero though.
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 05:07:06 AM
Panda, seriously, you must be busting my balls?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 05:10:54 AM
I would really be interested in seeing such a post of TA. If it exists, I don't agree with that of course.
Yah me too.   He probably didn`t realize I was being sarcastic or facetious at times.

Sometimes my brand of humor gets lost on the simple minded or ones who aren`t reading carefully.
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 05:12:08 AM
Panda, seriously, you must be busting my balls?

Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 05:12:55 AM
Yah me too.   He probably didn`t realize I was being sarcastic or facetious at times.

Sometimes my brand of humor gets lost on the simple minded or ones who aren`t reading carefully.

Or ones that wish to create something from nothing by taking something out of context.  One thing I urge everyone to do is to read, concentrate and comprehend within the context.  Ask questions if necessary and always have a verifiable source!
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 05:22:08 AM

Or ones that wish to create something from nothing by taking something out of context.  One thing I urge everyone to do is to read, concentrate and comprehend within the context.  Ask questions if necessary and always have a verifiable source!

So your quote about the beer was a joke?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: danielson on November 21, 2008, 05:22:15 AM
OK, since this is the second pm that I have gotten since last night and both from members that I regularly converse with I decided to post this, but I have been sworn to secrecy so no names.  >:(

Anyway, it seems our beloved Apenis not only eats clean, but he juices too. He is telling the truth about eating crap till he goes up to a certain weight which is about 10 pounds over what he calls his ideal weight then when he diets back down it's chicken, buffalo, egg whites, oatmeal, rice ect.  ;D He also has been juicing for quite some time from what I was told which I suspected anyway so no big surprise. What a clown. This guy is more than a couple sandwiches shy of a picnic. Going to such great lengths to perpetuate a lie.  ??? Guess the truth has finally bitten you in your scrawny little ass. hahahahahaaaaaaa  ;D

Why are you so jealous of TA lately? You seem a little obsessed with what he eats etc. 
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on November 21, 2008, 05:24:27 AM
Disgusted has embarassed himself. He should stop letting adam own his mind.
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 05:25:19 AM
So your quote about the beer was a joke?
I don`t see how anyone would misconstrue it otherwise.  For one, I thought Whateva was being facetious himself as he is not a beer drinker at all. So I answered back rather facetiously and sarcastically.

So I said to him, sure drink up!  I guess Hedgehog took the jest as truth and that has soured his opinion ever since.
Post by: DK II on November 21, 2008, 05:25:35 AM
So your quote about the beer was a joke?

Yeah sure.

If it fits him, things that were jokes become truth and truth becomes joke.

TA windet sich wie ein glitschiger Aal, damit er alles so drehen kann, wie es ihm passt. Das war schon immer so.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: danielson on November 21, 2008, 05:26:39 AM
Disgusted has embarassed himself. He should stop letting adam own his mind.

It is just amazing that he gives a shit what another man puts in his body. TA isn't selling anything, if he wants to post about a McDonalds diet, who cares? This Jim guy is a fkn weirdo.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Stu on November 21, 2008, 05:38:34 AM
It is just amazing that he gives a shit what another man puts in his body. TA isn't selling anything, if he wants to post about a McDonalds diet, who cares? This Jim guy is a fkn weirdo.

I believe he sells shoes on ebay.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on November 21, 2008, 05:39:21 AM
It is just amazing that he gives a shit what another man puts in his body. TA isn't selling anything, if he wants to post about a McDonalds diet, who cares? This Jim guy is a fkn weirdo.

What bothers me is he has those blue stars here which to me denotes a certain level of respectablity in regards to this board. To just give in to melting down against a guy who obviously is just winding people up is silly. I feel like he's my little brother who I call "homo" enough times to fly into a blind rage. MAN UP!
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 05:52:46 AM
If this was directed at me, I disagree. I think Sev holds a lot of merit. If he thinks I'm lying about anything, he's off, though. He even suggests that I could be a gimmick of Adonis, which can easily be refuted.
:D meltdown !

Just messing w/ you bro ...

My problem is that you posted your shots a while back and said that the Adonis principles work .

When in fact you lost weight and got ripped like any of us : STRICT DIETING.

You did not eat junk to get where you got.

Why would you endorse this liar is beyond me.

I get infuriated because everyone with a gram of knowledge can see Adonis is full of shit.

Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 05:55:04 AM
:D meltdown !

Just messing w/ you bro ...

My problem is that you posted your shots a while back and said that the Adonis principles work .

When in fact you lost weight and got ripped like any of us : STRICT DIETING.

You did not eat junk to get where you got.

Why would you endorse this liar is beyond me.

I get infuriated because everyone with a gram of knowledge can see Adonis is full of shit.

Sev, seriously, I did not tell one lie since I have registered on this board. I would never deliberately tell lies to mislead people. If you knew me better, you would agree.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 06:00:42 AM

What bothers me is he has those blue stars here which to me denotes a certain level of respectablity in regards to this board. To just give in to melting down against a guy who obviously is just winding people up is silly. I feel like he's my little brother who I call "homo" enough times to fly into a blind rage. MAN UP!
One thing that I have to disagree with here is when you say that I am just winding people up. I`m really not.  I eat what the way I say I do. :)

I am actually trying to debate these people and show them with fact and evidence alternate ways as well as the errors and myths they have relied on for so long.  One thing I cannot stand is the false demonization of foods.

I felt the same way with those who were smearing Barack Obama.  False Characterizations based on a pack of lies and poorly out of context misinformation.

It is ignorance I am railing against, there are those who just choose to hold it up as a shield while wielding a sword of hate hoping to stab a truth to promote a lie or a myth.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Meso_z on November 21, 2008, 06:06:37 AM
The "flu apenis" is a complete joke.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The Ugly on November 21, 2008, 06:12:54 AM
there are those who just choose to hold it up as a shield while wielding a sword of hate hoping to stab a truth to promote a lie or a myth.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on November 21, 2008, 06:24:42 AM
One thing that I have to disagree with here is when you say that I am just winding people up. I`m really not.  I eat what the way I say I do. :)

I am actually trying to debate these people and show them with fact and evidence alternate ways as well as the errors and myths they have relied on for so long.  One thing I cannot stand is the false demonization of foods.

I felt the same way with those who were smearing Barack Obama.  False Characterizations based on a pack of lies and poorly out of context misinformation.

It is ignorance I am railing against, there are those who just choose to hold it up as a shield while wielding a sword of hate hoping to stab a truth to promote a lie or a myth.

I didn't mean your methodology in regards to diet. I meant more your manner of debate w/ members and how you present your information.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 06:32:40 AM
i agree 100% seva - total lier.

apart from the gyno, condition and muscle mass you have to ask why would a guy who claims to have ever taken steroids chose a screen name drugfre4life  ???

you wouldn't even thing about drugs if you have never taken them.

to chose a screen name that shouts your innocence is a massive sign to me.

PLEASE!!!  I love it.  I really do.  Conditioning??  Wow...if you think my conditioning makes me out to be a drug user...then you should be SCREAMING that Brian Whitacre is a huge drug user.  Panda...I really had some great respect for you from that training thread.....but you really took some huge leaps backwards.

As far as the screen name.....umm....its because I am proud of my drug free status.  On other boards my name is similar.  Have we ever seen a picture of you Panda?  I have been doing this (bodybuilding) for about 24 - 25 years.  It USED to get to me.  Now, I laugh it off.  I have busted my ass to get where I am at.  I have competed at about the same weight since 2002 when I got back into competing.  Wow...steroids work for me!!! HA HA

Like I offered Sevasgina....want my routine (workout, cardio, supps) so you can see what I did?
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 06:41:51 AM
Sev you seem like a guy who is willing to try new things, why not just try the diet I have laid out for one of your next cuts? I will never be able to convince you that I don't lie simply because I can't prove what I eat every day. But you should at least try yourself before you call me a liar.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 06:43:05 AM
PLEASE!!!  I love it.  I really do.  Conditioning??  Wow...if you think my conditioning makes me out to be a drug user...then you should be SCREAMING that Brian Whitacre is a huge drug user.  Panda...I really had some great respect for you from that training thread.....but you really took some huge leaps backwards.

As far as the screen name.....umm....its because I am proud of my drug free status.  On other boards my name is similar.  Have we ever seen a picture of you Panda?  I have been doing this (bodybuilding) for about 24 - 25 years.  It USED to get to me.  Now, I laugh it off.  I have busted my ass to get where I am at.  I have competed at about the same weight since 2002 when I got back into competing.  Wow...steroids work for me!!! HA HA

Like I offered Sevasgina....want my routine (workout, cardio, supps) so you can see what I did?

Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 06:44:35 AM
i could never do jims burger diet  :(

you would only eat once a day, and workout, work, etc.

no thanks. ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 06:53:14 AM
PLEASE!!!  I love it.  I really do.  Conditioning??  Wow...if you think my conditioning makes me out to be a drug user...then you should be SCREAMING that Brian Whitacre is a huge drug user.  Panda...I really had some great respect for you from that training thread.....but you really took some huge leaps backwards.

As far as the screen name.....umm....its because I am proud of my drug free status.  On other boards my name is similar.  Have we ever seen a picture of you Panda?  I have been doing this (bodybuilding) for about 24 - 25 years.  It USED to get to me.  Now, I laugh it off.  I have busted my ass to get where I am at.  I have competed at about the same weight since 2002 when I got back into competing.  Wow...steroids work for me!!! HA HA

Like I offered Sevasgina....want my routine (workout, cardio, supps) so you can see what I did?

you are bigger than brian whitacre, in fact you are bigger and more conditioned than many 50's and 60's bodybuilders who did take steroids - think frank zane.

pics of me or not, i out weigh you by almost 100lbs - however i am fat too.

i do not see how this effects my ability to tell if someone is a lifetime natural or not. perhaps the pro hormones simply had a good effect.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 07:24:06 AM

Yeah...I am sitting here bashing my keyboard.  Total rage...perhaps you missed the part where I said I have been bodybuilding for 20+ years.  I never said Brian wasnt bigger than me.  I was pointing out how much greater conditioned he is than me.  You saying he does illegal things to get into that condition?

As far as Zane goes...wasnt he quite the ectomorph?  His conditioning is FAR better than mine.  As far as your ability to detect if someone is lying....well, one would suspect that your judgement is slightly jaded if you yourself cant attain any respectable condition.  Easy to point your fingers when you cant get it done.

Like I said...and continue to say....want my whole program?  You will see what I did to diet for that show.  If you dont...then I would suggest you find another target to point the accusatory finger at.  Either way, I know what my status is. 
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 07:40:49 AM
post more pics, your program and your diet and supps and i will give you my final verdict.

however as it stands, yes -  i believe you have used more than good wholesome food unless the prohormones had a real steroid like effect.
Post by: Deicide on November 21, 2008, 07:43:44 AM
Sev you seem like a guy who is willing to try new things, why not just try the diet I have layed out for one of your next cuts? I will never be able to convince you that I don't lie simply because I can't prove what I eat every day. But you should at least try yourself before you call me a liar.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 07:43:44 AM
post more pics, your program and your diet and supps and i will give you my final verdict.

however as it stands, yes -  i believe you have used more than good wholesome food unless the prohormones had a real steroid like effect.

Here is a week of my eating.....
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: MindSpin on November 21, 2008, 07:46:32 AM
I think you're discrediting the guy; he's good at something:

Anyone remember 2yrs ago when he called HR at my workplace trying to get me in trouble? Sicker than chlamydia. 

We have some serious nuts on this site.  
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 07:48:12 AM
Supplements I used:

Scivation Xtend = 5gm between meals, 10gm after workout, 10gm before bed
Chromium Polynicotinate + Vanadyle Sulfate = 1cap/tab before each meal, 2 caps/tabs prior to bed
Extreme Labs Blade Hardcore (ehpedrine free) = 2 caps in morning before breakfast, sometimes one cap before leg days

Extreme Labs Glutamine = 20gms daily divided up with Xtend, 10gm at bedtime
Extreme Labs Pro Lean Mass Extreme - as my protein powder
Beta Alanine = 2gm before and after training

Post by: mazrim on November 21, 2008, 07:52:54 AM
I understand you are trying to say here, but you're missing an important point.


You don't know how to communicate effectively, TA.  Who wants to listen to a jerk like you?  You'll never convince anyone or anything with that abrasive personality.

That has nothing to do with being right or wrong however. You're overly emotional.
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 07:54:56 AM

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 08:12:40 AM
personally i believe you are wasting your time with most of those supplements.

where are your other pics ?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 08:36:58 AM
personally i believe you are wasting your time with most of those supplements.

where are your other pics ?

Pics of?

Personally believe huh?  You outweigh me by 100lbs....fat weight.....I do shows and you are telling me what supps are good and which arent.  All have some solid research behind them.  So, perhaps you should focus on dropping some of that bodyfat rather than making accusations like you did.  I am copying my training journal this morning and will upload EXACT pages from it.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Tapeworm on November 21, 2008, 08:44:43 AM
We have some serious nuts on this site.  

The pissing or the calling? 

Careful.  A 3/4 Getbig vote overrules.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on November 21, 2008, 08:44:56 AM

don't forget, a cat is not a dog, a plane is not a boat, AXA is not a bodybuilder, and you are not intelligent.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 08:49:25 AM
Pics of?

Personally believe huh?  You outweigh me by 100lbs....fat weight.....I do shows and you are telling me what supps are good and which arent.  All have some solid research behind them.  So, perhaps you should focus on dropping some of that bodyfat rather than making accusations like you did.  I am copying my training journal this morning and will upload EXACT pages from it.


your in quite the meltdown here juicer.

i would like to see more pics of you - fron relexed, double bi, rear lat, etc then i will give you my final verdict on if you are a juicer or not, although you already have bigger arms that zane  ::)

i did not say i was 100lbs of fat, you are assuming. i would say i have perhaps 50-60 lbs of fat tops.

as for your supplements  ::)

please post your research that proves their effectiveness.

leave out the protein powder - thats the only one i believe has any real reason to be used - the glutamine and bcca's are already in it, so adding more products like the xtend and glutamine is a waste of money.
Post by: DK II on November 21, 2008, 09:16:23 AM

Are you saying, sebastian should get laid more often?
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 09:18:05 AM
:D meltdown !

Just messing w/ you bro ...

My problem is that you posted your shots a while back and said that the Adonis principles work .

When in fact you lost weight and got ripped like any of us : STRICT DIETING.

You did not eat junk to get where you got.

Why would you endorse this liar is beyond me.

I get infuriated because everyone with a gram of knowledge can see Adonis is full of shit.

QFT!  Great post.
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 09:18:49 AM
Are you saying, sebastian should get laid more often?

Neither would I be able to make such judgement, nor would his posting style indicate that presumption. :-X
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 09:20:10 AM
QFT!  Great post.

So you also think I'm lying, Relentless?
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 09:28:45 AM
wave do you have a front relaxed pic?

Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 09:31:21 AM
wave do you have a front relaxed pic?

Don't think so, but all my pics are in my thread (under my profile webpage).
In other poses I look a lot smaller.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 09:36:22 AM
No. I made that one up.  I am a huge fan of Keats and Shelley though!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 09:36:28 AM

your in quite the meltdown here juicer.

i would like to see more pics of you - fron relexed, double bi, rear lat, etc then i will give you my final verdict on if you are a juicer or not, although you already have bigger arms that zane  ::)

i did not say i was 100lbs of fat, you are assuming. i would say i have perhaps 50-60 lbs of fat tops.

as for your supplements  ::)

please post your research that proves their effectiveness.

leave out the protein powder - thats the only one i believe has any real reason to be used - the glutamine and bcca's are already in it, so adding more products like the xtend and glutamine is a waste of money.

Meltdown?  HA HA HA.....far from it.  I am enjoying having someone like you point the finger at someone like me.  As far as your 'final verdict' life and my success depends on YOUR verdict.  Seriously.  Who are you...and why do you think you matter?  You dont.

Now...are you natural?  If you say you are...then you perhaps should be the one we are scrutinizing.  You say you weight 100lbs more than me...say you made that claim for my contest weight.  That would make you 288lbs.  You say maybe 50 - 60lbs of it are fat.  That means you would have 40lbs more muscle than me.  So, lets see....who should be the one questioning who about juicing?

Again, you are like most who disagree with supplement use and make the claims you did about effectiveness of it.  I will post some more pics if we can see what you are presenting too.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 09:40:07 AM
Drugfree4life aka Curt is Natural and by far one of the Top Naturals. 
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 09:41:57 AM
Meltdown?  HA HA HA.....far from it.  I am enjoying having someone like you point the finger at someone like me.  As far as your 'final verdict' life and my success depends on YOUR verdict.  Seriously.  Who are you...and why do you think you matter?  You dont.

Again, you are like most who disagree with supplement use and make the claims you did about effectiveness of it.  I will post some more pics if we can see what you are presenting too.

hahahahahaha i clearly do matter judging by your meltdown of epic proportions.

calm down drugs4life.

i would like to believe you have managed to do what the steroid users of the past have been unable to do, once you post further pics i will readily admit if i feel i have been mistaken.

the supplements you use have no significant benefit - show me the studies that prove otherwise.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 10:28:05 AM
hahahahahaha i clearly do matter judging by your meltdown of epic proportions.

calm down drugs4life.

i would like to believe you have managed to do what the steroid users of the past have been unable to do, once you post further pics i will readily admit if i feel i have been mistaken.

the supplements you use have no significant benefit - show me the studies that prove otherwise.

Wow....a fatass is telling me I am melting down.  Are you just so frustrated that you will never see your abs that you will go to the extent you are to claim I am a user?

I am in your mind now....
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 10:29:47 AM
Wow....a fatass is telling me I am melting down.  Are you just so frustrated that you will never see your abs that you will go to the extent you are to claim I am a user?

I am in your mind now....

I am not familiar as to how Username FatPanda looks regarding his physique. Any links or pics?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 10:30:48 AM
Wow....a fatass is telling me I am melting down.  Are you just so frustrated that you will never see your abs that you will go to the extent you are to claim I am a user?

I am in your mind now....

where are those other pics big stuff.

still waiting.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 10:32:01 AM

I am not familiar as to how Username FatPanda looks regarding his physique. Any links or pics?

all we do know, is that he is fat  ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 10:34:46 AM
all we do know, is that he is fat  ;D

hahahahaha genius
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 10:41:12 AM
here we go 1st pic npc steroid using athlete.

2nd pic drugs4life - a natural athlete.  ::)

so either the first guy is a disgrace to bodybuilding or drugs4life is the greatest natural ever.

or maybe drugs4life is really a liar.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 21, 2008, 10:42:32 AM
here we go 1st pic npc steroid using athlete.

2nd pic drugs4life - a natural athlete.  ::)

so either the first guy is a disgrace to bodybuilding or drugs4life is the greatest natural ever.

or maybe drugs4life is really a liar.

did the first guy tell you he does roids?

maybe he is natural too, ever considered that?  ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 10:47:49 AM
did the first guy tell you he does roids?

maybe he is natural too, ever considered that?  ::)

oh shit, maybe.

and this guy, who most of getbig believe is a steroid user is probably really a natural too, because drugs4life blows him away.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 10:54:34 AM
where are those other pics big stuff.

still waiting.

Heres the deal.....more pics of me PROVIDED you post YOURS.  Care to take me up on it? 
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 10:58:27 AM
Heres the deal.....more pics of me PROVIDED you post YOURS.  Care to take me up on it? 
I bet he will be too ashamed to post his pictures.  No clue why considering he seems to have some time invested in the gym. I think anyways.

This oughta be good. 
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 11:00:47 AM
Heres the deal.....more pics of me PROVIDED you post YOURS.  Care to take me up on it? 

i have nothing to prove, why would i post my pics.

i feel you are a steroid user, based on the comparison with that npc guy - its even more clear.

i expected you would find some excuse to not post furtherpics.

you know that you will be exposed further if you post more pics.

thanks for playing, but please remember its not good for your blood pressure getting owned on getbig while on gear.  :-\
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 11:02:03 AM
here we go 1st pic npc steroid using athlete.

2nd pic drugs4life - a natural athlete.  ::)

so either the first guy is a disgrace to bodybuilding or drugs4life is the greatest natural ever.

or maybe drugs4life is really a liar.

Lets see....his condition is WAY better than mine. going to say Brian Whitacre uses shit?  His condition blows away a TON of people.  Also, lets see....I got 8th out of 10 in my first pro show weighing about 192....I came in 4 - 5 POUNDS lighter and got 4th.  Why?  Because I made the extra effort with my diet and cardio.  If I was using wouldnt I be coming in at the same if not MORE and be better conditioned? matter what I say...what I post....what I show in way of will still claim I use.  So, there is no upside to this for me other than this...I wake up EVERY DAY and know that I havent used.  I go to the gym every day and train as hard as I can and am happy with what I did because the gains are from my own effort and not steroids.  I do not begrudge any who use.  NONE.  I dont give a flying fuck who does and who doesnt.  I know I dont...and thats all thats going to matter here now isnt it?  

So, we can continue with this....or I could do this....I will prep you for a show the same way I prepped myself for my last show.  If you follow through with it....I will even pay you back for your entry fee.  You will, however, have to post your pics of progress, diet, receipts for grocery....just to prove you are doing what you say you are doing.  Deal?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 11:02:15 AM
I bet he will be too ashamed to post his pictures.  No clue why considering he seems to have some time invested in the gym. I think anyways.

This oughta be good. 

i am still waiting on you proving your outlandish claims that to put on mass you shouldn't eat more - when you can provide me with a study that backs this claim i will post all the pics you want - agreed?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 11:03:54 AM
i have nothing to prove, why would i post my pics.

i feel you are a steroid user, based on the comparison with that npc guy - its even more clear.

i expected you would find some excuse to not post furtherpics.

you know that you will be exposed further if you post more pics.

thanks for playing, but please remember its not good for your blood pressure getting owned on getbig while on gear.  :-\
tell you what
if a person can't reach levels of Drugfree4life and Whateva
we all might as well quit lifting weights
if everybody is doomed to look like crap naturally, I will honestly never touch a weight again
there are some GREAT naturals out there
who DESTROY steroid users
that gives me, and other naturals who haven't reached levels of Drugfree4life hope
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 11:13:00 AM
i am still waiting on you proving your outlandish claims that to put on mass you shouldn't eat more - when you can provide me with a study that backs this claim i will post all the pics you want - agreed?

Here you go Panda
Epic ownage
now post your pics

                           Diet        Exercise      Diet & Exercise
Weight (lbs)          -11.7       -10.6          -12
Fat (lbs)               -9.3        -12.6          -13
Lean mass (lbs)      -2.4         +2.0           +1

The group that exercised and dieted lost more fat than the groups that either dieted or exercised alone. The group that exercised gained the most muscle mass and interestingly, lost more body fat as compared to the diet group, although weight loss was marginally less. This study also demonstrates that exercise can maintain (and increase) lean mass while dieting.


Zuti, W.B. & Golding, L.A. The Physician and Sports Medicine. 4 (1): 49-53, 1976.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 11:14:59 AM
Lets see....his condition is WAY better than mine. going to say Brian Whitacre uses shit?  His condition blows away a TON of people.  Also, lets see....I got 8th out of 10 in my first pro show weighing about 192....I came in 4 - 5 POUNDS lighter and got 4th.  Why?  Because I made the extra effort with my diet and cardio.  If I was using wouldnt I be coming in at the same if not MORE and be better conditioned? matter what I say...what I post....what I show in way of will still claim I use.  So, there is no upside to this for me other than this...I wake up EVERY DAY and know that I havent used.  I go to the gym every day and train as hard as I can and am happy with what I did because the gains are from my own effort and not steroids.  I do not begrudge any who use.  NONE.  I dont give a flying fuck who does and who doesnt.  I know I dont...and thats all thats going to matter here now isnt it?  

So, we can continue with this....or I could do this....I will prep you for a show the same way I prepped myself for my last show.  If you follow through with it....I will even pay you back for your entry fee.  You will, however, have to post your pics of progress, diet, receipts for grocery....just to prove you are doing what you say you are doing.  Deal?

i don't see the problem here. i said you looked like you were on gear, you denied it. i openly said i may be wrong, however i would like to see more pics first - you have refused, gotten defensive and hurled insults at me.

post a few more pics - thats all i'm asking.

your defensive/offensive posts, are quite revealing to me, along with your screen name.

it's similar to a screen name like hetro4life - a clear sign to me.

thats a nice offer you made, however i have no wish to enter a show.

i also know how to diet while keeping muscle - and you can be sure its not through the adonis principles  ::)

i have been doing this for the past month, and will probably take a break over xmas, before starting again in jan, and keep going till i am happy.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 11:17:48 AM
tell you what
if a person can't reach levels of Drugfree4life and Whateva
we all might as well quit lifting weights
if everybody is doomed to look like crap naturally, I will honestly never touch a weight again
there are some GREAT naturals out there
who DESTROY steroid users
that gives me, and other naturals who haven't reached levels of Drugfree4life hope

Heres the thing.....I am NOT THE PINNACLE of drug free bodybuilding.  Look at guys like Brian Whitacre, Scott Trout, even Layne Norton.  I mean, come on....Layne comes in better condition than me and I dont think there is any doubt he is 'enhanced'.  It really is disappointing to see guys like Panda throw the accusatory finger around when someone looks better than they themselves have ever tried to look like.  In a way, I see why Adam acts the way he does.  He has found a formula for his success and is able to maintain great conditioning....and still people say he cant do it.

Anyway.....just to show I am FAR from embarrassed about what I have attained....or what I look ya go.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 11:19:24 AM
Here you go Panda
Epic ownage
now post your pics

                           Diet        Exercise      Diet & Exercise
Weight (lbs)          -11.7       -10.6          -12
Fat (lbs)               -9.3        -12.6          -13
Lean mass (lbs)      -2.4         +2.0           +1

The group that exercised and dieted lost more fat than the groups that either dieted or exercised alone. The group that exercised gained the most muscle mass and interestingly, lost more body fat as compared to the diet group, although weight loss was marginally less. This study also demonstrates that exercise can maintain (and increase) lean mass while dieting.


Zuti, W.B. & Golding, L.A. The Physician and Sports Medicine. 4 (1): 49-53, 1976.

 ::) look you clown , that was done on obese women who have never exercised before.

it does not prove adonis's claim.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 11:24:11 AM
i don't see the problem here. i said you looked like you were on gear, you denied it. i openly said i may be wrong, however i would like to see more pics first - you have refused, gotten defensive and hurled insults at me.

post a few more pics - thats all i'm asking.

your defensive/offensive posts, are quite revealing to me, along with your screen name.

it's similar to a screen name like hetro4life - a clear sign to me.

thats a nice offer you made, however i have no wish to enter a show.

i also know how to diet while keeping muscle - and you can be sure its not through the adonis principles  ::)

i have been doing this for the past month, and will probably take a break over xmas, before starting again in jan, and keep going till i am happy.

Just because someone defends their position doesnt mean they are defensive.  At least in my book.  I tried to get you to post your pics as a comparison to mine to see how someone like you can make the assertions you did.  You are the one who refused.  As far as my screen name goes...again, I am damn proud of what I have achieved via the route in which I took to achieve it.  If I was on heavy gear should my name be HEAVYGEARUSERANDABUSERFO RLIFE?  Please.  Lets get a grip on this whole internet thing.

If you know how to diet and keep muscle, how did you let yourself become the overweight person you have?  So, as you can pics are above....judge and say what you will.  As I said previously, I wake up and go to sleep happy with the satisfaction knowing I am doing it like I say I am doing it.  I hide nothing, nor feel the need to lie about what I am taking.

I firmly believe you are jealous of those who accomplish what you cant.  Just as you firmly believe I am lying about what I did to achieve the condition I did and the level I have.  So, we believe what we believe.  Right?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 11:24:26 AM
Heres the thing.....I am NOT THE PINNACLE of drug free bodybuilding.  Look at guys like Brian Whitacre, Scott Trout, even Layne Norton.  I mean, come on....Layne comes in better condition than me and I dont think there is any doubt he is 'enhanced'.  It really is disappointing to see guys like Panda throw the accusatory finger around when someone looks better than they themselves have ever tried to look like.  In a way, I see why Adam acts the way he does.  He has found a formula for his success and is able to maintain great conditioning....and still people say he cant do it.

Anyway.....just to show I am FAR from embarrassed about what I have attained....or what I look ya go.

i take it back, you are not a steroid user.

i apologise for any offense caused.

that side tri looked highly impressive, and shows why i wanted more pics.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 11:24:54 AM
Heres the thing.....I am NOT THE PINNACLE of drug free bodybuilding.  Look at guys like Brian Whitacre, Scott Trout, even Layne Norton.  I mean, come on....Layne comes in better condition than me and I dont think there is any doubt he is 'enhanced'.  It really is disappointing to see guys like Panda throw the accusatory finger around when someone looks better than they themselves have ever tried to look like.  In a way, I see why Adam acts the way he does.  He has found a formula for his success and is able to maintain great conditioning....and still people say he cant do it.

Anyway.....just to show I am FAR from embarrassed about what I have attained....or what I look ya go.

people have this limit on what a natural should look like
a swimmer's body
or obese and bulky
like I said, if people were doomed to look like crap naturally, at their best, I'd never go to the gym again
some great mass monster naturals out there
Daddywaddy/Johnny Falcon USED TO BE one of them

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 11:26:11 AM
DrugFree4Life, you look phenomenal, mad props! 8)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 11:27:16 AM
i take it back, you are not a steroid user.

i apologise for any offense caused.

that side tri looked highly impressive, and shows why i wanted more pics.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 11:27:34 AM
i take it back, you are not a steroid user.

i apologise for any offense caused.

that side tri looked highly impressive, and shows why i wanted more pics.

No problem....and as I have said (and will continue to say) I am FAR from the pinnacle of bodybuilding.  I am getting better and better as the years go, but how much better can a near-40yr old get?  
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 11:30:29 AM

If you know how to diet and keep muscle, how did you let yourself become the overweight person you have?  So, as you can pics are above....judge and say what you will.  As I said previously, I wake up and go to sleep happy with the satisfaction knowing I am doing it like I say I am doing it.  I hide nothing, nor feel the need to lie about what I am taking.

I firmly believe you are jealous of those who accomplish what you cant.  Just as you firmly believe I am lying about what I did to achieve the condition I did and the level I have.  So, we believe what we believe.  Right?
i got so overweight by bulking. i was lifting heavy and eating a lot - bodybuilders have been doing this quite some time.

i'm not jealous of anyone, as i said over and over i wanted more pics to be sure, as that side tri made you look much bigger and conditioned than your other pics - as you yourself must admit.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 11:31:52 AM
people have this limit on what a natural should look like
a swimmer's body
or obese and bulky
like I said, if people were doomed to look like crap naturally, at their best, I'd never go to the gym again
some great mass monster naturals out there
Daddywaddy/Johnny Falcon USED TO BE one of them


dw used to take gear too AXA - can you be any more retarded ?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 11:32:50 AM
i got so overweight by bulking. i was lifting heavy and eating a lot - bodybuilders have been doing this quite some time.

i'm not jealous of anyone, as i said over and over i wanted more pics to be sure, as that side tri made you look much bigger and conditioned than your other pics - as you yourself must admit.
you could just eat your maintenance level and still gain the same amount of muscle without the fat
why do people "bulk" I never get it
you don't need to be in a positive calorie balance to gain muscle
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 11:34:26 AM
No problem....and as I have said (and will continue to say) I am FAR from the pinnacle of bodybuilding.  I am getting better and better as the years go, but how much better can a near-40yr old get?  

ok - i will return the offer.

i will help you improve if you like.

if you have read my posts in the past you know i know what i'm talking about.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 11:34:35 AM
dw used to take gear too AXA - can you be any more retarded ?
ofcourse he did, every natural who doesn't look like shit does  ::)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 11:35:46 AM
ofcourse he did, every natural who doesn't look like shit does  ::)

I'm pretty sure he has admitted it already
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 11:36:32 AM
i got so overweight by bulking. i was lifting heavy and eating a lot - bodybuilders have been doing this quite some time.

i'm not jealous of anyone, as i said over and over i wanted more pics to be sure, as that side tri made you look much bigger and conditioned than your other pics - as you yourself must admit.

My rear lat, BDB and side tri are my best shots.......overhead abs is gettinng better....WORST one is FDB and side chest.  Dont know why....I look like two different physiques when comparing best vs. worst.

Its all good....water under the bridge.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 11:37:29 AM
ok - i will return the offer.

i will help you improve if you like.

if you have read my posts in the past you know i know what i'm talking about.

Dont quite know what you mean by that.  Shoot me a PM though.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 11:38:00 AM
A true inspiration for us old farts, how old are you DF4L?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 11:45:59 AM
Dont quite know what you mean by that.  Shoot me a PM though.

i mean do you do gay 4 pay ?

hahahaha only kidding.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The Showstoppa on November 21, 2008, 11:46:40 AM


There must be a serious shortage of squat racks, hamstring curl machines and calf raise machines in this area.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 11:48:37 AM
i mean do you do gay 4 pay ?

hahahaha only kidding.

HA HA HA......I guess thats the good thing about being a dont get creepy guys asking for that shit.

Did Tom P. leave these at your house?  (J/K)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 11:52:53 AM
HA HA HA......I guess thats the good thing about being a dont get creepy guys asking for that shit.

Did Tom P. leave these at your house?  (J/K)

 :o ;D

so what do your workouts look like?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 11:54:19 AM
There must be a serious shortage of squat racks, hamstring curl machines and calf raise machines in this area.
hamstring curl machines and calf raises yes

Daddy had good quads though
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 12:01:41 PM

I just am getting done with this guys routine.  Thought I would hate it...but I really have felt awesome on it.

Flat DB Bench (5rep - periodization)
Incline Bench 3x 6 - 8
Deadlift-conventional (5rep - periodization)
Low Row 3 x 6 - 8
Bar Curl  (5rep - periodization)
Standing DB Curl 2 x 6 - 8
Lying Tricep Ext  (5rep - periodization)
Rope Extension 3 x 8 - 10

Squat  (5rep - periodization)
Leg Extension 3 x 8 - 10
Leg Curl  (5rep - periodization)
Seated Leg Curl 3 x 8 - 10
Seated Calf 3 x 6 - 8
Standing Calf 3 x 6 - 8
Military Press  (5rep - periodization)

Flat DB 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Smith Incline 3 x 6 - 8
Cable Crossover 2 x 8 - 10
Deadlift 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Wide Pulldown 3 x 6 - 8
HS High Rom 3 x 8 - 10

Squat 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Leg Curl 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Hack Squat 3 x 6 - 8
Single Leg Extension superset with single leg curl 3 x 8 - 10
45degree Calf superset with standing calf 3 x 8 - 10

military press 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Seated DB press 3 x 10 - 12
Side Laterals 2 x 10 - 12
Bar curl 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Lying Tricep 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Preacher curl superset with dips 3 x 8 - 10
Hammer curl superset with smith close grip 2 x 8 - 10

the 5-rep periodization is this.....find your 5 rep max....then the weeks go in this order 55%, 70%, 82.5%, 90%, 100%, then try to get a PR for your 7th week.  Oh, and you do 3 x 5 with that weeks % of 5RM

This weekend I will be going for my PR's.  I feel I will be getting new PR's on Flat DB, Deadlift, Squat, Leg Curl, and Lying Tricep.  Probably wont change on Bar Curl or Military.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 21, 2008, 12:10:08 PM

I just am getting done with this guys routine.  Thought I would hate it...but I really have felt awesome on it.

Flat DB Bench (5rep - periodization)
Incline Bench 3x 6 - 8
Deadlift-conventional (5rep - periodization)
Low Row 3 x 6 - 8
Bar Curl  (5rep - periodization)
Standing DB Curl 2 x 6 - 8
Lying Tricep Ext  (5rep - periodization)
Rope Extension 3 x 8 - 10

Squat  (5rep - periodization)
Leg Extension 3 x 8 - 10
Leg Curl  (5rep - periodization)
Seated Leg Curl 3 x 8 - 10
Seated Calf 3 x 6 - 8
Standing Calf 3 x 6 - 8
Military Press  (5rep - periodization)

Flat DB 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Smith Incline 3 x 6 - 8
Cable Crossover 2 x 8 - 10
Deadlift 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Wide Pulldown 3 x 6 - 8
HS High Rom 3 x 8 - 10

Squat 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Leg Curl 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Hack Squat 3 x 6 - 8
Single Leg Extension superset with single leg curl 3 x 8 - 10
45degree Calf superset with standing calf 3 x 8 - 10

military press 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Seated DB press 3 x 10 - 12
Side Laterals 2 x 10 - 12
Bar curl 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Lying Tricep 65% of 5rm 3 x 10
Preacher curl superset with dips 3 x 8 - 10
Hammer curl superset with smith close grip 2 x 8 - 10

the 5-rep periodization is this.....find your 5 rep max....then the weeks go in this order 55%, 70%, 82.5%, 90%, 100%, then try to get a PR for your 7th week.  Oh, and you do 3 x 5 with that weeks % of 5RM

This weekend I will be going for my PR's.  I feel I will be getting new PR's on Flat DB, Deadlift, Squat, Leg Curl, and Lying Tricep.  Probably wont change on Bar Curl or Military.

interesting - you feeling burn out at all ? cold? flu? loss of motivation?

i like the lower reps - and so does science  8)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 12:29:03 PM
interesting - you feeling burn out at all ? cold? flu? loss of motivation?

i like the lower reps - and so does science  8)

low reps, lots of weight  ::)

keep training like that, until you tear a muscle, then you'll change your mind
in my own personal experience, more weight doesn't equal better growth
I can do pulldowns with the whole rack, but I don't have a back like yates
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Monster_Everything on November 21, 2008, 12:31:19 PM
low reps, lots of weight  ::)

keep training like that, until you tear a muscle, then you'll change your mind
in my own personal experience, more weight doesn't equal better growth
I can do pulldowns with the whole rack, but I don't have a back like yates
thats for damn sure
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 12:35:30 PM
thats for damn sure

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 12:37:15 PM
low reps, lots of weight  ::)

keep training like that, until you tear a muscle, then you'll change your mind
in my own epic 9 month of personal experience, more weight doesn't equal better growth
I can do pulldowns with the whole rack, but I don't have a back like yates

fixed  ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: johnnynoname on November 21, 2008, 12:37:59 PM
fixed  ;D

if you didn't point it out I was about to ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 12:41:40 PM
fixed  ;D

if you didn't point it out I was about to ;D

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Bobby on November 21, 2008, 12:45:35 PM
I'm pretty sure he has admitted it already

really?! where? :D
Post by: chester_bbb on November 21, 2008, 01:05:08 PM
that's no comparison, more mass and leaner than me

Why all the twisting side shots?  :D
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 01:06:58 PM
Why all the twisting side shots?  :D

there's a few non twisting in my thread but they don't look so good :-\
being tiny sucks.
Post by: Bobby on November 21, 2008, 01:08:02 PM
why did i read almost all of this :'(
Post by: chester_bbb on November 21, 2008, 01:31:18 PM
I'm not aware of any misguided youngsters. I'm e.g. older that TA and came to the same conclusions on my own.

FYI you don't look like a BBer.
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 01:34:55 PM
FYI you don't look like a BBer.

what's your point?
Post by: chester_bbb on November 21, 2008, 01:43:30 PM
I'll give you strange ...


I'm not making this up.

Sev ripping the 130lb twink known as "wavelength" a new bloody hole. ;D
Post by: chester_bbb on November 21, 2008, 01:45:56 PM
I would really be interested in seeing such a post of TA. If it exists, I don't agree with that of course.

Try doing a search you lazy homo.
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 01:49:39 PM
chester_bbb, did I piss you off, what's up?
Post by: chester_bbb on November 21, 2008, 01:49:43 PM
what's your point?

You're posting on a bodybuilding forum calle "GETBIG". ::)
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 01:51:55 PM
You're posting on a bodybuilding forum calle "GETBIG". ::)

do you look like a bodybuilder?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 02:14:16 PM
low reps, lots of weight  ::)

keep training like that, until you tear a muscle, then you'll change your mind
in my own personal experience, more weight doesn't equal better growth
I can do pulldowns with the whole rack, but I don't have a back like yates

I personally would love to see you do pulldowns with the whole please?

More weight doesnt always equal more mass....equals more strength which can equal more mass.  I train with low and medium reps.  Occasionally I will throw some high reps in there.  Trust me...I have torn a pec, tricep, hamstring, and even have a torn meniscus.  Does all this stop me from training low reps?  Nope.  The pec and then hamstring were flukes.  Good form....body just gave way.  The tricep tear was me trying to use more weight than I should. 

Again, this is another case where I dont think you should be giving advice.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 21, 2008, 02:16:43 PM
really?! where? :D

Don't know I think DW posted up some comparison pics, some on juice, some not. But could also be someone else posted them, can't remember.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 21, 2008, 02:21:49 PM
here we go 1st pic npc steroid using athlete.

2nd pic drugs4life - a natural athlete.  ::)

so either the first guy is a disgrace to bodybuilding or drugs4life is the greatest natural ever.

or maybe drugs4life is really a liar.

agree, you owned him badly right there.

There is no way you can achieve such combo muscle density/striations while being natural.

btw here is a natural who lifted wights since he s 17 , now 54 :


more pics here:
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 21, 2008, 02:23:04 PM
dw used to take gear too AXA - can you be any more retarded ?

na it was just creatine. Not gear. But as soon as you stop creatine you lose tons of water and bloat over one or two months and you look a lot smaller.
Post by: Disgusted on November 21, 2008, 02:25:47 PM
The True Adonis
Getbig V

Posts: 14157

Coming Soon:The True Adonis

     Re: Why hasn't anyone disproven the True Adonis Principles yet?
« Reply #89 on: January 03, 2007, 07:38:55 PM » Quote 

Quote from: whateva on January 03, 2007, 06:45:36 PM
if a calorie is just a calorie ,how about a only '' beer'' diet

That works just fine.
 Report to moderator    Logged 

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 02:27:17 PM
agree, you owned him badly right there.

There is no way you can achieve such combo muscle density/striations while being natural.

more pics here:

HA HA.....talking like I have the structure of a Dexter or a Ronnie.  "Such a combo of muscle density/striations" should write for flex.

He already retracted his comment about me being a juicer.  Care to do the same?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 21, 2008, 02:32:15 PM
HA HA.....talking like I have the structure of a Dexter or a Ronnie.  "Such a combo of muscle density/striations" should write for flex.

He already retracted his comment about me being a juicer.  Care to do the same?

You've either been on steroids int he past for some time, built most of what we re seeing now and stopped.

Or you're a genetic mutant.

You almost have the same physique than mindspin who did juice in the past.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 02:36:20 PM

You've either been on steroids int he past for some time, built most of what we re seeing now and stopped.

Or you're a genetic mutant.

You almost have the same physique than mindspin who did juice in the past.

Nope...never used them.  Of course, some will argue that the Nor-19 I used (when OTC) puts me in 'clean' status.  The only pro-hormones I ever used were the Nor-19 and then before that AST's Andrestene (name?).  One bottle each.  At the time I put them in the same class as the Smilax, Orchic Test Extract, etc. So I didnt really feel the need to keep going on any of them.

Since then the whole science of PH's has gotten CRAZY.

Lastly.....I posted all my pics.....a week of my diet...and the supps I use.  Thats how anal I get with eating.  Lastly....have we seen a pic of you flag?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 02:47:10 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^  ::)

flag just posted a pic of himself then deleted it
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 21, 2008, 02:50:09 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^  ::)

flag just posted a pic of himself then deleted it
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D
for drug4forlife to see it... then i removed it, like i always do when someone worth it asks it to me. btw you didnt post your shitty pic again hoping to prove that you look better than me did you ?

man you're so delusional.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: The Showstoppa on November 21, 2008, 02:51:25 PM
AXA, I might be going camping this weekend....if we run out of tent stakes, are you available?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: DK II on November 21, 2008, 02:56:39 PM
When AXA goes out shopping, UNO planes drop care packets along his way.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on November 21, 2008, 02:59:40 PM
you could just eat your maintenance level and still gain the same amount of muscle without the fat
why do people "bulk" I never get it
you don't need to be in a positive calorie balance to gain muscle

Because so the don't look like you.  Dude I know you can't see it but I guarantee when you walk into a gym or most any other place people are laughing AT you because of the way you look and ultra scrawny physique.  You have a body of a tall concentration camp non-survivor.  And why and how can you give any kind of advice or suggestions here when you don't train and you aren't even 20 yet.  If just one person takes your advice on anything they are as bad off as you.  I gave you some great advice; go join a gym.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: nycbull on November 21, 2008, 03:02:36 PM
When AXA goes out shopping, UNO planes drop care packets along his way.

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Krankenstein on November 21, 2008, 03:36:21 PM
for drug4forlife to see it... then i removed it, like i always do when someone worth it asks it to me. btw you didnt post your shitty pic again hoping to prove that you look better than me did you ?

man you're so delusional.
Never saw it......but why delete it?  mine are still up there
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 04:33:02 PM
The True Adonis
Getbig V

Posts: 14157

Coming Soon:The True Adonis

     Re: Why hasn't anyone disproven the True Adonis Principles yet?
« Reply #89 on: January 03, 2007, 07:38:55 PM » Quote 

Quote from: whateva on January 03, 2007, 06:45:36 PM
if a calorie is just a calorie ,how about a only '' beer'' diet

That works just fine.
 Report to moderator    Logged 


I guess the concept of humor is lost on you.  I do admit its not THAT funny, but if you can`t understand the obvious sarcasm here then its about time the lightbulb in the brainbox gets replaced.

How about a Jet Fuel only diet?  I think that works just fine as well.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 04:34:26 PM
I guess the concept of humor is lost on you.  I do admit its not THAT funny, but if you can`t understand the obvious sarcasm here then its about time the lightbulb in the brainbox gets replaced.

How about a Jet Fuel only diet?  I think that works just fine as well.
whateva you say Vanilla beef  ;)
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 04:36:51 PM
whateva you say Vanilla beef  ;)

Try Ginger instead of Vanilla for beef and perhaps add in a little soy sauce with a hint of orange rind.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on November 21, 2008, 04:45:48 PM
Try Ginger instead of Vanilla for beef and perhaps add in a little soy sauce with a hint of orange rind.
hat sounds extremely PINK ;)
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 04:49:26 PM
hat sounds extremely PINK ;)
Only if cooked Medium Rare.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on November 21, 2008, 05:00:01 PM
Apenis how much do you charge for your camp?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 05:03:03 PM
Because so the don't look like you.  Dude I know you can't see it but I guarantee when you walk into a gym or most any other place people are laughing AT you because of the way you look and ultra scrawny physique.  You have a body of a tall concentration camp non-survivor.  And why and how can you give any kind of advice or suggestions here when you don't train and you aren't even 20 yet.  If just one person takes your advice on anything they are as bad off as you.  I gave you some great advice; go join a gym.
before I started my cutting phase couple months ago
all of them look like this?

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: danielson on November 21, 2008, 05:11:38 PM
Because so the don't look like you.  Dude I know you can't see it but I guarantee when you walk into a gym or most any other place people are laughing AT you because of the way you look and ultra scrawny physique.  You have a body of a tall concentration camp non-survivor.  And why and how can you give any kind of advice or suggestions here when you don't train and you aren't even 20 yet.  If just one person takes your advice on anything they are as bad off as you.  I gave you some great advice; go join a gym.

I am just amazed that a 500 pound man can make fun of a slender guy. So what if he isn't "swole", you actually bragged about being able to walk around a casino a few months ago. You are so morbidly obese, you bragged about being able to walk! Not one person on here or anywhere would trade bodies with you, yet you make fun of other people on here. Are you really that delusional?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: jason armstrong on November 21, 2008, 06:09:29 PM
Adam Richard Abeles is the biggest liar on the internet-those who beleeeeve his out right lies are just DUMB.

Jewish and he's embarassed of it big time-pretends he's an ayrian super man...LOL what a fktard he is in the class of goodbum and david merza  (fatcasm fat father) and faggy waggy.

No formal education, no experience at all the biiitch started training at 12 and after 16 years of lifting is 160 lbs?

Juiced his ass off as a teen big fking time ...

Go search on ELITE Fitness for his former handle THE STEEL BEAST...

Those who have been on here a long time can remember some of the stupid posts he has made gravity suits working for NASA degree in Physics doing a couple of reps of chin ups every time he took a piss storeis of eating all junk food and drinking expensive wine...owns 3 houses he paid cash for....on and on and on and on....

good gosh liar liar pants on fire...

Juiced to the gills on anabols and attached...
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: jason armstrong on November 21, 2008, 06:12:30 PM
I am just amazed that a 500 pound man can make fun of a slender guy. So what if he isn't "swole", you actually bragged about being able to walk around a casino a few months ago. You are so morbidly obese, you bragged about being able to walk! Not one person on here or anywhere would trade bodies with you, yet you make fun of other people on here. Are you really that delusional?

That's the beauty of getbig...anybody can make fun of the other...the problem is when people take it too serious...

Guys like AJASSCOCKIC are flashes in the pain and will eventually fall by the way side...another pathological liar like adonis...

other than Adam he doesn't have mental issues and is borderline retarded like apenis adonis is with out his meds....
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on November 21, 2008, 06:14:36 PM
I am just amazed that a 500 pound man can make fun of a slender guy. So what if he isn't "swole", you actually bragged about being able to walk around a casino a few months ago. You are so morbidly obese, you bragged about being able to walk! Not one person on here or anywhere would trade bodies with you, yet you make fun of other people on here. Are you really that delusional?

You do know when you talk no one listens and in reality you really don't matter, don't you?  So really instead of trying to fit in and being something you are not you should just turn off your computer and watch Hanna Montana.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on November 21, 2008, 06:27:39 PM
for the record I wouldn't trade bodies w/ onlyme.
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: tbombz on November 21, 2008, 06:38:06 PM

This is an absolute and can never change.

A Macronutrient is not a macronutrient.

i showed a little whil;e ago that a gram of prtootein while technically having 4 calories truly only contains 1.6 calories when you take into account the rate of gluconeognesis (takes two grams of amino acids to create on gram of glucose) aND ALSO TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THERMIC EFFECT OF DIGESTION ( 40% OF PROTEIN CALORIES )... SO 4 CALORIES DIVIDED BY 2 (GLUCONEOGENSIS) SUBTRACT 40% (tef) = 1.6 CCALORIES PER GRAM OF PROTEIN

oops didnt mean fopr the caps lock
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: danielson on November 21, 2008, 06:40:55 PM
You do know when you talk no one listens and in reality you really don't matter, don't you?  So really instead of trying to fit in and being something you are not you should just turn off your computer and watch Hanna Montana.

Serious question, do you even know you are morbidly obese? I can not imagine why someone who looks like you makes fun of other peoples builds. It makes no sense at all, you are too fat to walk but you make fun of slender guys ???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: tommywishbone on November 21, 2008, 06:41:25 PM
Adam Richard Abeles is the biggest liar on the internet-those who beleeeeve his out right lies are just DUMB.

Jewish and he's embarassed of it big time-pretends he's an ayrian super man...LOL what a fktard he is in the class of goodbum and david merza  (fatcasm fat father) and faggy waggy.

No formal education, no experience at all the biiitch started training at 12 and after 16 years of lifting is 160 lbs?

Juiced his ass off as a teen big fking time ...

Go search on ELITE Fitness for his former handle THE STEEL BEAST...

Those who have been on here a long time can remember some of the stupid posts he has made gravity suits working for NASA degree in Physics doing a couple of reps of chin ups every time he took a piss storeis of eating all junk food and drinking expensive wine...owns 3 houses he paid cash for....on and on and on and on....

good gosh liar liar pants on fire...

Juiced to the gills on anabols and attached...

Brock Lesner is The True Adonis?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Master Blaster on November 21, 2008, 06:42:20 PM
You do know when you talk no one listens and in reality you really don't matter, don't you?  So really instead of trying to fit in and being something you are not you should just turn off your computer and watch Hanna Montana.

Actually, you don't really "talk" on the internet (yet). VOIP is still in its infancy.

Hope that helps.

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: tommywishbone on November 21, 2008, 06:44:18 PM
The adonis principles are retarded and fake. Food with lots of sugar are causing insulin spikes during unwanted times.. this is when you get fat.

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 06:46:35 PM
Serious question, do you even know you are morbidly obese? I can not imagine why someone who looks like you makes fun of other peoples builds. It makes no sense at all, you are too fat to walk but you make fun of slender guys ???
remember the thread that I started and he was voted the fattest member?
yet, continues on his path..............
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Master Blaster on November 21, 2008, 06:48:37 PM
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: danielson on November 21, 2008, 06:48:55 PM
remember the thread that I started and he was voted the fattest member?
yet, continues on his path..............

It makes no sense, he is one of the fattest people in the world and he belittles other peoples builds. He doesn't belong here anyway, Getbiggers care about what they look like, this guy doesn't even care if he lives or dies obviously.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 06:50:53 PM
It makes no sense, he is one of the fattest people in the world and he belittles other peoples builds. He doesn't belong here anyway, Getbiggers care about what they look like, this guy doesn't even care if he lives or dies obviously.
thus making a good candidate for your "plan"  ;D
maybe he does all of this act on getbig cuz he can't deal with the reality that he is so morbidly obese?  :-\
maybe talking about others and trying to put them down, makes him fell better?

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 06:57:53 PM
A CALORIE WILL ALWAYS BE A CALORIE no matter what.[/color

A DUMBASS WILL ALSO ALWAYS BE A DUMBASS no matter what. doesn't look like there's much hope for you, TA.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: leonp1981 on November 21, 2008, 06:57:58 PM
Adam Richard Abeles is the biggest liar on the internet-those who beleeeeve his out right lies are just DUMB.

Jewish and he's embarassed of it big time-pretends he's an ayrian super man...LOL what a fktard he is in the class of goodbum and david merza  (fatcasm fat father) and faggy waggy.

No formal education, no experience at all the biiitch started training at 12 and after 16 years of lifting is 160 lbs?

Juiced his ass off as a teen big fking time ...

Go search on ELITE Fitness for his former handle THE STEEL BEAST...

Those who have been on here a long time can remember some of the stupid posts he has made gravity suits working for NASA degree in Physics doing a couple of reps of chin ups every time he took a piss storeis of eating all junk food and drinking expensive wine...owns 3 houses he paid cash for....on and on and on and on....

good gosh liar liar pants on fire...

Juiced to the gills on anabols and attached...

I think it's interesting that if those pics had been posted on the G&O on a "Natural or Not" thread, most of the people sticking up for Adonis here would prob be shouting 'juicer'.  Whether he has or hasn't, only he knows, and I doubt whether we'll be seeing any evidence any time soon.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: danielson on November 21, 2008, 06:59:44 PM
thus making a good candidate for your "plan"  ;D
maybe he does all of this act on getbig cuz he can't deal with the reality that he is so morbidly obese?  :-\
maybe talking about others and trying to put them down, makes him fell better?


Fkn spiders! ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: onlyme on November 21, 2008, 07:00:52 PM
It makes no sense, he is one of the fattest people in the world and he belittles other peoples builds. He doesn't belong here anyway, Getbiggers care about what they look like, this guy doesn't even care if he lives or dies obviously.

hahahahaahaha yea your a winner.  You are just a nobody on Getbig live with that.  Hey when you do something with your life then I will let you talk direct to me and I may give you more time. Till then you are just another internet troll with no life.  Sorry to hit you with the truth.

Those fucking spiders
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Master Blaster on November 21, 2008, 07:01:39 PM
I think it's interesting that if those pics had been posted on the G&O on a "Natural or Not" thread, most of the people sticking up for Adonis here would prob be shouting 'juicer'.  Whether he has or hasn't, only he knows, and I doubt whether we'll be seeing any evidence any time soon.

Why don't you bite into a big shit sandwich?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:04:30 PM
hahahahaahaha yea your a winner.  You are just a nobody on Getbig live with that.  Hey when you do something with your life then I will let you talk direct to me and I may give you more time. Till then you are just another internet troll with no life.  Sorry to hit you with the truth.

Those fucking spiders
tell us about your accomplishments in the 70's again you dick  :D
you're FREAKISHLY OBESE, that's the truth
you have NO room to criticize ANYBODY

hope this helps
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: danielson on November 21, 2008, 07:04:50 PM
hahahahaahaha yea your a winner.  You are just a nobody on Getbig live with that.  Hey when you do something with your life then I will let you talk direct to me and I may give you more time. Till then you are just another internet troll with no life.  Sorry to hit you with the truth.

Those fucking spiders

Oh no, I am a nobody on a messageboard :( What will I ever do with myself now! Oh that's right, I can go out in the real world without being laughed at, get around without having a heart attack and after I take this hot bitch out for a few drinks in a bit I will fuck her all night. I can live with being a "nobody" on Getbig I guess. So Fatman, what are your plans for tonight? A few feedings, stalking Vince Goodrum and trying to find your dick to jerk off ???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 21, 2008, 07:07:03 PM
Adam Richard Abeles is the biggest liar on the internet-those who beleeeeve his out right lies are just DUMB.

Jewish and he's embarassed of it big time-pretends he's an ayrian super man...LOL what a fktard he is in the class of goodbum and david merza  (fatcasm fat father) and faggy waggy.

No formal education, no experience at all the biiitch started training at 12 and after 16 years of lifting is 160 lbs?

Juiced his ass off as a teen big fking time ...

Go search on ELITE Fitness for his former handle THE STEEL BEAST...

Those who have been on here a long time can remember some of the stupid posts he has made gravity suits working for NASA degree in Physics doing a couple of reps of chin ups every time he took a piss storeis of eating all junk food and drinking expensive wine...owns 3 houses he paid cash for....on and on and on and on....

good gosh liar liar pants on fire...

Juiced to the gills on anabols and attached...

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:07:16 PM
Oh no, I am a nobody on a messageboard :( What will I ever do with myself now! Oh that's right, I can go out in the real world without being laughed at, get around without having a heart attack and after I take this hot bitch out for a few drinks in a bit I will fuck her all night. I can live with being a "nobody" on Getbig I guess. So Fatman, what are your plans for tonight? A few feedings, stalking Vince Goodrum and trying to find your dick to jerk off ???

you're not saying that he is so obsessed with goodrum cuz he is attracted to him are you?
cuz we didn't know that  ::)
gayer than jerking off to vince goodrum then bashing him to throw people off
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: leonp1981 on November 21, 2008, 07:07:19 PM
Why don't you bite into a big shit sandwich?

Any particular reason?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: danielson on November 21, 2008, 07:09:09 PM
you're not saying that he is so obsessed with goodrum cuz he is attracted to him are you?
cuz we didn't know that  ::)
gayer than jerking off to vince goodrum then bashing him to throw people off

It has to be. Go through his posts, 90% of them are about Vince. A 60 year old man has nothing better to do than follow a gay black dude around a forum. He really is a sick dude.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 21, 2008, 07:11:10 PM
tell us about your accomplishments in the 70's again you dick  :D
you're FREAKISHLY OBESE, that's the truth
you have NO room to criticize ANYBODY

hope this helps

onlyme being obese doesnt mean you re not a young scared delusional  loser.

You remind me of that guy in "one million dollar baby" who thinks he s the toughest warrior on earth and end getting his face smashed into marmelade.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: danielson on November 21, 2008, 07:11:52 PM
onlyme being obese doesnt mean you re not a young delusional and deeply anoying loser.

You remind me of that guy in "one million dollar baby" who thinks he s the toughest warrior on earth and end getting his face smashed into marmelade.

But Morgan Freeman whipped that dudes ass. Call me Morgan :D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:12:56 PM
onlyme being obese doesnt mean you re not a young scared delusional  loser.

You remind me of that guy in "one million dollar baby" who thinks he s the toughest warrior on earth and end getting his face smashed into marmelade.
I saw your picture, I destroy you, moron
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:14:22 PM
onlyme being obese doesnt mean you re not a young scared delusional  loser.

You remind me of that guy in "one million dollar baby" who thinks he s the toughest warrior on earth and end getting his face smashed into marmelade.
didn't candizzle flame you to the ground for your shitty body?
do you not learn?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on November 21, 2008, 07:14:53 PM
hahahahaahaha yea your a winner.  You are just a nobody on Getbig live with that.  Hey when you do something with your life then I will let you talk direct to me and I may give you more time. Till then you are just another internet troll with no life.  Sorry to hit you with the truth.

Those fucking spiders

I'm writing this in the most civil way I can. Often times you seem to degenerate your opinions and arguments w/ board members to this older brother/older uncle/has been type scenario where you are "somebody" here at getbig. It's a message board, we are all nobody's. What you did in life means shit here. If Arnold in the flesh posted here he'd be ripped on. Stop citing reality for how you can sit and throw juvenile insults at people at all hours of the day nonstop. You're childish and sinking down to whatever level you claim to be above.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 21, 2008, 07:16:37 PM
didn't candizzle flame you to the ground for your shitty body?
do you not learn?

huh? wtf are you talking about?

You're so full of yourself you a disaster waiting to happen.

You popped out of nowhere and started annoying everyone spamming the board 24/7 with your insignificant life... What's wrong with you ?

Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: danielson on November 21, 2008, 07:18:15 PM
I'm writing this in the most civil way I can. Often times you seem to degenerate your opinions and arguments w/ board members to this older brother/older uncle/has been type scenario where you are "somebody" here at getbig. It's a message board, we are all nobody's. What you did in life means shit here. If Arnold in the flesh posted here he'd be ripped on. Stop citing reality for how you can sit and throw juvenile insults at people at all hours of the day nonstop. You're childish and sinking down to whatever level you claim to be above.

Keith was a decent poster back in the day. Then he started to obsess over Goodrum. What could the guy have possibly done to Keith to warrant this obsession? Then Keith said he was going to be more serious and he was cool again then he went right back to being a stalker. Now he says he laughs at Adonis' life. How the fuck can a fat guy like him laugh at a guy with a good build, a good looking girl and his whole life ahead of him? Doesn't make sense.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 07:18:30 PM
what is your point?
yes my picture...and?
I see a resemblance......
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:18:51 PM
you look so impressive with clothes on?
lets see
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:20:06 PM
Keith was a decent poster back in the day. Then he started to obsess over Goodrum. What could the guy have possibly done to Keith to warrant this obsession? Then Keith said he was going to be more serious and he was cool again then he went right back to being a stalker. Now he says he laughs at Adonis' life. How the fuck can a fat guy like him laugh at a guy with a good build, a good looking girl and his whole life ahead of him? Doesn't make sense.
he is'nt married? and he's 60? no kids?  ???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: danielson on November 21, 2008, 07:20:49 PM
Keith is'nt married? and he's 60? no kids?  ???

I have no clue, I heard his daughter disowned him. Not sure.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: flagadajones on November 21, 2008, 07:21:03 PM
what is your point?
yes my picture...and?

and dont forget that whatever you do with your shitty physique, you will always lose cause of your "face"


Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:22:52 PM
and dont forget that whatever you do with your shitty physique, you will always lose cause of your "face"

LOL you're so ugly you cut your head off your pics

we can compare faces if you want  :)

here is mine
throw yours up
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:30:35 PM
still waiting for you Mr. "Fag-Jones"  :)

Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:32:23 PM
A DUMBASS WILL ALSO ALWAYS BE A DUMBASS no matter what. doesn't look like there's much hope for you, TA.

he's right

1 calorie of wood = 1 calorie of plastic

1 calorie of anything= 1 calorie of anything

it's just like

1 pound of anything= 1 pound of anything else
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 07:34:21 PM

LOL you're so ugly you cut your head off your pics

we can compare faces if you want  :)

here is mine
throw yours up
So you have one pic where you don't look like a balding alien?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 07:43:44 PM
he's right

1 calorie of wood = 1 calorie of plastic

1 calorie of anything= 1 calorie of anything

it's just like

1 pound of anything= 1 pound of anything else

YES!  I can now start a wood and plastic diet - as long as I get in my .5 to 1 gm of protein per lb, I should be OK!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:51:23 PM
So you have one pic where you don't look like a balding alien?
I have posted several, you want my pics sweetie?  :-* ................ :-\
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:55:07 PM
YES!  I can now start a wood and plastic diet - as long as I get in my .5 to 1 gm of protein per lb, I should be OK!
your body can't digest wood and plastic

the rest of your calories should come from carbs, proteins or fats

whatever you like

it can be all from table sugar if you like 

but make sure to take your multivitamin if you're gonna do that

you'll be ok  :)
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 07:55:25 PM
I have posted several, you want my pics sweetie?  :-* ................ :-\
Why dont you post the straight on pic where you look like a fuckin psycho that just woke up?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Alex23 on November 21, 2008, 07:57:09 PM
your body can't digest wood and plastic
the rest of your calories should come from carbs, proteins or fats
whatever you like
it can be all from table sugar if you like 
but make sure to take your multivitamin if you're gonna do that
you'll be ok  :)

Ahmad-Joseph-Chrishna, you spend too much time on here; finals are coming and you should be studying instead.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:58:15 PM
Why dont you post the straight on pic where you look like a fuckin psycho that just woke up?
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 07:59:41 PM
Ahmad-Joseph-Chrishna, you spend too much time on here; finals are coming and you should be studying instead.
you're right actually
I'll get on that starting tomorrow
Post by: Disgusted on November 21, 2008, 08:00:25 PM
I guess the concept of humor is lost on you.  I do admit its not THAT funny, but if you can`t understand the obvious sarcasm here then its about time the lightbulb in the brainbox gets replaced.

How about a Jet Fuel only diet?  I think that works just fine as well.

Calm down Adam, you are making assumptions based on nothing. I simply posted your answer cause I came across it. You may have been kidding so if you say you were then I believe you.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 08:04:41 PM
Impossible, this guy is far too muscular to be you.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 08:07:36 PM
Holy shit, who's the fuckin idiot that merged these threads?
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 08:08:46 PM

3 different threads....merged
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Disgusted on November 21, 2008, 08:13:42 PM
Sometimes these mods take their "job" just a little bit too serious.  ::)
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 08:14:53 PM
Sometimes these mods take their "job" just a little bit too serious.  ::)
now this thread has over 1,000 posts  ;D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: Alex23 on November 21, 2008, 08:18:50 PM
LOL you're so ugly you cut your head off your pics
we can compare faces if you want  :)
here is mine
throw yours up

Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 08:18:55 PM
Sometimes these mods take their "job" just a little bit too serious.  ::)
I'm going to read your entire thread on the positive board, hopefully, I'll learn something   ;)
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 08:20:14 PM

I don't get it  ???

epic fail

you have your masters in computer science, try harder  >:(
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: Alex23 on November 21, 2008, 08:22:34 PM
I don't get it  ???

epic fail

you have your masters in computer science, try harder  >:(

Looking good there Ahmad..


Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 08:24:41 PM
Looking good there Ahmad..


epic fails all around the place  ;D

Mr. computer wizard
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 08:28:50 PM
epic fails all around the place  ;D

Mr. computer wizard

Alex23 is a better looking person than you and probably has nailed more HOT ladies than you would ever hope to.  He's got a freewheeling personality and makes good coin.  He's also very big.  You are very tall and lanky. 

Put on some weight, get a degree, a well paying job in a good field and we can start comparisons with Alex in a few years.

You aren't even in the same conversation with Alex23 right now.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 08:29:54 PM
Alex23 is a better looking person than you and probably has nailed more HOT ladies than you would ever hope to.  He's got a freewheeling personality and makes good coin.  He's also very big.  You are very tall and lanky. 

Put on some weight, get a degree, a well paying job in a good field and we can start comparisons with Alex in a few years.

You aren't even in the same conversation with Alex23 right now.
Hi Alex.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Alex23 on November 21, 2008, 08:32:10 PM
Hi Alex.

Hi J.... ;D

relentless' a good guy.. we meet last year the firehouse, good friend with Jeff and a sports a pretty girl by his side... the type of guy born with big arms who would get huge if he played the dark side...
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 08:34:23 PM
Hi J.... ;D

relentless' a good guy.. we meet last year the firehouse, good friend with Jeff and a sports a pretty girl by his side... the type of guy born with big arms who would get huge if he played the dark side...
LOL, the way he came to your defense, I would think you married his sister. ;D

How's married life treating you?
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 08:39:58 PM
Alex23 is a better looking person than you and probably has nailed more HOT ladies than you would ever hope to.  He's got a freewheeling personality and makes good coin.  He's also very big.  You are very tall and lanky. 

Put on some weight, get a degree, a well paying job in a good field and we can start comparisons with Alex in a few years.

You aren't even in the same conversation with Alex23 right now.
ease up champ  :o
you're not married to the guy are you?
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 08:40:34 PM
LOL, the way he came to your defense, I would think you married his sister. ;D

How's married life treating you?

Alex23 is a good dude who also happens to be well-rounded; not a common theme amongst getbiggers.

AXA needs constant correction and I want to help him see the light.  Being 19and delusional is no way to start out in the real world; it's our collective duty to assist him in the awakening process.

Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 08:42:12 PM
ease up champ  :o
you're not married to the guy are you?

You moron.  I am with the girl in the firehouse video.  She's sitting in between me and tommywishbone. 

How many times do I have to set you straight?
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: Alex23 on November 21, 2008, 08:42:45 PM
How's married life treating you?

Surprisingly well ;D

Now that she got what she wanted, I can do whatever I want whenever I want... and also get whatever I want whenever...  ;D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 08:42:58 PM
You moron.  I am with the girl in the firehouse video.  She's sitting in between me and tommywishbone. 

How many times do I have to set you straight?

here is a video?

lets see  :D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 08:43:54 PM
Surprisingly well ;D

Now that she got what she wanted, I can do whatever I want whenever I want... and also get whatever I want whenever...  ;D
that's unexpected, usually women do the opposite in a marriage, good for you Alex  ;)
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 08:44:45 PM
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 08:46:39 PM
Surprisingly well ;D

Now that she got what she wanted, I can do whatever I want whenever I want... and also get whatever I want whenever...  ;D

Nice little perk of marriage, isn't it?  Hehe!
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 08:49:04 PM
Alex23 is a good dude who also happens to be well-rounded; not a common theme amongst getbiggers.

AXA needs constant correction and I want to help him see the light.  Being 19and delusional is no way to start out in the real world; it's our collective duty to assist him in the awakening process.

We've been beating AXA for months, he's too retarded to know it though. :-\

Surprisingly well ;D

Now that she got what she wanted, I can do whatever I want whenever I want... and also get whatever I want whenever...  ;D
That's cool stuff, my wifes kind of the same way, as long as I don't get myself killed, it's OK. :D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 08:49:05 PM

nothing cooler than meeting people from this site
chaos what do you say?
lunch?  ;D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 08:50:10 PM
nothing cooler than meeting people from this site
chaos what do you say?
lunch?  ;D

Now you can put a face to that B&W pic you have of me.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 08:52:05 PM
Now you can put a face to that B&W pic you have of me.


who was the guy behind the camera and what was up with the golds gym bag?
Post by: The True Adonis on November 21, 2008, 08:52:27 PM
Calm down Adam, you are making assumptions based on nothing. I simply posted your answer cause I came across it. You may have been kidding so if you say you were then I believe you.

I really didn`t thing you were bamboozled into thinking that was anything but a lame attempt at sarcasm.  You get to keep your lightbulb!
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 08:54:49 PM
nothing cooler than meeting people from this site
chaos what do you say?
lunch?  ;D
I've met a few from here, including I say, Relentless is right, Alex would dwarf you in every aspect of life. Get used to it, twink!!!
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 08:59:21 PM
In which city do you live AXA?
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 09:00:23 PM
In which city do you live AXA?
Regina, Canada
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: Alex23 on November 21, 2008, 09:01:22 PM
Regina, Canada

Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 09:01:31 PM
Regina, Canada

Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: nycbull on November 21, 2008, 09:02:57 PM
Surprisingly well ;D

Now that she got what she wanted, I can do whatever I want whenever I want... and also get whatever I want whenever...  ;D

are you saying you have an open marriage? just askin no biggie
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: nycbull on November 21, 2008, 09:05:18 PM
relentless = good looking  McFarland too,,, and yes Alex but we already new that...didnt catch the names of the others.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 09:06:32 PM

I see you found the point of view pics I took.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Alex23 on November 21, 2008, 09:08:19 PM
are you saying you have an open marriage? just askin no biggie

You know I'm mormon right?
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 09:10:19 PM
You know I'm mormon right?
Getbig's gay brigade is going to whoop your ass!!! ;D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 09:10:50 PM
relentless = good looking  McFarland too,,, and yes Alex but we already new that...didnt catch the names of the others.

Thanks!  The others at the table were Relentless' lady, tommywishbone, and CSwol.  The Freakshow was behind the camera.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 09:11:25 PM
Regina, Canada

Are you in college AXA?  If not, what are you doing?
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 09:19:33 PM
Are you in college AXA?  If not, what are you doing?
yes, studying Business Administration
probably going to change it to some other career path, I still can
computer science, engineering, geology
I still haven't decided
I have 3 days left to make a decision  :-\

and yourself?
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 09:21:09 PM
yes, studying Business Administration
probably going to change it to some other career path, I still can
computer science, engineering, geology
I still haven't decided
I have 3 days left to make a decision  :-\

and yourself?
You should get into proctology.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: nycbull on November 21, 2008, 09:22:23 PM
You know I'm mormon right?

hahaha, no, but didnt think there were any Mormons from your part of Canada I know a bunch moved up there for polygamy. Near North Dakota... I read it in a book...supposedly they're a bunch of nuts.

anyway the open marriage thing is overrated, nothing like a committed relationship.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 09:24:10 PM
yes, studying Business Administration
probably going to change it to some other career path, I still can
computer science, engineering, geology
I still haven't decided
I have 3 days left to make a decision  :-\

and yourself?

I graduated with a BBA in Business Management a couple of years ago.  Unless you have a good idea of what you would like to do after college or have some good business connections, I highly suggest you look at a diff major.  Biz Management degrees are a dime a dozen these days.  If you want to stay in school and pursue an MBA, that's a different story.

IMO, you're much better off looking at a degree like engineering or comp science.  Business Management is not a technical skill and is kind of a "catch-all" major.  You'll probably end up in sales or a shitty management program with a large company if you don't have a good network already.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 09:30:56 PM
I graduated with a BBA in Business Management a couple of years ago.  Unless you have a good idea of what you would like to do after college or have some good business connections, I highly suggest you look at a diff major.  Biz Management degrees are a dime a dozen these days.  If you want to stay in school and pursue an MBA, that's a different story.

IMO, you're much better off looking at a degree like engineering or comp science.  Business Management is not a technical skill and is kind of a "catch-all" major.  You'll probably end up in sales or a shitty management program with a large company if you don't have a good network already.

thanks for your input

yes, I agree, SO MANY people graduate from business, every year
getting a business degree doesn't mean anything these days
I will look into engineering or comp science (I like working with computers  ;D )
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: nycbull on November 21, 2008, 09:41:02 PM
thanks for your input

yes, I agree, SO MANY people graduate from business, every year
getting a business degree doesn't mean anything these days
I will look into engineering or comp science (I like working with computers  ;D )

technology is tough, always changing and skills becoming the laws will always be the same...not in computers
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 09:42:41 PM
technology is tough, always changing and skills becoming the laws will always be the same...not in computers

great point, computers get out dated faster than a heart beat
I'm gonna have to do some research, I'll need a career that pays the bills and leaves some money left
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: windsor88 on November 21, 2008, 09:44:29 PM
technology is tough, always changing and skills becoming the laws will always be the same...not in computers

Got that right.  I am always in school, taking bullshit training.  I fucking hate it.  There is no end in sight.  I am waiting for Alex to hire me so I can move out to Cali and have it made.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 09:44:48 PM
great point, computers get out dated faster than a heart beat
I'm gonna have to do some research, I'll need a career that pays the bills and leaves some money left

Just get into the oil business.  From what I understand, there are quite a few people making decent $$$ in Canada in the oil business.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 09:46:27 PM
great point, computers get out dated faster than a heart beat
I'm gonna have to do some research, I'll need a career that pays the bills and leaves some money left


Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 09:50:25 PM
Just get into the oil business.  From what I understand, there are quite a few people making decent $$$ in Canada in the oil business.
ya, and they just found lots of oil here in saskatchewan, since we're next to Alberta we have almost the same amount of oil
I wonder what's gonna happen with the oil industry in the future
I'm thinking about becoming a petroleum engineer
my dad is an electrical engineer
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 09:52:11 PM
ya, and they just found lots of oil here in saskatchewan, since we're next to Alberta we have almost the same amount of oil
I wonder what's gonna happen with the oil industry in the future
I'm thinking about becoming a petroleum engineer

Oil isn't going to cease being the most coveted form of energy in the world anytime soon.  Becoming a petroleum engineer is probably not a bad idea.  Just don't get STUPID and think you might want to move down to Venice, CA and become a professional bodybuilder.

Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 09:54:51 PM
Oil isn't going to cease being the most coveted form of energy in the world anytime soon.  Becoming a petroleum engineer is probably not a bad idea.  Just don't get STUPID and think you might want to move down to Venice, CA and become a professional bodybuilder.


I wont haha, like Alex said in his thread, I don't wanna be a middle aged man without a job or family "living the dream"
having muscles doesn't mean anything when you're lonely and poor
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 09:55:05 PM
ya, and they just found lots of oil here in saskatchewan, since we're next to Alberta we have almost the same amount of oil
I wonder what's gonna happen with the oil industry in the future
I'm thinking about becoming a petroleum engineer
my dad is an electrical engineer
Your dad had to get a degree to work on trucks?
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 09:57:05 PM
Your dad had to get a degree to work on trucks?
that was a contract, he wasn't working on trucks, those idiots even got my name wrong
he takes contracts on the side of working for an electrical company
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 09:58:01 PM

I wont haha, like Alex said in his thread, I don't wanna be a middle aged man without a job or family "living the dream"
having muscles doesn't mean anything when you're lonely and poor

Living the dream is only possible for a very select few.  IMO, bodybuilding as a career chooses you more than you choosing it.  It just sorta happens...

I've been out in Venice and seen what it's like; it's VERY VERY hard to make something happen out there unless you are willing to do WHATEVER it takes.  If you want to make it in that environment without compromising something, you are gonna have a rude awakening very quickly.  
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 10:00:41 PM
that was a contract, he wasn't working on trucks, those idiots even got my name wrong
he takes contracts on the side of working for an electrical company

LOL, bullshit.

You know I know the truth.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 10:04:20 PM
Living the dream is only possible for a very select few.  IMO, bodybuilding as a career chooses you more than you choosing it.  It just sorta happens...

I've been out in Venice and seen what it's like; it's VERY VERY hard to make something happen out there unless you are willing to do WHATEVER it takes.  If you want to make it in that environment without compromising something, you are gonna have a rude awakening very quickly.  

nah, I'll maybe compete in natural shows if the opportunity presents itself, I'll still be hitting the gym
unlike most who hate it, I love working out
I don't have the dream of becoming Mr. Olympia
just like professional wrestling, VERY few make it

LOL, bullshit.

You know I know the truth.

whatever makes you happy
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 10:06:23 PM
nah, I'll maybe compete in natural shows if the opportunity presents itself, I'll still be hitting the gym
unlike most who hate it, I love working out
I don't have the dream of becoming Mr. Olympia
just like professional wrestling, VERY few make it

I think the best approach is to just do what you love and not worry about "making it" so much.  If it's meant to happen, it will!  Taking this sort of approach will allow one to be more relaxed and just enjoy life instead of straining so hard; you'll get much better results.

Look at Ronnie's start in about destiny!
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 10:08:58 PM
I think the best approach is to just do what you love and not worry about "making it" so much.  If it's meant to happen, it will!  Taking this sort of approach will allow one to be more relaxed and just enjoy life instead of straining so hard; you'll get much better results.

Look at Ronnie's start in about destiny!

I completely agree with you, let it go the way it wants to go

Just like Ronnie says, I also believe everybody has a destiny....he went from being a policeman to an 8 time Mr. Olympia 
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 10:10:42 PM
I completely agree with you, let it go the way it wants to go

Just like Ronnie says, I also believe everybody has a destiny....he went from being a policeman to an 8 time Mr. Olympia 

You're getting wiser, AXA,  Stick around kid!
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 10:14:32 PM
You're getting wiser, AXA,  Stick around kid!

I'm learning   ;D
adding more knowledge to my EPIC 9 months experience in bodybuilding and 19 years in life  :D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: chaos on November 21, 2008, 10:21:47 PM
I'm learning   ;D
adding more knowledge and denial to my EPIC 9 months experience in bodybuilding and 19 years in life  :D
fixed, little buddy.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 10:23:29 PM
fixed, little buddy.

Hehe! AXA got a healthy dose of reality at the mr. getbig....let's see what his next move is.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 10:28:29 PM
Hehe! AXA got a healthy dose of reality at the mr. getbig....let's see what his next move is.
this is true
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 10:29:19 PM
this is true

What's next, AXA?
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 10:40:04 PM
What's next, AXA?
well, if we're talking about physique, for the next month, I'm on my quest to getting ripped for my vacation which comes christmas time in Romania
after I get back, I'm putting 100% effort into building as much muscle as I can, until the time for Mr. Getbig 4, then I'll diet down
to 4% and see how it goes  :)
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: TommyBoy on November 21, 2008, 10:47:09 PM
well, if we're talking about physique, for the next month, I'm on my quest to getting ripped for my vacation which comes christmas time in Romania
after I get back, I'm putting 100% effort into building as much muscle as I can, until the time for Mr. Getbig 4, then I'll diet down
to 4% and see how it goes  :)

Four 4% is miserably low. I've been tested at 5% before (over a period of two weeks) with calipers (room for error) and I distinctly remember not seeing carbs or fat in my diet for a while to do that. Oh, and I was doing track on top of my lifting at the time.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 10:50:46 PM
well, if we're talking about physique, for the next month, I'm on my quest to getting ripped for my vacation which comes christmas time in Romania
after I get back, I'm putting 100% effort into building as much muscle as I can, until the time for Mr. Getbig 4, then I'll diet down
to 4% and see how it goes  :)

Do you have any idea of how low 4% is?
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 10:57:14 PM
Do you have any idea of how low 4% is?
very low, but conditioning seems to be what wins Mr. Getbig
so if I can add another 20 pounds of muscle and be at 4% I could win it hands down
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 10:58:23 PM
very low, but conditioning seems to be what wins Mr. Getbig
so if I can add another 20 pounds of muscle and be at 4% I could win it hands down

Do you have any idea of how difficult it is to add 20 lbs of muscle?  Come on AXA, I thought we were getting somewhere.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 10:58:23 PM
Four 4% is miserably low. I've been tested at 5% before (over a period of two weeks) with calipers (room for error) and I distinctly remember not seeing carbs or fat in my diet for a while to do that. Oh, and I was doing track on top of my lifting at the time.
why do you have Romania highlighted in red?  ;D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 10:59:54 PM
Do you have any idea of how difficult it is to add 20 lbs of muscle?  Come on AXA, I thought we were getting somewhere.
we are, we are,  ;D
consider this, I have been only doing this for 9 months, half assing it
and I have a 6 foot 7 inch frame to fill
so 20 pounds in the next year, seems reasonable to me
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: CAPTAIN INSANO on November 21, 2008, 11:01:39 PM
so 20 pounds in the next year, seems reasonable to me

20 lbs. natty, hahahahahaha!

unattainable without drugs ::)
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: TommyBoy on November 21, 2008, 11:02:08 PM
very low, but conditioning seems to be what wins Mr. Getbig
so if I can add another 20 pounds of muscle and be at 4% I could win it hands down

AXA bro, I've said it before and I'll say it have good potential but need to be realistic at times. Have you seen the pics of Jrod in contest condition? I'd wager thats 5-6%. I've been there before. It sucks and it is incredibly difficult to get there and maintain for a length of time. I don't honestly know if you can put on a LOT of muscle and diet down to that level naturally in time for the next GBIV without wasting away. You might have the genes to do it but that is statistically unlikely. And if you have any kind of faith in ADP then its a wash.

20 lbs. natty, hahahahahaha!

unattainable without drugs ::)

He didn't specify 20lbs of what. :)

I myself actually plan on putting on 20 lbs during the holidays in an attempt to finally break 190 for the first time in my life. That 20lbs won't be all muscle.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: nycbull on November 21, 2008, 11:03:05 PM
we are, we are,  ;D
consider this, I have been only doing this for 9 months, half assing it
and I have a 6 foot 7 inch frame to fill
so 20 pounds in the next year, seems reasonable to me

your dreaming kid, maybe with lots of nice fat around it but not diced.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 11:04:17 PM
we are, we are,  ;D
consider this, I have been only doing this for 9 months, half assing it
and I have a 6 foot 7 inch frame to fill
so 20 pounds in the next year, seems reasonable to me

Bro, you probably won't put on 20 lbs of muscle in one year and diet down to 4%...unless you are on gear or a complete genetic freak of which the like we have never seen.  

Is it possible?  I guess...but it would take a monumental effort with you LIVING and BREATHING bodybuilding and not missing any meals or workouts.  I think that's a bit unrealistic to say you plan on putting 20 lbs in one year's time.  You sure as hell won't reach that goal using TA's principles.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 11:05:27 PM
your dreaming kid, maybe with lots of nice fat around it but not diced.

This kid is a dreamer with sprinkles of delusion.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: nycbull on November 21, 2008, 11:07:26 PM
This kid is a dreamer with sprinkles of delusion.

well you have taken him on, kids are not easy...are you in for the long haul? :D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 11:09:06 PM
well you have taken him on, kids are not easy...are you in for the long haul? :D

He's capable of righting the ship; I actually think he's got potential in certain respects.  He just needs the proper guidance. 

Hopefully I won't let impatience get the better of me and abandon him too soon.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 11:09:22 PM
Bro, you probably won't put on 20 lbs of muscle in one year and diet down to 4%...unless you are on gear or a complete genetic freak of which the like we have never seen.  

Is it possible?  I guess...but it would take a monumental effort with you LIVING and BREATHING bodybuilding and not missing any meals or workouts.  I think that's a bit unrealistic to say you plan on putting 20 lbs in one year's time.  You sure as hell won't reach that goal using TA's principles.

LOL, alright, on here a person has to prove everything, so I guess my time will come to prove myself later on  hahahaha
you call it delusion, I call it having a dream  ;D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: TommyBoy on November 21, 2008, 11:13:25 PM
LOL, alright, on here a person has to prove everything, so I guess my time will come to prove myself later on  hahahaha
you call it delusion, I call it having a dream  ;D

Having dreams and aspirations is perfectly fine. Just don't set goals wayyyyyy to big. There is that much more disappointment. I'd aim for 10lbs of LBM gained and 6-7% BF for the GBIV for a realistic goal. Even 10lbs is a LOT of lean mass on natural.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 11:13:29 PM
LOL, alright, on here a person has to prove everything, so I guess my time will come to prove myself later on  hahahaha
you call it delusion, I call it having a dream  ;D

Prove it with results, not talk.  As you can well see, many before you have tried to claim accomplishments without any proof - this will make you disliked very quickly.  

Spend less time posting and more time lifting & eating.  Amaze us with your visible progress, not empty boasting.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 11:16:04 PM
20 lbs. natty, hahahahahaha!

unattainable without drugs ::)

The only natties I've seen put on that kind of lean bodyweight have been training for YEARS and lift very very HEAVY.  They also do not miss any workouts and eat around the clock. 

AXA needs to master the fundamentals before he can start talking about putting on 20 lbs of lean mass and hitting 4% body fat. 
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 21, 2008, 11:16:41 PM
Prove it with results, not talk.  As you can well see, many before you have tried to claim accomplishments without any proof - this will make you disliked very quickly.  

Spend less time posting and more time lifting & eating.  Amaze us with your visible progress, not empty boasting.
I plan on doing this  ;)

but I'm going to sleep now, good night all
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: nycbull on November 21, 2008, 11:20:36 PM
I plan on doing this  ;)

but I'm going to sleep now, good night all

typical ungratefull kid
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: IFBBwannaB on November 21, 2008, 11:22:38 PM

This is an absolute and can never change.

A Macronutrient is not a macronutrient.

A calorie is a physical unit thus that statement is true. But since we are not talking about ideal closed physical systems (something you know nothing about) this statement is totally unrelated.

You might as well say that getting electricity from wind is the same as from coal, you're a fool that think he have a clue in physics.

I hope that helped.

Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 11:23:44 PM
typical ungratefull kid

Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: WillGrant on November 21, 2008, 11:24:08 PM
Bro, you probably won't put on 20 lbs of muscle in one year and diet down to 4%...unless you are on gear or a complete genetic freak of which the like we have never seen.  

Is it possible?  I guess...but it would take a monumental effort with you LIVING and BREATHING bodybuilding and not missing any meals or workouts.  I think that's a bit unrealistic to say you plan on putting 20 lbs in one year's time.  You sure as hell won't reach that goal using TA's principles.

I cant see him putting on 20pounds of lean tissue naturaly at all..
He can put weight on but only a few pounds of that will be muscle..just doesnt have the genetics..

Realitys a bitch  :'(
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 11:24:47 PM
A calorie is a physical unit thus that statement is true. But since we are not talking about ideal closed physical systems (something you know nothing about) this statement is totally unrelated.

You might as well say that getting electricity from wind is the same as from coal, you're a fool that think he have a clue in physics.

I hope that helped.

It should help, but it won't.  TA is a lost cause.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 11:27:14 PM
I cant see him putting on 20pounds of lean tissue naturaly at all..
He can put weight on but only a few pounds of that will be muscle..just doesnt have the genetics..

Realitys a bitch  :'(

Ya know, I'd hate to base too many assumptions off a few pics...but AXA does not have the best genetics for competitive bodybuilding.  Maybe this is why he identifies with TA so much?

He hasn't really applied himself (at least he says), so he'll find out soon enough how difficult it really is to put on that kind of bodyweight.
8-10 lbs would be a MUCH better goal.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: WillGrant on November 21, 2008, 11:29:59 PM
Ya know, I'd hate to base too many assumptions off a few pics...but AXA does not have the best genetics for competitive bodybuilding.  Maybe this is why he identifies with TA so much?

He hasn't really applied himself (at least he says), so he'll find out soon enough how difficult it really is to put on that kind of bodyweight.
8-10 lbs would be a MUCH better goal.
Agree..first he has to learn how to eat and train properly..1/4 rep squats and this TA bullshit just wont cut it..
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 11:36:32 PM
Agree..first he has to learn how to eat and train properly..1/4 rep squats and this TA bullshit just wont cut it..

1/4 squats?  You're kidding!
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: onlyme on November 21, 2008, 11:42:42 PM
The evidence is overwhelmingly NOT in favor of High Protein.

It has simply NEVER been demonstrated to be necessary, efficient or worthwhile.

All that money you guys have been wasting could have been spent elsewhere.

It is clear you truly do not believe in consuming protein.  Your huge muscle structure and density exhibits this without a doubt
Title: Re: "Calories are calories" (oh brother) where did I go wrong?
Post by: Relentless on November 21, 2008, 11:45:33 PM
It is clear you truly do not believe in consuming protein.  Your huge muscle structure and density exhibits this without a doubt

His physique speaks for itself, doesn't it?  I think that alone will guarantee a following that will always be minuscule.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: WillGrant on November 22, 2008, 12:29:04 AM
1/4 squats?  You're kidding!
Haha yip..585 pd 1/4 rep squats on the smith machine hence why his quads get mistaken for Platzs  ;D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: no one on November 22, 2008, 12:35:14 AM
1/4 squats?  You're kidding!

yeah, apparently he wants to 'recruit deeper muscle fibers' because, after all, he's been training a whole 8 months now and needs to do partials to grow.

Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: no one on November 22, 2008, 12:39:53 AM
very low, but conditioning seems to be what wins Mr. Getbig
so if I can add another 20 pounds of muscle and be at 4% I could win it hands down

yeah, why stop at 20. whey not go for 30 pounds of muscle and 3 %.

a) you'll be lucky to come in at a true 5-6 % on a 7 site clip, and that is only if you know what you are doing, which you don't.

b) you will never  put on 30 pounds of tissue in a year as natural. be happy if you manage 8-10.

you're so fucking delusional it's laughable- of course anyone thinking they look good when they look like you has to be.

Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Tombo on November 22, 2008, 01:34:50 AM
fuck this thread is a shitstorm..

all that can be taken from it, if you didn't already know is

calories = energy

macronutrients = situationally important

thing is.. you can eat shit for 6 months and still live

but water.. thats a different story, being poorly hydrated for even 24 hours can fuck your shit up
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: wavelength on November 22, 2008, 02:01:02 AM
fuck this thread is a shitstorm..

all that can be taken from it, if you didn't already know is

calories = energy

macronutrients = situationally important

thing is.. you can eat shit for 6 months and still live

but water.. thats a different story, being poorly hydrated for even 24 hours can fuck your shit up

Maybe a better reference (than this thread) is the thread in the nutrition forum:
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Tombo on November 22, 2008, 02:29:40 AM
lol yes i was just making my thoughts known.. as many do around here. you obviously need all the credit making the thread you linked to :P
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 22, 2008, 04:09:23 AM
low reps, lots of weight  ::)

keep training like that, until you tear a muscle, then you'll change your mind
in my own personal experience, more weight doesn't equal better growth
I can do pulldowns with the whole rack, but I don't have a back like yates

shut your fvcking hole you spastic.  >:(
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 22, 2008, 04:12:26 AM
na it was just creatine. Not gear. But as soon as you stop creatine you lose tons of water and bloat over one or two months and you look a lot smaller.

dw has taken steroids.

not to mebtion heroin and crack   :'(
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: tommywishbone on November 22, 2008, 08:00:31 AM
dw has taken steroids.

not to mention heroin and crack   :'(

Don't knock it 'till you try it.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 22, 2008, 08:49:37 AM
shut your fvcking hole you spastic.  >:(
fatpanda, maybe you should give the calorie is a calorie approach a try
I bet it will work for you
you have much trouble losing weight I see, give it a try
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 22, 2008, 08:51:52 AM
fatpanda, maybe you should give the calorie is a calorie approach a try
I bet it will work for you
you have much trouble losing weight I see, give it a try
you have zero knowledge of what it takes to build muscle, or lose fat.

you look like a retarded concentration camp victim.

you are the laughing stock of getbig.

no one takes anything you say seriously.

hope this helps.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: The Showstoppa on November 22, 2008, 08:53:59 AM
Just popped the first top.... :-*
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 22, 2008, 09:40:31 AM
you have zero knowledge of what it takes to build muscle, or lose fat.

you look like a retarded concentration camp victim.

you are the laughing stock of getbig.

no one takes anything you say seriously.

hope this helps.
all I said was this could help you lose the fat you've always tried to lose
you've tried all kinds of shit, homones, try lowering your calories
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 22, 2008, 11:34:32 AM
all I said was this could help you lose the fat you've always tried to lose
you've tried all kinds of shit, homones, try lowering your calories

hahahaha, thanks.

let me return the favour.

try lifting weights some time, it will really fill you out.

try eating protein, it will help put muscle on that coat hanger like frame.

try a hair cut, it will help hide the dirty greasy image you have currently.

try wearing nice clothes and not flanel cardigans you stole from a bum on the street, it will do wonders for your self image.

try reading more posts on here by people more knowledgeable than yourself i.e. everyone (except adonis, as its clear he doesn't know much either)

hope this helps.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Relentless on November 22, 2008, 11:35:48 AM
hahahaha, thanks.

let me return the favour.

try lifting weights some time, it will really fill you out.

try eating protein, it will help put muscle on that coat hanger like frame.

try a hair cut, it will help hide the dirty greasy image you have currently.

try wearing nice clothes and not flanel cardigans you stole from a bum on the street, it will do wonders for your self image.

try reading more posts on here by people more knowledgeable than yourself i.e. everyone (except adonis, as its clear he doesn't know much either)

hope this helps.

This is all good advice AXA - pay close attention.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: wavelength on November 22, 2008, 11:36:32 AM
hahahaha, thanks.

let me return the favour.

try lifting weights some time, it will really fill you out.

try eating protein, it will help put muscle on that coat hanger like frame.

try a hair cut, it will help hide the dirty greasy image you have currently.

try wearing nice clothes and not flanel cardigans you stole from a bum on the street, it will do wonders for your self image.

try reading more posts on here by people more knowledgeable than yourself i.e. everyone (except adonis, as its clear he doesn't know much either)

hope this helps.

Come on panda, AXA just wanted to help you!
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 22, 2008, 11:37:05 AM
hahahaha, thanks.

let me return the favour.

try lifting weights some time, it will really fill you out.

try eating protein, it will help put muscle on that coat hanger like frame.

try a hair cut, it will help hide the dirty greasy image you have currently.

try wearing nice clothes and not flanel cardigans you stole from a bum on the street, it will do wonders for your self image.

try reading more posts on here by people more knowledgeable than yourself i.e. everyone (except adonis, as its clear he doesn't know much either)

hope this helps.
alright I'll try that, except the hair thing, girls love it  ;D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Relentless on November 22, 2008, 12:05:01 PM
alright I'll try that, except the hair thing, girls love it  ;D

I wouldn't lose the hair; women love long hair...just keep it clean and styled.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 22, 2008, 12:07:43 PM
I wouldn't lose the hair; women love long hair...just keep it clean and styled.
see, Relentless knows, ladies expert  ;)
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: DK II on November 22, 2008, 12:14:08 PM
Yes taking a shower from time to time could help.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: Jizzacked on November 22, 2008, 06:19:50 PM
awesome, merging threads into a near 50 page mess of incoherency... well done.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chaos on November 22, 2008, 06:24:34 PM
alright I'll try that, except the hair thing, girls love it  ;D
I seriously fuckin doubt any chick want to run her fingers anywere near your greasy ass hair. :-X
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: CAPTAIN INSANO on November 22, 2008, 06:25:45 PM
I seriously fuckin doubt any chick want to run her fingers anywere near your greasy ass hair. :-X

That hair must stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink :-X :-X
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 22, 2008, 06:31:51 PM
I seriously fuckin doubt any chick want to run her fingers anywere near your greasy ass hair. :-X
you're bald, what do you know about hair  :-X
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chaos on November 22, 2008, 06:33:11 PM
you're bald, what do you know about hair  :-X
I can tell by looking at the unbrushed rats nest on your head that you don't take care of it. Are you trying to grow dreads?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Relentless on November 22, 2008, 06:42:49 PM
ok  ::)
here are so shots, hair looks pretty damn good last I checked
I was a model biatch, how about you?  ::)

You are a "has been" at 19, AXA?  Why don't you move down to Hollywood or NYC and see if you have what it takes?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 22, 2008, 06:44:50 PM
You are a "has been" at 19, AXA?  Why don't you move down to Hollywood or NYC and see if you have what it takes?
as if I want to have male modeling as my career path  ;D
it was fun, I gotta admit, free stuff, meeting cool peeps
I have a journey ahead, maybe I'll sign with another agency, I hear there is a shortage of 6 foot 7 models  :D
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chaos on November 22, 2008, 06:47:04 PM
no I'm not wearing lip stick
did you look under this pic? ::)

Yeah, it says "AXA.jpg" what, dirtbag?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 22, 2008, 06:47:20 PM
no I'm not wearing lip stick
did you look under this pic? ::)

why are you looking at my lips dude?   :o :-X :-X :-X

I meant the other PIC  :o
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chaos on November 22, 2008, 06:53:14 PM
why are you looking at my lips dude?   :o :-X :-X :-X

I meant the other PIC  :o
Your lips are bright pink, they stand out against your brown skin, dirtbag.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: chaos on November 22, 2008, 07:17:07 PM
is this a man or girl? WTF ?
If it helps clear it up......I've heard it's quite the bitch in real life. :-\
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: WillGrant on November 22, 2008, 07:20:53 PM
Im sure there is a shortage of models at 6ft7 but doesnt the criteria state you have to be semi attractive to model?  ???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: webcake on November 22, 2008, 08:16:43 PM
ok  ::)
here are some shots, hair looks pretty damn good last I checked
I was a model biatch, how about you?  ::)

wow, you seriously look like a girl. I mean you really, really look like a female in that 1st pic...
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: WillGrant on November 22, 2008, 08:19:35 PM
wow, you seriously look like a girl. I mean you really, really look like a female in that 1st pic...
An ugly tranny maybe  ???
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: webcake on November 22, 2008, 08:21:32 PM
An ugly tranny maybe  ???

I'd hit it...?
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: WillGrant on November 22, 2008, 08:23:02 PM
I'd hit it...?
hahaha like a 585pd 1/4 rep smith machine squat
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: onlyme on November 22, 2008, 11:34:17 PM
we are, we are,  ;D
consider this, I have been only doing this for 9 months, half assing it
and I have a 6 foot 7 inch frame to fill
so 20 pounds in the next year, seems reasonable to me

Man you sound more ignorant with every post.  Honestly you haven't modeled professionally and you haven't been in a gym and trained.  What the fuck have you done except go and get your hair cut and shampooed.  You make is sound that because you frequent gay bars you have all this imaginary experience in lifting weights and diet.  Blowing guys in the parking lot to get your protein fix everyday does not count for knowing about dieting or lifting.  I have tried to help you by suggesting going to a gym.  But, after seeing your pics and your reaction when you met Avesher in the gym I understand why you may be scared.  SO buy a home gym
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: avesher on November 22, 2008, 11:47:18 PM
Man you sound more ignorant with every post.  Honestly you haven't modeled professionally and you haven't been in a gym and trained.  What the fuck have you done except go and get your hair cut and shampooed.  You make is sound that because you frequent gay bars you have all this imaginary experience in lifting weights and diet.  Blowing guys in the parking lot to get your protein fix everyday does not count for knowing about dieting or lifting.  I have tried to help you by suggesting going to a gym.  But, after seeing your pics and your reaction when you met Avesher in the gym I understand why you may be scared.  SO buy a home gym

and then he gets lippy on here 39 minutes after that meeting  ::)
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: ASJChaotic on November 22, 2008, 11:47:36 PM
Man you sound more ignorant with every post.  Honestly you haven't modeled professionally and you haven't been in a gym and trained.  What the fuck have you done except go and get your hair cut and shampooed.  You make is sound that because you frequent gay bars you have all this imaginary experience in lifting weights and diet.  Blowing guys in the parking lot to get your protein fix everyday does not count for knowing about dieting or lifting.  I have tried to help you by suggesting going to a gym.  But, after seeing your pics and your reaction when you met Avesher in the gym I understand why you may be scared.  SO buy a home gym
I don't know if you know or not
you're not in a position to talk smack to ANYBODY
you're about dead from eating too much food
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: WillGrant on November 22, 2008, 11:55:06 PM
It is unfair to call him white. I would say - Mudrace Goodrum
Yes you are right , he has a dragged through the dirt look about him.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: stormshadow on November 22, 2008, 11:57:47 PM
Oil isn't going to cease being the most coveted form of energy in the world anytime soon.  Becoming a petroleum engineer is probably not a bad idea.  Just don't get STUPID and think you might want to move down to Venice, CA and become a professional bodybuilder.

I would talk to some people before you consider petroleum engineer as a career path.  One of my mentors did that before he became financially free through real estate.  He said 120 hour weeks (working out on the drilling rigs) are the norm for those guys, and one time he worked 3 days straight, came home and face planted right into his bed and slept for 24 hours straight.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: DK II on November 23, 2008, 01:05:20 AM
Petroleum has no future.
Title: Re: Hahahaha Apenis is so owned!!!!!
Post by: Fatpanda on November 23, 2008, 01:49:33 AM
ok  ::)
here are some shots, hair looks pretty damn good last I checked
I was a model biatch, how about you?  ::)

you're quite the attractive little skinny transexual.
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merg
Post by: WillGrant on November 23, 2008, 04:03:59 PM
This one was also good.
hahahahaha  ;D
Title: Re: ICE CREAMS and calorie is a calorie and Haha Apenis - all three threads merged.
Post by: The True Adonis on June 21, 2011, 08:09:58 PM
Once upon a time....
Indeed.  I am delighted to have weathered the storm and thankful that I am welcome upon your ship as you are mine.